Bottle decor with flagella from napkins. Paper art technique for beginners: the principle of working in style

You may be surprised, but new types of needlework appear in the world every year. To create something truly new and original, you need to have a rich imagination and great talent, and most importantly, remember the simple truth - everything ingenious is simple. A few years ago, craftswoman Tatyana Sorokina created small miracle out of nothing, inventing new technology decorating objects with flagella from ordinary paper napkins. Paper art, and this is the name given to this unusual activity, immediately won the hearts of many needlewomen. Why don't you get to know this interesting technique, because a couple of napkins and glue can be found at home for everyone? So let's have a master class on paper art together!

Finished works will not leave anyone indifferent: it is hard to believe that such masterpieces are made from simple paper flagella.

Learning the original paper art technique: a master class for beginners

Regardless of what you are going to decorate, you need to stock up the following materials:

  • paper napkins (single-layer or multi-layer);
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • brushes of different thicknesses, foam sponge, wet wipes.
Making flagella:
  1. Cut paper napkins into even strips about 1.5 cm wide. If multi-layered napkins are used, they should be separated into separate layers.
  2. For a few seconds, place the strips in a container of water so that they get wet and swell slightly.
  3. Holding the strip with one hand, twist a tight flagellum with the other. It should not have thickenings and loose areas. If you can’t make a high-quality flagellum from a wet napkin, you can try to make it from a dry one by moistening your fingers with water.
  4. To make a long flagellum, it is necessary to overlap the ends of several strips, and carefully seal the joints with your fingers when twisting.

You can not separate the multilayer napkin into separate layers and make flagella from 2-3 layers of paper. In this case, blanks of greater thickness will be obtained.

It should be remembered that during operation, the flagella must remain plastic, so dried blanks must be moistened with water.

We disassemble the step-by-step decoration of the bottle using the paper art technique

To begin with, we suggest trying your hand at decorating a three-dimensional object - a glass bottle. In addition to the basic materials, you will need the following:

First, the bottle must be washed inside and out, removing the remnants of the label and glue, and dry thoroughly. Immediately before decorating, it will be useful to degrease its outer surface with alcohol or acetone.

With the help of PVA, it is necessary to prime the part of the bottle where it is planned to apply a bronze background. Glue should be applied in several layers with intermediate drying, excess should be removed with a napkin. Then, using a foam sponge, apply bronze-colored acrylic paint to the primed area and allow it to dry thoroughly.


After the background is prepared, we proceed to decorating. In our case, long and short flagella from napkins, star pasta and millet grains are used as decor.

To begin with, we apply PVA glue with a brush strictly along the contour of the background and glue the blank from the napkin. It is necessary to ensure that the flagellum is firmly glued over the entire surface, for which it should be pressed tightly with a brush dipped in glue.

In the same way, we lay out a simple pattern of flagella, pasta and millet at your discretion. It is convenient to lay out wheat grains with thin tweezers or a toothpick moistened with water. Then the decorative elements must be additionally fixed by smearing several layers of PVA glue on top.

Bottle coloring.

Prepare the paint by mixing black gouache with a small amount of red and green. Add glossy acrylic varnish in a ratio of 1:1. If necessary, dilute the resulting mixture with water. Using a sponge, apply paint to the decorated part of the bottle using a foam sponge in several layers.

Then the surface is slightly tinted acrylic paint bronze color with a sponge and covered with two layers of glossy varnish. To apply varnish, it is better to use a brush.

bottle in technology paper art ready!

Decorating a chest using paper art technique:

Various containers decorated using the paper art technique look very beautiful. Let's try to decorate a box, a box or a small chest.

In addition to the materials listed above, we will need:

  • the base of the chest (in our master class, a pre-glued cardboard box is used, but you can use a ready-made box);
  • keraplast (clay-like mass for modeling, hardening in air);
  • Acrylic paint in black and gold.
Preparing the surface of the chest.

Using PVA glue, it is necessary to paste over the entire surface of the chest cut into pieces toilet paper. When gluing, the paper must be slightly stretched to prevent the formation of air bubbles. Then you should once again coat the box with glue diluted with water on top of the paper and let it dry.


With the help of keraplast, it is necessary to decorate the lid of the chest: mold flowers and leaves and carefully glue them with PVA glue in random order. Veins on the leaves can be done with a needle or toothpick.

The legs, edges and corners of the future chest are formed in a similar way. We decorate the rest of the surface with the help of pre-prepared flagella from paper napkins, laying out patterns from them with glue and pressing tightly over the entire surface.


