Quotes of great people about love and about life. Wise Love Quotes Modern Celebrity Quotes

Try asking a person in love what the meaning of life is. Any lover. It is not necessary that he be an academic or a philosopher. In a state of love, any person knows what the meaning of life is - in love. The Polish writer Stanislaw Lem, although a science fiction writer, but absolutely correctly and realistically noticed: we do not need to conquer space, we are in the stupid position of a person rushing towards a goal that he is afraid of. Human needs human.

As proof of this, the site offers to read wise sayings and other great people about love. So, a selection of quotes about love with the meaning of short and not very - to your attention.

Beautiful quotes about love

Real intimacy usually starts from afar.
Vladimir Zhemchuzhnikov

Love is the universal energy of life, which has the ability to turn evil passions into creative passions.
Nikolai Berdyaev

Poor is love if it can be measured.
William Shakespeare

Love can change a person beyond recognition.

When you love, you want to do something in the name of love. I want to sacrifice myself. Want to serve.
Ernest Hemingway"A Farewell to Arms!"

But if you lose faith in love, the world will lose its beauty. Songs will lose their charm, flowers - aroma, life - joy. If you have experienced love, then you know that this is the only true happiness. The most beautiful songs are those that the beloved sings in your presence; the most fragrant flowers are those that he presents; and the only praise worth listening to is that from him. Simply put, life takes on color only when the gentle fingers of Love touch it.
Raja Alsani

What is thirty million worth if you can't buy a trip to the mountains with your girlfriend?
Jack London "Time Waits"

Love is when you want to experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under a lilac strewn with flowers, and in the summer to pick berries with someone and swim in the river. In autumn, cook jam together and seal windows from the cold. In winter - to help survive a runny nose and long evenings, and when it gets cold - to heat the stove together.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski"Martina"

Quotes with meaning about love

What is love? In the whole world, neither man, nor the devil, nor any other thing inspires me so much suspicion as love, for it penetrates deeper into the soul than other feelings. Nothing in the world so occupies, so binds the heart, like love. Therefore, if there is no weapon in the soul that tames love, this soul is defenseless and there is no salvation for it.
Umberto Eco "The Name of the Rose"

How can you love someone without loving them for who they really are? How can you love me and at the same time ask me to completely change, to become someone else?
Romain Gary "Lady L."

If you want someone to stay in your life, never be indifferent to him!

Being unattainable means that you touch the world around you with care. You don't eat five partridges, you eat one... You don't use people and pressure them until they shrivel into nothing, especially the people you love.
Carlos Castaneda"Journey to Ixtlan"

And we also have an excellent selection of quotes with meaning about relationships. These wise sayings will help you understand your relationship with your partner.

Quotes about life and love

We are a bridge across eternity, towering over the sea of ​​time, where we enjoy adventure, enjoy living secrets, choose our disasters, triumphs, accomplishments, unimaginable occurrences, testing ourselves again and again, learning to love, love and love.
Richard Bach "Bridge over Eternity"

It is useless to spend your whole life on one single path, especially if this path has no heart.
Carlos Castaneda"The Teachings of Don Juan"

Quotes about love for every day

Love is when the center of the universe suddenly shifts and moves into someone else.
Iris Murdoch

Love knows neither measure nor price.
Erich Maria Remarque

In fact, love always starts again.
Madame de Sevigne

The sum of our lives is made up of the hours we have loved.
Wilhelm Bush

You truly love only once in your life, even if you yourself did not understand it.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Love knows no "why".
Meister Eckhart

To die of love is to live by it.
Victor Hugo

Of course, not all love ends happily. But even such a feeling is beautiful, despite the fact that it is, for example, unrequited or breaks your heart.

Quotes about unrequited love

The broken heart grows wider.
Emily Dickinson

The best way mend a broken heart - break it again.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

The longing for the lost is not as painful as the longing for the unfulfilled.
Minion McLaughlin

To try to forget someone means to remember him all the time.
Jean de La Bruyère

Love is so short, oblivion is so long...
Pablo Neruda

All love is terrible. All love is a tragedy.
Oscar Wilde

If two people love each other, it cannot end happily.
Ernest Hemingway

But we believe that everyone will find their love - mutual, bright and for life. Love, which will fit the following statements and phrases.

