Sharply cuts the stomach 33 weeks. How does the baby develop

If it pulls the lower abdomen at 33 weeks of gestation, you need to listen more carefully to your body. Such a condition may indicate the development of normal physiological processes or be a harbinger of the formation of pathology. Every woman at this time should be able to correctly assess her situation and seek medical help in time.

The main causes of pulling pains in the lower abdomen at 33 weeks of gestation

By the designated date, the weight of the child is about 2 kg, height is 44 cm. It takes up all the space in the uterus, it is no longer possible to roll over freely. The baby is so strong that he can push hard with his feet and knock on his ribs. These movements are clearly felt by the woman. They bring tangible discomfort. The pain in this case is short-lived and always different. Its intensity depends on what the child is doing: kicking, pushing, punching or moving the whole body. To alleviate your condition, you can stand gently on all fours and begin to arch and bend your back.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen can be caused by an increase in the uterus. Its bottom is 13 cm above the navel. In this state, the ligaments that hold it in the correct anatomical position experience strong loads. They stretch as much as possible, so there is pain that resembles the sensations before menstruation.

An enlarged uterus compresses all the organs located in the abdominal cavity, and disrupts their work. The expectant mother is constantly worried about heartburn, shortness of breath, frequent urination and constipation. Pressure on the intestine slows peristalsis. Food stays longer in the tract, rots. This process stimulates the formation of gases. There are problems with the chair. All this leads to the appearance of a pain syndrome, which disappears as soon as it is possible to empty the intestines. Helps alleviate the condition proper nutrition. It is important at this time to try not to overeat, eat more vegetable salads, dried fruits with a mild laxative effect, dairy products.

The uterus of the big sizes moves the center of gravity back. The lower back begins to experience the main load. Therefore, for the indicated period, the appearance of pain in the sacrum is characteristic. It spreads around the circumference and goes down to the feet. By evening, the severity of discomfort intensifies. Help to take it off special exercises, wearing a prenatal bandage, foot massage, cool baths. Experts recommend eating more foods that contain calcium and iodine: cottage cheese, boiled chicken eggs, yogurt, milk, seaweed. They will help prevent seizures.

Perhaps, pulling aching pains in the lower abdomen for a period of 33 weeks are associated with an increase in the amount of the hormone relaxin. It begins to be produced in the second half of pregnancy, softens the bones and ligaments of the pelvic floor, and prepares the body for childbirth. For the same reason, the pubis may ache slightly. Usually, the malaise quickly passes if you can lie down, relax, taking a comfortable position.

The closer the date of the birth of the baby, the more often there are training fights. There is a contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, but the cervix does not yet open. The attack lasts about 30 seconds, always appears spontaneously. The pain does not radiate to the lower back, does not increase, decreases on its own and completely subsides when changing the position of the body. Not all the muscles of the reproductive organ are tensed, but only a separate part of them (upper or lower). You can easily feel it by placing your palms on your stomach.

anxiety symptoms

If there is a constantly growing pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, you need to call an ambulance. Spasms may indicate the onset of labor: contractions are repeated, each new one becomes stronger than the previous one. There is an outpouring or leakage of amniotic fluid. Possible bleeding.

It is possible to understand what is happening only after examination on the gynecological chair. If the contractions could not provoke the opening of the uterus, doctors will make every effort to maintain the pregnancy; if childbirth has begun, they will help the baby to be born. At this time after birth, 90% of children remain viable. The staff manages to get them out, but the risks of mortality are high, as babies are born with an imperfect thermoregulation system and low body weight. For many, the lungs do not open, so it becomes necessary to use an artificial respiration apparatus.

Premature babies immediately after birth are placed in an incubator, they are provided with artificial nutrition, drug treatment. Childbirth at 33 weeks is more dangerous for the mother herself: the cervical canal is unable to open completely, because of this there is a possibility of ruptures and uterine bleeding. You can minimize the risks if there are experienced obstetricians and gynecologists nearby.

Pulling pains in the lower abdomen, the uterus is toned, scarlet spotting, palpitations, a sharp drop in blood pressure, weakness, tinnitus, pallor of the skin are symptoms that indicate placental abruption.

Pregnancy is a predisposing factor in the development of appendicitis. The uterus for a period of 33 weeks is able to compress the appendix of the caecum. Violation of blood circulation in it causes an inflammatory reaction. Its development takes place in stages. At first, it covers only the mucous membrane of the process, after 6-12 hours it spreads to the submucosal layer and partially affects the muscular one. After another 12 hours, the stage of gangrene begins - the walls of the appendix die off, the contents of the intestine pour into the abdominal cavity, and peritonitis develops.

You can recognize the pathology by the characteristic symptoms: pain is formed on the right side, is constantly present, increases when lying on your side, coughing and sneezing. It is given not in the back, but up in the hypochondrium. Due to the large abdomen, signs of peritoneal irritation cannot be detected. It is difficult to navigate by other characteristic symptoms: nausea, vomiting, fever. They may be subtle or appear later than usual. Often the moment when a woman can be helped is missed, so the mortality rate among pregnant women with appendicitis is very high.

Diagnostics and methods of therapy

Ultrasound is the main method of diagnosis during pregnancy

First of all, a woman is examined by an obstetrician-gynecologist. The doctor collects an anamnesis, listens to the child's heartbeat, feels the uterus. Then the patient is sent for an ultrasound, which in most cases helps to assess the condition of the fetus. A general clinical analysis of blood and urine, determination of the group and Rh factor is required. A coagulation test is also carried out.

Ordinary physiological pains are not treated by anything. If they cause significant discomfort, doctors recommend resting more (for this, choose a position lying on your side), walking more often in the fresh air, doing gymnastics, and visiting the pool.

If the pregnancy is threatened, the cervix can be stitched and a course of progesterone prescribed. Such treatment is quite effective, it allows you to bring the child to the date when he can be born and survive without the use of intensive care.

When placental abruption is detected, the degree of damage is taken into account when developing treatment tactics. If the detachment occupies one third of the entire area of ​​the placenta, the pathology allows you to save the pregnancy. The patient is soaked bed rest, complete rest, reception sedatives and agents that reduce the tone of smooth muscles. If the delamination area occupies 50% is shown C-section. With the complete passage of the placenta, the death of the fetus occurs instantly.

Appendicitis can only be treated with surgery. There are two ways to carry out the operation. The doctor can make an incision through the skin and layers of the abdominal wall, open direct access to the appendix, and then remove it with a scalpel (if there is an abscess, it is dried with rubber tubes), after the wound is sutured. When the medical facility has endoscopic equipment available, the pregnant woman is offered a laparoscopy. Two punctures are made, a tube with video equipment is inserted into one, and an instrument is inserted into the other. The surgeon can control his manipulations by looking at the monitor, which transmits the image from the video camera.

The 33rd week of pregnancy is the first week of the ninth obstetric month, that is, eight of them are already left behind. After all, doctors calculate the gestational age according to their own rules. In the obstetric month, not 30-31 days, but exactly 28, that is, 4 weeks. 280 days are allotted for bearing a child, which is 10 obstetric months. This means that the pregnancy will last not one, but two months.

Week 33 marks the beginning of one of the most difficult periods of pregnancy for a woman. It will be difficult precisely in physiological terms, since every week the stomach increases in size. The expectant mother becomes clumsy, the former grace disappears. In addition, from above, the uterus presses on the lungs, and from below on the intestines and bladder. But there is very little left to be patient, because childbirth is getting closer every day.

Fetal development

The physiological indicators of the growth and weight of the child are already quite impressive, especially in comparison with the first months of pregnancy. At this time, his height is about 44 cm, and his weight reaches 2 kg. The baby becomes cramped in the stomach, so he can no longer roll over from his head to his feet. The child, of course, continues to move, and the woman should feel these movements. Since that time, the fetus begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat more actively, muscle strength increases.

Lanugo gradually disappears, all organ systems improve. The brain is finally formed, but the nerve connections will be honed for a long time, including after the birth of a child. At the same time, the baby is already able to express his emotions, feel the mood of the mother. He perfectly hears loud sounds, can distinguish between smell and taste, he needs care, affection and love. The baby may express his dissatisfaction, for example, if he does not like a sharp noise. Therefore, in the choice of environment you need to be very picky.

The child at this time can play, what is active and does when he is not sleeping. So far, he uses the umbilical cord and his body as toys. The life of the crumbs is measured and calm, and he has nowhere to rush, because the process of preparing for childbirth has not yet been completed.

The pulmonary system also continues to actively improve, so that after the birth of the baby, the baby can breathe on its own. For this purpose, surfactant accumulates in the alveoli.

    The cardiovascular system continues to develop and grow stronger. A small heart performs 100-150 beats per minute.

    The child's kidneys are already able to carry out the filtering function.

    The drawing on the skin becomes more expressive every week. It takes on a color that is closer to pink than red. The hair on the head continues to grow, becoming longer and thicker.

    Calcium builds up in the bones, making them stronger and stronger. The cartilaginous tissue is gradually compacted, but the sutures of the skull remain wide. This is necessary for the easy passage of the child through the birth canal.

    The immune system is developing, but it is still very far from perfect.

At 33 weeks pregnant, the baby is in the correct position in the uterus. Normally, he should lie head down. However, sometimes the fetus is located exactly the opposite - head up, or even stacked sideways. If with a breech presentation, independent childbirth is still possible, then with a transverse presentation, a caesarean section will definitely be required.

At the 33rd week of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is necessary in order to assess the development of the fetus. The doctor will fix the exact dimensions and weight, note all the available anatomical features of development. Ultrasound helps to exclude the presence of pathology and developmental anomalies, the presentation of the fetus and its entanglement with the umbilical cord

As a rule, the sex of the unborn child has already been established. If this did not happen before, then certain difficulties may arise now. After all, there is less and less space in the stomach, which means that the child can squeeze the legs and close the genitals.

During ultrasound, the doctor also evaluates the condition of the placenta, the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid, uteroplacental blood flow, and the degree of maturity of the cervix.

Sometimes the doctor corrects the already set date of the expected birth. If a woman receives any therapy, then after the study it can be changed, because there is more and more information about the condition of the fetus.

Thus, ultrasound at 33 weeks of gestation is an important and extremely informative study that must be done without fail. This diagnostic method often helps doctors make very important decisions, such as the need for early delivery. In the vast majority of cases, ultrasound simply allows you to once again make sure that the pregnancy is proceeding normally, and everything is in perfect order with the baby.

