How to quickly reduce body temperature in a child at home. How to bring down the temperature in children: the most effective and proven methods! What is the best way to bring down the temperature in a child

Sooner or later, the child's temperature rises, which is due to developing diseases. A fever in a child is not a disease, but only the main symptom of the disease. High temperature is a threat to the life of the baby, so it must be reduced. How to bring down the high temperature in children at home? This question interests many young parents, since not all mothers know when it is necessary to take measures to reduce fever.

Possible causes of fever in children

The temperature in a child is a sign of the penetration of infections and pathogens into the body. Immediately after the penetration of the infection, its active spread is observed. With the spread of viruses, inflammation occurs, as a result of which the protective function of the body is manifested. Signs of an increase in temperature precede the fact that the body is fighting invading viruses and bacteria. The most common causes of fever include the following:

  1. Bacterial and viral infection.
  2. Teething in children in the age category from three months to 15 years.
  3. The occurrence of an allergic reaction of the body to various allergens.
  4. When the body is overheated.
  5. If the child has signs of psycho-emotional disorders.

It is important to know! It is possible to determine why a small child has a fever only when visiting a specialist who will conduct a detailed study, and then make a diagnosis.

In more detail about what contributes to the occurrence of hyperthermia, we will learn further.

  1. Viruses. If the cause of hyperthermia is a virus, then additional symptoms such as a runny nose, cough, sore throat, and general exhaustion will occur. All these symptoms boil down to the fact that the baby develops SARS.
  2. bacteria. A bacterial disease can occur on its own, or be a complication of SARS. With bacterial ailments, it will not be possible to quickly bring down the temperature, since for treatment it will be necessary to resort to antibiotic therapy.
  3. Overheating of the body. Very often, a high temperature in a child is formed by signs such as overheating of the body. Why can a baby overheat? One of the main causes of overheating is wrapping the little one under warm blankets. Children should not be wrapped too warmly, otherwise it may lead to an artificial increase in heat. Identifying signs of overheating in a baby is not difficult.
  4. Teething. Teeth in children erupt from three months to 3-4 years. From the age of 5, milk teeth begin to fall out, and molars grow in their place. The result of the appearance of another tooth in a baby may be increased or even high body temperature.

Reducing hyperthermia with medication

Before you quickly bring down the temperature, you need to find out in what cases you need to take such actions. Pediatricians do not recommend bringing down the fever if the thermometer shows below 38-38.5 degrees. Such indications are acceptable, and indicate that the baby's body fights viruses and infections on its own.

It is important to know! It is necessary to bring down body temperature if its value exceeds 38.5-39 degrees.

You can reduce the temperature in a child with antipyretic drugs. It is necessary to resort to their use if the thermometer shows a value above 39 degrees. Antipyretics, allowing to lower the temperature, are intended for both adults and children. Children's types of antipyretics include drugs of the following names:

  1. Paracetamol. It is one of the safest and most popular medications for high fever. Up to a year, children are prescribed the drug Paracetamol or its derivatives. Paracetamol can be used for children from the age of 1 month of life. The drug is available in such forms as suppositories, syrup and tablets. Tablets can be given to children no earlier than 7 years. Paracetamol allows you to bring down the temperature of 40 degrees, but it is important to remember that the effect of the use of the drug occurs no earlier than 30-40 minutes after it enters the body.
  2. Ibuprofen. If Paracetamol is intended to reduce fever, then Ibuprofen has not only antipyretic, but also anti-inflammatory effect. This means that you can not only relieve the child's fever, but also improve well-being. Ibuprofen and its derivatives, like Nurofen and others, can be used no earlier than 3 months. Preparations can reduce high temperature, both with viruses and with bacterial ailments.
  3. Analgin. It has a powerful antipyretic effect, but it should be given to children only when the first two types of drugs do not have a positive effect. The disadvantage of the drug is the fact that its active substance has negative impact on blood cells, that is, leukocytes, reducing their number. Pediatricians are allowed to use analgin, but only when there is a need for it.

To bring down the temperature at home for a newborn baby, a homeopathic remedy called Viburkol is used. It is based solely on medicinal herbs that calm the nervous system, thereby lowering the fever.

It is important to know! If parents themselves cannot determine how to bring down the temperature of a child at home, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will help you choose the best drug, which will become an indispensable assistant for mom, as soon as the baby's fever rises above 39 degrees.

We bring down the temperature in children using folk methods

High temperature in a child at home can be brought down folk methods. Of course, actions to reduce hyperthermia are temporary, and until the cause of the development of fever is eliminated, parents will need to regularly put a thermometer and monitor the temperature.

