Making a greeting card "May 9" using the quilling technique. Quilling is a sophisticated hobby for noble ladies Beautiful paper crafts: quilling and its technique

May 9 is not just a holiday, it is one of the great days, revered not only in Russia, but also in many other countries of the world affected by the invaders. Victory Day is a holiday that is important for every family and every citizen. It is difficult to find a person who would not be touched in any way by a terrible war that claimed the lives of millions of soldiers and civilians. This date will never be erased from history, it will remain forever in the calendar, and will always remind you of those terrible events and the great defeat of the fascist troops, which ended hell.

The first ever Victory Day was celebrated in 1945. Exactly at 6 am, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on designating May 9 as Victory Day and assigning it the status of a day off was solemnly read out over all loudspeakers of the country. That evening, the Victory Salute was given in Moscow - a grandiose spectacle for those times - thousands of anti-aircraft guns fired 30 victorious volleys. The streets of the cities on the day the war ended were filled with jubilant people. They had fun, sang songs, embraced each other, kissed and cried with happiness and pain for those who did not live to see this long-awaited event.

Quilling (English quilling - from the word quill "bird feather") is the art of making flat or voluminous compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals. The finished spirals are given various shapes and thus paper rolling elements, also called modules, are obtained. Already they are the "building" material in the creation of works - paintings, postcards, albums, photo frames, various figurines, watches, jewelry, etc.

A bit from the history of quilling... The art of paper rolling originated at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th centuries in Mediterranean Europe. It is believed that quilling was invented by monks. Cutting off the gilded edges of the books, they wound them around the tips of bird feathers, hence the name (quill - translated from English as “bird feather”), which created an imitation of a golden miniature (especially often used in poor churches). In Russia, this art became popular only at the end of the 20th century, and quilling is also very popular in Germany and England.

What tools are needed for quilling? Quilling tools are the most seemingly ordinary items: a quilling tool, scissors, a ruler, a pencil, PVA glue and, of course, paper. The paper is long strips from 1.5 to 10 millimeters wide in a variety of colors.

Basic Quilling Techniques All the secrets and techniques for obtaining a wide variety of shapes used in quilling, from fantasy to strictly geometric, almost always start with simple circular shapes. This dense circle twisted from a strip of paper is called a roll, and the main forms of quilling elements are already made from rolls. Here are some of the most commonly encountered when working in this technique. Basic Shapes: Initial Roll

Quilling - the beauty of paper. Quilling - great way make a card, decorate a gift, or spend time in an activity that gives your head a rest. But its special charm is that beautiful work obtained the first time. It is enough, step by step following the master class, to try to make a card with paper flowers - and in an hour you will not be ashamed to attach it to a gift.

Postcard with carnation Other traditional colors for May 9 are red carnations, they are given to veterans and laid at the monuments of fallen soldiers. We will show you how to make a card with carnations as the main decoration. It will require: red and green paper strips for quilling; cardboard; glue; toothpicks; George Ribbon; scissors.

Let's prepare the base of the postcard. Fold a sheet of white cardboard neatly in half. On the lower part of the front side of the postcard, glue the St. George ribbon, or you can draw it with paints or felt-tip pens. From red paper we make blanks of carnation petals. To do this, we twist the strips into free spirals, fix the tip with glue. Form a petal with your fingers. For each carnation, seven such petals will be required. We glue three blanks together, leave three petals separately. From green paper we make six elements in the form of leaflets. In order to make cuttings, we wrap the green strip in a tight spiral, glue the tip, gently squeeze out the middle slightly. We make three such elements, glue strips to them, we get stems. We collect the elements into a flower, as in the photo. We glue the flowers to the card, supplement it with a congratulatory inscription.

Primary school work

High school work

Conclusion: the quilling technique allows the child to develop not only hand motor skills, thinking, imagination, but also create magical crafts with their own hands, requiring diligence, patience and imagination.

Thank you for your attention!

Quilling, or paper rolling, is a technique for creating planar and three-dimensional images from twisted strips of paper.

Paper mosaic does not require special costs, talents and a lot of time to master the technique. The elements are used to create panels, postcards, album covers, decor for jewelry boxes and many other interesting decorations and crafts. Be sure to include this budget craft on your hobby list. It is suitable for both adults and children's creativity.

Where did the quilling technique come from

Paper plastic appeared in Europe in the 15th-16th centuries. Back then, paper rolling was considered a high art. By the 19th century, quilling had become an occupation worthy of noble ladies. In Russia, the hobby gained popularity only towards the end of the 20th century.

The most refined works in the quilling technique belong to Korean masters. They do not use rods to roll the paper, but do it by hand. First, needlewomen create small elements from which they create volumetric products or flat decor. It turns out very elegant crafts, reminiscent of jewelry and lace.

From twisted paper strips, you can create a picturesque panel for an empty wall or make an amazing postcard for loved one. In any case, you will get a lot of pleasant emotions from the creation of a new beautiful thing. This hobby is suitable for romantic creative people who like to surround themselves with beautiful things.

