Summary of the lesson patriotic education. Open lesson on patriotic education in the preparatory group "travel around Russia"

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: To develop in children a sense of patriotism and love for their homeland.

Tasks: To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about Russia, to form a respectful attitude towards state symbols; fix the names of major Russian cities and rivers; names of folk crafts; to cultivate love for the motherland, civil-patriotic feelings.

Materials: Images of coats of arms and flags, a crossword puzzle, visual and didactic aids, an exhibition of drawings dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

Preliminary work: Conversations about Russian symbols; reading poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland; viewing photographs of cities and rivers; conversations, looking at illustrations and performing works based on folk arts and crafts.

Lesson progress

Educator: There are many on the planet different countries, but our largest country. What is it called? (Russia.)

- That's right, Russia. And what is our Russia like? ( Big, beloved, beautiful, huge, rich, strong.)

- Russia is our Motherland. Guys, explain how you understand what “Motherland” is? (Motherland is the place where we were born; the country in which we live. Every person has one homeland.)

caregiver: Guys, who knows the poem about the Motherland?


great land,
beloved land,
Where we were born and live
We are the motherland of light,
We are the dear Motherland,
We call our Motherland

caregiver: Many proverbs and sayings were composed by the Russian people about the Motherland. Remember them.

(To live is to serve the motherland. Motherland teaches - Motherland rescues. Who is a mountain for the Motherland, that is a true hero, etc.)

- All these proverbs teach us kindness, love for the Motherland, the ability to defend it from enemies. Now let's get to the map.

- No country in the world has such a vast territory as Russia. Look at the map. ( The teacher shows the children a map of Russia.) That's how much space the territory of Russia occupies. When people go to bed at one end of our country, morning begins at the other. It can snow at one end of our country, and the sun can bake at the other. To get from one end to the other, you need to travel by train for 7 days - a week, and fly by plane for almost a day. And today I offer you a trip to Russia.

- Guys, what can you travel on? ( By plane, bus, etc.)

Educator: I suggest you travel by train. Let's go. We take seats in the car.

(Sounds of music “Steam locomotive”.)

Educator: The station is called "State"

- Name the capital of Russia. (Moscow.)

- And who will tell a poem about Moscow?


Moscow is Red Square
Moscow is the towers of the Kremlin,
Moscow is the heart of Russia
who loves you

Educator: The President of our country is...? ( D. A. Medvedev.)

- Name the state symbols of Russia. (Coat of arms, flag, anthem.)

Find the flag of our country among others. ( Images of flags are laid out, children choose the flag of Russia from the proposed ones.)

- Well done! And who will tell a poem about the flag?


White color- birch,
blue sky color,
Red stripe -
Sunny dawn

Educator: Now find the coat of arms of our country. (Images are laid out, children choose from the proposed coat of arms of Russia.)

Who knows the poem about the coat of arms?


Russia has a majestic
On the coat of arms is a double-headed eagle,
To the west, to the east
He could look right away
He is strong, wise and proud.
He is the free spirit of Russia.

Educator: What is an anthem? (The anthem is the most important song of the country. The anthem is listened to while standing, etc.)

- Right! Each country has its own anthem. Now we will listen to the national anthem of Russia.

(Listen to an excerpt from the hymn.)

The station is called "Forest"

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

Us in the rain and in the heat
A friend will help
Green and good
Will stretch out dozens of hands to us
And thousands of hands. (Tree.)

Educator: Right! This is a tree. What is a tree made of? (Roots, trunk, branches, leaves.)

– Russia is the richest country in the world with forests. The forest is a huge house. Only one tree can provide shelter and food for many animals and birds. And there are thousands of such trees in the forest! What trees of our country are familiar to you? (Birch, oak, etc.)

“But not only trees grow in the forest. What else does the forest give us? ( Berries, mushrooms.)

– What berries can be picked in the forests of Russia? (Blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, etc.)

- What mushrooms do you know? (Boletus, russula, etc.)

But there are also poisonous, dangerous mushrooms. Does anyone know what mushrooms are? (Amanita, grebe.)

Birds and animals also live in our forests. What animals do you know? (Bear, fox, etc.)

- What kind of birds do you know? ( woodpecker, starling, etc.)

“Now get up, spread out, we’ll play with you.”

Physical education:

Hands raised and shook
These are birches in the forest,
Hands bent, brushes shaken -
The wind knocks down the dew.
Hands to the sides, gently wave,
The birds are flying towards us.
How they sit down, we will also show
Hands bent back

Educator: The forest is our wealth. Let's save nature.

And our journey continues. We take seats in the wagons. Go.

Educator: The station is called “Geographical”

Here we need to solve a crossword puzzle. Guess what is being said from the written word. What word, read. (Word RIVER.)

- Right. The rivers of Russia are powerful, full-flowing rivers, they carry their waters to the seas and oceans. Listen to my first clue.

1. This river flows in the city, where there are a lot of museums, ancient parks, beautiful fountains, magnificent palaces, and there are also drawbridges in this city. (NEVA)

2. The name of this river is consonant, the same with the name of the capital of our Motherland. This? (MOSCOW)

3. This river is named female name.(LENA)

Educator: Well done! Our crossword is solved. What other rivers do you know? (Ob, Oka, Yenisei, Amur, Angara, Irtysh.)

There are also many cities in our country. What cities do you know? (Kazan, Vladivostok, etc.) Right. The names of cities and rivers are geographical names. Therefore, this station is called “Geographic”

We arrived at the station “Historical”


Russia was famous for its miracle - masters,
Wood and clay turned into a fairy tale.
They created beauty with paints and a brush,
Young people were taught their art.

caregiver: I suggest you remember the products of decorative and applied art of Russian masters. Solve riddles.

  1. colorful girlfriends
    They love to hide in each other. What is this? (Matryoshka.)

    - Of course, this is a familiar nesting doll to all of us. Here she is! (The teacher shows the children a nesting doll.)
    - Next riddle.

  2. This painting is just amazing.
    All dishes are blue.
    Painting with a blue swirl
    Beckons with a Russian cornflower. (Gzhel.)

    Educator: That's right guys. Look how beautiful.

  3. Golden grass grew on a spoon,
    A red flower bloomed on a bowl. (Khokhloma.)
  4. All toys are difficult
    And magically painted
    Snow-white, like birches,
    Circles, cells. Stripes. (Dymkovo toy.)
  5. The good master made a fairy tale
    Animals come to life in a fairy tale
    Bears, hares, mallets -
    Wooden Toys.(Bogorodskaya toy.)

Educator: Well done, guys, you know the products of Russian crafts. The Russian people know how not only to work, but also to have fun. And we'll play Russian now folk game "Golden Gate"

- And now we have arrived at the station "Festive".

- Guys, what holiday will our people celebrate in May? (Victory Day.)

- Yes, guys, Victory Day is a great, important holiday for all our people. This year we are celebrating the 65th anniversary of the victory. On this day, we remember all those who gave their lives for our Motherland, for us. We say words of gratitude to those veterans who are still alive. We dedicated our exhibition of drawings to this holiday. (Showing an exhibition.) And in the evening on this day, volleys of festive fireworks will sound in the sky of our vast Motherland. And about this we will now sing a song

"Salute of Victory". (Children sing a song and a chants.)

“If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong”

And so our trip to Russia ended. We remembered a lot, learned a lot.

Open class By patriotic education

in the preparatory group "Journey through Russia"

Target: Develop a sense of patriotism and love for their homeland.

Tasks: Summarize and organize children about Russia, to form a respectful attitude towards state symbols; fix the names of major Russian cities and rivers; names of folk crafts; to cultivate love for the Motherland, civil-patriotic feelings.

Materials: coats of arms and flags, a crossword puzzle, visual and didactic aids, an exhibition of drawings..

Preliminary work: Conversations about Russian symbols; poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland; viewing photographs of cities and rivers; conversations, looking at illustrations and performing works based on folk arts and crafts.

Lesson progress

Educator: many different countries, but the largest country is ours. What is it called?(Russia.)

That's right, Russia. And what is our Russia like? (Big, beloved, beautiful, huge, rich, strong.)

Russia is our Motherland. Guys, explain how you understand what “Motherland” is?(Motherland is the place where we were born; the country in which we live. Every person has one homeland.)

caregiver : Guys, read a poem about the Motherland?


great land,
beloved land,
Where we were born and live
We are the motherland of light,
We are the dear Motherland,
We call our Motherland

caregiver : Many proverbs and sayings were composed by the Russian people about the Motherland. Remember them.

