Didactic guide for kindergarten: Wonderful bag. Wonderful bag - a game for the sensory development of children Didactic game wonderful bag middle group

The game can be played in the presence of all children, they observe the actions of their comrades.

Formation of tactile-motor choice according to the model in the perception of shape, size, spatial arrangement and subject relatedness

The tactile-motor choice according to the model is closely connected with visual perception, with the form in which the sample will be given. Only in one case does the child rely entirely on tactile-motor perception, when we have a tactile-motor model, i.e., the child acts without the participation of vision. But, as a rule, the sample is given either visually or in a mixed way - visually-tactile. In these cases, vision actively participates in the choice of an object, and contact with the object helps the child to obtain an image as a whole. Choice by touch should not be offered to children before they have learned to make this choice visually.

In all games, it is necessary to monitor the formation of the most groping and circling movement, the correct movement of the hand over the object, so that during this palpation the child fixes both general (size, shape, object relatedness) and more specific (presence of basic details , their relation to the whole, etc.) signs of these objects.

"Wonderful bag"

Target. To learn to choose objects according to the model by touch, develop attention, form an emotionally positive attitude towards the game.

Equipment. Opaque pouch with drawstring, paired items.

Game progress. 1st option (the sample is given visually). There are two sets of exactly the same toys on the table in front of the teacher - two balls, two dolls, two toy plates, two ducklings, etc. The teacher takes a couple of objects, examines them with the children and names them, paying attention mainly to the fact that the objects are the same . Then he drops one of them into the bag. Likewise with the other pair of items. The rest of the items lying on the table are covered with a napkin or covered with a screen. Children take turns approaching the teacher. He takes out one of the items from under the napkin, invites the child to look at it without picking it up, and then find the same one in the bag. The child touches desired item, compares it with a pattern. If the choice is made correctly, the teacher says: “Misha guessed correctly. There is a duckling on the table, and he took the duckling out of the bag.” When playing the game again, three, then four, five items can be dropped into the bag.

In the process of educating children, you can use a very simple didactic game - "Wonderful bag". What exactly it is, and when it is more appropriate to carry it out, you will learn from this article.

The purpose of the game "Wonderful bag"

In the course of the game, children learn to determine what kind of object it is, according to characteristic external features, that is, in shape. It can also be used to develop speech and imagination.

Necessary equipment for games
  1. Opaque bag. For kids, it is recommended to sew it from bright fabrics (to increase interest in what is happening), and for older children - from dark fabrics.
  2. Items. They must correspond to a specific theme (vegetables, geometric figures, animals, letters or numbers) and have distinct shape differences.

Description of the game "Wonderful bag"

The meaning of the game is very simple: you need to put your hand into the bag, feel for an object and name it, without seeing what it is specifically. So that the children do not get confused, you can first put 1 item, and then, when they learn how to play like this, there are already several.

Players, in addition to the main task, may be given additional:

For very young children, you can suggest choosing a toy in this way, with which he will then play. To do this, they are first shown the items that are placed in the bag, and then each in turn takes out his own.

This game is suitable for children from the age of 3, when they can already speak and name an object with at least one word. She has no age restrictions, so complicating the rules for conducting, she can be used even in high school.

Didactic game"Wonderful bag" (with vegetables)


Educational. Clarify children's ideas about vegetables; learn to highlight certain properties in vegetables, correctly classify vegetables; to consolidate the ability to correctly show vegetables, describe their color, shape and other qualities, learn to show all vegetables in one word, defining them by taste. Activate the vocabulary of children with the words: cucumber, tomato, carrot, beetroot, smooth, rough.

Educational. Develop fine motor skills, tactile sensations, taste and speech in children.

Educational. Cultivate perseverance, interest in the lesson.

Methodical methods: visual (showing toys, dummies of vegetables, pictures); verbal (guessing riddles, physical education, questions for children, encouragement) and practical (didactic exercises).

Teacher preparation: O.S. Ushakov "Speech development in kindergarten"

Material: hedgehog toy, models of vegetables, a wonderful bag, pictures of a garden, a grandfather and a woman, vegetables and fruits.

Course and methodology:

The teacher gives the children a riddle:

"Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Too many needles

And not one thread "

Children, who is the riddle about? That's right, about the hedgehog.

Look, today a hedgehog came to visit us. Let's say hello to him.

- The hedgehog visited the forest and found a bag there. Let's see what lies there.