It is important to know! Remember that by bringing down hyperthermia below 38 degrees, the disease is rendered a disservice. In this case, the virus or infection begins to attack the body in an accelerated mode.

How to quickly bring down hyperthermia in children, if the reasons for its increase are not known. Of course, entrusting the clarification of the causes of the development of the disease is required to a specialist. It is important for parents to help the baby if he has hyperthermia at a level above 39 degrees.

How to bring down the temperature of a child at home, if the thermometer readings are in the range from 38 to 39 degrees? There is no need to rush to give antipyretics to the little one with such indications of a thermometer. To improve his well-being, you should provide comfortable conditions in the room. Fluctuations in room temperature should be in the range from 18 to 22 degrees.

It is important to know! With very high hyperthermia above 40 degrees, you need to call an ambulance, especially if the readings increase, and antipyretics do not have positive results.

Consider the main ways of how to quickly bring down the temperature of a child at home.

Make sure your baby is drinking plenty of fluids

What should parents do when hyperthermia is detected in their little one? First of all, remove all clothes from the little one, which will quickly and effectively reduce hyperthermia by several degrees. Signs of fever precede fluid loss in the body. This is because the liquid evaporates even with slight hyperthermia. If the temperature is kept at 40 degrees, then this is fraught with the development of dehydration, which can occur after a short period of time.

To avoid signs of dehydration, it is necessary to give the baby to drink regularly. The more often the fluid enters the body of the baby, the higher the efficiency of reducing hyperthermia. The advantage of restoring the water balance in the body is the fact that the liquid accelerates the process of removing pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Using Vinegar

How to bring down the temperature with vinegar in a child in the age category from 1 to 12 months? For children under the age of one year old, vinegar, vodka and other analogues are strictly contraindicated to reduce hyperthermia. In addition, you can not do rubdowns and lotions in a child with vodka and vinegar under the age of 3-5 years. The skin of children is still very fragile, so the acid can cause a burn.

It is important to know! The use of vinegar to reduce hyperthermia is one of the most effective and popular methods to get rid of high fever.

Use vinegar for pure form strictly contraindicated. It must be diluted with water in the proportion of a few drops of the product per glass of water. The resulting solution provides a possible reduction in hyperthermia if rubdowns or lotions are applied. Wiping should be performed on such parts of the body as the forehead, armpits, joints, limbs, back and tummy. It is necessary to control that the solution does not get into the mouth and eyes of the child.

10-15 minutes are enough, and the vinegar solution will bring down a strong temperature in the little one. If, with high hyperthermia, the baby's limbs become cold, then wiping is contraindicated. In such a situation, you should give the baby ¼ tablets of No-shpa, and then call an ambulance.

Conducting an enema

We get rid of the symptoms of high fever with the help of a method such as an enema. This is another effective folk way on how to get rid of the signs of a high fever. With symptoms of intense heat, the absorption of toxic substances by the lower intestines occurs. You can prevent intoxication of the body with an enema. Moreover, for this procedure, you should not use water, but mixtures of soda and salt.

1. How and when to bring down the temperature of a child

We shoot down if above 38.5 - 39
Your task is to lower T to 38.9 C in the ass (38.5 C in the armpit).
to reduce T, use paracetamol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen. Never use aspirin, especially if your child has chickenpox.
undress the child (do not wrap!). Don't forget the cool, fresh air in the room.
to reduce T, you can also use cool baths (water temperature corresponds to normal temperature bodies).
do not use alcohol wipes, especially on young children. Remember, alcohol is poison for a child.

2. Why don't Paracetamol and Ibuprofen always help?

The fact is that all drugs in pediatric practice are calculated on the weight of a particular child.
Drugs must be taken, correctly calculating the dose for the weight of a particular child, using special measuring syringes
Manufacturers, especially cheap paracetamols, for some reason underestimate doses, and focusing on the recommendation - “from 6 months to 3 years” is also not reasonable, since one dose of the drug cannot be suitable for a child weighing 8 to 18 kg.

3. How to take antipyretics correctly? (We calculate the dose of the drug)

Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan, Cefekon D) single dose of the drug - 15 mg / kg.
That is, for a child weighing 10 kg, a single dose will be 10 kg X 15 \u003d 150 mg.
For a child weighing 15 kg - 15X15 = 225 mg.
This dose can be given up to 4 times a day if needed.

Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen)
A single dose of the drug is 10 mg / kg.
That is, a child weighing 8 kg needs 80 mg, and weighing 20 kg - 200 mg.
The drug can be given no more than 3 times a day.

The drugs reduce the temperature within an hour and a half, by about 1-1.5 degrees, one should not expect a decrease in temperature to the “normal” of 36.6.

4. What drugs SHOULD NOT be given to a child

Analgin(metamizole sodium). The use of the drug in the civilized world is not approved due to its high toxicity, inhibitory effect on hematopoiesis.
In Russia, it is widely used, especially in emergency situations, as part of a "lytic mixture". Perhaps a single administration of the drug in conditions where other, safer drugs are not available. But the constant intake of analgin with each rise in temperature is absolutely unacceptable.

Aspirin(Acetylsalicylic acid) - the use of the drug in children under 12 years of age with viral infections is prohibited due to the possible development of toxic encephalopathy with liver damage - Reye's syndrome.

Nimesulide(Nise, Nimulid) - a few years ago it was widely advertised as an antipyretic in children due to gaps in the legislation. Temperature drops remarkably. Produced only in India. In the civilized world, use in childhood is prohibited due to the possibility of developing severe liver damage (toxic hepatitis). On this moment the use of the drug in children under 12 years of age in Russia is prohibited by the pharmaceutical committee.

5. What form of medicine to choose?

When choosing the form of the drug (liquid medicine, syrup, chewable tablets, suppositories), it should be borne in mind that drugs in solution or syrup act after 20-30 minutes, in suppositories - after 30-45 minutes, but their effect is longer. Candles can be used in a situation where the child vomits when taking liquid or refuses to drink medicine. Candles are best used after a child's bowel movements, they are convenient to enter at night.

A high temperature in a child is a very common reason for parents to visit a doctor.

The temperature itself is not a life-threatening condition if it is not higher than 41. It happens that the temperature in children can be one of the symptoms of a serious illness, but most often it is a sign of banal infections. IN human brain There is a section of the hypothalamus, it is he who controls the temperature of our body. And it is he who raises the temperature so that our body can produce those substances that it needs to fight the disease.

But trying to help the child and at least somehow alleviate his suffering, parents often make many mistakes. They are trying to solve the question of how to bring down the temperature in children, every time it is the slightest increase. But keep in mind that by acting in this way, you, on the contrary, cause damage to the child's body, because it is with the help of temperature that it is able to fight various bacteria and viruses.

Little children tolerate heat much easier than we adults. Often, even rising above 40, it does not pose a threat to them. There are such kids who calmly continue to play even when the thermometer mark is 39, but it happens that the temperature is only 37.5, and the child almost loses consciousness. That is precisely why there cannot be any universal recommendations for how long you need to wait and after what indicators on the thermometer to start acting. To do this, observe the behavior and condition of the child, how he reacts to temperature.

An increase in temperature is sometimes dangerous because the child may have illnesses. nervous system, then the high temperature can provoke convulsions in him.

The question of how to bring down the temperature in children, you can begin to decide if one of the points is present:

Diseases of the nervous system;

Temperature above 39;

Poor tolerance by the child of high temperature (naughty, sleeps badly, cannot find a place for himself, convulsions begin, refuses to drink and eat).

Three tasks who face the parents of a child with a high temperature:

Reduce to acceptable;

Prevent dehydration;

Monitor the condition of the baby constantly, so as not to miss a dangerous or serious illness.

How to bring down the temperature in children: which antipyretic to choose?

Most often, doctors recommend the use of candles. They act quickly and are indispensable when babies refuse to drink medicine. Older children prefer syrup. As for the effectiveness of drugs, ibuprofen (Nurofen) and paracetamol (Panadol, Dofalgan, Calpol, Dolomol, Meksalen, Tylenol, Efferalgan) have proven themselves well. At the same time, the first of them also has an analgesic effect (only it is contraindicated in the first six months of a baby's life). Speaking of paracetamol, we note that this medicine is unique in its safety. However, it is effective only in SARS. And one more thing: trying to quickly resolve the issue of how to bring down the temperature in children, keep in mind that you can give paracetamol no more than 4 r / day and no more than 3 days. contract.

If you are an adherent of homeopathy, then, depending on the symptoms, the temperature can be lowered with aconite or belladonna. Your homeopath will help you with this.

How to behave as parents and what to do when high temperature child

At high temperatures, everything must be done so that the body loses heat. This can be done in two ways - by cooling the air inhaled by the child and by evaporating sweat.

