Folklore entertainment in the middle group “Journey to the world of Russian folk games. Integrated lesson in fiction using folklore

Lesson "Russian folk tales from a magic chest"

Description: For children 4-5 years old. This material can be useful for educators of middle groups in their work on moral education.
Help children understand what oral folk art is,
Get to know the concepts fairy tales, everyday fairy tales, fairy tales about animals;
Systematize knowledge about Russian folk tales;
Ensure the development of memory, logical thinking;
Activate the vocabulary of children (everyday, fairy tales, fairy tales about animals, oral folk art).
Awaken a sense of love for oral folk art, a sense of compassion for others.
Preliminary work:
Russian reading folk tales:
"Snow Maiden", "Porridge from an ax", "At the command of a pike", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka".
Telling fairy tales: "Three Bears", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "The Bouncer Hare",
"Kolobok", "Geese-swans".
Retelling of fairy tales: “Fear has big eyes”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”, using
Examining illustrations for fairy tales.
Equipment: illustrations for fairy tales, mnemotables for the fairy tales “Fear has big eyes”, “Porridge from an ax”, “Tops and roots”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”.
Chest, toy-Kuzya,

Lesson progress:

Educator: A long time ago, when people did not yet know the letters (they had not yet invented them), they could not write, they passed from mouth to mouth what the most talented authors of that time composed. Grandmother told her granddaughter, the granddaughter grew up and told what she heard to her daughter, her daughter. Do you know what lips were called at that time? Lips were called mouths. Therefore, what the people composed and could not write down was called oral folk art. Oral folk art includes proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, incantations, jokes, riddles, fairy tales. And today we will talk about Russian folk tales.
Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know?
Educator: Kuzya came to visit us. He did not come empty-handed, but brought with him a magic chest. It contains fairy tales. But it does not open, the chest is enchanted and all the fairy tales are in it. Guys, can you help me to disenchant the chest? Then listen to the first task.
First task: Guess the riddle and say in which fairy tale this character is found. Find the answer.
* Jumper coward,
tail shorty,

pigtail eyes,
Ears along the back
Clothes in two colors
For winter and summer. (bunny)

* He sleeps in a den in winter
Snoring little by little.
And wake up, well, roar,
What is his name? (bear)

What fairy tales do you know about a bunny?
What is it called in fairy tales?

Educator: Have you noticed who the heroes of these fairy tales are?
Children: Animals.
Educator: Tales about animals are considered ancient. Animals are the main characters. Our ancestors used to hunt before they could feed their families, and their life depended on good luck in hunting, and therefore they treated animals with respect, invented fairy tales about them.
- We have disenchanted fairy tales about animals and the chest has opened.
Educator: Let's see what else lies there. There are magical items here. They were useful to someone.
- The stove. From which fairy tale did the oven come to us?
Children: Swan geese.
Educator: Whom did she help?
Children's answers.
Educator: Snowball. What kind of fairy tale hid in a snowball?
Children: Snow Maiden.
Educator: Well done. Fairy tales shattered.
How are all these stories similar?
Children: They have transformations.
Educator: Yes, these are fairy tales. Fantastic creatures live in them. Heroes are helped by animals and unusual objects, people are expected amazing Adventures, various miracles occur.
The story will let us rest
Let's take a break and hit the road again!
Vasilisa told us:
Lean to the left. Right.
Here are the words of the Snow Maiden:
Squat like springs
Fly like springs.
Educator: Look at the tables, you will find fairy tales in them!
" Fear has big eyes". Who is this story about?
"Porridge from an ax." What is the soldier in this tale?
"Tops and Roots". Who is this tale about?
Educator: And these fairy tales are called household. What is life? This is the life of people. In these fairy tales, the main characters are people. Here are some fairy tales for you.
- Guys, Kuzya says thank you so much for disenchanting the chest! Kuzya gives you a gift - this is a book of Russian folk tales.
caregiver: No, wonderful Russian fairy tales did not lie about Koshcheev's death, about the magic carpet. No, not idle people composed fairy tales, but the wise Russian people composed them.
- What is oral folk art?
- Why is it called that?
- What kind of fairy tales did we collect in Kuze's chest?
What fairy tales are called fairy tales?
- Household?
- About animals?

