How to apologize to a guy for what you said. Apology to boyfriend

It is not always the one who is guilty who asks for forgiveness. Forgiveness asks the one who values ​​the relationship.

Erich Maria Remarque

Golden words, nothing to add. Well, unless you just clarify one detail - how to do it right: ask for forgiveness from your beloved man, especially if you are very guilty before him? Yes, even if there were no special jambs, but you really value relationships, then here you need to wisely approach this issue.

How to ask for forgiveness

Just think about these words “ask for forgiveness” - this means that a person wants to simplify relations. One asks them to simplify, the other agrees. And if he does not forgive, then the relationship remains strained or even disappears.

What is the most important thing in an apology? Here are a few points:

    Intonation. No imperative tones, they say - I'm sorry, I said! And the last word is mine! Sincerity and regret for what you have done is what is most important in intonation. When you believe in yourself

    Emotions. Even facial expressions can say a lot for you. Sometimes the look of the Shrek cat also acts hypnotically on a man. But such comic eyes are good only for small quarrels.

    brevity. You should not utter words of apology if you have already been forgiven. Do not aggravate so that your pleas do not seem suspicious. Remember a very wise proverb:

You said - I believed, you repeated - I doubted, you began to insist, and I realized that you were lying.

Chinese proverb

If you managed to apologize correctly, then the quarrel will soon pass, the relationship will really be simplified, and everything will go its own smooth way again. Your mistake was a "rake" that does not need to be stepped on again. Otherwise, you may not be forgiven for secondary apologies.

How to apologize for an insult and resentment

Not only an action can “kill” a good attitude towards you, but also a harsh phrase. Is it possible to treat well those people who do not control their words, are sarcastic and cynical? Yes, they also want to bypass a mile away and not get involved in life!

Take it as a rule: tell insults: "No!". Throw all these "bastard", "goat", "bastard" out of your vocabulary. These words disfigure you first of all, and not the person you offend.

But it happens that the insult nevertheless flew in, but you can’t catch him like a sparrow. Men are very sensitive to words, sometimes even much stronger than women. If your boyfriend isn't used to being cross-abused, he may stop talking to you for a long time.

In this case, an apology should sound like lightning from you. As if you accidentally made a burp sound in front of him or, sorry, something else. For one word of insult against him, you should be incredibly ashamed and shameful!

What can be done?

    Ask for forgiveness and promise that this will not happen again in the future. And keep your word in the future.

    Turn everything into a joke: tape your mouth with tape, after promising that you won’t take it off until the guy forgives you.

    Calling and berating yourself is even worse. And what? Pride won't let you? But try to be in his skin "goat", "pig" and "ram". I do not like? That's the same.

But after an apology, if the relationship has already been simplified, praise should follow for some of his deeds. By doing this, you will make it clear to your boyfriend that you not only take your insults back, but also regret them - after all, in fact, your beloved is not what you called him, which greatly offended him.

How to apologize for cheating

The biggest mistake in a love relationship is cheating. But the biggest stupidity is the confession in it, if treason can remain a secret with seven seals. Therefore, if you have a question about how to confess to a guy in treason so that he forgives, then throw him out of your naive little head immediately. No, just forget about it.

But still - how to earn forgiveness from a guy if he found out about treason? This is very difficult, because sometimes you have to literally beg for it. Put yourself in his place - how would you behave if you knew that he was somersaulting in bed with some girl? Wow, scary to imagine! So, do you understand how much you messed up?

Shrek's cat's eyes are useless in this case, and scotch too, you close up at least all the organs with them. Here you need not only words of apology for your behavior, you also need to back them up with an act. Just don't think it will happen quickly. Let the guy recover, reflect on the situation and make a decision.

If your secret is revealed, and the guy is in shock, then you don’t need to look for reasons in his behavior: they say it’s his own fault, he didn’t devote much time to you. Admit your guilt immediately and tearfully ask for forgiveness. He leaves - no need to grab his leg and drag him along. He needs time.

Further, all your actions should be dosed and varied. Write him SMS, try to get through, be in his sight, for example, in one company. Just don’t overdo it so that he doesn’t have 100 unanswered calls and SMS on his phone, and he would run away at the sight of you.

How to write a guy to apologize for everything that happened? Write without originality, in your own words, that you are a fool, that you have committed a terrible act, that you regret it, and it will not happen again. Write that you love him very much and cannot imagine life without him. Let friends help you in reconciliation and try to bring you together again so that the guy quickly forgives the betrayal.

If your man's love is strong, and he feels complete remorse in you, he will be able to forgive you. But God forbid you repeat this accident! And if you repeat it, then blurt out about it. This article has some tips for that. Read it - it will be useful for you.

How to apologize for lying

Lying is a cross between an insult and a betrayal. That is, much worse than nasty words, but easier physical proximity with another man. You not only hid a secret from your loved one, you also came up with a ridiculous legend for this.

When the whole truth is revealed, then you somehow need to justify yourself, and even be able to ask the guy for forgiveness for lying. First! Only now the guy will also have to somehow believe in your words - are you lying again?

How to do it?

    Don't forget about intonation, emotion and brevity. Explain what prompted you to lie. Think together about where and when your “thread of trust” broke and how to get it back. By the way, you can read about this in the article.

    If the quarrel is trifling, then you can “hush up” it beautifully and in an original way. For example, you hid from a man the real price of your purchase from the general treasury. Everything will be used here - the eyes of a cat, and comic SMS, and “mur-mur-mur”, and “sorry-sorry-sorry” with kisses. He will freak out - he will leave.

