How to get rid of the smell of sweat in sportswear. How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes: tips and tricks

Traces of sweat remaining on clothes are difficult to remove - even after washing they may not disappear completely, and often the thing continues to smell bad. Having learned how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes under the arms, you can stop worrying about this problem - with the help of simple means, it is possible to cope with the task even at home.

Causes of an unpleasant odor

Why, even after washing, some things continue to smell like sweat, even if the stains have disappeared? The stench is the result of the vital activity of various bacteria and microbes that appear on the fabric. Sweat serves as an excellent nutrient medium for them. If you wear one thing for a long time or put off washing, microorganisms will multiply, and you can cope with them alone. washing powder it won't be easy.

Removing the smell of sweat from clothes under the arms when washing is much easier if you do it immediately after the thing is dirty.

Express methods of dealing with bad odors

In order for clothes contaminated with traces of sweat to exude a pleasant aroma after washing, you can use one of 3 options:

  • together with dirty things, pour soda and salt into the drum of the washing machine (it will be enough to take 3 tablespoons of each product) and pour half a glass of vinegar;
  • slightly increase the manufacturer's recommended dose detergent;
  • pour a couple of large tablespoons of table salt into the detergent tray.

Additionally, you can pour a portion of high-quality air conditioner with a pleasant aroma into the appropriate compartment.

Such methods are suitable if the traces of sweat on the clothes are not too old, but they are powerless against old and strong pollution. In this case, pre-soaking and manual treatment of the armpit area before washing will be required.

Folk ways to remove bad smell

There are various ways to deal with traces of sweat and the stench they leave.

Any means must be used after turning the thing inside out and not left for a longer period than indicated. Otherwise, the fabric may deteriorate, and the clothes will have to be thrown away.

Lemon acid

The method is well suited for removing odor from woolen fabrics.

Prepare a solution: 2 small spoons of acid are dissolved in 100 ml of water. The resulting liquid is applied to contaminated areas, left for several hours. After rinsing and washing the thing in the usual way.

To consolidate the result, the clothes from which it came bad smell, it is recommended to additionally treat with a solution of vinegar. 1 part of vinegar is taken for 10 parts of water, clothes are soaked in a container with this liquid for an hour. After they erase.

Laundry soap

An effective and budgetary tool to remove sweat from clothes.

A bar of soap is rubbed on a fine grater and a small amount of the resulting chips is poured into the drum of the machine (no need to add powder).

The second option is to turn the clothes inside out, rub the problem area with a bar of soap. Leave the soapy cloth for half an hour, then rinse. Soap components will penetrate into the depth of the fabric and dissolve the dirt, removing the smell. After that, it remains only to wash the thing in the typewriter and hang it to dry on the balcony or street.

This method is not suitable for things sewn from bright fabrics - they can fade.


Prepare a concentrated solution - for every 500 ml of warm water, take 3 tablespoons of salt. After mixing well, pour the contaminated areas with it so that they are completely saturated with liquid. Leave for a few hours, rinse and wash the thing.

A similar method is suitable for most materials - it can be used for linen, cotton, silk, wool and synthetic fabrics.

If you need to remove the smell from things made of dense fabric, the solution is made twice as strong.

Boric acid

100 ml of liquid is dissolved in 2 liters of water. A thing is placed in a container with the resulting solution, left for 2 hours. Rinse, wash and rinse well again.

Dishwashing liquid

The selected liquid is abundantly applied to the stain, left for 20 minutes so that it has time to dissolve the pollution, and after rinsing it is washed off.

Instead of detergent, you can take a shampoo designed for oily hair, - both of these tools are able to eliminate the cause of the smell.


Soda or hydrogen peroxide eliminates not only the smell, but also traces of sweat on things. With a weak solution of one of these agents, the yellowed areas of the fabric are treated, left for a while, and then the product is rinsed.


Adding a little oxygen bleach for colored clothes and chlorine for whites can help get rid of the stench. During the bleaching process, the microorganisms that cause an unpleasant odor will die.

Ammonia and salt

Prepare a solution by adding 4 large tablespoons of ammonia and 2 small spoons of salt to 5 tablespoons of water. Pour into a spray bottle, screw on the lid, shake vigorously to mix the ingredients well.

Spray liquid on areas with traces of sweat. Leave until completely dry.

