What is female power. What is the real work and strength of a woman

>>Inner strength of women

The inner strength of a woman. What is female power?

Dear our visitors, on this page we will touch upon a very interesting topic concerning woman's inner strength and let's try to figure it out what is the secret, magical female power. In society, over the past hundred years, the situation of the beautiful half has changed dramatically. made adjustments to the concept of "internal female strength."

A strong woman in modern society.

In modern society, the model of a careerist woman who competently conducts her business, is a major leader, serves as a high-ranking official, or realizes career heights of another plan is widely used. Many women strive to get a good education, get a prestigious job, take a good position.

Because of this a large number of. Indeed, why? They can do everything themselves. And they provide themselves with everything necessary and you don’t have to take care of your husband, collect his dirty socks around the house, endure drunken antics and worry. Often, these. After all, a child is a threat! A threat to her financial well-being and material independence. And if such women decide to give birth and, then they devote a little time to him, entrusting his upbringing to nannies, home caregivers.

And so it turns out, strong modern woman"everything can itself" but, here family life, often does not add up. Remember the words of the famous song of the Russian-Soviet prima donna:

Kings can do anything, kings can do anything
And the fate of the whole Earth, they sometimes decide!
But, whatever you say, marry for love,
Not one, not one king can.

Only in our case, not the king, but the queen. And this queen sees a source of problems in her possible husband, and considers a possible child an unnecessary attribute of her "successful" life. It is clear that it is somehow difficult to create with a "husband-scandalist" and a "child-burden".

What is the true strength of a woman?

1. In her suppleness. In the article "" we talked about the fact that a woman can adapt to almost any conditions, which cannot be said about men, and explained why this happens. This adaptability is where much of a woman's strength lies.

2. In submission. Surprisingly. By obeying, you can rule. Moreover, this statement is true for both women and men. In the wonderful, epic film Troy, Achilles (Brad Pitt) asked his friend Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, "You are the king of Ithaca, how can you obey Agamemnon (the Greek king)". To this, Odysseus replied: "In order to rule, one often has to obey." This is confirmed by the ancient philosopher Solon, saying: "Only then take power into your hands when you learn to obey."

When a man sees women's obedience, he begins to treat her differently. He himself is ready for anything for her, ready to throw the world at her feet. And having achieved heights, being at the top, he will put his woman on top, next to him. As an example, let's take a series based on real historical events.

The action takes place in the Middle Ages in the Ottoman Empire. When the Russian concubine Roksolana gets into the harem of the Turkish Sultan. She managed to win the heart of the Sultan and became, in fact, his main wife, without being the oldest. And her child from the Sultan became the heir to the throne, although he was not the eldest son of the Sultan. Of course, she turned out to be a master of intrigue. But obedience to the Sultan always saved her from retribution. With the help of humility, she removed her enemies with the hands of the Sultan. That is, having submitted, submitted to the mighty sultan better than the rest of the wives did, she herself conquered him.

3. In beauty. Beauty is a terrible force. Everyone knows this expression. And how accurate is it? Beautiful woman knows how to get the attention of men. In history and literature, there are cases when entire wars started because of women. Remember the same Trojan war. Which began due to the fact that the Trojan prince Paris kidnapped the beautiful Helen - the wife of King Menelaus. Naturally, beauty, first of all, must be bestowed on the husband, and not on everyone. And for the sake of his "beautiful lady of the heart" a man will be ready for anything.

4. In fidelity. Loyalty to husband good quality just necessary. Moreover, loyalty is not only physical, but also spiritual. Perhaps someone disagrees with this? Fine. Then let's think. How will a man treat a woman if she cheats on him and he finds out about it? And how does a man treat a woman who is faithful to him? Who will he respect more? The answer is unequivocal.

5. In her inner hardness. Again, we talked about this in the article "". A woman is like a peach. It is soft and supple on the outside, but inside it has a hard bone that will not succumb to any difficulties and problems.

6. The strength of a woman is in weakness, oddly enough. A person is arranged in such a way that he loves to help and teach others various wisdom, while feeling pride in himself and his superiority. And if a woman shows weakness, then there are always many men who want to help her. For example, a banal situation on the road, when a woman's car breaks down and several men stop and try to fix it.

Ecology of life. Psychology: Every woman wants to have a powerful female energy, to be strong as a woman, attractive, to feel her feminine resources...

