How to bring down the temperature of an 8 year old child. How to quickly and effectively reduce fever at home in children

If your 1-year-old baby gets sick and has a temperature of 38 or more, it must be reduced with medication. Do not wrap the child and let's drink plenty of fluids. If it is impossible to reduce the temperature on your own, call an ambulance.

A high temperature is always a signal of changes in the functioning of the body. Children aged 1 year and older are at risk of contracting viral diseases, colds and other illnesses. For a 1 year old child normal temperature body is considered 36.5-36.9 degrees. At this age, it is quite acceptable when you can see indicators of 37.3-37.5 on the thermometer. In this case, you do not need to try to bring down such a temperature. But if a one-year-old child's temperature rises to 38, then this means the beginning of an inflammatory process in the body, or the baby is too tired. Many mothers do not know what to do when a baby at 1 year old has a temperature of 38 degrees and above. In this case, you do not need to panic, but you need to act immediately.

If a one-year-old child has a temperature of 38 and above

Many are accustomed to the fact that a high temperature appears with a cold or other viral disease. But without symptoms, the temperature can rise to 38, not only in a one-year-old child. This indicates the presence of a hidden inflammatory process or severe overwork. Currently, children's doctors disagree about the artificial reduction of high temperature. Some say that when high temperature the body begins to fight inflammation and the virus on its own, and you need to wait a while. And shoot down only when the thermometer shows a mark of 38.5 degrees. Others say that you should shoot down already at 38 degrees. In each case, you need to look at the condition of the baby. With a sharp increase in temperature, you can start knocking down at 38 degrees. If your baby has a high temperature that lasts for a long time, you need to contact your local pediatrician or call an ambulance.

How to bring down the high temperature in a child of 1 year

Body temperature can rise at different rates. Sometimes slowly, 1-2 degrees in a few hours, but it happens very quickly. Parents start to panic when a one-year-old child has a temperature of 39 and they do not know what to do. At such moments, babies should not be wrapped up, but, on the contrary, undressed to cool the body. You can wipe the body with a towel soaked in water at room temperature, and you should also give plenty of warm fluids to drink. Pharmacies sell various antipyretics. Many mothers know that a medicine based on paracetamol or ibuprofen can be given to a 1-year-old child from a temperature. For example, Panadol or Nurofen. These funds are available in different forms: syrup or candles. Candles do not contain unnecessary components in the form of sweeteners and dyes, but not every baby will agree to their use. Then you can give sweet syrup. If the temperature does not drop for a long time, you need to contact medical care to specialists. And it’s better to find out from your local pediatrician in advance than you can bring down the temperature of a one-year-old child.

The rising temperature in children often indicates the penetration of an infection into a fragile organism. At the same time, parents should delicately approach the issue of its reduction. Artificial suppression of the immune system, manifested in the form of a moderately elevated temperature, can help microbes survive in less destructive conditions for them.

What temperature should the child bring down

Often, caring parents strive to dress their baby warmer during the seasonal cold snap, but some adults at the same time cross the boundaries of reason. Due to the multi-layered dome of clothes, the natural processes of thermoregulation are disturbed in children, which leads to the greenhouse effect. It is especially important not to wrap babies and one-year-old babies: at this age, children's physiology is still undergoing many metamorphoses.

It happens that parents do not know how to bring down the temperature of a child when overheated. To do this, mom or dad should take the baby home, undress and let the body "cool down". Usually within half an hour the heat exchange returns to normal. When confirming the development of an infectious disease in a small body, parents should call a doctor who will give the necessary recommendations for caring for the baby during the acute period. In addition, it is worth mentioning several types of temperature, suggesting different approaches to lowering:

  1. Subfebrile - characterized by conditionally normal indications for a person, which lie between 37-38 degrees. It is not recommended to knock down such thermometer values.
  2. Moderately elevated - involves an increase in the mercury column to 39 degrees, which may be accompanied by "red" or "white" fever. In this condition of the baby, it is necessary to begin to take measures to combat the heat.
  3. The child has a high temperature. Values ​​​​more than 39 degrees must be immediately knocked down with antipyretic and other means. Wiping the baby's limbs with a cotton cloth soaked in water gives a quick result.

