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Headquarters Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia by city trip Moscow(GU MIA of Russia for the city of Moscow), formerly the GUVD of Moscow - a territorial executive body in Moscow, part of the system of internal affairs bodies Russian Federation. Subordinates to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The main tasks of the department are to ensure the security, rights and freedoms of citizens, the suppression and disclosure of crimes, and the protection of public order.

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is headed by a chief who is appointed and dismissed by the President of Russia on the proposal of the Minister of Internal Affairs. Before submitting a candidate to the President of Russia, the opinion of the Mayor of Moscow is clarified. Control over the activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the mayor, the government of Moscow and the Moscow City Duma.

Currently, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is Major General of Police Oleg Baranov (appointed on September 22, 2016).


From the moment of its foundation until his death in 1844, Alexander Khristoforovich Benkendorf was the chief of the gendarmes and the head of the III Section. The reform of 1880 turned the Ministry of Internal Affairs into the dominant link in the state apparatus, in the role of which it remained almost until the fall of the autocracy. Due to the enormous workload of the minister in managing subordinate institutions, the functions of managing the security police were performed by his deputy - deputy minister, head of the police and commander of the Separate Corps of Gendarmes. He was directly in charge of the Police Department.

The need to create special bodies dealing exclusively with criminal investigation was recognized in Russia by the beginning of the 20th century. In July 1908, a law on the organization of the detective unit was adopted, in accordance with which detective departments were created in the city and county police departments. Their task included the production of inquiries in criminal cases with the necessary operational-search measures. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian criminal investigation department was recognized as one of the best in the world, since it used the latest techniques in its practice. For example, a registration system based on the systematization of information about persons into 30 special categories. Albums of photos of violators were actively used (the first Russian photography cabinet was organized as early as 1889). At a time when in the West the methods of photography and fingerprinting were only being mastered by the special services, the Russian police already had at their disposal more than 2 million photographs and 3 million fingerprint cards. Moreover, the system of centralized circular search for criminals, introduced in the criminal investigation department of the Russian Empire by January 1, 1915, was first borrowed by Scotland Yard, and then received universal recognition.

The second operational police regiment of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow

The 2nd operational police regiment of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow (2nd OPP) - was formed in 2004 by the merger of three operational police regiments of Moscow, which were at one time parts of the city patrol (PG) - the basis of service 02.

The activities of the 2nd OPP are aimed at ensuring the protection of public order during mass events in Moscow. Also, employees of the 2nd OPP are involved in the power support of various units of the criminal police.

The unit reports directly to the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the UOOP of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow - the Department for the Protection of Public Order.

It is the second largest unit in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow after the Moscow OMON.

Zonal dog service center

The zonal dog service center is the largest center for training dogs and employees for work. Dogs are trained in different directions: search for drugs, explosives, search for firearms and detention. Dogs are kept in enclosures, divided by areas of work. Gun hunting dogs live separately from detention dogs. Breeds such as German Shepherd, Labrador, and others are used. On the territory of the center there is a veterinary unit, a training ground for detention, a training ground for the search for explosives, a "maternity hospital" and " kindergarten”, as well as a “nursing home” for retired dogs. One cynologist works with one dog. They work all their lives together.


The position of Chief of Police was introduced in, with the subordinate to the Governor-General. He supervised the activities of police chiefs, was responsible for peace and order in the city, headed the fire brigade, oversaw trade, urban improvement and the sanitary condition of Moscow, monitored compliance with laws and regulations of higher and central institutions, and the implementation of decisions of the judiciary. The position was abolished in connection with the establishment of the city administration in Moscow.

