What can you buy a child of 12 years. A gift for a twelve-year-old teenager - sporty and stylish

What to give a 12-year-old boy is difficult to think of for both teenage friends and parents. Friends can't afford expensive gifts, and parents are lost in the choice, poorly understanding what might be of interest to the newly minted teenager.

Choose interesting gift in accordance with the budget and the nature of the birthday man, it is quite possible. There are several gift ideas for any wallet for different boys.

Price is one of important criteria gift choice. Of course, “they don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” and it’s unlikely that a boy will evaluate a gift for its high cost. However, the high cost justifies the quality, design, originality of the gift. In addition, the cherished gadgets, game consoles, fashionable hoverboards are not cheap.

It is difficult to choose what to give a boy of 12 years old, having 500 rubles in his pocket. However, even for such an amount you can pick up a beautiful, useful and original gift which is sure to please the birthday boy.

300-1000 rubles

It is worth mentioning right away that the most budgetary, but expensive gift will be a hand-made thing. The cost of consumables often does not exceed 1000 rubles, so if friends know how to carve wood, weave bracelets, sculpt from polymer clay, then you should please your friend with your creativity.

Such a gift will be especially valuable, because it was made especially for the birthday man. In addition, friends can team up and make a general congratulations with pranks, sweets and balloons.

If friends are far from creative, and you need to choose a gift for a 12-year-old boy now, then here are some inexpensive ideas:

  • comic book (from popular "Marvel" to novels in pictures);
  • badge or keychain with the logo of your favorite football team, computer game, movie;
  • flash drive of an unusual shape;
  • glowing headphones;
  • mug with pocket;
  • unusual piggy bank (ATM, safe, bomb);
  • Night Light Projector;
  • board game (arcade, Jenga, Monopoly);
  • luminous shoelace;
  • magic ball of answers;
  • drum set for fingers;
  • fingerboard;
  • mini rollers for shoes;
  • luminous nipples for a bicycle;
  • nominal cup;
  • kaleidoscope;
  • a set of lenses for a smartphone;
  • phone screen magnifier
  • a device for making popcorn in a microwave oven;
  • luminous baseball cap;
  • virtual guitar.

1000-5000 rubles

Gifts within 5,000 rubles are made by adult brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, as well as friends of parents who want to please the birthday boy. The choice of expensive presents is best left to parents, grandparents. At the same time, buying cheap trinkets is not solid.

Examples of what to give a boy for his 12th birthday within 5,000 rubles:

  • capacious stylish backpack;
  • wrist Digital Watch;
  • portable headphones or speakers;
  • music center in the form of a car;
  • toy on the control panel;
  • an unusual alarm clock, for example, with a backlight or with a basketball hoop;
  • a set of a young physicist or chemist;
  • optical mouse in the form of a car or an airplane;
  • glasses of virtual (additional) reality;
  • heated slippers;
  • table air hockey;
  • laser shooting range;
  • Jedi robe;
  • USB electronic drum set;
  • guitar;
  • microphone or headphones with a headset (relevant for gamers);
  • children's telescope (for example, Levenhuk Strike 50 NG).

5000 and more rubles

At the same time, expensive electronics are not the only thing that can be presented to a 12-year-old boy. For an amount of 5000 rubles or more, you can purchase constructors with elements of robotics, collectible editions of games or books, a quadrocopter.

A few examples of expensive gifts from detailed description are shown in the table:

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A home planetarium will bring a little scientific romance. The birthday boy will be able to visually study the star map of the sky and decorate his room. The projection of the stars is accompanied by the night sounds of nature. In addition to the planetarium, you can purchase projection disks with a view of the Earth from space or with outlines of constellations.

If a child loves to take pictures and is interested in the subject of photography, then you should give him a good camera. It would not be superfluous to supplement the gift with a book on shooting techniques, composition, and artistic photography.

A model for assembly or a 3D puzzle will captivate not only the birthday boy, but also his parents. It is better to choose mechanical models that, after proper assembly, will be able to spin, move, open and close.

An interactive globe is a useful and informative gift. The globe is equipped with a special panel and a pen that gives out information about countries. The device contains 30 themes and can be updated via the Internet. With a globe, it is easy to master the school curriculum and learn new things about the countries of the world.

A laptop is a suitable gift for a 12 year old. The need for information increases along with the school load, so if the birthday boy does not yet have his own personal computer with Internet access, then it's time to purchase a device.

Advice! An impression would be a good gift. Flight to hot-air balloon, equestrian sports, rock climbing, blacksmithing will captivate a teenager and give a lot of new emotions. Depending on the interests of the boy, you can choose both active recreation and cozy master classes.

Who is the gift for?

When choosing a gift, it is important to understand what the birthday person will be most happy about and what will remain indifferent. The reaction of the boy can be predicted by his character and temperament.


When thinking about what you can give a boy for 12 years, do not forget that at this age, many teenagers are mobile and sociable. If the boy cannot sit still, he loves sports and likes to spend time with friends, then you should pay attention to outdoor and board games.

Mafia, foosball, badminton set, darts, skateboard, frisbee, basketball are a great choice to release excess energy and chat with friends. If the boy is a football fan, then he will appreciate a hat, scarf, jacket with the attributes of his favorite team.

A few examples of gifts for mischievous people are shown in the table:

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Jumpers are special stilts that you can jump on. Stilts are securely fastened to the boots with straps. Jumpers are good trainers for maintaining balance and developing leg dexterity.

Waboba is a water bouncing ball that is ideal for playing in the pool or on the sea. The ball is only 5 cm in diameter, but this does not prevent it from bouncing high off the water surface and even coping with waves. Waboba is a good gift option for a "summer" birthday.