How to bring down the temperature of 39 in a child

There are no particular differences between the methods of dealing with fever in children of different age groups. Many parents are concerned about the problem of how to bring down the temperature in a child. It is important to be aware of the inadmissibility of antipyretic therapy with agents such as Paracetamol and Aspirin in young children. Drugs can cause them negative effects in the form of:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • encephalopathy;
  • toxic liver damage.

If you are looking for how to bring down the temperature in a child, then Ibuprofen and its analogues are considered to be objectively harmless and effective antipyretic. In addition, during illness, the child's body loses a lot of fluid. A baby with a fever needs to be given a large amount of drink in the form of fruit drinks or water acidified with lemon. A little more difficult in this sense with babies. Newborns should be provided with constant access to breast milk containing many antigens.

Rubbing with vinegar

If the temperature doesn't drop medicines or parents do not want to give their beloved child harmful medicines, you can use vinegar. Adults are required to know how to bring down the temperature of a child with the indicated method. Only 9% is suitable for wiping children Apple vinegar, which must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Procedure:

  • it is necessary to treat the whole body of the baby with an acidic solution;
  • at the end of the procedure, it is recommended to cover the crumbs with a thin sheet and let them rest after manipulation that is unpleasant for all children;
  • vinegar wipes cannot be used for young children due to increased skin permeability: excessive absorption of the product is fraught with toxic poisoning.

Rubbing with vodka

With regards to this method, you should be aware that for children of any age, alcohol compresses and rubdowns are unacceptable. Vodka, like other alcoholic beverages, has a toxic effect on children. Safety is the main condition in deciding how to bring down a high temperature in a child. Babies are forbidden to treat angina, as well as other diseases, with alcohol methods. However, the older child age group can be treated by wiping the feet with vodka.

What to give a child for fever

Thermometer readings that do not exceed moderate-high values ​​\u200b\u200bare not recommended to knock down. Dr. Komarovsky believes that a temperature of up to 39 degrees does not imply the use of antipyretics. Answering how to bring down the temperature in a small child, a well-known pediatrician recommends rectal suppositories with ibuprofen. In addition, the doctor calls for an adequate attitude to the condition of the crumbs, and without obvious signs of its deterioration, he does not advise the use of medical intervention.

Antipyretic drugs for children

It is forbidden to use analgesics to reduce the temperature in small patients, as well as the above-mentioned agents based on acetylsalicylic acid. Even a single intake of these drugs can lead to the most negative consequences of the situation for a vulnerable organism. Naturally, the use of relatively safe antipyretics can also cause many problems, so parents should be very scrupulous about how to bring down the temperature of a child. Among the less dangerous and more effective drugs are the following:

  • ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ibufen;
  • Viburkol (homeopathic remedy).

Folk remedies at high temperature

Recipes of alternative medicine, unlike medicines, do not inhibit the physiological processes in the child's body. The natural components of the products do not have a detrimental effect on the liver and kidneys of children. Besides, ethnoscience is focused on home treatment, which has a positive effect on children who are panicky afraid of medical hospitals. There are many recommendations on how to reduce the temperature in a child, but the following are considered the most effective:

  1. Hypertonic saline solution. For its preparation, it is necessary to dilute 2 tsp. rock salt in 250 ml hot water. Salt solution is an excellent sorbent, which helps the body get rid of the symptoms of intoxication. For babies up to 6 months. the daily dose of such a medicine is 30-40 ml, and for older children - 200 ml.
  2. Echinacea infusion. The plant has a lot of advantages and has long been used for infectious diseases. To prepare the infusion, 1 tbsp. dry echinacea pour a glass of boiling water. Then leave the medicine to infuse for about half an hour. Give the baby to drink the remedy in rare sips throughout the day.
  3. Enemas with a decoction of chamomile. The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties of this herb make it indispensable for various diseases. To begin with, chamomile needs to be brewed: 1 tbsp is added to a glass of boiling water. dry medicinal raw materials, after which the product is boiled in a water bath for several minutes. Next, the resulting medicine is filtered, cooled. Immediately before the procedure, a little sunflower oil is added to the broth.
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    How to bring down the temperature in a child

Increased body temperature (hyperthermia) is a problem that all parents faced. It can be a symptom of both the common cold and more serious ones, so it is a concern. Whatever caused hyperthermia in, every parent should know when and how to bring it down.