(To live is to serve the Motherland. Motherland teaches - Motherland rescues. Who is a mountain for the Motherland, that is a true hero, etc.)

All these proverbs teach us kindness, love for the Motherland, the ability to defend it from enemies. Now let's get to the map.

No country in the world has such a vast territory as Russia. Look at the map. (The teacher shows the children a map of Russia. ) That's how much space the territory of Russia occupies. When people go to bed at one end of our country, morning begins at the other. It can snow at one end of our country, and the sun can bake at the other. To get from one end to the other, you need to travel by train for 7 days - a week, and fly by plane for almost a day. And today I offer you a trip to Russia.

Guys, how can you travel? (By plane, bus, etc.)

Educator: I suggest you travel by train. Let's go. We take seats in the car.

(Sounds of music “Steam locomotive”.)


The station is called "Forest"

The map told us that our country is very large, one might say huge. What else can the map tell us?

- What color do you still see on the map. (Green) What do you think is indicated in green. (Plants, grass, trees, forest)

Yes, green is forest.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

We are in the rain and in the heat.

A friend will help
Green and good.
Will stretch out dozens of hands to us.
And thousands of hands.(Tree.)

Educator: Right! This is a tree. What is a tree made of?(Roots, trunk, branches, leaves.)

What benefits do trees and forests bring to man?

(Forest is clean air and a tree from which they make great amount different items; and paper on which books are printed, notebooks, albums, furniture are made, houses are heated, and much more.)

caregiver : The forest is a natural wealth, it must be treated very carefully.

What tree is the symbol of Russia?

(The symbol of Russia is a white birch.) affectionate words a Russian person does not call this tree: curly, slender, beautiful, white-trunked. No other country has as many birches as ours. Birch and in songs, and in riddles, and in fairy tales.


You are so beautiful, birch

And at noon hot, and at the hour of dew,

That Russia is unthinkable without you

And I'm unthinkable without your beauty.

Also, what color do you see on the map? (brown) What does it mean?

Yes, they are mountains. Mountains also have names, let's read some of them. (The teacher invites one of the children to show the mountains and reads the names - the Ural Mountains, the Caucasus Mountains, etc.)

And what do mountains give a person? (children guess). Minerals are mined in the mountains. The icons on the map indicate where, what minerals are mined.

What are minerals? (children's assumption) This is what is in the earth and what a person really needs for life. For example, coal, various ore, which we need for the manufacture of various metals; gold, diamonds. Minerals also make up the wealth of the country.

Physical education:

Hands raised and shook.
These are birches in the forest,
Hands bent, brushes shaken -
The wind knocks down the dew.
Hands to the sides, gently wave,
The birds are flying towards us.
How they sit down, we will also show
Hands bent back

Educator: The forest is our wealth. Let's save nature.

And our journey continues. We take seats in the wagons. Go.

Educator: The station is called“Geographical”

What are those blue wavy lines on the map that you see so many?

- These are rivers. Are there many rivers in Russia too?

Here we need to solve a crossword puzzle. Guess what is being said from the written word. What word, read.(Word RIVER.)

Right. The rivers of Russia are mighty, full-flowing. Rivers carry their waters to the seas and oceans. Listen to my first clue.

1. This river flows in the city, where there are many museums, ancient parks, beautiful fountains, magnificent palaces, and in this city there are drawbridges and white nights.(NEVA)

2. The name of this river is consonant, the same with the name of the capital of our Motherland. This?(MOSCOW)

3. This river is named after a woman.(LENA)

Educator: Well done! Our crossword is solved. What other rivers do you know?(Ob, Oka, Yenisei, Amur, Angara, Irtysh.) What benefits do rivers bring to a person?

Name the capital of Russia.(Moscow.)

And who will tell a poem about Moscow?

Moscow is Red Square

Moscow is the towers of the Kremlin,

Moscow is the heart of Russia

who loves you

What is the name of the city where we live?

There are many cities in our country. What cities do you know?(Kazan , Vladivostok, etc.) Right.

Educator: The names of cities and rivers are geographical names. Therefore, this station is called “Geographic”

Well, it's time for us to move on. Our train is leaving. Did everyone take their seats? Go.

We arrived at the station"Folk crafts" or "Miracle - masters"

Russia was famous for its miracle - masters,
Wood and clay turned into a fairy tale.
They created beauty with paints and a brush,
Young people were taught their art.

caregiver : I suggest you remember the products of decorative and applied art of Russian masters. Solve riddles.

    colorful girlfriends
    They love to hide in each other. What is this?(Matryoshka.)

    - Of course, this is a familiar nesting doll to all of us. Here she is! (The teacher shows the children a nesting doll.)
    - Next riddle.

    This painting is just amazing.
    All dishes are blue.
    Painting with a blue swirl
    Beckons with a Russian cornflower.(Gzhel.)

    Educator: That's right guys. Look how beautiful.

    Golden grass grew on a spoon,
    A red flower bloomed on a bowl.(Khokhloma.)

    All toys are difficult
    And magically painted
    Snow-white, like birches,
    Circles, cells, stripes.(Dymkovo toy.)

    The good master made a fairy tale
    Animals come to life in a fairy tale
    Bears, hares, mallets -
    Wooden Toys.(Bogorodskaya toy.)

Educator: Well done, guys, you know the products of Russian crafts. The Russian people know how not only to work, but also to have fun. And now we're playingRussian folk game "Brook"

We played and continue our journey. The train is on its way.

Educator: The station is called“State

Children, we said the capital of our Motherland is the city of Moscow.

The government of our state is located in Moscow.

Name the president of our country? (V.V. Putin)

- What state symbols of our country do you know? (Coat of arms, flag, anthem.)

caregiver : State symbols are symbols that unite citizens of one country. Us with you.

caregiver : Ah, now, find the coat of arms of our country.(Images are laid out, children choose the coat of arms of Russia from the proposed coats of arms.)

The child reads a poem about the coat of arms:

Russia has a majestic

On the coat of arms is a double-headed eagle,

To the west, to the east

He could look right away

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is a free spirit of Russia

Educator: What is an anthem?(The anthem is the most important song of the country. The anthem is listened to while standing, etc.)

Right! Each country has its own anthem. We sang the Russian anthem at the beginning of our journey..

Look at the Russian flag. Our flag is made up of horizontal stripes. different color. What are these colors?

Find the flag of our country among others. (Images of flags are laid out, children choose the flag of Russia from the proposed ones.)

Well done! And who will tell a poem about the flag?


We have a beautiful flag

White blue red!

White - peace and purity,

Blue - fidelity, heaven,

Red - courage, courage ....

Here are the colors of the native flag!

And now, guys, I suggest you go toworkshop . Where will you make the flag of Russia for pupils of younger groups.

Before work, we need to prepare the fingers for work.

Finger gymnastics :

In the country where we live,

The flag proudly flies over the Kremlin.

He is white as the snows of Russia,

Like the skies above us, blue.

And the colors of the dawn

Bottom line, look.

While he hovered over the Kremlin,

Quietly we live with you! (Finger massage)

The teacher explains how to make a flag, the children do the work to the music.

Summary of the lesson : Children, our journey has come to an end.

Why did we travel around Russia today? (children's answers)

caregiver : Motherland begins on the threshold of your home. She is huge and beautiful. And everyone has one, like a mother.

One must be proud of one's homeland, love it deeply and tenderly, take care of it.

Organization: SBEI DO LPR "Nursery - kindergarten No. 19 Zvezdochka"

Settlement: LPR, Sverdlovsky district, town. Biryukovo

Synopsis of an open lesson on moral and patriotic education in the senior group: “We are going through the village”

Compiled and hosted by: Lebedinskaya Irina Vladimirovna teacher senior group, SBEI DO LPR "Nursery-garden No. 19" Zvyozdochka", town. Biryukovo, Sverdlovsk region, LPR.

E- mail:

Target: fostering interest and love for the Little Motherland on the basis of familiarizing preschool children with their native village;fostering a sense of pride for the land in which we live; formation of ideas about the sights of the village.


  • To expand the idea of ​​​​the native village and its features,introduce you to the sights.
  • To bring up in a child love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, village.
  • To form a careful attitude towards nature and all living things.
  • To cultivate respect for other people, professions and work.
  • Develop an emotionally-valuable attitude towards the native land.