Every woman wants to have powerful female energy, to be strong in a feminine way, attractive, to feel her female resources, right?

We do a lot of practices in order to get closer to this goal, to become harmonious, feminine, holistic, internally calm.

It is important for us to be strong as a woman in order to have a courageous man nearby, strong as a man, responsible, protective and faithful. After all, it is our female energy and its quantity that allows a man to remain faithful and not gain energy on the side of other women.

And we also want to be strong as women, so that when we encounter obstacles in life, we can look at them wisely and calmly, learn from them and see God’s care and love in this situation, instead of being nervous, complaining and asking “for what?”, bring yourself to nervous breakdowns and ultimatums to God!

We want to become strong as women, so that we have enough patience, love and endurance to raise our children in an atmosphere of tenderness and acceptance, so that for them their mother will always be an unshakable support and a haven of love at any age, and not a nervous, tucked-up woman who herself does not enough strength to live.

We need female power for friendship, because sometimes our beloved friends feel bad and hard, and with our energy and love we can once again inspire them to develop and move on, we can give them faith in themselves and strength to create their own reality.

We really need female strength in order to live harmoniously, internally easily, calmly and femininely happily.

Female power or shakti is the basis of the creation of the world, everything began with her and she is the source of everything in this world. Our female energy creates reality, it is she who creates the material world, she gives birth and nurtures, she beckons and attracts, this eternal value is more significant than gold and diamonds, because female power is the essence of creating reality, the key to life!

And that is why men really need female muses to do great things, children need affectionate mothers, grandmothers need caring granddaughters with love in their eyes!

Everyone needs a strong woman, because wherever she goes, she awakens life and energy in this place, she creates the energy of space and fills it with vibrations of love.

IN Lately I pay a lot of attention to my feminine strength, not to the mind, not to knowledge, but to the internal energy! And I noticed such a thing: people's attitudes towards me are changing very much, men take care of me, even barely acquaintances - they help, protect and offer support. My daughter began to treat me with great affection and tenderness. Friends and friends help common cause, support and always come to the rescue if I suddenly feel sad. If I am in a good mood, everyone becomes joyful, if I am sad, then those around me (especially men) begin to make efforts to make me cheer up, because they depend on my energy.

Being an energetically strong woman is very beneficial.

Firstly, you create mood and energy around, and do not fall under someone's influence. I wanted - everyone laughs, I wanted - everyone has nostalgia, or all of a sudden the whole romantic came - and everyone around drowned in thoughts of love.

Or, for example, she came home, and her husband was angry after work. She seduced herself into a calm, gentle mood, went up to him, silently hugged him, kissed him, wrapped him in her energy, like a soft blanket, and went to the kitchen to do her women's business. 5-10 minutes pass, the husband enters the room already calm and inquisitively interested in how you are doing. He has calmed down and everything is fine again. Convenient, right?

Or the child is crying and acting up, and you take him in your arms and say: “You are my good one! I understand how sad you are…” and bathe him in your love. And after 2 minutes the cub is already smiling and running to play.

No need to swear, explain, prove, get nervous, wind up and worry. I personally always use mine. female power even at working moments: the workers in the team had a fight (they are doing repairs in my studio), everything is on edge, something is going wrong, you approach the foreman, put your hand on his wrist or on the edge of his shoulder and calmly, gently say, “You already they did such a great job, everything is already so beautiful ... ”or you can say nothing at all, just immerse a person through a touch into your state, and that’s it, he will calm down. A few minutes pass, they are already working smoothly and everything is fine again.

Secondly you create your own reality. When a woman has strong energy, then she has enough good mood want something and let it go, just move on with your life. It won't be long before her wishes come true!

Third, you feel like a part of the great creation of God, part of the great cosmic female power, and you are always protected. You always feel and realize that the Great Ma guide and protect you.

And it's not just some words that really protect, through people. You just need to trust!

Recently, in my studio, movers left a tap open for the night and flooded the floor with water, beautiful parquet chocolate color swollen and spoiled. Not only did I lose a lot of money, but I also lost precious days, because I already wanted to quickly enter the studio and start doing great women's work there. I sat down and got sad. I didn’t think about anything at all, I just sat and mourned myself quietly. They immediately started calling me, and when they heard my voice, help and support immediately began to arrive. The next day, the guys arrived, and not only laid new floors in 1 day, but also stood up for me and made those negligent loaders bear responsibility for their actions.

