How to find out if there will be a second marriage. Palmistry: how to find out when you get married? How many children will be in marriage

For most people, the lines on the palm are just an intricate pattern. But palmists see in these drawings the whole life of a person. Foretellers believe that the past, present and future can be seen from the strokes and dashes. Many people hear the names of the three main lines: life, heart and head. According to them, a conclusion is made about the fate, character and abilities of a person.

But no less interesting are other lines, for example, health, children or marriage. By their location, you can even determine the time period when this or that event will occur.

Location of the marriage line and its characteristics

The line of marriage is in the gap between the line of the heart and the base of the little finger. It is always located horizontally. When fortune-telling, right-handers study the right palm, left-handers - the left.

When studying a drawing, pay attention to the number of lines and their depth:

How to determine the age of marriage

Palmists believe that even the approximate date of the wedding can be predicted by the location of the marriage line. Calculating the age of marriage is not difficult. First, measure the distance between the line of the heart (lower mark) and the base of the little finger (upper mark). This interval corresponds to 75 years of human life.

Divide the site into three equal parts: 0-25 years old, 25-50 years old, 50-75 years old.

All dashes in the range from 0 to 25 years old represent early hobbies and loves. Strokes are located on the second section, indicating a conscious love relationship. Most often it is here that you can see deep long lines. The last third deciphers the personal life at the age of 50-75.

When calculating, it should be taken into account that the total distance is on average 2 cm. Thus, each millimeter will correspond to 3 years of a person's life. Based on the characteristics of the palm, these data are adjusted up or down. Professional palmists also take into account psychological age subject to give a more accurate prediction. An ordinary person can only see approximate numbers, since the described method gives a tangible error.

Single girls often wonder how their personal life will turn out. The answer can be fortune-telling for marriage by hand. The length of the lines of Marriage, their number and clarity will tell you how many bright novels will be in your life.

Divination technique for love and marriage

Fortune telling by hand can cover many burning issues.

  1. Will the marriage last?
  2. Will there be betrayals?
  3. How much and what gender.
  4. Will family life be happy or will it collapse before it starts.

When divining for marriage by hand, you need to use both hands, then the interpretation of the signs will have the most accurate meaning. The passive hand shows what a person was born with, the active hand shows what he himself has achieved.

When visually assessing, it is necessary to take into account the presence of all dashes and various birthmarks, and also pay attention to the main line of Marriage. To begin with, you should find it in the palm of your hand. Above it, closer to the little finger, on the edge of the palm, there will be a marriage line. It can soar up, fall or branch, it can be crossed by various dashes. You will need good lighting or clear photographs of the palms in order to correctly draw conclusions from the signs and find out further fate person.

Determining the nature of the relationship in a couple

Divination for marriage begins with the search for a marriage line. Or rather, a few short lines on the edge of the palm between the little finger and the arc of the Heart. They show the number of marriages or serious relationships in life. The longer they are, the longer the union. If they are not, then this person regarded as a cold-blooded and prudent nature. His marriage relationship will be built on the calculation.

Two or more lines of Marriage indicate several serious romances in life.

If the marriage line is lowered - in palmistry this is a sign that the chosen partner can change. Another meaning of the mark - the life of the questioner will be longer than that of the second half.

The marriage line rises to the little finger - the marriage will be dysfunctional. It must be remembered that the lines change over time. To be able to clearly decipher them, you need to be a good palmist.

If the marriage arc passes through the questioner, a happy and strong marriage awaits. Not a very favorable sign if there are many branches on the marriage line. You will have to look at your partner better, you should not rush into a relationship with your head. A couple are waiting for scandals and quarrels.

Divination for treason

To determine whether there will be betrayal in marriage, you first need to pay attention to If it is riddled with multiple dashes and has a red tint, then we can safely say that the person of interest is amorous and capable of treason. It is necessary to carry out the analysis not by one sign, but by the accompanying dashes and many other signs.

If there are small weaves on the line of the Heart, similar to a chain that consists of many fragments, then we can assume that a person will cheat on his other half. This sign is present in emotional people, who are characterized by impetuosity in feelings. They can fall in love quickly and cool off just as quickly. People with such a mark in the palm of their hand are always in search of a new one - other relationships, unexplored feelings and emotions. They will never stand still. Do not rush to marry them or get married. Persistence is not their forte.

Quantity matters a lot. If there are a lot of them, then this is direct evidence that in front of you is a windy person. And also the many lines of Marriage indicate a high probability of betrayal.

Availability on line family life characterizes a person as prone to treason. This person is emotional and is very popular with the opposite sex. But such people are usually unsuccessful in financial matters.


Palmistry is a very interesting science. From time immemorial, man has wanted to know his destiny. Until now, people resort to fortune-telling. He is driven by curiosity and the desire to be ready for the trials of fate. As the ancients said, forewarned is forearmed. But a mistake in interpreting a suspicious person can lead to serious consequences. It is necessary to take into account the recommendations of the palmist, but do not forget that a person is the creator of his own destiny.