Quotes about love are wise and beautiful

Love stronger than death and fear of death. Only it, only love keeps and moves life.
Ivan Turgenev

In the world of evil, stupidity, uncertainty and doubt called existence, there is one thing that is still worth living for and that is undoubtedly as strong as death: that is love.
Heinrich Sienkiewicz

Love is the heart of everything...
Vladimir Mayakovsky

You can live with love and without happiness.
Fedor Dostoevsky

The best thing about me is you.
Shannon Crown

If loyalty to someone gives you pleasure, it is love.
Julia Andrews

Marriage means more than love. The most important thing here is respect.
Agatha Christie

* There must be love in life - one great love in a lifetime, this justifies the causeless bouts of despair to which we are subject. Albert Camus.

* There is no power in the world more powerful than love. I. Stravinsky.

* One day you will understand that love heals everything, and love is all that is in the world. G. Zukav.

* Love is a priceless gift. It's the only thing we can give and yet you keep it. L. Tolstoy.

* Love is a lamp that illuminates the Universe; without the light of love, the earth would turn into a barren desert, and man into a handful of dust. M. Braddon

* Love is the beginning and the end of our existence. Without love there is no life. Therefore, love is something that bows before a wise man. Confucius.

* Well, how can a woman and a man understand each other, because they both want different things: a man wants a woman, and a woman wants a man. Fridesh Karinti

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* Belief that real love exists, is given to a person as a reward for a life directed towards the knowledge of love. S.O. Vysochansky.

* The only thing that matters at the end of our time on earth is how much we loved, what was the quality of our love. Richard Bach.

* To love is to see a person as God intended him to be. F.M. Dostoevsky.

* A person cannot build a healthier relationship with anyone than his relationship with himself. Psychologist Andrey Yudin

* Love heals people - both those who give it and those who receive it. Carl Menninger

* Love must not ask and must not demand, love must have the power to be sure of itself. Then something does not attract her, but she herself attracts. Hesse.

* Love is the only one of all spheres of human communication, which is an amazing interweaving of spiritual and physical pleasure, creating a feeling of fullness of life with meaning and happiness. S. Ilyina.

* If you seek to solve a problem, do it with love. You will understand that the cause of your problem is the lack of love, for this is the cause of all problems. Ken Carey.

* In jealousy, there is more love for oneself than for another. La Rochefoucauld.

* We are made for love. The meaning of life is a mystery, and it is revealed in love, through the one we love. Thomas Merton

* Love makes sense only when it is mutual. Leonardo Felice Buscaglia.

* The truth is that there is only one highest value - love. Helen Hayes.

* False love is rather the result of ignorance, rather than the lack of the ability to love. J. Baines.

* One must always live in love with something inaccessible to you. A person becomes taller from what stretches up. M. Gorky.

* What should be guided by people who want to live their lives flawlessly, no relatives, no honors, no wealth, and indeed nothing in the world will teach them better than love. Plato.

* Separation for love is like the wind for fire: it extinguishes the weak, and inflates the big one. Roger de Bussy-Rabutin.

* In the world there is no sight more beautiful than the face of a loved one, and there is no music sweeter than the sound of a beloved voice. J. La Bruyère.

* A woman was created to be loved, not to be understood. O. Wilde.

* If every person loved all people, then everyone would have the universe. Johann Friedrich Schiller.

* Wherever the sinner goes, he will create hell. Wherever the righteous goes, there is heaven. Shri Rajnesh.

* To love deeply is to forget about yourself. J. Rousseau.

* Love is a joyful acceptance and blessing of all living and existing, that openness of souls, which opens its arms to every manifestation of being as such, feels its divine meaning. Simon Frank.

* A full vessel of emotional love is as important to a marriage as a full fuel tank is to a car. Driving your marriage down the road of life on an empty "tank of love" can be even more hopeless than trying to drive a car without fuel. And it can cost a lot more. No matter how good your marriage is now, it can always be improved. The relationship of marriage itself is originally designed to convey love and intimacy. Marriage is also the main place where the inner "vessel of love" can be filled. Gary Chapman.

* Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find a bottom and does not see a limit! Johann Friedrich Schiller.

* True love is finding oneself in the rejection of oneself and in the disappearance of oneself in another. Hegel.

* Love is stronger than death and fear of death. Only it, only love keeps and moves life. I. Turgenev.

* Respect has boundaries, while love has none. M. Lermontov.