With a wide brush in several layers, it is necessary to apply black acrylic paint, and after it has completely dried, slightly shade the convex parts of the pattern with gold using a foam rubber sponge.

If desired, decorate the inside of the chest (glue a mirror on the lid, make a fabric lining).

Another good example application of this unusual technique - the manufacture of decorative plates.

To make such an interior decoration, you will need a small earthenware plate with a diameter of about 20 cm with or without a pattern. The surface must be pre-primed with glue. With the help of pre-prepared flagella and PVA glue, an arbitrary pattern is laid out. Additional decor - halves of peas - it is better to plant on Titan glue.

After the glue has dried, the plate must be painted inside and out with several layers of black acrylic paint, and then lightly decorate the decorated surface with gold or bronze paint.

Video on the topic of the article

For those who have already mastered the basics of the paper art technique, it is proposed to try their hand at making other products using the video master classes below.

The paper art technique is an imitation of other, more expensive techniques - filigree, embossing. She is quite young: she was invented in 2007 by the artist Tatyana Sorokina and since then has earned popularity among needlework masters. The technique is the decoration of various objects with paper napkins, but it is not at all like decoupage. Various objects are decorated with patterns from napkins twisted into a thread - this is the essence of the paper art technique.

The literal translation of the concept of paper art means "paper art".

With the help of paper art, you can imitate a variety of textures and create art objects that imitate more complex and expensive techniques - woodcarving, embossing, metal-plastic or embroidery. As a result, things are obtained that combine the artistic embodiment of the master's intention and the practical use of the decorated item. Paper art is simple to perform, it can be practiced by almost anyone, including a child.

In paper art, elastic paper threads become the main material, with the help of which a three-dimensional image is created on the surface of the decorated object. Further, with the help of other improvised means and artistic materials, the final image of the object is created.

Paper art does not impose restrictions on forms, there are no basic elements to create an image. For paper art, paper of a lower density is needed, namely paper napkins of two or three layers.

In the old form of needlework called “decoupage”, images pre-cut from napkins are used, which are transferred to the surface to be decorated and imitate hand-painted with their help.

In paper art, the main emphasis is on the formation of texture and volume. Common to these artistic movements is the material of creativity - thin paper napkins, as well as the fact that both decoupage and paper art imitate other types of creativity.

What you need to create paper art products

Regardless of what you are going to decorate, you need to stock up the following materials:

  1. Paper napkins (single-layer or multi-layer);
  2. PVA glue;
  3. Scissors;
  4. Brushes of different thickness;
  5. foam sponge;
  6. Wet wipes.

Making flagella

Cut paper napkins into even strips about 1.5 cm wide. If multi-layered napkins are used, they should be separated into separate layers.

For a few seconds, place the strips in a container of water so that they get wet and swell slightly.

Holding the strip with one hand, twist a tight flagellum with the other. It should not have thickenings and loose areas. If you can’t make a high-quality flagellum from a wet napkin, you can try to make it from a dry one by moistening your fingers with water.

To make a long flagellum, it is necessary to overlap the ends of several strips, and carefully seal the joints with your fingers when twisting.

You can not separate the multilayer napkin into separate layers and make flagella from 2-3 layers of paper. In this case, blanks of greater thickness will be obtained.

It should be remembered that during operation, the flagella must remain plastic, so dried blanks must be moistened with water.

Master Class. Decorating a glass surface using the paper art technique

In addition to the basic materials, you will need the following:

  1. Glass vessel (vase, bottle, jar)
  2. Paints (gouache of different colors and bronze acrylic paint);
  3. Glossy acrylic varnish;
  4. Additional decor, such as curly pasta, cereals, etc.

The glass surface must first be washed inside and out, removing the remnants of the label and glue, and dry thoroughly. Immediately before decorating, it will be useful to degrease its outer surface with alcohol or acetone.

Using PVA, it is necessary to prime the part of the bottle where the background is planned to be applied. Glue should be applied in several layers with intermediate drying, excess should be removed with a napkin. Then, using a foam sponge, apply bronze-colored acrylic paint to the primed area and allow it to dry thoroughly.


After the background is prepared, we proceed to decorating.

To begin with, we apply PVA glue with a brush strictly along the contour of the background and glue the blank from the napkin. It is necessary to ensure that the flagellum is firmly glued over the entire surface, for which it should be pressed tightly with a brush dipped in glue.

In the same way, we lay out a simple pattern of flagella and additional decor at your discretion. Then the decorative elements must be additionally fixed by smearing several layers of PVA glue on top.