Therefore, you should perform two prerequisites:

Cool air in the room (16-18 degrees);

Plentiful drink - so that he has something to sweat.

If both conditions are met, the body will surely cope with body temperature up to 39 on its own.

How to bring down what you need to drink?

Try to get your baby to drink more than usual. The best drink for babies will be, and for older children - dried fruit compote.

Remember what leads to increased sweating, so before it you need to give something else to drink (for example, compote).

At the same time, despite a long practice, it is contraindicated to use lemons, viburnum, raspberries, sour at high temperatures, since the acidity of the body in such cases is already increased.

If the baby is naughty (does not want one or the other), then let him drink at least something: compote, rosehip broth, tea, currants, than he does not drink at all.

But keep in mind that you need to drink warm (not hot and not cold). Since the cold will not be absorbed by the child's stomach until it warms up, and too hot - until it cools down well.

How to cool the body

Remember that when a child's body comes into contact with cold, his skin appears. Slows blood flow, reduces sweat and heat transfer. As a result, skin temperature decreases and internal organs, on the contrary, increases, which is extremely dangerous!

At home, you can not use ice packs, cold enemas, wet cold sheets, etc. Under the supervision of a doctor and in a hospital, you can, because before prescribing, for example, an enema, the doctor gives medications that eliminate spasm of skin vessels. Therefore, rubbing the body with solutions of vinegar or alcohol, as well as fans are unacceptable!

You have no idea how many children paid with their lives for such rubbing!

After all, if the baby sweats, then the temperature itself will decrease. And if you start rubbing dry skin, you are doing an insane act, because through delicate skin baby, what you rub it with will be absorbed into the blood. Rubbing with alcohol - adding vinegar to the disease - adding acid poisoning. The conclusion is clear - never rub a child with anything!

It is enough just to gently wet the surface of the body (especially the limbs and forehead) with plain water.

What else can be done to lower the temperature

To reduce the temperature, you can still use cool baths (at the same time, the temperature in the water should correspond to normal, normal body temperature).

If the temperature of the baby was too high, you do not need to count on its complete decrease. It will be quite enough to simply lower the temperature. But if the high temperature lasts for a long time and cannot be brought down at home, urgently call a doctor. Since there can be many reasons for this, threatening the baby with great danger.

Walking in this state is strictly prohibited!

When to call an ambulance or a doctor immediately:

Baby up to 6 months;

Do you think your baby is dehydrated?

The appearance of seizures;

The child has a purplish rash or bruising on the body;

Breathing becomes too slow, labored, or too fast;

Changes in consciousness. The baby is drowsy, apathetic, does not respond to any attempts to wake up;

Severe headache, not controlled by antipyretics and analgesics;

Incessant vomiting.

The presence of at least one of the symptoms against the background of fever requires immediate medical attention!

I hope these tips will help you and from now on the question of how to bring down the temperature in children will not be a problem for you. Be healthy!

Without exception, all parents from time to time face a high temperature in their child. Someone immediately rushes to the duty pharmacy for an antipyretic, while others, on the contrary, “until the last” hope for “proven and safe” methods traditional medicine. Meanwhile, there is a golden mean in the treatment of high temperature! There are reasonable and adequate reasons for both using drugs and not taking them. What?

To bring down any elevated temperature in a child (up to 39 ° C) is theoretically possible both with the use of drugs and without them. The main thing is that your methods and techniques are adequate to the situation and the condition of the baby.

Scenario #1: How to bring down a high temperature in a child without the help of drugs

In the body of any person in general, and in the body of any child in particular, two physiological processes constantly and continuously proceed - heat production and heat transfer. Sometimes, in the case of, for example, some infectious disease, heat production increases - and then we do not have our usual indicators of 36.6 ° C, but higher and sometimes significantly.

To lower the body temperature to the physiological norm, it is possible to influence both of these processes - both to reduce heat production and to increase heat transfer.

Actions that help reduce heat production:

  • Bed rest. (It is clear that when a child jumps and jumps, his body produces much more heat than when he lies quietly);
  • Reduction in diet. (When a child actively digests a hearty dinner, his heat production rises sharply, and vice versa - with a minimum load on the digestive system, body temperature also naturally decreases);
  • Cool drink (or food) instead of hot. (Hot food or hot drinks add warmth to the body, cool ones, on the contrary, help to lose excess heat);

Actions that help enhance heat transfer:

  • Cool and humid indoor air. (The fact is that a person can inhale any air, but we always exhale the air of exactly the temperature that corresponds to the temperature of our body. And in order to heat the air inside the body, we have to give it our heat. Accordingly, if the child breathes relatively cool and humid air, then it physiologically spends part of its heat on heating it, thus dropping its own temperature).

