How to leave without being hurt. To avoid pain and fear

What is suicide? This is the deliberate taking of one's own life. Unfortunately, Rosportebnadzor blocked the article that was here earlier and was especially popular with site visitors. The reason is that we described ways to commit suicide painlessly, with their "merits" and shortcomings. Our goal was to clearly and in detail show what sensations and results await you after applying this or that method, because suicide often looks very beautiful and attractive in films and books, which is absolutely not

reality. We had to edit this material, we hope it will remain as useful to you.

The first way to die without pain...

How to die without pain? No way! The fact is that all suicides and, in general, people who have experienced clinical death, say that dying is painful, that they have seen hell. The soul of a suicide goes straight there, and therefore the question of how to die painlessly can be rephrased as “How to die without pain on Earth, so that later you will experience pain FOREVER?”. Maybe it's still worth sorting out your life here on Earth? As long as you are still alive, there is always hope. She will never be in hell again.

The second way to die painlessly

Perhaps you are implementing this method of self-destruction right now without knowing it yourself. Drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, smoking - all this is a way of suicide, stretched over time, for several years. This also includes promiscuous sex life, abortions, etc.
Pros: everything happens imperceptibly and often does not even cause negative emotions among others.
Cons: Serious health problems and addiction. When life gets better, and you suddenly realize that you don’t want to die at all, 100% of the consequences will be revealed. As an option - chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, infertility, impotence, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, AIDS, and so on.

The third way to implement how to die without pain

We will call this method: “The suicide of the old “I”. This means that you need to put an end not to earthly life in general, but to the way you live now. Need to start new life, from scratch. However, we were a little disingenuous when we said that it would pass without pain. There will be pain, as it always happens when a new life appears. A woman experiences birth pains, but the result is new person and she soon forgets her suffering.
You can start a new life by turning to the One who gave it to you - to God. Only He can show you why those problems came into your life, because of which you were looking for how to commit suicide painlessly. The Bible records the words of Christ:
"I came that they might have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10b
In other words, God wants to give you a new life - full of meaning and love. And even if there are difficulties in it, you can always count on His help. It was God who made you read this article when you were looking for how to die without pain. It is not an accident, just like the fact that you came into this world.
To start a new life, you need to be saved, because you and God are now separated by a wall of sin.
« Because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God(Bible, Romans 3:23).
« But your iniquities have created a division between you and your God...” (Bible, Isaiah 59:2).
But God loves us and came into this world in the form of Jesus Christ to suffer for our sins, to become a sacrifice for our salvation.
« For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
« the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent and believe in the gospel» (Mark 1:15)

God! I pray to You in the Name of Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. I believe He shed His blood at Calvary for my sins. I ask You to forgive me for everything that I did wrong, for all my sins. I'm sorry that I wanted to commit suicide. Give me new life, Lord! Help me! I want to live with you! In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Confidence in decision- the main thing that is necessary for parting with the least losses.

Breakups rarely go smoothly. It would seem that the real problem if they left you is the aggravation of all conceivable complexes, and the sea of ​​​​tears of loneliness, and the feeling of abandonment. But the truth is that it is not easy for the “thrower” side either, and they can experience no less painful feelings, backed up by complex doubts and tossing. Moreover, it is these feelings and doubts that can keep a couple in a painful, useless and often long-dead relationship for months and years. Just think about it - months and years of life in torment! What is the most beautiful and least painful way for everyone to leave a once significant relationship?


The breakup formula is simple: if you finally decide to leave, you must calmly inform your partner about your decision. At first glance, this advice is from the category of "Captain Obvious". But in fact, every word in it is mega-important, and problems arise if and only if at least one part of this thesis is underestimated. Let's go through them.

1. "Finally decided" - this is fundamental. If you still doubt, hesitate, weigh the arguments, are ready to change your mind at any moment - you should not start such a conversation. First, accurately determine your desires, and only then raise the issue.

