What is the name of a ball of flowers on a stem? DIY topiary for beginners: advice from the experts

The photos, which can be considered a small advertisement, show how beautiful and perfect topiaries are. A small souvenir tree will complement one interior, transform a second, and make a third brighter. And you can do these transformations with your own hands. Numerous photo and video master classes show in detail how to create a new image from the most ordinary things. How to make topiary yourself, what is needed for this, and what subtleties should be taken into account?

This master class is, let’s say, a universal recipe. It doesn’t matter what kind of topiary you are going to make; this master class will describe in detail each stage and its variations.

The first thing work usually begins with is the search for materials. Craftswomen who make more than one craft with their own hands are accustomed to stockpiles. Making stocks means purchasing not just one item, but five at once. This means that you should not pass by beautiful chestnuts, rowan branches, and dried flowers. Take everything home to your handmade treasure chest.

The same goes for possible decor - scraps of fabric, beads, buttons, rhinestones, ribbons, threads. All this can become the basis for decorations that you make yourself.

Tips for beginning craftsmen:

  • Drop photos of the topiaries you like into a separate folder, save the right master class, step-by-step instructions.
  • Distribute everything into boxes: threads in one, natural materials to another, fabric to a third, etc.
  • Visit craft stores. There you can find various blanks that will make your work easier. Yes, and they are inexpensive.

If you have already created at least one successful topiary, think about the fact that the process is worth filming. This could be a photo or video, but such material may be useful to you again, and you can place it on special resources and, by the way, sometimes they pay for it.

Fragrant topiary made from dried herbs (video MK)

Making topiary: step-by-step instructions

So, next you need to make the topiary elements directly. They usually start with the basics. The base is what the crown will rest on. And the crown in the case of a souvenir tree is its main part. Therefore, the base ball must be made strong, reliable, and solid. You can buy a ready-made foam part; this blank will fit any tree.

But you can make a ball with your own hands:

  • Method one. Newspapers, threads, glue. You need to make a ball of newspaper that is dense and hard. It should be soaked in glue and tied well with thread until you get a ball.
  • Second way. Ball, polyurethane foam, knife. Inflate the balloon, but not much, just a little less than that the size that the base should have. Then you put the ball on a foam balloon and fill it up. The foam swells, so fill a little. You can do this at night so that in the morning you can detect a noticeably enlarged ball. Next, just remember how you cut the peel from an orange with your own hands. You need to do the same here until you get the base ball you need.
  • Third way. Papier mache. You probably remember this step-by-step instruction from childhood. Find an object whose shape you are going to repeat, and cover it with paper or napkins in several layers. Then you cut it, take out the object, and fasten the figure together.

The latter method is more often used if the basis for the crown needs to be made not of a ball, but of a heart.

DIY topiary base ball (video)

How to make topiary with your own hands

The crown must stand on something. In a tree, this mission is carried out by the trunk, and the souvenir tree follows the same path. Various master classes offer different variants. Some say that only branches can be a beautiful, natural trunk. Others use both wire and aluminum cable for this purpose.

If you look in detail at any photo master class, you will see that the most unexpected things are used as a trunk. For example, sushi chopsticks.

To create the trunk you may need:

  • Cardboard rods from paper towel rolls;
  • Pencils;
  • Drumsticks;
  • Wine corks;
  • Curly door handles.

Yes, it is the handles that can become the trunk - if you remove everything unnecessary from them, leaving only the elegant vertical part, this could very well become the trunk for some elegant money tree.

Basically, what serves as the basis for the trunk has to be decorated - painted, wrapped, glued, etc.

Trunk for topiary: decorating it correctly (video master class)

How to make a pot with your own hands

The tree usually stands in a pot. The easiest way is to buy a new one, which you won’t even have to decorate. But it happens, you look at a photo, and you want to do everything exactly according to this photo.

For example, from a simple penny plastic cup You can make an exquisite pot with your own hands.

