Conversation with children on the rules of the road. Synopsis of a thematic conversation on traffic rules in

Conversation on the topic:

"Meet the Street"

Purpose: To introduce children to the street with its features, to consolidate the rules of behavior on the street; walk only on the sidewalk; on the right side; cross the street only through the underpass or zebra crossing.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! I was here recently at the school of pedestrian science and I was told a lot about the streets and roads, but I did not understand everything. Help me figure it out!

Guys, what is the street? Clearly, this is the road along which the houses stand.

Who is called a pedestrian? So these are the people who walk.

Who are the passengers? These are the people who travel.

Where is traffic on the street? This means on the road, which is called the carriageway?

What part of the street should pedestrians walk on? Remember that pedestrians must walk on the sidewalk.

Which side should they go on? So on the right, so as not to interfere with other pedestrians.

Where should a pedestrian cross the street? Underground and pedestrian crossings. So the striped road is a pedestrian crossing. It is also called "zebra".

Guys, they asked me a riddle, but I don’t know what it is.

Day and night I burn

I give signals to everyone

I have three colors.

What is my friends name?

What do traffic lights mean?

Oh, how much I need to remember!

Red light - stand order.

The yellow light will flash to the people - get ready for the transition!

And the green lights up - the path is clear.

The traffic light addresses me and the car at the same time, but in completely different words. The moment he tells you, "Go!", he orders the cars, "Stop!" And when he lets cars go, at the same second he warns you: “Stop!”

Now I understand everything! Thank you guys! I will try to be an exemplary pedestrian. Well, I have to go. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic:

"It's not time - don't go out of the yard."

Goal: Explain to children that you can’t play along the roads.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! Do you like to play hide and seek? And who doesn't love? Do you like driving?

Like it or not, everyone has to drive. What do you say before you open your eyes and go looking?

You probably say this: it's time, it's not time - I'm going from the yard. This is such a hint. He said, turned around, looked around and went to look.

But I was recently at the school of pedestrians there, the guys have a different saying: it's time not time - don't go out of the yard! If you play hide and seek, hide only in the yard!

If you ride a scooter, don't go outside!

If you got on a bicycle ... There’s nothing to talk about: until you grow up, the rules strictly forbid you to ride a bicycle down the street.

Why such strictness? Because there are a lot of cars on the street, and they all drive fast.

And in the courtyard of the car appear infrequently and go slowly. This is what the rules for drivers say: in the driveways between houses, in the yards where children play, you need to drive slowly and very carefully.

Do you remember the hint?

That's right: it's time, it's not time - don't go out of the yard! And why?

Well, well done, remember everything! So it's time for me. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic:

"Look left, look right."

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of how to cross the road correctly.

Pinocchio comes to visit.

Does anyone know where to cross the road?

That's right, along the pedestrian crossing, where white zebra stripes are drawn, or along the underpass. But there are also quiet, quiet streets, and even more so lanes or, perhaps, roads along which one car passes an hour. And there are no stripes on the pavement, no underground stairs ... If you think that you can walk around here, anywhere, then you are mistaken. Whatever street you cross, do not rush to step on the pavement. The road must be well and far visible. Right and left. And then, not even an hour, a car will jump out from behind a turn!

On the sidewalk, look to your left to see if cars are approaching. And be sure to wait until they all pass.

But why to the left? Yes, for the simple reason that cars drive from this side.

Have you looked carefully? Free road? Then go. Fast, but don't run. When you get to the middle of the street, stop. And again, look carefully, this time to the right: there is an oncoming flow of cars from there. First, look to the left. In the middle of the road - look to the right.

Do you remember how to pass? In which direction should you look first? And then which one?

You guys remember well!

What if a car approaches? Do not try to cross the road - you will not have time. No matter how you run, the car goes faster. Wait for it to pass by.

But where to wait if you are in the middle of the street? Wait there. Right on the white line that divides the pavement into two parts. And at the crossings through the wide streets, an island is often painted with white paint. Here you are completely safe. This place is called: the island of safety. Look. (show picture)

Do you remember the name of the place where you can wait until the cars pass by?

Well done boys! Remember well! But it's time for me. I'll go tell the other guys. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic

"Road Safety"

Purpose: to remind children about the rules of behavior on the roads.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! And today I managed to visit the school of pedestrian sciences. They told me there what to do to save my life on the roads. Do you know?

That's right, you gotta follow the rules traffic. Let's remember them all.

Rule number 1. Where can you cross the road?

That's right, you can only cross the road at pedestrian crossings. They are marked with a special sign "pedestrian crossing". Look here (shows a sign). Guys, do you know what is the safest crossing? This is underground. It is designated like this (shows a sign).

Rule number 2. If there is no underpass, you must use the underpass with traffic lights. Do you know traffic lights? Right. "Red man" means: "stop!", and "green man" means: "go!"

Rule number 3. You can not cross the road at a red light, even if there are no cars.

Rule number 4. When crossing the road, you should always look around. Where do we look first? Yes, first - to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road - to the right.