Materials:Power Point presentation about the native village, Annushka doll, flags, didactic game"Pick up objects for their intended purpose", a map-scheme of the native village, correction tables, chips.

preliminary work : excursions around the village, visiting a school, a library, a post office, a house of culture, a pharmacy, looking at the photo album “My Little Motherland”, conversations, reading poems and learning songs about their native land, accumulating and systematizing local history and ethnology material, organizing an exhibition of creative children's works "My favorite village".

Lesson progress

Children stand in a circle

caregiver: Let's stand side by side, in a circle.

Let's say hello to each other.

We are not too lazy to say hello

Hi all!" and "Good afternoon!"

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.


Children sit down not chairs

Educator:Guys, now show what mood you are in? Smile, to each other and everyone will have, good mood. (Children smile) I see everything is fine with you. And with such a wonderful mood, I suggest you go on a trip to your native village. We learn about his past, talk about the present, dream about the future.

Any journey begins with the choice of a route. To determine our route, we will use a map of our village. As always, we will be accompanied by the Annushka doll, which will answer any questions you may have.

Educator: reading an excerpt from M. Matusovsky’s poem “Where the Motherland Begins”

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the treasured bench at the gate.

From the same birch in the field

Leaning under the wind, it grows.

Maybe it starts

From the spring singing of the starling.

And from this country road

To which there is no end in sight.

Educator:Guys, what is the Motherland?

Children's answers (the region where we live; the place where the person was born; this is the house where our parents live)

Educator:Right. Motherland is our home, our street, our village, our native land. Guys, why do you think their native land is called differently “Motherland”, “Fatherland”?

(Children's answers)

Educator:Guys, there are many countries and lands in the world, but as a person has one mother, so he has one Motherland. Today we will talk about our Motherland, about the village in which we were born and live. After all, for each of us, he is the most beloved, the most beautiful. You agree with me? (Yes)

What is the name of our village? (Biryukovo village).

The name of our village comes from the surname of Vasily Matveyevich Biryukovo. He was the first chairman of the village council.

Between the hills, for a whole dozen kilometers, our urban-type settlement Biryukovo is located. Even from a distance you can see a beautiful landscape. Houses drowned in greenery. Willows lowered their branches and quietly bathe them in the cool waters of the Kundryuchya River, which divided the village into two halves. Guys, maybe one of you knows the old name of the village? (Sloboda Krinichnaya). Right. A long time ago, our village was called Krinichnaya Sloboda, because on its territory there were many springs with clean spring water.

Currently, only one remains, which is located at the end of Shchetova Street. The water in this spring is considered healing, good for health.

Alright guys, let's hit the road. Let's start the journey from the gates of our kindergarten. Let's find it on the map. What is the name of our kindergarten? (Kindergarten "Star"). What street is it on? (On Lenin street).

Lenin Street is the main street. It is the longest and runs through the entire village. But there are many other streets, each of which has its own name. Remind doll Annushka the name of these streets, remembering each one on which he lives. ( Children pass the doll and name the streets)

And what else, besides our kindergarten, is located on Lenin Street?

Children's answers central House of Culture, d children's library, building A village administration, A ptek, district hospital, shops, houses of the villagers).

Educator:By the way, guys, our district hospital is located in the former estate of Count Pyotr Vasilyevich Orlov.

Brick, covered with iron, the manor's house has survived to our times. Once it was surrounded by a large garden, a pond was equipped by the river. The Orlov House is one of the oldest buildings in our village and is a tourist attraction. This is evidenced by this icon in the form of a horseshoe on the map.

In our village there is another old building, which is also marked with a horseshoe. Try to find it yourself on the map. ( Church of St. Mitrophanius). That's right, the Temple of St. Mitrofaniya is also an ancient building, an architectural landmark. In it, even now, as many years ago, divine services are performed daily. They say that the famous writer A.P. came here on Temple Day. Chekhov, whose work you will already get acquainted with at school.

Guys, Annushka doll has prepared tasks for you. Here are two illustrations depicting a hospital and a temple, as well as many small items. You need to sort them out. Those items that are used in the hospital - to the image of the hospital, and those that are used in the temple - to the illustration of the temple.

Di"Choose the right things"

(Children lay out objects and justify their choice)

Educator:Well done, you got it right. Let's look at our map again. In addition to the horseshoe badges, there are also red lights. These are memory icons, there are also two of them. Let's try together to determine their location.

Children's answers monument to V.M. Biryukov - the first chairman of the village council, a monument to the Motherland).

caregiver: The Motherland Memorial was erected in honor of the soldiers - defenders of the Great Patriotic War. There are steles around the monument, the names of those fellow villagers who defended our land from the German invaders are carved on them. Every year on May 9, we come here to lay flowers and honor their memory.

Educator:On our map-scheme there is another symbol in the form of a bowl. He shows us the location of the spring (shows to the children). Once there was a small settlement, and now a large beautiful village. Let's talk about it. What is our village?

Children's answers Our village is large, beautiful, cozy, modern, etc.)

Educator:And tell guys, why do we love our village?

Children's responses (for we live here; for the fact that here we go to kindergarten, and then we will go to school; for the fact that our relatives, friends, neighbors live here).

caregiver: Not only we love and are proud of our village. Our fellow villager Viktor Kirillovich Lebedinsky composed the song "Native Biryukovo". I suggest you do it.

Song "Native Biryukovo"


Spruces do not grow here for centuries,

Oaks do not make noise in two girths.

There are no slender birches here, but I love to tears

Sunrise and sunset over Kudruchaya.


Native Biryukovo,

What is more beautiful in the world

Your inconspicuous beauty.

Everything is painfully familiar

Our grandfathers lived here -

now we live.


The wind here does not play with waves

Sails on the seas pulling.

But step over the threshold

And the steppe breeze

Suddenly love will blow you.


Educator:The village of Biryukovo is located in a rural area, therefore, its inhabitants are mainly engaged in agricultural activities. They grow bread, vegetables and fruits. Cattle and small cattle, sheep, pigs, as well as poultry are bred.

Our region is also famous for its coal industry. Many of the men are miners, extracting coal in the mine. Guys, where do your parents work?(children's answers)

Educator:In order for our village to be beautiful and comfortable, it is not enough, you need to love it and take care of it - keep it clean, maintain order, decorate, build, plant trees and shrubs. That's what our fellow villagers do. And from childhood we must protect what is made by the hands of adults, is proud of our village and native land.

I suggest you play a game called "You can - you can not." To do this, you need to become in a circle. Take a green flag in your right hand, and a red flag in your left. I will ask you questions, and you will answer using flags of a certain color. If "you can" raise the green flag, if "not" - red.

Question options:

Pick flowers in a flower bed?

Admire the blooming flower bed?

Plant trees and flowers?

Throw candy wrappers?

Play on the roadway?

Screaming, making noise in a public place?

Speak in a calm, polite tone?

Play on a children's playground?

Destroy bird nests?

Equip feeders for wintering birds?

Educator:The local poet Vasily Emelyanovich Mateishin wrote many poems about our village. Today I will read one of them, which is called "My native land"

I love my native land

I love wide fields, green meadows.

I am connected with him by the same fate

As with the river Kundryuchaya coast.

Every mound in my native land is dear to me,

I love the expanse of the steppe,

And the smell of spring in the crane's wing,

And this sky is blue.

Educator:Children, it's time to dream about what you want to do for the village when you grow up, you can start by saying: "When I grow up ..." (children's answers)

caregiver: Your dreams are beautiful! I think that each of you will be able to implement them and bring them to life.

To consolidate everything that you have heard today, Annushka invites you to team up in pairs, go to the tables on which the correction tables lie and complete the tasks.

(Desk work)

Tasks for correction tables.

(Listen to the question, find the answer-picture and cover with a chip)

  1. Find a picture, cover it with a chip .

building with blue domes

Where are concerts and celebrations held?

Where is coal mined?

Who do we congratulate on Victory Day?

2. Listen to the riddle, find the answer.

Worth a house

Who will enter it

He will gain knowledge. (School)

People in white don't get bored
Do not sit idle
If someone gets sick
Everyone is going to get treated.
In city, regional,
Children's ... (hospital)

What is this wonderful house?
One hundred kids in that house
The house is very happy for the kids
What is it ... (kindergarten)

3. Think and answer

The old name of our village?

The main street of our village?

How many schools are in our village?

What is the name of the river in our village?