The master class is very simple:

  • Coat the cup with spray paint the color you need;
  • The flowerpot can be textured– sparkles, salt, cereals, all this can change the glass, making it embossed;
  • Textile decor is appropriate– this can be a satin ribbon that matches the color of either the pot or the crown, as well as braid, lace, twine, twine;

You can attach it to the pot with a decorative clip small photo, for example, where you are with your loved one, or with the one to whom this tree is intended as a gift.

Pot for topiary (video)

Step-by-step instructions: creating shapes

The souvenir tree may have an unusual shape. More than one tricky technique is used to create various shapes. You can do unusual things with your own hands, and few people will guess how you did it in the first place.

To design figures you need:

  • Use of bendable materials;
  • Sketch of the future composition;
  • Elegant decor that hides the entire mechanism of the product.

We usually talk about designing figures when we mean making garden sculptures. Such unusual landscaping is captured in numerous photographs. The figures require certain manipulations with knitting or carpentry wire. You will get topiary sculptures, entire compositions of green figures.

Making them is not so easy, but modern devices have made the process easier. So today, the production of figures is simplified by purchasing special figured meshes or metal frames. They are put on the plant, which, of course, is thus limited in growth. When shoots make their way through the mesh, they need to be trimmed.

This way you can get several elegant figures on your site. For beginners, there is advice - take simpler frames for the first time, do not try to build several figures at once, this requires care and a certain skill.

DIY topiary: design mistakes (video)

A souvenir tree, a tree with an ideally shaped crown - numerous master classes tell you how to create such beauty yourself. If you live in an apartment and don’t have your own plot, then start bringing your dream closer step by step. First, a figured tree at home, on a table, and then it can be scaled in a natural environment.

Happy plans and their implementation!

DIY topiary examples (photo)

Topiary is a self-created fantasy tree made from natural and artificial materials. By making it, you can show all your imagination and get a real designer item. A wide variety of materials are used for manufacturing; we will consider several options and creation techniques.

Topiary with flowers - decorate with napkins

A novice master can create a topiary with his own hands, following step-by-step instructions. Who would have thought that from an ordinary napkin you could create interesting craft.To implement this idea you will need:

  • beautiful paper napkins, preferably plain and bright colors;
  • foam or plastic in the shape of a ball;
  • dry and strong branch or stick;
  • fixing plaster;
  • glue;
  • cardboard template in the form of a circle;
  • cup;
  • scissors and stapler;
  • satin ribbons, lace, beads, corrugated paper.

When everything is ready, let's start creating crafts with flowers from napkins:

  1. 1. We make flowers from napkins. To do this, fold them several times into a square and fix them with a stapler. Cut out a circle shape according to the template and crumple each layer into a petal. It is necessary to make 20 topiary flowers.
  2. 2. We fasten the ball with the stick - cut a hole of a suitable diameter in the ball and lubricate the joint with glue.
  3. 3. We cover the workpiece with a napkin, and wrap the base of the barrel tightly with a satin ribbon. Then dry it well.
  4. 4. Next we begin to decorate: glue flowers, beads, lace.
  5. 5. Insert the tree into the glass and fill it with diluted plaster. Hold it until it sets.
  6. 6. Decorate the base by attaching flowers, beads and any other cute elements with glue.
  7. 7. We wrap the outside of the pot in beautiful corrugated paper and tie it with lace; you can also use fabric for decoration.

Autumn topiary

It is interesting to create autumn topiary using natural materials. For masters, including beginners, you need to collect all the necessary material:

  • cones;
  • acorns;
  • straight branch;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • gypsum;
  • leg-split;
  • foam ball;
  • beads;
  • cup;
  • corrugated paper;
  • decorative leaves, flowers and berries;
  • bronze acrylic paint.