Rule number 5. It is safest to cross the road with a group of pedestrians. This is understood even by stray dogs who do not know the rules of the road. Under no circumstances should you run out onto the road. You have to stop before the road. Guys, why can't you run out on the road? Can you play on the road? Why? Right. This is rule number 6. You can not play on the carriageway and on the sidewalk. Guys, if your parents forgot which side to bypass the bus, trolleybus and tram, you can remind them that:

Buses and trolleybuses must be bypassed at the bus stop only at the rear, while trams can only be bypassed at the front. Agreed?

Here are the guys! Remember all the rules. This is cool! It's just time for me. I'll go to the other guys and remind the rules. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic:

"Rules of conduct in transport"

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior in transport.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! When I was driving to your kindergarten by bus, I saw a boy who was screaming and littering on the bus. Is it possible to behave like this in transport?

Guys, let's talk about the rules of conduct in transport!

How should you stand at the bus stop when waiting for transport?

That's right, they don't play around at the bus stop. When the bus arrives, look at the bus number before you get on it. And first let the passengers out of the transport, and then come in yourself. Do not linger at the door, go to the middle of the cabin. Do not push other passengers or step on your feet. And you have to be careful when closing the doors.

That's right, we pay the fare or show the ticket. And keep it until the end of the journey!

And if a grandmother entered the transport, what needs to be done? That's right, give way to the elders. We need to help the elderly. Do not scandal and do not be capricious in transport. And don't talk loudly - you're disturbing others. If you are asked about something, answer politely. Respect other passengers!

And with ice cream can you go into transport? Why? Can you litter? How about throwing trash out the window? Why?

Guys, I was told that leaning out the window is very dangerous! Why?

Guys, if someone is a hooligan in transport, what should I do?

You have to tell the driver. And if you are offended, attract the attention of adults.

Oh guys, thank you! You explained a lot of things to me today. I will now be an exemplary passenger! I have to go. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic:


Purpose: to introduce children to the profession of a policeman - a traffic controller and the work of a traffic policeman.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! I was at the walking science school yesterday. There I was told that there are people who make sure that everyone follows the rules of the road. These are special divisions of militia workers - sharp-sighted and attentive people. And this division is called the state automobile inspection - GAI. They keep order on the roads of our country. They protect people's lives and health. Here he is, the most important person on the road - a police officer, an inspector - a traffic controller. (Shows a picture) Look at how he is dressed. Even the suit helps him regulate movement. Waterproof jacket. Protective helmet. Striped belt. Striped armlets. Everything is striped. The strips are not simple: in the dark they glow. This is so that drivers can see the inspector at night. And he also has a radiotelephone to talk with other traffic inspectors, traffic police cars. In the hands of the traffic controller is a rod, a short stick in black and white stripes. When the inspector - traffic controller stood at attention, and then quickly raised his hand with a rod up, this means: “Attention! It is forbidden to enter the intersection. You have to wait for my permission." The order of the traffic controller is mandatory for everyone. And if you have already entered the pavement, go back to the sidewalk or get to the "safety island" - much closer. Wait there for the permission of the regulator. If you have already passed the middle of the street, then quickly get to the sidewalk. When the controller picks up right hand up, you have to do what everyone does at a yellow traffic light - get ready. We can only go when the traffic controller stands with his chest or back to us with his arms outstretched forward or to the sides.

This work is hard. But everyone needs it. It is necessary to respect the traffic controller - the commander of the intersection, follow his orders, carefully and accurately follow them. Then there will be no accidents on the streets.

Look, the policemen have a special car that sees and hears everything. In order to see and hear everything, it has a variety of devices: a radio station, a loudspeaker, a headlight - a finder ... All drivers and pedestrians must obey the command of the traffic police car. Remember? Well done!

Oh guys, it's time for me. I lingered here. See you soon!

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 61 of the combined type."


"Conversations on traffic rules in senior group»


senior group teacher

Denisova N.G.


Summary of GCD for children 5-6 years old

Subject: « Conversations about traffic rules.

Educational tasks:

To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic signals, to consolidate the ability to distinguish and understand the meaning of road signs, to improve their behavior on the road through the study of traffic signs. To summarize the knowledge of children about the dangers that await on the streets, to consolidate the ability of children to apply their knowledge of the rules of the road in games.

Development tasks:

Develop attention, speech and logical thinking.

Educational tasks:

Bring up correct behavior on the road, responsibility.

Equipment and materials: layout of the intersection, d / and "Crossroads" and d / and "Situations on the road".

Educator: Guys, today we again gathered in the "corner of the traffic light".

We talked a lot about traffic rules, we already know some road signs familiar with the rules of conduct on the road and in public transport. I think you can easily answer my questions:

    What is the name of the part of the street where cars drive?

Children's answers: roadway.

    What is the name of the part of the street reserved for pedestrians?

Children's answers: sidewalk.

    Who are pedestrians?

Answers of children: those who walk.

    Where is the safest place to cross the street?

Children's answers: on pedestrian crossings.

    What traffic lights do you know?

Children's answers: for drivers and for pedestrians.

    What do traffic lights mean?

Children's answers.

    Why not play on the road?

Children's answers: so as not to get into trouble.

    What are the types of transport?

Children's answers: ground, air, water.