Moscow police chiefs

FULL NAME. Title, rank, rank Position replacement time
Grekov Maxim Timofeevich colonel, brigadier 11.04.1722-23.12.1728
Pozdnyakov Ivan Davidovich State Councillor 03.11.1729-1731
Grekov Stepan Timofeevich Brigadier, Chief of Police 17.02.1731-22.12.1732
Obolduev Nikita Andreevich colonel 11.01.1733-1739
Golokhvastov Ivan Martynovich State Councillor 1749-1753
Divov Ivan Ivanovich 09.01.1762-1762
Yushkov Ivan Ivanovich Privy Councilor, Chief of Police 10.1762-17.04.1764
Arseniev Taras Ivanovich Colonel, State Councilor 17.04.1764-10.02.1765
Tolstoy Vasily Ivanovich count, brigadier, state councilor 1765-1770
Bakhmetev Nikolai Ivanovich foreman 1770-1771
Arkharov Nikolai Petrovich colonel (major general) 1771-01.01.1781
Ostrovsky Boris Petrovich foreman 1781-1785
Tol Fedor Nikolaevich colonel (major general) 1785-1790
Glazov Pavel Mikhailovich colonel, brigadier 1790-02.09.1793
Kozlov Pavel Mikhailovich Brigadier, Major General 22.10.1793-1796
Kaverin, Pavel, Nikitovich state councilor (actual state councilor) 31.03.1797-09.12.1798
Ertel Fyodor Fyodorovich major general 09.12.1798-12.03.1801
Kaverin, Pavel, Nikitovich Acting State Councilor, Major General 12.03.1801-13.12.1802
Spiridov Grigory Grigorevich Brigadier, State Councilor 13.12.1802-20.12.1804
Balashov Alexander Dmitrievich major general 20.12.1804-24.11.1807
Gladkov Ivan Vasilievich major general 29.11.1807-17.04.1809
Ivashkin Petr Alekseevich major general 17.04.1809-08.03.1816
Shulgin, Alexander Sergeevich major general 08.03.1816-02.08.1825
Shulgin Dmitry Ivanovich major general 02.08.1825-06.04.1830
Mukhanov Sergei Nikolaevich colonel, adjutant wing 06.04.1830-27.09.1833
Tsynsky Lev Mikhailovich Major General, His Majesty's Retinue Major General 29.11.1833-01.02.1845
Luzhin, Ivan Dmitrievich Colonel, His Majesty's Retinue Major General, Adjutant Wing 13.12.1845-12.05.1854
Timashev-Bering Aleksey Alexandrovich major general 12.05.1854-31.12.1857
MAIN DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS for the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Order of February 22, 2007 N 296 on approval of the Regulations on the FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEPARTMENT OF THE LOGISTICS OF THE GUVD for the city of ST. N 1/9582, on the basis of orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 11/18/2004 N 750 "Issues of the FED of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the RCC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia", dated 05/06/2006 N 328 "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 18, 2004 N 750" , dated November 29, 2005 N 975 "On vesting the subdivisions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the FMS of Russia with the powers of administrators of revenues to the budgets of the Russian Federation" I order: application). 2. The order of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region dated 09.07.2002 N 796 ​​is considered to be invalid. Chief of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate Major-General of Militia V. Piotrovsky APPENDIX to the order of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region dated 22.02.2007 N 296 REGULATIONS on the FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEPARTMENT OF THE LOGISTICS OF THE GUVD for the city of ST. PETERSBURG and the Leningrad Region I. General provisions 1. This Regulation establishes the organizational and legal status of the Financial and Economic Department of the Logistics of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (hereinafter referred to as the Department). 2. The Directorate is an independent structural subdivision of the rear of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, providing financial resources from the federal budget, the budgets of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (hereinafter referred to as the GUVD), organizing economic work in the GUVD system, as well as performing other functions in accordance with this Regulation. 3. Reorganization and liquidation of the Department are carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 4. The department is directly subordinate to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (hereinafter referred to as the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate). 5. The number, structure and staffing of the Department are approved by the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 6. The legal basis for the activities of the Department is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, the Leningrad Region, departmental regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region and this Regulation. 7. The work of the Department is organized on the basis of planning, a combination of unity of command in resolving issues of performance and collegiality in their discussion, personal responsibility of each employee, employee (hereinafter referred to as the employee) for the state of affairs in the assigned area of ​​work and in the performance of individual assignments. 8. The Department has administrative and personal accounts with the Federal Treasury, accounts with authorized credit institutions. 9. To ensure financial and economic activities, the Department uses the official seal of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, has letterheads with its name. 10. Logistical, financial and other support of the Department is carried out in the manner established by the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 11. Office work and activities under the regime of secrecy are carried out in the Office independently in the prescribed manner. 