How to make a clock from newspaper tubes. Newspaper weaving

“Oh, how beautiful and creative!” Many will say when they look at these Wall Clock. Why don't we do the same ourselves. For example, I admire baskets and other items made from newspaper tubes. However, many of them seem so difficult that you are even afraid to take on such work.

A wall clock made of newspaper tubes decorated using decoupage technique is the topic of our today's article.

IN this master class The presented clocks were made for the kitchen. However, this does not mean at all that your clock should also be made in the kitchen theme. As you may have guessed, clock decoration is done with napkins. So what motives you choose for decoration is up to you.

We will return to this a little later. And before you get started, prepare:

  • newspapers
  • knitting needle
  • white paint
  • clockwork
  • numbers for dial

If you couldn’t find the numbers, you can make them yourself: cut out from colored paper or scrapbooking paper. Then stick them on the clock using bulk tape.

So what are we doing?

1. First, prepare the tubes.

2. Then you begin to twist them in such a way as to create a disk shape. Fix with glue.

3. Process the finished workpiece with a hammer so that all the tubes are even.

4. Once again, treat the finished disk with a brush with glue in order to properly fasten the tubes together.

5. Start painting. Carefully paint over all the slits, if necessary, do this several times. Let the product dry.

Weaving from newspapers Egorova Irina Vladimirovna


This product will be an excellent decoration for the interior of any room. The motif of the napkin should be chosen depending on the future location of the clock.

You will need

Newspapers, PVA glue, knitting needle, white acrylic paint, acrylic lacquer, clock mechanism, clothespin, dial numbers, napkin with any motif.


1. Twist the tubes from sheets of newspaper with a knitting needle so that one edge is thinner than the other.

2. Then roll the blanks in a spiral, smearing them with PVA glue along the entire length. As necessary, build up the tube, fixing the structure with a clothespin.

3. When the spiral reaches the required size, glue the end of the last tube and fix it with a clothespin until it dries.

4. Then paint the workpiece white acrylic paint and let it dry.

5. Using PVA glue, stick the napkin with the chosen motif.

6. Coat the workpiece with varnish.

7. Make a hole in the center of the workpiece and attach the clockwork from the back.

8. Using PVA glue, glue the numbers (Fig. 68).

Figure 68. Clock

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Almost all of us have unnecessary newspapers and various magazines and other printed paper products. Many try, of course, to get rid of all this, but you should not do this.

The fact is that from old newspapers you can make various crafts with your own hands, while you can make various and necessary things in the house or decorate the interior of your room well.

The newspaper is very easy to process and you do not need to make any titanic efforts to make any useful thing. Therefore, for making crafts from a newspaper with your own hands, you can connect children as assistants who will have a great desire and interest to do something interesting and useful.

On this moment one of the most interesting and popular areas of do-it-yourself newspaper crafts is the weaving of crafts from newspaper tubes.

It should be noted that this activity is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Here it is necessary to clearly understand all the subtleties and nuances of weaving, and if all this is well studied, then you can do a lot of different and funny things that both children and adults will like.

So, for example, you can make a variety of decorative boxes, caskets, baskets, vases and decorative saucers, in general, for everything that is enough imagination.

Also in this article there are many bright and colorful photos of crafts from newspaper tubes.

However, before starting the creative process, it is necessary to prepare the source material from which the weaving process will begin.

How to make a vine from a newspaper?

Many wicker elements can be combined very well with the interior of almost any room, so most owners of country or private houses would be especially happy to decorate their room in this style.

However, the vine that is used in weaving can cost significant financial costs, but in this case, you can look at cheaper and more affordable material - these are ordinary old newspapers from which you can make wicker crafts, while the cost will be minimal.

So, before starting, you need to do a large number of blanks, from which some kind of interesting craft. Therefore, first the newspaper must be cut across, strips of the same size, after which we take a knitting needle and wind a newspaper strip on it, resulting in a thin and beautiful tube, and so on until a large number of blanks are collected.

Newspaper souvenir basket

One of the elementary crafts from newspaper tubes is considered to be a rectangular or square basket. This design is not particularly difficult, it can be done by almost anyone.