Other tests and examinations

At this time, the woman should also visit her gynecologist, donate blood and urine for general analysis. At the appointment, the doctor will measure the height of the fundus of the uterus, the volume of the abdomen, the level of blood pressure, and listen to the fetal heartbeat. The height of the bottom of the uterus is normally 33 cm (deviations of 1-2 cm are allowed).

In addition, a woman this week gains about 300-550 g in weight. The volume of circulating blood in the body increases. It becomes already a liter more than before the moment of conception.

If there are any deviations during pregnancy, then it is possible to determine the level of hCG (the norm is 2700-78100 mIU / ml), dopplerography, CTG and other studies.

If the doctor does not find any deviations, then there should be no reason for refusing intimate relationships. At this time, sex, as before, will bring pleasure to both partners.

Many couples refuse intimacy because they are afraid of harming the baby. Future parents may be frightened by a too large belly or the active movements of the child inside it. You shouldn't be so hypocritical.

The following tips may help a couple to gain courage:

    Penetrations during intercourse should not be too deep, and the movements should not be too abrupt.

    During intimacy no pressure on the abdomen. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the appropriate postures.

    If discomfort or pain occurs, sexual intercourse should be stopped immediately.

    It is best to have sex with a condom at 33 weeks pregnant. The fact is that male sperm contains substances that soften the cervix and prepare it for childbirth. But now it is still too early to go to the hospital, which is why it is best to prevent seminal fluid from entering the vagina.

Sex must be abandoned if the woman has a mucous plug, as the risk of infection to the fetus increases.

What can be discharge at 33 weeks of gestation?

A deviation from the norm is the appearance of discharge with blood when they become brown, red or scarlet. Blood in the discharge may indicate placental abruption, injury to the vagina, or the onset of preterm labor. All these situations are extremely dangerous for the woman and the fetus.

You should also immediately go to the reception if flakes, foam appear in the discharge, or they become bad smell. Green or yellow discharge is considered abnormal.

Watery and clear discharge may indicate water leakage. It is dangerous and requires hospitalization. With a complete discharge of the waters, you also need to immediately go to the hospital, as childbirth will begin soon.

If a woman has not yet taken a smear for the determination of infectious diseases, then you must definitely do it now. After all, the risk of infection is almost always present. Moreover, thrush often develops during pregnancy, which also requires specific treatment. You don't have to be afraid of therapy. Thrush is treated with antifungal suppositories, which at this time are not contraindicated for a woman. But you can’t prescribe drugs on your own.

Sometimes at this stage of pregnancy, the mucous plug comes off. It is represented by a lump, the volume of which can fit in 2 tablespoons. Sometimes the cork leaves in parts, and sometimes all at once. Its color may be cream or streaked with blood. The discharge of the cork is considered a harbinger of the approaching birth, so this must be reported to the doctor.

A woman should carefully examine her discharge, those that have a uniform consistency, a transparent, light or whitish hue are considered normal. Excretions should not come from bad smell. In addition, the genitals at this time are supplied with blood better than usual. Therefore, the volume of allocations can also increase, but not by much. You should not worry about this. =

Pain can occur at any stage of pregnancy, and it is important to correctly identify its source:

    Pain during urination may indicate a urinary tract infection. It may also sometimes appear unusual discharge from the genital tract.

    Hemorrhoids are indicated by pain in the rectal area and the appearance of blood stains on underwear.

    Headaches indicate a lack of rest, excessive fatigue, overheating of the body or oxygen starvation. Often, to get rid of it, you just need to lie down to relax or take a walk in the fresh air.

    Due to the increased weight, pain in the back, in the legs, in the lumbar region may appear. To reduce them, you need to carefully monitor your posture, wear a prenatal bandage, and choose comfortable shoes. It is necessary to avoid prolonged physical exertion, do not lie on your back, do not sit on chairs without a back.

    Low back pain is a concern for almost all pregnant women. They are associated with pressure from the enlarged uterus on the sciatic nerve. The pain is aggravated if the woman lies on her back.

    Pain in the knee joints appear due to increased stress on them. Cool baths help reduce pain in the lower extremities. After such a procedure, it is good to raise your legs to any hill.

    Pain in the pelvic region and in the pubic region appear due to the fact that the woman's body is gradually preparing for the process of delivery. The pelvic bones slowly diverge, which causes discomfort. Swimming, wearing a bandage, taking a bath helps to reduce their severity.

    Pain in the hypochondrium occurs due to the fact that the child has grown up and began to kick the mother from the inside with more force. Perceptible body movements of the fetus are often associated with an uncomfortable posture taken by the woman, or with pressure on the uterus from the outside. When the abdomen drops before childbirth, the pain in this area will become less intense.

In any case, the resulting pain should be reported to the doctor. Sometimes at the 33rd week of pregnancy, training contractions occur, so a woman may feel a slight painful tension in the lower abdomen. This is normal, but provided that the intensity of the contractions does not increase. Otherwise, you need to call an ambulance.

What happens to the stomach at 33 weeks pregnant?

Except what a woman will experience pain, it can be pursued by heartburn. By this time, it is greatly enhanced. There are two reasons: the pressure of the uterus on the stomach and physiological changes in the body that provoke an increase in the acidity of gastric juice.

Another unpleasant sensation that occurs at the 33rd week of pregnancy is shortness of breath. It should decrease when the child lowers a little. Until this happens, you need to reduce your motor activity and look for comfortable postures.

Itching of the skin of the abdomen is another common complaint of expectant mothers. It can be reduced by applying a moisturizer to the abdomen. It is good to rub olive or almond oil into the skin immediately after a shower.

By this time, the stomach rises very high, which will cause some discomfort. But you should not worry about this, because in the coming weeks it will drop and it will become easier to breathe.

Sometimes a woman is surprised to notice rhythmic twitching of the abdomen. This happens when the baby starts to hiccup. And this happens quite often.

You also need to be especially careful, because the stomach has become heavier and pulls the woman forward. Falls at this time are very dangerous.

What's going on in the tummy? Pain in the hands, baby movements and the benefits of omega-3:


You need to track your weight carefully. This is important, since a sharp weight gain, especially in the third trimester, may indicate preeclampsia.

It is important to observe the diet, do not overeat, limit the consumption of sweets. You need to reduce calories at the expense of bakery and confectionery products, fried and fatty foods.

Sometimes a woman's weight is added due to edema. To avoid excess fluid retention in the body, it is necessary to limit salt intake. Sometimes the doctor advises to refuse it at all.

Since the onset of pregnancy, the weight of a woman increases by 9-13.5 kg. These are averages, which may vary slightly in one direction or another, but should remain within the normal range.

By this time, the woman begins to feel clumsy and clumsy. Sometimes a feeling of fatigue and helplessness joins. After all, it is often not even possible to get enough sleep - an enlarged belly does not allow you to find a comfortable position and makes breathing difficult. Urination also becomes more frequent, because the uterus presses on the bladder, so there is a desire to empty it even with partial filling. To reduce the number of trips to the toilet at night, you need to drink less liquid in the evening.

If a woman's blood pressure rises, then this may be a sign of preeclampsia. Therefore, it is imperative to report such jumps to the doctor. In general, for a pregnant woman is dangerous.

Here are some more common complaints of all pregnant women at 33 weeks:

    Ear congestion;

    Numbness of the limbs;

    Belly button protrusion.

Of course, it is not easy to withstand such a load on the body, but we must remember that it is temporary. Coming to light very soon new person who needs care and love right now. Therefore, despite all these minor troubles, you need to try to relax as much as possible and rest as much as possible. Firstly, the upcoming birth is far from an easy process. Secondly, the baby will take a lot of strength from the mother, not only physical, but emotional. Now the woman has very little time left, which she can devote only to herself.

If childbirth occurs at 33 weeks of gestation, then they are premature, and the baby will be premature. However, at this time, the baby can breathe on its own, which is very important. This greatly facilitates the process of nursing and allows the child to grow up healthy.

Most often, premature birth can be avoided, but at the same time, a woman should be extremely attentive to her health and to herself. It happens that childbirth begins, and nothing can be done about it. If this happens, then you need to remain calm and completely trust the doctors. In some cases, childbirth at this time is artificially induced, for medical reasons.

When there are no prerequisites for premature birth, you need to prepare for the upcoming trip to the maternity hospital. The bag must be collected, as well as the package of documents.

The child is reliably protected in the womb by the placenta and fetal membranes. However, there are many factors that can affect its growth and development.

Equally important is the nature of a woman's diet. When she eats little, as well as low-quality food, the child will not gain weight well. Perhaps even a developmental delay.

Another negative factor that can affect the health of the child is radiation exposure. The higher the dose received, the more severe the consequences. Even the death of the fetus or severe malformations is not excluded. Small doses of radiation damage the placenta and impair its protective properties.

Be sure to avoid any pressure on the stomach, including falls. This can lead to the fact that the fetal membranes are broken, start premature birth or placental abruption occurs.

It is important to completely exclude the ingestion of alcohol, nicotine, drugs. A woman should not come into contact with paint and varnish products, with aggressive chemicals, insecticides.

Separately, it should be noted the intake of medications. They should only be prescribed by a doctor. At such a late date, many drugs are already allowed, for example, NSAIDs, drugs for topical use, but self-medication is in any case unacceptable.

Complications at 33 weeks pregnant

At this stage, it is necessary to take care of the prevention of rickets in a child. To do this, a woman must receive enough vitamin D.

If not enough calcium enters the mother's body, then it begins to be washed out of the bones, and for this reason, a woman develops hemorrhoids, varicose veins and calf cramps.

A significant weight gain will lead to the fact that after childbirth a woman will become obese with all the ensuing consequences: metabolic disorders and.

A very formidable complication of pregnancy is eclampsia. Doctors do not know how to prevent its development and how to cure it. Eclampsia begins with gestosis or preeclampsia. Early signs of this condition: increased blood pressure, increased edema, a jump in the level of protein in the urine. Eclampsia itself is characterized by cerebral edema, convulsions and subsequent death of the woman and/or child.

    At this time it would be good to attend courses for pregnant women. They will allow you to better prepare for the upcoming birth, help get rid of obsessive fears and increased nervousness.

    If the spouse will be present at the birth, then he needs to prepare the relevant documents and undergo a medical examination.

    You need to watch your diet. Both overeating and undereating are dangerous. The average energy value of food eaten per day should be in the range of 2500-3000 kcal.

    With caution, you need to drink familiar drinks such as herbal teas. After all, many of them, for example, tea based on hibiscus or St. John's wort, are not recommended during pregnancy.