I'm not talking now about situations where the only purpose of the conversation is manipulation. In order to achieve what you want from your partner with the threat of leaving, to find out the relationship, to escalate the situation, to draw attention to yourself, but at the same time not to part. This is different! We are talking only about those circumstances when the relationship is not satisfactory, and you understand that you just want to leave. And if you have already decided, then neither pangs of conscience, nor promises to love to the grave, nor a sense of duty, nor the opinion of your mother and friends should outweigh your decision to live the way you think is right for yourself, your desire to be happy and end painful relationships. Listen carefully to everyone, thank you - and do what you think is right for yourself. In the vast majority of cases, this is the right decision for you and your entire system of relationships at this stage of life.

Remember that no matter what your life together, there will always be arguments in favor of not changing anything. I have seen client husbands dunk the child's head in the toilet as punishment, cheat on a weekly basis, beat the woman herself, or use hard drugs - and even in these situations, women managed to doubt the need for a breakup and experienced the pangs of choice.

I deliberately dwell on the first key words of the thesis for so long. Confidence in the decision made is the main thing in order for the parting to happen with the least losses.

Long painful conversations, tears, hesitation, returns and useless going back and forth - all this is the result of your internal vibrations.


2. "Calmly report" - that's right. Do not ask, do not apologize, do not make excuses, do not beg, do not be offended, do not blame, do not scandalize, do not throw a tantrum for persuasiveness. Do not mumble guilty. Do not blame for all mortal sins.

Sometimes it is worth reporting in writing (if the partner is a threat to you, he is unstable or has avoided the meeting many times).

Better - in conversation. Yes, it is always very difficult. And, like any difficult conversation, you need to prepare for this.

First of all, emotionally. Second, content.

Here are some markers emotional readiness. Calm confidence deep inside, even if there is a superficial jitters. Associated feelings. Face it: Yes, you can feel regret. Of course, it is a pity plans, dreams, expectations. And breaking attachments hurts. Sadness. Accept this: if the relationship is valuable and it was good in them, it is sad to leave. But even such relationships sometimes end. Feeling relieved and right about what you are about to do.

Now oh content readiness.

Knowledge of manipulation hooks. You should have a rough idea of ​​what your partner can put pressure on and what weaknesses you have. Consider your reaction. Protect yourself. If necessary, consult with a lawyer to understand the consequences of the breakup. Sobriety and common sense will help you. Important: fear of loneliness, self-pity, guilt, etc. should not prevent you from moving on. If they block the path to a calm exit from oppressive relationships - go to a psychologist. Work with fears and complexes.

3. "Partner" is another keyword in the message. It is very important to realize and at the stage of breakup constantly remember that you lived and are now parting with an adult, equal sexually mature partner who is fully responsible for your life and partially responsible for what happened to the relationship.

"He'll be lost without me"- so a nursing mother can talk about a baby.

"He has nowhere to live"- Another phrase from the mother's vocabulary.

"I swore to him at the altar"- we are all blinded by hormones in the first months of a relationship and are not able to think soberly, and in later life, alas, anything happens.

"He is so good"- Well, you'll be friends.

"I will break his heart"- as a rule, people cope with breakups. They rarely commit suicide or end up in a psychiatric hospital after this. Don't underestimate your partner's resilience. And if there are serious reasons to doubt it, contact a specialist.

And it’s also important to understand: how a partner will cope with the situation, how quickly he will find a girlfriend, how he will live later and what to do without you, is none of your concern. This is his life. His part of the situation. Yes, often this is a big mental problem and difficulty. But they meet on the path of an adult, including for overcoming and growth. It is much worse to be stuck in infantile interdependence and regret your indecision all your life.

I think you have already understood the importance of a calm attitude to the situation and a sober look at your partner. It is they who will play a major role in the finale of your story, and in the decisive conversation you will broadcast a thousand subtle signals: "goodbye" or "oh, I don't know!"

A breakup is a very emotional and painful stage in a relationship. No matter how hard you try, emotions will still roll over and affect you and your behavior. Therefore, it is so important to keep them under control, calm down, tune in, prepare, understand why and what to say. Remember that gratitude, a sense of kinship, sadness are also not uncommon ... But even they should not be bogged down for a long time, indulging in memories of joint joys, if you really want a break. Thank your partner for everything. Wish you happiness. And move on.