When should you hit?

The question of how to bring down a high temperature in a child worries all parents who have ever encountered such a problem. However, is it worth it at all?

It is important to remember that fever is a sign that defense mechanisms are working in the body, the action of which is caused by viruses and bacteria. Thus, the body produces interferon - a protein that should defeat the disease.

Therefore, not every temperature should be brought down, and there is no need to rush to stuff your child with pills, preventing this body from coping with pathogens on its own. Harmful to humans is only too high a temperature (from 39 ° C).

Consider the cases in which it is necessary to resort to methods of dealing with heat:

  • with viral and bacterial infections - when it rises above 38.5 ° C;
  • if the baby has febrile convulsions, signs of weakness of the central nervous system associated with the heart - above 38 ° C;
  • if it shows low hyperthermia (37-38 ° C), but the baby is very difficult to tolerate it (weakness, headaches, tearfulness, chills appear, nasal breathing is difficult).

Reasons for the increase

  • Impact on the body of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses). Other symptoms may appear later, and sometimes they are difficult to recognize, only a doctor can do this.
  • Baby teething. If your child is from 5 months to 2.5 years old and, in addition to hyperthermia (not higher than 38 ° C), his gums itch and become inflamed, do not panic, these are common signs that he is cutting milk teeth.
  • Overheating. This is a very popular problem, because too caring young mothers, as a rule, bring the baby home from the hospital, dress him warmer and cover him with the warmest blanket, even if it is summer outside. In this case, the baby becomes restless or, conversely, lethargic, and the parents run to the pediatrician to find out how to reduce the child's temperature, which in this case does not rise above 38.5 ° C.

Important!The optimal temperature in the room where a child of any age lives is 18-22°C. Humidity level - 50-60%. Such indicators are especially important to maintain in the first months of a baby's life, when he is most prone to thermoregulation disorders.

How to lower the temperature

There are many ways to get rid of hyperthermia in a child. As a rule, first resort to drug-free methods, so as not to "poison" the children's body with pills. In addition, each pharmacy has its own possible side effects.

No drugs

There are several basic methods used to cure a fever without the use of drugs:

  1. Ensure optimal cool air temperature in the patient room. It should not be lower than +18 °С and not higher than +20 °С. However, it is important to check that there are no drafts.
  2. Create conditions for the evaporation of heat from the skin surface (undress the child as much as possible, remove the baby, which is the source of the greenhouse effect).
  3. Give the patient water as often as possible. Every 10 minutes, the child should drink about 10 ml of water at room temperature.
  4. Maintain body moisture by wiping the baby with water, the temperature of which should vary from +22 ° C to +25 ° C. You need to start with the face and forehead, then wipe the rest of the body. Leave the surface wiped with water wet for no more than a minute, then dry it with a towel.
  5. Make a compress of mint decoction for the patient. Terry towels should be dipped into the decoction, then squeezed out and put on the forehead, temples, wrists and inguinal folds, changing every 10 minutes. It is important that they are not wet, but damp.
  6. One way to quickly bring down the temperature in a child is to wash him in a basin or bath with warm water for 3 minutes (do not wet your head). After such a procedure, it is necessary to put cotton clothes on the patient and put him to bed. However, this method is applicable only to children from three years of age.

Important! One of the most popular remedies for fever is raspberry tea, which promotes sweating. But in order for the child to have something to sweat, before giving him tea with raspberries, you need to let the baby drink plain water.