Fourth, you feel great!

When you are in contact with yourself, you perfectly feel the state of people and their needs. Women are by nature very empathic, and for them clairvoyance, clairvoyance, clairaudience is not a special gift, but a common thing. All women who have come into contact with their nature have these opportunities. And therefore Strong woman she feels everything in advance, without any logic, she already knows on a subtle level how what she started will end. And therefore, having learned to listen to our intuition and our heart, we, women, receive the key to world knowledge, to foresight and control our destiny.

Each of you at least once received answers from the universe in the form of dreams, a premonition, an inner voice or a sudden realization. But when we are in touch with our feminine nature, we can be connected to this state all the time.

For example, in my circle, where women live in accordance with their nature, feeling each other is completely normal.

Just a couple of days ago, my mentor in cosmoenergy called me and said: “Yulia, I was doing my own business in the evening, and suddenly I felt that you were feeling bad, I received information that I need to hold you under certain energies. What has happened with you?". And in fact, at that time I had a very serious condition, and everything that she described to me fit perfectly into reality.

Think magic? Nothing like this. We can feel this way for everyone if we enter our female energy pole, instead of the mind, we begin to listen to the heart and trust our feelings.

In a word, from strong female energy there are many uses and benefits. I can describe them for a long, long time.

Recently, at my consultations, I have been increasingly asked the question: “How can I become feminine strong? What is this strength made up of? How to get it? How to multiply it in yourself?

I think this question is relevant for many women!

Let's figure it out!

Where does feminine power come from...

With awareness of being a woman. Not just understanding that I have such a gender identity, but precisely from the feeling and acceptance of myself as a woman, my body, my features.

It is very important for a woman to accept a few facts about herself and treat them with acceptance and calmness.

First most important fact : “A woman is a creative force. When it's bad for a woman, it's bad for everyone. When a woman feels good, everyone prospers!”

This awareness is very important so that a woman does not exhaust herself, does not curry favor with a deficit, and always takes care of her emotional state first of all, knowing that all the people around her depend on it. A woman who has realized herself always understands that she needs to give and create only from abundance, and first she needs to fill herself with grace, her body with pleasure, and her heart with love! When you become aware of yourself psychic energy, then a lot in life falls into place: you stop adapting to men and their gloomy mood, you stop depending on the opinions of your friends, you are calm about the whims of the child and are able to cope with it. And knowing this, you will always care not about doing as many things as possible, but about your mood and condition, because they are the key to your joy and the joy of others.

The second important fact, which we all know about, but are trying to fight: "A woman is not stable"

The female energy itself is not structured and chaotic, it is a bunch of power that can turn into good and evil. We are not constant and stable, our mood often changes, because we strongly feel the vibrations of the planets, the general energy of the city, country, planet, energy flows through us and we periodically broadcast the pain or suffering of various egregors.

We are mediators, conductors. Therefore, even if everything is fine in a woman’s life, she can periodically cry from internal pain, of unknown origin. This is how female karma is worked out - through states.

It is not possible to explain to a man his condition.

Once I was driving a car with my husband, everything was fine, and suddenly I saw a couple of old people crossing the road: a lame, blind old man, who is being led by the arm by his wife, exhausted and tired of life. They approached the store. And looking at them, I felt their state so much: alienation, uselessness, loneliness, despair, powerlessness before the world, pain from my helplessness and weakness. I burst into tears. I sobbed and couldn't stop! The husband, as always, did not understand what was happening. Just now my wife was telling her review of the film normally and cheerfully, and now she is sitting sobbing!

I think the story is familiar to you.

And many women try to fight their instability, discipline themselves, suppress emotions, as a result, male power increases in them.

Instead, you need to accept your inconstancy and emotional volatility, and take it into account in your life. You can laugh at him sometimes, because it is sometimes very funny. And this should be discounted. Everyday life, do not reproach yourself for coming to the store for boots, but leaving with a new one underwear. Or if you are covered with sadness, do not look for reasonable reasons to be sad in order to explain your condition to people. Just say, “I'm just sad... there's no reason! No one is to blame. I will cry now and calm down. Stay with me, hug me…” means being in touch with your emotions.