Having everything you need at hand, you can start creating a topiary:

  1. 1. Wrap the trunk tightly with twine.
  2. 2. Then we connect the branch with a foam ball - this is the future crown of your topiary. We make a hole in it of the required diameter and plant the trunk with glue.
  3. 3. Place the barrel in a glass and fill it with plaster.
  4. 4. We begin to decorate the crown of the tree. Use your imagination and use glue to glue pine cones, acorns, and artificial decorative elements as you like. Clearances can be decorated artificial leaves. After drying, cover the cones and acorns with bronze paint.
  5. 5. The pot also needs to be decorated; you can wrap it tightly with twine or cloth, securing it with glue. We make a spiral winding inside the pot and decorate it with decorative elements.

Topiary of fresh flowers

To create topiary from fresh flowers, you can use any flowers and make a real masterpiece.For this you will need:

  • flowers;
  • scissors;
  • pot;
  • strong branch;
  • glue;
  • gypsum;
  • foam ball.
  1. 1. Cut off the flowers from the stems. Leave the tip quite a bit, about 6 mm. At the same time, we do not throw away the leaves and stem; they will be useful for decorating the pot and trunk.
  2. 2. Connect the ball with the branch. To do this, we make a hole in the future crown, about 2 centimeters. Lubricate it with glue and insert the topiary trunk.
  3. 3. Place the prepared base in the pot and, holding it, pour in the plaster. We wait until it hardens and proceed to the next stage.
  4. 4. Now the most pleasant and interesting moment begins - this is decoration.
  5. 5. Decorate the crown with flowers. To do this, first make holes with a toothpick. Coat the stems of the flowers with glue and insert them into the ball. Attach the flowers tightly so that the white base is not visible.
  6. 6. Use leaves to cover the transition from the base to the trunk. You can decorate the trunk with leaves and artificial insects.
  7. 7. Glue beautiful artificial grass on top of the plaster; you can add decorative elements.

Topiary made from coffee beans

Consider the option of topiary made from coffee beans. First you need to prepare all the necessary materials:

  • newspaper;
  • brown corrugated paper;
  • thread;
  • glue;
  • glue stick;
  • coffee beans;
  • fake money;;
  • beautiful mug;
  • leg-split;
  • scissors;
  • art plasticine;
  • strong twig.

When everything is ready, let's start manufacturing:

  1. 1. Take a sheet of newspaper and crumple it into a ball, then wrap it and crumple it again, and so on four times.
  2. 2. Wrap the ball with thread several times.
  3. 3. Wrap the resulting form in corrugated paper and wrap it with thread again.
  4. 4. Then we take the twine and wrap it around the branch, very tightly. This is our topiary trunk.
  5. 5. Connect the two parts. To do this, use scissors to make a hole in the ball with the diameter of a branch and insert it, having previously lubricated it with glue.
  6. 6. Now begins the most interesting moment - the design of the crown of the tree. Using a stick, apply glue to the ball and carefully, tightly to each other, glue the coffee beans.
  7. 7. Take a mug, insert a tree trunk into it and fill the space around with ordinary pebbles to secure it.
  8. 8. We evenly distribute plasticine over the stones to further decorate the base. You can decorate it with coffee beans.
  9. 9. It is important to beautifully decorate the pot for our tree. Here you can show your imagination and add the elements you like.

We did it perfect gift, created with your own hands, or just an original decorative element.

Topiary made of artificial flowers

A topiary with a non-standard crown will help add some zest to your interior. For example, from artificial flowers. To get started you will need the following materials:

  • foam ball;
  • corelius branches;
  • artificial flowers, leaves, greenery;
  • beautiful pot;
  • polystyrene foam as a filler;
  • leg-split;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • gypsum.

Let's start the manufacturing process:

  1. 1. Place polystyrene foam in the pot and insert three branches of corelius into it. This will be the trunk of our composition.
  2. 2. Pour gypsum on top of the foam.
  3. 3. Prepare the crown of the flower tree. To do this, cut the ball in half and cut off one side of each piece. We fasten the halves by wrapping them with twine.

Using hot glue, fix the crown to the branches.

Now we decorate the top of the topiary with flowers and plant them on glue.

We also decorate the bottom of the crown and glue the leaves.

We decorate the inside of the pot with grass.