I suggest that the children take turns getting

What is in the bag.

A game is played with a wonderful bag.

Olesya, what did you get? What is this? That's right, it's a cucumber.

What colour is he? (green). What is its shape? (oblong). What does it feel like? (smooth or rough). Child responses.

Mark, what did you get out of the bag? What is it? (carrot)

What color is she? What form? What do carrots feel like? (smooth)

I conduct choral and individual responses of children.

Also, children consider onions, beets and tomatoes,

Determining the color and shape of vegetables.

What one word can you call all this? (Correctly vegetables).

Where do vegetables grow? Right in the garden.

Let's take a break and do some exercise.

“We will go to the garden (children walk in place).

A lot of things grow there (spread their hands).

We pick cucumbers from the garden (children pick imaginary cucumbers).

Tomatoes with smooth skin (outline with hands round shape).

Thick turnip (put your hands on your belt).

She sat down firmly in the ground (sway from side to side).

Pull, pull from the ground (depict as if pulling from the ground).

Everything is collected, look (spread your arms to the sides).

Conducted didactic exercise

"Taste it."

Guys, does the hedgehog invite you to taste all these vegetables?

Sit comfortably, close your eyes and open your mouth. And I will put a piece of vegetable for each.

And you will have to determine the taste of which vegetable they gave to whom.

I give each child a spoon,

sliced ​​vegetables

(onion, cucumber, beetroot, tomato).

And I ask:

What did you eat? What vegetable do you like? (bitter onions, sweet carrots and beets, and juicy tomatoes and cucumbers).

When children answer

I seek a full answer with a proposal.

For example, I ate onions, they are bitter,

carrots and sweet beets, cucumber and juicy tomato.

Conducted didactic exercise "Harvest"

Guys, the hedgehog offers to play more and help to harvest.

I draw the attention of the children to the board, which depicts a garden

Grandfather and grandmother and two baskets, and pictures of vegetables and fruits.

Guys, look, there lived a grandfather and a woman. They had a beautiful garden and a large vegetable garden, where many fruits and vegetables grew. Once the grandmother took a basket and went to the garden to collect fruits for compote. And grandfather also took a basket and went to the garden to collect vegetables.

Guys, let's help grandfather and grandmother to harvest. The girls will help their grandmother to collect fruits, and the boys will help their grandfather to collect vegetables in a basket.

Children go out in turn and choose fruits and vegetables and

magnets lay out pictures of fruits and vegetables to the board.

Well done guys, you tried and gathered a big harvest, grandfather and woman tell you Thanks a lot. And the hedgehog liked the way you coped with the task.

The teacher sums up the analysis and the conclusion of the lesson.

Guys, what did you do in class? What did you like the most? What have you learned? (children's answers)

Guys, it's time for us to say goodbye to the hedgehog and return to the forest.

Children say goodbye to the hedgehog.

Entertainment"Great bag."

Target: Creating a joyful, cheerful mood in children.

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to act in concert in a team, courage, a sense of self-confidence. Interest inactive children, involve in the game. Develop memory, attention, speech. Cultivate a positive attitude towards peers.

Material: wonderful bag, toys (ball, drum, toy ladybug, steering wheel, sultans).

Lesson progress:

The teacher draws the attention of children with a poem:

Good morning! (turn to each other)

Smile soon! (hands to the side)

And all day today (clap your hands)

Everyone will have more fun!

We stroke the forehead, (perform actions on the text)

Nose and cheeks.

We will be beautiful (hands to the sides)

Like flowers in a garden! (rocking)

Educator: Children, this morning I found this bag at our door.

And the bag is not simple, but wonderful! Do you want to know why he is like this? It has a lot interesting toys! Would you like to see what is in the wonderful bag?

The teacher takes a ball out of the bag.

Educator: What it is? ( Balloon)

Educator: Can you blow up balloons? And let's show you how we can cheat.

A game"Bubble".

Children take each other's hands and form a circle. Then they say:

Blow up, bubble

Blow up, big one

Stay like this

Don't crash.

Simultaneously with the words, we gradually expand the circle and hold hands until the teacher says: "The bubble has burst!". The children put their hands down and squat down, saying, "Clap." You can move to the center of the circle after the words “bubble burst” and say: “psh-sh-sh-sh-sh”.

Educator: And I have something else in the bag.

He is lean and thick-skinned.
Hit the stick - bam, bam!
Rattle, can not be silent
This loud... (Drum)

(Pulls out a drum.)