Tablets, syrups, suppositories

Pharmaceutical preparations should be resorted to if all the above methods of dealing with hyperthermia do not help and the child's temperature continues to rise (in most cases they help to reduce the temperature by 1-1.5 ° C, which contributes to the normalization of the general condition of the patient).

Among the indications for the use of drugs:

  • uneven shortness of breath in a patient;
  • or diarrhea with fever;
  • abnormal condition of the baby: hysteria, screams, etc .;
  • the child has diseases of the central nervous system (epilepsy, cerebral palsy,);
  • if earlier hyperthermia in a child led to convulsions;
  • when the baby refuses to drink the required amount of water;
  • when the temperature reaches 39 ° C;
  • if the patient is very difficult to tolerate hyperthermia.

When choosing a medicine and its form, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child, the presence of an allergy to certain drugs, the duration of the drug:
  • the effect of syrups, liquid mixtures and chewable tablets is visible after 20-30 minutes;
  • as for candles, they act after 40 minutes. This form is convenient if the baby refuses to take medicine orally, or he starts vomiting from it. It is recommended to administer suppositories at bedtime, after a bowel movement.

The most common remedy for fever in children is Paracetamol (15 mg/kg).

Such a medicine can be found in various forms (tablets, syrup, rectal suppositories), it does not bring down the temperature instantly, but it works for a long time. Dosage: single - 10-15 mg / kg, daily - 60 mg / kg. The interval between doses is from 4 to 6 hours.

If "Paracetamol" was ineffective for your baby, you need to use "Ibuprofen". Such a tool is distinguished not only by the duration of action, but also by the quick effect.

Dosage: single - 7-10 mg / kg, daily - 20-30 mg / kg. The interval between doses is 6 hours.
In the event that the use of "Paracetamol" or "Ibuprofen" did not help, you can make an angle of "Analgin" with "Dimedrol" or use candles with the same composition - "Analdim".

Other popular antipyretics for children are based on the same paracetamol or ibuprofen, among them:

  1. . Suitable for children from 3 months to 12 years old. The active ingredient is ibuprofen.
  2. . From 3 months to 2 years. The active ingredient is ibuprofen.
  3. Tablets "Nurofen". It can be given to children whose weight is from 20 kg. The active ingredient is ibuprofen.
  4. Syrup "Panadol baby". From 3 months to 12 years. The active substance is paracetamol.
  5. Candles "Efferalgan". From 5 months to 3 years. The active substance is paracetamol.
  6. . From 3 months to 12 years. The active substance is paracetamol.
  7. Syrup "Rapidol". From 3 months to 12 years. The active substance is paracetamol.

Prohibited actions

Trying to find information on the Internet or other sources on how to reset the temperature, parents may stumble upon tips that not only do not help, but also harm the baby.

For example, in order to get rid of the heat, it is often recommended to try vinegar washing: mix vinegar with warm water in a ratio of 1:5, wet a napkin or piece of cloth with it and wipe the child, starting from the stomach and back.

However, this method can help adults, and on the children's body, on the contrary, have a negative impact. Through the skin of an infant, vinegar can be absorbed into the bloodstream, which will lead to an undesirable result.

Before bringing down a child's fever in this way, consider whether it is worth it if the ambulance can pick up the baby due to acetic acid poisoning.

Did you know?The temperature of the human body rises with intellectual work, because of the stress experienced, nightmares and sex.

A fairly common belief that a hot baby should be dipped in cold water is also erroneous.

Thus, due to spasm of the skin vessels, the temperature of the surface of the child's body will decrease, while inside it, on the contrary, will begin to rise, because for some time due to the same spasm it will not be able to go outside.

Is it possible to overdo it?

Of course, trying to cure a fever on your own can be overdone. Moreover, frightened mothers, having seen unsatisfactory indicators on the thermometer, begin to treat the babies too intensively.

Therefore, before bringing down the temperature in a child, even if it reaches 39 ° C, the following facts must be taken into account.