Divination about marriage and quantity marriages, takes place on the basis of an analysis of the lines of marriage and the influence of those emanating from the tubercle of the moon, which we will consider using examples of pictures. We all know that the main lines of marriage are located and take their source on the outside of the palm, on the percussion of the hand under the little finger, in the place that sometimes wants to clench your hand into a fist and hit the table. It would be useful to recall that a deeply and well-defined marriage line indicates a high probability of getting married. A weak marriage line, thin and shallow, reveals a short relationship or relationship that will not lead to a productive marriage.

Guessing when to get married- appears to be possible quantity lines of marriages, which may have different continuations on the surface of the Mount of Mercury, which indicates duration. Rising up, or bending down, the lines of marriages mainly indicate a negative meaning in divination. It also happens that the marriage line ends with a fork, which is sure sign big quarrel or even divorce. But here we will consider the time when you have to get married or get married.

Starting from adolescence, for many girls, the main desire is the dream of marriage, a white dress, a chic ceremony, a honeymoon, a honeymoon trip. But undoubtedly the question - when to get married ?, always excites the imagination of young people. sometimes thinking seriously about this question, people resort to fortune-telling. good helper is fortune-telling by the hand, which can answer the question - when will I get married?.

Time - “when I get married” can be traced along the line of fate, and it’s not worth guessing here, you just need to pay attention to the signs that are presented in the example of the picture. The merger of the line, that is, the entry into the line of fate, indicates an attempt at a possibly long marriage, when an event occurs, we calculate the date of the line of fate. Influence line, ( of blue color) - passing through the entire hillock of the Moon, merges with the line of fate. This is a characteristic of a successful sign - a happy, long marriage. It is unforgettable to pay attention to the line of life in the palm of your hand, which surrounds the hill of Venus, on which you can almost always find additional lines of marriage. With their quantity and depth of outline, they characterize the strength of relations between spouses already being married, which significantly complement fortune telling. The significance of the position of the lines of influence is of great importance in determining successful connections.

Divination for marriage this is a sacrament that requires a lot of experience, first of all, knowledge of esoteric sciences, as well as psychology and simple observation, so you should carefully examine the lines when divining.

When the line crosses the line of fate

It means that there may be a marriage, but it is obviously doomed to failure, that is, even if you get married, the relationship will end later, this is indicated by the intersection, the person seems to be participating in your fate for some time, but passes by.

Often duplication of lines occurs, as already mentioned, on the hill of Venus, but is usually traced as practice shows, mainly on informative hands.

When the line of influence runs along the hill and does not touch the line of Fate

Such a development of events indicates that the marriage will not take place, relations between people can be quite close, but they will not reach their logical conclusion and the conclusion of a full-fledged marriage. The main line of marriage, which is bent upwards, which is located on the tubercle of Mercury, has approximately the same meaning. This can be the cause of both one participant in the actions, and the cause of the prevailing circumstances.

If the line of influence (blue No. 2), reaching the line of Fate, crosses the latter, as shown in the example of the picture, we have already said that this means divorce, that is, an unsuccessful marriage. But if, when crossing the Fate line, we observe additional random lines in this place (brown), then it seems possible to find out the reasons for which the relationship could fall apart, in other words, the events that contributed to the development of relations. One of the many options often found in Everyday life The people who “contribute” to the killing of seemingly normal relationships in marriage are the parents of the newlyweds, our “favorite” mothers-in-law and mother-in-law.

In such cases, it will probably not be difficult to guess that the secant line will come from the space of the hill of Venus - this is the line of stress, as it is called in palmistry. The line of stress can come from both the tubercle separately and from the line of the parent (No. 1) indicated in the example of the picture in black, running parallel to the line of life.

Now consider the case of a line that indicates the possibility of marriage, but the line has its own distinctive properties from the usual line of influence.

We look at the picture, the line (№-2) is blue, the special meaning of the line lies in the fact that it enters the line of fate from the side of the line of life. This indicates that the owner of the hand was deliberately introduced to marriage by relatives or relatives, usually such lines cross the line of fate, which indicates, as already mentioned, a divorce.

Line on the example of the picture (№-3) very similar to the previous one, but has a completely different meaning. We specially consider these two lines together in order to make their origin and difference clearer, in order to avoid errors in the interpretation of the latter. The first thing that catches your eye is the thickness of the line, when the line of influence is much thinner than the very line of fate to which one strives - this is a sign of a weak-willed person, that is, the owner of the hand will be stronger than his partner in life. The same will mean the line equivalent (LS) but emanating from the same place, the space of the hill of Neptune. Such a beginning of the line can also indicate the sexual weakness of the partner, especially if the space of Neptune and the bottom of the hill of Venus are streaked with small randomly located lines, which indicates problems in the organ system.

If you turn your palm sideways, you will notice that there is another dash of marriage (love) above the line of the heart. The closer to the line of the heart the section is located, the sooner you will begin a close love relationship. How many of these dashes - so many unions you will have.

Signs and dashes should be considered on the right hand - this is more reliable. Not good strong love without sex is not displayed on the arm. In some cases, there may be a thin or short line.