12. The Department, within its competence, interacts with departments and services of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, bodies of the Federal Treasury, finance committees of the Governments of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, other regional executive authorities, institutions of the Central Bank of Russia, Vneshtorgbank of Russia, other bodies, organizations and institutions on matters within its competence. II. Main tasks 13. Development, in cooperation with the units and services of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, units and institutions subordinate to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate (hereinafter referred to as the subdivisions of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate), proposals for draft budgets of various levels of financing for the costs of maintaining the central office for the coming year. 14. Providing financial resources for the operational and service activities of the units of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate within the limits determined by federal and regional laws on the budget for the current year, in accordance with the established priorities. 15. Organization of work on accounting for revenues to the budgets of the Russian Federation by types of income generated in the course of the activities of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and settlements on executive documents presented to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate through the bodies of the Federal Treasury. 16. Improvement of normative legal regulation in the established area of ​​activity. 17. Methodological support for the organization of budget planning, economic work, setting up budget accounting and reporting in the GUVD system. 18. Organizational and methodological management of the financial services of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, ensuring the effectiveness of their activities. 19. Management of units of direct subordination. 20. Organization and coordination of the work of the Centralized Accounting Department under the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (hereinafter referred to as the Central Bank under the Central Internal Affairs Directorate) to provide financial resources for the operational activities of units and services of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, to carry out operations for the accrual and payment of monetary allowance (salary fees), travel and other expenses, budgetary accounting and reporting. 21. Coordination of the activities of the Center for Pension Services of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (hereinafter referred to as the CPO Central Internal Affairs Directorate) on issues pension provision and the provision of social guarantees, the appointment and payment of pensions and benefits to persons dismissed from service, as well as members of their families. III. Main functions and powers 22. Organization and implementation of analysis and forecasting of financial, economic and accounting activities of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 23. Development of proposals to the leadership of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the effective and rational use of budgetary funds of all levels of financing and extrabudgetary sources permitted by law. 24. Analysis, within its competence, of the effectiveness of the results of the financial and economic activities of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the rational use of allocated resources. 25. Participation in determining the main directions of financial and economic activities of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and the effective use of budgetary funds. 26. Determination, together with the interested departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, of the need for appropriations from the federal and regional budgets for the planned period. 27. Preparation or participation in the preparation of reviews and opinions on draft legislative and other regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region on the activities of the Department, support for the passage of these projects in the authorities. 28. Summarizing the positive experience in the field of financial and economic work and ensuring its implementation in the activities of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 29. Participation in the development of projects for the structure and staffing of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 30. Representation in the prescribed manner in the courts of the interests of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 31. Participation, within the limits of their competence, in the staffing of the financial services of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 32. Consideration of letters, applications and appeals of citizens, publications and media reports on the activities of the Office. 33. Development on the basis of approved budgets of all levels of financing of projects of cost estimates and limits of budgetary obligations of units of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, submitting them for approval to the management of the relevant funding bodies. 34. Organization of work on the execution of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the federal and regional budgets, ensuring financing of the costs of maintaining the units of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in accordance with the approved cost estimates and limits of budget obligations. 35. Providing funding for the mobilization deployment of units of the internal affairs bodies during martial law, as well as civil defense measures provided for by the relevant orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 36. Ensuring the economic justification of measures to reform and reorganize the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate into the appropriate organizational and legal forms in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts. 37. Development of regulatory legal acts of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate on issues within the competence of the Office. 38. Analysis and coordination of the activities of the divisions of the Directorate and interaction with other divisions of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate on issues within the jurisdiction of the Directorate. 39. Ensuring departmental current control over the targeted nature and efficiency of the use of financial and material and technical resources, compliance with budgetary, tax, labor laws. 40. Issuance of permits to subdivisions of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate to open personal accounts with the Federal Treasury and accounts with authorized credit institutions. 