* Love is known only by love. We must not forget that spiritual experience is first and foremost the practical experience of love. And there are no rules in love. You can try to study textbooks, curb spiritual impulses, develop a strategy of behavior - all this is nonsense. The heart decides, and only they decision important and necessary. Paolo Coelho.

* Love cannot be rejected, for it is the food of our being. If you refuse it, you will die of hunger, looking at the branches of the tree of life burdened with fruits and not daring to pick these fruits, although here they are - just stretch out your hand. All knowledge consists primarily in the ability to listen to the voice of one's own soul. Paolo Coelho.

* To say that it is impossible to love the same woman is just as meaningless as to believe that a famous musician needs different violins to play different melodies. Honore de Balzac.

* The mirror that women trust the most is the eyes of a man. Sigmund Graff.

* It is interesting to marry only for love; to marry a girl just because she is pretty is the same as buying an unnecessary thing in the market just because she is good. A.P. Chekhov.

* Love that is not reborn daily, dies daily. Kahlil Gibran.

* It is not necessary to refrain from pleasures, but to rule over them, not obeying them. Aristippus.

* To love those who make mistakes and are mistaken - special property person. Such love is born when you understand that all people are your brothers; that they are mired in ignorance and are deceived against their will. Marcus Aurelius.

* Let's not talk about love, because we still don't know what it is. K.G. Paustovsky.

* Destroy love - and our earth will turn into a grave. Robert Browning.

* People who are distrustful of themselves want to be loved more than to love, so that one day, at least for a moment, they will be able to believe in themselves. Friedrich Nietzsche.

* Conjugal love, which goes through a thousand accidents, is the most beautiful miracle, although the most ordinary. Francois Mauriac.

* Where they love us - only there is a hearth dear. J. Byron.

* In moments of true love, you love everyone. I.I. Lazhechnikov.

* Great people develop love in themselves, and only a petty soul cherishes the spirit of hatred. Booker Tagliaferro Washington.

* One should never regret that a person is overwhelmed by passions. It's the same as if we began to regret that he is human. Andre Maurois.

* A thinking person is usually engaged in trying to adjust his idea of ​​things to new facts that refute him. In this shift, in this variability of thoughts, in this conscious correction lies the truth, that is, the lesson taught by life. A. Camus.

* He who wishes to see the living God, let him seek him not in the empty firmament of his own mind, but in human love. F.M. Dostoevsky.

* Only he means something who loves something. Being nothing and loving nothing are one and the same thing. Ludwig Feuerbach.

* Passion is capable of much. It can awaken an unprecedented superhuman energy in a person. She can, with her relentless pressure, squeeze titanic strength out of even the most balanced soul. Stefan Zweig.

* Oddly enough, but the ability to be alone is a condition for the ability to love. Erich Fromm.


Love quotes can be wise, romantic, and even funny.

They remind us that love is not to be taken for granted.

Here is a collection of beautiful and inspiring love quotes written by great people.

Beautiful quotes about love

"Love is the strongest of passions, because it strikes at the same time the head, heart and feelings". Lao Tzu

"Love is like a fever, it comes and goes regardless of your will." Stendhal

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart." William Shakespeare

"Love is a wild force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to comprehend it, it confuses us." Paulo Coelho

"Love is the best restorer." Pablo Picasso

"Love is to be fools, but together." Paul Valery

"Loving a woman with all your heart is not worth it. But not loving - it does not work." Salvador Dali

"Love is the poetry of feelings" Honore de Balzac

"Love is a game that two people play and both win." Eva Garbor

"The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved, loved because we are who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are." Victor Hugo

"Love is a delightful deceit that a person agrees to willingly". Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

"The only thing we're always missing is love. The only thing we're always missing is love." Henry Miller

"Love is the smoke that rises with the power of sighs." William Shakespeare

"Love conquers everything, so let's submit to love". Virgil

"Friendship is love without wings." Lord Byron

"Love looks through a telescope, envy through a microscope." Josh Billings

"Love is a natural canvas embroidered with imagination." Voltaire

"I discovered a paradox: if you love to the point of pain, then the pain goes away and only love remains." Mother Teresa

"A woman knows the face of her lover as a sailor knows the open sea." Honore de Balzac

Quotes about love and life

"Love is the only reasonable and satisfactory answer to the question of the meaning of human existence." Erich Fromm

"Life is a flower for which love is honey." Victor Hugo

"Looking back at the life you have lived, you will understand that only those moments when you were guided by the spirit of love were truly lived." Henry Drummond