Firstly, each medicine can have a negative effect on the body, and if you overdo it with pharmaceuticals, the patient may be poisoned.

Secondly, it is necessary that the baby drink a certain amount of water, but you should not let him drink too much at a time: this can cause vomiting.
Third, tablets should be given to a child no more often than indicated in the instructions or prescription. If one tablet does not help immediately, do not immediately give the baby another.

Fever: when to see a doctor?

There are several points that must be taken into account before you start to bring down the temperature of a child on your own: you need to check if the general condition of the child’s body is too severe, if the baby drinks and urinates normally and if his limbs are cold.

If the listed symptoms are observed in a child, it is urgent to call an ambulance, since hyperthermia can be a symptom of fatal diseases (meningitis, sepsis,).

Did you know?The lowest body temperature in the world at which a person survived was recorded in a 7-year-old child from Sweden. The girl almost drowned in the ocean, and her body temperature dropped to 13°C. As for the highest temperature ever recorded in a person, it was 46.5 ° C. Such an indicator was registered in 1980 in a 52-year-old American.

It is also necessary to consult a doctor when the temperature reaches 38.5 ° C, does not go astray for several days, does not fall 30-40 minutes after the patient has taken an antipyretic, or continues to grow.
Hyperthermia in a child is a fairly common problem. Every parent should know what and how to treat the baby.

It is important to remember that it is not necessary to immediately resort to the help of tablets, they often help to cope with a fever. folk methods treatment.

Colds and infectious diseases are always accompanied by fever. This is a protective reaction of the body to foreign bodies of a protein nature. Temperatures up to 38 - 38.5 degrees, doctors do not recommend knocking down, so as not to interfere with the immune system to produce antibodies. However, some children can hardly tolerate even a slight increase in body temperature - 37.5 degrees. Every mother should know how to bring down the temperature of a child at 7 years old, 9 years old and more younger age. Consider what medicines can reduce the heat in the body, than alleviate the condition of a child of any age.

Methods for reducing heat in the body

A high temperature in a child is a sign of the immune system fighting bacteria and viruses. Parents should carefully monitor the condition of the baby and not try to immediately bring down the temperature of the child so that he does not suffer. In some cases, with a weakened immune system and intolerance to heat in the body, it is necessary to immediately give antipyretics. However, strong children are not threatened by a rise in temperature, and some of them try to play with toys even at 38.5 degrees.

Assistance to the child should include:

  • Ensure sufficient humidity in the room, hang wet towels.
  • Make sure that the room thermometer does not rise above +20.
  • Offer your child more often boiled water room temperature, if you refuse to drink from a cup, offer water in a spoon.
  • Wipe the body with wet wipes, but you can’t completely undress the baby.
  • Remove excess clothing, leaving only a T-shirt and light pants.
  • If the above methods did not help bring down the child's temperature, give an antipyretic.

Important! Children need to be given only two types of antipyretic drugs - based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Ibuprofen has a longer effect, so at high temperatures it is preferable to paracetamol. How to bring down the temperature of 39 in a child? Give ibuprofen syrup or rectally. If the baby is vomiting, it is better to put a candle. Suppositories bring down the heat more slowly, but act for a longer time. Candles are also preferable if the baby is allergic to the components of the medicines.

Medicines should be given in the following cases:

  • if the child has difficulty breathing, he suffocates;
  • with diarrhea and frequent vomiting;
  • when the child refuses to drink water;
  • if the baby is difficult to tolerate heat;
  • with hysterical behavior of the child;
  • if you have previously had convulsions with heat;
  • at 39 on the thermometer.

In all these cases, antipyretic medicine is simply necessary. Sometimes a child needs to be given paracetamol already at a temperature of 37.2 if he feels very ill. Each case is individual, so be guided by the well-being of the baby.

Features of temperature with a cold

Fever can be different in the manifestation of symptoms - "white" or "red". White fever is called fever, accompanied by pallor of the face with a hot forehead and cold extremities. Red fever is characterized by reddening of the skin: the child is “burning”.