Kite flying is a great summer fun that has been popular for generations. You can control a colorful kite with friends or parents.

Sled tubing is a necessary gift for a mobile boy born in winter. With tubing, it is comfortable and safe to ride down ice slides and have fun in winter.

Aerofootball is a great solution for those who love football and are ready to play anytime, anywhere. You can move the playing field directly to your room. All you need is a smooth surface to play. Do not worry, the ball will not break the vase and will not fly out the window. A fan is built into a special airball, which creates an air cushion above the surface. The ball glides easily and does not bounce off the floor.

smart guy

A birthday boy who loves to learn and learn new things is best to present a book. You should find out in advance what you can give a boy of 12 years old from literature that is interesting to him.

There are special series of scientific books for children and teenagers. For example, books in the 30 Seconds series or Stephen Hawking's novels George and the Secrets of the Universe. Dreamers and future engineers will love What World Will We Live In Tomorrow? Luke Iaddadena.

Mathematicians and technicians will be interested in various creative kits for building robots. These are not ordinary constructors. Assembled robots move, draw, clean. The child will not only make an interesting toy for himself, but also learn about the basics of robotics.

Examples of what else you can give smart people:

  • backlight for books;
  • a set of original bookmarks;
  • eBook;
  • children's microscope;
  • crystal growing kit;
  • chess;
  • a set of puzzles;
  • game for the humanities "Erudite";
  • anatomical set, visually introducing the structure of the human body;
  • 3D pen for creating three-dimensional models;
  • scientific kits - "Dynamo Machine", "Wind Generator", "Potato Clock", etc.

Advice! You should find out in advance what exactly the child is interested in. Not all boys are interested in physics, mathematics and technology. If the boy is a humanist, then he can be presented with appropriate board games, a beautiful pen with a notebook, or a book by his favorite author.


Gifts for creativity at home are suitable for a quiet calm boy. Also, do not forget about game consoles and books. If the boy already has his own hobby, then you can donate additional devices, materials, equipment for creativity. Colorful books with ideas and master classes will also come in handy.

Examples of what to give a 12-year-old boy who loves to spend time at home are shown in the table:

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The child will be able to get acquainted with the growth of plants with the help of the Smart Plants set. A special labyrinth clearly shows how green sprouts reach for the light, overcoming all obstacles. Legumes are used as "experimental" plants, which germinate quickly in a few days.

The Cinematograph set will allow you to create your own cartoon and understand how animation works. The set includes animation disks (some of them are empty so that the child can draw a cartoon himself) and a spinning cinematograph platform.

With the help of the "Illusionist" set, the child will learn what dynamic illusions are, get acquainted with the device of the stereo effect and the laws of perspective. The attached instructions will tell you how to master the illusory art and feel like a magician.

A wood burning machine is useful for a skilled boy who loves to make crafts. The device can be purchased as part of a creative set (additionally includes a board and stencils) or separately.

An aqua farm is a great option for those who like to take care of plants and animals. An aqua farm is a whole ecosystem where plants and fish complement each other, creating excellent conditions for growth and development. The kit includes a pump powered by electricity, a reservoir, fish food, seeds. The fish must be purchased separately.


If a child dreams of traveling, watches documentaries about countries and nature with interest, and also engages in tourism and loves hiking, then he can be presented with travel equipment and science manuals. A compass, a thermal mug, a tent are just as great a gift for a 12-year-old boy as an atlas, a book about the structure of the Earth or an interactive globe.

Examples of gifts for the discoverer:

  • pith helmet like a real adventurer;
  • radio flashlight;
  • binoculars;
  • compass;
  • the Volcano set, which clearly demonstrates how lava erupts;
  • an archaeological set with augmented reality technology (for example, the Triceraptos DNA set);
  • a cartographic puzzle that allows you to assemble a map from countries, continents or planets (a map of the world, Europe, Russia, Africa, the solar system);
  • ski equipment - mask, balaclava, suit, board;
  • encyclopedia (geography, biology, astronomy, archeology);
  • portable charger to always be in touch;
  • adventure book (Jules Verne, Stevenson, Defoe, Jack London);
  • walkie-talkie for communication at a distance (convenient on a hike);
  • instant camera.

For the artist

Artistic natures are especially sensitive to the refined world of art. Choosing what to give a 12-year-old boy who is passionate about painting and decorative art is not difficult. The craft store is full of supplies and tools, the bookstore is the right book, and the home store is a beautiful place to decorate the birthday boy's room.

Examples of "artistic" gifts for a 12-year-old artist are shown in the table:

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The book of reproductions will acquaint with world masterpieces. The book will be useful for young artists in the study of the history and technique of painting. You can also donate special books about composition, colors, drawing techniques.

The board game "Memo" with a series of paintings by Russian or foreign artists will train your memory and introduce you to the world's masterpieces of painting. The rules of the game are simple: you need to look for identical pairs of cards, turning over two at a time. The one who finds the most pairs wins.

The potter's wheel will appeal to craftsmen who love to work with clay. The circle is powered by electricity and does not take up much space. With the help of the circle, the boy will learn how to make pottery.

A set for oil painting is useful for a student of an art school. The set includes primed canvases, brushes, paints. You can complement the gift with a book about the features of working with oil.

Graphics tablet - useful gift for those who like to draw comics, model, fantasize. Tablets are used by professional artists, designers, illustrators. The skills of working with a tablet will be useful to the child in professional activities.