The finished flower topiary will become a wonderful gift and will please the owner for a long time.

There are a lot of options for creating topiary. A novice master can easily cope by following the step-by-step instructions at first. By using natural and artificial materials, you can create a unique composition and admire it for a long time. Show your imagination and imagination, and then you will make original craft for a gift or home decoration.

Ecology of knowledge. Interior design: I want to decorate my house in an original way or personal plot? Try to make a topiary with your own hands - a decorative miracle tree in the form of a whimsical fantasy ball on a high leg, also called the tree of happiness.

Do you want to decorate your house or garden in an original way? Try to make a topiary with your own hands - a decorative miracle tree in the form of a whimsical fantasy ball on a high leg, also called the tree of happiness.

Domesticated artificial topiaries are relatives of living topiary sculptures. Trimming the plants in your summer cottage to shape requires a lot of skill, but absolutely anyone can grow their own tree of happiness.

Buying a ready-made tree, and even in the most luxurious design from amethyst, citrine, coral or crystal, will not be difficult, but is it really possible to buy happiness?It's in our hands! It is with them that we will “sculpt” our happiness.

They create topiary from a wide variety of natural and decorative materials - fresh and artificial flowers, coffee beans, beautiful shells, pebbles, dried flowers, paper, sweets, cocktail umbrellas...

Topiary can serve as an imitation of a real plant, or take on completely fabulous shapes and colors. The sizes of topiary range from miniature dwarf compositions a la bonsai to the size of large indoor trees. An excellent gift option is fresh fruit topiary. But such a masterpiece cannot boast of durability. Topiaries made from aromatic plants are very popular, serving not only wonderful decoration interior, but also filling the air with wonderful aromas. Learning to make topiary: the “anatomy” of the tree of happiness Mastering the art of creating homemade topiary is not difficult. Even a beginner in handmade crafts can cope with this task perfectly. In addition, all the materials necessary for topiary are affordable and can always be found on sale.

To make topiary you will need:


The diameter of the pot should not exceed the diameter of the crown ball. You can purchase a ready-made pot or make it yourself from a container of the desired shape, and then paint it, cover it with fabric, or decorate it in some other original way. In fact, choosing a pot that is suitable for the style and color of the product is not an easy task, so if you first purchased a pot, most likely you will have to come up with a composition to match it.

Crown ball

To create a crown you will need a plastic or paper ball. You can make a paper ball from crumpled paper or newspapers, and then coat the ball with paste or wrap it with thread. Rubber balls are more difficult to use because they lose their shape when pierced. If the decorative elements will not be glued, but stuck in, a foam ball will be perfect for floral arrangements.

Stick for the trunk

A branch or any suitable stick, for example, a stick from blinds, which is subsequently painted or wrapped with ribbons, will do. It is advisable to choose a longer stick, because it will be attached almost to the base in the pot and a ball will be placed on it. A trunk that is too short can ruin the entire composition.


Any all-purpose glue will work fine. For individual elements you may need super glue, a glue gun or liquid nails.

Cement, gypsum, alabaster

We seal the hole in the bottom of the pot. Having prepared the solution, quickly stir it, pour it into the pot and immediately insert the stick-trunk until the solution hardens. The cement will prevent the crown ball from outweighing the pot. But if the pot is already quite heavy, the cement can be replaced with polyurethane foam.

Pebbles, sand, shells, colored salt, beans...

Glued on top of the mortar at the base of the tree.

Accessories for decorating wood

Dried flowers, artificial flowers, shells, pebbles, pine cones, bows, cocktail umbrellas, coffee beans, beans, pistachios, shells, corrugated paper and anything else that comes to your mind.