"We love life, but not because we are used to living, but because we are used to love". Friedrich Nietzsche

"To know life you have to love a lot of things." Vincent Van Gogh

"I consider life without love to be a sinful and immoral state." Vincent Van Gogh

"Life without love is like a tree without fruits and flowers." Kahlil Gibran

"Where there is love, there is life" Mahatma Gandhi

Quotes with meaning about love

"To love is not to look at each other, to love is to look together in the same direction." Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"What is hell? Suffering that it is no longer possible to love." Fedor Dostoevsky

"True love is like a ghost. Everyone talks about it, but few have seen it" François de La Rochefoucauld

"They love because they love. Love does not recognize arguments." Paulo Coelho

"Love for yourself is the beginning of a romance that lasts a lifetime" Oscar Wilde

"Immature love says: I love you because I need you. Mature love says: I need you because I love you." Erich Fromm

"Gravity is not to blame for people falling in love." Albert Einstein

Love is when good people Badly. Spleen

“He realized that she was not only close to him, but that he now does not know where she ends and he begins.” L. Tolstoy “Anna Karenina”

I do not know how to half love or be friends, or I will give my whole soul, or nothing.

Great people develop love in themselves, and only a petty soul cherishes the spirit of hatred.

It happens that the person who can save you drowns. Frederic Begbeder

What I am to you, you will be to me. Heinrich Mann

Women love only those they don't know. Mikhail Lermontov

How often in life, making mistakes, we lose those we cherish ...
Trying to please strangers, sometimes we run away from our neighbor ...
We exalt those who are not worth us, but betray the most faithful ...
Who loves us so much, we offend, and we ourselves are waiting for an apology ...

Love is the only thing that makes a person stronger, a woman more beautiful, a man kinder, a soul easier, and life more beautiful! Friedrich Nietzsche

No person in the world is worthy of your tears, and the one who is worthy will never make you cry. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The station saw more sincere kisses than the registry office. And the walls of the hospital heard more sincere prayers than the church.

Whoever wants - writes, whoever needs it - calls, whoever is bored - will find it.

I love her because there is nothing in the world like her, there is nothing better, there is no animal, no plant, no star, no more beautiful person. Alexander Kuprin

Do not be shy about your feelings and desires... There will be no other life for them...

Only then will the guy understand how dear the girl is to him when she is with another ..

Perfect people do not exist, but there is always one that is perfect for you.

The woman is a flower. The man is a gardener. The gardener cares for and grows the Flower. The flower, in turn, thanks him, giving him its tenderness and beauty. The most caring Gardener has the most beautiful Flower.

If I were offered love or money, I would choose love. After all, thanks to love, there is inspiration to create something new and make money.

If you have caught a bird, then do not keep it in a cage, do not make it want to fly away from you, but could not. And make it so that she could fly away, but did not want to.

Sometimes they leave not to leave, but to return differently.

A loved one cannot be replaced by anyone and never.

They could not reach each other, but they were able to touch the soul. Ariel Buteau

It is a mistake to think that love grows out of long-term friendship and persistent courtship. Love is the fruit of spiritual closeness, and if closeness does not arise in a second, it will not arise either in years or in generations. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

A woman must be loved in such a way that it would never occur to her that someone else could love her even more ...

Dreaming because you think. You think because you're bored. You miss because you love. And you love, because this is your person. A.P. Chekhov

Tenderness, absolute mutual trust, and contact, and truth - this becomes more and more necessary over the years ... Let's not throw love, we don't meet it so often. Iris Murdoch. "Sea Sea".

True love begins where nothing is expected in return. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When you kiss and close your eyes, you go to heaven

When the power of love surpasses the love of power, there will be peace on Earth.

Loved... Roaring... Waiting for something... Sent... Forgotten... And I'm happy.

You need to build a relationship with a person for whom you will always be in the first place.

When Maggie and I got married 60 years ago, we had no money. We had $8 in our bank account. For the first two years, we didn't even have a phone. We rented a tiny apartment in Venice, next to a gas station. There on the wall hung my first phone. I ran out to him, picked up the phone, and people thought they were calling me at home. There was not even a telephone, let alone a car. But do you know what we had? Love. Ray Bradbury

No need to waste yourself on just anyone. It is better to accumulate love, care and tenderness in yourself in order to give it to the right person at the right time. Mother Teresa

Why do I need all these people? If none of them is still not you. Vera Polozkova

It's so easy to be loved, it's so hard to love.