Advice! A young artist or designer will enjoy a master class in fine arts. The environment of creative people who will be able to pass on the experience to the younger generation will inspire the boy and contribute to the development of talent.

A few more ideas will be given by the teenagers themselves in the video in this article.

You should not think that all 12-year-old boys are mischievous and adventurers who do not want to learn. Some boys will be happy with an interesting book, while others will be happy with a creative set. The choice of a gift depends on the hobbies, interests and character of a particular boy.

Twelve years is the very beginning of a transitional age. At this time, children change not only physiologically, but also psychologically. Many teenagers have a strong spirit of contradiction, it becomes difficult to negotiate with them, it is not easy to please them with the choice of a gift.

Most twelve-year-old boys try to behave like adults, although they are still children at heart. Therefore, when deciding what to give a boy for 12 years, it is worth considering various options for presents. It can be some types of toys, and quite adult gifts.

Electronic gadgets

Nowadays, various electronic devices are often purchased as a gift for a 12-year-old boy. It can be a modern model of a phone or tablet, a laptop or a gaming computer. If there is a desire and an opportunity to give a child an expensive gift, then you should buy him some kind of electronic novelty.

An MP3 player can be a great gift option, because most twelve-year-old boys listen to music with pleasure. This device can also be useful for other purposes: for listening to audiobooks or for learning a foreign language. When choosing a player, you should pay attention not only to the functionality, but also to the design of the player. For a twelve-year-old teenager, you can choose a player with original design, for example, in the form of an angry bird from the popular game Angry Birds.

You can give the boy and a camera. Despite the fact that today even cheap phones have cameras, many teenagers want to have photographic equipment. After all, even not the most expensive "soap box" gives much more opportunities for filming. Therefore, if a teenager has an interest in photography, you should pay attention to this gift option.

Another interesting gift for a child for 12 years - wrist watch. At one time, many stopped wearing watches, since you can see the time on your phone, but now this accessory has come into fashion again. For a twelve-year-old teenager, it is better to purchase an electronic watch with a variety of functions. When choosing a model, you should pay attention to the design, the watch should be stylish and fashionable. Given the fact that it is rare for a twelve-year-old boy to have a sedate manner, it is better to choose a model with a waterproof case and shock protection.


Is it worth it to buy toys as a gift for a boy on his 12th birthday? The answer to the question depends on the inclinations of the birthday man. Most boys this age will be happy to receive:

  • Radio control toy. A helicopter, a flying saucer, a robot that can be controlled from the remote control will delight the birthday boy.

  • Constructor. Of course, this should be a complex designer, designed specifically for teenagers. For example, you can purchase an electrical kit that allows you to assemble circuits to turn on a fan or a light bulb. This toy will be not only interesting, but also useful, it will help to understand the elementary laws of physics, which will be useful at school.

  • Board games. For a twelve-year-old child, you can pick up a variety of board games. These can be sports games, for example, air football. Or intellectual games: various strategies. For intellectuals, chess will be a wonderful gift.


Why not give the boy his own vehicle for his birthday? Of course, we are not talking about a car, but about a bicycle. If a child does not have this thing necessary for every boy, or the old bicycle has become “too small” for him, then such a gift will bring a lot of joy.

You can give other "means of transportation":

  • skateboard;
  • rollers or mini-rollers that are attached to sneakers;
  • skates.

Gifts for sports

The boy must be not only intellectually developed, but also strong. Therefore, it must be necessarily attached to sports. As a birthday present, you can buy a punching bag and a pair of boxing gloves. Many boys enjoy watching boxing fights on TV, and such a gift will help them imagine themselves in the place of a champion. In addition, it is a useful simulator that helps develop muscles and train the cardiovascular system.

You can also give various exercise equipment: a treadmill, an exercise bike, etc. But when choosing such a gift, you need to remember that they take up a lot of space, so you need to take into account living conditions birthday family.

If there is no place to place simulators, then as a gift you can present an expander for training certain muscle groups or stacked dumbbells.

In the event that the birthday boy wants to play any kind of sport, give him a subscription for classes in the section of his choice. But before that, you need to consult with the parents of the child.

Clothing and footwear

A twelve-year-old boy is already paying attention to what he is wearing. However, most boys will not be too happy if they get ordinary jeans or a jacket for their birthday.

If the donor still wants to donate wardrobe items, then you should opt for things that the birthday person really likes, even if they seem not very practical.

Many boys of this age will be pleased if they receive military-style clothes. In such clothes, they themselves seem more solid and mature. You can give your child a fashionable youth backpack. This thing is universal, with a backpack you can go to school and for walks.

To amuse the birthday boy, you should present him with a T-shirt with funny inscriptions or pictures. Or a cool cap with a fan built into the visor. The energy source is a photocell located at the top of the cap. In such a cap, you can safely go for a walk even in extreme heat, a pleasant breeze will fan your face.

Gifts original

It is very difficult to choose gifts for a child who has everything. In this case, you need to choose really original things. Here are some gift ideas:

  • soccer ball lamp on a stand, which is assembled from parts, like a 3d puzzle. Such a lamp looks spectacular, it will perfectly fit into the interior of a teenager's room. The assembly model consists of 77 parts, therefore, in order to assemble such a lamp, you will have to rack your brains.

  • Snow blaster. If the birthday falls on the cold season, then a snow blaster will be a great gift for a boy. This is a "weapon" that shoots snowballs. Using it is simple, just collect the snow in the form and pull the trigger. With such a "weapon" you can arrange a real snow battle.