41. Development and implementation within the competence of the Department of measures to introduce modern forms and methods of organizing economic and accounting work in the units of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate based on the widespread use of information and computer management systems. 42. Collection, processing and accounting of financial and economic information, development of reporting forms in electronic form with the possibility of automated data processing. 43. Organization of budgetary accounting and reporting on the types of income generated in the implementation of the functions of the administrator of revenues to the budgets of the Russian Federation by the units of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 44. Organization of submission of information on income to the tax authorities individuals who are in labor relations with the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, based on the accounting data of withheld and transferred taxes on personal income. 45. Carrying out, together with the interested departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, activities to train and improve the skills of employees of financial services. 46. ​​In order to carry out its tasks and functions, the Administration has the right to: 46.1. Create, in accordance with the established procedure, commissions and other advisory bodies, including with the participation of representatives of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 46.2. Request and receive from the subdivisions of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate documents, reference and other materials necessary for making a decision on issues within the competence of the Department. 46.3. Involve, in accordance with the established procedure, in agreement with the heads of the relevant departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, specialists to develop decisions on the subjects of the Department's jurisdiction. 46.4. Interact on the activities of the Office with units of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, bodies of the Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, finance committees of the Governments of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, authorized credit institutions, other bodies, organizations and institutions. 46.5. Carry out targeted audits of the financial and economic activities of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, as well as provide them with practical assistance. 46.6. To hear the reports of the heads of financial services of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, and in agreement with the leadership of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate - the heads of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate on issues within the competence of the Department. 46.7. Conduct meetings, workshops, seminars in the prescribed manner. IV. Organization and support of the activities of the Department 47. The Department is headed by a chief appointed and dismissed in accordance with the established procedure. 48. The head of the Department has deputies who are appointed and dismissed in the prescribed manner. 49. Head of Department: 49.1. Directly manages the activities of the Department and the Central Bank under the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and is personally responsible for the proper performance of the tasks and functions assigned to the Department and the exercise of the rights granted. 49.2. Distributes functional duties between his deputies, monitors their implementation; delegates, in accordance with the established procedure, based on the interests of the service, part of his powers to his deputies. 49.3. Approves the regulations and work plans of the structural divisions of the Department and the Central Bank under the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.4. Issues, within its competence, in the prescribed manner, orders that are mandatory for all personnel of the Directorate and the Central Bank under the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.5. Establishes, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the internal regulations and mode of operation of the Office and the Central Bank under the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.6. Submits to the leadership of the Main Department of Internal Affairs projects of structures and staffing tables of the Office and the Central Bank under the Main Department of Internal Affairs. 49.7. in accordance with the established procedure, sends employees of the Department on planned business trips. 49.8. Establishes and changes, within the limits of the minimum and maximum sizes determined for the relevant positions, official salaries, as well as allowances and payments to employees of the Department and the Central Bank at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.9. Organizes and ensures the selection, placement of professional training of personnel, the education of the personnel of the Directorate and the Central Bank under the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, their observance of the law, official discipline and secrecy, in accordance with the established procedure, sends employees for retraining and advanced training. 49.10. Performs, within its competence, the admission, appointment, transfer, temporary suspension, dismissal and dismissal of employees of the Office up to the head of the department inclusive, employees of the Central Bank at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate up to the deputy chief accountant inclusive. 49.11. Organizes, in accordance with the established procedure, the certification of the personnel of the Office and the Central Bank under the Main Department of Internal Affairs, makes proposals to the leadership of the Main Department of Internal Affairs on the assignment of special and qualification ranks to employees of the Office and the Central Bank under the Main Department of Internal Affairs. 