    About whether there is a need to take synthetic vitamins, you need to ask your doctor. Hypervitaminosis can be no less dangerous than hypovitaminosis.

    Although moving becomes increasingly difficult, this does not mean that physical activity should be abandoned. Muscles must be in good shape, for which a woman needs to perform light exercises. Very helpful breathing exercises, Kegel exercises.

    Be sure to spend as much time as possible outdoors.

    If it’s not difficult yet, then it will be good to visit the pool and do light water aerobics.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and social development(2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

For many women who are expecting a baby, and the 34th week of pregnancy comes, the stomach pulls.

During this period, future mothers already know how the child is located inside and what exactly it rests on the stomach, but it is important to understand that when the 34th week of pregnancy comes and pulls the lower abdomen, this may indicate other problems.

It is this week that begins the last month of pregnancy, and if the baby is born at week 34, then he will be able to breathe normally and on his own, maintain the required temperature.

Feelings of women

From the 34th week of pregnancy, women begin to experience various uncomfortable sensations:

  1. The abdomen is constantly tense.
  2. Pulls the lower abdomen.
  3. There is swelling and pain in the legs.
  4. There is a feeling of constant fatigue.
  5. Possible sleep disturbance.

In order for the condition of a pregnant woman to be relieved, it is recommended to drink more fluids, engage in walking and light physical activity. Exercise every morning and evening.

You need to eat in small portions, while the nutrition should be correct, and the diet itself should contain a lot of calcium.

At week 34, the body of women is actively preparing for childbirth, due to this, there may be contractions of the uterus of a short-term nature.

In this position, you need to carefully listen to the body and the symptoms that may appear, since this period of the week can be the cause of premature birth.

If a woman is still working, then she urgently needs to go on vacation in order to normalize her daily routine.

As a rule, before childbirth, especially the first, women have a strong fear, which can also cause abdominal pain, therefore it pulls the lower abdomen, various gastrointestinal disorders appear.

Because from the mood and mental state depends on the course of childbirth, then the pregnant woman should be protected from stress as much as possible, especially at 34-35 weeks of pregnancy.


The 34th week of pregnancy is very important, so you need to pay attention to various signals from the body, including discharge from the genitals.

In some cases, they may be mucus as the uterus softens and the cervical canal may open slightly.

It is considered normal when the discharge is mostly milky in color, homogeneous in consistency and has a slightly sour aroma.

The amount of such release should be small, and if the volume becomes large, then ordinary pads should be used.

TO pathological condition discharges can be attributed, which are similar in consistency to cottage cheese, they have turbidity, as well as particles of pus.

This may indicate an infection, after which it additionally pulls the lower abdomen. Before childbirth, it is necessary to diagnose and heal so that the genital tract is clean during the birth of the child.

Sometimes the 34th week is characterized by discharge, in which blood can be seen, the stomach additionally hurts, and its bottom is pulled.

This condition is a dangerous signal during pregnancy at 34 weeks. You need to immediately call an ambulance and in no case go to the doctor yourself.

The formation of blood may indicate exfoliation of the placenta, in other words, an increase in the tone of the uterus. If the blood cannot be stopped, then the detachment continues, which may be the cause of premature birth.

With discharge in the form of water at 34 weeks of gestation, with a yellowish tint, this may be amniotic fluid. When such a liquid appears, you must go to the hospital, even if contractions do not begin.

Even in this state, childbirth may not begin for several days, but if the woman is not given help and control, then infection of the child and his death is possible.

Pain classification

When the lower abdomen is pulled, the stomach hurts or other parts of the body hurt at 34 weeks of gestation, this is often the norm.

The later weeks of pregnancy can be characterized by the following pains:

  1. In the back and waist.
  2. In the legs
  3. In a stomach.

As a rule, such symptoms appear after exertion and movement of gravity in a certain direction. To alleviate pain and reduce the pain threshold, you can use the following methods:

  1. To make it easier, you should buy and wear a special bandage at the 34th week of pregnancy.
  2. The later weeks of pregnancy should be spent in maximum rest, you need to walk less for long distances and not sit for a long time in one position. It is recommended to change position every 20 minutes.
  3. It is best to walk around a little when you are in pain, for example, go and water the flowers or do something at home.

If there is pain in the hips, sacrum, then doctors recommend simply twisting the pelvis slightly or doing exercises that are designed for pregnant women at 34-35 weeks of gestation.

Such exercises relieve discomfort, improve the functioning of the digestive tract, relieve abdominal pain, and also help during childbirth.

The most effective if it pulls the lower abdomen or the stomach gives other unpleasant sensations - just lie down, ventilate the room.

Discomfort may appear as a result of breast augmentation. To make it easier, you can buy special bras that will not compress or press anything, while still being able to hold the chest.

The 34th week of pregnancy is characterized by sufficient development of the fetus, it can move and spin, so the lower abdomen is pulled and other sensations appear.

Often, when the child moves, it starts to hurt under the ribs, and if the expectant mother has hemorrhoids, then discomfort appears in the anus.

Any unpleasant feelings can be easily stopped if you know how to relax. All kinds of discomfort can be tolerated except the stomach.

If the stomach hurts, twists, feels sick, or other troubles appear, then you should always consult a doctor and conduct examinations.

Drawing pains

Of course, pregnancy is a joyful event, but at 34 weeks, when the lower abdomen is pulled, and there are sensations, as during menstruation, many women find it difficult to endure.

Similar sensations can be even at night and, as a rule, discomfort is the norm and a natural process. Thus, the body conducts training contractions before childbirth.

From about the 20th week, false contractions are already beginning to appear in women, and the 34-35th week is characterized only by an increase in such a feeling.

At this time, you can even feel the uterus itself if you put your palm on your stomach. To determine real contractions from false ones, it is enough to track the time.

False at 34 weeks of gestation will appear no more than once every 5 hours, and their duration is 1-2 minutes. The real ones will appear often and for a long time, that's when you need to see a doctor.

An alarming symptom may be discomfort in the upper abdomen at 34 weeks of gestation. This could be a sign of preeclampsia.

In this condition, additional symptoms appear in women:

  1. Headache.
  2. Vomiting occurs.
  3. Possibly impaired vision.

You need to remember the basic rule that is suitable for any week of pregnancy. Most pulling pains in the abdomen do not pose a threat, it is like a side effect.

The main causes of pulling abdominal pain

Among the main reasons when the stomach pulls at the 34th week of pregnancy can be identified:

  1. Spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. During childbearing, the female body may require certain foods that do not fit together. Due to this, the stomach and intestines are irritated, characteristic symptoms begin, flatulence appears. At the 34th week of pregnancy, you need to choose the right foods and not always listen to what the stomach wants.
  2. Load on the ligaments of the uterus. The later weeks of pregnancy are characterized by an increase in the uterus, its muscles and ligaments are very stretched, and pulls the stomach. This is due to the natural preparation of the body for childbirth, and also because of the weight of the child. Symptoms may be well felt when coughing or turning the body.
  3. Physical exercise. The main symptoms may be with increased physical activity.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, inflammation of the appendix, pancreatitis, or bowel obstruction may be the cause. As a rule, such pathologies are supplemented by an increase in temperature, women may feel nauseated and an ambulance should be called immediately.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy. This condition is often supplemented by discharge of blood, as well as nausea, which leads to fainting.
  6. Diseases of the ovaries. Various kinds of gynecological diseases, inflammation can lead to pulling pain in the lower abdomen. The problem often appears on early dates, but inflammation is not excluded, with the onset of 34 weeks.

The described reasons for the most part do not pose a threat to either the expectant mother or the child.

But there are those that need to be treated, so if there are unpleasant sensations that resemble PMS, then you should seek help from specialists.

With the onset of 34-35 weeks of pregnancy, every woman may notice that the stomach becomes firmer, and there is also a decrease in body weight.

These are the first signs that the baby will be born soon. With a decrease in weight, the female body removes excess fluid, the emptying of the bladder becomes more frequent.

It should be understood that with the onset of 34 weeks of pregnancy, when early labor is possible, the fetus may not occupy the desired position, so it is important to undergo an ultrasound scan, and if the baby’s head is not directed towards the uterus, then it is safer to stay in the hospital.

Independent methods of struggle

If at a certain week of pregnancy, immediately before childbirth, discomfort appears that is not caused by pathological abnormalities, then some measures can be used to alleviate the condition:

  1. Normalize your diet and use only healthy food. At week 34, it is recommended to consume more kefir, vegetables, especially from which salads are made, and oil is added. It will be good to eat fruits.
  2. Regardless of which week of pregnancy you need to eat in fractional parts, but often. A day should get about 6-7 meals in small portions.
  3. It is necessary to completely abandon the use of medicinal laxatives. They can be used only after the permission of the doctor, otherwise there may be side effects and a negative effect on the fetus.
  4. In order to eliminate discomfort, you should alternately do loads and rest. As a rule, with the onset of 34 weeks of pregnancy and when alternating loads and rest, the stomach ceases to cause trouble.
  5. From the menu you need to remove rich foods, as well as sweets. In general, the diet should be the same as for children. No fried, smoked, spicy and salty foods, foods that cause allergies are excluded and it is better not to abuse seafood.

If it pulls the lower abdomen, while the doctor has not identified any diseases, then after that you can use medications to relieve some of the pain.

Regardless of which week you can use "No-shpu" or rectal suppositories "Papaverine". Although medications can be used, it is still recommended that you discuss their use with your doctor.

When the 34th week of pregnancy comes and the condition is normal, the process is going well, then there will still be about 5 weeks before the birth.

Possible dangers

In some cases, women may experience certain complications 1-1.5 months before childbirth. These include:

  1. Late toxicosis, which is accompanied by an increase in pressure, headache, and dizziness.
  2. Discharge of blood from the vagina, as a result of detachment of the placenta.
  3. Much or little water.
  4. premature birth.

The reasons for the described complications are anemia that occurs in a woman, as well as in the pathology of the kidneys and blood vessels. Often there are problems in women who smoke and bear a child.

It is imperative to control body weight and not eat everything in a row, since malnutrition or weight gain can provoke complications.

At week 34, the mass should not increase by more than 300 grams per day. If a strong weight gain begins, then late toxicosis or gestosis appears.

Pregnant women should drink more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

If a woman sees complications shortly before childbirth, then she should use the help of a doctor, but one must be prepared for the fact that the doctor is more likely to prescribe inpatient treatment and control or immediately send her to the hospital to prepare for childbirth.