  • Set for a young spy. This is an interesting toy that includes: a spyglass with a sixfold magnification, a removable hidden flashlight that gives a narrow directional beam of light and a voice changer. Using the voice changer, you can create various sound effects: change the volume, tone, range.

  • Original alarm clock. An alarm clock is a must for every student. Of course, you can buy an ordinary watch, but it is better to buy a gift original model. For example, an alarm clock with a target, it will give a signal until an accurate shot from a laser pistol is fired. Another option for a funny alarm clock is a clock on wheels. When the signal is turned on, they begin to “run away”, to turn off the signal, they will definitely have to get out of bed.

You can do without material gifts, often best gift the boy is a new experience. Of course, when choosing this gift, you need to know the interests of the birthday man. Someone will like going to the aquarium more, someone will be delighted with tickets to a football match or a rock festival, and someone has long dreamed of flying in a wind tunnel or learning how to shoot accurately from a crossbow.

Gifts from friends

For a birthday, it is customary to invite friends of the same age, who also prepare gifts for the birthday man. It is clear that twelve-year-old children do not earn money themselves, so a gift for a friend should be inexpensive.

As a gift from a friend, it will be nice to receive a disc with a computer game or some kind of hand-made thing. For example, a model of a ship or an aircraft. As a present from a girl, you can prepare a book, a mug with a portrait of a birthday man, chocolate or other goodies.

Usually, it is easier for children of the same age to choose a gift for a friend, since they perfectly know his desires, so mistakes are unlikely.

When they think what to give a boy for 12 years for his birthday, they often come to a standstill and do not find a worthwhile idea. But the entertainment industry, electronics and toy manufacturers offer many interesting services and products that may be of interest to a teenager. There is plenty to choose from - from the latest innovations in the digital technology market to unpretentious, but necessary and funny souvenirs.

The best gifts that a child will be delighted with:

  1. puppy or other pet;
  2. educational microscope;
  3. Spyglass;
  4. gaming mouse;
  5. smart TV in the nursery;
  6. computer for video games;
  7. robot vacuum cleaner;
  8. projector;
  9. columns;
  10. trip to Disneyland.

Gift Impressions - 15 Emotional Gift Ideas for Boys

Emotions are the best thing you can give a boy for his 12th birthday:

  1. Rest in the camp.
  2. Tour to other countries where the family has long wanted to visit.
  3. Thematic quests for the 12th anniversary in which ingenuity and dexterity are manifested.
  4. Colorful fireworks.
  5. Travel in a hot air balloon.
  6. Laser tag is an opportunity to get into the world of games that boys are fond of.
  7. Flying in a wind tunnel, where air at high speed lifts a person up, causing a feeling of free fall.
  8. Photo shoot - boys love to post too beautiful photos on Instagram.
  9. Hike to the Experimentarium— a museum where science becomes understandable.
  10. Karting is an opportunity to experience high speeds in reality.
  11. Excursion to the training base of your favorite football team.
  12. Flying in a flight simulator- an interesting gift for a boy on his 12th birthday, if he dreams of becoming a pilot and dreams of the sky. There is always an instructor nearby who helps with driving and tells how to use the on-board electronics.
  13. Master class in painting wearing virtual reality glasses is suitable as a gift for a boy with creative inclinations who would like to try himself in new areas of art.
  14. Rope park with attractions will turn the birthday boy into Indiana Jones, who went after the Ark of the Covenant, which can only be obtained by overcoming many obstacles.
  15. riding session the child will be happy to receive as a gift. Communication with animals relaxes, restores peace of mind.

Cool original surprise - top 5 ideas

A child will remember his birthday if a surprise is prepared for him:

  1. Pack a small gift in many layers of wrapping paper, increasing the volume of the box several times. To get a gift, you have to try.
  2. Organize a meeting with an idol - an athlete, artist, gamer, who will present the child with a gift prepared by the parents.
  3. Hire an animator, for example in a Superman costume, who will rise to the window on aerial platform and congratulate you in an original way.
  4. Invite friends to your house, but in such a way that the boy does not know about the upcoming party.
  5. Arrange a quest in the apartment - hang notes on the walls, doors, cabinets with hints about where the cache with the parents' present for the son is located.

Useful and interesting for a teenager

Useful things can also be interesting if, for example, they are connected with hobbies.

Money as a gift

If they don’t know what the child wants, then money will be the best gift. They are also given when the birthday boy saves up for some big thing, such as a hoverboard.

Top 5 best modern gadgets for a boy

These are the coolest ones that no one will refuse. The best gadgets for a 12 year old from this category:

  1. game console;
  2. virtual reality helmet;
  3. eBook;
  4. running alarm;
  5. game steering wheel.

Top 10 most interesting toys for teenagers

Manufacturers develop hundreds of models interesting toys for boys from 12 years old:

  1. Science Play Set Amazing Toys Boxing Tops which demonstrates the laws of physics.
  2. Neocube puzzle toy- a set of neodymium magnets. Of these, you can add any two-dimensional and three-dimensional figure.
  3. Board game Duke "Make a figure"- a panel of carnations, accurately reproducing the object attached to it.
  4. Metall Puzzles set- for those who love puzzles.
  5. A quadcopter is one of the most interesting devices, including for adults.
  6. Board game "Mafia" helps to develop memory, ingenuity, intuition, strategic thinking.
  7. Dinosaur WowWee Fingerlings- for those who are interested interactive toys(over time, you can collect the entire collection of prehistoric animals).
  8. Radio-controlled jumping robot drone.
  9. Designer Robotime Triceratops with remote control- Fun for the whole family.
  10. Music Box is another 3D puzzle from Robotime that develops perseverance and purposefulness in a boy.