    What rules must be followed by a public transport passenger?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Well done guys! I see that you have learned the lessons of the Traffic Light very well.

And now the tasks will be more difficult (we are approaching the layout of the intersection).

So, we are on a busy street: cars are rushing around, motorcycles are rushing by, heavy trucks are moving ... not for long and get confused! But there are rules that will help us be more confident in any situation on the road.

Here is the rule: the roadway is for cars, the sidewalk is for pedestrians! Why so, and not vice versa, guys? Cars need a wide road - they themselves are large, and their speed is much greater than that of you and me. And for us, pedestrians, the sidewalk is quite enough, here we are completely safe.

And convenient: houses, shops, even ice cream kiosks - everything is nearby.

An experienced pedestrian will never walk along the roadway, will not even get off the sidewalk, because it is very dangerous, and the driver is a hindrance. And for those who have bad memory Those who do not know the traffic rules very well, put strong metal fences in dangerous places, which are painted in bright colors - to make it more noticeable. These fences once again remind us: don't step off the sidewalk!

Held didactic game"Crossroads".

Educator: Guys, we already know how to walk on the sidewalk. And we firmly remember that the roadway is reserved for transport, but no matter how long you walk on the sidewalk, sooner or later you need to cross the street. You can't cross the street anywhere and anyhow! Togo and look you will fall under the wheels.

Now we will be engaged in the fact that we will learn to cross the street.

The roadway is for cars, which means that the pedestrian has nothing to linger on it. He began to cross the road - do not waste time, go the shortest way - straight.

Where to cross the street? Of course, only where it is allowed. But how do you know that place? On the stripes that are drawn directly on the pavement.

The striped transition is called a "zebra". And, indeed, it seems. Why do you need stripes? So that you immediately notice where to cross the street. And so that the driver can see from afar: a pedestrian may appear here.

But it may also happen that there are no lanes nearby, but you need to cross the road. How to be? Take a closer look, if there is a staircase nearby that leads down underground. This is an underground pedestrian crossing - it is the safest, and it is necessary to cross the street along it. Calm, convenient and fast. You go through an underground corridor, and cars go on top, no one interferes with anyone.

Educator: Guys, let's remember where to cross the street?

Children's answers: along the pedestrian crossing - "zebra" or along the underpass.

Educator: But there are streets on which there is not such a busy traffic. And there are no stripes on the pavement of underground passages ... If you think that you can walk around here without any rules, then you are mistaken.

Whatever street you cross, always be careful. Stay on the sidewalk until you look to your left and make sure there is no oncoming traffic. But why to the left? Because there are cars on the other side.

Have you looked carefully? Is the road free? Then feel free to go. Fast, but don't run. When you reach the middle of the street, stop and look carefully again, but this time to the right: there is an oncoming flow of cars coming from there.

What if a car approaches? Do not try to run across the road - you will not have time, if you do not run, the car still goes faster. But where to wait if you're in the middle of the street? Wait there, right on the white couple, which divides the road into two parts. And at the crossings through wide, busy streets, “safety islands” are often painted with white paint.

The didactic game "Situations on the roads" is being conducted.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about the traffic light (shows the sign "traffic light"):

You will notice this sign immediately:

Three colored huge eyes.

Eye color defined:

Red, yellow and green.

Red lit up

Moving is dangerous.

Who is the green light for?

Come on, there's no ban.

Let's start talking about the three-eyed traffic light.

It is not in vain that it burns over us with multi-colored lights.

Guys, the most difficult thing for a pedestrian is to cross the road. A traffic light will help us with this. But you need to know what its signals mean.

Children's answers.

Educator: The traffic light addresses both us and the cars at the same time, but with completely different words. The moment he tells you "Go!", he orders the cars "Stop!". And when he lets the cars go, in the same second he warns you: “Stop!”.

Colors for traffic lights were not chosen by chance. What colour fire engine. Red. This color is alarming - it reminds us of danger.

Why yellow? This color of warnings: be careful. Road workers put on bright yellow jackets - drivers from afar see them and slow down.

At last the green light came on, the color of the grass and leaves calm and pleasant.

Red - stop, yellow - wait, green - go. That's all science! Not very difficult, but very important.

Card index of conversations
in the senior group
"Road alphabet"
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the rules of the road
traffic: the carriageway of the street for the movement of cars, and the sidewalk
for pedestrians. Encourage children to comply
do not play on the road, ride a bike in the yard or
At the playground. Continue to reinforce children's knowledge of
the appointment of a traffic light; learn to recognize road signs
(warning, prohibiting, information-indicating),
intended for pedestrians.
To form the ability to independently use the received
knowledge in Everyday life.
"Striped Zebra"
Purpose: to expand children's knowledge of the rules of the road (street
you can cross in special places - ground and underground
crossings, recall the meaning of the sign "Pedestrian crossing".
Give an idea of ​​the road sign "Movement of pedestrians
forbidden". form
sustainable skills of awareness,
safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city. Teach children
put your knowledge into practice. Develop attention skills
orientation in space.
"Planet Earth is in danger"
Purpose: to help children develop ideas about
that the planet Earth is a huge ball (most of the earth
the ball is covered with water - oceans and seas, in addition to water there is
continents are solid land, dry land where people live). Contribute
generalization of knowledge that a lot of people live on planet Earth
living beings that they all need clean water, clean air,
clean land. Form children's idea that the planet
The earth is now in danger. Cultivate love for nature
proper communication with her, the desire to study her.