Methods of helping a baby with white and red fever are different. Paleness of the face and cold extremities indicate vasospasm, and in this case it is impossible to put cold compress on the forehead and rub the limbs. In red fever, on the contrary, a cool compress on the forehead is recommended.

Methods of rubbing the skin with vinegar and vodka are simply unacceptable, especially for one year old baby or babies at 8 months. This method of lowering the temperature can cause severe skin burns, and alcohol and acetic fumes can poison the blood. These methods are well suited for adults, but not for children.

When the body is hot, you can not give the child raspberry broth and wrap it in a blanket: this method is suitable for moderate body temperature. It is especially impossible to give small children water with raspberries: babies quickly lose moisture in the heat, and raspberries will speed up the process of sweating through the pores of the skin.

If you give your child raspberry tea, first provide the body with enough moisture - it should sweat with something. Therefore, when soldering with raspberries, follow the rule: first water, then raspberry infusion.

Steady heat

What to do if the fever does not go down? This condition is especially dangerous for young children - urgently call the doctor at home. If a child at the age of 10 or 11 has a persistent temperature for more than five days, an ambulance must also be called.

Sustained heat may indicate an internal leak. inflammatory processes, for example, about the onset of pneumonia or other serious illness. Persistent temperature is also characteristic of pyelonephritis, however, a pediatrician should establish the diagnosis.

How to lower the temperature that does not go astray summer period? Some parents try the "home-grown method" of dipping their child in cool water to quickly relieve the fever. It should be noted that in this way you can only cool the skin, but not the temperature in the body.

This method is very dangerous for children, since the internal heat remains with the external coolness of the skin. This condition can lead to unpredictable consequences. Why does the skin get cold? This is due to vasospasm, but not due to a decrease in temperature.

Contraindicated medicines

Some antipyretics are contraindicated in children, as they can cause dangerous consequences. These include:

  1. aspirin;
  2. analgin.

These medicines can be taken by adults as the body can cope with negative consequences. Analgin is banned in some countries due to dangerous complications. The active substances of analgin have a bad effect on the liver, blood and brain. This drug can be used only in a critical situation, when other means do not help - but only by doctors.

Note! It is impossible to treat a child with analgin on its own.

Aspirin is one of the most common antipyretics in our country. In nature, aspirin is found in the fruits and twigs of raspberries. However, in Lately doctors discovered the negative effect of aspirin on the child's liver. It is better not to use this remedy, although it is several times more effective than ibuprofen and paracetamol. For adults over 18 years of age, aspirin is not dangerous.


A fever in a child is not always an alarming symptom, sometimes he talks about the fight of the immune system against viruses. Parents should observe the behavior of the baby during fever: if he feels normal, paracetamol or panadol should not be given. However, with inadequate behavior of the child, antipyretic drugs are given at a temperature of 37.5.

Already quite mature thermoregulation and formed immunity. Therefore, if there are no chronic diseases and special health problems, all scheduled vaccinations were made in advance, colds should proceed quite easily. And quite experienced parents already know well how and how to bring down the temperature is no longer quite a baby, but almost a teenager.

But this does not mean that a sick child at 9 years old can be given less attention than a preschooler.

How to bring down the temperature at 9 years old?

In order for a cold to end in recovery as soon as possible, and not continue with more serious complications, you need to remember and follow the precepts of Dr. Komarovsky.

When a child has a fever and signs of a cold, and especially when there is a fever without respiratory symptoms, be sure to call a doctor.

If the temperature is 37℃

From the very beginning of the malaise, while the temperature is still subfebrile from 37 to 37.9, intensively give the child juices, fruit drinks, compotes with dried apricots, raisins, prunes and figs in order to avoid dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in the future.

Use a large number liquid is also necessary so that the heat can be easily knocked down after it has risen.

Immediately check the temperature and humidity in the teenager's room. In order for the temperature not to rise due to external conditions, it should be 18-22℃ and 50-70% humidity in the room.