Everything you can ride - bicycles, roller skates, skates

Boys are interested in any means of transportation. In addition to bicycles, rollers, skates, you can donate more modern transport:

  1. hoverboard;
  2. electric scooter;
  3. electric bike;
  4. skate;
  5. unicycle.

Sports gifts - a list of good ideas

The list of gifts for physical development can contain dozens of items. At this age, the boy can give:

  1. sports corner in the apartment or in the yard;
  2. boxing gloves and a pear;
  3. high-quality tennis racket - Larsen, Babolat and others;
  4. ping pong set (net, rackets, table);
  5. ball autographed by your favorite football player;
  6. dumbbells;
  7. cue if the child plays billiards;
  8. skis or other accessories for this sport;
  9. basketball stand and ball;
  10. swedish wall.

Gifts for outdoor activities - a list of ideas

A gift for a child at the age of 12 is selected from products for outdoor activities:

  1. metal detector— will find old coins and other interesting items (the most simple models affordable).
  2. Multifunctional digital compass. The device remembers routes, shows the time, has a backlight and a timer. Many models are field-ready and splash resistant.
  3. Universal mobile battery hikers need to always stay in touch with their parents.
  4. A headlamp is an accessory that you cannot do without either when descending into a cave or while climbing a mountain peak.
  5. A 12th birthday GoPro camcorder shoots a video of the guy's accomplishments for a social media blog.
  6. Camera Accessories to enjoy the video recorder more fully.
  7. Tactical Hiking Backpack with many pockets for the necessary things.
  8. Sleeping bag - you can go hiking with an overnight stay with it, and parents will not worry about the health of their son.
  9. Hydrator - a container from which they drink water on the go or at a halt, without getting it out of the backpack.
  10. Equipment for the chosen sport- knee pads, elbow pads, shoes, helmet, gloves.

For a young musician - high-quality musical instruments

If the child is into music, then it's time to switch to the "adult" versions of the selected instrument. Such a gift can be given to a boy who dreams of becoming a drummer or guitarist, pianist or saxophonist, like his favorite stars.

If there are enough funds, then a student of a music school will appreciate the instrument that his idol used to play. Such a rarity can be purchased at auctions, including charitable ones.

Top 5 best video games for a boy (with a brief description)

Teenagers spend most of their time playing video games, so an uncle can present a disc with a new version of racing or a shooter to a twelve-year-old nephew. Among the best for this age category:

  1. In the shadow of the Colossus (Shadow of the Colossus) is a classic action game from Fumito Vedi developed by Bluepoint Games. The hero of the game saves the girl, for which he has to destroy giant creatures made of stone - the keepers of an ancient secret. At his disposal is a bow, a magic sword and an inquisitive mind. The platform used is PlayStation 4.
  2. StarBlood Arena- good gift boys who have a virtual reality helmet. The teenager will feel like an astronaut taking part in adrenaline battles. The player has 9 spaceships with different technical specifications. Platform: PlayStation VR.
  3. Aion: The Tower of Eternity virtual world, consisting of two regions - Asmodeus and Elios. On earth and in the sky there is a fierce war between two great nations. Beginners and experienced network gamers will like online battles, where they fight not only with monsters, but also with other players. Platform - RS.
  4. Burnout Paradise Remastered is offered as a present to a teenager who is crazy about breakneck speeds. Paradise City is a racing town with hundreds of streets and dozens of racing tracks. This is an improved version of the game, and the racing has become even more spectacular. Platform: PlayStation 4.
  5. NHL 19 is dedicated to hockey fans. The player is offered to go from a beginner to a professional. Thanks to Real Player Motion Tech technology, it was possible to improve the dynamics, speed, control sensitivity in comparison with previous editions. Skirmishes with rivals have become even more spectacular and intense.

Top 5 best gifts for the development of a boy's creativity

Many teenagers have hobbies at the age of 12, and this sets the direction for the search:

  1. A camera and a book for beginners, revealing the secrets of the profession of a photographer. Such a gift will suit everyone, since photography has firmly entered life with the advent of social networks.
  2. Easel, paints, colored pencils- for those who found themselves in the fine arts.
  3. Lego constructor - this toy impresses even adults with its capabilities.
  4. Name tool with engraving to conquer new heights in the chosen form of creativity.
  5. 3D pen with plastic set develops spatial thinking, teaches how to create three-dimensional drawings. The kit includes templates to help you understand the principles of drawing in the air.

collectible gifts

Gifts for 12-year-old boys who are keen on collecting are also easy to pick up. It can be:

  1. old coin;
  2. rare stamps;
  3. an item of clothing of an idol - a T-shirt, a cap, a boxing glove;
  4. album for storing exhibits;
  5. cards with athletes and even their autographs and more.

If there is no hobby yet, you can give the boy a few exhibits for his birthday, which will initiate a new hobby and arouse interest in collecting.

Clothing and style - a selection of ideas

Jeans of prestigious brands - Lee, Levi`s, Guess, Collin`s, Diesel, Mustang - do not go out of fashion. Models - slim, with folds, artificially aged, from unfinished denim. Coming into fashion and overalls for boys.

Bomber jackets are bought as gifts for children. There are such models for every season, including summer (windbreakers). A dandy with a style of his own will love quilted velvet sweatshirts worn with shirts. It looks fresh and elegant and is suitable even for a New Year's disco.

12 is the age of first love. To hit the passion, you definitely need a strict suit. For winter evenings, sweaters with traditional Norwegian patterns which are now back in trend. Boys who love to go hunting and fishing with their fathers need appropriate clothing - a camouflage suit.