Never love someone who treats you like an ordinary person. Oscar Wilde

I shaved every night so I wouldn't prick her with my stubble while kissing her in bed. And then one night - she was already asleep (I was somewhere without her, returned in the morning, a typical small piggy of those that we allow ourselves, justified by marital status) - she took it and did not shave. I thought it was okay, she wouldn't even notice. And that simply meant that I no longer love her ... Frederic Begbeder

A woman who is considered cold has simply not yet met a man who can awaken love in her. Veniamin Kaverin The Science of Parting

Only a man is to blame for how a woman behaves, he either allows her to do this, or sets an example with his behavior ...

When everything is good, it's easy to be together: it's like a dream, just breathe, and that's all. We need to be together when it's bad - that's what people come together for. Valentin Rasputin ("Live and Remember")

Love is not a mirror pond into which you can gaze forever. It has ebb and flow. And the wreckage of wrecked ships, and sunken cities, and octopuses, and storms, and boxes of gold, and pearls ... But pearls - they lie very deep. Erich Maria Remarque "Arc de Triomphe"

Loving is not difficult. It's hard to find someone who really needs it.

True love is possible only with the Real! Hrishikesh Maharaj

The only thing that matters at the end of our time on earth is how much we loved, what the quality of our love was. Richard Bach

I want the person I love to not be afraid to openly love me. Otherwise, it's humiliating. Pushkin

Reason judges what is good and what is bad. Love brings only good things. D.Chopra

If you are looking for true and great love, then first you need to get tired of petty feelings and random romances. (Paulo Coelho)

Some people leave, others come, and only a few remain forever in the heart.

The happiness of a woman is not in the ability to choose among hundreds of men. The happiness of a woman is in the ability to allow herself to be with the one you love. Of the thousands and millions of admirers, there are hundreds of beautiful ones, hundreds of rich ones, hundreds of jealous ones, hundreds of desired ones, and there may not be a single loved one. And the one you love can be banned. The prohibition of time… The prohibition of distance… The prohibition of pride, or weakness… The prohibition of circumstances…

We love but pretend we don't care. We are indifferent, but we pretend that we love.

True love does not tolerate strangers. Erich Maria Remarque "Three Comrades".

Love the woman the way you made her. Or make it the way you like it.

Love is not chosen, loved ones are not blamed, fate is not repeated, the forgotten are not called!

There is no love without pain. If someone loved, then he understands ...

A girl's heart is never empty...either she's in love or she can't forget.

Love does not live for three years, love does not live for three days. Love lives exactly as long as two people want it to live.

When love ends, one necessarily suffers... if no one suffers, then love never began... if both suffer, love is still alive...

You love and are loved. Too bad they are two different men.

The wind changes the shape of the sand dunes, but the desert remains the same. And our love will remain the same. (Coelho)

They say there is only one step from love to hate. No, one step from charm to disappointment. And between love and hate there are hundreds of attempts to change everything.

Love is like a river: a man rushes into it at once, and a woman enters gradually.

Love is a lamp that illumines the universe; without the light of love, the earth would turn into a barren desert, and man into a handful of dust.

If I love, then for a long time, if mutually, then forever

If you love, then the age difference is not a difference.

Love is never perfect. I don't want to erase her from my life. I love my pain. She is my friend. Jim carrey

What a luxury it is to be able to hug a loved one at any time. S. Ahern

Do you even understand what is happening to you? - I'm in love. Kill me. Chuck Palahniuk

We can get rid of the disease with the help of medicines, but the only cure for loneliness, despair and hopelessness is love. There are many people in the world who are dying of hunger, but even more of those who are dying because they lack love. Mother Teresa

Scream - anyone will hear.
Whisper - the nearest will hear.
And only a lover will hear what you are silent about.

Some girls are cold in appearance, cruel in nature ... Because they once seriously loved, but lost ... They believed, but they were betrayed ...

Just when your hair is removed from your face, you would know how much tenderness, awe and love is in it. More than your "I love you"

Since ancient times, people have come up with wise thoughts about love to express their deep feelings. Famous masterpieces of prose and poetry were written under inspiration: many phrases of famous writers later became "winged" and are still considered relevant.

Knowing a few beautiful aphorisms about love will be useful for everyone: they will not only help express emotions, but can also lead to a deeper understanding of feelings.