It is not recommended to use a solution of ammonia for delicate fabrics, they may be damaged. Also, the method is not suitable for easily shedding things and products made of bright fabrics.


Fresh or not too strong pollution will be removed by ordinary soda - it is dissolved in a glass of water, and then a sponge is moistened with the resulting liquid and the stains on the fabric are treated.

For stronger and older traces, the item should be soaked in an acetic solution before such treatment (half a glass of liquid will be enough for a basin).

soda and vinegar

A mixture of these components kills microorganisms, which are the cause bad smell.

A small amount of soda and vinegar is dissolved in water, clothes are washed in it. After rinsing and drying in the fresh air, there will be no trace of the stench.

Potassium permanganate

This tool will help remove the stubborn smell of sweat from natural fabrics.

A strong solution is prepared from the powder, a smelling thing is placed in it. Leave to soak for a while. After rinse and wash.

Advice! Sometimes you can solve the problem by simply re-washing the thing. To increase the chances of success, it is worth soaking clothes before rewashing for 30 minutes.

Among other things, experts advise not to wear synthetics in hot weather, preferring natural materials, as they do not absorb bad odors so quickly and wash much better.

Removing odor without washing

There are ways to remove the smell of sweat from clothes under the arms without washing. To quickly refresh a thing, you can use several means:

  • refrigerator freezer;
  • gasoline and ammonia;
  • alcohol;
  • vinegar;
  • salt;
  • soda.


When there is none in the house necessary funds, and to get rid of the bad smell, avoiding the washing process, it is urgent, you can use the freezer - the clothes wrapped in a clean plastic bag are placed in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, left for an hour. In the cold season, it’s enough just to leave a smelling thing on the balcony for a couple of hours.

The advantage of this method is its versatility, it can be safely used for any, including delicate fabrics.


If the clothes smell strongly of sweat even after washing, you can dissolve a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of water, and then treat the areas under the arms with this compound, gently rubbing. Wash off with water and dry.


You can clean clothes from an unpleasant smell without completely washing it by holding it over vinegar steam. You need to boil water, dilute a little vinegar in it, hang a thing over a container with this liquid.

If you want to remove the smell of sweat from outerwear or large items, fill the bath with boiling water and vinegar.


You will need vodka or alcohol, alum and a 40% formalin solution. Take a teaspoon of the solution and alum, pour into ½ cup of vodka. Add 50 ml of water. Mix well, apply a small amount of the resulting product to the stains, rub in with gentle movements. After washing the treated areas with water.


A good way to get faint sweat smells out of clothes after washing is to use plain baking soda. It is sprinkled on problem areas and left overnight. In the morning, the powder is cleaned off.

Gasoline and ammonia

A way to remove the smell of sweat from clothes at home, which will help when all other means have already been tried and have not brought results. This method should not be used too often, as it can damage the fabric.

A cotton pad is moistened with gasoline, and the armpit area is treated with it. It is important to work carefully so that the liquid does not penetrate too deeply into the fibers of the fabric. After removing the remnants of gasoline with ammonia.

Jacket freshener

To get rid of the smell of sweaty armpits on a jacket, you need to prepare a solution from simple means: alcohol, ammonia and water. You will need a tablespoon of ammonia and medical alcohol and 3 large tablespoons of water. If there was no alcohol at hand, take table salt in the same volume. The resulting liquid is treated with unpleasantly smelling places: the collar area, cuffs, armpits. When the liquid evaporates, the stench will also disappear.

Eliminate odor from outerwear

As a result of prolonged wear, outerwear acquires an unpleasant odor, this problem is especially relevant towards the end of the season. You can get rid of the smell of sweat on a down jacket or jacket without washing using several means. They are also suitable for those products that cannot be washed in a typewriter: coats, fur coats.

The easiest method is to take things to a dry cleaner, where they are guaranteed to get rid of clothes not only from pollution, but also from stench. However, resorting to this method is often quite expensive, and therefore more accessible ones can be used:

  1. To clean the lining from the sweat that has soaked it, prepare a solution of 10 parts of water, 10 parts of ammonia and 1 part of salt. Mix the components well so that the salt grains dissolve, apply to contaminated areas. The liquid should be absorbed and dry, after which the residues are cleaned with a sponge or a clean cloth.
  2. It helps to cope with the smell of frost, and therefore even in winter you need to hang a down jacket on the balcony.
  3. For a quick and effective solution to the problem, you can use special sprays. They fight the cause of unpleasant odors and give things a pleasant aroma. You can find them in stores household chemicals.
  4. A great and cheap way to remove odor from outerwear is to use old newspapers. Paper absorbs odors well, and crumpled newspaper sheets are pushed inside the sleeves. Leave for a few days and then discard the used paper.