If the leg has grown, a pair of Nike, Adidas, Reebok, New Balance sneakers will be a good gift for a child. From boots, teenagers appreciate Steel, Caterpillar, Timberland. You need to choose original shoes or something cheaper, but of high quality, not a fake. Otherwise, classmates can make the boy laugh.

Gifts from family and friends

The most expensive gifts are always from relatives. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following options:

  1. computer chair;
  2. laptop;
  3. smartphone;
  4. ant farm;
  5. subscription to the pool;
  6. computer desk;
  7. master class on your favorite pastime;
  8. quality watches;
  9. professional microphone - for a child involved in vocals.

What to give a friend for 12 years for his birthday - 15 cool ideas

You can prepare a comrade for a significant day with many different useful and interesting things that he will definitely appreciate. It can be:

  1. Homemade photo album, in which are imprinted best moments life, under the photos you can write short stories and memories of the event captured by the camera.
  2. Football ticket: give one to a friend, buy the second one for yourself to cheer for the team together.
  3. A collection of books about the adventures of your favorite heroes.
  4. Cool piggy bank with a few coins inside as a birthday present for a birthday person who decides to collect money.
  5. Monopoly game, for which you can gather a large friendly company.
  6. table billiardsgreat way friends are interested in spending leisure time.
  7. soccer ball lamp, minion or other favorite character.
  8. The Darts set develops accuracy and relieves stress after a day at school.
  9. Perfume set- the best gift for a guy who likes from a girl.
  10. Baseball cap with the logo of your favorite computer game, football team, etc.
  11. Portable speaker for smartphone, and you can listen to music with friends even on the beach.
  12. Mug stirrer with fan- an interesting and original gift instead of a faience cup.
  13. Computer game.
  14. Protech Hover Ball is a ball that is used to play football not only on the street, but also in the apartment.
  15. Kite.

Inexpensive gift for a boy on his 12th birthday - 10 cheap ideas

For 12 years, a boy can be presented with many inexpensive souvenirs that he will be happy with:

  1. football team logo keychain or your favorite car brand;
  2. Fisher Space Pen, which writes at a temperature of -50 ° C, on a wet, oily and glossy surface, and even under water (it was developed for astronauts);
  3. scrapbooking style cards- cool do-it-yourself gifts for a young man from girls;
  4. mobile phone stand;
  5. original bookmark for books;
  6. mechanical postcard;
  7. stylish night light, for example in the form of a camera;
  8. stationery organizer in the form of speakers or a London telephone booth;
  9. magic ballthat gives answers to questions;
  10. glowing frisbee plate may become a favorite outdoor toy.

What to give a boy 12 years old for the New Year

As a New Year's gift, you can purchase:

  1. smartphone projector- to watch movies and anime;
  2. lightbox on the wall with an interesting plot instead of a boring sconce;
  3. headphones;
  4. touch lamp;
  5. umbrella with LED-backlight;
  6. safe book;
  7. organizer for mobile devices and accessories to them;
  8. table soccer— from a mini-version to a full-fledged slot machine;
  9. patterned bed linen set relevant to the interests of a 12-year-old;
  10. young biologist kit with 80 slides, including the jaws of a bee, bone tissue from the human body, plant cells (such gifts to a boy on New Year do to get him interested in biology at school);
  11. slippers in the form of tanks or animal paws;
  12. set of young chemist;
  13. mechanical constructor(such toys captivate even adults who choose them as a gift for the New Year to a boy of 12 years old);
  14. flash drive disguised as a key or other item;
  15. a telescope for studying the starry sky;
  16. Electric Toothbrush children as a gift from caring grandparents;
  17. trip to Veliky Ustyug to Santa Claus not only for kids, such a trip can also be presented to an adult child for the New Year;
  18. pendant module, for example, space-themed.

It is not difficult to give a teenager a thing that he will appreciate, even if he has everything. The main thing is to be interested in the life of your child, friend, grandson.

2018-11-07 pvipadmin

A 12-year-old teenager is no longer a child, but he will not become an adult soon either. Therefore, it is so difficult to find a gift for a boy of this age. It is important to choose something that he really needs, but at the same time not to hurt the vulnerable teenage soul and not offend by chance. If you do not know what to give a boy of 12 years old, be sure to use our tips to choose the best present.

How to choose the right gift for a teenager

At the age of 12, a boy may already have formed tastes, addictions and hobbies. If you know the recipient of the gift and their interests well, try to choose something that matches them. If it's a son, brother or another close person, you can ask directly or wait for his hints. If the guy's addictions are not known, buy something universal.

It is very important to avoid too childish gifts. Perhaps the boy is at home and playing with cars, but you should not give them. Now he is at a difficult stage of growing up and reminders of childhood can completely ruin his mood. Also, do not give something too grown-up, such as an expensive engraved ballpoint pen or a leather purse. He doesn't need these things.

A good option is to ask the boy's friends what is valued in their company now, and what every teenager would like to receive.

Doubtful gift - money. On the one hand, the teenager will definitely be delighted, having received a significant amount and the freedom to spend it at his own discretion. On the other hand, such a gift will not leave any memory behind. If you still decide to donate money, do not give the boy advice on how and what to spend it on. Now it's his personal funds and he can dispose of them as he pleases.