A woman is Chaos, a man is Cosmos (translated as “order”), and if you feel that you have become Cosmos, then you have moved away from your strength. For a woman, randomness is a completely normal phenomenon, she knows what she has where in her chaos :). An illustrative example - Lady's bag. This bag has only a couple of compartments, but they hold a million things. How to find what you need? You put your hand in, close your eyes, turn on your intuition and voila - the thing is in your hand the first time. I observe this phenomenon in myself and in other women. For order and structure, a woman needs a man, and then there will be a place for him in a relationship, and he will grow and develop in them.

I am often asked: “Julia, tell us about your time management, how do you manage everything?”

I honestly don't know. My time management is pure intuition, I intuitively feel which way to go, what business to start, what to postpone, where to go, what to do first. All my attempts to bring myself to classical discipline - were crowned with a breakdown and irritation, as well as an increase in male energy. It even sometimes happens to me that I leave the house, and I still don’t know where I’m going, I just trust my hands, the feeling of the road, and then suddenly I find myself in a very necessary place or meet with a particularly important person. Pure chaos, no man will understand me.

Do not try to drive yourself into a rigid framework, discipline, streamline - this requires a man! Remain chaos, and the Cosmos will come to you...

What else makes a woman strong, powerful?

Women's skills and abilities. Yes, it is they who increase our female self-confidence, prepare us for relationships, create the foundation of female power.

Let's take an example of two women:

Skills and abilities of the first: she is a doctor of law, two higher educations, knows a computer, speaks languages, studied at the best business schools and knows how to clearly negotiate, drives a car, understands politics.

Skills and abilities of the second: cooks well (has passed several culinary courses), owns sexual practices (tantra, wumbling, Danish practices and, of course, read “Peach Branches” translated into Russian by Kama Shastra), she knows how to massage, knows the psychology of a woman and a man , is engaged in energy and knows how to control his states, to heal.

  • What do you think, which of these women will feel most confident and calm in a relationship?
  • Which of them will find it easier to attract a man into their life?
  • Who will find it easier to create strong family?
  • With which of these women will a man develop a relationship harmoniously?

The more purely feminine skills a woman has, the more chances she has to build harmonious relationships, the more she is in demand and unique.

This summer, I often had to communicate with men of a fairly high level. In a dialogue with one of them, it accidentally turned out that I can do massage, cook delicious food, heat a bathhouse, soar with a broom, dance and do a bunch of other female wisdom. He looked at me as if I had descended from heaven to earth and timidly asked if I could teach his wife, because, in his opinion, these skills make a woman just a treasure in the family!

Think about what education in women's areas will bring you more self-confidence as a woman?

Maybe you will feel more confident inviting guests to the table and preparing for them a signature dish that makes them moan with pleasure?

Maybe you want to discover the priestess of love in yourself and learn sexual practices and techniques that will not only make you a desirable woman, but also deepen relationships on an energy level?

Maybe you want to improve the qualities of a hostess in yourself and learn how to create comfort, receive guests with warmth and love?

Personally, I know exactly which trump card can be drawn from my deck of trump cards when I want to charm a man. And every woman has her own trump card. Which one do you have now? And do you plan to expand the deck with trump cards?

And of course, the most important state that gives a woman strength, making her invincible - the ability to love! Sincerely, truly, with the heart, not with the mind ...

Love and its living is one of the most important goals women's life. We, women, are ready to do a lot for the sake of love ... we are ready to suffer, we are ready to overcome the impossible, we are ready to wait, and sometimes even die for it!

But are we ready to just let her in and let her be in our lives? Are you ready to love yourself? Love those around you? Or is it safer to live without feelings?

In the modern world, there are a lot of dogmas about love, stereotypes that come to us through the painful experience of other people, through fairy tales and stories, through films and beliefs.

Almost every woman has in her mind a set of these stereotypes that separate her from great power:

1) Because of love, you will have to suffer / give a sacrifice ...

2) If people love each other, they should be together. If they are not together - this is not love ...

3) You can only love once...

4) It's impossible to love everyone at once...etc.

I think you can add to this list many more conditions and restrictions for love.

But no matter what we think, no matter how we interpret the rules of love, it still remains a state that is available to everyone who is ready to open their heart...

And it is very important for us women to get rid of the dogmas that keep our hearts closed. The heart center fills a woman, gives her meaning and strength to live, it brings sensations, feelings, depth into her life. It gives peace and magical power... if it is open.