To ensure that a jacket removed from the closet at the beginning of the season does not exude stink, before putting it away at the end of winter for long-term storage, it is necessary to properly prepare it . First, the thing is washed, and then hung up to dry on the balcony. If the product cannot be washed, then thoroughly air it in the open air, after turning it inside out.

Proper drying of clothes

In order to remove the smell of sweat from things, it is important not only to wash the clothes with high quality, but also to dry them properly. Microorganisms that cause an unpleasant odor are afraid of ultraviolet radiation, so smelling things should be hung so that the sun shines on problem areas.

If it is not possible to dry clothes outside, they must be ironed with an iron with a steam function.

Preventive measures

In order not to often have to deal with corrosive odors, it is worth preventing the appearance of old sweat stains on clothes.

It is also useful to learn a few simple rules:

  1. To prevent an unpleasant smell from appearing on things, they should be ventilated more often in the fresh air.
  2. Things that stink are washed separately from other clothes - if you put them in the drum at the same time, then all products can be saturated with an unpleasant odor during the washing process.
  3. If a person sweats profusely, he needs to change clothes more often.
  4. Under things that are not possible or undesirable to wash often, it is worth putting on a fresh T-shirt every day - it will absorb sweat, and the material of the jacket or jacket will remain clean.
  5. In the hot season, it is preferable to wear clothes made from natural fabrics: cotton, linen. They do not absorb odors as much as synthetic ones, and traces of sweat that have appeared from the armpit area are easier to remove from such materials.
  6. Before putting on a clean thing, people suffering from excessive sweating should definitely treat the armpit area with an antiperspirant.

Timely washing will prevent the appearance of an unpleasant and stubborn smell of sweat, and to eliminate the old stench from clothes, you can use one of the following methods. The main thing is to take into account what material the thing is sewn from, and choose the right tool.

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The persistent smell of sweat under the armpits can negate the favorable impression made by the interlocutor's courtesy, manners and tasteful outfit. It is especially unpleasant when it comes to caustic "old" ambergris. You can’t immediately mentally write down a person in the category of sluts: everyone can suddenly sweat from too strong emotions, fear, physical effort. It happens that the room is stuffy or the problem is out of season warm clothes. In such a situation, it is important to know how to get rid of the smell of sweat. There are reliable store and folk remedies.

Don't try to cover up the smell with deodorant or perfume, it will only get worse! However, don't forget to use antiperspirants after you shower.

Causes. You need to fight not with the symptoms, but with the root cause. It is not the sweat itself that smells, but the bacteria that have bred in it, peacefully living on the body of any person. The armpit creates the right conditions: it is humid, warm and dark. If at the same time a person is sick or has a hormonal failure, sweating will increase, and sweat will acquire a particularly sharp, sour smell.

Factors that increase sweating:

  • stress;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • disease (starting from a common cold and ending with tuberculosis);
  • irregular hygiene procedures;
  • malnutrition, in order to sweat less, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of starchy foods and sweets, try to get rid of irregular “snacks” between meals.
  • armpit hair that traps sweat on the hairs even after a shower.

Medications for the smell of sweat under the arms

1. Medications. Usually they have a double action: the spray is applied topically - applied to the skin, and the syrup or concentrate is taken orally. Such products are aimed at preventing excessive sweating and neutralizing odor.

2. Sweat pads. Sanitary napkins are attached to clothes and effectively absorb excess moisture.

Protects not only the skin, but also clothes

3. Burnt alum. Treat them under the armpits before going to bed and keep the composition on the skin until the morning. Wash off the next day.

Powder sold in a pharmacy

4. Injections that suppress the function of the sweat glands. Usually, this radical procedure is carried out under the prescription of a doctor for diagnosed hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

Home remedies for underarm sweat

1. Wipe your armpits with a regular apple cider vinegar. Can be replaced with an aqueous solution of 9% table (proportions 1: 1). Also good freshly squeezed. lemon juice or vodka.

Wipe only clean and dry skin, best of all - immediately after a shower.