Educator: Let's play with him.

Fun drum game.

The teacher offers one of the children to get a toy from the bag. The child gets it, and the teacher asks who is it?

Children: It's a ladybug!

Educator: Let's turn into ladybugs.

Fizkultminutka " ladybugs».

Circled around themselves
And they turned into ladybugs (circling).
Ladybugs, show your heads
Spouts, mouths, wings - arms, legs, tummies. (show named parts of the body)
Ladybugs, turn your heads to the right,
Ladybugs, turn left heads. (Head turns to the right, to the left)
Stomp your feet, flap your wings. (Stomp their feet. Clap their hands)
They turned to each other and smiled sweetly. (turn around, smile)

Educator: Guys, do you know what it is? (The teacher takes out the steering wheel).

Why do we need a steering wheel? (To drive a car).

Right! Let's play the game "Sparrows and the car" with you.

The game "Sparrows and the car."

Children - "sparrows" sit on a bench - "nests". The teacher depicts a "car". After the words of the teacher: “Flew, sparrows, onto the path,” the children rise and run around the playground, waving their arms - “wings”. At the signal of the teacher: “The car is driving, fly, sparrows, to your nests!” - the “car” leaves the “garage”, the “sparrows” fly into the “nests” (sit on the benches). The "car" returns to the "garage".

Educator: Children, but there is something else in our bag.

Come on, smile quickly!

And today the whole day will be more fun for everyone!

And so that the smile does not disappear from the face,

Let's all dance until we drop.

Dance with sultans.

Educator: The bag became completely empty,

And the time has come to return to the group.

Give the children bags containing tomatoes, cucumbers, turnips or carrots. Ask, without looking into the bag, by touch, guess what vegetable is there.

6. The result of the lesson. On house: task 7.

Session 8 Topic:


Equipment: bunny - bibabo doll, carrot dummy.

Lesson progress

1. Organizing time.

The game "Treat the bunny."

The bunny jumped to the children,


What will we give the bunny?

What are we going to feed the bunny?

Here is a carrot. look,

Feed the bunny quickly!

3. Exercise "Teach Bunny" (for the development of organs of articulation).

Invite children to help the bunny - teach him:

a) open your mouth

Bunny, open your mouth! Like this! Like this!

b) show teeth:

Bunny, show me your teeth! Like this! Like this!

c) show tongue:

Bunny, show your tongue! Like this! Like this!

d) bite off a carrot

And eat a carrot! Am! Am! Am!

d) lick your lips

Bunny ate all the carrots. He really liked the delicious carrots. He began to lick his lips. Like this! Like this! And the children wipe their lips with a napkin.

Thank you! - said the hare and ran into the forest. Perform each exercise up to 3 times.

4. Physical education.

Invite the children to jump like bunnies.

5. Finger gymnastics.

Gray bunnies sit And move their ears. Like this! Like this! Everyone is moving their ears!

Press the little finger and ring finger with the thumb to the palm. Straighten your index and middle fingers and wiggle them. Make a bunny with the other hand and both hands together.

6. The result of the lesson. On house: task 8.

Session 9 Topic: "Vegetables. Phrase"


1. Learn to form a phrase of 3 words

2. Fix the nominative dictionary on the topic.

3. Fix the generalizing concept of "vegetables".

4. Develop attention, memory, fine motor skills of the hands, sensory perception.

5. To develop the ability to listen to the speech of a speech therapist.

Equipment: basket, models of vegetables, natural vegetables, grandmother - bibabo doll.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Exercise "What This?".

Grandma came to visit the children And brought a basket. Look what grandma grew in her garden. (Show the children a basket of vegetables.)

What is this? (These are vegetables.)

Invite the children to take one vegetable out of the basket and name it.

Grandmother went to the market to sell these vegetables. And we'll go buy them.

3. AND gra "On the market".

We will take baskets, We will go along the path. We will go along the path, And we will come to the market. Look at the counter, Buy yourself some vegetables!

Look carefully and tell me what vegetables are sold on the market?

Katya, what can I give you? (Give me a turnip (cucumber, tomato, carrot).)

4. Game "One, two, three- what they bought name it."

We carry baskets. We are going home with you.

We all went to the market, We bought vegetables for ourselves. One, two, three - What did you buy, name it.

What did you buy, Katya? (I bought a turnip.)

What did you buy, Vova? (I bought a tomato.)