"Moscow is the capital of our Fatherland"
Purpose: to give children an idea that Moscow is the most
big city in our country; lead to an understanding of what
this is the main city of our Motherland, the capital. Educate
respect for government
symbols, traditions and customs of their people.
Cultivate love for Moscow and Russia in general,
broaden horizons, transfer knowledge about history,
attractions. Nurture a feeling
pride in their people, patriotic feelings.
Raise interest in the history of the city and country,
love for their homeland, evoke in children a feeling
admiration for the beauty of native nature, talent
Russian people.
"Knowledge Day"
Purpose: to clarify and systematize children's knowledge about the holiday
Knowledge Day, September 1st. Explain to the children that this holiday is
Start school year not only in schools, but also in kindergarten.
To expand children's understanding of the teaching profession,
educator, about educational institutions(kindergarten, school, college,
university). Build friendly, positive relationships
between children. Develop aesthetic feelings, arouse desire
maintain cleanliness and order in the group, on the site. Bring up
respect for the work of employees kindergarten.
"Mothers Day"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the public holiday "Day
mothers." Teach a kind, attentive attitude towards the mother.
To form warm feelings for the dearest person to mom.
Cultivate a sense of kindness, respect, responsiveness, love.
Teach children to maintain a conversation, express positive
"New Year"
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about new year holiday And
traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country. Continue

to acquaint with the history of the origin of the fairy-tale characters of Grandfather
Frost and Snow Maiden. Tell about the traditions of the New Year's Eve;
cultivate love for the history of Russia, national pride;
to cultivate love for Russian folk art. Develop
the ability to keep up a conversation.
Purpose: to explain to children the meaning of Baptism, to tell how
Christianity came to Rus'. Build a sense of patriotism and
respect for the past of their homeland, to form an idea of
the importance of baptism, the adoption of Orthodoxy, to develop
ability to perceive, analyze literary
works, the ability to express their feelings.
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the holiday - Maslenitsa.
To develop interest in Russian folk holidays, to attach them to
traditions of Russian and Kuban culture. Cultivate a feeling
respect for the folk traditions of Russian culture.
"Our Army".
Purpose: to give children knowledge about the army, to form their first
ideas about the types of troops, about the defenders of the Fatherland. introduce
children with military equipment. Cultivate love for the Motherland, feelings
pride in your army. Cultivate the desire to be like
strong Russian soldiers.
"March 8"
Purpose: to draw the attention of children to the holiday "March 8" and develop
they have an interest in the tradition of celebrating it. Bring up
respectful, gentle and noble attitude towards mothers,
grandmothers. Careful and sensitive attitude towards the entire female sex,
the need to please loved ones with good deeds. deepen
children's knowledge about the role of mothers and grandmothers in their lives; contribute
creating positive emotional experiences in children and
joyful mood from the holiday. Develop skill

keep up the conversation. Encourage attempts to express your point
point of view, agreement or disagreement with the response of a friend.
"First cosmonaut"
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the feat of Yu. A. Gagarin, his
significance for humanity. Enrich children's ideas about
space, astronauts, space equipment, use
space for the benefit of people. Develop an interest in
space as an object of the surrounding world. Initiate Activity
children, the desire to learn new things about space. Nurture a feeling
pride in your country. Develop conversational skills.
Improve the dialogic form of speech.
"Victory Day"
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the history of their country, with
defenders of the Fatherland. Strengthen children's knowledge of how
Russian people defended their Motherland during the Great
Patriotic war. To develop the speech and thinking of children,
ability to justify their statements. Bring up
a sense of respect for the veterans of the Great Patriotic War,
desire to take care of them.
Purpose: to introduce children to the folk ritual holiday
Easter, its customs, traditions, new words and their meaning;
with the Orthodox tradition of the Easter egg as a symbol
resurrection of Christ and other attributes of the holiday. Enrich
children's vocabulary; to cultivate respect for the traditions of the Russian
people. Learn to see beauty, originality and originality
products of folk art.
"KubanOur Motherland"
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the history of their native land in
war years 1941-1945 Cultivate respect for
people's memory, a sense of gratitude to the veterans of the Great
Patriotic war. To form awareness of the essence of the concept of Motherland