2. Brew a bag of black tea or pour boiling water over the tea leaves already asleep. Let the infusion cool, dip a cotton pad, wipe armpits. In the same way, oak bark can be brewed and used (1 tsp per glass of boiling water).

3. Replace the decoction with freshly squeezed white radish juice.

The above remedies have an antibacterial effect, reduce sweating, and remove skin irritation.

4. You can also remove the smell of sweat with a couple of drops of rosemary aromatic oil. Dilute the oil in a teaspoon of water, wipe the armpits with the resulting product.

5. After a shower, sprinkle your armpits with baking soda. Wash off after 5-7 minutes.

The most accessible remedy

6. Grate raw potatoes, use the resulting gruel in the same way as soda.

7. Brew chamomile (follow the instructions on the package), add half a tablespoon of soda to a glass of infusion. Soak a cotton pad in the composition and wipe the armpits. Repeat the procedure after two hours.

Folk methods do not give a quick effect. A noticeable result is visible after a few weeks of regular use.

How to get sweat smell out of clothes

It is advisable not to bring untidy and odorous wet spots to the appearance, however, if the clothes are already soaked with sweat, you can get rid of the smell by any of the following methods:

1. Wipe the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric with an vinegar solution (table vinegar 9%, proportions with water 50/50) or spread with a gruel of soda. Then wash as usual.

2. Add vinegar and/or baking soda directly to the drum when washing (half a cup and 3 tablespoons respectively).

3. Before washing, soak the item for half an hour in a powder solution (if there is no prohibition icon on the label).

4. Wash foul-smelling items with fabric softener and/or bleach, if the type of fabric allows, at a temperature of at least 60 degrees.

5. Dry your laundry outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

6. Pointwise (without washing) sweat stains can be removed with soda gruel, shampoo, dishwashing detergent, 9% vinegar, lemon juice, ammonia solution (3 tablespoons per 100 ml of water, it is advisable to add another spoonful of table salt ), saline solution (2 tablespoons per glass of water). Thoroughly wipe the contamination with any of the listed products, rinse with clean water after 10-20 minutes.


First of all, carefully monitor your health, avoid stress and dress according to the weather. In addition, it is recommended to depilate the armpits (shaving causes irritation), eat more fruits and vegetables, exclude spicy and spicy dishes from the diet.

Use antiperspirants, periodically wash with antibacterial soap, try to wear clothes made only from natural fabrics (preferably cotton and linen), as synthetics often cause allergies and interfere with normal heat transfer, which also manifests itself in increased sweating.

Sweat is a problem for many people. And there is nothing shameful in this - absolutely all people sweat. This process is quite complicated and due to the fact that sweat appears, it is restored normal temperature of a person, and also in this way all unnecessary harmful substances are removed from the body.

Unfortunately, the smell of sweat on clothes becomes a problem for us, and we try to find the most effective ways to sweat from clothes.

The characteristics of the body of each person affect how intense the sweat will be and how sharp the smell will be.

There are no unsolvable problems - removing traces of sweat is easy

In order to prevent incidental situations, you must, first of all, take your problem seriously enough. It will take a lot of effort not to demonstrate your problem to others.

  • Seek help from the spirits. Do not pay attention to the fact that there is no positive temperature on the street; before going out into society, you took a shower and feel completely calm. The modern market offers such an abundance of perfumes and deodorants that may well suit your taste and solve your problem. Get into this habit.

Remember that sweating can be completely unexpected for you: you got nervous somewhere, overexcited, got a little stress or got sick. The use of perfume will help you effectively fight odors, as well as prevent yellow spots on clothes.

  • Change clothes regularly. It happens that after the first wear you may not notice an unpleasant smell from your things, but when you are going to put on your favorite blouse again, you find that it smells unpleasant. Professionals recommend wearing under jackets or thick sweaters (clothes that often cannot be changed) some kind of lining - for example, thin T-shirts.
  • Don't wear clothes that smell like sweat. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting stains on things in addition - the situation as a whole will be worsened.
  • Try to wash things off right away. You need to understand what more cloth lies in the "presence" of sweat, the more difficult it will be to get rid of it in the end.

Advice! Sock in hot weather natural materials can greatly alleviate the situation as a whole. They do not absorb odors so quickly, and the stains that remain are removed many times easier.