Name: Joint educational activities V middle group. "Folk Journey"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, folklore, Middle group

Position: educator
Place of work: MADOU "KINDERGARTEN № 64"
Location: Veliky Novgorod

Joint educational activities in the middle group.

"Folk Journey"

Purpose: To introduce children to the genres of Russian folklore.

Tasks: To acquaint children with fables, jokes, jokes from folklore, to consolidate knowledge of Russian folk tales, to form the ability to solve riddles, to cultivate a love for Russian verbal creativity.

Educator: Guys, look, in our group a magic chest of brownie Kuzi appeared. Where is he himself? Let's take a look in the trunk!

(Kuzya sleeps in a chest).

The children and the teacher try to wake him up. Kuzya wakes up.

Kuzya (stretching) Hello guys! Came to you today kindergarten very early, so I decided to take a nap. Almost slept through everything. Thanks for waking me up!

There are no fairy tales in my chest today. Today we are going on a journey. We will visit the Guess-ka station, play at the Igrovaya station, dance and sing. I love to have fun! Anyway. I won't tell everything at once. You will see everything yourself. And the Ai-lyuli train is already waiting for us. Get in the wagons!

Children hold on to each other, depicting a train with wagons. The names of the stations are posted along the train. At each sign with the name of the station, a stop is made.


Children collect cut pictures with the heroes of fairy tales and name the fairy tale.

(In the pictures, the heroes of fairy tales are Emelya, Hen Ryaba, Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka).

The game "Tell me a word." The teacher reads: Such an old woman lives in a hut:

It flies in a mortar, drives with a broomstick, a hooked nose, a bone leg, is that old woman's name? (Baba Yaga)

What kind of house by the path

colorful windows,

The animals live in the house.

What is the name of that house? (Teremok)

An arrow led Ivanushka to the swamp.

Caught an arrow is not a simple frog,

I caught that arrow. (Princess Frog)


Fiction in faces, untruth.

Unprecedented and unheard of,

A bear flies through the skies.

He waves his ears, paws,

He directs his black tail,

On the mountain, a cow barked at a squirrel,

Legs expanding, eyes bulging ..

A pig made a nest on an oak tree,

Nest made, brought out.

KUZYA. I've been here guys before. Here everyone speaks and understands each other.

Well, which one of you is smart.

CHILDREN: There lived a grandfather and a woman, they wanted to bake a bun, and the stove rolled away from them along the path into the forest ....

The cow flew, flew and sat on a tree ...

Children find a picture depicting the Serpent Gorynych. The inscription on the picture

“The heroes always defeat the Serpent Gorynych, but they don’t kill him, but drive him away. But the Serpent is very curious and constantly flies to see new heroes. Get ready. Soon they will come to look at you.

Children answer the questions: Who are the heroes? What heroes do they know?

Who can become rich? What does a hero need to win?

Children perform exercises for strength, endurance - lying on the floor, raise their legs; perform exercises with bags (with different fillers).

The Serpent Arrives (Three green balloons connected to each other wide ribbons). The heroes fight and defeat the Serpent. The snake is flying away.

The next station is "GAME".

Kuzya: I really like to play different games. My favorite is called CHIZH. Do you know such a game? Yes! And let's play!

Children play with Kuzey.

“You knock on an oak tree, a blue-gray siskin flies.

The siskin has a red-haired crest.

Knock-knock don’t yawn, choose a pair for yourself!

KUZYA: Here you can play all Russian folk games. As soon as I come here, I start playing with everyone. I know a lot of different games. Only in some games the driver must be chosen, and for this we have rhymes - collusions.

This is what I know and will teach you:

Beyond the glass mountains

Vanya stands with pies.

Vanya, Vanechka, my friend,

How much does a pie cost?

A pie costs three

And you will be the one to drive!

TEACHER: Let's go!

Next stop "FUN - PLYASOVAYA"

"Merry Spoons"

Vanya - Vanya simplicity bought a horse without a tail,

He sat down backwards and went to the garden.

How do I put red boots on my legs,

Heels will knock, legs will dance.

Children perform on spoons, rattles and other instruments.

Educator: The next station is the SURPRISE stop

Children repeat the tongue twister read by the teacher "Sasha and Nyushka are very fond of drying."

Surprise for children - tea with dryers.

OK it's all over Now. You can drink tea with dryers, but go home

The train "Ai-lyuli" is sent back.