Useful video

Very often, when the 33rd week of pregnancy comes, the stomach pulls. This is due to the same contractions of the uterus. To understand how severe the pain is, you need to lie down and relax as much as possible. In a calm state, the pain should subside quickly, if not, then you should consult a doctor.

What will relieve pain at 33 weeks pregnant?

By the 33rd week, the child is already growing very much, his height reaches up to a centimeter, and his weight is already almost 2 kilograms. At this time, the uterus begins to grow rapidly, along with the fetus. The volume of the abdomen also increases, bringing expectant mother a lot of bad feelings. Previously, the pregnancy went much better, it was easier to walk, but at 33 weeks there are unpleasant pains when walking, it starts to hurt and upset the woman.

In addition to the inconvenience when walking, or choosing the position of the body, a woman may experience pain that she did not feel before. It is pain at 33 weeks of gestation that causes maximum problems. Due to the rapid growth of the uterus, it begins to put more and more pressure on internal organs, so there are problems with digestion, there is shortness of breath, heartburn, constipation.

The fetus puts pressure not only on the abdominal muscles, causing problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but also put pressure on the back. Therefore, often at this time, women complain strongly of pain in the abdomen and back. There is nothing wrong with this, but still, if they appear, you need to consult a doctor and tell about your pain. He will carefully examine and compare all pain sensations, determine whether they are a sign of premature birth and help in treatment by offering an alternative to painkillers.

At the same time, pain may appear in the fingers and wrists, legs hurt, and swelling. The arms and legs may become numb or they will be pierced by a burning and sharp pain. To cope with this problem, you need to stretch all the joints more often, you need to remember physical education at school, where they did the warm-up in circular motions.

Most often, when the 33rd week of pregnancy goes, the stomach hurts. This causes problems with the digestive system, due to the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs. Heartburn may appear. Therefore, you should not only consult a doctor, but also review your diet. You need to eat 6-7 times a day, and in small portions. Spicy, sour, fatty and smoked foods should be abandoned.

Eat more light foods, such as cereals, healthy fruits and vegetables, boiled fish meat or lean poultry. Also, the entire diet should be enriched with fiber, which will not only help relieve pain in the abdomen or stomach, but also prevent constipation. It is better to refuse medicines, he does not in the best way affect the development of the fetus, but if the pain continues, you should talk to your doctor.

He must do all the necessary tests and see what is causing such pain. If there is nothing serious here, and this is due to contractions of the muscles of the uterus, then a bandage will help best, which will support the abdominal muscles, thereby reducing heaviness. But in more severe cases, the doctor may advise hospitalization, which should not be neglected.

In the hospital, under constant supervision, doctors will quickly determine what and how to do so that the pain goes away. In addition, pulling pains can be a sign of premature birth, and if they do not go away, then it is better to go to the maternity hospital yourself in order to be under the supervision of doctors if childbirth suddenly begins.

Also, often, expectant mothers complain that when the 33rd week of pregnancy has come, it pulls their lower back. And this is also a completely understandable phenomenon, there is a shift in the center of gravity, which is not dangerous. At this time, there is a strong load on the spine, the stomach becomes larger and it is harder for the body to bear it. In this case, good and correct posture, comfortable shoes with flat soles, a supportive bandage, as well as frequent rest will help to eliminate pain.

Moreover, doctors advise already at this time not to lie on your back, so the pain will not go away, but on your left side. It is not necessary to walk a lot and for a long time, there is no benefit in this. Also, you should sit on chairs that have a back to relieve tension from the spine. If all this is done, then the pain will not be so noticeable. Such pains at 33 weeks are normal, there is no need to be afraid of them, because pregnancy is a complex process and it is difficult for the body to cope with the weight that needs to be carried, and it is constantly increasing.

In the third trimester, a headache may also appear, which should disappear after a good and high-quality rest. To eliminate such pain, you need to take small walks in the fresh air, take small and healthy snacks, and also take relaxing warm showers. But you also need to be very careful with the shower, the water should not be too hot. And after the end of the shower, be careful not to slip, it is better to put a rubber mat.

And the last common problem, when the pregnancy already reaches 33 weeks, pulls the lower abdomen. Pain in the lower abdomen is felt most and most strongly in the pubic region. There is also a simple and logical explanation for this.

The fusion of the pelvic bones, or the symphysis, falls precisely on this part of the skeletal system, and by the time of birth, the pelvic bones diverge slightly. Expanding before the onset of childbirth, only 1 centimeter, the pelvic bones allow better for the child pass during childbirth.

Therefore, such pain sensations appear, which can also be eliminated by a calm rest, in the supine position on the left side. All these pains do not pose a strong danger, you just need to follow the sensations and always tell your gynecologist about them.

33 weeks pregnant

33 weeks pregnant #8212; it's a little over half of the eighth month. In those women who become pregnant for the first time, at 33 weeks of gestation, the child may begin to sink down and gradually insert the head into the small pelvis. Finally, he will fall just before the birth.

In the meantime, the uterus is still quite high and thus causes a lot of trouble and discomfort for the pregnant woman.

Increased heartburn, pain in internal organs, shortness of breath during pregnancy #8212; all this and much more can disturb a woman at this time.

At 33 weeks pregnant, the fetus is already quite large. His height from head to toe is 42 centimeters, and his weight is already about 2,100 kg. The head has also increased and is 8.8 cm in diameter.

The baby already occupies all the space in the uterus and therefore he cannot make active movements as before.

This week, the baby's skin color is pink and covered with a whitish lubricant. The body has nails and hairs. By the way, not all babies are born with thick hair. Someone is born with very thin and sparse hairs. And this is considered the norm. Closer to 3 years, everything is normal.

While exercising the lungs, the fetus makes respiratory movements and swallows the waters in which it is located. Together with the waters, the remnants of cellular decay, particles of adipose tissue and mucus enter the child's body. The remains of these substances settle in the intestines and form the baby's feces. But the first chair of the baby will be only after birth.

Only in some cases, when the child experiences oxygen starvation, at 33 and subsequent weeks, intestinal contractile activity can occur. Therefore, amniotic fluid becomes green. This is dangerous for the life of the child, therefore, in this case, an emergency caesarean section is performed.

As for fetal urination, it is carried out regularly in the womb. However, this is not dangerous for either the baby or the mother, since urine is excreted through the placenta. The amniotic fluid is constantly being renewed, so mom needs to drink more water.

Breech presentation at 33 weeks pregnant

If a woman is pregnant for the first time, then by the 33rd week of pregnancy, the presentation of the child is already final. Therefore, if the fetus at this time lies in the pelvic position, then the probability that it will turn over is almost zero. In multiparous children, in the coming weeks, they can still roll over on their head on their own.

However, breech presentation at 33 weeks of gestation can be attempted to be corrected artificially. Read more about this position of the fetus and how to turn over in the article about the breech presentation of the fetus.

For you future mother

33 weeks pregnant #8212; this is the period when your uterus has increased in weight by a whole kilogram (compared to the period before pregnancy). Moreover, the fetus does not affect this indicator. The volume of the uterus also increased many times over. After childbirth, during the first days, the uterus will completely restore its previous shape and weight and will be ready for a new pregnancy.

Due to the surge of hormones, at the 33rd week of pregnancy, a woman may be disturbed by discharge. They are constantly and more compared to previous months. You can’t do without daily pads (the main thing is to change them more often). If the discharge is white or yellowish with a slight sour smell, then this is the norm.

If the discharge is thick white color(curdled) and cause itching and burning, then this indicates candidiasis. It's not terrible, and you can not even treat it. For details on the features of the course of thrush in pregnant women, see the article.

Discharge of a different color indicates a serious infection that must be treated.

Bloody discharge at 33 weeks of gestation may indicate the onset of placental abruption or other complications. Immediate medical attention is required in this case!

Your feelings

Increasing discomfort by the 33rd week of pregnancy can significantly reduce your mood and desire to go out somewhere. Be patient a little, very soon, when the stomach drops a little, most of the discomfort will disappear.

Well, now you may experience such feelings as:

  • Heaviness in the stomach, heartburn. Eat small meals and don't mix proteins with carbohydrates.
  • Desire to urinate frequently. Before going outside, do not drink a lot of liquid. And never be patient. The bladder must be emptied regularly, otherwise cystitis may occur.
  • Shortness of breath, hard to breathe. Try to keep your back straight and always open the windows in the room where you are.
  • Skin itching. 33rd week of pregnancy and subsequent weeks #8212; a period of rapid growth of the abdomen and, accordingly, stretching of the skin. To avoid stretch marks, you need to smear the stomach and thighs with a special cream.
  • Swelling of the fingers, hands and feet. At 8 and 9 months, this is the norm. It is necessary to limit salt intake so that the fluid does not linger in the body.
  • Constipation. Lots of fiber and lots of water. It is this combination that contributes to good intestinal motility. If you eat foods that contain fiber (all vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, legumes, bran, oatmeal), but do not drink enough fluids, then the intestines will not work.
  • During training bouts, you may experience a feeling of #171;a stone uterus#187;, as well as aching pains in the lower abdomen and lower back. This is the norm.
  • And, perhaps, the most pleasant sensations this week of pregnancy are the movements of the baby. Day after day, you watch how tubercles appear on the stomach in one place or another. And that's great. Talk to your child, sing songs to him. This favorably affects its development #8212; proven.
  1. Be sure to pack a bag for the hospital! It must be non-woven. Maybe just a package. Put the finished bag in a conspicuous place so that you can take it with you when the birth begins.
  2. Wherever you go now, carry with you such a document as an exchange (dispensary) card for a pregnant woman.
  3. If the temperature rises, go to the doctor immediately. At 33 weeks and in general in the third trimester of pregnancy, any infection easily penetrates the placenta to the child and can greatly harm him.
  4. Walk outdoors every day. Let the baby (and you yourself) breathe easily.
  5. Think only good things. Imagine how easy it will be for you to give birth and a healthy baby will be born. And it will come true, because thoughts are material. Tested on many people.

That's all. When the 33rd week of pregnancy comes to an end, check out the 34th week.

And may you be all right!

Thanks for sharing!

33 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach hurts - an occasion to urgently consult a doctor, at this time the risk of premature birth is quite high.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy is something that is always alarming. There are many reasons that cause pain in the abdomen, the main ones are: baby movements, intestinal upset, premature birth.