The optimal air in the room where the temperature of the child should be +18 ° C and have approximately 60-70% humidity. At the same time, there is absolutely no need to frankly freeze the baby! Dress him warmly, cover him with a cozy fluffy blanket - the child should be comfortable, but the air should remain cool.

  • Active sweating. (Actually, it is thanks to the release of sweat that the human body, to a large extent, discards heat. A heavy drinking regimen helps to increase sweating in a child).

All of the above techniques (plus a couple more, which will be mentioned later) are very effective and sometimes the most reasonable alternative to drug therapy for high fever in a child.

Sweat properly: first - water, then - raspberries!

Regarding the drinking regimen of a child with a high temperature, it is worth paying special attention to what exactly you give the baby as a liquid. A common mistake many parents make is that they do not really understand what kind of drinks should be given to the child so that he actively sweats, helping himself to relieve the fever. For example: one of the most popular parental recipes for children's drinking at a temperature is raspberry tea.

However, are you giving such a drink to a child correctly? Let's analyze the drink "by the bones": on the one hand - tea, which belongs to diuretic products. On the other hand - raspberry, which is rightfully considered a "champion" in diaphoretic properties. What happens to the child after such a tea party? Under the influence of tea and raspberries, he pisses and actively pushes the remnants of fluid from his body through the pores of the skin. And as a result, a miracle drink literally dehydrates your baby before our eyes! In this scenario, a child with a high temperature from drinking raspberry tea may become even worse than before.

In order for the child to have something to sweat, it is first necessary to provide his body with a sufficient amount of liquid. Water, dried fruit compote with sugar, herbal (not diuretic!) teas, etc. are ideal for this. And only then, after a lot of fluid has entered the child's body, can you give those drinks that are traditionally considered diaphoretic. For example, the already mentioned "magic" raspberry tea.

Why you shouldn't throw cold water on a hot baby

People who remember well a physics course from school days, reading a paragraph about how useful it is for a “hot” child to breathe cool air, probably thought: why not dip a child with a high temperature into a container of cold water? (By the way, many residents of rural areas often do just that!). After all, as the laws of physics say, the body with the highest temperature will “willingly” and quickly give up heat to the body (or in this case, the substance) with the lowest temperature.

This maneuver would be good, if not for one significant "but"! The fact is that if children's skin comes into contact with something cold (with an object, or in our case with water), then a spasm of skin vessels inevitably occurs. This means that by immersing the child in cold water, or by attaching a frozen ham to his back, you will certainly lower the temperature of his skin - precisely due to the fact that a spasm of the skin vessels will occur (they will “close up” and will not give off heat). But here's the scary thing: this maneuver will reduce the temperature only and exclusively on the surface of the child's skin, while inside his body, on the contrary, the temperature will rise. After all, for some time the heat will not be able to go through the skin. As a result, a real hell will arise around the internal organs of the baby!

Dipping a child with a high temperature in water is one way to effectively lower the fever (as well as breathing cool air). But the water must not be cold! And about 33-35 ° C. In this case, you will allow the hot child to give up part of the heat to cooler water, but you will not provoke a spasm of the skin vessels.

Why You Shouldn't Rub Children With Vinegar And Alcohol

Perhaps, by rubbing with vodka or vinegar an adult who has “picked up” a cold, you will help him to partially bring down the high temperature. (From the point of view of physics, the meaning of this procedure is that with a pair of vinegar or alcohol, sweat from the skin evaporates faster, “taking” with it, respectively, part of the heat).

But in relation to a child, such manipulation is associated with a gigantic risk! Because through children's skin, acetic acid (from vinegar), as well as alcohol (from vodka, whiskey, moonshine and other strong spirits) actively penetrate into the child's blood. Moreover, than younger child- the stronger the poisoning is in the end. And the drier the child's skin (in case of heat, with fever) - the faster the poison is absorbed into the blood. You will rub the baby from a high temperature, but it is likely that an ambulance will pick him up with serious poisoning with acetic acid or alcohol. Is it worth the risk?

According to the WHO recommendations, you can rub the child only with water, and no other liquid. Since the thermal conductivity of water is much higher than that of air, you can actually increase the heat output of a child by wiping his skin with moisture. But not alcohol, and not vinegar! And only - ordinary water, and the temperature is about 32-34 ° C (as in the case of anti-temperature bathing).