Prepare the paint by mixing black gouache with a small amount of red and green. Add glossy acrylic varnish in a ratio of 1:1. If necessary, dilute the resulting mixture with water. Using a sponge, apply paint to the part of the glass surface to be decorated using a foam sponge in several layers.

Then the surface is lightly tinted with bronze-colored acrylic paint with a sponge and covered with two layers of glossy varnish. To apply varnish, it is better to use a brush.

Video master class "Decorating a bottle"

A person who is not familiar with needlework may be surprised, but new directions of creativity are invented every year in the world. One such recent innovation is a technique for decorating objects called paper art. With its help, you can turn completely ordinary things into real objects of art.

What is paper art

The literal translation of this concept means "paper art". This type of needlework was invented relatively recently. Some ten years ago it did not exist, and now its fans live all over the world.

The author of this technique of decorating objects was Tatyana Sorokina, a designer living in Nikolaev. She got bored with quilling and decoupage and came up with a new way to use paper.

With the help of pay desks, you can imitate a variety of textures and create art objects that imitate more complex and expensive techniques - wood carving, embossing, metal-plastic or embroidery. As a result, things are obtained that combine the artistic embodiment of the master's intention and the practical use of the decorated item. Paper art is simple to perform, it can be practiced by almost anyone, including a child.

How to start learning paper art

First you need to understand what this type of needlework is and what is its main difference from other popular techniques. In paper art, elastic paper threads become the main material, with the help of which a three-dimensional image is created on the surface of the decorated object. Further, with the help of other improvised means and artistic materials, the final image of the object is created.

People who are familiar with such types of creativity as quilling, or will be sure that they are all somewhat similar. In fact, this is absolutely true - in all these types of creativity, paper is used as the main tool for work. The difference between them is in technique and techniques. The result is a completely different result.

For example, for quilling, thin paper strips painted on both sides. It can be of different density. Strips of paper are wound on special devices and create volumetric forms, from which the pattern is then laid out.

Paper art does not impose restrictions on forms, there are no basic elements for creating an image. In addition, paper art requires paper of lesser density, namely paper napkins with two or three layers.

In the old form of needlework called "", images pre-cut from napkins are used, which are transferred to the surface to be decorated and imitate hand-painted with their help.

In paper art, the main emphasis is on the formation of texture and volume. Common to these artistic movements is the material of creativity - thin paper napkins, as well as the fact that both decoupage and paper art imitate other types of creativity.

What do you need for paper art

To create works in the paper art technique, first of all, you need to stock up on paper napkins. These can be either special multilayer decoupage napkins or completely ordinary white or colored kitchen napkins.

In addition, you will need:

  • Water.
  • Glue, PVA is best.
  • Aerosol paint.
  • Clear nail polish.

Main preparatory work is to make paper threads from napkins. To do this, they are cut into strips, moistened in water and twisted into flagella with their hands. They can be made in different thicknesses and structures. It is not necessary to achieve a perfectly even thickness, any source material is useful in this matter. You also need to prepare the surface to be decorated. It is first thoroughly cleaned, and then glued with PVA glue with pieces of the same paper napkins.

After that, various images are laid out from the prepared flagella on the decorated object, fixing them with the same PVA glue. You can first draw the contour of the image with a simple pencil. Then the surface is painted over with paints and the result is fixed with a transparent varnish.

To create an image, not only paper strips can be used, but also other objects - shells, polymer clay, buttons, beads. Flagella can be twisted not only from napkins, but also from paper towels or cosmetic wipes.

Would you like to be able to create unique things or transform existing ones? Turn them into gold or ancient relics? The answer, for sure, will be positive. Of course, it may seem to you that for this you need to be born a wizard or study for many years with the best professors of alchemy, but no, it’s enough to discover an amazing needlework technique - paper art.

Fundamentals of technology

Literally, the name of this type of creativity is translated as "paper art". But this does not mean that only paper is used in the technique. The second important raw material in it is polymer clay.

Paper-art is a unique art, which is ten years old at most, no more. Now it is impossible to say for sure who its founder is. But the majority of innovators-handmakers within its framework live in our country. So, it is quite possible that it originated in Russia.

What is the peculiarity of this creativity? Paper art allows you to transform almost any household items: glass and wood products, beyond recognition, while its main advantage is that using this technique you can simulate various effects, for example, wood carving or metal chasing, which, you see, is not will do every second. And for these purposes, basically, you only need polymer clay and paper in the form of thin napkins.

From additional tools and materials will also be needed: scissors, brushes, PVA glue, clay cutting templates, tweezers, sprayers or paints with interesting effects(under gold, silver, pearls, bronze, wood and so on). This is basic. But there is also decorative material. For example, for the installation and enrichment of the composition, artificial gems, wire, beads and the same kind of decorative material.