Victory Day in our country can, no doubt, be called one of the most important holidays. On this day, we honor the warriors who risked their lives for our calm and bright future. Many of them died in battle or did not survive to this day, but, fortunately, among our contemporaries there are still veterans who, according to tradition, are usually congratulated on this day. Spring flowers and a symbolic gift are always appropriate for this occasion. A postcard, which is perfect as a gift for May 9, can become a pleasant and touching handmade souvenir for a veteran on the occasion of the Great Victory.

IN last years in our country, the quilling technique has become popular, which allows you to create beautiful three-dimensional images from twisted strips of paper. With the help of art paper rolling, you can create paintings, panels, various decorations and, of course, postcards. In this article we will tell you how to make beautiful postcards for May 9 using the quilling technique.

For their manufacture, we need special strips or colored paper which you can cut yourself. For creating voluminous applications we will use the basic elements of this technique. To make them, a strip of paper is wound onto a toothpick, then the desired shape is attached to the fingers. In the photo below you can see all the elements and their names.

We make a postcard for May 9 with our own hands with a branch of lilac

By the Victory Day in the Central region of Russia, lilacs usually bloom, which are presented in bouquets to veterans, so for many these flowers are associated with May 9th. We propose to make a postcard with lilac flowers using the quilling technique. Let's prepare the materials:

  • colored cardboard;
  • lilac and yellow stripes for quilling;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • paints;
  • PVA glue.
  1. The basis for the postcard will be a sheet of cardboard suitable color, fold it in half.
  2. At the bottom of the postcard, draw one of the main symbols of the holiday - a St. George ribbon, or stick a real one.
  3. Using a stencil, we cut out the inscription “May 9” from colored cardboard, glue it on the right side of the postcard. Or it can be written with felt-tip pens or paint.
  4. On the left, paint lilac branches with leaves with green paint.
  5. We twist tight spirals from lilac paper, these are blanks for future flowers. We also make spirals from yellow paper for cores. We randomly collect flowers on twigs, fix with glue.
  6. We make droplets from yellow stripes using the quilling technique (we twist the spirals, shape them with our fingers). We make a decorative branch below with their help.

Other traditional flowers for May 9 are red carnations, they are given to veterans and laid at the monuments to fallen soldiers. We will show you how to make a card with carnations as the main decoration. It will require:

  • red and green paper strips for quilling;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • toothpicks;
  • George Ribbon;
  • scissors.
  1. Let's prepare the base of the postcard. Fold a sheet of white cardboard neatly in half.
  2. On the lower part of the front side of the postcard, glue the St. George ribbon, or you can draw it with paints or felt-tip pens.
  3. From red paper we make blanks of carnation petals. To do this, we twist the strips into free spirals, fix the tip with glue. Form a petal with your fingers. For each carnation, seven such petals will be required. We glue three blanks together, leave three petals separately.
  4. From green paper we make six elements in the form of leaflets. In order to make cuttings, we wrap the green strip in a tight spiral, glue the tip, gently squeeze out the middle slightly. We make three such elements, glue strips to them, we get stems.
  5. We collect the elements into a flower, as in the photo.

We glue the flowers to the card, supplement it with a congratulatory inscription.

Any postcard by May 9 will be decorated with a voluminous gold or red star. To make it, you need to print or draw a template, as in the photo below.

We cut out the star according to the template, make folds along the dotted lines. We bend the edges, they are needed in order to glue the blank to the postcard. It is best to immediately use golden or red colored paper for crafts, but if it is not there, then you can paint the star with paints of the appropriate colors.

Postcards made according to the above instructions will be a wonderful gift for veterans, and will also be suitable for various exhibitions and competitions for Victory Day in kindergartens and schools.

A selection of videos on the topic of the article

We offer you to watch a video with master classes on the topic of making postcards in different techniques to Victory Day.

The Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday is one of the most famous in our country and for good reason. After all, many people suffered, died and fought for victory over the fascist invaders in the period Great Patriotic War. You can pay tribute to the past in different ways, but most best solution in this case will be art. It is this that enables the greatest and most powerful nations to live and prosper. Therefore, quilling postcards for May 9 is your contribution to the creativity fund of the whole country. Making such a postcard, as it turns out, is not at all difficult. Even an ordinary amateur can cope with such work. In this application we will try to convey victory day symbol- scarlet carnations with a red star! How is a quilling card with a carnation for May 9 created?

So, we need the following materials:

  1. Cardboard A5 (Blue color, yellow color)
  2. Strips for working with quilling (width - 5 mm, length - 40 centimeters)
  3. PVA glue with dispenser
  4. Quilling board or ruler with diameter
  5. Ordinary scissors
  6. Curly scissors
  7. Toothpick or quilling device
  8. Ruler

The basis

Perhaps this is enough to independently draw up beautiful postcard. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the background of the postcard, on which our flower will be located. To do this, take curly scissors and cut off the edges on yellow cardboard A5. Next, prepare the inner background using blue A5 cardboard. To do this, we make the contour of a rectangle and cut out the relief edges with curly scissors. Then, using glue, we fasten the base yellow color with a blue background, the second one is slightly rotated (angle 75 degrees).