We are very much limited by the conventions of our society, which says that if you broke up, you must hate each other and be offended, you can no longer love each other.

But it's not. Sometimes fate develops in such a way that we lose the people we love, but this does not mean that we should stop loving them, and it also does not mean that everything is over with this love and your heart will not feel like this again.

Love is all-encompassing and great. After all, when relatives die, we continue to love them, we can also continue to love people with whom fate divorced us ...

It is absolutely necessary for a woman to fill her most important love - love for God and love for herself - with trust. And when this love lives in her heart, she clearly feels that “my task, as a woman, is to bring love and tenderness, to bring lightness to the world, and God will arrange everything else in the best way!”

Karma is now unfolding very quickly, in one lifetime we meet several very important karmic people with whom we must share true love, without the admixture of feelings of guilt, shame and pain.

A loving woman is beautiful! Remember your state when you love, everything around takes on meaning, content, colors, clarity ... and you get the feeling that "this is what I want to live for." The main thing is not to confuse the state with the object to which it is traced. And then we can keep this state and live with it forever. And it won't hurt us so much to let go, because the most important thing remains with us!

Put your hand on your heart and feel if you have the strength to live with love in your heart? Are you ready to unlock this power within yourself? And partly, in dissonance with society, continue to live with an open heart?

At some stage in my life, I made this choice, and it brought me an incredible feeling of life. I chose love so resolutely that the 4th chakra involuntarily begins to open in people next to me. And many are afraid of me, because they are not ready to live like this ... while others begin to open their hearts, let out of it, everything that was hidden there, all the power of their love and its thirst. This is especially true for men. One of the most frequent phrases I hear from them is: “Julia, what I told you now no one knows about me / a couple of people know / I never told anyone about this!”

Because a woman is tied to her heart full of love quenches the thirst for trust! And trust is the foundation of a healthy and strong relationship!

A loving woman has a powerful force, she can forgive, she can be merciful!

You know, when I got acquainted with Vedic knowledge, and heard that a woman should communicate with a man in this way, should cook for him, should do foot massage, I thought, “It's so difficult! What kind of patience and endurance you need to have!”

But everything turned out to be much simpler, it’s enough just to love so much that you would have the strength to create female miracles every day!

Therefore, please forgive all the offenses of your heart, restore the thread of love in your relationships with people! You need it. This is for your happiness!

Now just put your hand on your heart and ask:

“What separates me right now from the state of love?”

And if you don’t have any weighty arguments, then live this day with your heart with love! published

Padding around the form

let's discuss interest Ask What is the true strength of a woman? In previous articles, we have already discussed many important points concerning the characteristics of female behavior and female character, trying to figure out the main thing: how a woman should behave and what she should give up in order to become happy, and to make those she loves happy.

In ancient times, women were treated with special respect and reverence. Men were ready to carry their women in their arms and protect them from the slightest adversity in life. But is a woman really so weak that she absolutely cannot stand up for herself and solve her problems on her own? And is it necessary to patronize a woman like a small child?

In fact, women are not so helpless and defenseless as they seem. Every woman has a special secret power, with the help of which, when she wants, she can gain simply fantastic power over both men and circumstances. Both women themselves and men who have repeatedly experienced the power of female charms are well aware of this female power. But at the same time, women should try not to squander the power given to them by nature, but to save and save it for especially important life events.

What exactly is the power of a woman? What is it?

1. A considerable part of a woman's strength lies in her purity and chastity - this has been considered since ancient times.
Moreover, the chastity of a woman is not only about marrying a virgin. And above all, to love your husband, to be faithful to him not only in body, but also in soul. A woman who knows for sure: her husband is the best, will never cheat on him and will not destroy his family.

Therefore, a chaste woman is a huge find for any man. Such a woman evokes involuntary respect both from her husband and from the people around her, as she is the real guardian of her home and family well-being.

2. Women's strength, paradoxical as it may sound, is also contained in women's obedience.
A wise woman can easily get almost anything she wants from her husband without ultimatums and power struggles. For if a man is pleased with how his woman behaves with him, he himself will try to guess and fulfill any of her desires. He doesn't even have to ask for it!

