Unified database of orphans.

"Change one life", meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. This is an effective, although far from the only tool for family organization, said the director of the fund Julia Yudina Internet portal "Mercy.ru", commenting Facebook post, published earlier by the TV presenter Timur Kizyakov.

In his publication, the host of the program “So far, everyone is at home” assessed the work of the Change One Life Foundation in creating videos about orphans as ineffective. He contrasted the high standards by which the video passports for the heading “You will have a child” were prepared with the quality of any other video materials made in Russia used to place orphans in families. In addition, Timur Kizyakov denied allegations related to the financing of his program.

Earlier it was reported about the closure of the program “So far, everyone is at home” due to fraud related to the financing of the production of video passports for orphans for the heading “You will have a child”. According to media reports, funds for the creation of these stories were drawn simultaneously from several sources: from the Ministry of Education and Science, from Channel One and from sponsoring companies.
The program “So far, everyone is at home” has been broadcast on Channel One since 1992. In 2006, within its framework, the heading “You will have a child” appeared, which told about orphans in need of adoption. Each child was dedicated to a separate story, which was called a video passport. The cost of one video passport was 100 thousand rubles. Timur Kizyakov defended in court the copyright for the production of such video passports.

“We saw a post published by Timur Kizyakov in social network. We can't comment on the main part of his post, but would like to respond to the part where the Change One Life Foundation was mentioned. First of all, we are surprised by Timur's attention to our fund and his decision to evaluate the effectiveness of our work, - noted Julia Yudina, commenting on the criticism from the TV presenter. —

We respect all organizations that create videos about children in orphanages and distribute them to the media. We are also happy to share and share our technology, thanks to which, over five years of work, we have managed to create more than 30,000 video profiles, that is, to shoot half of all the guys who need a family.

From the very beginning of our foundation, in 2012, we set the task: to create video questionnaires for as many orphans as possible in Russian orphanages, so that as many boys and girls as possible become visible, and they have a chance to leave the orphanages forever.

Therefore, we work almost throughout Russia - in 78 regions. We film all children who can be helped to find a family - of any health group, of any age.

The video questionnaire allows you to show children from the most remote corners of Russia. And we declare with all responsibility that a video questionnaire is better than its absence. Before starting to create questionnaires, we conducted a survey among parents about what is important for them to see in the video, and created technical requirements for shooting video questionnaires.

The video questionnaires created by our foundation meet the technical requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and are also placed in the federal data bank on orphans.

In 2012 (the start of the foundation) there were about 120,000 orphans and children left without parental care in the country. There was very little information, the parents had a high demand for a video representation of the child.

Each parent, who has watched the video questionnaire and is interested in the child, applies to the guardianship and guardianship authority for complete information about the child. This is the only organization authorized to decide whether to be a new family or not.

As for calculating the effectiveness of video questionnaires, absolute accuracy is not possible here. In the post of Timur Kizyakov, we first saw the term and the percentage of "self-arrangement" of orphans, which is not known to the expert community.

A video questionnaire is an effective tool, but far from the only one in the process of family organization. We must not forget about the work of guardianship authorities, about volunteer associations, about non-profit organizations that work to increase the child's chances of being placed in a family.

We must not forget about the prevention of child abandonment, about accompanying families who have already adopted children.

The video questionnaire cannot lead to the return of the child. Potential adoptive parents may have inflated expectations that “such cheerful child in the frame will always have fun and will not cause trouble. To deal with these high expectations and other myths associated with foster children, all prospective adoptive parents are required to attend a foster parent school.

Based on our experience with foster moms and dads, we know that most foster parents understand that a video - no matter how high-quality and detailed it may be - is in many ways a superficial way of getting to know a child, in a sense a subjective look at him. And, of course, in order to make a decision about a family arrangement, it is important for parents to personally get to know their future son or daughter, and also, they really need follow-up support.

Therefore, we have created an information portal that we maintain on a daily basis in order to provide maximum information for potential and current adoptive parents. We make films about them and for them, write articles with expert advice, answer their questions, consult psychologists and organize webinars and forums. We strive to be aware of all aspects of the topic of family placement of orphans in our country.