49.12. Submits in the prescribed manner proposals for the promotion and imposition of disciplinary sanctions on employees of the Department and the Central Bank under the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.13. Makes proposals in accordance with the established procedure on the submission of employees of the Department and the Central Bank at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for awarding departmental and state awards. 49.14. Provides, in accordance with the established procedure, vacations to employees of the Office and the Central Bank at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.15. Decides, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, other issues related to the service in the internal affairs bodies by employees of the Department and the Central Bank at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.16. Coordinates, in accordance with the established procedure, the appointment and dismissal of the heads of financial services of the divisions of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.17. Represents in state and other institutions and organizations on issues within the jurisdiction of the Department. 49.18. Demands, in accordance with the established procedure, from the units of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate draft estimates and other materials related to financial, economic and production activities, labor and wages, budget accounting and reporting, as well as calculations and justifications on other issues related to spending Money and material values. 49.19. Responsible for providing financial resources for the operational and economic activities of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, rational, economical and targeted spending of budget funds at all levels of financing and extra-budgetary sources of financing and the use of funds from these sources, as well as payments of monetary allowances, wages, benefits and compensations of a social nature , organization of budgetary accounting. 49.20. Ensures and controls in the subdivision the compliance of ongoing business operations with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the targeted and priority use of financial and material resources. 49.21. Submits proposals to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate on the disposal of budgetary funds of all levels of financing of the subdivisions of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and organizes the work on the distribution of financial resources. 49.22. Forms a reserve of personnel for promotion, makes proposals on this issue to the leadership of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.23. Instructs, in agreement with the relevant managers, the preparation of certain issues to the financial services of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.24. Signs in the prescribed manner reviews, guidelines and other documents on issues related to the management of the Office. 49.25. Coordinates the acts for the write-off of fixed assets, the decision to write off which falls within the competence of the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.26. Examines and endorses the orders of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.27. By decision of the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, he is vested with the right of the first signature of banking, cash and other monetary documents related to the activities of the Department, participates in the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in courts; represents the Central Internal Affairs Directorate as a subject of budget planning in the formation of draft regional budgets for the next year; acts on behalf and in the interests of the Main Department of Internal Affairs before any participants in civil law transactions on issues related to the established scope of activity of the Main Department of Internal Affairs; exercise other powers provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.28. Interacts with departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, bodies of the Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, finance committees of the Governments of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, authorized credit institutions, other bodies, organizations and institutions. 49.29. Determines the procedure for the operation of the operational meeting under the head of the FEU of the rear of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and the permanent commissions created in the prescribed manner. 49.30. Provides consideration and approval of draft normative legal acts and other documents received by the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, as well as preparation of conclusions on them. 49.31. Provides preparation in accordance with the established procedure for submission to the Government of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region of the Russian Federation of draft regulatory legal acts, which require a decision of the Governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 49.32. Provides consideration of appeals received by the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of state authorities, and also provides consideration and signs responses to individual, collective appeals of citizens and organizations. 49.33. Attracts, if necessary, in the prescribed manner, to study issues related to the areas of activity of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, specialists from the subdivisions of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. 49.34. Organizes meetings with representatives of departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, bodies of the Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, finance committees of the Governments of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, authorized credit institutions, other bodies, organizations and institutions on issues within its competence. 49.35. Represents the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in accordance with the powers determined by the Regulations of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, these Regulations, as well as on the basis of separate written instructions from the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate (deputy chiefs of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate).