At 38℃

With a febrile fever from 38 ℃ to 38.9, you should not rush to bring down the temperature with antipyretics. Febrile convulsions, at the risk of which knock down from 38, after 6 years in children are extremely rare.

Taking medication for fever costs from 38.5. Be sure to do this when the temperature rises at night and if the child does not feel well. From 38.1 knock down in chronic heart disease and nervous system if there are special instructions from the supervising physician.

If above 39℃

High fever from 39 and above requires the mandatory intake of antipyretics - paracetamol and. If it does not go astray at least half a degree in half an hour, then you need to call an ambulance.

Failure to respond to paracetamol is a sign of a bacterial infection, which can be much more dangerous than a viral one, and requires antibiotics.

When do you need a doctor or emergency room?

The pediatrician Komarovsky also likes to list cases in which calling a doctor or an ambulance is mandatory. This must be done when:

  • the temperature does not decrease on the 3rd day of illness;
  • fever lasts longer than 7 days;
  • the child feels very unwell or has:
    • rash, especially meningococcal, which does not disappear with pressure,
    • cold feet and hands at a temperature above 38,
    • vomiting, diarrhea, nausea,
    • cyanosis, yellowness or pallor of the skin,
    • pain in the head, back, chest, belly,
    • unusual drowsiness and weakness,
    • choking or shortness of breath.

What antipyretics are used for children at 9 years old?

What is impossible?

A child at this age, as before, without special instructions from a doctor, should not use the following antipyretics to combat temperature:

  • analgin (metamisole sodium) - possible serious damage to the hematopoietic system,
  • aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) - Reye's syndrome with liver damage may develop,
  • nimesulide - prohibited up to 12 years, but in low dosages with the permission of the doctor is sometimes used.

What is possible?


Paracetamol-based preparations - Panadol, Efferalgan, Kalpol - can be given not only in the form of suspensions, but also tablets. But if you want the temperature to go down faster, then syrups are better suited for this, because the active substance from liquid dosage forms enters the bloodstream much faster. In addition, the tablet, if swallowed, may enter the respiratory tract and cause aspiration. But the pills also have the advantage of fewer additives to which a child can develop an allergy.

Paracetamol for a child of 9 years old should not be used for:

  • allergic intolerance;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • diabetes.


Ibuprofen-based medicines, such as Ibufen or Nurofen, can also be given to children at 9 years of age in tablets, but preferably in syrup, if there is no allergy to numerous additives. This antipyretic has more side effects than paracetamol, so it is considered a second choice antipyretic, which is used when paracetamol does not bring down the temperature.

Ibuprofen is contraindicated in:

  • allergic reactions to drug components;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • diseases accompanied by hearing impairment;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcer;
  • hematological diseases (associated with impaired hematopoiesis).

More about drugs

There is also a combination drug Ibuklin Junior. Many pediatricians recommend it if the child normally tolerates both paracetamol and ibuprofen. The antipyretic effect is higher, and sparing doses of ibuprofen also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

With antipyretics for children at the age of 9 are no longer recommended. They are not only uncomfortable, but in most cases useless. The temperature below 38 should not be knocked down, but above 38 ℃, and even more so 39, there is a spasm in the vessels of the rectum, and medicinal substances are almost not absorbed rectally. In some cases, candles can help out when a long-term effect is needed to reduce the temperature at night or when an allergic reaction is severe when taken orally.

Do not use an antipyretic for more than 3 days in a row. If the temperature in a 9-year-old child has not dropped to a level that does not require antipyretics in 3 days, then a doctor and a change in the treatment regimen are urgently required.

When taking antipyretics, it is very important to observe the daily and single dosage, which is calculated by the weight of the child, and the time intervals between the use of single doses. For paracetamol it is 6 hours, for ibuprofen it is 8 hours.

The instructions indicate the approximate number of measuring spoons, caps or tablets for each age, but this is suitable if the child has a typical weight for 9 years, namely 25-32 kg. If your baby weighs noticeably less or more than his average peers, then it is better to ask the local pediatrician to calculate the dosage for you by weight.