5. Game "Guess the vegetables to taste."

- We have come home. What are we going to do with the vegetables? (Listen to the children's answers. Clarify them.)

We will wash the vegetables and make a salad out of them.

Guess what vegetables are in my salad?

A child with closed eyes tries a piece of vegetable and tries to guess its name. (This is a carrot. This is a turnip. This is a tomato. This is a cucumber.)

6. The result of the lesson. On house: task 9.

Session 10 Topic: "Vegetables. Drawing"


1. Fix the concept of "vegetables".

2. Learn to write descriptions of turnips and tomatoes.

3. Learn to coordinate adjectives with masculine and feminine nouns.

4. Develop sensory perception and motor skills.

5. Cultivate politeness, the ability to listen to the speech of a speech therapist.

Equipment: a doll, a basket, dummies of a turnip and a tomato, subject pictures depicting the same vegetables, paper, felt-tip pens.

Lesson progress

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Exercise "Tell me which one?"

Show the doll and invite the children to say hello to her:

Doll Katya came to visit us and brought a basket. What's up, Katya? (There are vegetables.)

Consider a tomato and a turnip, name their color:

Red tomato.

Turnip yellow.

Examine the shape of these vegetables, name:

round tomato.

The turnip is round.

Learn to write descriptions

Tomato red, round.

Turnip yellow, round.

3. Picture conversation.

Consider with children the images of turnips and tomatoes in the pictures.

What tomato? (Tomato red, round.)

What turnip? (Turnip is yellow, round.)

4. Physical education "Round dance".

Children with mom in the garden Picked vegetables. Vegetables were plucked, guests were treated. Here are carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, turnips. Eat vegetables, guys, you will be strong.

5. Drawing "Tomato and turnip" (similar to a speech therapist). Paint in a circular motion from the center.

6. Exercise "Tell me which one?" (continuation).

Tell me, what kind of tomato (turnip) do you have? (I have a red, round tomato. I have a yellow, round turnip.)

7. The result of the lesson.

Invite the children to give drawings to the Katya doll and say goodbye to her. On house: task 10.

Lesson 11

Subject: "Articulatory and finger gymnastics»


1. Develop articulatory and fine motor skills of the hands.

2. Develop auditory and visual attention.

3. Cultivate the ability to follow the instructions of a speech therapist.

Equipment: bunny - bibabo doll, fake turnip.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Game "Feed the bunny."

The bunny jumped to the children,


What will we give the bunny?

What are we going to feed the bunny?

We have a turnip. look,

Feed the bunny quickly!

3. Exercise "Teach Bunny" (see activity 8).

4. Physical education minute (see activity 8).

5. Finger gymnastics (see activity 8).

6. The result of the lesson. On house: task 11.

Lesson 12

Subject: "Autumn (acquaintance)"


2. Form the concept of "autumn".

3. Teach the elements of dialogical speech.

4. Develop attention, memory, thinking, fine and general motor skills.

Equipment: plot pictures on the theme "Autumn", dolls - a girl and a boy, a tambourine.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Exercise "Let's get acquainted".

Look who came to us! Who is this? (These are dolls.)

Hello children!

Let's meet and greet them. (Children greet.)

- Ask a girl: "Girl, what's your name?"

My name is Tanya.

Ask a boy, "Boy, what's your name?"

My name is Vanya.

Tanya and Vanya ask the children in turn: “What is your name?” Each child answers: "My name is..."

3. Conversation on the picture.

Look, Tanya and Vanya brought a picture of how they walked.

Consider with the children a picture depicting autumn, a girl and a boy in autumn clothes with leaves in their hands.

Look closely at Tanya and Vanya. They put on warm jackets, hats and boots. Why? (It's cold outside.)

What's up with Tanya? (Tanya has a leaf.)

What is Tanya's leaf? (Red leaf.)

What's up with Vanya? (Vanya also has a leaflet.)

What is Vanya's leaf? (Vanya has a yellow leaf.)

Right. Cold. The leaves turned red and yellow. It's autumn.

What season is it? (Autumn.)

Consider the plot picture "Autumn", which depicts the signs of this season.

There are clouds in the sky. A cold wind is blowing, leaves are falling. There is a cold rain. What time of year is this? (Autumn.)

Look carefully. Where is Tanya? (No Tanya.) Where is Vanya? (No Vanya.)

They are at home. Why? (It's cold. It's raining.)