Showing humility and obedience, a woman voluntarily transfers leadership in relationships to a man, and he has no choice but to start behaving like a man - to take on the decision of the main family problems, to protect and protect his woman, to perform feats for her.

Only next to a submissive woman can a man feel like a real man and fully show all his best masculine qualities. And consequently, a submissive woman, as it were, stimulates a man to various life achievements and accomplishments. And a woman necessarily receives a worthy reward for her humility - everything that a man achieves, he will put at the feet of the one that inspired him to exploits.

3. And the strength of a woman is in her flexibility.
A flexible willow bends under the force of the wind, but does not break, unlike a centuries-old oak, which does not bend at all, and therefore a strong wind can uproot it. This is how a woman is: bending under her husband and under circumstances, a woman, thanks to this, better adapts to them. Flexibility allows a woman a lot: to maintain peaceful relations in the family, to withstand life's difficulties, to deftly get out of various difficult and confusing situations.

4. A very great power lies in the tranquility of a woman.
A peaceful woman does not like quarrels and conflicts and is always set on a peaceful solution to any issues. In order for the family to have peace and tranquility, a woman is ready for a lot - to endure, forgive, smooth out sharp corners, act as a peacemaker in case of conflicts between loved ones.

Everyone is drawn to a peaceful woman, running for help and advice, and just for sympathy - a husband, children, girlfriends, relatives and colleagues. And therefore, such a woman is always and everywhere gladly accepted, appreciated and respected.

5. Female fluidity is an important element of female power.
The nature of a woman is similar to the nature of the water element - it is just as deep and malleable and can also sweep away everything in its path in the event of a storm.

Sometimes fantastic powers awaken in a weak woman. And a woman becomes especially strong when something threatens the happiness or health of her loved ones. If a woman's beloved husband or child is in danger, she is able to stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut, and much more.

When everything is calm in a woman’s life, when nothing threatens her close and dear people, she no longer looks like a raging ocean, but like a quiet, calm, full-flowing river. In principle, calmness and tranquility are the natural everyday state of a woman. Affectionate, gentle, meek and caring, and not like a raging element, her close and dear people prefer to see a woman.

6. “The strength of a woman is in her weakness” - this winged saying is familiar to all of us.
Just like women like strong men, men tend to reach out to weak and fragile women. When a man sees in front of him weak, fragile and gentle creature, so in need of his help and protection, his masculine nature wakes up in him - he feels like a real knight, ready to move any mountains for the sake of a beautiful lady. Wise women are aware of such a strong impact on men of female weakness, and skillfully use it.

7. But the main strength of a woman is in her happiness.
When a woman loves and is loved, she literally radiates happiness, just like the sun radiates light and warmth. And with this warmth of her soul, a happy woman warms all the close people who are drawn to her, because in her presence they also begin to feel more joyful and happy. And most importantly: a happy woman, like a magnet, attracts to herself all the best that life can give us - and becomes even happier!

As you can see, female power, although fundamentally different from male power, does not become less effective because of this. It's just that the male power is coarser, more obvious, and the female power is imperceptible, subtle and mysterious.

And the sources of strength for women and men are different. A man needs dumbbells and machines to develop his strength. A woman can feel and reveal her feminine power only if she works on herself and if she unconditionally accepts her weakness, her fragility and her femininity.

A woman who strives to become a strong masculine type, who relies on her penetrating abilities, hard work and toughness, who puts her career and money above her family, will still never be equal to men, but she will irretrievably lose her feminine strength.

Wise women are well aware that it is sinful and pointless to go against their nature, and therefore they never try to adjust the world and beloved husband with the help of open force pressure. But they perfectly know how to use their feminine power and with its help to achieve everything that the soul asks.

Male and female power are different, primarily because men and women themselves are very different from each other. But if a man and a woman were the same, they would not be able to complement each other so harmoniously and form happy and strong couples with each other! A man and a woman are like the polar poles of a magnet, which, the more polar, the more strongly they attract each other.

The strength of a man lies primarily in his masculinity, while the strength of a woman lies in her femininity. Consequently, the more strongly developed in a woman her purely feminine character traits - gentleness, tenderness, compliance, kindness, caring - the more feminine power in this woman.

Unfortunately, in modern society, women are becoming more and more like men, trying to catch up and overtake them in the race for success. But if you take a closer look at these seemingly successful business women, you can see how few truly happy women are among them. And a woman can be happy only when she has loving husband and healthy, cheerful children, not deprived of maternal care!