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Thoughts that the relationship was a mistake, and if you could start life over, you definitely would not repeat this mistake. But how now to part with a man without hurting yourself and him?

You don't want to be with him anymore. And even if it was the last man on Earth, you would not agree to be with him for a minute. Inside regret about the years lived together and a sense of guilt in front of him for what did not work out. A vague feeling that you seemed to know in advance that nothing would work out, but for some reason you got involved in this relationship. Thoughts that the relationship was a mistake, and if you could start life over, you definitely would not repeat this mistake. But how now to part with a man without hurting yourself and him?

System-Vector Psychology Yuri Burlan will help you go through the gap painlessly and start a new life without regret and endless memories of the past.

When it's hard to leave

System-Vector Psychology explains that not all people have a hard time going through a breakup. Someone after a breakup quickly comes to his senses and is ready for a new relationship. So, people with a skin vector love change and usually initiate a break themselves. And people with a urethral vector live in the future and leave relationships without regret, and never look back.

People with the anal-visual bundle of vectors endure the gap the hardest. Even if they suffer because the relationship has exhausted itself, there is simply no strength to leave anyway. And then they seek advice on how to get out of the relationship.

Such people are very attached to a partner, ready to feel sorry for him, patronize, listen and please in every possible way. Sometimes even to the detriment own desires, without telling the partner what they themselves want, how exactly they represent the relationship. Such people are very soft, tactful and delicate. It is difficult for them to say “no” to others, especially to a partner, they are afraid to accidentally offend a person.

At the same time, if the person himself does not receive the same response from the partner, if there is no mutual understanding and trust in the couple, then sooner or later mutual claims begin to accumulate. An anal-visual person tends to be offended, and at some point the cup of his patience overflows, thoughts of parting begin to appear.

However, it is difficult and painful for such people to make a decision to break up, they doubt for a long time, expect that something will work out, and are ready to give their partner another chance. And then more and more. People with an anal vector are the most faithful, the most devoted to a partner, so they strive to maintain relationships, no matter how much they hurt inside. Often they can't get out of a relationship that doesn't satisfy them for years. Or they leave, and after a while they return again. But that doesn't make the relationship any better. The reasons may be different, one of them is a stable life scenario - or a “good girl”.

How to leave without pain when memories overwhelm

Family and permanent relationships are of great value to a person with an anal vector, which is why they experience a breakup so painfully and hard. Often after a breakup, memories of past relationships are tormented, unspoken grievances or guilt are in the throat, unwillingness to accept that the partner has left, and the feeling that everything could be changed.

Memories of how good it was sometimes prevent you from leaving your partner when it’s bad together. At the same time, a person literally stops living in the present and thinks about the past all the time, scrolling through some bright moments in a relationship, or some actions that he regrets and repents of, or the actions of a partner that he cannot forgive.

And even if a break has occurred, the anal-visual person's attachment to a partner does not go anywhere; despite the fact that he is not around, from past relationships does not let him go. And this is the reason why a man or woman cannot start a new relationship or makes attempts to return to a former partner.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to get rid of painful dependence on the past. You will understand your partner, understand why he behaved in one way or another, what motivated him, and then resentment and regrets about the past will pass. You will remember the past with gratitude, and not with aching sadness and hopeless longing, and then you will be able to live in the present.

It's hard to say: "I'm leaving you!"

It is unpleasant to be separated from a loved one, and unknown and loneliness awaits ahead. This becomes the reason why the decision to leave is delayed. Very often, even the conversation itself is difficult to start. A person constantly puts it off, each time finding some good reason for this: “He has a birthday soon, I can’t leave him right now”, “He has difficulties at work, I have to help him get through this moment” etc.

The reason for avoiding such a conversation can be as an internal doubt: “Is it worth breaking up? What if everything changes?" and to the partner: “He will be hurt”, “He will not be able to do it alone”, “How will he be without me?”.