as the place where a person was born. Raising love for the motherland,
interest in her heroic history; building a sense of pride
for warriors - defenders.
"Cossacks - defenders of the Fatherland"
Purpose: To form in children an interest in the heroic past and
the present of their Fatherland. Build the qualities you need
future defenders of the Fatherland. Cultivate love for your little one
Motherland, the desire to learn more about the life of their ancestors. Develop
interest in art. Continue to introduce
folklore and musical heritage of the Kuban folk
creativity. To instill in children the desire to carry the title with honor
Cossack and be the defender of their homeland.
"Funny Matryoshkas"
Purpose: to teach to distinguish and compare objects according to different qualities of size.
Invite children to remember the rules:
1. Never run away from a dog. She may take you for a game and
2. If you want to pet the dog, ask the owner for permission.
Stroke her carefully, do not make sudden movements.
3.Do not feed or touch other people's dogs during meals and during
4. Do not approach a dog on a leash.
5. Stay away from guard dogs. They are often taught to throw
to people who come close.
6. Do not touch the puppies and do not try to take away the object with which
the dog is playing.
7. Cats can be dangerous too. They can scratch you a lot
and bite.
"Vitamins strengthen the body"
Goal: to continue to reinforce children's knowledge of the benefits of vitamins for
our body. Introduce the concept of "vitamins of group" A,
B, C, D, E ”and the products in which they are contained. Pin
children's knowledge about the need for vitamins in the body

about the benefits of foods containing vitamins.
Cultivate the desire to be healthy.
"Daily routine: what is it for?"
Purpose: to develop healthy lifestyle habits in children,
associated with the regime of the day; ability to take action
corresponding to the regime of the day (exercises, hygiene procedures,
walk). Cultivate a love for physical education and
desire to lead healthy lifestyle life.
"Clean health"
Purpose: to educate children in the habit of washing themselves,
wash hands with soap before eating, when dirty, after
toilet use; to consolidate the ability to use a comb,
handkerchief; teach children to cough and sneeze
turn away, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief.
Ensure that children consciously observe the rules of personal
hygiene, understood their importance. Cultivate meticulousness
neatness. Teach the basics of aesthetic attitude to your
appearance; make it clear to children that the appearance of a person plays
important role in life continue to consolidate knowledge culturally
hygiene rules.
"Dangerous Items at Home"
Purpose: to reinforce in children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife-threatening and
health items, about the rules for using piercing, cutting
it is strictly forbidden to use (matches, gas stove,
stove, electrical sockets, included electrical appliances); O
items that adults should keep out of reach
places ( household chemicals, drugs, cutting instruments).
To form knowledge that for safety all items are necessary
put in place. Strengthen knowledge about what
If necessary, adults call "01", "02", "03".
"If you walk alone"
Consolidate knowledge of subjects

what is a flower.
Purpose: to develop in children the concept of the need to comply
safety rules while walking without adults. form
skills of behavior in relations with strangers. fasten
rule "Do not touch unfamiliar objects on the street." "Never!
Nowhere! Never go with a stranger!
Purpose: to give an idea
Teach children
classify flowers according to their place of growth (meadow, garden, field,
house). Mark the meaning, the role of flowers for life and activity
humans, animals, insects. Learn to recognize garden flowers
from field, forest flowers. Deepen children's knowledge and understanding
about flowers, their appearance, places of growth.
"Garden Flowers"
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with a variety of flowering
garden plants. Describe the life cycle of a plant.
To promote the formation of respect for flowers,
desire to take care of plants.
"Indoor plant"
Goal: continue to reinforce elementary skills in children
ideas about indoor plants: the plant has a stem,
leaves; leaves are green; the plant is planted in a pot with earth and
drainage; consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants; be able to
distinguish indoor plants from garden plants.
To consolidate the ability to care for indoor plants: water,
loosen the earth in a pot, wipe the leaves; do everything by
need. Introduce children to methods of reproduction
indoor plants (cuttings, bulbs, tubers,
aerial and basal processes, stem cuttings,
division of rhizomes, cut leaves).
"Meadow Flowers"

Purpose: to introduce meadow plants (chamomile,
bell, carnation); learn to name them and recognize them by
color, shape of leaves, flowers, stem; complete the dictionary
counting words denoting the name of plants and their characteristics.
Cultivate a caring attitude towards the plants of the meadow. Formation
a holistic picture of the world, expanding horizons, familiarization with
nature. Introduction to elementary norms and rules
behavior in nature.
"Wintering Birds"
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about wintering birds.
Learn to distinguish wintering birds by their voices and appearance;
lead to the understanding that wintering birds can be helped,
hanging feeders.
Consolidate children's knowledge about food that can be used in
bird feeding.
Cultivate interest and respect for birds.
"Migratory birds"
Purpose: to form a generalized idea of ​​migratory
birds, to learn to distinguish by an essential feature: the ability
meet the need for food. Deepen your understanding of
reasons for the departure of birds (disappearance of the main food, freezing
reservoirs, land), (swallow, rook, duck, starling, heron, crane,
cuckoo, nightingale, swan) based on establishing a connection between
the nature of the food and the possibility of obtaining it.