For the entire period of the foundation’s existence, we have never resorted to financing from the budget, we are supported by a large number of companies and ordinary people.

They and the parents for whom we work are the main ones in assessing our effectiveness,” Yulia Yudina emphasized.

Help us film as many video profiles as possible


The priority activity of the "Change One Life" Foundation is to promote the family placement of orphans. The organization began its activities in the spring of 2012. Over the four years of work, more than seven thousand children have been able to find their parents with the help of our foundation.

The Change One Life Foundation offers a fundamentally new approach to finding children. We are shooting a video about a specific child. For one and a half to two minutes, older children talk about themselves and their hobbies. And if we are talking about babies, then the educator comes to the aid of the operator, who tells in detail about the character of the child, about his favorite toys, about food preferences, etc.

Unlike other federal or regional banks and databases of orphans awaiting placement in a family, with the help of video, we try to provide potential parents with the most complete information about their unborn child.


The database of orphans of the Change One Life Foundation is the most simple interface that allows potential parents to get information about a child. Currently, there are more than 24,000 questionnaires in our orphans' bank, which means that your child can be very close.

We bring to your attention step by step instructions on working with the video database of orphans of our foundation. So:

- Step number 1. Using the search form on our website, enter the desired parameters: the age of the child, the presence or absence of brothers and sisters, the form of placement in the family (please note that we take this information about children from the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation www.usynovite. ru).

- Step number 2. To sort the questionnaires according to the specified parameters, click the "search" button and wait a few seconds while the system forms a database of children that meet your requirements.

- Step number 3. Check out the video questionnaires of children who fit the given parameters.

- Step number 4. After the choice is made, contact the regional operator of the base for orphans by phone, indicated in each child's questionnaire.

Please note: Before you start looking for a child, you need to review the requirements for adoptive parents and make sure you meet them. According to the law in our country, any adult citizen can be a foster parent with the exception of:

- persons, recognized by the court incapacitated or partially incapacitated;

- spouses, one of whom is recognized by the court as incapable or partially incapacitated;

- persons deprived of parental rights by court or limited by court in parental rights;

- persons removed from the duties of a guardian (custodian) for improper performance of the duties assigned to him by law;

- former adoptive parents, if the adoption is canceled by the court due to their fault;

- persons who, at the time of establishment of adoption, do not have income providing for the adopted child living wage, set in the subject Russian Federation where the adoptive parents live;

- persons who do not have a permanent place of residence;

- persons who have or had a criminal record, are or have been subjected to criminal prosecution (with the exception of persons whose criminal prosecution was terminated on rehabilitating grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity - personality (with the exception of illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital , libel and insults), sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual, against the family and minors, public health and public morality, as well as against public safety;

- persons who have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for grave or especially grave crimes;

- persons living in residential premises that do not meet sanitary and technical rules and regulations;

- persons who have not been trained in the school of adoptive parents (except for close relatives of the child, as well as adoptive parents in respect of whom the adoption was not canceled);

- persons who, for health reasons, cannot exercise parental rights.

You can get more detailed information about the procedure for adoption or registration of guardianship on our website in the "" section.

You can also study the heading "" on our website. The experts of our foundation will answer you: lawyers, current adoptive parents.

We will be glad if the advice of our experts will make it easier for you to find your child.

Write to us! We are always very happy and important to hear that our site has helped children and their parents meet!

Among more than 50 thousand questionnaires in Russian orphanages, it is difficult to find exactly the child whom the family wants to adopt. Specialized websites work to help such families.

Where to start looking for those who want to become adoptive parents?

1. Decide where to look

Usually, when children are officially abandoned by biological parents or parents are deprived of their rights, the child receives the status of "subject to placement in a family." From this moment the search begins new family. A personal file is started, it is “attached” to the district guardianship orphanage or the child's home (depending on age). If within a month the child has not been placed in a family, data about him are transferred to the regional catalog.