That's why, dear women If you really want to be happy, then nothing prevents you from fighting for your happiness and achieving it. But at the same time, it is very important that you try to achieve your happiness by the right methods, using your feminine power, which nature originally endowed you with. Only in this case, the happiness you have achieved can be lasting and lasting! Padding around the form

Where can money, career growth, success in business come from to a woman? What is the main female power, with the help of what such talents can we, women, receive all the blessings of the world? Let's figure it out.

Money can come to a woman from two sources: either she earns money herself, or a man gives. But it often happens that a man in a woman's life is either completely absent, or he is such that he himself must be provided with money. So she has to work anyway.

What does "have to work" mean? This means to perform male functions, i.e. perform certain actions for the sake of providing, feeding, surviving and protecting their family.

You will not deny that a man has been a hunter since ancient times and brought prey to the house, providing for his family? And also, when a threat arose, he became the protector of his family. So Protection and Provision are primordially male functions.

And I invite you to look at the situation, why in general some cases are considered truly masculine, and some - feminine. And what happens to women when they take on men's responsibilities. And the choice is always yours, to cultivate femininity or not. Because femininity is the main female power.

A woman is a being who gets everything without war. Ideally, we are women, like flowers. We are born to please and enjoy, "bloom and smell". Surprised?

Male energy is Yin energy directed. A man, ideally, is straightforward. He is like an arrow, like a vector. A woman is flexible, fluid, wave. A woman is a pure potentiality from which everything is born, but has not yet been born. It is from this that our ability to give birth to other worlds is determined - to give birth to children. A woman is an unmanifested energy. And a man is a manifested consciousness.

A woman energetically has a place of strength and accumulation of energy - the uterus. The man has a head. That is why a woman, first of all, needs to take care of the ways of filling her with energy that are natural for her feminine nature. And what happens when a woman begins to live in a context - she set a goal, gathered herself, won?

A woman is energetically very depleted, the level of female hormones drops. She creates unnecessary and unnecessary complications for herself. And most importantly, after all this, the man feels high - he has achieved the desired goal. After all, everything in his body is sharpened precisely to achieve the goal, and it is this moment that is a source of energy for a man. And the woman in this situation feels devastated, exhausted and absolutely unhappy. It is at this point that thoughts arise: "And why is it me?", "Well, how much can you?","Well why doesn't he do it?"

Consider another moment of our cyclicity. The female hormonal background changes every day. Whether we like it or not, the ability of a woman to give birth to children is inherent in nature. And our homonal background depends on the stage of egg maturation. Do you really think that nature will make the final result of the case dependent on emotions? This is the prerogative of men, their mind is always pure and free from emotions.

There are many more moments, but the essence is the same - when a woman follows the male path, she destroys herself, destroys her health, beauty, her feminine happiness. She with her own hands deprives her man of success, prosperity, his masculine qualities. Because a man next to a "courageous" woman slowly migrates to the female policy.

With all the above arguments in mind, I suggest that a woman develop her femininity as the only sure way to attract money to herself in abundance.

And the woman, as you already understand, answers me: “I don’t need your femininity, I’m already out of this age. And men don’t interest me, the main thing for me is the happiness of my children and that the financial situation evened out”.

For her, with her experience, with her mother's covenant to rely only on herself, my advice to develop femininity is an empty phrase. She believes that Luck will find her for who she is, she just needs to grab this Luck stronger - tear it out of life with teeth and nails!

Dear women, life gives money in abundance only to courageous men and feminine women!

Femininity is the capital of a woman at any age. This is our female power.

Because femininity is the potential of a woman. And potential in translation from the Latin "potentio" is an opportunity. The more femininity, the more opportunities you have!

And Luck is Opportunity. To get lucky, you need a flair. Without female intuition, there will be no flair. Never! The Circle of Luck looks like this: flair - intuition - opportunity - acceptance of the opportunity - luck - enjoying the situation!

Since this is a circle, flair and pleasure are always side by side. A woman who is satisfied with herself and can enjoy in any situation is truly feminine. And since she knows how to accept the situation with pleasure, she is desirable for the situation.

And the situation is never without people! Inside every situation are people! Femininity is the enjoyment of people within a situation!