Photo master class:

  • Necessary materials:
  • 100 grams of roasted coffee beans in a sippy cup (available at an office supply store)
  • wash brush for whitewashing (can be bought at a hardware store, hardware store or market)
  • 1 plastic ball, 8-9 cm in diameter (such balls are widely used in children's playrooms and are sold individually on the market)
  • scissors
  • spool of brown thread
  • 2 rubber bands for money
  • universal transparent glue
  • clear super glue
  • a glass of sand, cement or gypsum
  • wooden stick or branch 20 cm long and 1.5-2 cm thick
  • twine rope 50 cm

How to do:

1. Using scissors, we carefully make one hole in a plastic ball, where a little later we will insert the “trunk” of our tree.

2. We take a whitewash brush and pull out a strand of sponge from it, or, after removing the ropes, we completely disassemble the brush.

3. Using a money elastic band, secure the sponge thread at one end of the branch. Lubricate the branch with universal glue and spirally glue the future “trunk” with thread. From the other end of the branch, we again fix the thread with a money elastic band and insert the “trunk” into the ball, which will play the role of a crown.

4. Using universal glue, we glue the ball with brown threads to greatly facilitate and speed up the process of gluing the coffee beans. To paste over the ball, you can also use strands from a whitewash brush, but using threads is much better and easier.

5. Now we proceed to pasting the ball with the first layer of coffee beans. For this we need transparent super glue. It is advisable to glue the grains in different orders - with the groove down, then up. Apply glue directly to each grain. You should use super glue very carefully, since it leaves white spots on dark grains, quickly sticks firmly to your hands and has a pungent odor, so it is advisable to “grow” your tree of happiness in a well-ventilated area. You can also use a glue gun or liquid nails.

6. One layer of grains will not be enough, so be sure to make a second one. To give the surface texture greater relief, do not forget to alternate the smooth side of the grains with the one with the groove.

7. It's time to start creating an original pot for our tree of happiness. First of all, cut off a little bast from the brush, the length of which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the bottom of the glass. Then we lubricate the bottom with universal glue and place it on the prepared washcloth. We cut off the threads protruding beyond the edges of the bottom.

8. Now we cut the washcloth from the brush so that it is 3 cm longer than the height of the glass. Apply universal glue to the side surface of the glass, 2.5-3 cm short of the top, and gradually cover the glass with the prepared washcloth. We tie the glued glass at the bottom with twine and trim off the excess edges. We trim the ends and the top so that the threads are approximately 2 cm above the edge of the glass.

9. Using universal glue, we paste long strands of sponge around the funnel in a circle and screw the tree trunk into it.

A tree of happiness that you can make with your own hands. This is what topiaries are called, photos of which adorn numerous Internet pages dedicated to needlework and design. Each master class is interesting in its own way; you can watch the process in the video and instructions with photos. But where to start? What to make the first topiary from? What do you need to prepare?

Topiary is a tree with a round crown. And the choice of the ball is not accidental. Since ancient times, the circle has symbolized infinity, movement, life. And this is what people considered happiness. Therefore, the tree was considered a symbol of happiness, a souvenir that could materialize a cherished desire.

Almost any master class says that the crown is based on that same ball. Today you don’t have to do it yourself, ready-made foam balls sold in handicraft stores.

But if those are not available to you, how to make a ball? Most easy way- a lump of newspapers. You simply take newspapers and scrunch them until a tight ball forms. And then you tie this lump with threads until the surface is smooth.

For the base ball the following can also be used:

  • Children's small rubber balls;
  • Tennis ball;
  • Papier-mâché ball;
  • Plastic ball from a set of children's cubes, etc.

Also, almost every tree has a trunk. In the photo and video you can see that a variety of materials are used to create the barrel.

The simplest option is wire or aluminum cable. Such a trunk can be beautifully bent. In addition, the barrel can be made from sushi sticks, drumsticks, pencils and markers, paper towel tubes, etc.

What you need to do is decorate the base for the trunk. Most often, the master class suggests wrapping it with braid, twine, twine, satin ribbon etc..

DIY express topiary: basics for beginners (video)

Simple topiary for beginners: marine theme

Step-by-step instruction - good helper for newbies. This can be illustrated using a simple topiary as an example. This can be considered a topiary made from shells. On the shelf where there is a photo reminiscent of a seaside holiday, such a thematic topiary may appear.