33 weeks pregnant: stomach ache

Most often, abdominal pain occurs due to the baby's attempts to move. By the 33rd week, the uterus had already reached such a size that it squeezed and displaced all the internal organs, as a result of which their normal work was disrupted. If at the same time the baby begins to move actively, then with his arms and legs he additionally presses on the already oppressed organs, causing pain. All that remains to be done in this case is to endure, 33 weeks of pregnancy have passed, there are not so many left - only 7.

Intestinal upset is a common problem in pregnant women. This reaction can be caused by pressure on the intestines of the enlarged uterus, which prevents the movement of digested food. In this case, you need to adjust the diet and start eating more often in smaller portions.

The probability of premature birth at this stage of pregnancy is 15%. The fetus at this time is already able to breathe on its own, so the likelihood of a positive outcome of preterm birth is high. Symptoms of preterm labor: increasing contractions, accompanied by severe pain.

If the 33rd week of pregnancy has come, the stomach hurts, you need to contact the antenatal clinic and be sure to find out the causes of the pain. The most dangerous cause of pain can be placental abruption, while severe bleeding is also observed, the shape of the uterus changes, the fetus stops moving. If placental abruption occurred at the 33rd week of pregnancy, doctors often decide on delivery, because a serious threat is created to the life of both the fetus and the mother. You should also immediately go to the hospital if the waters have broken. Premature birth is the main problem that 33 weeks of pregnancy can bring with it.

33 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen

Aching pains in the lower abdomen for a week.

Today I went to the doctor, pulling the lower abdomen, I thought it was a harbinger of childbirth. The doctor said no, that it was bad, that the stomach was pulling, prescribed magne b6 premium, as I understand that I have a threat of premature birth. On Tuesday I did an ultrasound, the doctor said that I would give birth in a week not earlier. The doctor says that if the condition worsens, then it will be necessary to call an ambulance. I really want to carry the baby. Has anyone had this? August 10: 53 How did the ultrasound doctor set you when to give birth. Only the baby knows this, and God, after all. It’s too early for a week, ideally to reach 38, so that the baby is full-term. Pain is not good, so if it does not let go, then go to the hospital!

33 weeks of pregnancy is the period at which the likelihood of premature birth increases.

Abdominal pain is not uncommon during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. Abdominal pain can be caused by many reasons: the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs, stretching of the skin on the abdomen, placental abruption, premature birth, or even an attack of appendicitis.

33 weeks pregnant: stomach pulling

The most common cause of abdominal pain at 33 weeks pregnant is uterine pressure on the intestines. Because of this, digested food does not have the opportunity to move through the intestines in time, causing malfunctions in its work. In such cases, you need to change your diet, reduce the amount of servings, increase the number of meals.

Dysbacteriosis or colitis can also cause aching pain due to incompatible foods.

Aching pains in the abdomen can also begin due to the work of hormones that soften the bone tissue so that the fetus comes out easier.

Pain can occur due to the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen - as a result of stretching of the skin due to the constantly growing abdomen.

Aching pain is possible due to pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction or attacks of appendicitis. Such cases are rare and, in addition to pain, are accompanied by fever and vomiting.

Aching pains in the abdomen and lower back can be a symptom of premature birth, which does not always begin with amniotic fluid.

When the 33rd week of pregnancy has come, the stomach is pulling, then you should not self-medicate, because not only the health of the woman, but also the life of her child is at stake. Aching pains can also signal inflammatory process or infection, which is also dangerous for both the child and the life of the woman. If a woman had kidney problems before pregnancy, they can worsen during pregnancy.

There are a lot of reasons that cause aching pains and it can be extremely problematic to figure out the reasons that caused them on your own. Therefore, if the pulling pains intensify, then it is necessary to consult a doctor who controls the pregnancy, or call an ambulance.

Continued next. page

33 weeks pregnant - how many months?

We congratulate you: you are already pregnant for a full 8 months! But there are two more, not one. Remember that in obstetrics, months are calculated differently? This constantly confuses us, but it’s not so difficult to figure it out: 1 obstetric month is 4 weeks or 28 days. Therefore, if we divide into months the entire period allotted for bearing a child (and this is 280 days), we get exactly 10. Translated into calendar months, pregnancy lasts a little longer than nine months. Here is such a "pregnant" arithmetic.

So, the 33rd week of pregnancy begins - the first week of the ninth obstetric month. Baby, how are you?

fetus at 33 weeks pregnant

And the baby is already quite cramped. He has already grown up: the size is on average cm, and the weight reaches 2000. In addition, the uterus is growing, but the stomach is not dimensionless. Therefore, somersaulting, unfortunately, is no longer possible here. However, at the 33rd week of pregnancy, the child still has a chance to roll over and take the final position before childbirth, but most likely he did it earlier. Now your miracle will move more than be active, but the strength of the movements will noticeably increase: the baby continues to accumulate fat and build muscle in order to be born an absolute handsome man, which means that the farther, the more painfully and harder he can hit his mother, sending her greetings.

Mom, he's almost like a newborn! Parts of the body have become more proportional in relation to each other, lanugo is gradually disappearing, the endocrine, nervous, immune, thermoregulatory, and digestive systems are working! The brain is fully formed, but nerve connections and connections will be established for a long time - this process, you know, is very delicate.

But the baby has long been expressing his emotions and experiencing yours, he sees dreams, hears all sounds, feels tastes and smells (by the way, be extremely picky in food and cosmetics), needs love and communication. At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the baby sees perfectly, distinguishes between light and darkness, and focuses on all sorts of “interesting things”. The baby is happy to play with her body and umbilical cord. He feels so good here! Warm, cozy, calm... He is not in a hurry to go anywhere, because the preparations for the birth are not over yet.

Most importantly, the pulmonary system continues its development and will fully mature only by the birth itself, but even now the lungs will be able to work if it is suddenly needed. The heart is getting stronger, and with it the blood vessels. The kidneys are now ready to filter.

To assess the intrauterine development of the baby will help ultrasound at 33 weeks of gestation. The specialist will pay attention to the motor activity of the fetus, measure its anatomical dimensions and heartbeat, check the absence of intrauterine abnormalities and pathologies, assess the location of the child and the degree of entanglement with the umbilical cord if the baby is “wrapped up”.

The sex of the child is most likely already known to you by this time. If not, then it is quite possible to find out now, unless the small one closes. Otherwise, it will not be easy to examine the genitals: there is less and less space in the tummy, and the baby no longer spins in different directions, as before.

Also, the uzist is obliged to assess the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid, the condition, wall thickness and degree of maturity of the placenta, the condition of the uterus and cervix.

After the ultrasound, the specialist will again determine the date of the expected birth: it may change slightly after each diagnosis, as new information and data arrive. The doctor will draw conclusions about the method of delivery and, if necessary, correct the ongoing therapy.

Ultrasound at 33 weeks of gestation is sometimes simply necessary, so do not neglect it. The study will help to identify violations during pregnancy and, in some cases, to decide on early birth. However, in the vast majority of all cases, it is necessary to confirm that the baby is in perfect order, and he is preparing for birth, as expected.

If the ultrasound has established and the doctor has confirmed that nothing threatens the pregnancy, then there can be only one reason for refusing intimacy: the woman’s reluctance. Sex at 33 weeks should certainly bring only pleasure to the expectant mother. If this is not so, then dad will have to be patient. However, it often happens just the opposite: pleasure is deprived of a woman, not a man. Many daddies are frightened by a big belly and a kicking baby: it’s a pity, they are so suspicious. Meanwhile, the sensitivity of a woman's genitals is now, as a rule, increased, and sex could become qualitatively different than usual.

It’s just wonderful if nothing interferes with love pleasure even for later dates. But it is worth considering a number of nuances:

  • Male sperm is a natural labor stimulant because it has a softening effect on the cervix. For this reason, some doctors in the later stages recommend using condoms or simply not ejaculate in the vagina. And before the most expected childbirth or when they are delayed, on the contrary, stimulate the process.
  • Deep penetrations and sudden movements should be avoided during sex at 33 weeks pregnant.
  • Choose poses with penetration from behind: the pose of "spoons", the pose of "dog-style".
  • If the mucous plug (and even more so the water) has gone, then there can no longer be any talk of sex: the path to the baby is open, including for various microbes and infections.


Sex should be temporarily stopped if you notice suspicious discharge at 33 weeks pregnant. Mainly, we are talking about bloody traces - red, brown, scarlet (unless their source is the anus, which can be observed with hemorrhoids).

Also, you should think about when you observe a watery liquid discharge of a transparent color without smell. Small amounts of such a liquid may indicate water leakage, which requires hospitalization. A plentiful outflow of amniotic fluid is considered the beginning of childbirth.

If you no longer have Pap tests for infections in the third trimester, then do so. Firstly, the risk of contracting various sexually transmitted diseases is not excluded. Secondly, very often in pregnant women thrush worsens, which must be cured before childbirth, and there is less and less time left. You should address this issue immediately if you observe changes in whites. Green, yellow, purulent, earthy, white, cheesy, foamy, mucus lumpy or flaky discharge at 33 weeks pregnant is pathological!

The discharge of a lump of mucus from the vagina with a volume of approximately 2 tablespoons - at one time or in fragments - may be a mucus plug. It can be translucent, creamy in color, streaked with blood, or even bloody (but not necessarily) and is a harbinger early delivery. If your cork has come off, then you need to tell the gynecologist about it.

Remember that breast discharge is physiological and does not require anything other than hygiene. It is strictly contraindicated to squeeze out colostrum!

33 weeks pregnant photo

Various discharges at the 33rd week of pregnancy may be accompanied by pain. So, with genitourinary infections, in addition to discharge, you will experience discomfort during urination, perhaps even an increase in body temperature. Of course, such diseases require qualified treatment.

The appearance of traces of blood on underwear, along with pain in the rectal area, is possible with anal fissures and inflammation hemorrhoids.

But much more often, the expectant mother experiences a different kind of pain. These are pains in the back, sacrum, lower back and legs associated with weight gain. The load on the spine and knee joints is increasing all the time. It becomes really burdensome to wear a belly, especially if you stick it forward. Correct posture will greatly reduce pain in the lumbar region. Comfortable shoes, wearing a bandage, frequent rest in a prone position (preferably on the left side) will also contribute to this. Do not walk or stand for a long time, do not sit on chairs without a back, do not lie on your back.

Cooling the feet (taking a cool bath or placing them on a cold surface) and raising them to an elevated position can help alleviate the painful feeling in the legs. The hands - especially the fingers and wrists - may also experience tingling sensations, as if the hands are going numb. Try not to put them under your head during sleep, and if you are doing work that requires frequent movement of the phalanges and wrists, then knead and rub them more often.