In our master class, you will only get acquainted with the basics of this creativity, so the crafts given as an example are quite simple and will take you no more than an hour. Your task is to evaluate the possibilities of technology and understand what amazing masterpieces can ultimately be created with its help.

Finished works - examples

Thanks to the master class, you can make sure that creating real magic with your own hands using the paper art technique is real. And from an ordinary bottle you can create an amazing medieval decanter, and the old cardboard box, with effort, turn it into a wonderful golden casket or a spectacular chased jewelry box.

When the paper art technique is available to you, you can easily decorate any object, whether it be dishes, vases, candlesticks, flower pots, photo frames, mirrors, or even your favorite laptop.

A little imagination, a little work and you will learn how to get unique bracelets, earrings or medallions decorated with lace, leather, silver and gold.

An exclusive diary, the cover of which is decorated with napkin plastic patterns, will be a wonderful gift for friends for any occasion.

Very popular on the Internet are inimitable three-dimensional paintings and panels of paper art depicting Money Tree from coins. There is even an opinion that such a work of art helps to attract wealth to the house.

With a strong desire, having enough free time, you can decorate larger items with paper art: chests of drawers, dressing table, headboard.
Also, thanks to this miracle technique, you can add brightness and personality to animal figurines available at home or fashion completely new figurines.

There is no limit to your imagination and paper art technique. Try it and maybe you will also become a fan of this wonderful type of needlework.

Making paper art bottles

First of all, choose the thing that you will decorate. In our case, these are four glass containers, different in their purpose. At the very beginning, they do not look enviable, but, believe me, at the end of processing, they appearance radically changed and enriched.

Start by setting up your workspace. All tools and materials should be at hand.

If you have previously worked with polymer clay, then keep in mind that in this case it may not be sent to dry, but if possible, dry all the parts in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature not lower than 180 degrees Celsius. When everything is ready, you can start.

Wipe the item to be decorated with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to degrease the surface. After that, at your discretion, you can paste over the surface of the object with pieces of napkins soaked in PVA in one or more layers. But such a step is needed only if you want to achieve an uneven surface in the final staining. When there are no such goals, you can immediately begin to form elements of decoration from clay and napkins.

For polymer clay. Roll out the clay into a thin layer. If there are templates for cutting out, use them, if not, it is better to make elements that will look beautiful and have uneven edges, for example, flowers. After drying and complete cooling of the elements, you can immediately glue them to the surface of the object being decorated.

For napkins. Moisten your hands with plain water in which the glue is diluted (one to one ratio). And roll a semblance of a rope out of a napkin. Form curls from this rope and glue them to their rightful place.

The choice of ornaments and patterns in this case simply has no boundaries. But, it is worth considering what effect you want to get. For example, our items shown in the photo for the lesson are decorated to look like metal, that is, chasing on metal. At the end, when all the elements are glued, they are sprayed with the corresponding metallic color (copper). You can experiment both with the configuration of the elements of the composition, and with the final design.

After spraying has been applied, which, by the way, can also be applied in the form of paint, it is also appropriate to apply a layer of varnish. But it will fit only when you make a wood-look design. For the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bunder the metal, on the contrary, a matte finish is considered ideal.

Embroidery and origami, patchwork and beading, quilling and scrapbooking, decoupage, paper art and felting are all types of needlework. It seems that all of them have been helping to decorate human life since ancient times. However, not all of the above types of handicrafts have a long history. In this article, we will find out what paper art is, who invented it and when, and also consider its main techniques and techniques.

A little about paper

Despite the abundance of various gadgets and various modern materials, paper, which came to us from the depths of centuries, is constantly with us, whether we notice it or not. It can be different: white and colored, velvet and parchment, roll and sheet.

From early childhood, interaction with paper begins: children draw on it, and from it, under the guidance of adults, they make the most various crafts. At school, it is on paper that we learn to write and count. Growing up, some do not cease to enthusiastically interact with her and create unique works of art.

Who is the author of the technology?

In 2006, the head of the Nikolaev studio of artistic and literary creativity, artist, poetess and designer Tatyana Sorokina decided to bring something new and unusual to her students. As a result of this desire and dedication, Tatyana began to teach children how to work with paper, namely with paper napkins.

Initially, the technique was called "Napkin plastic". Under this title, the children's work of Sorokina's students won the Grand Prix and first place in International festival children's creativity.

Further unusual technique paper plastics attracted the attention of many lovers of needlework and within a short time gained great popularity.