Next, we work on the composition and twist the necessary elements for it. It is very easy to do this. You need to take a quilling tool or pick up a toothpick, cut off the sharp edge and make an incision in the middle of the trunk by 5-7 mm inside. Next, the end of one of the pieces of paper is inserted and twisted into a tight roll. We get a tight roll. Next, we dissolve the spiral, and then, at the free end, we drip glue and glue the composition. In this way, you can do a large number of different circles. In our case, there will be 16 red, 5 orange, 7 green, which will be needed for work. If you want to make the circles the same in diameter, use a ruler with grooves or a quilling board.

petals for carnations

Next, we prepare the petals for the future carnation. In this case, the spirals must be pressed down on one side, and bent inward on the other. Thus, we form special leaflets. Petals are even easier to make. It is enough to make exactly the same blanks, squeeze on both sides at once and get a shape "eyes".

Other scenery

In order to make a star, you need to make an element from quilling module "Rhombus". Then, 5 such modules are made, which are folded into one five-pointed star. After, we start working with the application. For an inexperienced craftsman, it is best to outline the future composition. Next, take a clove bud and 5 petals. The bud is down, the petals, respectively, are up. In our postcard, 3 carnation flowers will be implemented. One is orange, the other is red. They are fixed with glue, and then, from the edge of the postcard, are connected using quilling lines. Then, we attach our sheets to the lines, in any order, as you like. After that, in the left edge we place our star and fix it with glue, and on the right side we do number 9. It can also be formed using quilling paper.

Now our preparation is ready!

Crafts of schoolchildren contribute to the development creativity, care and diligence. Work can be thematic or educate new technology arts and crafts. We propose to do voluminous crafts for Victory Day which will remind children of the events of 1941-1945. In this assembly of crafts, we propose to make a beautiful quilling panel, a voluminous craft for Victory Day from a box of chocolates and a postcard - fireworks by May 9th.

Panel - this is the simplest type of do-it-yourself. Can be made from inexpensive materials original gift veterans, to reflect the mood of victory that many people had at that time.
- colored cardboard;
- thick cardboard for the frame;
- ruler;
- pencil;
- PVA;
- scissors;
glue gun;
- paper for quilling;
- corrugated paper.

Master class crafts for May 9 postcards - quilling

1. If you do not have quilling paper, cut 0.5 cm strips of double-sided colored paper. Make blanks using the quilling technique in the shape of an arrow.

2. For one carnation, you will need 6 arrow blanks. Glue 3 pieces together first. And then stick this part on the same one, you get a voluminous carnation.
3. Proceed with the formation of leaves in the shape of eyes. To do this, you will need green quilling paper. You can make them the same or different size up to 10 pieces for the entire postcard.

4. Now you need to make a sepal. Glue two green quilling strips together and then twist them into a roll. For strength, grease it with PVA glue.
5. Glue two more green strips, but not completely. This will be the stalk of the carnation. It must be glued to the sepal.

6. Connect the stem with the flower made in step 2.
7. Proceed with the design of the basis for the panel. From thick cardboard you need to cut a rectangle of a suitable size. Wrap it in crepe paper.

8. Use hot glue to glue flowers, leaves and St. George ribbon.
9. Separately, make a three-dimensional star from gold cardboard and glue it on a postcard.

10. Additionally, you can cut out laurel leaves or some kind of inscription from cardboard.
Panel in quilling technique by May 9 ready.

Many kindergartens and schools will hold separate classes dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory. Volumetric handicraft salute will be able to make children younger and preparatory group in kindergartens.

- corrugated paper;
- colored paper;
- colored cardboard;
- scissors;
- PVA glue;
- ruler;
- pencil;
- stapler.

Master class with photo crafts by May 9

1. Using a stencil, draw circles of different diameters on corrugated paper. It is best to fold the paper several times so that you immediately get 5-6 circles of the same color and the same size.

3. Raise the top circles to make voluminous firework flowers.

4. Cut out rectangles from colored paper - at home.

6. Now stick some burning windows from yellow colored paper.

Children can also voluminous layouts for Victory Day. We offer you to see the master class of the monument to the fallen soldiers.

- cardboard;
- glue;
- pencil;
- ruler;
- corrugated paper;
- rod from the handle;
- a candy box.

1. On white cardboard, draw squares 1.5 × 1.5 cm in size, you will get a field for tiles. The tile itself must be cut out of gold or gray cardboard 1 × 1 cm.
2. Let the child glue the tiles on the white field in squares.

3. Corrugated paper red and Green colour cut out the squares and wrap it around the rod using the trimming technique. Lubricate each twisted square with glue and glue, forming flower beds.

4. Make flowers from red paper, and grass from green. Glue them to our field from item 2.

6. The monument must be made of cardboard. To do this, make volumetric parallelograms of different heights and a pedestal.

8. Make a small star out of cardboard and glue corrugated paper, imitating the eternal flame.

In this way, you can make a layout of the monument to the heroes that is in your city. It will be interesting for the child to recreate the landmark of the city with his own hands.
Crafts for Victory Day will help children become more familiar with the events taking place in the Second World War, and will also serve as a good visual aid for learning.