4. Physical education "Sun and Rain"

The uniform ringing of a tambourine is “sunshine”, the children are walking; beats on a tambourine to the beat with onomatopoeia: "Drip-drip-drip" - "rain", the children run to the chairs. "

5. Work with a plot picture.

Draw the children's attention to the picture with the image of autumn, ask questions:

How did you guess? (It's cold. The leaves are yellow, red. Clouds. It's raining.)

6. The result of the lesson. On house: task 12.

Lesson 13

Subject: "Autumn. One - many"


1. Fix the concepts of "one" - "many".

3. Learn to hear and use “yellow leaves”, “red leaves” in agreement in speech.

4. Learn to build a phrase with the number "one" and the word "many".

5. Cultivate politeness, the ability to listen to a speech therapist.

Equipment: picture depicting autumn, dolls - a girl and a boy, yellow and red leaves.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Look, Tanya and Vanya came to us.

Hello children! (Dolls greet children.) Children answer:

Hello Tanya! Hello Vanya!

Tanya and Vanya show the children the picture "Autumn", ask them to tell what is drawn on it. (Answers of children, clarification of the season shown in the picture.)

3. Exercise "Count."

On the floor (carpet) is laid out with yellow and red leaves. Dolls "read" a poem:

Gloomy autumn has come, All the leaves have been plucked. They lie on the ground, They want to play with us. We will collect them and count the leaves.

Invite the children to hold up one piece of paper and ask each child to answer the question:

How many leaves do you have? (I have one leaflet.) Put all the leaves in a bouquet, ask:

How many leaves do we have? (We have a lot of leaves.)

4. Physical education.

The children have papers in their hands.

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing Blowing, blowing

Children raise their hands up and shake them from side to side.

5. Game "Present".

Invite the children to give yellow leaves to Tanya.

Here, Tanya, a yellow leaf.

How many leaves did you give Tanya? (One.) When all the children give Tanya the leaves, ask:

How many leaves does Tanya have? (Tanya has a lot of leaves.)

What are Tanya's leaves? (Tanya has yellow leaves.) Then give red leaves to Vanya.

When are the leaves red and yellow? (In autumn.)

6. The result of the lesson. On house: task 13.

Lesson 14 Subject: "Autumn. Count up to two"

2. Fix the concepts of "red", "yellow".

3. Continue to learn to hear and use “yellow leaves”, “red leaves” in agreement in speech.

4. Learn to build a phrase with the numbers "one", "two" and the preposition W.

5. Cultivate politeness, the ability to listen to a speech therapist.

Equipment: natural leaves, paper leaves, picture "Autumn".

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Work with a plot picture.

Consider with the children a picture of autumn and read them a poem:

Gloomy autumn has come, It has plucked the leaves from the branch. Leaves fell, hit the kids. We will collect the leaves and count the leaves.

3. Exercise "Count." Consider yellow and red leaves.

What leaflet is this? (Show the children a yellow leaflet.)(This is a yellow leaf.)

What leaflet is this? (Show the children a red piece of paper.)

(This is a red piece of paper.) Distribute one piece of paper to the children, ask:

How many leaves do you have? (I have one piece of paper.) Distribute one more piece of paper, count them together with the children:

One two. There are only two leaves.

How many leaves do you have? (I have two leaves.) Invite the children to take the leaves one by one in their hand. On the account of "one"

raise one hand with a piece of paper, at the expense of "two" - the other. Then, on the count of "one", lower one hand, on the count of "two" - the other.

4. Physical education (see activity 13).

5. Game "We believe".

Autumn has come to visit us, Autumn has brought leaves.

Distribute 2 yellow sheets to the children, and 2 red ones to the children.

What kind of leaves do you have? (I have red (yellow) leaves.)

How many red (yellow) leaves? (One, two. Two red (yellow) leaves.)

How many leaves do you have? (I have two leaves.)

6. The result of the lesson. On house: task 14.

Session 15 Topic: "Articulation and finger gymnastics"


1. Develop articulatory and fine motor skills of the hands.

2. Develop auditory and visual attention.

3. Cultivate the ability to follow the instructions of a speech therapist.

Equipment: hedgehog - bibabo doll, mushroom model.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Exercise "Let's get acquainted".

The speech therapist quietly knocks and asks:

Who's there? Did you knock? (Turns to the child.)(No.) Let's ask:

Who's there? (Get a hedgehog.)

Who is this? (It's a hedgehog.)

Let's get to know him.