The headache often goes away also after a normal rest, especially well in a darkened, cool and well-ventilated room. A walk, a light snack or a warm shower can also relieve a headache attack, but be careful with the latter: due to the shifted center of gravity, your sudden movements now can lead to a fall. In general, by the way, it’s better not to take a shower when no one is at home, and do not close from the inside (just in case). And in the bathroom and on the floor, lay rubber mats so as not to slip.

At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the female body is actively preparing for childbirth, so aching pains in the pubic and pelvic area may appear: the bones diverge, opening the way for the child. The knee-elbow pose or a warm bath will relieve pain attacks. It is also very useful to swim and wear a bandage if you have no contraindications to this.

From the 33rd week, you will probably also feel pain in the hypochondrium: the baby rests here with the legs, which are already strong enough to hurt. This will have to be endured, closer to the birth, the tummy will begin to sink - and it will not only become easier to breathe, but it will hurt less in this area.

In general, abdominal pain should alert you: do not be afraid to disturb your doctor once again and clarify what exactly hurts and where. But do not panic ahead of time: pulling pains in the lower abdomen as a harbinger of childbirth can appear as early as 33 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, the uterus continues to train, contracting for a few seconds and relaxing again. If such fights do not grow and do not become more frequent, then there is nothing to worry about. But if soreness occurs, you can alleviate the condition by applying warm palms of your hands to your stomach.


At 33 weeks pregnant, the belly reaches its highest point. In connection with this, the mother experiences certain discomfort, mainly shortness of breath, heartburn and painful movements of the child, more precisely, the movements of his legs. However, gradually the tummy will begin to sink down - and these inconveniences will disappear.

A child at 33 weeks of gestation gains weight very quickly: every day he becomes heavier naked. Of course, his dwelling must be large enough, and as the skin stretches, the stomach may itch more and more. Moisturize your skin, don't wear tight clothes, don't lift heavy things, don't fall. The tummy is now very heavy and “pulls” the whole body along with it. Be careful in your movements, it is not uncommon for women to fall in the third trimester due to a shifted center of gravity.

At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the stomach may shudder rhythmically: the baby often hiccups.

During each of your visits, the gynecologist will carry out the usual manipulations with the abdomen: measure its circumference, feel it, listen - such an examination will give him a lot of important information about the development of the baby and the course of pregnancy. And the doctor will certainly weigh you: this is also important.

Weight at 33 weeks pregnant

Weight control must be carried out throughout pregnancy, and especially in the third trimester, since there is a risk of preeclampsia, one of the signs of which is excessive weight during pregnancy.

In order not to gain too much, control not only the quantity, but also the quality of what you eat. The calorie content of the diet should be reduced mainly by reducing the proportion of flour and sweet products and dishes. The weight is also affected by fried and very tasty (often we cannot stop in time, right?), Therefore, with a large weight, it is recommended to use a minimum of spices and seasonings.

Extra pounds can also add fluid that lingers in your body. If the urine passes significantly less than that what you take inside, and also if the face and limbs swell, then you will have to give up salt.

Weight at 33 weeks of gestation may be 9.4-13.4 kg more than the initial data. But this increase is an average, approximate. Small deviations from the norms are not a cause for concern.


So, the final stage of pregnancy is somewhat tiring. In addition to pain, heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids and other “joys”, you may experience fatigue and helplessness by this time. Sleep becomes more and more uncomfortable, it is sometimes impossible to breathe at all, especially when lying down: the stomach props up under the very chest. In addition, several times a night you have to get up to go to the toilet: the bladder cannot withstand the pressure of the uterus. Night trips can be reduced by limiting fluid intake at night.

High blood pressure at 33 weeks of gestation may be a sign of preeclampsia, but before lowering it, consult your doctor, as it is a protective reaction of the body to the danger that threatens the child.

Now you may be bleeding from your nose or gums, your ears stuffed up, your belly button protruding, your limbs may go numb and your legs may cramp - all this is temporary, but enough attention should be paid to oral hygiene. There is less and less left before childbirth, but this does not mean at all that it will be easier later. The baby requires a lot of attention and care, and the birth itself can be difficult and exhausting in terms of physical activity. Therefore, no matter what, try to gain strength in front of them and still relax. This is the time that you can devote to only yourself for now.

Childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation is called premature, because the baby is not yet completely ready for independent existence outside the mother's body. But what is most important now: already at 33 weeks, he will be able to breathe on his own, and this greatly facilitates the nursing of a premature baby and preserves his health.

Diary of pregnancy / 15 weeks of pregnancy + tummy

Premature birth can often be avoided by taking extra care of yourself. However, in some cases, childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation will be unavoidable for medical reasons. Do not take it to heart, remember: the time has come when the baby can decide for himself when it is better for him to be born. If something wrong happens to him, then childbirth will be the best way out of the situation.

Naturally, all decisions on the advisability of premature delivery or prolongation of pregnancy should be made jointly with the leading gynecologist.

If there are no prerequisites for early childbirth, then start preparing things and documents for the hospital. This is especially important to do in advance if you are going to partnership childbirth: the second "giving birth" needs to undergo a medical examination and get a pass to the maternity hospital.

33 weeks pregnant

33 weeks pregnant how many months

Accept congratulations: your pregnancy lasts exactly eight months! But have you forgotten that there are two months left, and not one? After all, the obstetric month is twenty-eight days or four weeks. Therefore, translating into calendar months, the duration of pregnancy will be longer than nine months.

Thirty-three weeks of pregnancy - the first week of the ninth obstetric month starts. How is your baby?

Fetus, fetal size, baby at 33 weeks gestation

And the baby has grown a lot, and it is already getting tighter and tighter. The size of our crumbs is about a cm, and it weighs about 2000 g. Accordingly, the growth of the uterus also increases, but the size of the abdomen is still limited. Therefore, with somersaulting, our baby will have to tie. However, at thirty-three weeks, if your baby has not previously taken the final position before childbirth, he still has the opportunity to roll over. How will your child behave now? Activity will be limited, but there will be more movements and stronger blows. The baby builds muscle and accumulates fat, and he is already becoming very strong, the blows that he sends to his mother also become much more sensitive and even more painful.

At thirty-three weeks pregnant, the baby looks almost like a newborn. The proportionality of body parts becomes more pronounced. The fluff (lanugo) has almost disappeared. The work of the endocrine, nervous, immune, thermoregulatory and digestive systems is in full swing. The brain is fully formed, but there is a long process of establishing nerve connections and connections.

The development of the pulmonary system continues, and full maturation will be only for childbirth, but if there is a need, the work of the lungs will begin now. The heart becomes stronger, and with it the blood vessels become stronger. The kidneys are already capable of filtering.

The baby can already express his emotions and is very sensitive to your changes in mood. He is already able to dream, hear sounds, feel tastes and smells, distinguish between light and dark, and even focus his eyes on something that seems interesting to him. At this time, the baby plays with interest with the umbilical cord and his arms and legs. As long as he's not in a hurry, it's too early for him to come out into the light.

Ultrasound at 33 weeks pregnant

During pregnancy thirty-three weeks, will be able to assess intrauterine development ultrasonography. The specialist will be interested in the motor activity of the fetus, measure its anatomical dimensions and heartbeat, make sure there are no pathologies and intrauterine abnormalities, check how the baby is located and whether there is an entanglement with the umbilical cord.

You most likely already know the gender of your baby. If not, you can find out now. But the space in the stomach has become very small and your baby is no longer spinning, so if he decides to close, it will be problematic to consider the floor.

In addition, the specialist will evaluate the amniotic fluid, their quantity and quality. Check the condition, wall thickness and degree of maturity of the placenta. It also examines the condition of the uterus and its cervix.

After the ultrasound is performed, the doctor may reconsider the date of birth, this is normal. The date of birth may change slightly after the ultrasound, as new information and new data appear. The doctor will determine which method of delivery will be necessary, and possibly adjust the therapy.

During pregnancy thirty-three weeks, ultrasound is simply necessary, they should not be neglected. Ultrasound reveals abnormalities during pregnancy, and sometimes contributes to the decision to preterm birth. But basically, ultrasound confirms that everything is fine with the baby and he is preparing himself for birth.

Sex at 33 weeks pregnant

In the event that an ultrasound has been established, and the gynecologist has confirmed that the pregnancy is proceeding well, the rejection of intimate relationships can only be caused by the woman's reluctance. During thirty-three weeks of pregnancy, sex should only be a pleasure for the pregnant woman. If the expectant mother does not want closeness, then so be it. Although, more often it happens the other way around, it's dads who refuse intimacy, not moms. Many men are alarmed by the presence of a large belly and kicking a child in it. But in vain, because right now the genitals of a woman are more sensitive, and sex could bring novelty.

It is very good when nothing prevents you from enjoying love games even at such a late date, but you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  • The natural labor stimulant is male sperm. It softens the cervix. It is because of this that the use of condoms is recommended in the later period, or at least refrain from ejaculating in the vagina. But if childbirth is delayed or before the onset of childbirth, on the contrary, you can start stimulating the process.
  • Eliminate deep penetration or sudden movements during intimate relationships at thirty-three weeks of pregnancy.
  • Give preference to poses with penetration from behind: the position of "spoons" and the position of "doggy style".
  • Sex is not possible when the mucus plug or water is released, because this has opened the way to the child for various microbes and infections as well.

Discharge at 33 weeks pregnant

During pregnancy for thirty-three weeks, if you find suspicious secretions in yourself, you need to stop sexual relations. Basically, if these are bloody traces that have a color: red, brown, scarlet. Make sure they are not connected to the anus, which is seen with hemorrhoids.

Also, you should be on the lookout for watery, liquid discharge that is clear in color and odorless. Not a large number of fluid is released when water leaks, and this requires an ambulance. And a large amount of fluid indicates the onset of labor.

If during the third trimester you did not take smears for infections, then you need to pass them.

First of all, infection with sexually transmitted diseases is not excluded, and then a pregnant woman often has an exacerbation of thrush, and treatment must be started faster, because there is so little time left before childbirth! If you change whites, consult your doctor immediately. They should not be: green, yellow, earthy, white. The presence of cheesy, purulent, foaming, with lumps of mucus or flocculent discharge is also considered a pathology.

If a lump of mucus in the amount of about two tablespoons stands out from the vagina, immediately or in pieces, this may be a mucous plug. It can be translucent, creamy, streaked with blood or bloody. If you notice that your cork is coming off, tell your doctor, because the cork is a harbinger of childbirth.