Purpose: to consolidate, clarify and summarize the knowledge of children about the life of birds, about
how birds adapt to winter. Know wintering and
migratory birds. Give an idea of ​​some nomads
birds that come from the north and live with us until spring (finches,
bullfinches, waxwings, crossbills). Cultivate respect for
birds, the desire to feed them. Develop the ability to support


"Protect nature"
Objectives: to expand children's ideas about plant and animal
world, to develop the ability to observe, analyze, develop
logical thinking. Cultivate love for the native land and
the ability to behave properly in nature. Give the kids a show
about how people care about nature, love it. Bring up
respect for the forest, the desire to do good deeds.
"Be Polite"
Purpose: to cultivate a culture of communication between boys and girls.
To instill in boys the desire to protect girls, to help them,
and the girls thank the boys for the service rendered.
To develop in children the understanding that politeness is
person. Encourage attempts to express their point of view,
agreement or disagreement with the response of a friend.
"Our kindergarten is a big family"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about kindergarten employees,
the ability to call them by name and patronymic, the habit of greeting and
say goodbye to them. Cultivate modesty, the ability to show
caring for others, be grateful for help and
signs of attention.
"Countries of Friendship"
Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about what it means to "be able to
make friends” the ability to play together, share toys. Teach
comprehend and evaluate the situation, independently understand
motives of behavior and correlate these motives with existing norms
behavior. Introduce proverbs and sayings about
friendship. Cultivate the ability to listen to the interlocutor, not to be afraid
express your point of view, clearly answer the questions
questions. Continue to develop dialogic speech.
"Rules of conduct at the table at home and in kindergarten"

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at the table.
Learn how to use a fork and knife
simultaneously. Leaving the table, quietly push the chair, thank
adults. Cultivate accuracy. Teaching kids the right way
Answer to questions asked to ask questions to their own
Purpose: to systematize children's ideas about winter phenomena
in winter, learn to establish a relationship between air temperature,
the state of water, land, plants, animal life, birds. Learn
to notice and give an aesthetic assessment of winter landscapes.
To form a poetic perception of nature. Develop memory,
thinking, imagination. Cultivate a caring attitude
nature of the native land.
Purpose: to generalize and expand ideas about spring, signs
the onset of spring. Learn to appreciate the beauty of nature
expressiveness of the image, mood.
Cultivate caring
relation to the nature of the native land. Encourage attempts to express
your point of view, agreement or disagreement with the response of a friend.
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the characteristic features
autumn; learn to find them in nature; clarifying ideas about
autumn changes in plant life. Learn
to establish relationships between the length of the day, temperature
air, the condition of plants, the availability of food for
animals. Cultivate cognitive interest, careful and
aesthetic attitude to nature, sensitivity to the perception of beauty
autumn landscape.
Purpose: to generalize and systematize the idea of ​​summer, about
summer plants and animal life at this time of the year;

to clarify the idea of ​​some types of agricultural
labor in the summer. Develop coherent speech, the ability to speak clearly;
nurture the desire to share their knowledge and memories
with peers.
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with insects - a butterfly,
ant, bee (appearance, habits, reproduction) and give
ideas about the relationship of any living organism with the environment
a habitat. Activate vocabulary (notches, pollen, nectar, cells,
honeycombs). Cultivate love and respect for all living things;
develop logical thinking.
"About the profession of a firefighter"
Purpose: to expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the profession of a firefighter.
Activate children's interest in various professions. Pin
fire safety rules. Cultivate respect for people
courageous and heroic professions.
"On the profession of builders"
Purpose: to expand ideas about the profession of builders. Summarize
knowledge about construction professions; show the importance of the profession
builders. Cultivate respect for people
labor. Expand the idea that their work is collective,
that quality depends on the conscientious work of one person
the labor of another.
Purpose: to expand children's understanding of the profession of a postman, about
the need and usefulness of his work. Expand the overall
awareness of the world around
children. To form in children the elementary experience of professional
actions. Improve dialogical speech: teach
participate in the conversation, understandably for others to answer questions and
ask them.

“Acquaintance with the work of the artist - illustrator Yu. A.
Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the work of Yu. Vasnetsov, to form
interest in him. Show like an artist with tools
expressiveness (shape, color, decor, movements) conveys different
emotional state and mood of the characters. Bring up
respect for the work of artists, the desire to understand beauty,
poetry, decorativeness of the images they create.
"Wild Animals of the North"
Objective: to continue to introduce children to appearance wild
animals. Give the concept that all animals have a thick, dense
wool, so they are warm even in severe frost. Tell children about
the habits of the animals of the North, and what they eat.
Instill a love for animals.
" Pets"
Purpose: to consolidate the concept of "pets". Learn to compose
descriptive stories about pets using models.
Develop creative imagination. Develop logical thinking
children, to educate a kind and sensitive attitude towards animals.
"Folk Culture and Traditions"
Objective: to continue to introduce children to folk traditions And
customs, with folk arts and crafts
(Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel). Expand your understanding of folk
toys (matryoshka, Gorodets, Bogorodskaya, spillikins).
Encourage children to develop a sustainable interest in
folk art and art. Build respect for work
and the talent of the masters. To develop a sense of belonging in children
legacy of the past.
"My Favorite Kindergarten"
Purpose: to cultivate love for your kindergarten,
friendly attitude towards peers. Bring up

respect for kindergarten staff, the ability to call them by
name and patronymic, the habit of greeting and saying goodbye to
them. Cultivate modesty and respect.
"Our Motherland Russia".
Purpose: to cultivate love and respect for the Motherland, to acquaint with
State symbols of Russia, continue to acquaint children
with native land. To instill in children a sense of patriotism,
respect for their country.
"My favorite toys"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about toys: their meaning, rules
use. Learn to use nouns with a generalizing
value. To form the habit of children to put toys in place.
Cultivate respect for toys, mutual assistance,
desire to work. We continue to teach children to answer questions
a detailed answer, without interrupting each other; express your
point of view to justify it.
Purpose: to form in children an interest in the theater. Expand knowledge
children about the theater as a kind of art.
introduce theatrical terminology (actor, director,
illuminator, dresser, make-up artist). Teach children basic skills
areas of theatrical art (the use of facial expressions, gestures,
voices, puppetry). Develop the ability to support children