Abstract open class"Folk Art" in the middle group.

Abstract of an open lesson« Folk art» V middle group.


Continue to improve knowledge about folk toy: wooden, clay, rag;

Continue to develop interest in your culture people, to stimulate the manifestation of an emotional response in the process of perception of small forms of Russian folklore;

To contribute to the reflection of the received impressions in the game, speech, communicative, theatrical, musical activities.

Equipment: audio recording of Russians folk songs"In the garden, in the garden", "Pedlars", three toys Parsley - peddlers, koloboks, table theater "Kolobok", three trays with toys.

Lesson progress

Grandmother Arina enters.

Grandmother Arina. Hello guys. Didn't you see if a bun ran through here? Yesterday I sewed Kolobok, I wanted to tell you a fairy tale about him today, but he ran away. What should I do now, how can I tell you a fairy tale?

Educator. Will the guys help Grandma Arina find the kolobok? I know a lot of masters, they do various toys and sell them at the fair, maybe he rolled to them.

Children go on a journey under the Russian folk song"In the garden, in the garden", along the way they say a nursery rhyme.

I'm going, I'm going to the market, I'm going to buy goods for myself,

On a horse in a red cap.

On a flat path, on one leg.

In an old spatula, along potholes over bumps,

Everything is straight and straight, and then all of a sudden .... boom in the hole!

Sounds Russian folk song"Pedlars". Three fellows come out with trays.

Hey honest gentlemen

Please come here soon.

How are we, containers - bars,

There are various products...

Come take a look.

The children approach one of the peddlers. He has wooden toys on the boat.

Children. Hello master. What do you sell?

1st peddler. Wooden toys.

Educator. Guys, look how beautiful! The craftsman made the toys out of wood. And they are painted with Gorodets painting.

Children are looking at toys.

1st peddler. Whoever amuses me, I will give that pipe! And if you beat the spoons and blow the pipe, you get fun music!

Sounds like folk music, children and teacher represent the orchestra.

For a good game, I'll give you a tune.

Grandmother Arina. Thanks master. Haven't you seen the bun?

1st peddler. I had a wooden bun, I just turned it yesterday, and he took it and rolled off the tray. Maybe meet you on the way?

The children go to the next peddler.

Children. Hello master. What do you sell?

2nd peddler. Clay toys. I'll give it for fun.

Children tell nursery rhymes about toys.

2nd peddler gives toys to children.

Grandmother Arina. Thanks master. Have you met a kolobok?

2nd peddler. There was a bun yesterday, yesterday I made it out of clay, put it on a tray, and it rolled away. Can you meet me somewhere on the road?

The children say goodbye to the master and approach another peddler.

Children. Hello master. What do you sell?

3rd peddler. Toys patchwork, rag, practical. Whoever tells a fairy tale, I'll give it away for free.

Children consider toy animals for a fairy tale "Kolobok".

Educator. And we will not tell you a fairy tale, but we will show you!

Grandmother Arina. How will you show a fairy tale without a kolobok, we haven’t found it yet?

Educator. And we have our own bun.

Theatricalization of a fairy tale "Kolobok"


Guys who came to us today?

And where have we been?

What did we see at the fair?

What toys did we consider?

Related publications:

Integrated lesson "Visiting Grandma Alena" (folk art) On a visit to grandmother Alena Integration of educational areas: cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, social - communication. Kinds.

"RUSSIAN FOLK MUSICAL CREATIVITY". Purpose: the formation of the spiritual and moral qualities of children through familiarization with Russian folk music.

Hello colleagues. I want to bring to your attention a mini-museum, which we organized in our garden in the "Fidgets" group. Mini - museum.

Consultation "Folk Art" Long before the advent of writing, oral folk art arose: fairy tales, epics, songs, riddles, proverbs. These works are in poetry.

Scenario of the event “Folk Art of Russia. Vologda lace» snow wonder - Vologda lace. Purpose: To form in children an idea of ​​​​the folk arts and crafts of Russia - lace-making.

Target. Raise interest and love for the cultural and historical heritage of the people. Tasks. Enrich children's ideas about folk games.

Vos' Glushchenko N.I. Days of the week Tuesday "___" "____".

Ұyymdastyrylgan okytu қyzmetinіn tekhnologiyalyk kartasy.