For the manufacture of this product, you will have to use a rectangular or square piece of cardboard, you will also need glue and scissors.

So, several tubes must be glued onto the prepared cardboard form, while the distance between them should not exceed more than 2 cm.

Further, it is necessary to bend each tube at the edge of the cardboard upwards, only this must be done so that the cardboard form is at the bottom and the tubes protrude upwards. After that, the base of the frame is ready and you can start weaving.

The weaving itself looks like this: from the very bottom, horizontally, we set the workpiece between the vertical elements and so on to the very top. If the tube is over, then a new tube is put on its tip, pre-lubricated with glue and we continue the weaving process further.


Upon reaching the required height, all unnecessary must be fastened well somewhere, glued well somewhere. For a longer service life of the product, it is coated with a special varnish.

Thus, from ordinary newspaper tubes, you can make a rather interesting and beautiful basket, which will certainly be useful in the house.

At the same time, when experience and skills come in the weaving process, it is possible to make new crafts from newspaper tubes, more complex and uncomplicated in shape.

In this case, almost any thing that you may need in the house can be made from the tubes, for example, a wall shelf for storing small and light items or souvenirs.

Children's crafts

A very funny and exciting activity with paper can be found for kids. In this case, we will talk about an interesting style of working with paper like papier-mâché.

Such an activity will not leave indifferent any child, while the baby will learn certain subtleties of working with paper, with scissors and glue. And most importantly, the child will like it and informative.


So, first you need to take the main element when creating paper crafts, this is a plate that will be the basis of the future product.

The plate itself is pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly, then small pieces of a white napkin soaked in water are placed on it, this process must be done until the napkin completely covers the plate, only after that it is recommended to use a newspaper for work.

The newspaper also needs to be torn into pieces of small sizes with a diameter of 3-4 cm, but no more.

All pieces of newspaper soaked with water must be placed on the top layer of a napkin, this operation must be done in several layers, it is recommended to carry out no more than 7 layers.

After each layer, it is necessary to smooth the entire surface with a brush to evenly distribute pieces of newspapers. The last layer is applied with a white napkin, after which it is necessary to smooth and level everything again with a brush, and only then the product must be left to dry for one or two days.


After complete drying, the product can be removed from the mold. It is clear that during the process, irregularities at the edges could result, but this can be carefully corrected with scissors.

And the finished product can be painted in different colors, or apply some kind of drawing, and in the end, a thin layer of transparent varnish can be applied to the finished papier-mâché style plate.

This will result in an interesting and original craft with your own hands from newspapers, which can be installed in the most prominent place.

Picture from magazines

Almost every house has old illustrated magazines, someone gets rid of them by throwing them in the trash, and someone stores them to take them to a waste paper collection point.

But do not rush into this, as paper crafts can be made from such magazines. In this case, the only thing that may be required is to cut out various pictures from the magazine and stick them on a piece of paper, resulting in a simple picture that is filled with a certain meaning.

Photo of crafts from newspaper tubes

It is not at all necessary to make crafts from expensive materials - fabrics, leather, etc. Newspaper tubes are a convenient material for weaving. From them you can make many useful things for the home: photo frames, napkins, baskets, boxes, trays and caskets. From paper tubes you will get not only an excellent photo frame, but also a frame for appliqué or embroidery. Detailed master class on weaving from newspapers for beginners with diagrams, will help everyone who wants to do crafts with their own hands.

To make your home cozy, you can purchase many different decor items. Having explored the expanses of the Internet, you can not only buy, but also do it yourself various decorations. The most expensive and luxurious items are made from vine tree; Not every branch is suitable for weaving. Branches need to be properly harvested and prepared, then only proceed to a long and laborious process.

To date, more than interesting way weaving is weaving from newspaper tubes. This work does not require experience, and the cost of manufacturing different products will be minimal. But things are exclusive.