The issues of economic support of law enforcement officers were acute at all times. This direction of professional activity is not simple, but necessary even now. After all, it is economic support that plays an important role in the combat and service readiness of the internal affairs bodies.

Over the course of 98 years of its activity, the economic service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has experienced many transformations and reorganizations, but one thing has remained unchanged: the rear service has always been one of the most important services of the ministry, providing timely and comprehensive provision of material and technical means to the units of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Today, the economic service creates a reliable strong rear for the fight against terrorism, other types of crime, ensuring public safety, the rights and freedoms of citizens of our country.

In January 2013, in connection with the organizational and staffing changes carried out in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in order to improve the economic, clothing, social and transport support of the internal affairs bodies, the Federal State Institution "Main Center for Economic, Transport and Service Support of the Main Directorate" was created. of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow” (FKU “GTsKhTiSO of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow”).

The activities of the PKU, under the leadership of the colonel of the internal service Alexander Evgenievich Petrikov at that time, began in January 2013. Under his leadership, the structure of the unit was developed by optimizing the services of the two centers of transport, logistics and economic support. The Main Center includes services: personnel, financial, legal, analytical, marketing department, office work and regime department.

The PKU team was made up of both young professionals who are just starting their professional path, and experienced employees serving in the internal affairs bodies. Now it consists of 1299 employees and workers. Thanks to the experience of personnel officers, many of whom have long held various positions in the rear divisions of the Main Directorate, a workable team has been formed. Newly arrived workers, under the guidance of mentors, quickly mastered and efficiently perform their functional duties.

Despite the short period of its operation, FKU "GTsKhTiSO of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the City of Moscow" has achieved great success. Organized work on the operation and maintenance of movable and immovable property under the operational management of the head office, including more than 8 thousand units of official vehicles, 66 facilities, of which 38 administrative buildings and structures, 6 car fleets, a printing house, an atelier, a television studio, 9 specialized facilities housing and 3 Vocational Training Centers, as well as 7 warehouse facilities where material and technical equipment is located.

For the convenience of employees and workers, the work of the canteen and buffet, as well as a range of household services has been organized: a hairdressing salon, dry cleaning, shoe and clothing repair.

The personnel of the police of the capital's head office, involved in the service of ensuring the protection of public order, are provided with the basic items of uniforms of the new sample by 100 percent.

Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the team, as well as the competent leadership of the commanding staff of the PKU, colonels of the internal service Yu.K. Alipova, Yu.V. Belkina, S.A. Latkova, D.Yu. Potapov, today the institution is an effective, dynamically developing division of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, fulfilling the tasks assigned to it to ensure the combat and service readiness of the internal affairs bodies.

During this period, a team of professionals has been formed in the PKU, which implements the tasks set thanks to the determination and effective work of the personnel of all rear services. Its specialists carry out a high level of material and technical support and social protection of employees and employees of the metropolitan police, as well as comprehensive control over the rational and efficient use of public funds.

We sincerely congratulate the leaders, employees and workers and veterans of the institution on the 98th anniversary of the formation of the rear service in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation! On this festive day good wishes and special words of gratitude - to veterans of the service, who generously transfer their experience, energy and knowledge to young colleagues, make an invaluable contribution to their education.

Accept sincere wishes good health, happiness, good luck, prosperity to you and your families, further success in the implementation of the planned


Alexander Evgenievich PETRIKOV was born on August 15, 1964. In 1989 he graduated from the Moscow Automotive Institute, in 2008 - the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Since 1992 he has been working in the internal affairs bodies. He began his service with the position of deputy battalion commander for logistics of the Perovsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow.

Since July 2004 - Head of the Department of Private Security at the Department of Internal Affairs of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow.

Since March 2010 - Head of the Center for Transportation of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow.

In January 2013, he was appointed to the position of Head of the Main Center for Economic, Transport and Service Support of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

On December 31, 2014, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Colonel of the Internal Service A.E. Petrikov was appointed Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow - Head of Logistics.

He was awarded the medals "For Valor in Service", "For Distinction in Service" of three degrees, "200 Years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia", as well as melee weapons - a dagger. Awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker law enforcement city ​​of Moscow.


Special attention is paid to the medical support of employees. This is done by FKUZ "MSCh MIA of Russia for Moscow".

Currently, it includes as structural units and branches: a clinical hospital for 630 beds and a suburban branch of a therapeutic profile for 110 beds, polyclinic No. 1 with 1,200 visits per shift, polyclinic No. 2 - 750 visits per shift, polyclinic No. 3 - 250 visits per shift, polyclinic No. 4 for servicing the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya, a dental clinic with 375 patients per shift, and VVK.