Technological map of organized educational activities

Bilim salas / educational area: Communication, Cognition, Creativity, Health.

Oku kyzmetin uyymdastyru / OUD: Development of speech, Drama, Fiction, Physical education, Music.

Takyryby / topic:Integrated lesson on fiction using folklore.

"Traveling along folklore paths".

Scales / goals:enriching children's knowledge of folklore.


Educational: To acquaint with the characteristic features of folklore; consolidate knowledge about the genres and types of folk art, learn to emotionally perceive and understand the content of a fairy tale.

Developing: Develop curiosity, speech skills, develop a sense of empathy, figurative speech, imagination.

Enrich, expand and activate children's vocabulary; to form the ability to select words denoting the qualities, features and properties of objects; exercise in agreeing nouns with adjectives;learnclearly pronouncedsite soundAnd, wordsA, offerI.

Educational: to cultivate a sense of respect for folk culture, ability to seebeautiesatpainted wooden utensils; to educate children in a benevolent attitude towards the heroes of a fairy tale, a positive attitude towards courage, resourcefulness, and daring.

Materials:toysfox, cat, rooster, illustrations for the fairy tales "Zhikharka", Khokhloma spoon, audio recording of a Russian folk melody, pictureA"Fox" in three versions (simple - 6, medium - 8, complex - 10

Ekitildik component / bilingual component:Kuz - autumn, leaves - zhapyrak, fox - tulki, cat-mysyk, rooster - әtesh.

Sөzdik zhұmys / dictionary work: folklore, proverbs.



Stages of activity

Mұgalіmnіn іs-аreketі

Managerial actions of the teacher



children's activities

Stage 1




The teacher gathers the children around him

Offers to greet guests in Kazakh and Russian.


All the children gathered in a circle.

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands tight

And we smile at each other.

Guys, today I invite you to an unusual, interesting conversation, but first you need to go through the magic gate

The teacher throws a scarf over his shoulders

Children stand in a circle.

Welcome guests.

Dgirls put on scarves over their shoulders, boys put on capsand go through the gate.

stage 2




INfrom now you are ready to walk along the folklore paths.What is folklore? Folklore is nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, counting rhymes, riddles, fairy tales written by the people.Where do we start our journey, where to go. See the stone lies. What kind of stone? How do you think? (Pay attention to the arrows). The arrows say:

“If you go straight, you will find a wondrous miracle.”

- “You will go to the right - to forest clearing you'll get."

- "If you go to the left, you will get into a fairy-tale house."

What shall we do, where shall we go,Tomiracle want to go? Who remembers what color the arrow will lead us to a miracle.

What a marvelous marvel, marvelous miracle, such a casket. I wonder who lives in this?

Shall we take a look at the chest? Are you not afraid?

There is no one, but here is a note- maple leaflies, but not simple, but with the task:

- "Name the proverbs and sayings aboutAutumn". (named with explanation)Warm autumn - to a long winter.

Beforewait finely sown, but stretch for a long time.

September is cold, but full.

One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn.

In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, twists, whistles and tears, pours and sweeps snow.

Autumn is a reserve, winter is a pickle.

- Di"Tell me what?"

What an autumn?

Bilingual component: Kuz - autumn, leaves - japyrak.

What are the leaves? What is the weather like in autumn?

- Ethat path we have walkedexcellently. We return to the stone, so that it would be more fun to go, let's go like nesting dolls, with a fractional step.

I'm going to the right. Who remembers where we're going? To the forest clearing. Seewho is this? (ant)

Ant, ant, give the task quickly.

I am reading the task “Read the patterAnd." Fun task. Let's exercise our tongues.

Su-su-su, Su-su-su- let's not get lost in the forest.

Let's try to say correctly and quickly.

Great, we have completed the task of the ant.

We return to the stone, ants do not really like being disturbed, let's go quietly, on tiptoes.

Who remembers which way we should go now? Where are we going?

Let's go. Oh, children, something incomprehensible is happening with my legs, oh help me.

Jump on the left leg - 1,2,3

Jump on the right leg - 1,2,3

Breathe on your palms - 1,2,3

Turn around three times and bow to each other.

Well, miracles, this is the path. And here is the fairy house. Who lives there?

Educator: Oh, someone is sitting. Hello. Who are you?