Beautiful phrases will help:

  • Pick up interesting and romantic statuses in the social network;
  • Write an unusual confession in a text message or letter;
  • To please a loved one with a non-standard expression of feelings;
  • Feel the deep emotions of the authors, feel the depth of love.

Short sayings help to express what is difficult to convey in ordinary conversation. Such quotes will be a real salvation for those who want to confess their love, but cannot find their own words and are expressed too ordinary or long.

Since this genre appeared in antiquity (the sages talked a lot about the relationship between men and women), book publishers publish a large number of collections containing clever thoughts about the love of famous people.

Sayings of great people

Especially popular are quotes of great people, uttered at moments of experiencing love: divided or rejected. Here are some interesting sayings:

  • Sincere love means forgetting about yourself. J. Rousseau.
  • To love someone sincerely means to accept him as God intended him to be. F. Dostoevsky.
  • The state of being in love is probably the natural state of man. It allows you to see how it should really be. A. Chekhov.
  • Love is the greatest bliss, but we ourselves often darken it by making too great demands. G. Maupassant.
  • Love is a precious gift. We can give it to someone, but at the same time it remains with us. L. Tolstoy.
  • We are natural only with those we truly love. A. Morua.
  • Love reunites all the best features in a person. O. Balzac.

Celebrity Sayings

Famous people also express interesting and fair aphorisms about love and relationships in general. Actors and pop singers often come across the theme of romance in songs or roles: almost everyone can talk about how they were in love.

Here are some of them:

  • I'm not looking for the man who sees only the good in me. I'm looking for that man who sees the bad, but still wants to stay close. M. Monroe.
  • Even if a woman is strong and self-sufficient, she will still look for a man who is stronger than her. But not so that he would take away her freedom, but in order to give her the opportunity to be weak. A. Jolie.
  • If hearts are connected by a love thread, then it does not matter: who you are, what you do and where you live. There are no barriers in the world that can stop the union of hearts. D. Roberts.
  • If even the grass could break through the asphalt, then love can wait anywhere. Cher.
  • If you love two men at the same time, then choose the second one. It's simple: if you loved the first, you would not notice the second. D. Depp.
  • Tenderness and care is a much greater evidence of love than the most ardent passion. M. Dietrich.
  • Old age will not save you from love, but love saves you from old age. K. Chanel.

With humor

Clever thoughts about love in a comic manner also sound quite original. Funny statements about feelings appeared quite recently: in ancient times it was not customary to joke about the deep feelings of lovers.

Aphorisms with humor:

  • Love is needed all the time, every day. Like money;
  • Only love for the motherland will never become mutual;
  • When love is on the doorstep, the mind jumps out the window;
  • Just talk only about those emotions that you have never experienced yourself;
  • Nothing spoils a relationship so much as the presence of a sense of humor in a girl and its complete absence in a man;
  • In a love relationship, the purse suffers the most;
  • You need to fall in love at least once in your life. Otherwise, all your life it will seem that this is a delightful feeling.
About women

Jokes about relationships between couples are relevant: sometimes men treat women with a bit of humor, exaggerating their shortcomings or virtues. And, of course, the stronger sex does not seek to offend their chosen ones, but rather hopes to see their smile.

What the men say:

  • When a woman stops being young and cute, she becomes wise and chic;
  • A woman is like salt. It is salty with her, but insipid without her;
  • There are hundreds of ways to talk a woman, and not a single way to silence her;
  • No matter how badly men think of women, women think even worse of men;
  • It is impossible to fall on your knees in front of the lady of the heart if she is already sitting on them;
  • A wise bride, walking down the aisle, promises happiness to the chosen one, and the stupid one herself is waiting for him;
  • A woman never attaches importance to what was sacrificed for her, but she always remembers what was not done for her.
About men

Just like the stronger sex, women adore funny phrases that can be attributed to a man at an opportunity. Small aphorisms prove that women also have a sense of humor:

  • Modesty would adorn any man, but a real man does not wear jewelry;
  • If a man convinces you that he is the head of his house, then he is also lying in other cases;
  • Being a bachelor means having the desire to marry, but at the same time rejoicing in the absence of a wife;
  • A man in love grows wings, a married man grows horns;
  • When men lack shine, they begin to go bald;
  • Everything is done by men for the sake of women. And only idleness they leave for themselves;
  • A man is like a bath leaf: first it sticks, and then it is washed off.
About relationships