The FKUZ "MSCh MIA of Russia for Moscow" includes VMR "Birch Grove", CR "Bugorok", the Center for Psychophysiological Diagnostics, the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance

109,508 people are on medical care in polyclinics, including 59,277 employees of departments of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, 2,986 members of their families, 26,966 pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 4,381 members of their families. For 6 months of 2016, 1309 vouchers were received at the sanatorium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and 651 vouchers were received at the Centers for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 464 employees, 314 members of their families, 652 pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and 283 members of their families underwent sanatorium treatment in sanatoriums and centers.

4,782 vouchers were sold at the Birch Grove Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation in the reporting period, and 2,630 at the Bugorok Rehabilitation Center.

More than 3,000 doctors and nurses are restoring the health of patients in these medical units. Medical institutions have modern diagnostic equipment. The departments and territory of the institutions are annually renovated for a comfortable stay of patients during


Today, the number of pensioners in the Pension Service Center is more than 66 thousand. These are not only former employees of the units of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, but also employees who served in separate units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Federal Migration Service of Russia, the Federal Tax Police Service, the Federal Service for drug control, as well as their family members.

Employees and workers of the CPO daily do a great job of assigning pensions, recalculating them, checking the correctness and timely payment of pensions by banking institutions, assigning and paying allowances and increasing pensions for pensioners who have dependent family members who are unable to work, the disabled.

Work has been organized to assign various allowances and compensations: in particular, for travel to the place of sanatorium treatment, for harm to the health of participants and disabled people of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other man-made disasters, for children's recreational holidays for the children of dead employees and disabled from military trauma.

Every month more than 3.5 thousand citizens come here with various questions.

Service veterans Lidia Ivanovna Sukroeva and Olga Nikolaevna Kamanina work in the working team of the Center for Vocational Education, who have been working in the pension unit since its foundation and share their knowledge and experience with new generations of employees.

In 2011, Colonel of the Internal Service Olga Valerievna Popova was appointed to the post of head of the CPO.


The average level of provision of subdivisions of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow with the main types of property in the first half of 2016 amounted to:

–– motor transport –– 84%;

–– weapons –– 92%;

–– uniforms of a new sample –– 79%;

–– means of communication –– 91%;

–– organizational and computer technology –– 76%.

Compared with the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Central Federal District, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow occupies a leading position in terms of the level of logistics.

In order to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of engineering systems and equipment, the sanitary condition of buildings and adjacent territories, 152 state contracts were concluded for 2016.

Currently, 3 regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are being commissioned after a major overhaul, which began in 2015. Work started in 2015 on the overhaul of the 1st department is underway.

This year, at the expense of the city budget, it is planned to complete the overhaul of 10 departments of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, on which work has begun.

Also, work has begun on contracts concluded in June of this year for the overhaul of 6 regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with completion of work in 2017.

In 2016, at the expense of the federal budget, it is planned to carry out a major overhaul of 4 divisions of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow and to take measures to improve anti-terrorist security and technical strength of 12 divisions of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow.


In 2013, the logistics service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow included UOTO - the Logistics Support Organization Department, now headed by Internal Service Colonel Mikhail Ivanovich Kolesnik.

The main task of the rear service is to provide financial and material and technical resources for the operational activities of the units of the system of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow: first of all, territorial bodies at the district level, as well as units performing combat missions in the North Caucasus region.

The work of the UOTO team is aimed at organizing a major overhaul of the premises of the Internal Affairs Directorate in administrative districts and divisions of the head office, providing housing for employees and workers, as well as fire safety, the preservation of material evidence, and the organization of metrological work.

Much attention is paid to the overhaul and construction of new facilities to accommodate units of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow.

Huge work is being done on social protection employees. Thus, 7,234 employees of the head office of the Moscow police received a package of documents for consideration at a meeting of the commission of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow to provide a one-time social payment to purchase or build a home. 6264 employees were registered for the provision of a lump-sum social payment.

For conscientious work, I would like to thank the staff members of the UOTO - colonels of the internal service V.V. Malysheva, D.L. Kosheleva, A.B. Arefieva and others.