Are you still looking for a remedy that could help solve your problem? Tried a lot of options, but did not find an effective one? Pay attention to the most effective methods to date.

  1. Salt. In order to remove the smell of armpit sweat on woolen, linen and even silk items, apply a salt solution. The fabric will not leave a trace of smell if you rub it well with this solution: 1 tablespoon of salt to a glass of water. If the material is denser, then more salt needs to be added. Such a tool will prevent stains and odors - it must be applied to problem areas.
  2. Ammonia with salt. Do you have an unpleasant smell after wearing? Prepare the solution as above and add a little ammonia to it. Such a tool will quickly remove the smell in places of sweating.
  3. Vinegar with citric acid. They are considered the most reliable assistants in the fight against sweat. It is not difficult to remove the smell using this tool. In case the smell has not yet acquired sharpness, lemon juice will be enough to wipe the clothes - do not worry, stains from it will not remain.
  4. Vinegar without additives. The smell from the laundry is not removed by any of the solutions that you have already tried? Do not despair, try pure vinegar - the one that every housewife has in the kitchen. To do this, you need to sprinkle a little thing under the armpits and rinse it thoroughly. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  5. High concentration solution. There is one more reliable remedy with high efficiency. You will need: water - 4 tablespoons, ammonia - 3 tablespoons and salt - 1 spoon. For application, a clean rag is used, which is moistened with this solution and wiped on those places on the clothes that are considered problematic - this method should help eliminate the bad smell.
  6. Pre-soak clothes. Those things that smell unpleasant are not recommended to be sent with all things for washing. The thing is that the smell can even go to other things. Therefore, before washing, soak the clothes for a short time in a basin of warm water. You can also add salt, vinegar or rub the item with soap.
  7. Vinegar and soda when washing clothes in. To be sure and not leave any smell behind, add half a cup of regular baking soda and a glass of vinegar directly into the drum on things.
  8. Shampoo is an invaluable help. In problem areas - armpits - the thing can be rubbed regular shampoo for hair. It will make the sweat stain not so greasy and help in getting rid of odors.
  9. Soap "Mistress". A simple laundry soap when washing perfectly fights sweat odors. To do this, you need to thoroughly lather the areas of clothing that smelled, and wait a bit (about 5-10 minutes). After that, rinse the item well until the soap is completely removed.
  10. Various stain removers. If your things are colored, then during the washing process you can use products with. For white laundry, it is better to use chlorine-based bleaches. Such compounds are very effective, as they penetrate deep into the tissue between its fibers.
  11. Edible salt when washing. Edible salt will help to remove the smell of sweat and its consequences, which is recommended to be added a little bit into the powder compartment in case of such a problem. washing machine.
  12. Regular soda. Sprinkle it on clothes and leave for a while. To enhance the effect, you can wet, let things lie down in this form for about 20 minutes and rinse.
  13. Double dose of powder. Good old way to "drown out" smells. Just wash things several times in a row.
  14. Drying. It is advisable that your clothes dry in direct sunlight. So they can pick up a pleasant smell and weather well. After drying, apply a little of your favorite perfume to the clothes so that the problem is 100% solved.
  15. Special means. To date, there are many chemicals designed specifically to solve this problem. Their task is to destroy absolutely all unpleasant odors at the molecular level.

Sometimes the sweat problem is not just about the things you wear. Bedding can also have an unpleasant smell, so treat your bedding with special attention.

It is possible and necessary to fight the unpleasant smell of sweat at home. The main thing is to do it thoughtfully. No need to immediately resort to expensive drugs, which in fact may turn out to be no better than improvised means. Use the methods on an increasing scale, because who knows - maybe lemon juice will be enough for your case?

Do not treat your things negligently - before removing stains, take into account all the nuances: the color of the clothes, its material. Don't let the fabric structure break. Any composition should be washed off abundantly.

Enjoy the pleasant aromas from your things and give yourself the ease of communicating with others, without constraint and shame from the realization that you smell bad.

Life modern man associated with constant haste, which is reflected in his appearance. Even with the most careful care, sweat marks remain on clothes. Unfortunately, regular washing does not always remove the unpleasant odor and yellow stains in the underarm areas. What means and methods will help remove the smell of sweat from clothes, and what to do if it is impossible or unacceptable to use washing?

Folk methods

There are several inexpensive products that will help you quickly remove the smell of sweat from clothes. They are in the arsenal of almost every housewife.