In addition, it can be difficult for a visual woman to talk about her feelings in general. For example, due to the fact that such conversations were not accepted in the family, due to the difficult breakup of previous relationships and the emotional coldness that arose later, due to childhood traumas, ridiculed love, etc.

When a woman cannot talk about her feelings, she cannot create a full-fledged one with her beloved man, which is the basis of a relationship in a couple. She can feel sorry for him and sympathize with him, listen to him and nod, but without sincerity on her part, without her revealing her feelings to him and being able to talk about her experiences in response, this will not be an emotional connection.

In fact, it is the lack of emotional connection between partners that causes most breakups.

An emotional connection is a mutual interest in a partner's life, an emotional involvement in a relationship that is achieved in the process of living together, and you can learn how to build it. When you do something together, talk heart to heart and experience moments of emotional unification during some events, while reading books together or watching complex feature films about love, friendship, good and evil.

When there is emotional connection in a couple, a man and a woman can talk to each other on any topic and discuss any problems, including relationship problems. And if an emotional connection is not built, any attempt to start a difficult conversation can end in a tantrum with a partner, resentment, reproaches and accusations.

We are afraid of an unpredictable reaction of a partner and do not want to listen to unpleasant things addressed to us, therefore, under any pretext, we postpone the conversation, we try to smooth out sharp corners. We get less pleasure from relationships and more and more we experience tension, which sooner or later will reach the limit and still result in an unpleasant conversation.

How to break up gracefully

To part beautifully with a person, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the partner.

  1. For example, a partner may also have an anal vector or an anal-visual bundle of vectors, and it may be just as difficult for him to leave as it is for you. A man with an anal-visual or skin-visual bundle of vectors can “put pressure on pity” and tell how bad it will be for him without you and even emotionally blackmail you. A man with an anal vector will perceive your departure as if you betrayed him. For him, the breakup of a relationship is almost always accompanied by resentment towards the woman who left him. And no matter how hard you try not to offend him, most likely, he will still be offended. This is how his psyche reacts to what he considers unfair to himself.

How to tactfully part in this case? Understanding his psyche, you will be able to find the right words that will not cause unnecessary pain to your partner and help you part with minimal damage.

The breakup of a relationship always brings pain and strong feelings. This is natural in a situation where a guy and a girl who are close to each other, a man and a woman become strangers. When what binds them is a thing of the past, and they have to start a new life.

When doubts torment, when it is scary to be alone, when there is no certainty that it will be right to part, Systemic Vector Psychology training will help you understand yourself and your partner, understand yourself and him and see if your relationship has a future or you really need to leave him . And if you decide to leave, you will be confident in what you are doing and will easily bear this stress. They say about it:

“And suddenly it let me go ... I realized that I had nothing to do in this relationship. That I deserve something better. That all I wanted strong family, love, the opportunity to take care of someone and accept care, the opportunity to establish a deep, sincere spiritual connection - I can get with another person .... That there is no need to hold on to these relationships ...

Self-esteem rose ... There was a desire to give internal forces some other cause, other people who need it. The fear that no one else will need me and I need to marry him has disappeared, because suddenly I will not meet anyone else. It became very easy ... Because - even if I don’t meet and he was my last man - this is not a reason to stay with him, in this hell.

Come on, it will help you start a new life!

Proofreader: Natalya Konovalova

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

How can one kill oneself (herself) without physical pain?

Do you want to serve these vile creatures, who have already caused a lot of harm to your loved ones and to you personally, and give one more victory? Do you want to meet the dragon right now and hear his malevolent laughter at you? And NEVER meet your loving Christ? NEVER. NEVER. NEVER! .. If you want - goodbye, I have nothing more to say to you.

But if you wish yourself well, stop believing demonic lies, look the truth in the eye! A person cannot drive away darkness from himself otherwise than by turning to the Light. We do not have enough of our own forces to fight the dark forces.


Turn to your Guardian Angel, to the saints, to the Mother of God, to God for help - and you will immediately feel this help. Take courage and say right now, in defiance of demonic suggestions: - Thank God for everything! God bless! Lord, You know best what is good for me.