TOP 10 gifts for a boy 12 years old

  1. Tablet or smartphone
  2. Bicycle or skate
  3. RC Quadcopter
  4. Books and other educational gifts, such as a microscope
  5. Sports accessories
  6. Digital Watch
  7. Visiting an amusement park, water park or cart center
  8. Hot air ballooning or skydiving
  9. Stylish clothes and accessories
  10. Useful little things, such as a flashlight or a knife

Inexpensive gift for a 12 year old boy

A relatively inexpensive thing is necessary if you choose a gift for some insignificant occasion or if you are really short of money. But, even choosing a very budget gift, you need to remember the preferences and interests of the recipient. The most successful presentations:

  • Male umbrella. Children, even teenagers often lose or break them, so such a gift will be useful to the recipient.
  • Electronic piggy bank. This is a relatively inexpensive, but very interesting gadget. It will not only help raise some money, but will also be a great decoration for a boy's room.
  • Book. This is a great gift if you know what topic the boy or his favorite author is interested in.
  • Fan attributes. If you know the boy's favorite sports team, you can give him a scarf, cap, T-shirt or headband with its symbols.
  • A game. It can be a board game like the world-famous Monopoly or a company entertainment like Twister.
  • Necessary little things, such as a flashlight, multi-function knife or phone stand.

Expensive gifts for a 12 year old boy

Even with an unlimited budget, choosing a gift can be very difficult. If you want to not just spend money, but really please the recipient, you need to learn more about his tastes and choose something necessary and useful. If you are choosing a gift for a close relative you know well, you can ask them directly. It is more difficult if there is no opportunity to find out about the boy's preferences. In this case, it is better to buy something universal, for example:

  • Tablet. Most teenagers have them. But, such technology quickly becomes obsolete and something new appears almost daily. Therefore, if you present a good gaming tablet, the boy will definitely be delighted.
  • EBook. High-quality modern readers are equipped with special screens that protect the eyes from dangerous study, so you can use them as often as ordinary paper books. Such a gadget can be a great alternative to a whole backpack of textbooks.
  • Radio controlled quadcopter. This is a toy that even an adult man will be delighted with, and a teenager will definitely be delighted. A quadcopter equipped with a camera will allow the boy to shoot fascinating videos from a bird's eye view.
  • Bike. This is a great gift that will help introduce your child to an active lifestyle and teach him to love sports. In addition, this is his first own means of transportation, which will help to quickly overcome distances.
  • Computer or laptop. If the boy still does not have his own PC, it's time to correct the situation.

Useful gift for a boy

It is very good if you manage to choose not only an interesting and pleasant, but also a useful gift. Of course, it is not easy to please a teenager, but there are things that he will definitely appreciate:

  • Modern youth watch. It is believed that a classic watch is not so much a useful device as an ornament for respectable men. But a modern shockproof and moisture-resistant model with a music player, a compass and a pedometer will cause a real delight in a teenager.
  • Sports accessories. Sufficient physical activity is the key to the health and proper development of the child. Therefore, any accessories for sports are useful and necessary presents. You can choose a set for a sports game, for example, for street or indoor basketball, punching bag and gloves, skates or licks, rollerblades or a skateboard.
  • Developing or educational present. It is designed to unobtrusively give the boy new knowledge and skills. A telescope, a microscope, a large and detailed atlas of the world or an electronic designer are suitable as such a gift.
  • Digital devices. Who knows, maybe a good camera given at the age of 12 will help the boy decide and become a photographer in the future. A new phone or any PC accessories will also be useful for the boy.

When choosing gifts such as a bicycle, skateboard or roller skates, don't forget to also get a helmet and protection for elbows and knees. A sports gift will only be useful if it is safe.

Original and comic gifts

Most 12 year olds already have a great sense of humor and will appreciate something unusual, original or funny. At this age, they will be happy with a unique present with their image. It could be a plate and/or cup, a T-shirt or even a mouse pad.

You can also pick up an interesting item or accessory:

  • Unusual or stylish clothes , for example, a hat with a beard, a long sleeve with an unusual pattern or slippers in the form of tanks;
  • Luminous laces for sneakers, a keychain for a backpack or nipples for a bicycle;
  • Unusual alarm clock, for example, imitating a bomb or running away;
  • table punching bag, which will help "let off steam" if homework does not work.

You can also give giveaway gifts. But keep in mind that insecure and vulnerable teenagers may misunderstand such a gift and be offended.

Adventure as a gift for a 12-year-old teenager

New impressions are something that all young people appreciate. If you want to please a 12-year-old boy, give him an adventure, for example:

  • Visit to an amusement park or aqua park. This is a great entertainment for the whole family - not only the recipient of the gift, but also the giver will enjoy it.
  • Horse ride. Probably all boys love horses, so this adventure will leave wonderful memories.
  • Visit to the card center. If a boy loves speed and is fond of technology, karting will be a great present.
  • Flight in a hot air balloon. Of course, no one will let one 12-year-old child go on such an adventure, but you can do it with your family.
  • Skydiving. Most flying clubs allow children from 9-10 years old to jump, but paired with an instructor.

If you are choosing a birthday present for a boy, you can arrange theme party. It can be based on the boy's favorite movie or computer game. Warn all guests in advance and prepare suitable paraphernalia.

You can also invite the boy on a hike if he is interested in tourism. A gift-adventure will surely please the recipient and will be remembered for a long time. A joint experience will help to get closer to all its participants. This is a great way to build relationships with a teenager and make friends for a long time.

It's no secret that the selection of gifts often causes a lot of trouble. Sometimes it may seem that choosing a present for an adult is more difficult than for a child. But in reality this is not so. Especially when it comes to teenagers. Teenagers are hard to please. And when choosing a gift, you don’t want to spend money on something that the birthday person won’t like. Therefore, further it will be told about what to give a boy for 12 years. The article contains tips and tricks that will help you choose an original and useful present. So what will a teenager like?