  • gasoline and ammonia. First, treat the problem areas with gasoline (do not dampen the fabric too much with it), and then with an ammonia solution. Pay special attention to the contours of pollution. To avoid streaks, move from the edges to the center of the stain. This recipe is not suitable for regular cleaning - aggressive compounds can damage fabric fibers.
  • Potassium permanganate. Not only removes dirt, but also disinfects clothes. This is very important, because in favorable conditions, harmful bacteria continue to multiply and increase unpleasant odors. Make a weak (pale pink) solution and apply it to problem areas. After 10-15 minutes, wash the item with the powder.
  • Boric acid. Dilute 100 g of boric acid in 2 liters of water and immerse the soiled item in the finished composition. Leave for 30-40 minutes, and then wash with the addition of household chemicals and rinse.
  • Vodka. Pour vodka over pronounced sweat marks. Let it work for an hour. After this time, treat the textiles with a steam iron or steam cleaner.

Vinegar and lemon juice (citric acid)

These products are reliable assistants in the fight against the smell of sweat. If it has not had time to deeply soak into the structure of the fabric and is not too caustic, wipe the contamination with a slice of lemon. Rinse thoroughly.

Such an effect provides table vinegar any concentration. The method of application is quite simple: spray the product directly onto the stain. For convenience, use a spray bottle. Gently rub the liquid into the cloth, then rinse under running water. If the smell has not disappeared, repeat the procedure. When machine washing, add 0.5 tbsp to the detergent compartment. soda and 1 tbsp. vinegar. Don't abuse it this way, as the acid can damage the rubber parts in the drum.

Works on tougher stains lemon acid. Prepare a solution in the following proportion: 1 tbsp. water 1 tsp. acids. Soak the stained area in the resulting liquid. Rinse under running water after 5-10 minutes.

Household chemicals

If you don't trust folk remedies, apply modern household chemicals. Choose the products that are made on natural basis. Then neither you nor your things will be in danger.

  • Laundry soap. This is one of the most available funds. Wet clothes in water and lather under the armpits. Rub the fabric gently. After 15-30 minutes, wash and dry the product. For machine wash, grind the soap on a fine grater and add to the drum.
  • Oxygen stain removers. When washing colored items, add these concentrates to the washing machine. For white clothes, purchase products that contain chlorine. At the last stage of the procedure, thoroughly rinse the item with fabric softener.
  • washing powder. Dilute a pinch of bulk substance in 1 liter of water. Soak a washcloth in the soapy liquid and wipe off the dirt. After 15-20 minutes, wash the item in a way that suits you.
  • Shampoo. Degreases the stain of sweat and gives textiles a pleasant fragrance. The method is suitable for delicate materials. Apply a small amount of product to pre-moistened dirt. Rub a little. Rinse the item under running water and dry. With a persistent smell of sweat, act a little differently. Dilute the shampoo in warm water. Lather the solution. Soak the item and wash after 1-2 hours.

Dry odor removal methods

There are situations when things need to be cleaned without washing. The simplest thing is to use a special aerosol for clothes. It contains silver citrate, which has a cleansing and bactericidal effect. It is important that the aerosol does not cause allergic reactions upon contact with the skin. In addition, it does not leave stains on clothes. Apply the drug to a dry item 30-40 minutes before wearing.

Good method - send clothes in the cold. Under the action of low temperatures, bacteria die, which helps to eliminate the unpleasant odor. If it's warm outside, put the item in the freezer. After 2-3 hours, remove it and let it lie down in the fresh air.

You can remove the smell of sweat from clothes without washing by salt and ammonia. For colored and white fabrics, mix 200 ml of water with 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 tbsp. l. salt. Wait until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Soak a cotton pad in liquid and treat the problem area.

If you need to remove the smell quickly, take note of this method: pour baking soda on problem areas (preferably in a thick layer). Rub the substance into the fabric with light movements and leave for a few minutes. Scrub off any baking soda residue with a soft bristle brush.

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The fluid secreted by special subcutaneous glands sometimes causes a lot of trouble. Sweat is a normal reaction of the body to changes in environmental temperature, it allows the body to maintain the necessary balance.

However, if some simply wash things after a hard day, then for others this is not enough. The problem of wet spots and accompanies them everywhere.

What to do and how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes?