Educator:And so our tour of the village came to an end. Today we learned a lot of new and interesting things about our native land, Motherland. Together with the doll Annushka, we walked along the main street of Lenin, remembered the past, talked about the present, and dreamed about the future. We proved that we really love our village. I think that now you will grow up worthy patriots of your Motherland.


  1. Aleshina N.V. "Patriotic education of preschoolers", "Introduction of preschoolers to the outside world and social reality"
  2. Komarova, OA Development of the spiritual and moral sphere of the child's personality under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards of Education / OA Komarova, V. Yu. Komarova // Educator of a preschool educational institution. – 2015.

3. Sukhomlinsky V. A. "How to raise a real person"

4. Internet resources

Patriotism is love and affection for one's surroundings, home and city, family and people, language and country. The desire to pass it on to new generations is associated with the desire of society to protect its ideals and culture, values ​​and achievements by forming certain qualities of children. In this article, we will talk about the principles of educating patriotism among preschoolers, give examples of notes and possible topics for classes, give options for activities, and describe the nuances and subtleties that arise in the work of a teacher.

The objectives of classes on patriotic education of preschoolers

One should not think that the inculcation of patriotism is only a military-patriotic or even politicized education of children. This attitude is the most common mistake and the biggest mistake a teacher can make. Patriotism should be instilled by measuring the efforts and methods used with the age of children, with their natural aspirations, gradually revealing and complicating, detailing the introduced concepts. The goals pursued in the process of educating patriotism can be divided into educational, developmental and educational. It is recommended to start with achieving individual goals, integrating them in the process.

The educational goals of patriotic education include the inculcation of such new concepts for preschoolers as:

  • material environment, for example, the geographical location of native places (forest, mountains, field, river, city, village, town) in our country, their characteristic features and interconnection;
  • social environment: family, residents hometown or villages, peoples of the native country, patriot;
  • native culture, namely the language, songs and poems of the peoples of our country, public holidays, friendship of Peoples.

A sense of belonging to the family, hometown, country and its inhabitants, the nature of their land, the cultural heritage of the people - all this is a consequence of patriotic education

Developing goals of patriotic education of preschoolers:

  • the formation of coherent speech, an increase in active vocabulary;
  • improvement of coordination of movements through gaming motor activity;
  • development of logical and figurative thinking through understanding the relationship of objects and their relationship (house, district, city, country, and so on).

The educational goals of the patriotic education of preschoolers include instilling:

  • cooperation skills, helping each other;
  • love for native culture and native places;
  • desire to preserve and protect native places (patriotic and environmental aspects);
  • respect for the culture and homelands of others.

What can be used as a motivating start to a lesson

Answering the popular question about what techniques can be used to organize a direct educational activities(GCD) on patriotic education, we present the following table.

Table: methods of organizing GCD for patriotic education in kindergarten

GCD organization methodsExplanation
List of favorite places. Suggest to children
name the places where they like to live
Most often, children give answers such as our city house, father's house, grandmother's house in the village, a beach by the sea, a tent in the forest, an apartment, a city, a village, and so on. The task of the teacher is to discuss the native habitat through the options of children's answers, integrating them into broader concepts (our city, our region, our country). At the same time, the definition of all concepts can be carried out as a search creative task, inviting children to independently figure out what these objects have in common, where these objects are located and what it is called (city, region, country)
Selection of groups of people. Use children's understanding of the elements of the society in which they live (family, friends, population of the city, people of the country)Give the children a riddle to identify who we are. Together with the children, understand that we are people, children, adults, residents of our region, Russians. As a hint and reference material, it is recommended to use images of people in national costumes, state symbols, maps of the country. Together with the children, discuss the relationship between people, understand whether it is better to quarrel or be friends, it is better to take care of your beloved land alone or together (give an example of joint cleaning of toys in the room), gradually bring children to the concept of friendship between peoples

Among options For a motivating start to a class, many educators recommend using the following:

  • Demonstration of pictures of heroes or fragments of cartoons about heroes (and their characters). After watching the cartoons, a survey is conducted about what these characters do, where they live, who and what they protect, why they do it. It is acceptable to start the lesson in the form of a game or a small scene about heroes, but for the successful implementation of such a scenario, it is important that all children are familiar with the play being played. In other words, the game must be preceded preparatory lesson with a joint viewing of this movie or cartoon.
  • Using photographs of places well known to children with their subsequent discussion. The photographs may show a local park, the most beautiful places in the city where children have probably been, a kindergarten building and outdoor playgrounds, a house typical for the area (city or village). It is advisable to use pre-prepared drawings of children on this topic (“My house”, “My favorite place in the city").
  • Superhero game (Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Wolverine, etc.). Through a discussion of the heroes and the places that they protect from the villains (Gotham city and its inhabitants, New Yorkers), make a transition to the hometown, its inhabitants and those who protect this city (police, firefighters, Ministry of Emergency Situations). Discuss the motivations of defenders, understand why they do it, how it manifests itself in their behavior. Through examples of the exploits of fictional heroes, give examples of real heroes, for example, recall and discuss the names of streets named after the heroes of the Second World War, read several illustrated stories about their exploits.

It would be better if before talking to children about superheroes, you find out who they like the most.

Methods and means applicable to patriotic education

Patriotic education of preschoolers is a very broad topic. Today's educators have the opportunity to use both the experience of past generations and bring their own creative ideas. Let us further consider what methods and means modern teachers use to instill a sense of patriotism in children.

Games and other recreational activities

Ordinary children's entertainment is easily combined with patriotic education. We list the standard ways to entertain children and designate in them the possibilities for use in patriotic education.

Table: patriotic elements in ordinary children's games and entertainment

EntertainmentElements of patriotic education
DanceMatinee or group performance with elements of folk and national dances of our country and other countries (for example, Tatar dances, Belarusian dances, Russian folk dances)
WalkExcursion to the monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, to the museum of local lore
DrawingDrawing competition, drawing on a given topic (for example, a drawing on the topic “Why is the street where I live so named”)
Modeling from plasticineSculpt a historic building (local landmark)
A gameRepeat the correct drill exercises of soldiers at the command of the educator
Watching filmsAny picture on a patriotic theme, approved and recommended for viewing for this age
CompetitionsMusical quiz "Guess the melody of the anthem" using the anthems of the countries of our neighbors

Video: patriotic dance in the kindergarten "Sun"

The best methods for patriotic education are visual demonstrations and games, preceded by a small conversation. Patriotism is a complex concept, but intuitively perceived by a child through the role-playing behavior of a defender. It will be right to direct the natural games of children according to the scenario you propose, which reveals and consolidates this role. Such games are already familiar to children. These include any team games built on the principles of protecting their territory and other players: for example, dodgeball, swan geese, rounders, baseball and others.

During the games, various military-patriotic scenarios should be used, involving the equal participation of boys and girls. Avoiding the politicization of games, it is necessary to carry out a variant of a team game, which provides for fixing on the personal qualities of a patriot (strength, dexterity, speed), and not on the scenario military aspect. For example, the well-known game "Relay Race" can be turned from a simple run with a stick into a patriotic task of delivering an important report to the headquarters. At the same time, it is necessary to focus not on the portrait of a possible enemy or military operations, but on the personal qualities of the defender of the Motherland, who transmits the report. An element of patriotism can be added to the game " fun starts", including in it overcoming an imitation of an obstacle course. There are many variations of patriotic games that bring up useful skills. For example, you can use games with elements of providing feasible first aid (bandage your hand for speed, help a lame friend overcome an obstacle, and others).

Outdoor games also develop the child, improving coordination of movements.

We should not forget about games for erudition and speech development, as well as various quizzes. For example, the game "Guess the picture" may offer to guess the national symbols, coats of arms and flags of different countries.

It is useful for each educator to have a card index of such games, broken down by types of scenarios, venue, general focus and educational and developmental goals.

Video: military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa" in the kindergarten "Asterisk"

Classes on patriotic education

Education must be built in such a way that the scale of perception of patriotism gradually increases from the particular to the general (family, people, country). It is easier for a child to understand patriotism for loved ones and concrete examples and gradually move on to more abstract images.

Let us explain how the named increase in scale can look like on the example of the topics of patriotic conversations and classes:

  1. Our family (talk about family).
  2. I love my house (drawing competition).
  3. My yard and my friends.
  4. My street and why is it called that.
  5. Our favorite city (town, village).
  6. Our region (region or republic).
  7. My native country (drawing competition).
  8. Peoples of Russia.
  9. Anthem and coat of arms of my country.