People always reciprocate. They just can't help it. What you send to people, they send back. Trite? But for some reason, many do not want to understand what they themselves send to others.

If you want more money, show warmth. But not maternal, because you are not the mother of these people. Show feminine warmth. What is this? Feminine warmth is the ability to give love and significance to your interlocutor, the ability to accept everything that he gives from him, the ability to inspire him and make him want to cooperate. It is cooperation that increases the flow of money. Everyone knows this.

But not everyone understands that it is Femininity that causes a desire to cooperate, help and take care of a woman. In other words, give her more money.

And if you do not feel the true pleasure of the One Who Is Nearby, then you are Mommy and the program "I myself" is working for you.

Until you remove this program, there will be no money. You can whine and complain. Nothing will help - neither talismans, nor lotteries. You will lose money on everything.

The sooner you begin to understand that Femininity is not trash, useless in the household, but a true, real increase in the flow of money, the sooner stability, prosperity and abundance will come to you.

And there will even be real men with good money around you!

The mental strength of the fair sex is several times greater than the mental strength of men. This is the law of harmony: a man is stronger by physical plane, a woman - on the energy.

This means that a woman's thoughts, her desires, prayers and meditations have a much stronger influence on the world around her. The Vedic scriptures said that the thought of a woman is equated with the action of a man.

Having lost knowledge of the strength and characteristics of the sexes, people have not ceased to notice these special abilities in life. In the Middle Ages, this power was attributed to the devilish intrigues, and women - "witches" were burned at the stake of the Inquisition.

Since ancient times, it has been known that a wife is able to protect her husband, who is on the battlefield, with her purity and loyalty to him alone. Her feminine strength surrounded her husband with an impenetrable protective wall. Such men returned home unharmed from any battle: even if hundreds of arrows flew at him, they simply flew past the target. Subconsciously we understand this even today. And many men who returned home from the battlefields know to whom they owe their return.

A woman really has the ability to elevate a man to unprecedented heights, if she is pure and reasonable. As the famous saying goes: "A woman can turn any fool into a wise man, and a wise man into a fool."

Becoming a mother, she acquired a sacred duty and the opportunity to create the future of the Earth: to raise those who will develop life on the planet further. The woman knew that her children would germinate the seeds that she planted in them. So, one of the life tasks of every woman from time immemorial was: to give birth and raise children.

For such a great role, the fair sex was prepared from childhood. In every culture there was a list of mandatory knowledge and skills that every woman should have. Among them: the art of dressing up, the ability to play musical instruments, singing, dancing, the ability to draw, tell stories, knowledge of languages, the ability to decorate a house, and many other much more complex skills.

At first glance, it may seem - nonsense. But in fact, these skills are the work of the Soul, this is creativity, creation, these are abilities that allow you to harmonize people's lives, bring beauty, joy, peace into it, which is the essence of the female role. Among other duties of a woman was the creation of beauty inside and out.

Being beautiful is the natural state of a woman. Reading about mythical and fairy-tale heroines and goddesses, we will always find a description of their radiant beauty. It's shining. Despite different ideas about the standards of female beauty in different cultures, all the mythical and fabulous beauties of all nations are united by the fact that, according to the descriptions, radiance emanated from them.

The inner sign of this harmony is a feeling of pure bliss, that is, bright joy and love. Harmony and love are the qualities of the Soul, the qualities inherent in women from birth. Thus, beauty, sung at all times, was not an end in itself, but was a natural result of love, well-being and inner strength.

Over time, beauty only intensified, because with age and life experience, a woman became wiser, grew spiritually, gained feminine strength in devoting herself to family and society.

Appearance was part female magic- the magic of love. Our forefathers used in their outfits well-thought-out combinations of colors, ornaments, shapes and cuts - each of these details carried a sacred (mysterious and deeply spiritual) meaning and had a certain energy impact. The jewelry worn by the woman also worked, gems- all this was of great importance, so the woman strengthened her connection with the subtle worlds, harmonized herself and space.

The hairstyle was magical too. Hair is a conductor of cosmic energy (as an example, cosmos is a word with the same root as cosmos). Long hair allowed to accumulate this energy and use it depending on the situation in different ways. For example, hair gathered at the top of the head provided a woman with a large influx of energy, according to the principle of a pyramid. The hair collected below, at the back of her head, helped her enter a state of humility and deep humility.