What it is?

The name "paper art" comes from the English phrase Paper Art, translated as "paper art". In the process of communication between the masters, the correct “paper art” lost one of the letters and was reduced to the “paper art” form. This is the name adopted everywhere now. This technique of imitating various textures and textures, as well as decorating surfaces with paper napkins, is completely different than decoupage.

The main "highlight" of paper art is the creation of imitations of expensive and complex artwork, such as weaving and embossing, embroidery and carving.

What is the difference from other types of needlework?

Those who are somewhat familiar with various types needlework, they will say that decoupage, scrapbooking, quilling and paper art are techniques that use paper and are similar in nature.

Indeed, in all the listed types of creativity, they work with paper, but only the techniques and techniques for each of them are different, and the results are completely different.

Let's briefly understand how paper art differs from the same quilling or decoupage, with which it is often confused.

Differences from quilling

The name "quilling" itself comes from the word quill - a bird's feather. It was on it that thin strips of paper were previously wound in order to obtain spirals, from which voluminous or flat compositions are subsequently assembled. The work uses paper of various densities dyed on both sides, as well as special devices.

In paper art, unlike quilling, there is no strictly defined form of basic elements. Paper flagella are just the starting material from which you can create any shape and pattern. In addition, paper art uses thinner paper - napkins.

Decoupage and paper art

Decoupage is a rather old and popular needlework all over the world. In the process of its execution, carved from special paper or napkins, motifs are applied to a previously prepared surface. After additional processing and varnishing, the ornaments look like hand-painted.

The paper art style is completely different. When decorating objects on the surface, volume and texture are created. Common to these types of needlework is that each of them imitates some other type and also the material used - thin paper napkins.

IN Lately in the decoupage technique, the direction of “volumetric”, or as it is also called 3D decoupage, is actively developing. But unlike paper art, not only paper is used to create volumes, but also other materials, such as salty dough, various plastics and clays for crafts.

General principles

In order to make paper art crafts, you need the simplest, waste materials and tools. Ordinary paper napkins, glue, water and an object that you want to decorate.

The essence of the technique is that paper threads are made from thin paper or napkins, with which an image is laid out on a flat surface of an object. The image can be painted and fixed with PVA glue, and in some cases with varnish.

And now your attention will be presented with a simple and accessible master class that will help you understand the basic decoration techniques. We will decorate the most ordinary glass bottle.

We prepare materials

We will need:

  • water;
  • the most common paper napkins (plain white ones are better);
  • PVA glue;
  • paint in aerosol cans;
  • a glass bottle (for the first experience, not the largest and not very complex shape).

Step-by-step instruction

As you can see, the paper art technique, the master class of which is quite simple, still requires attentiveness, perseverance and concentration.

A few secrets from the masters

In any needlework there are little secrets and tricks, the knowledge of which helps to get better and more accurate products. Paper art is no exception.

So, experienced craftsmen advise using a thin towel for rolling napkins. As a result, the harnesses will be more even and neat. Due to the fact that the fabric surface of the towel absorbs excess moisture, the strips do not “blur” when twisted.

You can roll out paper threads with a damp cloth over dry, or vice versa. Each master has his own way of making harnesses.

In addition to napkins, you can also use other thin paper products, such as paper kitchen towels or cosmetic tissues.

It is important to remember that all the time while the bundles are twisted, they must be wet. In this case, they will not lose elasticity and will easily take the desired shape.

Human hands are an almost universal tool. But in order to get an even spiral or circle, you can use a wooden skewer or a plastic comb with sparse teeth.

In the process of laying out the pattern, toothpicks will come in handy - it is very convenient to adjust the plaits on the surface of the bottle with them.

To improve the quality of the product, after the pattern has been fixed and laid out, it is necessary to cover the entire surface with PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Possibilities of combination with other techniques

Modern masters actively use paper art decoupage to create a wide variety of art objects. To decorate a bottle, box or vase, you can use the plot you like, “beating” it with volumetric elements made of paper flagella. So, the marine theme can be decorated with voluminous stars and waves, and snowflakes and various Christmas tree decorations are suitable for winter and New Year's decoration.

The most important thing in any kind of arts and crafts is the possibility of creativity and self-expression, not limited by any boundaries and barriers. This type of art as paper art gives each person the opportunity to make something completely different out of thin paper napkins, create the illusion of turning the simplest paper into metal, wood or textured fabric and create unique works that will be decorated with imitation of these materials. Find some time and feel like a creator of new, unique things, a magician who can make the most incredible transformations!