The hedgehog asks each child what their name is. The child answers:

My name is...

And my name is Hedgehog - no head, no legs.

3. Game "Treat".

Children, the hedgehog came to visit us. Let's treat him - give him a mushroom. Let's say: "Eat, hedgehog!"

I have a prickly hedgehog, I feed him mushrooms. The hedgehog takes a mushroom in its paws, But it cannot open its mouth. I will treat the hedgehog, I will teach you how to open your mouth.

4. Articulation gymnastics (5 times each exercise):

Open mouth wide - close;

Show a long tongue - remove;

The tongue runs left and right;

Show teeth;

Smile (pronounce "and")- tubule (pronounce "U").

5. Physical education.

Perform actions on the text of the poem:

A hedgehog walks, wanders, Little feet, Little feet, Boots on his feet. Legs: top-top-top, Boots: top-top-top. As it curls up into a ball, You can't see your feet in boots.

6. Finger gymnastics:

hedgehog needles (spread fingers). The hedgehog was frightened of the fox, folded the thorns (connect fingers) and curled up in a ball (squeeze your fingers into a fist).

All movements are performed first with one hand, then with the other. Repeat several times;

hedgehog head (thumbs connect hands with tips) and the body of a hedgehog (the rest of the fingers are intertwined: the fingers of one hand between the fingers of the other);

Hedgehog straightened his needles (straighten fingers) curled up in a ball (press fingers to the back of the hand).

7. The result of the lesson. On house: task 15.

Session 16 Topic: "Autumn. Drawing. Count up to two"


1. Fix the concept of "autumn".

2. Clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic.

3. Form phrasal speech.

5. Develop sensorimotor skills, attention, memory.

6. Cultivate politeness, the ability to listen to a speech therapist.

Equipment: plot picture "Autumn", pencils, paper, tambourine, dolls, flannelgraph or magnetic board, cut out images of yellow and red leaves, puddles, clouds, sun.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Exercise "Look and tell."

Look, dolls have come to visit us. Invite the children to say hello and get to know the guests.

What did they bring us? (Yellow and red leaves, picture.)

3. Conversation about autumn.

Consider with the children the leaflets and the picture, ask questions:

What is this? (Red leaves. Yellow leaves. Clouds. Rain. Puddles.)

What time of year is this? (Autumn.)

4. Physical education "Sun And rain” (see activity 12).

5. Exercise "Picture by Picture"

Gloomy, rainy Autumn has come. It's very cold to walk, Let's draw autumn.

Lay out 2 clouds, 2 puddles on a flannelgraph or magnetic board, with stripes of rain between them. Consider the resulting image.

6. Exercise "Count."

Count the clouds (puddles).

After each count, ask:

How much? (Two clouds. Two puddles.)

7. Drawing "Autumn".

Give the children paper, simple pencils and offer to draw 2 clouds.

Children with the help of a speech therapist draw clouds in a circular motion from the center.

Then, with blue pencils, draw rain in straight lines and 2 puddles - in a circular motion from the center.

8. Conversation on the drawings of children. Invite the children to answer the following questions:

What is this? (Encircle the clouds.)(These are clouds.)

What is this? (Wrap your hand around the puddles.)(These are puddles.)

What is this? (Wrap your hand around the rain.)(It's rain.)

What is all this? (Wrap your hand around the drawing.)(It's autumn.)

9. The result of the lesson. On house: task 16.

Lesson 17

Subject: "Mushrooms. One, two, many"


1. Fix the concepts of "one", "many".

3. Fix the signs of autumn.

4. Form a phrase with the preposition U and the words "one", "two", "many".

5. Develop attention, memory, fine motor skills of the hands.

6. Cultivate the skills of a culture of communication.

Equipment: pieces of paper, a basket, dummies of mushrooms, two hedgehogs, a picture “Autumn. Mushrooms".

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Exercise "Look and tell."

- Look, hedgehogs have come to visit us. Invite the children to say hello to the guests.

What did they bring us? (A basket with mushrooms, a picture.)

3. Work with a plot picture.

Consider with children the picture “Autumn. Mushrooms, ask questions:

What time of year is this? (It's autumn.)

What are Tanya and Vanya doing? (Tanya and Vanya are picking mushrooms.)

How many mushrooms did the children collect? (Children collected a lot of mushrooms.)

4. Exercise "One - a lot of".

Distribute one mushroom to the children, ask each:

How many mushrooms do you have? (I have one mushroom.) Invite the children to put all the mushrooms in a basket.