Folk remedies

The stubborn smell of sweat is hard to wash off. Even after washing with hot water with powder, the stink can remain, and with it a stain that spoils the appearance.

How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes folk remedies?

To get rid of the stubborn odor of underarm sweat on things, use the following methods:

  1. Soda. The first step in eliminating stench is to use baking soda. This product is inexpensive but very effective. The baking soda absorbs the odor of the aqueous salt solution secreted by the sweat glands without causing discoloration of the fabric. Things are turned inside out and sprinkled on the stain with this product. It is necessary to lightly rub soda into the area. After 30–45 minutes, it is simply shaken off things. The clothes are vacuumed to remove all particles of baking soda from the material. If the removal of the stench failed, repeat the procedure.
  2. Vinegar and water. The best fabric freshener is one that the hostess can prepare herself. Mix a glass of water with the same amount of vinegar in a spray bottle, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, lavender or vanilla is great. Spray the resulting product on the inside and outside seams. Should be washed or not washed. The aroma of lavender or vanilla will be much more pleasant than detergent.
  3. Lemon juice is an easy way to remove sweat odor. Squeeze the juice from one fruit and pour it into the washing machine. Wash only clothes that have been tainted with an unpleasant odor. Lemon acid removes bacteria in tissue.
  4. White vinegar is a miracle ingredient when it comes to getting rid of stubborn odor. Before washing, clothes are soaked in a glass of this product and cold water. After 15-20 minutes, you should put things in the machine.
  5. Salt. The smell of sweat on clothes quickly disappears when using 1 tbsp. salt and warm water. Salt solution treats problem areas on things, then they are washed in the usual way.
  6. Ammonia. Ammonium hydroxide and salt will help get rid of the smell of sweat. However, this tool should not be used for shedding things and dark ones.
  7. Boric acid is great for removing sweat odor from clothes. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The solution is applied to the material and left for half an hour. After the allotted time has elapsed, the clothes are sent to the wash.
  8. A large amount of powder or a double wash will help eliminate the smell from things. Before this, clothes should be soaked for 30 minutes.
  9. Laundry soap works well to remove stains. It is necessary to process all places on the product where there is an unpleasant smell and laundry soap. After processing, things are sent to the machine.

Such methods do not help fight sweating, but they perfectly eliminate the smell emanating from things.

Methods that do not require washing

Urgently needed to put on a blouse, but it stinks, despite the fact that it was washed? How to be in a similar situation?

Unpleasant odor emanating from things can be quickly removed in simple ways:

  1. You can fight the stench with the help of freezing. Things are put in a bag and placed in the freezer for half an hour. After that, the product is hung on a coat hanger so that it warms up a little.
  2. Vinegar fumes. Hot water and a little vinegar are poured into the bath. A blouse or shirt is hung over the bathtub. The procedure lasts 2 hours. Then things are hung out in the fresh air.
  3. To remove the smell of sweat from underarm clothes without washing, the following remedy will help: 15 ml of vinegar, 30 ml. alcohol, 150 ml of water. The solution is sprayed onto the contaminated area and allowed to dry.
  4. To remove the smell of sweat from clothes in a spray bottle, mix 1 tsp. soda and 100 ml of water. The agent is applied to things from which it gives off later.
  5. Ammonia comes to the rescue if other methods have not helped. It will take 200 ml of water and 0.5 tsp. ammonia. The fabric is processed from the wrong side.
  6. The use of vodka. This method perfectly fights old stains and unpleasant stench that ordinary powders do not wash. Vodka is applied to the sweaty areas of the fabric, after 2 hours the treated area is cleaned with a steam iron.
  7. Denatured alcohol. This tool is prepared as follows: in a small container, mix 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and the same amount of denatured alcohol, 4 tbsp. l. water. Things given compositions are processed from the wrong side, using a soft brush for things.
  8. Ironing with vinegar solution. If the washed items still stink, try treating the inside of the fabric with vinegar diluted with water. Gauze is moistened in a solution and applied to problem areas. After the product is ironed through gauze until completely dry. This method is only suitable for already washed items.
  9. Dark outerwear wrapped in newspaper, placed in the inner parts of the products. It should be remembered that this method is long - newspapers are taken out after 2 days.

Now every housewife knows how to remove the smell of sweat without washing, because sometimes it is really necessary.

Sweat is strongly eaten into the fabric, so to eliminate its smell, you will need to make a lot of effort and try many recipes.