Methods of suicide

But it just doesn't exist! Dying hurts! Very! And it is even more terrible to become a plant, paralyzed and bitterly regret what you have done. Think about it: the one who advises you on Internet forums how to die without pain at home and so on, for some reason is still alive himself! It’s better to talk to the intensive care doctors, they will tell you a lot of interesting things ... The girl left the guy, he made the decision “...” from the roof.


However, he did not die, the clothesline softened the fall. He was taken to the hospital with multiple fractures of the ribs and limbs, back and skull. He will remain paralyzed, never able to serve himself.

His mother hopes that he will be able to at least talk and eat on his own ... A middle-aged housewife, having learned about her husband's infidelities, decided to drink "..." essence. Having taken two sips, I felt a terrible pain and could not finish what I started.
Realizing what she had done, she crawled to the neighbor's door.

The easiest death

What is the best way to commit suicide? Are you looking for the best way to commit suicide? Finding the answer to this question, many are concerned!. Searching and digging on the Internet looking for ways to commit suicide, how to die painlessly, how to prepare and what moment to choose, etc.
e. But you will not find one thing - truthful information about what awaits you! And there will be something that cannot be fixed! You are in despair, in a hopeless situation, believe me - this is only in your inflamed brain, in a frustrated imagination! The situation is a dead end in your head, do not rush to despair! Tell; Lord Jesus help me, comfort me, take control of my life! Trust Him and do not look for the best way to commit suicide, since these thoughts are from the devil - he is a killer of man, since we are people, the crown of God's creation, he breaks away from us and looks for all sorts of ways of deceit.
But spoiling it for yourself until the end of your days is easy. In order to correctly calculate the killer dose, you need, no matter how ridiculous it may sound, to consult a doctor.
And not just once. Yes, you heard right. Toxicologists, chemotherapists, resuscitators and other specialists select doses, combinations and types of medicines, taking into account many factors. Body weight, reflexes and resistance to the drug, the mental and somatic state of the patient, the numerous features of his body, the general picture of health, heredity - all this must be taken into account and the medicine or their combination must be carefully selected, and sometimes more than once.

How to get out of life

And if it is so difficult for a professional who has everyday practice to choose correct type the drug and its amount to take, then why are you, an amateur, confident in your success in selecting a lethal dose? And even if you manage to calculate and take the correct number of pills, the rate of "dying" for each individual will be completely different. Therefore, often swallowed pumped out. In fact, many who take this step secretly hope for such an outcome, but for some reason they don’t think about further existence with consequences.


Shall we mix, to be sure? Suicides are sure that if you mix several types of drugs, then success is guaranteed. We'll disappoint you - many of them suppress each other's action, and here you also cannot do without a professional approach.

How to die without pain

Antiemetics are also not a panacea, and are paired with others. medicines not always - any oncologist will tell you about it. The antiemetic regimen for chemotherapy is not easy to select, sometimes it is necessary to try several options.
For different patients, the effectiveness of the same drug differs tenfold (when administered intravenously, and even more so when taken orally, for which you are preparing, looking for the easiest death). Well, is it worth a try? Incomplete suicide and subsequent disability is what threatens most of those who want to lay hands on themselves in this way.
The Creator (well, if you don't believe me, substitute the word "nature") created the human body programmed for life. All organs, tissues, cells are aimed at survival.

400 bad request

Get under the protection of Jesus Christ! How to commit suicide? It is clear that you are in a hopeless situation and therefore look for hopelessness: how to commit suicide! But this is some kind of unhealthy extreme, thoughts, an obsession: how to implement the best way to commit suicide? This is from the enemy of human souls! Do not look for ways to commit suicide, but look for the things above, think about the things above! Get on your knees and pray to Jesus Christ for help, for forgiveness! Without exception, all methods of suicide are a terrible picture ...., the hellish pain of the death agony of a suicide and the broken lives of your family and friends. If the idea of ​​suicide lives in you, then only God can free you from obsessive thoughts of suicide.