Video: patriotic education in kindergarten

Temporary lesson plan

When planning a temporary lesson plan in kindergarten, it must be borne in mind that children are able to perceive new information for a limited amount of time. In the table below we give a variant of the temporary lesson plan on a patriotic theme in kindergarten.

Table: approximate time plan for the lesson "The history of our city and its streets"

No. p / pLesson stageContentDuration, in minutes
1. Organizational partSeating the children, preparing, attracting attention2
2. Updating knowledge and experienceConversation on the topic “Our city and its streets” (a story about the concept of “street”, why there are names, why they are needed and how they appear, what protection the streets need)5
3. A gameStreet names quiz5–6
4. Outdoor game (physical education)Game on the theme "Street", integration with life safety. Charging "Traffic light" with a repetition of the rules of behavior on the street, the game "Janitor" (street cleaning)3–5
5. Work in a notebookDrawing in a notebook based on the results of the discussion of streets and their names, the origin of names3–4
6. Final conversationConsolidation of the topic, questioning the children and a brief repetition of the topic2–3
Total: 20–25 minutes

How to write a summary of classes on patriotic education

When compiling a summary of classes on patriotic education, experienced teachers recommend adhering to the following principles:

  • Indicate the objects of patriotism - geographical or cultural concepts, on the example of which it is easiest for a child to understand a sense of pride and love. For example, our city, Russian language and so on. Most often this will be the topic of your lesson.
  • Do not delve too deeply into the history of the issue, do not use complex abstract concepts. It is enough for children to know that Moscow is the main city of Russia, they do not need to understand that this is enshrined in the Constitution and other legislative acts.
  • In any object that you use to illustrate the concept of patriotism and instilling a patriotic feeling, several different aspects can be distinguished. Depending on the angle from which a particular concept is considered, it is possible to single out different goals and objectives of GCD that can be achieved in the course of the lesson. Many topics are perfectly linked with each other and allow integrating educational and upbringing goals, working to achieve several goals at the same time. We will consider a detailed example below.
  • Be sure to plan quizzes in your notes to find out what the children know about the topic under consideration, help them formulate and express their knowledge and opinions before your story. Not only talk, but listen and involve children in the conversation, smoothly bringing communication to key points.
  • Do not prompt directly, use a problematic and creative form of problem setting. The development of coherent speech, thinking and memory of children are important goals for classes on any topic.
  • A good tool for monitoring knowledge and the results of past classes is to conduct regular surveys of children. Be sure to set aside some time in your notes for surveys.

As an illustration of the application of one of the above principles, let us consider several aspects of the concept of "Moscow".

Table: work with different aspects of one concept on the example of the concept of "Moscow"

Different aspects of the concept of "Moscow"Pursued goalsLesson element in the outline
Moscow as a geographical concept, which is associated with a number of other concepts (capital, Kremlin, president, government)Educational goal (learning new concepts)Conversation
Moscow in its aesthetic aspect. Showing pictures about Moscow, reading poems and songs about it, watching fragments of films or cartoonsAesthetic and cultural goalsWatching a movie together, reading poetry, listening to songs
Moscow in music. cultural aspect. Dance outdoor game to a potpourri of songs about MoscowPhysical development (warm-up, development of coordination and rhythm)Mobile game, dance
Moscow in the history of our city and family. A story about the defense of Moscow during the war, about the importance of this city for all the inhabitants of Russia and about the contribution made to the defense of Moscow by the inhabitants of your city, perhaps the great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers of the pupils, veterans and home front workersEducational and aesthetic goalsConversation, drawing, modeling

Video: lesson on patriotic education in kindergarten No. 42

Abstract examples

Let us give an example of a synopsis of directly integrated educational activities on patriotic topics that are used by teachers in modern preschool institutions.

Table: abstract on the topic "Our Motherland - Russia", author - Ekaterina Presnukhina

Teaching tasks:
  • generalize and systematize children's knowledge about Russia as a state in which we live;
  • to form a respectful attitude towards state symbols;
  • to consolidate children's knowledge about the flag, coat of arms, anthem of Russia;
  • improve the artistic and speech skills of children when reading poetry, proverbs;
  • enrich the speech of children with expressive means.

Development tasks:

  • to develop dialogic speech, memory, thinking in children;
  • develop fine motor skills fingers, imagination when decorating a tree.

Educational tasks:

  • to cultivate a patriotic attitude towards the symbols of their country;
  • instill in children patriotic feelings for their homeland, love, pride, respect for their native country.
Globe, birch tree, trays, glue, twisted strips of paper (for branches, tree trunk), tape recorder, Russian anthem, calm classical music.
Implemented educational areas:
  • cognitive development;
  • speech development;
  • socio-communicative development;
  • physical development.
Preliminary work:
  • reading poems about the Motherland, reading proverbs, memorizing poems and proverbs;
  • listening to audio recordings about the Motherland, the anthem of Russia, poems, songs about the Motherland;
  • reading fairy tales, epics about the victory of warriors;
  • viewing illustrations depicting our vast Motherland, its beautiful nature.
I. Organizational moment.
Children enter the hall to a song about Russia, stand in the middle, forming a circle.
II. Main part.
Educator: Spread out in a blue haze
majestic edge,
It's you, my Russia
My light, my Motherland!
What do you guys think, what are we going to talk about today? (about Motherland, Russia)
Right. Our country is called ... (Russia)
Educator: What are we called, people living in Russia?
Children: Russians.
1st child: Old yard, young birches,
Round dance of curly poplars,
This is all my country Russia,
Sweet image of my Motherland.
2nd child: Cornflowers, like blue eyes,
They look, smiling, along the path.
And golden braids of wheat
Braid in autumn in sheaves.
3rd child: And in winter it sparkles and sparkles
Snow, like a wedding veil.
And nothing in the world compares
Beauty of white-trunked groves
Educator: With what beautiful words the poets expressed their love for the Motherland in their poems.
Educator: Let's look at the globe, what our country looks like, tell me what is indicated on the globe in green, blue, brown, yellow, white? The children answer.
Educator: That's right - forests, rivers, mountains, deserts, glaciers. Look how big our country is.
Russia is big, beautiful and rich country. Many rivers flow through the whole country, there are many forests in which there are many different animals, many mushrooms and berries grow. Why does our country have such a name?
The child is reading a poem.
For clear dawns, washed with dew.
For the Russian field with tall ears,
Over the rivers spilling in blue flames.
They called you in Slavic - Russia!
Educator: We are citizens of Russia, Russians - we love and are proud of our country. Russia is a state. Like all states in the world, Russia has its own state symbols. Which?
Child: Coat of arms, flag, anthem - symbols of our country Russia.
Teacher: Absolutely right. Paying honor to these symbols, we thereby show love and respect for our Motherland. The national flag is one of the most important attributes of the state. The Russian flag is a symbol of the valor and honor of the Russian people. Symbol of state and national independence. Guys, would you like to know how the flag appeared?
Educator: In ancient, ancient times, when your grandmothers and great-grandmothers were not in the world, the life of our ancestors was very turbulent. Often the inhabitants of cities and villages had to unite and defend themselves from enemies. In case of danger, the warrior took a stick. At the end he tied a bunch of dry grass or ponytail and lifted it high. This sign was visible far away, people were drawn to the warrior from all sides. A stick with a bunch of grass was called the banner. An army gathered under the banner and went to defend their land. You had to be very careful to distinguish your banner from someone else's. Then they came up with the idea of ​​tying a fabric instead of a bundle, a piece of matter fluttered in the wind and it was better visible. This is how the flag was born.
Teacher: How many colors does the flag have?
Children: The flag has three colors: white, blue, red.
Educator: What does the white stripe mean on the flag?
Children: The white stripe reminds of white-trunked birch trees, of Russian winter with endless snowy expanses. About summer clouds, about white daisies in endless fields.
Educator: The white light indicates that our country is peaceful and does not attack anyone. And the blue stripe, what does it look like?
Children: The blue stripe looks like a blue sky. Blue rivers and seas.
Educator: The blue stripe on the flag denotes loyalty, the people love their country, protect it and are devoted to it.
What does the red color on the flag mean?
Children: The red stripe is similar to sunrise and sunset.
Educator: The red color in Rus' has always been considered the most beautiful. This is the color blooming flowers, warmth and joy. This is the color of strength, the color of the blood of people shed for the Motherland.
Educator: And who will tell a poem about the flag?
Child: White color - birch,
Blue is the color of the sky.
Red stripe -
Sunny dawn.
Educator: It is very important not to confuse the order of the flag stripes. What is the top?
Children: White stripe.
Teacher: In the middle?
Children: Blue stripe.
Teacher: Downstairs?
Children: Red stripe.
Educator: Now we will play the game "Russian Flag". Listen carefully, move as the music tells you. And with the end of the music, line up in three lines in the order of the colors of the Russian flag. Take one ribbon.
The game "Russian flag". Children move around the hall in accordance with the music: march - walk, waltz - spin. At the end of the music, they line up in three lines in the order of the colors of the Russian flag - white, blue, red. They wave ribbons over their heads.
Educator: Well done, they didn’t mix up the order of the colors. Put down the ribbons and come to me.
Educator: Guys, do you know where you can meet the national flag of Russia? (Answers of children).
The national flag of Russia is raised on the buildings of the authorities of our country. The flag of Russia is hung on the houses on public holidays.
The national flag of Russia can be seen at parades. The Russian flag flutters on the masts of Russian ships. On airplanes and spaceships, a three-color image of the flag is drawn. At all times, the attitude of citizens to the flag was very respectful. Warriors, giving an oath of allegiance to the Motherland, kissed the tip of the flag, risking their lives, taking the flag out of the battlefield so that it would not get to the enemy.
Educator: Russia has another important state symbol - the coat of arms. Coat of arms - a distinctive sign, the official emblem of the state. Do you know what is depicted on the coat of arms of our country?
Children: The coat of arms of Russia depicts a double-headed eagle. The wings of an eagle are like the rays of the sun. On the chest of the eagle is a rider with a silver spear. This is St. George the Victorious. The rider rides on a silver horse. A blue cloak flutters behind his shoulders. He defeated the dragon.
Educator: Right! The coat of arms of Russia symbolizes beauty, justice, the victory of good over evil. And where do we often meet the coat of arms? (Answers of children).
Educator: The coat of arms is depicted on important documents, and its individual elements are on coins. The image of the coat of arms can be seen on seals, on banknotes. On postage stamps, postcards, badges, there is also an image of the coat of arms. The image of the coat of arms can be found on government awards.
Well done! Now go to the magnetic board. Look at the image of the coats of arms of different countries and find the coat of arms of Russia among them.
The game "Find among the coats of arms of different countries the coat of arms of Russia."
(Children are offered cards with the emblems of Austria, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, Russia. They must choose a card with the emblem of Russia. The task is complicated by the fact that eagles are depicted on the emblems of these countries.)
Educator: And why did you choose this coat of arms?
Children: Because it depicts a double-headed eagle and St. George the Victorious.
Educator: Did Dima choose the coat of arms correctly? Why do you think so?
Children: Because the double-headed eagle is a symbol of Russia.
Educator: Coat of arms, which state did Dima choose?
Children: Dima chose the coat of arms of Russia.
Educator: Well done. (The teacher with a pointer in his hands shows the details of the coat of arms and comments.)
Educator: The double-headed eagle has been a symbol of Russia for more than five hundred years. On the chest of the eagle there is an image of a rider against the background of a red shield. This is St. George the Victorious. In his right hand he has a silver spear that helped defeat the dragon. The black dragon is a symbol of evil. The faithful horse of the warrior tramples the dragon with its hooves. The coat of arms of Russia symbolizes beauty and justice, the victory of good over evil.
Dynamic game "Coat of arms of Russia". Coat of arms of the country - double-headed eagle
Proudly spread its wings, (raise your arms to the sides)
Holds a scepter, an orb, (alternately clench the right and left hand)
He saved Russia. (draw a circle with your hands)
On the chest of the eagle - a red shield, (put your hands on your chest)
Dear to everyone: you and me. (head tilt left and right)
A beautiful young man jumps (step in place, with a high raising of the leg)
On a silver horse
A blue cloak is fluttering, (smooth swaying of the hands to the right and left)
And the spear in the hand shines. (clench hands into fists)
The strong rider wins, (put your hands on your belt)
An evil dragon lies at his feet. (show with hands)
Confirms the old coat of arms
The independence of the country.
For the peoples of all Russia
Our symbols are important. (raise hands up)
Educator: When people from other countries come to our country, they see the state emblem on the border of our country, it is placed on the border posts. Seeing our flag and coat of arms, they immediately understand that they are in Russia.
Educator: Each country has a special, main song. Which?
Children: The anthem is the main song of our country.
Educator: The anthem of the country is also a state symbol. It is performed on special, solemn occasions. The anthem of Russia is very beautiful and majestic. And who knows what signs of attention are given by those present during the performance of the anthem?
Children: When the anthem sounds, all those present stand up, you can’t talk, the military salute or salute with weapons.
Educator: That's right, guys, in this way, citizens show respect for the anthem, for their country. The anthem is listened to standing, calmly, attentively, you can sing along.
When does the anthem sound?
Children: The anthem sounds on solemn occasions, during competitions, in honor of the winners.
Educator: Let's listen to the anthem of Russia.
Listening to the anthem of Russia.
Educator: True, beautiful music, beautiful words? When we listen to the anthem, pride appears in our hearts.
What is Motherland? How do you think?
Children: Homeland is the place where we live, where our family is.
The child reads a poem: What do we call the Motherland?
The house where we live.
And birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.
Educator: That's right, everyone knows the word Motherland. Motherland is the place where we were born, where we live with our parents, with our friends. Many proverbs and sayings were composed by the Russian people about the Motherland. Remember them.
Beloved motherland is like a mother.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
To live - to serve the Motherland.
Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
Teacher: What do these proverbs teach?
Children: Proverbs teach us kindness, love for the Motherland, the ability to defend it from enemies.
Educator: Read a poem about the Motherland.
Great land, beloved land.
Where we were born and live
We are the homeland of light, we are the homeland of dear,
We call our Motherland.
Teacher: And now we will play a game.
The game "Pass the heart and put the word."
Children pass a heart around and say what our Motherland is. (Sweet, beloved, beautiful, wonderful, dear, unique, strong, powerful.)
Teacher: That's how much beautiful words can be said about our country. What do you think, what tree can be considered a symbol of Russia?
Children: Birch.
Educator: Right, but why do Russian people love this tree?
Children: For beauty, birch sap, which gives vigor and strength, birch bark, which gave writing, birch buds and brooms, which preserve health.
Educator: Birch is the beauty and pride of Russia.
You can't count different trees,
One is more beautiful than the other.
But where do you find a tree
Are birch trees more beautiful than ours?
Educator: Guys, I suggest you design a birch tree out of paper, making a trunk based on a cone, and branches using a twisted spiral method.
Construction "Russian birch". Children glue the cone, twisted green strips are glued to the trunk. By cutting, black spots are glued onto the trunk.
III. Outcome.
Educator: Children, remember, people should be kind, live in peace and friendship. Love your Motherland, take care of every bush, tree, grass. Protect and preserve its riches. The Russians are a very wise, patient, kind people.
Look at each other and say: "If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong!"

Mini museum in kindergarten

A mini-museum is an effective form of visual demonstration of objects for patriotic education. A variety of things are suitable as exhibits of a small museum. It depends on the topic chosen for patriotic education. These can be objects of ancient life and local folk crafts, personal belongings of war veterans, a sample of a herbarium of plants in a given area, or beautiful samples of minerals. The range of possibilities here is very wide. There are only a few conditions that this small exhibition must meet:

  • all items must be safe for children, and also have a compact shape and do not take up much space;
  • it is undesirable to use things of significant material or historical value, items with increased fragility;
  • the exposition should be visual, have signatures and be protected from the use of objects for other purposes (for example, children took and carried away old coins to play in the store, tried to swallow them, and so on).

Be sure to assign responsibility for the museum to those children who are happy to tell guests (newcomers, parents of children and visitors to the kindergarten) about the museum exhibits. The honorary role of the curator of the museum, playing a tour and conducting real tours for parents in themselves can serve as a good form of assimilation of information by children, emotionally color and make meaningful the existence of a mini-museum, updating its collection and caring for children about it.

Video: an example of a selection of military-patriotic materials in kindergarten No. 1402

Stand, folder-slider, booklet, poster on patriotic education

Your mini-museum, matinee or any activity dedicated to patriotic education will always win with a bright and visual design.