1. Three marriages

If three lines are placed on your hand, from the line of the heart, this means that you have serious relationship will be three times. Do not be naive to believe that they will all be crowned strong marriage. How to determine which relationships will be stronger? Look at the accuracy of the line, its length. It is important.

It is worth noting that if your first line begins immediately after the line of the heart, then you will begin to build relationships in early age 18-22 years old. The second line is a relationship at 25-28 years old. The third line - 33-38 years.

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2. Marriage with divorce

As unfortunate as it may sound, divorce can also be determined by the hand. So, a line with a fork indicates that the union will not last long. There will be a divorce, and this procedure will not do without scandals and severe conflicts. Most likely, this will be due to the betrayal of a partner. Whoever has a fork, through his fault, a separation will occur.

3. Separation or marriage?

If there is a fork in the beginning, then in all likelihood you will marry a person with whom you already had a relationship that ended in separation.

Surely, many people think about how their future will turn out. And, of course, for both women and men, one of the first questions is how many marriages they will have.

In order to somehow predict fate in advance, people increasingly began to turn to astrologers and psychics for an answer. But, as a rule, their answers are unconfirmed. Although many lovers of magic and psychic abilities believe whatever they are told. And it often happens that by instilling this information into their brain, they kind of program themselves for further actions. Thus, they themselves go in the direction to which they were pushed.

There were also such cases when, after consulting a psychic, married couples broke up. And the whole point was that she told her clients about some second marriage, which would bring great happiness in the future. Therefore, such acts should be treated with extreme caution. And in order to get an answer to a question of interest, you need to carefully consider and weigh everything, and then make a decision. IN Lately, people increasingly began to use numerology as a predictor. This, as you know, is all connected with numbers, more precisely, the date, time of birth. So, how to correctly determine marriage by date of birth? In numerology, there is such a term as the "Number of Marriage" and how to calculate it will be given below.

If a person has basic skills in numerology, then it will not be difficult for him to calculate, but a beginner in this matter will have to work hard. First you need to determine your Name Number, then the Life Path Number, after which you can get the Marriage Number. In formula form, it looks like this. BW=CHI+CHZHP, where BW is the number of marriage; CHI is the number of the name; NZHP is the life path number.

In order to find the number of a name, you can use this hint. The number one includes the letters: A, I, C, b. To number two: B, Y, T, Y. To the number three: B, K, Y, b. To the number four: G, L, F, E. To the number five: D, M, X, Y. To the number six: E, N, C, Z. To the number seven: Y, O, Shch, Ch. To the number eight: F, P, W. To the number nine: Z, R, Shch.

Using this hint, you need to write the full last name, first name and patronymic, then put down the numbers that correspond to the letters from the table.

After that, they need to be folded separately. That is, first the first name, then the last name, and then the patronymic. In each case, you need to print a prime number. As a result, if you get a three-digit or two-digit number, then they should also be added, thereby bringing it to a prime number, which will be from one to nine. Thus, you can find out the number of the name. If we look at an example, it will look like this: Popov Evgeny Vladimirovich

(8+7+8+7+3 =33=6) (6+3+4+6+6+1+2 =28=10=1) (3+4+1+5+1+5+1 +9+7+3+1+7=56=5+6=11=2) . Total 6+1+2=9. So the number 9 is CHI.

In order to find out the number of life paths, then for this you need to add up the date of birth. If we look at an example, it will look like this: in the exemplary case, we indicate the date of birth 9.1. 2001. Next, you should add separately the day of the month, month and year. After that, the resulting numbers also need to be summed up and brought to a prime number. The calculations will look like this: (1+9=10=1+0=1) ; (0+1=1) ;(2+0+0+1=3) ; The result is 1+1+3=5; Where 5 would mean NZHP.

At the end of the calculations, in order to get the marriage number, you also need to sum up the CI and NZHP, in the example 9+5=14=1+4=5. Where 5 is the marriage number.

Having received this number, then with the help of an interpreter, you can find out the compatibility and nature of the relationship between a man and a woman.

Interpretation of the meanings of marriage numbers.

1- For women means dominance and power in the family. For men - devotion to work (career). 2- For women means family boredom. For men - care for family and loved ones. 3- For women, devotion, the creation of a family hearth. For men - entertainment. 4- For women, smoothing family conflicts. For men - equality in the family. 5- For women career, income, business. For men - carelessness. 6- For women means windiness, thoughtlessness. For men - comfort, family hearth. 7- For women, care, affection. For men - haste, unfinished business. 8- For women, jealousy, anxiety. For men - slyness, dishonesty. 9- For women, loyalty, love. For men, longing, sadness.

Finding out by date of birth about how many times you can get married is only unconfirmed information. There is an opinion that in order to answer such a question, you just need to add the number of the month and divide by two. But I would like to note that all the same sources are not time-tested and not proven. Therefore, before believing a mystic, one must also be prepared for the fact that hopes may not come true.

First of all, I would like to note that having learned the Number of marriage, one should not imply that this will mean that a person will marry so many times.

After all, it is not yet possible to determine the number of marriages by numerology. To do this, you should resort to other methods, such as palmistry or the like. But in this case, the decision will have to be made deliberately.