Never squeeze out colostrum! Discharge from the chest is a physiological discharge and does not require any special care, only hygiene.

It hurts, pulls the stomach at 33 weeks of gestation

At thirty-three weeks pregnant, the height of the abdomen reaches its peak. In connection with this, mommy has uncomfortable sensations, namely: shortness of breath, heartburn and movements of the baby's legs, which bring pain. But slowly the stomach will sink, and the discomfort will be left behind.

A baby at this stage of pregnancy is actively gaining weight: every day he adds. It is more and more difficult for the stomach to contain such a big baby, the skin stretches as much as possible and this causes the stomach to itch a lot. Do not forget to moisturize the skin with creams or just vegetable oil, avoid heavy lifting, protect yourself from falling. Your stomach is very heavy and because of the shifted center of gravity, you can fall.

Often, a future mother can observe rhythmic twitching of her stomach, this is your baby just hiccuping. When visiting a gynecologist, procedures already familiar to you will be carried out with the abdomen: measuring the circumference, probing, listening, weighing - all this will be - necessary information for the doctor about the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby.

The presence of various secretions at the thirty-third week of pregnancy may be accompanied by pain. For example, having a genitourinary infection, in addition to discharge, you will experience pain during urination, and the temperature may also rise. Such diseases should be treated by specialists.

Watching blood in your underwear, and experiencing pain in the rectal area, it may be an inflammation of the hemorrhoids or anal fissures.

However, in general, a pregnant woman feels a slightly different pain. With an increase in weight, pain in the legs, lumbar region, and back appears. The load on the knee joints and spine increases. Follow some rules, and lower back pain will decrease. Namely: when walking, try not to stick out your stomach, keep the correct posture, wear comfortable shoes, wear a bandage, rest lying down more often, do not walk or stand for a long time, do not sit on a chair without a back, do not lie on your back. Soaking in cool water and elevating your legs can help relieve leg pain. Hands sometimes become as if numb. In this case, try to knead and rub them more often, and also give up the habit of placing your hands under your head during sleep. For headaches, rest in a cool and dark room. Also, the headache may recede during a walk or after a light snack and a warm shower. However, try not to take a shower when you are at home alone, and also unlearn to close yourself in the bathroom and get anti-slip mats on the floor (all these warnings just in case).

During pregnancy for thirty-three weeks, the female body is actively preparing for childbirth, so the appearance of bursting pains in the pubic and pelvic area is normal (the way is opened for the baby - the bones diverge). In this case, the pain will be removed with a warm bath or a knee-elbow pose. Swimming and wearing a bandage will also benefit if it is not contraindicated.

At the thirty-third week of pregnancy, pain will appear in the hypochondrium: the baby rests with all her might on the legs, and they are already quite strong and can hurt mommy. Be patient, soon the stomach will drop, and the pain in the hypochondrium will be less of a concern.

In principle, abdominal pain should always alert a woman. It is better to go to your doctor once again for nothing and tell you where it hurts and how, than to miss the dangerous pain. But don’t panic either: a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, a harbinger of childbirth, appears from the thirty-third week of pregnancy. In addition, the training of the uterus continues, which contracts and relaxes after a few seconds. In the absence of an increase and an increase in such contractions, there is no need to worry. If there is a painful sensation, put your hands on your stomach, the pain will recede.

Weight at 33 weeks pregnant

It is necessary to control weight during the entire pregnancy, and especially in the later stages, because there is a possibility of preeclampsia. The main symptom of this disease is weight gain.

By controlling the quantity and quality of the foods you eat, you can monitor your weight, preventing it from deviating from the norm. It is necessary to reduce flour and sweet products. Also minimize fried, spicy, spices and seasonings.

Weight gain can also occur due to excess fluid in your body. If you have swelling, it makes sense to give up salt. The normal average weight gain is 9.5-13.5 kg from the original. A slight deviation is perfectly acceptable.

Feeling, moving at 33 weeks pregnant

Well, are you tired of the final stage of pregnancy?

Having "all the charms" available, namely: pain, heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids, you have added more fatigue and helplessness. Sleep is uncomfortable, it is unrealistic to breathe, especially lying down, you have to run to the toilet all night (the uterus presses on the bladder). Also, the child continues to delight mom and dad with his stirring, as in previous weeks.

If you have high blood pressure at thirty-three weeks of pregnancy, this may be a sign of preeclampsia, but do not lower it yourself. Consult with a gynecologist, maybe this is a defensive reaction of your body and the child is in danger.

A normal phenomenon during pregnancy for thirty-three weeks is the laying of the ears, the protrusion of the navel, and numbness of the limbs. It is also possible to bleed from the nose or gums, do not worry, everything will return to normal soon, but do not forget about oral hygiene. You have less and less time, very soon the birth. And it won't get any easier after giving birth. The baby needs care and attention, and it is not known how your birth will go. They can be both light and heavy, debilitating. Therefore, now you need to take care of yourself, relax and gain strength, then you will belong only to your baby.

Delivery at 33 weeks pregnant

At the thirty-third week of pregnancy, delivery is considered premature, as the child is not yet fully adapted to life after childbirth. The main positive here is that the baby is able to breathe on its own, and this will make it easier to care for a premature baby.

Protecting yourself and listening to your body, many pregnant women can protect themselves from premature birth. But sometimes doctors insist on such childbirth. Do not worry, now the baby himself chooses the time for birth, if something goes wrong with him, then childbirth will not be the worst option. It goes without saying that all questions about preterm birth are taken with your doctor.

Well, if you don’t have any medical indications for premature birth, for now, prepare things and documents for the maternity hospital. This must be done ahead of time if you have a partner birth: the second child giving birth must go through a medical commission and then the procedure for obtaining a pass to the maternity hospital.

pulls the waist. 33 weeks.

Tonight, my back was hurting quite badly in the lumbar region, I was a little scared. I was constantly drawn, I could not find a place for myself. could it be training?

oh, muscles and bones are almost constant now)) when walking or when I turn from side to side

Thank you! they just write differently everywhere, they say sweatpants are pains in the stomach, or only in the back. Here I am confused.

so it dragged on for some time at night, half an hour or more, then it passed, at least I could fall asleep

well, nice! take care of yourself, rest more and, most importantly, do not twitch because of any nonsense!

eh, it didn’t happen, I won’t even tell you, but most likely sweatpants 🙂

I can’t tell you, but you’d better ask the doctor when you go to the appointment)) How quickly the time has flown by, and you are about to give birth. Easy delivery and a healthy baby.

THANK YOU, Alina! I didn't notice it myself, I'm surprised!

It's good that the time didn't noticeably fly by))) so there were no problems)))) We should meet somehow for a walk or sit somewhere))))

That's for sure! need to meet

the day before yesterday we came to the cinema to see you, after 8 we also plan to go.

I was in the hospital, just got out. now it is undesirable to go, unfortunately, it is necessary to inform up to 38 ((

And what is it, why did she end up in the hospital.

yes, it seemed to my doctor that I needed to lie down, save myself) at first I refused, but then she broke me)

Alright, take care of yourself and baby.

Mom won't miss

women on

Our pregnancy calendar reveals to you the features of all stages of pregnancy - an unusually important, exciting and new period of your life.

We will tell you what will happen to your future baby and you in each of the forty weeks.

33 weeks pregnant

Already 33 weeks pregnant! The baby has taken a permanent position, its weight increases, the formation of all organs and systems continues, their improvement continues. It is becoming more and more difficult for the baby to move, there is less and less freedom of action, so the mother notices that the activity is becoming somewhat lower. The baby sleeps longer, and at this time he begins to have dreams! In REM sleep, active movements of the eyeballs occur. Expectant mothers also note that pregnancy at 33, 34 weeks is the time of appearance and they have vivid dreams.

A specific skin pattern appears on the baby's fingers. The layer of adipose tissue increases, thermoregulation improves. Organs and systems are already so well formed that childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation is not so dangerous - the chances of a baby from this period are much higher.

At 33 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the child approaches two kilograms, and its height is 43 centimeters.

33 weeks pregnant: how many months? That's eight months plus one week. By this gestational age, the baby's body is quite mature. Then there is the final maturation of the nervous, respiratory and other systems.

What's happening?

The most significant changes are now taking place in the baby's respiratory system. There is an active formation of surfactant - a substance that provides the possibility of independent breathing, straightening the lungs at the first breath. The bronchoalveolar system is already fully formed. Due to such changes, a baby born at seven months usually already breathes on its own.

Pregnancy 32, 33 weeks is accompanied by an increase in the subcutaneous fat layer, and the baby looks more well-fed, like a newborn.

The baby at this stage has already taken the final position in the uterus - the most physiological is the head presentation, when the baby is upside down, and it is the head that will be the first to pass through the birth canal. At 33 weeks pregnant, breech presentation can still be changed.

The fetus and its development

actively developing and nervous system, sense organs. The kid sees well, very clearly distinguishes the voices of mom, dad, has a certain daily routine. The baby responds very well to the music that he likes, and right now is the time to turn on pleasant melodies for him, and even better, sing songs that will lull him to sleep after birth. Psychologists recommend reading to the baby, and the more the better. The sound of a mother's voice is the most pleasant thing that a baby hears.

The last trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the improvement of the motor activity of the child. His movements become more coordinated, not so chaotic. The muscles are also strengthened, and the mother feels that the strength of her movements is increasing. Gradually increase the size of the heart, the thickness of the vascular wall. The endocrine system is actively formed. The baby is already developing its own immunity.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Belly at 33 weeks pregnant

An enlarged belly causes concern to the mother, can cause discomfort in the costal arch, pelvis. The uterus at 33 weeks of gestation is 33 centimeters above the womb and 13 centimeters above the navel. At this time, the mother's normal weight increased by 12.5 kilograms. The uterus, squeezing the bladder, is the cause of frequent urination. There is no way to cope with these phenomena, you just need to be patient a little more, because there is very little left before the birth.

The bottom of the uterus is very high, and in most cases this is accompanied by heartburn, shortness of breath. You can alleviate your condition somewhat by adjusting your diet. Try to eat often, in small portions. Be sure to include fiber-rich foods in your diet to improve digestion. This will help to cope with the constipation that often accompanies pregnancy. It is pleasant to realize that heartburn, shortness of breath will decrease very soon - the uterus will drop a little lower before childbirth.