Household chemicals

We all sweat, it's a natural process and nothing to be ashamed of. However, the smell is still annoying.

Even washed clothes can smell bad. If folk ways did not help, you can solve the problem with the help of chemicals.


Domestos is a disinfectant gel used for various surfaces in the home. It kills germs everywhere and prevents the formation of limescale, which is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Domestos has recently been used to clean clothes. The unusual use of this remedy is known for its antibacterial action, and it perfectly fights the smell of sweat.

You can use Domestos only for white things, getting on colored fabric he mercilessly eats it away.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes with Domestos?

To get rid of the stench, use the following recipe:

  • Domestos is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • the solution is carefully applied to the contaminated stain;
  • slightly rub the agent into the material;
  • soak the item in cold water for 15 minutes.

Do not pour hot water into clothes. Chlorine vapor will quickly enter the respiratory tract and cause irritation.

If the skin is too sensitive, the procedure is carried out in rubber gloves. After 15 minutes, things are rinsed. It is necessary to change the water several times.

Domestos is able to get rid of an unpleasant stench quickly, but this method is risky. Better not to use it on your favorite things.


The most effective disinfectant solution is Rodalon. This tool is essentially the same bleach, but much better.

Rodalon does not bleach things and kills bacteria. Before sending items to washing machine you need to soak them in this tool.

How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes:

  1. 10 ml of Rodalone and water are added to the container. Approximate soak time 30 minutes. The more delicate the material, the less time things keep in this solution.
  2. After the procedure, things are washed in the usual way and dried.

Rodolon, unlike Domestos, does not damage the skin of the hands, does not whiten the material. This is its advantage - it is allowed to use for different fabrics.


BOS works 100% - it is inexpensive, but it removes odors perfectly.

BOS has the properties of a deodorant and at the same time destroys microorganisms and bacteria that have settled on the fabric.

When using a stench remover, you need a small amount of liquid. It is diluted with water or applied to things in its pure form.

After processing, 15 minutes must pass before the items are sent to the washing machine.


Washing powder or Sarma soap is really effective and universal remedy. It not only removes stains, but also gives things a pleasant aroma.

If we remove the smell of sweat with Sarma, you must first use soap. They lather a thing, leave it for 5 minutes, and then soak it in powder. After that, carefully rub the clothes with your hands and wash.


For things, you can use any shampoo, but only this tool will not help for long. The next day the shampoo stops working.

The contaminated area is slightly moistened with water, then shampoo is applied, rubbed into the fabric.

If the smell is more persistent, things are soaked in shampoo for 2 hours. Then washed in the usual way.

Oxygen stain removers

Highly effective anti-stain clothing products will remove even stubborn stains without damaging the fabric.

A few popular products with a great reputation:

  • Astonish OXY PLUS;
  • BOS plus Maximum;
  • Faberlic (Edelstar);
  • Amway PreWash Spray;

This product neutralizes odor at the molecular level.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat from clothes? The product is applied to the spots according to the instructions for use (usually written on the back of the bottle). Rub a little into the fabric from the wrong side, leave for a while, and then wash it with your hands or in a typewriter.

Odor prevention

By properly caring for things, you can prevent the appearance of an unpleasant "darling".

Sometimes simple hygiene rules will get rid of the corrosive aroma:

  1. Clothes should be washed after the first wear. The longer things are soaked in sweat, the more difficult it is to remove the unpleasant odor.
  2. Use of deodorant. It is important not just to smear your armpits with antiperspirant, but to choose the right product.
  3. Special underarm pads. They are attached from the wrong side to an adhesive base. Sweat will absorb into the pads, in the evening they are simply thrown away, and things smell pleasant.
  4. After washing, a pleasantly smelling fragrance is placed in the clothes. So a pleasant aroma will stay on things for a long time.
  5. Never iron dirty items. The steam drives the stench deeper into the fibers of the fabric, making it even harder to get rid of the stink of sweat.
  6. Things that smell then should be washed separately.

A person suffering from hyperhidrosis should be aware that the fluid itself is almost odorless. If you start to worry about a sharp stench, you should consult a doctor.

Strong sweating can cause endocrine system failure, obesity. Often, a simple treatment will get rid of a problem that a person has been struggling with for years.

The smell of sweat on things is an unpleasant problem, but solvable.