A special relationship is always built between couples in love: deep feelings often give rise to both good and bad. Couples with different characters or life positions often face misunderstandings. But true love overcomes all difficulties. There are some quotes from simple authors about the difficulties in relationships:

  • happiness in family life it depends not on how you fit each other, but on how you can smooth out the differences;
  • A man dreams of being the first lover of his chosen one. Women want to be the last love of their chosen one;
  • Men and women agree on one point: no one trusts women;
  • A woman wants to get married as soon as possible, a man wants not to get married as long as possible;
  • In any mistake of a woman there is the fault of her chosen one;
  • A man starts with sex and sails to love, a woman starts with love and ends with love for her feeling;
  • For a man not to repeat about his experiences, it is not worth even the smallness that a woman feels.
About an unrequited feeling

Love is not always mutual: many clever sayings were written by sages during the period of feelings about inseparability of feelings:

  • The worst feeling for a lover: to be close to the object of adoration, but to know that he will not be yours;
  • For a person overcome by unrequited love, nothing will be cheerful or joyful;
  • Mutual love also differs from unrequited love, as truth from error;
  • Unrequited love does not degrade, but elevates a person;
  • Often unrequited love causes a kind of misogyny, just as excessive thirst gives rise to hydrophobia;
  • To love when there are no reciprocal feelings means to answer when you were not asked;
  • When you fall in love unrequitedly, you want to apologize to everyone who loved you unrequitedly;
  • Unrequited love is only temporary suffering, later growing into indifference.
For a page on a social network

Interesting statuses about love can be placed on the pages social networks. This is especially helpful when it is difficult to express overwhelmed feelings yourself or when the relationship is in some kind of unstable situation: a temporary break, quarrel, separation, and more.

Small statuses about love:

  • The surest thing you can do in a relationship is to figure it out. The surest thing to do in true love is to engage in it;
  • I'm not jealous of her. I just don't want another guy to be the reason for her smile;
  • Not in all cases, only the guilty apologize. Sometimes this is done by the one who values ​​the relationship more;
  • The most pleasant and amazing feeling: when you hug your loved one, and he hugs even stronger in response;
  • We are a little confused in relationships, everything is complicated ... Let's make it easier - we will just love;
  • Don't be afraid to meet right person, be afraid of losing those who are already there. Fate never brings strangers together;
  • It is hard to leave in the heart, the hand does not rise from friends, and it is impossible to forget;
  • Friends advise: forget it. And the heart whispers: remember;
  • If we ran away, this does not mean that we will not get married;
  • It is better to forgive and forget once than to regret and go crazy.
love in marriage

Family life is always full of various emotions. Loving spouses not only give each other care and happiness, but also periodically encounter misunderstanding or discontent. Short aphorisms about the feelings of married couples perfectly describe family relationships in general.

On love in marriage:

  • Love in marriage lives as long as the spouses continue to be interested in each other's thoughts and deeds;
  • A happy marriage is one where the husband assumes every word that the wife did not have time to utter;
  • Marriage becomes happy not because the couple understands each other perfectly, but because each patiently overcomes moments of complete misunderstanding;
  • Marriage is saved through patience. And everyone thinks that it is he who endures;
  • People can live together, make love, eat and drink together. But only joint occupations with nonsense indicate the spiritual intimacy of a married couple;
  • Don't be jealous happy families. They had to pass all the same tests as you, but they did not break;
  • The true love of spouses is born in a marriage of more than 10 years of marriage;
  • Even the most intelligent husband should not seem like nonsense to the smallest worries of his wife.
About sex

It is impossible to talk about love and not touch on the topic of sex. In modern society, this side of the relationship is discussed openly and sayings about intimate life are very popular.

Here are some interesting quotes:

  • Sex is like sports: with a weak opponent, you yourself begin to work worse;
  • Only its complete absence can be considered a mental deviation in terms of sex. Everything else is a matter of taste;
  • Age for sex is not a hindrance, and sex for age can even be considered a benefit;
  • A woman needs a reason to make love. There is only a place for a man;
  • The exceptional sexual compatibility of spouses is when both have a headache before going to bed;
  • Love and sex are different things. Sex kills awkwardness, but love breeds it;
  • Sex is like money. You begin to notice only his absence;
  • The most effective contraceptive is the word "no";
  • Many people live without sex. But only liars, the sick and the dead do not want it;
  • Sex is great way brighten up leisure when there is nothing else to do.

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