Subject:"Public transport" for children of senior preschool age.
Purpose: This material will help organize a conversation on traffic rules with preschoolers, and will also be useful to educators and parents.
Prepared by: Chekhovskaya Elena Rashidovna, teacher of the first qualification category, MBDOU No. 28, Shakhty, Rostov region.

Target: Introduce the rules of the road user, broaden their horizons, give an idea of ​​​​the dangers on the road - teach the child to live and act in real life familiarization with the rules of conduct in public transport and outside it.
- to give an idea of ​​the distinctive features of public transport,
- expand knowledge of the rules of behavior on the road,
- to teach to be educated passengers in public transport,
- Take responsibility for your life.
The course of the conversation.
- We begin our journey to the country of the road letter.
- What is traffic rules? (Traffic Laws.)
Why do you need to know the rules?
- How do you understand the words "dangerous situation on the road"?
-What can cause "dangerous situations on the road"?
- Rules of the road - a road letter. Everyone should own it to prevent an accident.
Game "Answer quickly and correctly."
The inspector-educator asks the children various questions related to road safety. (The game can be repeated several times.)
1. What parts does the street consist of? (sidewalks, roadway, intersection)
2. Where can people walk? (On the sidewalk)
3. Where can I cross the street? (at crosswalks)
4. What pedestrian crossings do you know? (ground, underground, above ground)
5. When you cross the roadway at the zebra crossing, where should you look first? (To the left, and in its middle - to the right.)
6. What indicates a pedestrian crossing? (Traffic light, zebra, road sign.)
7. At what traffic signal can you cross the road? (To green.)
Rewarding the best children with prizes.

Problem message.
Today we will talk about transport on the streets of cities. For the rapid movement of people over short and long distances, there is transport.
- What is it called?

Public transport is a vehicle designed to carry a large number passengers who travel on certain routes.
As soon as we buy a ticket for any type of public transport, we are passengers.

Solve riddles.

1.Does not fly, does not buzz,
The beetle runs down the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two brilliant lights. (Automobile)
(M. Doroshin.)

2. The house is walking along the street,
It takes everyone to work.
Not on thin chicken legs,
And in rubber boots. (Bus.)
(M. Doroshin.)

-Find the similarities and differences between the car and the bus.
(large, small, many passengers. The bus and car pollute the air with exhaust gases - this is very bad.)
-Where do people use such public transport?

Fizkultminutka. "Let's play."
Riding on a horse
We reached the corner
Got on the car
Poured gasoline.
We drove by car
We arrived at the river.
Trr! Stop!
We have to get on the plane.
The plane is flying,
It has a motor running:

3. Early in the morning outside the window -
Knocking and ringing and confusion:
On straight steel tracks
There are red houses. (Tram.)

-Tram is an electric rail public transport. On the roof, it has an arc that moves along the electric wire at the top. The current flows through the arc to the tram engine, and through the engine to the wheels.
What is the difference between a tram and a bus?

4. Amazing wagon!
Judge for yourself:
Rails in the air, and he
Hold them with your hands!

What is the difference between a trolleybus and a tram? What common?
- Where do people use such transport?
- What should be the driver of any public transport? (attentive, experienced, knowledgeable, smart, healthy, polite.)

Rules of conduct for passengers in public transport.
- Tell us about the rules of conduct at the bus stop, in transport?
(Do not linger in the aisle. Pay the fare. Do not litter, do not make noise, do not distract the driver. Do not lean out of the windows of transport. Give way to elders, passengers with children.)
- How do I get on public transport? (Through the back door.)
- How do you get out of the vehicle? (Through the front door.)

How to bypass public transport? Remember! A standing tram is bypassed FRONT! Bus and trolleybus - BACK!

Role-playing game "We are passengers."
Purpose: to fix the rules of behavior for passengers at a stop, in transport, when exiting transport.
- Distribute roles: driver, pedestrians, passengers, inspector.
(Make transport out of chairs in advance.)
- Boarding the bus.
- Disembarking passengers and bypassing the bus. (Trolleybus, tram.)

Summary of the conversation.
- What happens if we violate the traffic bypass rule?
Our trip to the country of the road letter is over.

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 61 of the combined type."


"Conversations on traffic rules in the senior group"


senior group teacher

Denisova N.G.


Summary of GCD for children 5-6 years old

Subject: « Conversations about traffic rules.

Educational tasks:

To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic signals, to consolidate the ability to distinguish and understand the meaning of road signs, to improve their behavior on the road through the study of traffic signs. To summarize the knowledge of children about the dangers that await on the streets, to consolidate the ability of children to apply their knowledge of the rules of the road in games.