Step towards drug therapy

All of the above methods of dealing with high fever in a child are very effective! They are really and quickly able to reduce the child's body temperature by 1-1.5 ° C. In most cases, this is already enough for the body to begin to fight the infection on its own and “recover”. And only if all the non-drug methods listed above to reduce the temperature of your child did not help, and the temperature continues to rise - only now, but not earlier, it makes sense to seek the help of pharmaceutical preparations.

The main criterion (in addition to medical indications, which will be discussed below) for the use of antipyretic drugs is the well-being of the child at a high temperature. If the baby feels more or less tolerable, actively drinks and sweats, “stoically” enduring the disease, it is quite possible that there is no need for medicines at all. But if the child is frankly ill, his condition is close to fainting or, conversely, to hysteria - then you should not hesitate, but you need to give medicine to bring down the fever.

Scenario #2: Which medications are effective and safe in bringing down a child's fever

It is indeed possible to bring down the elevated body temperature without medication. And in most cases, this is adequate assistance to the child. However, there are situations when the use of drug therapy is justified and necessary.

To begin with, a few words about the dosage forms that are usually used in the treatment of children. So, antipyretics are in the form of:

  • Rectal suppositories;
  • Tablets, syrups, mixtures, etc.;
  • Drugs administered by injection.

It will not be superfluous to know that most antipyretic drugs affect not only body temperature, but also have some other "associated" qualities:

  • Anesthetize;
  • Have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Thin the blood;
  • Regulate perspiration.

In what cases it is necessary to bring down the temperature in a child with the help of drugs

There are specific indications for the use of antipyretic drugs to lower the temperature in a child:

  1. difficulty breathing, signs of choking or respiratory distress;

Medical fact: an increase in body temperature by only 1 ° C increases the body's need for oxygen by an average of 15%. For many children, especially small ones, it is very difficult to make up for such a sharp oxygen deficiency, given that the children's respiratory muscles are still poorly developed. Therefore, if you notice that your baby is suffocating at an elevated temperature, forget about non-drug help and give an antipyretic drug.

  1. If the child is losing fluids other than sweating and urinating (eg vomiting, diarrhea);
  2. If a child categorically refuses to drink and it is simply impossible to carry out a regimen of abundant drinking;
  3. If the baby does not tolerate high temperatures (there are many children who, even at a temperature of 37 ° C, already feel extremely unimportant - they lie in a “layer”, refuse to drink, show anxiety, etc.);
  4. Inadequate state of the child (delusions, tantrums, screams, fear, etc.);
  5. The presence of serious diseases of the nervous system (for example, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, meningitis, etc.);
  6. If the child has previously experienced convulsions against a background of elevated temperature;
  7. Temperature increase abroad 39 ° C.

Effective and safe antipyretics for children

There are two drugs that are approved by doctors around the world as a means of independent parental treatment in case of fever in children. They can be sold under different brands and commercial names (there are dozens of them!), but their international (generally accepted) names sound like this:

  • Paracetamol
  • ibuprofen

And in pharmacies, both medicines are widely available both in the form of tablets, syrups and mixtures, and in the form of rectal suppositories.

These drugs - both paracetamol and ibuprofen - are in the vast majority of cases equally effective and safe (of course, subject to the dosage and regimen), they are quite compatible with each other and are interchangeable. In addition, these drugs can be bought anywhere in the world without a prescription.

The interval between two doses of the same antipyretic should be at least 4 hours. In total, no more than 4 doses can be given per day.

An iron rule: if 30-40 minutes after the administration of the antipyretic, the temperature of the child does not begin to fall, this is not a reason to give another dose of the drug, but an indisputable reason to seek medical help.

And only as a last resort health care for some reason is not available for a long time, you can use the following tactics: give one drug, and if after 40 minutes it has not worked in any way (the temperature has not started to drop), you can give a second one (but not the same one!). For example: at night the child had a fever, at first you gave the baby a dose of paracetamol (it doesn’t matter if it was a pill, a spoonful of syrup or a candle), but after 40 minutes no temperature changes were found, and the doctor would not come earlier in the morning - in this case you can give dose of ibuprofen. Or vice versa: first they gave ibuprofen, it did not work - they gave paracetamol.