Fetal movements at 33 weeks

If you read the forum about the 33rd week of pregnancy, it is noticeable that all expectant mothers note a slight decrease in the activity of the baby. And this is no accident: the baby is getting closer and closer in the uterus, it is becoming more and more difficult to perform active movements, and it is much more pleasant to just kick mom with a heel. Time of constant changes of position, incredibly high activity in the past. It's time for the baby to gain strength before giving birth.

Mom's Feelings

The third trimester of pregnancy is perhaps the most difficult for expectant mothers. The load is very high, and, despite the incredible joy of waiting to meet the baby, the physical sensations are not always pleasant. But, following some tips, you can greatly alleviate your condition.

  • Often at this time, aching pain in the back worries. This is due not only to a shift in the center of gravity, big size abdomen, but also with the preparation of the body for childbirth. Under the influence of hormones, the bone joints soften to facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal. And now it is causing discomfort. Try to normalize your daily routine: rest more often in a comfortable position. Usually at 33 weeks, every mom knows in which position the pain decreases. Do strengthening exercises for the back muscles.
  • The activity of the baby has already become somewhat lower, but the force of blows with heels and elbows has increased significantly. You probably already understand the baby well and know when the activity is higher. Often this can be due to the fact that the baby is hungry. If you have ruled out all the reasons, and the activity is still high, just rest, relax, stroke your tummy, talk to the baby, sing a song to him. It will surely calm him down.
  • Often, mothers notice the appearance of leg cramps. Typically, such phenomena begin as early as the second trimester, they are associated with an imbalance in the content of calcium and magnesium. The best way to deal with muscle spasms is to use preparations with trace elements. The doctor will help you choose the best one. On your own, in case of leg cramps, you can do the following: pull the foot towards you by the fingers so that the calf muscles are stretched. Ask your spouse to help you - he can do the same exercise, combining it with an intense massage of the calf muscles. This usually relieves the spasm quickly. Warm foot baths also help.
  • In the last stages of pregnancy, the mother should pay special attention to nutrition. It is necessary to make a diet taking into account the prevention of allergies in the baby, as well as the prevention of set excess weight mom. The most powerful sources of calories are carbohydrate foods, as well as fats. Despite desire finally treat yourself, sweets and other sweets should be excluded altogether, significantly limit bakery products, pasta. Now the quality of the food consumed is very important, because the baby takes all the nutrients. You need vegetables, fruits (with limited allergens), meat, fish, dairy products.

Sex at 33 weeks pregnant

Intimate relationships are an integral part married life, and during the normal course of pregnancy, the process of intercourse itself does not pose any threat to the baby. Of course, positions in which the stomach is squeezed should be avoided. Optimal postures in which the spouse is behind. Avoid sudden movements. And you also need to know that sperm has the ability to soften the neck, stimulate labor. Therefore, in the last stages it is advisable to use a condom.

A woman should carefully monitor what kind of discharge she has at the 33rd week of pregnancy. Watery, profuse discharge often indicates leakage of amniotic fluid, and this is a reason for immediate medical attention. The same applies to the appearance of blood in the secretions.

Pain at 33 weeks pregnant

In the last stages, a woman should be especially attentive to pain. It is quite acceptable at the 33rd week of pregnancy, when the stomach pulls. Such short periodic sensations are associated with training bouts. However, if this is too worrying, if the pain has intensified, do not hesitate to visit a doctor.

The increasing load on the skeletal system leads to frequent pain in the back and legs. The load is associated not only with an increase in the weight of the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid, but also directly with an increase in the weight of the mother. Late pregnancy requires strict adherence to the activity regimen. It is categorically impossible to lie down for days on end, even if the stomach is already very large. Only motor activity will support and strengthen the muscular frame, and this is very important for the normal course of childbirth.

Many mothers note that in most cases, pain in the lumbar region decreases in the knee-elbow position. Why not take advantage of this? Just stand on all fours for a few minutes and you will immediately feel your back relax. This position allows you to reduce pain in the hypochondria, because at this time the bottom of the uterus is high, the baby often rests on the costal arch, falling on the nerve plexuses.

Be sure to wear a bandage. Its role is to support the abdomen, which significantly reduces pain in the pelvis, lower back, in addition, the muscles are less stretched, and you will recover faster after childbirth.

Required research. Analyzes

In addition to standard studies, ultrasound is usually performed at 33 weeks of gestation. This is a screening study that allows you to exclude the presence of pathology of the placenta, intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus, it is also necessary to diagnose polyhydramnios in a timely manner. At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the functional diagnostics doctor evaluates all the dimensions of the fetus, its position, dimensions (fetometry at the 33rd week of pregnancy), the condition of the placenta and other parameters.

Useful video

Questions - answers

Yesterday I did an ultrasound and got the following conclusion: 33 weeks of pregnancy, cord entanglement. What to do with it?

The tactics of childbirth during entanglement with the umbilical cord is determined by the doctor individually for each situation. In some cases, a caesarean section is required.

I am 33 weeks pregnant with twins. I often feel training contractions, but in recent days they seem to me stronger. What does it mean?

Pregnancy with twins is different in that usually delivery occurs earlier than the fortieth week. And pain at 33 weeks of gestation may already indicate an imminent onset labor activity. You should consult with the doctor who will attend the birth.

Why does the stomach pull at 33 weeks of gestation?

Most often, pulling sensations in the abdomen at this time are associated with training contractions (Brexton-Hicks contractions). The tone may also be the cause. At the same time, the stomach hurts not too much, rather there is a feeling of tension. If the pain is severe, you should definitely go to the doctor.

I was diagnosed with oligohydramnios at 33 weeks pregnant. Is it dangerous?

Amniotic fluid is of great importance: they create an optimal environment around the baby, protect against trauma, help the baby move, protect the umbilical cord, and help open the cervix during childbirth. Oligohydramnios is dangerous because the baby is in an uncomfortable position, spinal deformity may develop, as well as the formation of adhesions that can wrap around the umbilical cord, the fetus, interfering with normal development. With oligohydramnios, weakness of labor activity is possible. The most important parameter is the amount of water, because a slight decrease in them may well be the norm.

I am 34 weeks old - for 5 days I have been sharply seizing the lower back and lower abdomen, as during menstruation, my chest hurts (nipples), my head is spinning. And the lower back aches, because the stomach is already large, it pulls forward, and the muscles must somehow cope with this. And the last common problem, when the pregnancy already reaches 33 weeks, pulls the lower abdomen. Also, often, expectant mothers complain that when the 33rd week of pregnancy has come, it pulls their lower back. Follow some rules, and lower back pain will decrease. At the thirty-third week of pregnancy, pain will appear in the hypochondrium: the baby rests with all her might on the legs, and they are already quite strong and can hurt mommy.

The lower back does not ache, but the contractions are stronger than when they just started. On the same day, I had a PPA with my husband. After 3 days, he began to pull the lower abdomen again, pulled the ovaries periodically, the chest filled up, it hurts. Very often, when the 33rd week of pregnancy comes, the stomach pulls. This is due to the same contractions of the uterus. To understand how severe the pain is, you need to lie down and relax as much as possible.

Given all the reasons described, aching pain in the lower back at the end of the pregnancy period is not threatening. A normal phenomenon during pregnancy for thirty-three weeks is the laying of the ears, the protrusion of the navel, and numbness of the limbs. There are a lot of reasons that cause aching pains and it can be extremely problematic to figure out the reasons that caused them on your own. Excruciating pain symptom in the lower back is sometimes a manifestation of urolithiasis. Aching pains can also signal an inflammatory process or infection, which is also dangerous for both the child and the life of a woman.

Watching blood in your underwear, and experiencing pain in the rectal area, it may be an inflammation of the hemorrhoids or anal fissures. Mostly, we are talking about bloody traces - red, brown, scarlet (unless their source is the anus, which can be observed with hemorrhoids). Watery discharge of a yellowish color indicates the discharge of amniotic fluid. Even the slightest leakage should alert you.

If the mucous plug (and even more so the water) has gone, then there can no longer be any talk of sex: the path to the baby is open, including for various microbes and infections.

For example, severe pain in the pubic joint is pathological in nature, and indicates symphysitis (excessive divergence of the articular surfaces of the pubic bones with the development of the inflammatory process).

Thanks to this, the uterus more and more often comes into tone, and the cervix becomes soft, well extensible, it softens all over.

At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the female body is actively preparing for childbirth, so aching pains in the pubic and pelvic area may appear: the bones diverge, opening the way for the child. In addition, pulling pains can be a sign of premature birth, and if they do not go away, then it is better to go to the maternity hospital yourself in order to be under the supervision of doctors if childbirth suddenly begins. Childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation is called premature, because the baby is not yet completely ready for independent existence outside the mother's body.

The only thing that children born at 33 weeks of gestation are unable to cope with is the independent maintenance of a constant body temperature, because the development of subcutaneous tissue is still insufficient. All the pain that occurs at this time is likely to disappear immediately after delivery, and do not pose any danger to the health of the woman and child.

However, in some cases, childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation will be unavoidable for medical reasons. It is necessary to control weight during the entire pregnancy, and especially in the later stages, because there is a possibility of preeclampsia.

But what is most important now: already at 33 weeks, he will be able to breathe on his own, and this greatly facilitates the nursing of a premature baby and preserves his health. She can be upset by the pains that are a normal manifestation of pregnancy, she worries about her child, and even his appearance is not far off.

The development of the pulmonary system continues, and full maturation will be only for childbirth, but if there is a need, the work of the lungs will begin now.

Moreover, doctors advise already at this time not to lie on your back, so the pain will not go away, but on your left side. It is not necessary to walk a lot and for a long time, there is no benefit in this. When the 33rd week of pregnancy has come, the stomach is pulling, then you should not self-medicate, because not only the health of the woman, but also the life of her child is at stake. But the space in the stomach has become very small and your baby is no longer spinning, so if he decides to close, it will be problematic to consider the floor. Very often, little by little, he pulled his stomach. Then it turned out that these were training contractions and I gave birth very quickly. Previously, the pregnancy went much better, it was easier to walk, but at 33 weeks there are unpleasant pains when walking, it starts to hurt and upset the woman. But do not be discouraged if preterm labor occurs at this time, as your baby will already be able to breathe on his own.

To somehow reduce the pain, you need to change the position of the body, so that both you and the baby become more comfortable. Tomorrow morning I'll call an ambulance and go to bed - I can't do it anymore. And today is Sunday and it's useless to go there now. And yet - the stomach became lower, as before childbirth. Sex at 33 weeks should certainly bring only pleasure to the expectant mother. If this is not so, then dad will have to be patient.