Make out a slide folder, booklet or poster not with photos from the Internet, but with copies of photos brought by children from family albums, important and meaningful pictures for them. Great-grandfather in military uniform, a monument in my mother’s hometown, a warship on which my father served in the Navy best friend- these examples will make a stronger impression on children than abstract examples from the life of people unknown to them.

Let these photos not be as sharp as retouched and processed glossy images. The effect produced by them will be very significant if presented correctly and if it is possible to draw a line from generation to generation in the families of your pupils.

In the design of visual aids, you can also use a national decorative element, drawings and textures on fabrics, and handicrafts. Involve children in this activity. As part of the preparatory work, they can make applications on colored paper or fabric, make drawings or sculpt a model of a landmark.

Remember that not flat stands are ideal, but stands with voluminous objects, with what you can turn, pick up, view from different angles. Everything will go into action - items of clothing and tin soldiers, toys and models of equipment. Allow the children to contribute their ideas and suggestions, to be actively involved in the creation of visual aids.

Photo gallery: patriotic posters in kindergarten

Patriotic posters can be dedicated to the historical events of their native city. Children can design a poster with the whole group. Posters are more interesting if you use copies of archival materials from the families of pupils in your work.

DIY craft

As an example of crafts on a patriotic theme, we will give a small master class, the author of which is the teacher Vera Bomburova. As the objectives of the lesson, the author highlights:

  • familiarization of the child with the technique of making applications from napkins;
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • education of emotional responsiveness, patriotism and love for the Motherland.

For the manufacture of voluminous applications from napkins on a patriotic theme, we need:

  • the outline of a double-headed eagle printed on A4 or A3 paper;
  • multicolored paper napkins(yellow, white, red, blue);
  • PVA glue;
  • glue brushes;
  • scissors;
  • whatman format A2;
  • gouache;
  • moldings for making a frame.

In the photo gallery you can clearly see the process of creating work.

Photo gallery: stages of creating a three-dimensional application "Double-headed eagle"

We paste the printed outline of the eagle on a sheet or on half of the cotton paper We cut multi-colored paper napkins into small squares We form small buds from the cut figures, pinching the center of the square Work on the formation of the application can be carried out in a group of up to 8 people Using a brush and PVA glue, we attach the buds to the main image The children decided to paint the center of the composition with paints, rather than sticking it with napkins. Both children and adults can participate in creating a three-dimensional application. After all the napkin buds are glued, you can attach moldings for the final decoration of the picture.

Poems and Rhymes

Learning poems and nursery rhymes on a patriotic theme does not fundamentally differ in the methods used from learning poetry in general, but it has one small nuance. In patriotic works, more often than in ordinary poems, words and concepts that are not yet fully understood by the child may come across, and the likelihood of errors increases. Therefore, before learning, it is recommended that you repeat the conversation with the children on the topic of poetry, say incomprehensible words, pronounce them in syllables and achieve a complete understanding of the word and the concept hidden behind it.

Separately, it is worth working with the expression when reading. Reading on a patriotic theme should reflect the feeling of pride and love associated with the poem. Demonstrate to the children the clarity and accuracy of poems about the army, the solemnity of poems about victory and national symbols, including not only the voice features of reading, but also posture, body position.

Video: pupils of the preschool educational institution "Solnyshko" recite poems about Russia

Patriotic education through ecology

When revealing the concept of patriotism, be sure to pay attention to explaining the fact that a patriot not only loves and respects his small or large Motherland, but is an active defender of it.

It is impossible to separate the protection of the native land from the care of nature. Images of the beloved Motherland, as a rule, have a natural character: great rivers, free steppes, mighty forests, high mountains, abundant gardens and rich arable land. Here, a completely natural transition to environmental values ​​is possible, and the opposite is also completely true. Through the statement understandable to children “we want our lawn and square to always be beautiful and clean”, it is possible to make a generalizing judgment about the whole street, city, region and country.

The presence in the preschool educational institution of its own playground with trees and plants, a square or a garden, a living corner or indoor plants allows you to introduce elements environmental education in the practical activities of children. Examples of cleaning toys in the playroom, helping elders with cleaning around the house, while working in the garden or garden can be transferred to examples of helping nature, combating its pollution and destruction. Children are involved in feasible and safely organized work to care for outdoor and indoor ornamental plants.

Demonstration of environmental educational films, cartoons, small exciting excursions to nature, performances by employees of environmental organizations of the area or environmental volunteers in front of children are desirable.

Many modern cartoons touch upon environmental issues, for example, "Wall-e"

All the information received, as well as the experience of participation in preparatory work for the care of indoor plants or live pets should form in children an understanding of personal responsibility for the preservation of natural resources, as well as the deep interconnection and fragility of natural processes, the need to protect them.

Video: competition for the best corner of nature in kindergarten No. 80

How to develop a project on patriotic education in a preschool educational institution

A feature of any long-term project on patriotic education is its consistency and deep integration with various educational areas. You choose a cross-cutting (main) topic and spend it throughout the semester or year, combining and combining it with the planned topics of the group classes.

When choosing a topic, it is necessary to analyze and try to take into account a number of factors:

  • Peculiarities of the collective of the parents of your group (for example, the military, engineers, employees of a large local enterprise predominate). This will allow you to better choose a topic, to understand what kind of help your parents can provide you with organizing a museum or excursions. As a successful option, we can name the project of patriotic education on the example of the history of the plant named after. Kirov (with the organization of the museum and a tour by the workers of the plant).
  • The originality of your locality, the main milestones in its history, the specifics of local attractions that are of particular pride, as well as undeservedly forgotten and little-known. Thus, the location of the naval base in the city of Sevastopol dictates the naval patriotic theme. The city of Zhukovsk has many aviation enterprises, which determines the aviation and military-space orientation of local patriotism. The city of Yekaterinburg sets the theme of domestic production, natural mineral wealth, industry and craftsmanship. At the same time, you can either follow the generally accepted ideas about the city, and vice versa, find a little-known topic, an unexpected look, or an unconventional approach to sights that you will use as objects of patriotism.
  • The national composition of the settlement and the group of children, the representation of different nations and peoples of Russia, or, conversely, the pronounced ethnic homogeneity of the composition of the group. It will be difficult to compete national costume given the homogeneity of the group, it will also be disrespectful to focus only on the Russian theme of patriotism in a group with representatives of many different peoples.
  • Consider the calendar, holidays and memorable dates both federal and local. For example, you came up with the idea to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the famous Romanov coat, but on this occasion there will be a city-wide competition of drawings and poems. Children of your group will be able to prepare in advance and take part in the holiday.

Video: patriotic education project MB Preschool Kindergarten No. 40 "My village Karagailinsky"

What does a patriotic education report include?

An important component of any educational work is summing up and analyzing activities. When creating a report on patriotic education, try to follow these guidelines:

  1. Reveal the main focus of your patriotic education project, patriotic month, and so on.
  2. List all educational topics patriotic pursuits during regime moments: all conversations, memorized poems, drawings, songs, and so on.
  3. Separately describe the topics of organized educational activities: manual labor, By artistic creativity, music, literature.
  4. Describe the topics of cultural and leisure activities, presentations, musical and sports festivals.
  5. Describe the interaction with the families of the pupils.
  6. Describe interactions with fellow educators and outside organizations.
  7. Be sure to use a photo report, especially for large-scale events.

Many successful developments of abstracts on patriotic education have been created, the experience of conducting classes and events for children is rich, but it is always worth remembering that the educator in his work is faced with living people and it is impossible to predict some situations. In such cases, it is important to maintain the ability to be creative in solving emerging problems and be able to use the circumstances to the maximum advantage for teaching children.

Group, age of children, duration: preschool group,

6-7 years, 35 minutes.

Class type: cognitive

Conduct form: information creative mini-project.

Purpose of the lesson: arouse children's interest and emotionally positive attitude towards Russian Army through engaging in dialogue and joint creative activities on military topics.

Program tasks:


  • expand children's ideas about the Army, its troops;
  • on the available material, in joint activities with the educator, to reveal such concepts: great power, army, military forces, defenders, border, types of weapons;
  • show children how to organize joint work in small groups, observing the general rules.


  • to develop in preschoolers search skills, skills and abilities of working in cooperation, skills of empathy for the results of a common cause;
  • develop the communication skills of children, involving in a speech dialogue;
  • develop the logic of thinking, memory when making assumptions.