The history of the creation and development of the Center for Financial Support of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow (CFD) began on June 27, 1956.

Since November 2010, the FEU, and then the Central Federal District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, has been led by Colonel of the Internal Service Margarita Viktorovna Meshkova. Her reliable assistants in her work are the deputy chiefs of the Central Federal District, internal service colonels Mikhail Petrovich Desyatskov, Nadezhda Ivanovna Florenskaya and Vera Vitalievna Astashkina.

The main tasks of the Central Federal District are: developing a draft budget of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, providing financial resources for the operational and service and financial and economic activities of units, coordinating the activities of financial and accounting units of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, organizing ongoing monitoring of compliance in subdivisions the Main Department of Financial and Tax Legislation, as well as for the targeted and rational use of financial resources and the state of settlement discipline.


The "veteran" of the rear service is the Center information technologies, communications and information protection (CITSiZI).

Back in 1939, on the territory of Petrovka, 38, a manual telephone exchange "Gormilitsia" was installed to provide internal telephone communications and communication with MGTS subscribers.

Today, the center ensures the functioning of communications, the operation of AIS, implements measures to counter technical intelligence and technical protection of information, encryption communications, monitors public services under the leadership of the head of the CITSiZI, Colonel of the Internal Service Gleb Ivanovich Chen.

Prepared by Svetlana LATKOVA, Elena KRISHTAL, Irina LAVRISCHEVA, photos by Nikolai GORBIKOV and Alexander NESTEROV

Financial and Economic Department is a structural subdivision of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot, established in 2002 to organize and ensure the financial and economic activities of the University.

From the moment of its creation and until July 2014, the management of the Department was carried out by the Honored Economist of the Russian Federation, Police Colonel Raisa Petrovna Ozerova, from July 2014 to the present, the Head of the Department is Police Colonel Marina Alexandrovna Vasilyeva, the Deputy Heads are Lieutenant Colonel of Police Mokhova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna and Police Major Osipova Olga Yuryevna.

The head of the financial and economic department reports directly to the head of the University.

The structure of financial and economic management includes:

Department of Financing, Planning and Economic Analysis;

Settlement and cash department;

Department of accounting and reporting.

The Department of Financing Planning and Economic Analysis draws up a draft estimate of federal budget expenditures for the coming year, distributes the limits of budgetary obligations and the amount of funding for the branches of the University. Conducts financial and economic analysis of the concluded state contracts and agreements to ensure the economic activities of the University. Authorizes expenses.

The head of the department is Police Major Zykova Elena Sergeevna, the deputy head of the department is Police Captain Grinko Anatoly Evgenievich.

The structure of the department includes the department of budget planning and revenue administration - the head is senior police lieutenant Ivanov Artem Vitalievich.

The Settlement and Cash Department carries out settlements on monetary allowance, wages and other payments of a social nature to the personnel of the University. Prepares and submits statistical reports and reports to extra-budgetary funds within the established time limits.

The head of the department is police colonel Zinaida Petrovna Mukovnina, the deputy head of the department - the head of the department for settlements with a permanent staff - police lieutenant colonel Ryzhikova Valeria Viktorovna.

The structure of the department includes:

Department for settlements with a permanent staff;

Department for settlements with a variable composition - chief senior police lieutenant Lobacheva Svetlana Nikolaevna;

Department of rationing and remuneration - chief lieutenant colonel of police Monastyrskaya Svetlana Viktorovna.

The Accounting and Reporting Department keeps records of cash flows, fixed assets and inventories. Carries out settlements with suppliers of inventory items, works and services, settlements with accountable persons. Generates budget, tax and statistical reporting.

The head of the department is Police Major Batashova Yulia Vladimirovna, the deputy head of the department - the head of the accounting and reporting department - police lieutenant colonel Kozyreva Tatyana Nikolaevna.

The structure of the department includes:

Department of Accounting and Reporting;

Department of material accounting - chief lieutenant of police Solosenkova Alexandra Viktorovna.