So, from the care of the district of any city near Moscow, these questionnaires fall into the bank of the Moscow region. Moscow and St. Petersburg have their own databases. And almost every subject of the Federation has its own websites with catalogs of children's questionnaires. Within the home region, you can find a child faster than at the federal level - in addition to posting on websites, announcements about babies in need of a family device are regularly published in local publications, special social videos are shown on regional TV channels, all kinds of events and promotions are held that attract attention to orphans.

Unites all the kids and teenagers looking for adoptive parents or adoptive parents, the federal data bank "Adopt.ru". 51,072 questionnaires of orphans in need of a family have been collected here. In the questionnaires, in addition to the photo (video) of the child, they usually indicate the name without patronymic and last name, month and year of birth (the date is not written in full). They also give a brief description: interests, hobbies, temperament, health characteristics. The questionnaire contains contacts of the guardianship and guardianship authorities in charge of the child, and indicates the possible types of family placement - adoption, guardianship. The reasons for the lack of parental care of mother and father are also explained. More detailed information can be obtained only at a personal meeting with the child and employees of the guardianship authorities.

The regional or federal data bank issues a referral to visit the child, but first coordinates the meeting with the district guardianship authority: it is possible that someone has already begun to visit the child by contacting the district directly, or relatives have appeared who decided to take him to the family.

NB: in many cases, it is very difficult for adoptive parents to choose a child from a photo, since most catalogs contain low-quality photographs, many of the pictures were taken by guardianship officials themselves. For a full-fledged questionnaire of the federal base, such photographs are clearly not suitable, experts say.

“I am studying the Adopt.ru website. It is good that there is such a resource, and it helps to find orphans who can be taken into the family. But how children are photographed - there are no words. As before execution or after serving time in the zone, - expressed your outrage on the Facebook page Alexander Gezalov, publicist, public figure, expert of the Foundation for the Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations, member of the Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of orphans and children left without parental care. - In a number of regions, the photos were taken as if on purpose - "do not take these children." When will foundations and NGOs start helping film orphans in such a way as to reveal the real pluses and minuses?”

Unfortunately, there are not many NGOs in Russia that deal with the problems of children left without parental care, who can create high-quality videos and take presentable photographs.

One of the pleasant exceptions is the Change One Life Charitable Foundation. The foundation's website contains the largest database of video profiles of children who dream of gaining loving family. There are currently 19,724 children on the waiting list. Each video is a mini-story about a child, his hobbies, dreams and desires. It is these video stories that give a child a chance to find their parents faster. The Foundation's employees also help the family prepare for the adoption of a child in a family: they advise on family placement, regularly hold webinars, and provide free tickets for parents who go to another region to pick up their child.

There are examples in the regions. For example, the Happy Children charity foundation from Krasnoyarsk also makes high-quality photos and videos, specifically collecting donations for this. Professional photographers and videographers are invited, a colorful portfolio of the child is created, which is subsequently published on the Web.

2. Learn to read ads. including between the lines

What should I pay attention to in ads and questionnaires?

1) The health of the child. It is not customary to write in detail about health features in the questionnaires. Therefore, when communicating with representatives of the regional guardianship, it is important to find out a detailed history of the life and development of the child. Often, social workers know the directors of orphanages personally, so when visiting guardianship authorities, you can ask them to call that Orphanage Where are you going to pick up the baby? It is important to ask how the child grows up: whether he is constantly isolated from his peers or, on the contrary, tries to be in the center of attention, etc. But it must be kept in mind that the wards of orphanages are sometimes diagnosed with developmental delay for no reason, as many families who have adopted children note. This is because in most cases the attention of the staff is not enough for all the kids, and the development of a child without the constant help of an adult may be delayed.

Photo: Vladimir Pesnya / RIA Novosti

2) The presence of brothers and sisters. According to Alexander Gezalov, it is necessary not only to indicate whether the child has them, but also to provide a link to their profiles. After all, according to Article 124 family code RF, adoption of brothers and sisters different persons not permitted unless the adoption is in the best interests of the children.