In an attempt to bring down the temperature, beware of dangerous drugs

In search of a reliable antipyretic for our baby, we can often "stumble" on dubious advice and risky drugs. The most dangerous among such means are two. Moreover, both are extremely well-known, widespread and widely used. First:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)

For many years, aspirin was considered an acceptable and extremely common antipyretic drug, acceptable for use at any age. Indeed, the ability of aspirin to bring down the temperature is many times stronger than that of paracetamol and ibuprofen. However, to date, medicine has established that the use of aspirin in childhood is associated with a high risk of the so-called Reye's syndrome - acute fatty degeneration of the liver. Reye's syndrome causes catastrophic, and sometimes incompatible with life, liver damage, and is fatal in 50% of cases. It is important to understand that aspirin is not dangerous in itself, but in childhood and only if it is used against the background of a viral infection. But it is most often the cause of fever in a child!

Taking acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) with a viral infection often leads to the death of a child. Moreover, childhood, in which it is extremely dangerous to take aspirin in the fight against high fever, in this case extends up to 18 years.

Second drug:

  • Analgin

Analgin is often used as an antipyretic by ambulance and emergency workers in situations where other drugs clearly do not help, and the temperature becomes critically high. However, for independent use, this drug is highly undesirable. First of all, because analgin has a number of negative side effects especially hazardous to the health of the child. Analgin can cause the greatest damage to the hematopoietic system.

Parents should clearly understand that when trying to bring down their children's high temperature on their own, they have the right (including moral) to use only two medicines approved by doctors around the world - paracetamol and ibuprofen. Just forget about all other drugs! They certainly exist, but they are no longer introduced by parental will, but solely at the insistence of a doctor.

Antipyretics for children: regimen and dosage

Antipyretic drugs are never given to a child as planned (“take 1 spoonful three times a day”, etc.). These are so-called emergency medicines, for the use of which there are specific indications (see above). And the main criterion among these indications is the well-being of the child. If even at a temperature of 38 ° C the baby drinks actively, breathes normally, sweats adequately and feels more or less tolerable, there is no need to use drugs to lower the temperature. It is enough just to provide the child with a “healthy” climate in the room (namely, cool and humidified air), drink plenty of water and rest.

And vice versa, if the baby even at a temperature of 37.5 ° C shows convulsions, refuses to drink, vomits, he obviously does not feel well - you should start to bring down the temperature with the help of the mentioned drugs.

Permissible doses of antipyretics for a child

  • Paracetamol. Single dose - 10-15mg/kg. The daily dose should not exceed 60 mg/kg.
  • Ibuprofen. Single dose - 5-10 mg/kg. The maximum daily dose is 20 mg/kg.

Don't forget your child's weight! That is: if your baby weighs, say, 10 kg, this means that a single dose of paracetamol for him will be: 10x10 \u003d 100 mg

An important nuance: a medicinal substance administered using rectal suppositories is absorbed into the blood much more slowly than those drugs that enter the stomach (simply because the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rectum in the place where it comes into contact with the suppository is itself much smaller than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stomach) . And not only slower, but also in a smaller volume. Therefore, all doses of the drugs listed above, when used medicinal product in the form of rectal suppositories, automatically double.

How do you know if an antipyretic is working or not?

Pretty simple - the effect should come in the next 30-45 minutes. If after the administration of the drug the temperature did not drop for 30-45 minutes (and in the case of using rectal suppositories - after 60-90 minutes), this is a clear indicator that the drug is not working. And this, of course, is a reason to seek medical help.

As a responsible, loving and sane parent, you must understand that the use of antipyretics does not cancel any of the points of non-drug help for fever. After all, even if you put an antipyretic candle for the baby at night, but the room will still be dry and hot, and his body will be dehydrated, the medicine will not have the desired effect. Any drugs designed to reduce the temperature in a child are effective only if adequate conditions are met - which, in fact, are methods of non-drug help.

August 10, 2018 · Text: Polina Soshka · Photo: TS/, Getty/Fotobank

Colds and infectious diseases are always accompanied by fever. This is a protective reaction of the body to foreign bodies of a protein nature. Temperatures up to 38 - 38.5 degrees, doctors do not recommend knocking down, so as not to interfere with the immune system to produce antibodies. However, some children can hardly tolerate even a slight increase in body temperature - 37.5 degrees. Every mother should know how to bring down the temperature of a child at 7 years old, 9 years old and more younger age. Consider what medicines can reduce the heat in the body, than alleviate the condition of a child of any age.

Methods for reducing heat in the body

A high temperature in a child is a sign of the immune system fighting bacteria and viruses. Parents should carefully monitor the condition of the baby and not try to immediately bring down the temperature of the child so that he does not suffer. In some cases, with a weakened immune system and intolerance to heat in the body, it is necessary to immediately give antipyretics. However, strong children are not threatened by a rise in temperature, and some of them try to play with toys even at 38.5 degrees.