  • instill in children feelings of patriotism, pride and respect for the Russian Army;
  • to cultivate a sense of love for one's people, one's Motherland, a desire to cherish and protect it in the future;
  • to form motivation among older preschoolers to serve in the ranks of the Russian Army.

Problem situation: Our country has vast expanses that must be protected and protected. Do you know who defends our Motherland and how? Are you ready to be her protector when you grow up?

Vocabulary work: great maritime power, military forces (land, air force, military navy), peakless cap, helmet, binoculars.

Methods for organizing children in the classroom: frontally, in small groups; conversation, dialogue; creating a problem situation.


  • projector;
  • slides: map of Russia, types of troops, military uniform, weapons;
  • phonograms: march of the Slavyanka, songs about the Soviet Army;
  • the poem “There is a parade on the square today ...”;
  • models of military figures of 3 types of military forces: land (border guards), air force (pilots), naval fleet (sailors);
  • materials for self creative work children: paper blanks of military uniform elements, glue, napkins;
  • layout - panorama "Glory to the Army!";
  • costumes for group commanders, flags of the armed forces;
  • colored chips for organizing small groups of children.

Intended product of the mini-project:

open lesson with the design of the layout - the panorama "Glory to the Army!",

game situation with participation in the "Armed Forces Parade".

Lesson progress

Children enter the hall to the sounds of the Slavyanka march.

Slide 1. Greeting card.

Introductory part.

Getting to know childrenChildren stand in a circle).

Hello guys! Today we have an unusual lesson for you. What interesting thing did you notice in me (military uniform)? Who wears military uniform (soldiers, military)? When it's needed (while serving in the Army, in the war)? Why did I wear a military uniform today, do you think? (Children's answers: maybe you serve in the Army, dressed for a holiday, etc.) You are right guys. Most recently, on February 23, our whole country celebrated the holiday (Which?). Defender of the Fatherland Day. And I propose to dedicate our meeting with you to our glorious Russian Army. Do you support my proposal? (Yes).

During hostilities, people do not always address each other by their first names, sometimes military people come up with special names - a password. For what? (For safety) Come on, and we will do the same with you. I will now select the token, and from now on you will address me... (The teacher takes a token, calls himself, asks to repeat her name - the password of several guys). And now you can choose unusual names for yourself. Take the tokens, identify yourself. What is your name now? And you? ...

By these names we will address each other in class. Now, take your seats, please.

Main part

Introductory conversation.

Slide 2: map of Russia. Do you know the name of our country? ( Russia). We have already remembered that on February 23 the whole country celebrated a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And who are the Defenders of the Fatherland? What and who are they protecting? (Answers are guesses of children).

Our country is a great maritime power. Why "great" (wins wars, never attacked other countries, only defended)? Why "marine" (surrounded by water, has a powerful fleet)?

Our country is powerful, large in area, surrounded by borders. Who wants to show on the map the borders of our Motherland (choose one who wants it, no - show it yourself). And in order for all the inhabitants of our country to live calmly and peacefully, it must be protected and protected.

Who do you think guards the borders of our Motherland? (Children's answers: tankers, pilots, sailors, border guards, etc.) Yes, guys, the military has many different specialties. And their main task is to ensure the security of our country.

Slide 3. Bottom line: The Russian armed forces include ground forces ( border guards, tankers, artillerymen, etc.), air Force (pilots, paratroopers, missilemen, etc.) and navy (sailors, amphibious assault).

Slides: 4, 5, 6: sailor, ships.

In the seas and oceans

Far from the shore

Relentlessly on watch

native ships.

In front of you is a large landing ship. The latest warships can hunt for submarines, launch missiles and serve as an airfield for planes and helicopters. The captain rules the ship. A sailor is standing on the bridge of the ship. He is dressed in a festive uniform. What distinguishes its form from others? (A peakless cap is called so because it is round in shape, it does not have a peak, unlike a cap. The color of the shape is blue-white, which of course is associated with the color of the sea and sky).

Slides 7, 8: pilot, aircraft.

A very difficult specialty is a military pilot. Military planes and helicopters are very fast and powerful. They can fly very high. Why were they named like that? They can carry weapons and military equipment. These aircraft are operated by military pilots.

Look carefully, what is the difference in the shape of the pilot? (A helmet is on the head. Why is it needed - it protects the head from noise, impact. The color of the uniform is dark green).

Our pilots are heroes

The sky is vigilantly guarded

Our pilots are heroes

Protect peaceful work.

Slide 9: border guard.

Border guards do not sleep

At home border

Our sea, our land,

Our sky is guarded.

An important and responsible task is the protection of the state border. Day and night, in rain and heat, border guards vigilantly carry out their difficult service. And their true friends help them in this - service dogs. Look at the uniform of the border guard, what is it? ( Protective green to be invisible in the forest. A cap on a strap - why? Uses binoculars in his work - why? In the figure, a pomegranate - for what?).

Generalization: You know a lot, well done! There are many military professions, we talked about a few. I would like to hear your opinion guys: is it a difficult profession to defend the Motherland? (difficult, dangerous, but very important and responsible). What qualities should a person who has dedicated his life to serving in the Army have? (brave, smart, resourceful). The courage and courage of our military are written in poems, songs, proverbs and sayings.

I think you know some of them too (invites children to say proverbs if they wish).

Children offer options if the children do not name, the teacher speaks himself, explains their meaning): “One is not a warrior in the field”, “To stand together for peace - there will be no war”, “It is difficult in learning - it is easy in battle”, “Who is brave, but steadfast, that is worth ten”.

Physical education: How are you? Like this!

Are you going? Like this!

Are you running? Like this!

Do you give? Like this!

Do you take? Like this!

Are you kidding? Like this!

Are you standing? Like this!

Are you sitting? Like this!

Practical part - making military figurines

And what if we apply our knowledge and make a panorama layout of our valiant Russian Army! Want to? And here is the base for the layout (panorama opens).

I suggest you make such models yourself.

In order to work it was interesting, it was pleasant to communicate, it was possible to help each other, we would divide into groups, or detachments, as military people say.

Task 1. Division into groups: Tokens of three colors are laid out on the floor: red, yellow, green. Take one token. What did you notice (tokens of different colors)? Divide into squads by color.

Do you think a squad leader is needed? If they say no, the educator leads to the opinion that he is needed: to make major decisions, organize work, provide assistance).

Task 2. Choosing a commander. How can I do that?

Options for children's answers: with the help of a counting rhyme, agree, with the help of a game, etc. (Listen to all the answers of the children, addressing by name from the token, offer one of the options - better than a counting rhyme. One of the children counts, the teacher at this time monitors the work, helps if needed . Uniform elements are put on commanders.

Outcome: detachments are formed, commanders are appointed. We need to take our positions. You have colored flags on the tables, the same color as your tokens. Be careful! Take your seats at the tables, identifying them by the color of the token.

Task 3. Slide 9: sailor, pilot, border guard. Making a military model.

Attention (wait for complete silence)! Look at the screen!

We will make military models with you. On the tables you have blanks for future models of the military, you have extra parts in the set. Be careful and select only those that are relevant to your model. Do the work while the music is playing.

During practical work, the teacher does not help the children, but motivates them to communicate, calling the children by fictitious names: Chamomile, please help the Sun; Rainbow, tell me, please, Star, etc.

Outcome: So guys, finish your work. Commanders of each team, tell us what you planned to do, whether everything worked out for you. Everyone listens to the commander’s report carefully: they supplement his story, ask questions. ( You can show the children a sample question: “Why did you choose a green uniform?”, Or ask a trap question: “What a beautiful cap on the border guard, right?”). Compare your work with the sample. Rate yourself. Well done!

Final part

Task 6. Slide 10. Making a panorama.

The teacher invites the children to put their military models on the panorama field. Admire. Rate yourself. Well done! Got the job done.

What can decorate this panorama (group room, DOW museum, exhibition)? The teacher listens to all the answers of the children, agrees. Do you like our collaboration? We leave it as a gift to you, the kindergarten.

Free-play activity at the end of the lesson.

Parade organization. Music sounds: March of the Slavyanka.

Guys, do you want to play in the parade, to be soldiers, to march in formation, as the military walks in the country's squares in holidays? (If a positive response is received, there is a desire, an appropriate mood in the children, they are invited to play). Commanders, form your units! (They line up in a column of four. They march. They leave the hall to the music).