It is quite possible that the guardianship authorities will not allow children to be separated, and then the adoptive parents must decide whether they can take several into the family at once, and even different ages. The charitable foundation from St. Petersburg "Children are waiting" in the questionnaire of each ward indicates links to the portfolio of brothers and sisters, which makes it possible for future parents to consider further actions.

3) Relevance of information. Data on children enters the federal databases with delays and is updated quite infrequently. For example, information about children under the age of one is updated once a year, and for babies older than one year, the update is updated every three years. Therefore, you need to double-check whether this child has a family. This can be done most quickly at the regional level.

Update from 01.02.2018 Clarification: in accordance with paragraph 23 of the Procedure for the formation, maintenance and use of the state data bank on children left without parental care, sends updated information to the federal operator on the establishment, change, clarification or withdrawal of a diagnosis in children left without parental care, within 3 working days from the date its receipts, but at least once a year; photographs of children left without parental care, until the child reaches 3 years old - every 4 months; for children aged 3 to 7 years - every 6 months; for children over the age of 7 years - every 2 years.

3. Be mindful of deadlines

If future parents have already decided which child they want to meet in person, then they will be given (in local or regional guardianship authorities) a referral to get to know him. It is valid for a month, after which a decision must be made and reported to the guardianship authorities. It is worth remembering that while one family thinks, other potential adoptive parents are not allowed to date this child.

Update 02/01/2018 Bug Fix: a referral to visit a child left without parental care is valid not for a month, but for 10 working days. We apologize to readers.

MOSCOW, January 20 - RIA Novosti. The Change One Life Charitable Foundation has helped to arrange 10,000 children in families, the foundation's press service said on Friday.

Potential adoptive parents will be able to find a child similar to themselvesThe "Change One Life" Foundation has launched a unique project "One Face" using face recognition technology. It is designed to significantly simplify the choice of a child by a potential adoptive parent, one of whose frequent internal requests is the outward resemblance to him of a pupil of an orphanage, thanks to which an emotional connection is maintained.

The organization has created and for 5 years has been maintaining Russia's largest database of video profiles of children in orphanages and orphanages. It was the format of short videos with a life story, a description of the nature, interests and habits of each child without parental care that helped to attract a wide audience to the topic of family organization and allowed many children, including adolescents and children with disabilities, to find families.

“On average, every four hours an orphan child from our base meets his mother or father,” said Yulia Yudina, director of the foundation, foster mother.

Yulia Yudina: ordinary people change lives, just like you and meThe theme of orphanhood and family arrangement Lately discussed widely and from different angles. Yulia Yudina talks about how the topic is seen by her, the director of the Change One Life charity foundation, which deals with the placement of orphans in families.

As noted in the release, the creation of video questionnaires has become an innovative method of facilitating the family placement of orphans and has greatly increased the chances of children from orphanages to get into a family. Over four and a half years, the Foundation created more than 28,000 video questionnaires filmed in 78 regions of Russia.

According to Yudina, video questionnaires provide an opportunity to look at the child live, and this is how a potential adoptive parent can understand whether he will cope or not.

Artur Maksimov: I was looking for myself, but I found my sonThe young mother abandoned Vitya in the hospital. A newborn with severe diagnoses ended up in an orphanage, then - in an orphanage N4 in Pavlovsk for children with disabilities. It was here that Arthur Maksimov met 12-year-old Vitya. Artur told Iolanta Kachaeva about how this meeting changed their lives.

“We are doing everything to ensure that orphans cease to be “invisible”, so that both potential parents and simply caring people learn about them,” Yudina noted. “Each new figure on the site becomes the best reward for us. In 2012 there were only 108 children, in 2014 - 3047. And today - 10 thousand! 10 thousand girls and boys who finally have someone they can call mom ... This is the population of a whole city, Suzdal for example. "

All activities of the charity fund "Change one life" are carried out thanks to donations. Anyone can help shoot another video profile and give another child a chance to have a family.