The best way to commit suicide

Paramedics act according to the situation:

  • in case of respiratory failure, a tube is placed through the mouth into the larynx, in case of swelling of the larynx, a hole will be punched in your neck and a tube will be inserted into the throat from the outside; artificial ventilation of the lungs;
  • ALWAYS, at any stage of poisoning, an emergency gastric lavage is done right on the spot, in front of witnesses, quickly. A probe is placed - a rubber tube into the stomach (work out, swallow a thin rubber hose at your leisure), a laxative and a dozen or two liters of liquid with sorbents are introduced.
    You will receive this pleasure more than once, and not twice (in the hospital where you will be taken).

In search better way suicide, turn on your own brain and think about what awaits you in reality. And do not forget that in addition to bodily suffering, your soul will suffer, which will have to answer before the Creator.

"do not want to live"

How to die without pain if you don't want to live What is suicide? This is the deliberate taking of one's own life. Unfortunately, Rosportebnadzor blocked the article that was here earlier and was especially popular with site visitors. The reason is that we described ways to commit suicide painlessly, with their "merits" and shortcomings. Our goal was to clearly and in detail show what sensations and results await you after applying this or that method, because suicide often looks very beautiful and attractive in films and books, which is absolutely not true. We had to edit this material, we hope it will remain as useful to you.
For those who want to commit suicide, this method of suicide seems the most obvious and easy. However, there is one problem: it is quite difficult to kill yourself in this way. We know how many high jumps end not with death at all, but with disability. There are many times more such cases than cases of quick and easy death.

How to get out of this life painlessly and quickly

During the year she underwent 5 operations on the esophagus, but now she will never be able to speak and eat normal food, a tube sticks out of her body. The man, unable to pay off a multi-million dollar debt, decided to make "..." into his temple.

However, the bullet went a little to the side. His wife found him bleeding. Both of his eyeballs were removed, now he is blind, and his wife is looking for ways to give funds to creditors and support her disabled husband.

The young guy rushed under "...". The driver, noticing something was wrong, began emergency braking. The young man's legs were cut off, the driver gave him first aid and called an ambulance, but a few days later he himself died of a heart attack, as he could not survive the stress and had diseased heart. These are real stories.

> How to leave, so as not to hurt Pts?

How to leave, so as not to hurt Pts?

Situation: I have been married for 15 years. My child is 9 years old. 4 years ago I met a girl I fell in love with. before that, he loved his wife and she loved me too, but the relationship was not easy, there were a lot of abuse and scandals, he did mostly not as I wanted, but as she did. 3 years ago, after another scandal, he left, but returned a few days later, as his wife threatened to commit suicide. Now there are no scandals, life seems to be calm. but I'm not happy. I want to be with someone else. advise how to be? how to leave without losing human relations, because my wife is a very good person. but she has no friends and relatives, only me and my son. Her salary is meager - she won’t live on her own, and in the event of a breakup she refuses to take my money, despite the fact that I make good money. I love my son very much and don't want to lose him. Yes, and with another girl, problems began again because of this - I can’t understand how to leave without making it excruciatingly painful. "again" - because there was a gap with the girl for 2 years, now we "found each other" again, but as you understand there are a lot of problems. Thank you in advance for your advice.
Robert © (15.11.2002 11:11)

If I stay - I - my wife will not be happy - the girl will probably not be happy - only my son will not be happy either, whom I isolate as best I can from problems - he will still think that everything is fine, dad and mom are nearby ... if if I leave - the wife - the son will definitely be unhappy - for sure (despite the fact that I will see him almost every day for an hour at school) I and the girl ... who knows ...
Robert © (15.11.2002 11:11)

2 more questions and I'll tell you something. 1. Outwardly, your mother and wife are opposite or one to one (hair color, eyes, height ...) 2. And a few words about your work, how it has changed over the past 5-6 years. What she was, what she became in the sense of how she changed in the physical sense, mental, organizational, as with the degree of responsibility ( Last years do you have a managerial job?
777 © (15.11.2002 12:11)