Tube preparation

The material for the tubes can be blank paper, but this is not only unprofitable, but also very difficult to work with. The new blank paper will be thick, so it will be difficult to work with it. The ideal option would be newsprint used in printing houses. It is clean, without text, which means that it will be easy to color it. If this option is unacceptable for you, then an ordinary newspaper with text will do, the main thing is that the paper is soft and obedient. From it you can make the following decorative things:

If the product must be large in size, then a lot of newspapers are needed. Using a sharp knife or scissors, you need to cut the newspapers into strips, 10 cm wide. From each such strip, you need to twist the tube. To do this, we apply a knitting needle to it at an acute angle, we fill the corner of the strip under the knitting needle, and we begin to wind the strip onto the knitting needle as tightly as possible.

Ideally, you should get a tube with one end thicker than the other. The difference must be, but small; in the future, this will help with the extension of the tubes. So that the resulting product does not unwind during operation, you need to fix the edge with glue.

If you want to receive colored product , then there are two options:

  • paint the tubes before weaving;
  • paint the finished product.

If the varnish is chosen incorrectly, then the colored tubes will become brittle and hard. It will be very problematic to work with them, and the product will turn out to be rough. Experts recommend using acrylic varnish for artwork for their coloring.

An interesting basket or tray will be woven from tubules of two colors with a clearly visible text. The clock made of newspaper tubes, on which the text is visible, will look modern.

If you use them unpainted, then you can simply paint the finished product, even if it has a complex shape. This information can be found in the detailed master class.

Making a clock from newspaper tubes is as easy as making a round bottom.

Gallery: newspaper tube frame (25 photos)

How to make a bottom

Almost all products have a bottom, which may differ in shape:

  • round;
  • square;
  • rectangular.

To get a solid bottom, it is enough to cut it out of dense material in two copies. Two identical bottoms are needed in order to hide the ends of the tubes between them, which will serve as racks for the product. On one copy of the bottom, we make notes in those places where the racks will be glued; glue the sticks and immediately glue the second bottom.

It will look completely different fully woven bottom. Weaving a box or basket begins from it. The technology for making a round wicker bottom is the same for all products: 5–7 tubes are crossed. If the tubes are very thin, then 16 pieces will be needed to weave the bottom. To understand how to properly weave a round bottom, it is enough to watch the video lesson once, and do it yourself for the first time.

To get a square bottom, you must first master the technique of weaving round, and then move on to the more complex - square.

Tubule extension

Already when weaving the bottom of the product, it will be necessary to increase the tubes more than once, since their length will not be enough. How to do it right?

When harvesting the tubes, emphasis was placed on different thicknesses of the ends. Thanks to this, their inconspicuous connection is obtained. When weaving from a newspaper, you just need to insert the thin end of the tube into the thick one, and scroll it with a little effort. To make the connection reliable, you can lubricate the thin end of the tube with glue. During weaving, you need to be very careful about the junctions of the tubes so that they, if you did not glue them, do not fall out.

Having a wicker bottom and extended racks of the future product, You can continue needlework in two ways:

  • simple weaving;
  • rope way.

For plain weaving one tube is used, which braids the racks of the product either from the front side, or from the wrong side. Pictures from newspaper tubes can be made in this way. Depending on the shape of the product, the racks are lifted up, if necessary, they are fixed with a clothespin and braided. Later, in needlework, you can use two sticks, or alternate weaving with one or two sticks. In this way, you can weave a picture, a basket, and even a housekeeper.

Rope way It is considered more complex, because it initially uses two tubes. They are located on opposite sides of the racks, but intertwined with each other in the gap between the racks. A detailed master class can be found on the Internet. Such weaving looks very interesting, and the product is unique. Regardless of the size of the tubes used, the product is more durable and reliable.

There is also an oblique weave, or it is also called - weaving in a spiral. It is used for weaving vases, glasses and Christmas trees. In such work, only racks are used, which are intertwined with each other with a slight offset. A tree woven from newspaper tubes in this way will be very beautiful and unusual.

This type of weaving can be studied in more detail thanks to a master class with video tutorials.

If several materials of different thicknesses are used for the product, then a denser one is suitable for the frame and for the bottom of the product. The rest of the details are woven from a material that is thinner.