Assistance to the child should include:

  • Ensure sufficient humidity in the room, hang wet towels.
  • Make sure that the room thermometer does not rise above +20.
  • Offer your child more often boiled water room temperature, if you refuse to drink from a cup, offer water in a spoon.
  • Wipe the body with wet wipes, but you can’t completely undress the baby.
  • Remove excess clothing, leaving only a T-shirt and light pants.
  • If the above methods did not help bring down the child's temperature, give an antipyretic.

Important! Children need to be given only two types of antipyretic drugs - based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Ibuprofen has a longer effect, so at high temperatures it is preferable to paracetamol. How to bring down the temperature of 39 in a child? Give ibuprofen syrup or rectally. If the baby is vomiting, it is better to put a candle. Suppositories bring down the heat more slowly, but act for a longer time. Candles are also preferable if the baby is allergic to the components of the medicines.

Medicines should be given in the following cases:

  • if the child has difficulty breathing, he suffocates;
  • with diarrhea and frequent vomiting;
  • when the child refuses to drink water;
  • if the baby is difficult to tolerate heat;
  • with hysterical behavior of the child;
  • if you have previously had convulsions with heat;
  • at 39 on the thermometer.

In all these cases, antipyretic medicine is simply necessary. Sometimes a child needs to be given paracetamol already at a temperature of 37.2 if he feels very ill. Each case is individual, so be guided by the well-being of the baby.

Features of temperature with a cold

Fever can be different in the manifestation of symptoms - "white" or "red". White fever is called fever, accompanied by pallor of the face with a hot forehead and cold extremities. Red fever is characterized by reddening of the skin: the child is “burning”.

Methods of helping a baby with white and red fever are different. Paleness of the face and cold extremities indicate vasospasm, and in this case it is impossible to put cold compress on the forehead and rub the limbs. In red fever, on the contrary, a cool compress on the forehead is recommended.

Methods of rubbing the skin with vinegar and vodka are simply unacceptable, especially for one year old baby or babies at 8 months. This method of lowering the temperature can cause severe skin burns, and alcohol and acetic fumes can poison the blood. These methods are well suited for adults, but not for children.

When the body is hot, you can not give the child raspberry broth and wrap it in a blanket: this method is suitable for moderate body temperature. It is especially impossible to give small children water with raspberries: babies quickly lose moisture in the heat, and raspberries will speed up the process of sweating through the pores of the skin.

If you give your child raspberry tea, first provide the body with enough moisture - it should sweat with something. Therefore, when soldering with raspberries, follow the rule: first water, then raspberry infusion.

Steady heat

What to do if the fever does not go down? This condition is especially dangerous for young children - urgently call the doctor at home. If a child at the age of 10 or 11 has a persistent temperature for more than five days, an ambulance must also be called.

Sustained heat may indicate an internal leak. inflammatory processes, for example, about the onset of pneumonia or other serious illness. Persistent temperature is also characteristic of pyelonephritis, however, a pediatrician should establish the diagnosis.

How to lower the temperature that does not go astray summer period? Some parents try the "home-grown method" of dipping their child in cool water to quickly relieve the fever. It should be noted that in this way you can only cool the skin, but not the temperature in the body.

This method is very dangerous for children, since the internal heat remains with the external coolness of the skin. This condition can lead to unpredictable consequences. Why does the skin get cold? This is due to vasospasm, but not due to a decrease in temperature.

Contraindicated medicines

Some antipyretics are contraindicated in children, as they can cause dangerous consequences. These include:

  1. aspirin;
  2. analgin.

These medicines can be taken by adults as the body can cope with negative consequences. Analgin is banned in some countries due to dangerous complications. The active substances of analgin have a bad effect on the liver, blood and brain. This drug can be used only in a critical situation, when other means do not help - but only by doctors.

Note! It is impossible to treat a child with analgin on its own.

Aspirin is one of the most common antipyretics in our country. In nature, aspirin is found in the fruits and twigs of raspberries. However, in Lately doctors discovered the negative effect of aspirin on the child's liver. It is better not to use this remedy, although it is several times more effective than ibuprofen and paracetamol. For adults over 18 years of age, aspirin is not dangerous.


A fever in a child is not always an alarming symptom, sometimes he talks about the fight of the immune system against viruses. Parents should observe the behavior of the baby during fever: if he feels normal, paracetamol or panadol should not be given. However, with inadequate behavior of the child, antipyretic drugs are given at a temperature of 37.5.