I'm sorry to interrupt, 777 can I have your email? I wanted to write you a letter. Or throw it, pliz it on mine
Mulatto © (15.11.2002 12:11)

Oh, 777! Please tell me, if parents and loved ones are similar, what does it mean, and if they are opposite, then what?
Katusik © (15.11.2002 12:11)

You see, 777. I would have written in more detail, but the Internet is great, but I don’t want to be recognized. if there is a desire - we can go to ICQ or mail.
Robert © (15.11.2002 13:11)

1. Outwardly they are very similar, (only what does it matter?), but they divorced when I was 14-15 years old. 2. The job changed after about 6 months, after we temporarily broke up with the girl. it became 2 times larger and a leading component was added to its composition.
Robert © (15.11.2002 12:11)

Just be sure to write, the question is of interest to many! Please!
Petra © (15.11.2002 13:11)

Boys USUALLY choose their wives according to the type of their mother. If they love their mother, then the wife is similar to her both externally and in character (like Robert's). If they do not love, then the wife and mother are opposite in appearance, but identical in character. By the time of his marriage, Robert had experience of living in a family where he had a subordinate position in front of a woman (mother). There was no other experience in his life, so this experience passed into family life. It turns out that Robert had no choice. His wife could have had a different first and last name, but she would still be domineering and like her mother. (It is very important for Robert not to carry this experience into the new family life he is planning). To be continued (if the internet doesn't cut me off).
777 © (15.11.2002 13:11)

Well, yes, and girls - like a father, of course. If everything were so simple:))) Imprinting works not only for parents and very often not for parents...
V © (15.11.2002 13:11)

Yes, girls are like their father. But this is a basic premise, and it depends on some factors. Everything should not be simplified to this basic premise. I described how it can change in real manifestation (external difference). This is first. And secondly, I specifically highlighted the word USUALLY, because I know that such a skeptical message like yours always appears (nothing, what am I on you?).
777 © (15.11.2002 13:11)

It's quite normal :))) It's just that dad-mom is a too refined case, and if you focus on it, then there may be wrong conclusions. Surely there were grandparents, school friends and their parents, bus and plane drivers and other people. And who knows at what point everything was imprinted in the poor brain of a child. I can't figure it out for myself :)
V © (15.11.2002 13:11)

You're right - everyone makes their mark in a person's life. And if Robert spent his childhood with his grandmother, then in order to understand his behavior, one would have to know what experience he gained while living with her. I'm sorry, I have to get away.
777 © (15.11.2002 14:11)

Two powerful people rarely get along together, so Robert's parents separated. Since Robert's father defended his point of view (though not the most best method- swearing), then Robert adopted this trait as well - he cursed with his wife. Did you notice that he spoke calmly about his departure from his wife? This situation does not scare him. Because in Robert's experience there is a situation of a father's divorce from his mother. What happened during family life Well at first everything went well. Recall that it was a union of a submissive man (childhood experience) and a domineering wife. However, Robert did not remain in this state. Every person has development. The work of the head gave him a new experience. The leader is a new experience in Robert's life. Here is responsibility and AUTHORITY (even in the most prudent sense, but this is authority). There is a saying that is very suitable for this case (but in my opinion not for every case): "When two people part, it means that one has gone ahead (in terms of development), while the other has remained in place." So the development happened with Robert, but with his wife - I doubt very much, if it happened, then it was not adequate to the development of Robert (more precisely, Robert himself will answer this). What do powerful people USUALLY do when they lose their power (Robert's wife, some jealous people)? Blackmail. Either this is outright blackmail (like Robert's) or hidden - ugly behavior "for no reason" (disappearance from home for several days, late arrivals, drunkenness, disappearance without explanation, silence). The purpose of blackmail is to make the other half behave in the same way as before. But this is not possible, because Robert has already become different. I am sure that Robert himself hardly understands the reasons for his true discontent. living together(his development). For scandals are only external manifestations, and not the essence. Of course Robert's wife won't do anything (talks too much about it). However, she can do it in a revealing way - to the public, but in such a way as to stay alive. Refusal of money - the same blackmail, with the same meaning (let me feel bad because of you). Of course she's not healthy. And if she foolishly commits suicide, then let someone try to say that this is not natural selection (sick people die one way or another). But to stay with her means to stream her illnesses and aggravate her.
777 © (15.11.2002 13:11)