Development tasks:

Develop attention, speech and logical thinking.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate the correct behavior on the road, responsibility.

Equipment and materials: layout of the intersection, d / and "Crossroads" and d / and "Situations on the road".

Educator: Guys, today we again gathered in the "corner of the traffic light".

We talked a lot about traffic rules, we already know some road signs, we are familiar with the rules of conduct on the road and in public transport. I think you can easily answer my questions:

    What is the name of the part of the street where cars drive?

Children's answers: roadway.

    What is the name of the part of the street reserved for pedestrians?

Children's answers: sidewalk.

    Who are pedestrians?

Answers of children: those who walk.

    Where is the safest place to cross the street?

Children's answers: on pedestrian crossings.

    What traffic lights do you know?

Children's answers: for drivers and for pedestrians.

    What do traffic lights mean?

Children's answers.

    Why not play on the road?

Children's answers: so as not to get into trouble.

    What are the types of transport?

Children's answers: ground, air, water.

    What rules must be followed by a public transport passenger?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Well done guys! I see that you have learned the lessons of the Traffic Light very well.

And now the tasks will be more difficult (we are approaching the layout of the intersection).

So, we are on a busy street: cars are rushing around, motorcycles are rushing by, heavy trucks are moving ... not for long and get confused! But there are rules that will help us be more confident in any situation on the road.

Here is the rule: the roadway is for cars, the sidewalk is for pedestrians! Why so, and not vice versa, guys? Cars need a wide road - they themselves are big, and their speed is much greater than that of you and me. And for us, pedestrians, the sidewalk is quite enough, here we are completely safe.

And convenient: houses, shops, even ice cream kiosks - everything is nearby.

An experienced pedestrian will never walk along the roadway, will not even get off the sidewalk, because it is very dangerous, and the driver is a hindrance. And for those who have a bad memory, who do not know the traffic rules very well, strong metal fences are installed in dangerous places, which are painted in bright colors to make it more noticeable. These fences once again remind us: don't step off the sidewalk!

Conducted didactic game "Crossroads".

Educator: Guys, we already know how to walk on the sidewalk. And we firmly remember that the roadway is reserved for transport, but no matter how long you walk on the sidewalk, sooner or later you need to cross the street. You can't cross the street anywhere and anyhow! Togo and look you will fall under the wheels.

Now we will be engaged in the fact that we will learn to cross the street.

The roadway is for cars, which means that the pedestrian has nothing to linger on it. He began to cross the road - do not waste time, go the shortest way - straight.

Where to cross the street? Of course, only where it is allowed. But how do you know that place? On the stripes that are drawn directly on the pavement.

The striped transition is called a "zebra". And, indeed, it seems. Why do you need stripes? So that you immediately notice where to cross the street. And so that the driver can see from afar: a pedestrian may appear here.

But it may also happen that there are no lanes nearby, but you need to cross the road. How to be? Take a closer look, if there is a staircase nearby that leads down underground. This is an underground pedestrian crossing - it is the safest, and it is necessary to cross the street along it. Calm, convenient and fast. You go through an underground corridor, and cars go on top, no one interferes with anyone.

Educator: Guys, let's remember where to cross the street?

Children's answers: along the pedestrian crossing - "zebra" or along the underpass.

Educator: But there are streets on which there is not such a busy traffic. And there are no stripes on the pavement of underground passages ... If you think that you can walk around here without any rules, then you are mistaken.

Whatever street you cross, always be careful. Stay on the sidewalk until you look to your left and make sure there is no oncoming traffic. But why to the left? Because there are cars on the other side.

Have you looked carefully? Is the road free? Then feel free to go. Fast, but don't run. When you reach the middle of the street, stop and look carefully again, but this time to the right: there is an oncoming flow of cars coming from there.

What if a car approaches? Do not try to run across the road - you will not have time, if you do not run, the car still goes faster. But where to wait if you're in the middle of the street? Wait there, right on the white couple, which divides the road into two parts. And at the crossings through wide, busy streets, “safety islands” are often painted with white paint.

The didactic game "Situations on the roads" is being conducted.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about the traffic light (shows the sign "traffic light"):

You will notice this sign immediately:

Three colored huge eyes.

Eye color defined:

Red, yellow and green.

Red lit up

Moving is dangerous.

Who is the green light for?

Come on, there's no ban.

Let's start talking about the three-eyed traffic light.

It is not in vain that it burns over us with multi-colored lights.

Guys, the most difficult thing for a pedestrian is to cross the road. A traffic light will help us with this. But you need to know what its signals mean.

Children's answers.

Educator: The traffic light addresses both us and the cars at the same time, but with completely different words. The moment he tells you "Go!", he orders the cars "Stop!". And when he lets the cars go, in the same second he warns you: “Stop!”.

Colors for traffic lights were not chosen by chance. What color is the fire truck? Red. This color is alarming - it reminds us of danger.

Why yellow? This color of warnings: be careful. Road workers put on bright yellow jackets - drivers from afar see them and slow down.

At last the green light came on, the color of the grass and leaves calm and pleasant.

Red - stop, yellow - wait, green - go. That's all science! Not very difficult, but very important.