Boy I am Zhiharka

Children from which fairy tale is this boy? I propose to listen to Zhikharkin's riddles.

Makes a riddle about a cockerel.

Rises at dawn
Singing in the yard
Scallop on the head.
Who is this?

(cockerel - әtesh.)

Target: clarify children's ideas about riddles; learn to guess descriptive riddles.

tail fluffy,

golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens in the village.(fox) fox-tulkі,

Educator. Guys look at the fox. What is she?

Target: learn to compare appearance poultry and .

- . A rooster is a bird, but a fox?

- The rooster is a poultry, and the fox?

- A rooster's body is covered with feathers, but a fox's?

- A rooster has two legs, but a fox?

- A rooster has wings, but a fox?

- Here is the next riddle Zhiharki .

This beast lives only at home. Everyone is familiar.

He has a mustache like knitting needles.He, purring, sings a song.

Only the mouse is afraid of him...Guessed? This -mysyk cat.

- What do you like about a cat? What is he?

. - What are the cat's nicknames?

- What is a mustache for a cat?

- Children, whiskers help a cat to smell - to sniff.


Zhiharka. itself chiseled, And the handle is gilded .

Invite the children to consider, examine, admire the unique patternspoons.

- Guys, our spoons are not simple, but musical. Do you want to play them?

Musical game with spoons .

- Guys, do you know whose spoon this is? From what fairy tale?

- They say about him: “Small spool, but expensive”, “Small, but daring”, because although he is small, he is very quick-witted, courageous, resourceful.Awhom did he outsmart, how did he show his ingenuity?

- I proposedescribe the heroes of the fairy tale "Zhikharka" as they were.

Psychogymnastic exercises.

- Now I will ask you to show, portray the emotions, movements of the heroes of the fairy tale, like real artists.

- Show a cheerful, frightened expression on Zhiharka's face.

Show how the fox curled up on a shovel.

Here the insidious fox is going to fry Zhikharka, and the cat and the rooster are crying at that time. How is it said in the story?

- What was their mood?

- Let's talk, childrencat and roosternursery rhymesso they don't feel sad.

Nursery rhymes:(read jokes)

The rooster and the cat thank the children for hanging them.

Children's answers

Determine where to go.

Name proverbs and sayings.

Children call adjectives to words, pronounce phrases, sentences.

Repeat words in Kazakh.

Recognize an insect - an ant.

Pronounce a tongue twister, at a slow and fast pace, pronounce sounds clearly.

They return to the stone on toes.

Children: We will get into a fairy-tale house.

They jump on one leg.

Children will recognize a familiar fairy tale.

Guess riddles

Children collect a split picture "fox" in three versions (simple - 6, medium - 8, complex - 10).

Compare poultry and wild animals.

Solve riddles and answer questions.

Children. Guess the riddle, the teacher lays out the spoonsChildren choose the correct spoon from three offered: metal, plastic, wooden.

Wlearn Russian folk song, childrencome out in a circle andplaying on spoonsto the beat of the music..

Children. They say that this is a spoon, from the fairy tale Zhiharka

Children tell

About Zhiharka.

About the fairy tale based on illustrations for the fairy tale.

Children depict emotions, movements of the heroes of a fairy tale.

Children tell jokes.

"Like our cat"

"Cockerel cockerel golden comb"

Stage 3

Reflective ear correction


Well, it's time for the kids to go home.

Well, our journey along the folklore paths has ended. What did we do in class?

We cheered the sad ones, guessed riddles, our tongue learned to speak correctly. What's your mood guys.

As the people say: Finished the job - walk boldly!

Overcoming obstacles, you remembered what folklore is, remembered nursery rhymes,learned to guesspuzzles.

The fun is over

It's time for a treat!

Don't be shy, don't be shy

Eat sweets!

Pass through the gate, take off their caps, scarves.

Children describe what they did in class.

Show your mood.

They take a meal.

Kutken nәtezhe /Expected Result:

Zhangyrtady/reproduces:knowIabout folklore.

Tүsіnedі/understands:the ability to select words denoting the qualities, attributes and properties of objectsKoldanady/applies:skillsin agreement of nouns with adjectives, knowledge about autumn., about a fairy tale,depict emotions, movements of the heroes of a fairy tale.