To make it you need to prepare:

  • Shells;
  • Base ball;
  • Acrylic paint, brushes;
  • Flowerpot;
  • Blue and white tulle;
  • Decorative elements of a marine theme;
  • Thick pencil;
  • Blue satin ribbon.

The master class involves adjustments. You can change the topiary with your own hands, having additional decor and interesting ideas.

What to do:

  • Paint the base ball with light acrylic paint to match the shells;
  • While the paint is drying, prepare the shells. They can be left in in kind, but you can transform it a little. For example, coat it with varnish or silver spray.
  • You need to make a hole in the base ball for the barrel. The barrel itself, that is, the pencil, can be wrapped with satin ribbon blue color or weave of white or blue tulle. As an option, light blue braid and decorative white cord are also suitable. After the trunk is decorated, it needs to be fixed in a ball with hot glue.
  • Now the master class has reached the point, when can you make a crown?. You just need to glue the shells in order, in rows, from top to bottom, so that the gaps are minimal. Video and photo tips will help you understand the principle of gluing. You can’t glue it randomly! Only from top to bottom, in rows.
  • Of course, when the crown is ready, you can see that something is missing. If you want a little decor in this part, you can glue a small souvenir starfish.
  • Next, you have to make a pot with your own hands. The pot should also somehow reflect the marine theme. It would be great if you brought a cup from the sea with photos of the places where you happened to relax. It will fit perfectly into the decor of a nostalgic tree. But there are other options. For example, a pot can be painted acrylic paints, and to create a wave effect, you can use white paint, PVA glue and coarse sea salt.
  • You need to pour plaster into the pot, where the tree is fixed.. You also need to decorate the plaster layer on top with your own hands. It can be white sea sand, pebbles or shells of a different structure. You can place a large sea shell near the trunk of the tree.

The master class, as you can see, is simple - a beginner can handle it, step-by-step instruction can be changed by you at will.

Topiary in a marine style (video master class)

Master class: topiary for beginners

And the thought of creating a topiary often comes to mind for those who love coffee and have at least once admired a miniature coffee tree. Moreover, you don’t have to see it in front of you - it can be an inspiring photo or video.

To make such a tree, follow these tips:

  • Almost every master class suggests laying grains in two layers - small and uneven on the bottom, and large and beautiful on the top;
  • You can decorate such a tree with cinnamon sticks, especially if you are a fan of coffee with cinnamon - the aroma will be incredible;
  • You can make not only a spherical crown, but with your own hands you can create a heart-shaped blank, and then this coffee gift may be intended for a loved one;
  • Instead of a pot, use a coffee cup, it will be more natural.

The craft that turns out to be original is a floating cup. The frame instead of the trunk here will be a stream of coffee beans or flowers that flow from a seemingly weightless cup. Of course, under this stream there is a frame in the form of a wire or fork.

DIY topiary: floating cup (video)

Lessons: topiary for beginners

If you plan to create more than one souvenir tree with your own hands, listen to the advice of the masters.

Tips for beginners:

  • First, create a special folder on your computer, save in it all the photos you like, instructions, every master class that interests you.
  • Secondly, stock up on materials. You can build almost anything with your own hands, but you must have the resources for this. A small piece of organza and polymer clay, and old notes, and coins, and watermelon seeds, and beautiful spikelets.
  • Thirdly, purchase or make several blank balls for the crown at once. You will save time, and such a workpiece is reliable, durable, and will not let you down.

Finally, experiment with themes. Beginners are often let down by the color scheme - either too much or a mismatch of colors. You can spot the perfect combination from nature - flowers, leaf color, nuances of landscapes. Use what you see in your work and repeat natural patterns with your own hands.

Lessons for beginners: topiary “Tree of Harmony” (video)

Topiary is a really interesting activity. The infinity of themes and variations, ideas force us to take on new works. And if at first you repeat someone else's idea, then soon other newcomers may be inspired by your creativity.

DIY topiary for beginners (photo)