Gift Selection Rules

It should be noted that the choice of presentations is, in principle, not the easiest task. It has to be approached with special attention. Especially when the gift is given to a teenager. Small children are easy to please, adults are not too difficult. But for teenagers, choosing a good gift is a very difficult task.

What to give a boy for 12 years? When choosing, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Child's hobbies. They often play a decisive role.
  2. The nature of the birthday. For example, a homebody is unlikely to enjoy a trip to a water park, and an active person - a book.
  3. Child lifestyle. There are different gifts for athletes, active people and couch potatoes.

If you take into account these nuances, then choosing a present will be easier than it seems. Of course, the cost of the gift will have to be taken into account. Not always people are ready to spend as much on a gift as it costs.

Ask a child

What to give a child 12 years old (boy)? by the most in a simple way the selection of gifts is to find out from the future birthday man what exactly he wants. This approach is very common in practice. Especially among parents.

Teenagers almost always know what they want. If nothing comes to mind, you can simply ask the child what gift he wants to receive for his birthday.

Often, in order to maintain the effect of surprise, one has to furtively extract relevant information. Few people will agree to ask directly: "What do you want for your birthday?" But such cases also occur in practice.


Now some specifics. What to give a boy for 12 years? For example, the one who is inclined towards romance? Usually teenagers aged 11-18 are not too interested in intangible gifts. But sometimes there are exceptions. Boys who are prone to romance can enjoy interesting and original intangible gifts. Rare, but it happens.

What to give a 12 year old boy for his birthday? You can opt for the following gifts:

  • trip by plane/tank;
  • balloon flight;
  • a trip to where the child has long wanted;
  • tickets to a concert of your favorite band;
  • vocal lessons in a professional studio.

It should be noted that all this is an expensive pleasure. Therefore, as a rule, such presentations are presented or good friends, parents or close relatives.

Despite this, the child, in addition to impressions, should still have something to remember. For example, photographs. You can invite a professional photographer for the holiday. It will capture the most bright moments birthday.


What to give a boy for 12 years? Most teenagers at this age prefer material gifts. More specifically, technology. Therefore, this article of presentations should not be neglected. In the modern world, a gift in the form of a device is common. He is unlikely to surprise anyone, but he can please the child.

So, a boy at the age of 12 can be presented with:

  • smartphone;
  • laptop;
  • game console (for example, PS4);
  • tablet;
  • e-book;
  • camera.

The list of gifts does not end there. After all, progress does not stand still. And every year there is a new technique that can please many children and even adults. Let's say virtual reality glasses. If there are no ideas about what to give a boy for 12 years, you can get by with a gift certificate in a hardware store for a certain amount. Let the birthday person choose the present.

Unusual devices

In general, any modern child loves gadgets to one degree or another. But, as already mentioned, they can be different. Sometimes a modest piece of technology is enough for a teenager to be happy.

What to give a 12 year old boy for his birthday? The following gifts will be inexpensive:

  • a piggy bank that chews money;
  • alarm clock running away from a person;
  • pedometer;
  • "smart watch;
  • columns with original design.

All this can really surprise. After all, not always a child. In some cases, he does not need them at all. This is especially true for those children who have some serious hobbies.

music lover

As a rule, it is better for them to give something related to a hobby. Increasingly, among teenagers there are music lovers or musicians. What can you give a boy for 12 years in this case?

The list of gifts, as already emphasized, directly depends on the preferences of the child. It's huge. Most often the choice falls on:

  • guitar
  • good speakers;
  • headphones from a well-known manufacturer;
  • microphone;
  • synthesizer;
  • other musical instruments.

If a child is professionally engaged on some instrument, consumables like strings or accessories may come in handy: covers, straps, and so on.

Activity is everything

Most boys at the age of 12 lead an active lifestyle or just like to play outside, play sports. This fact will help you choose an amazing, original and useful present.

The following gifts are suitable for an active child or athlete:

  • laser tag session or paintball game;
  • pear and gloves;
  • sports section;
  • ball or club.

But most often in practice there are presentations that are considered universal. They are given to both boys and girls. different ages. It is recommended to pay attention to:

  • rollers;
  • bicycles;
  • skateboards;
  • scooters;
  • jumpers.

A child who is fond of sports will need a variety of sports accessories and clothing. Say knee pads or a helmet. But as a rule, such gifts are unlikely to please the modern teenager.

Budget gifts

What to give a boy 12 years old? Many gifts are inexpensive. The main thing is to know what exactly to pay attention to. In modern stores, it is possible to find inexpensive gadgets, books, clothes, tools that can please a teenager.

If there is confidence that the child loves to read, then the deluxe edition of your favorite series of books will definitely appeal to any person. Even to an adult. A teenager will be delighted with such a gift. In fact, such presentations are not very common. After all, children are more attracted to gadgets.

The following inexpensive devices can please a birthday boy at the age of 12:

  • flashlights;
  • fingerboards;
  • panels and holders for a smartphone;
  • board game (say, football or hockey).

It is hard to believe, but in modern stores it is possible to buy even an inexpensive smartphone or camera. It all depends on the preferences of the child and the amount for which it is planned to purchase a gift.

Findings and Conclusions

Now it’s clear what to give a boy for 12 years. The list of presentations in one case or another will definitely change. Basically, it is necessary to focus on the hobbies of a teenager. Or donate different gadgets.

Modern teenagers are often given money. This is a good option for those who do not know what to present to the birthday man. Let the teenager go to any store and buy what he dreamed of.