How many mushrooms do we have? (We have a lot of mushrooms.)

5. Physical education (see activity 13).

6. Game "Treat".

Hedgehogs are preparing for winter. They want to eat. Let's treat hedgehogs with mushrooms. Ask two children to give each hedgehog one mushroom.

How many mushrooms, Vanya, did you give the hedgehog? (I gave one mushroom.)

Also ask the second child. Then ask the children to give the hedgehogs another mushroom and count the mushrooms again. Make sure that the children count the mushrooms from left to right, pointing to each mushroom, correlating the number and objects.

Help children as needed. After counting, circle the mushrooms of one hedgehog with your hand and ask:

How much? (Two mushrooms.)

7. The result of the lesson. On house: task 17.

Session 18 Topic: "Fruits (acquaintance)"


1. Clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic.

2. Form a generalizing concept of "fruit".

3. Learn to build a phrase of 2 words on a given question.

4. Develop attention, memory, fine and general motor skills, tactile sensations.

5. Cultivate the ability to listen to a speech therapist, perform simple instructions, culture behavior skills.

Equipment: basket, fruit models (apple, pear, lemon, banana), grandmother - bibabo doll, bag.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Exercise "Show me And Tell".

Report that the grandmother came to visit the children. Offer to say hello to her.

Grandma brought you presents.

Show me where the grandmother has an apple in her basket? (Here's an apple.)

Where is the pear (lemon, banana)? (Here is a pear (lemon, banana).)

3. Exercise « What is this?».

The teacher takes out one piece of fruit from the basket and asks:

What is this? (This is an apple. This is a pear. This is a lemon. This is a banana.)

4. Physical education.

5. Game « Great bag."

Hide an apple (pear, lemon, banana) in a bag. Ask the children to guess by touch what is in the bag. - Whats up? (There is an apple.) Etc.

6. The result of the lesson. On house: task 18.

Session 19 Topic: "Articulation and finger gymnastics"


1. To form the skills of dialogical speech.

2. Develop attention, memory, articulation apparatus and fine motor skills of the hands.

3. To cultivate the skills of a culture of behavior, the ability to listen to a speech therapist and accurately follow his instructions.

Equipment: hedgehog - bibabo doll, model of an apple.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Game "Who's there?".

Imperceptibly knock and ask: “Who is there? Children! Did you knock?"

Let's ask: "Who's there?" (Get a hedgehog.)

It's me - a hedgehog, no head, no legs.

Hello hedgehog!

3. Exercise "Teach a hedgehog."

Children, the hedgehog came to visit us. Let's feed him. Let's give him an apple. Let's say: "Eat, hedgehog, apple!"

My prickly, gray hedgehog Takes an apple in its paws, But cannot open its mouth. I will treat the hedgehog, I will teach you how to open your mouth.

Perform articulation gymnastics with children (5 times each exercise) (see activity 15).

4. Physical education (see activity 15).

5. Finger gymnastics.

All movements are performed first with one hand, then with the other.

Fold your fingers so that you get a hedgehog.

Press and straighten its spines.

6. The result of the lesson. On house: task 19.

Lesson 20

Subject: "Fruits. Inflection"


1. Consolidate and expand the vocabulary on the topic.

2. Fix the generalizing concept of "fruit".

3. To form an understanding and correct use of the singular and plural nouns in the nominative case.

4. Learn to build a phrase of 3 words with the preposition U.

5. Develop attention, memory.

6. Cultivate the ability to listen to a speech therapist.

Equipment: doll, pictures and dummies of fruits, plates, picture "Garden", basket, rudders.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Work with a plot picture.

Consider the picture. Tell the children that this is a garden where fruits grow.

We walked around the garden, Picked fruit from a tree, Look quickly, What you picked, name it.

Show in turn an apple, a pear, a lemon, a banana.

What is this? (This is an apple (pear, lemon, banana).)

What is it all together? (These are fruits.)

3. Exercise "Show and tell."

Ask the children to consider subject pictures, show and give complete answers:

Where is the apple? Where are the apples? (Here is an apple. Here are apples.)

Where is the pear? Where are the pears? (Here is a pear. Here are pears.)

Where is the lemon? Where are the lemons? (Here is a lemon. Here are lemons.)

Where is the banana? Where are the bananas? (Here is a banana. Here are bananas.)

4. Physical education.