A person changes in 2 cases. 1. When it changes consciously. 2. In case of stress. Who believes that Robert's wife will change through a conscious decision? I don't believe absolutely. Stress for her is a chance to change her life. Ran away for a couple of hours.
777 © (15.11.2002 14:11)

Further - about the swearing ... I have never been the initiator of the swearing. I, on the contrary, from the parental family most of all did not want this repetition. and in principle, swearing ruined my current family. so lovely ladies. do not kill love with prolonged swearing over trifles. before you swear on the topic: you stack the toys scattered by the child incorrectly (or something like that), think about whether you wanted to stack them yourself, or with someone else. I talk about divorce calmly - because this issue has already burned out in me a thousand times, but it does not give peace of mind. I imagine how bad it will be for my wife and child from such a choice. and it's holding me back. and the lack of "calmness" in resolving this issue prompted me to write here. Yes, and the leader became after the real thoughts of leaving. and yet 777 said a lot of useful information, despite the fact that I gave so little information. additionally: many years ago, my neighbor's girlfriend, after he left her, opened her veins. she was rescued. but Im scared.
Robert © (15.11.2002 14:11)

And the last ... I'm very afraid of "getting caught" by the one who needs me as a very "convenient" husband. money, apartment, attention and care. I just want mutual love. and it’s not a pity to give everything for her. thanks to everyone who responded! You helped me a lot.
Robert © (15.11.2002 14:11)

777 - I will answer something to everyone, something by mail ... my wife loved me like no one before. her imperiousness began to manifest itself only in the first years of her life. and I like to "submit" only in matters - to help bring food, make repairs, drive in a nail (figuratively) ... in part, wash, wash, iron the floors - only if she physically cannot do this.
Robert © (15.11.2002 14:11)

Ooooooooo, the love of powerful people is a special thing (not love at all). But I don’t know much about your case, so I can’t say it about you yet.
777 © (15.11.2002 14:11)

A little wrong. If you stay, the son will certainly see that mom and dad are nearby, but he will also see that mom and dad are unhappy, and this will make him unhappy ...
Mulatto © (15.11.2002 12:11)

And you thought that you will have a girl in 15 years. She won't treat you the same way you treat your wife?
Devil © (16.11.2002 13:11)

See, she's already done that. :) I wrote that she was leaving me. and if she wants to do it again - I think it will not take so long to wait. I went through "rejection" (and more than once in my life), I know how hard it is. That's why I want as much as possible to "soften" this pain for my wife. and if a girl leaves me - what does such a fate mean - I will live alone. it doesn't scare me. thank you for the question. very good, I have thought about it more than once.
Robert © (18.11.2002 10:11)

It will still hurt .. so weigh it .. I wish you not to be mistaken .. advice here is unlikely to help
SSh © (15.11.2002 11:11)

Some kind of madhouse .. threaten suicide, having a 9-year-old son? does she have all the houses? and .. well, yes, you're leaving! but this is clearly not a reason!) here Nitsche nizya advise. What do you mean they won't take the money? so you don’t give it to her, in that case, but to your son! You have a normal life anyway with her, I think, will not. So we need to somehow bring her to her senses and part in an amicable way! and about the second girl... here I really don't know! Everything will be fine when you get there!
kitty © (15.11.2002 11:11)

Hello)))) IMHO, whoever threatens suicide will never do it. The maximum that can be expected from such a person is a demonstrative attempt.
ulcer © (15.11.2002 13:11)

It seems to me that in this case, the longer you drag it all out, the more painful and painful it will be for everyone. Decided to go! All the same, you and your wife will not have anything worthwhile, it seems. It's more difficult with financial responsibility, but if you talk right... You'd better know how to do it... The son shouldn't suffer.
Lopez © (15.11.2002 11:11)