    Back up your apology with action. Hid the price - buy the guy the gift he wanted. She lied that she was at work, but she herself went to a restaurant with a girlfriend - give the man “freedom” for the whole weekend. In general, try to rehabilitate yourself in front of the guy for your lies by mutual settlement, and the offense will go away.

    Sex is also original way apologize. In most cases, through sex, the guy forgives his girlfriend. Only if his offense is not connected with jealousy and betrayal. Well, you lied about some trifles, well, you messed up, well, you are guilty, well, you repented, so let the man also relax! You will try hard, and be sure that the conflict is settled.

How to apologize for jealousy

Sometimes a woman herself becomes unbearable because of her character, and baseless jealousy is generally a bad habit. If you yourself are to blame for making a scandal from scratch without facts and evidence, then you are the first to have to apologize for your unbridled jealousy.

How to apologize to an ex boyfriend

Is it necessary? Achieving forgiveness from a man you have abandoned is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. You can only do this to ease your heart, but it's not certain that your ex will accept this apology.

Yes, you can finally pour out your soul to him or just write an SMS with the words of apology. But that's all. You still don't need his answer, because you're going on your way. In general, there are valuable thoughts on this subject in the article.

Finally, an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the superpower to "read" men. Like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man - and you immediately know everything about him and understand what is on his mind. You would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to your problem - you would not have any relationship problems at all.

Who said it's impossible? Of course, you won’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate of psychological sciences, and her methodology has helped many girls feel loved and receive gifts, attention and care.

If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for our website visitors.

Very often, guided by emotions, we do not notice how we hurt loved ones, just one word spoken in a fit of anger can hit much harder than we wanted. Undoubtedly, emotions play a huge role in Everyday life but sometimes, it is thanks to them that conflicts occur. Often, after a certain time, the ardor subsides, the mood improves, but the relationship with your soul mate only worsened.

There is only one way to correct a mistake - an apology. But it’s not enough just to admit one’s guilt, it is important to correctly bring words of regret so that they are heard and accepted.

Apologizing to a guy in your own words

In general, there are an infinite number of reasons for quarrels, it can be banal, petty disputes over trifles, or there can be much more serious reasons, for example, treason. This means that you need to approach the moment of apology in different ways, and yet there are basic rules that are suitable for any conditions.

  1. As a rule, in a quarrel between a man and a woman, it is extremely rare that the fault lies with one partner, and therefore admitting that you are wrong is the first step towards correcting the situation. Therefore, when deciding to apologize, you should not generalize, for example, “if we ...” or “it’s you ...”, and so on, focus on your mistakes: “I could not restrain myself ...” or “my fault ...”.
  2. Certainly, your young man must see your remorse. Show that you are really upset and everyone accessible ways ready to fix the situation. Words must be sincere, a man should not have a shadow of doubt that everything said comes from the depths of his heart, and repentance is genuine.
  3. In order for everything you say to reach the interlocutor correctly, choose the right environment, if possible, prepare in advance. The necessary atmosphere will give a deeper meaning to your words, which means mutual understanding will be achieved faster.

The question that worries the overwhelming number of girls - in general, is it worth asking for forgiveness from your beloved guy? Certainly - yes! Although the words of apology are very hard to come by, it is a necessary condition for the development of a warm, lasting relationship. In addition, they will present you as a responsible and fair person, and young man it will be clear that you value the relationship.

Another very important point- not a single man will appreciate and even more so will not believe in your words if you ask for forgiveness via SMS or in a letter. Of course, there are situations in life when it is simply not possible to talk in person, but still “live communication” is many times better and more practical.

Words of forgiveness in prose

Honey, I'm infinitely ashamed of my behavior! I'm sorry that in a fit of feelings I said a lot of superfluous things. I understand that I can no longer take everything I said back, but let me try to fix everything. Every word spoken in anger did not come from the heart, it is now shrinking from the pain that it brought you. Darling, let's try to forget this stupid moment and enjoy each other as before. I promise that I will do my best to avoid similar situations in the future.

Never before have I felt so alone and broken. I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, but I can’t forget my sleep, but if you knew how unpleasant it is to look at yourself in the mirror. It feels like every word I said to you is tearing me to pieces. I can’t imagine how hard it is for you, my love, forgive me, forgive every word, every gesture that offended you. Let's no longer quarrel, but only love.

Every day I thank the Universe for the opportunity to hug you, cling to your strong body, hold a courageous hand. If you disappear from my life, it will only gain gray colors. I hate myself for everything I said to you, but I hope you know that this is not my opinion, but only stupid words. Sorry dear.

Today, despite the weather outside the window, the sky is crying in my soul, because you have become more than just a person for me. Having become my universe, you subordinated my whole world to your laws, I am unable to fight the gravity of your charm and charm. The reason for our quarrel is insignificant, in comparison with the feelings for you, accepting all my wrong, I promise to try to avoid in the future, a repetition of such a situation. Love you.

Love of my life, I don't know what touching words will help melt the ice of misunderstanding between us. Well, why, one stupid word, said in anger, should separate us?! Without trying to make excuses for everything said, I can say that I am extremely sorry. Please listen to your inner voice, look back at how wonderful everything was with us. Is it possible that a small quarrel can destroy huge world which we built on mutual understanding and trust?! Let's just forget. And instead of resentment, in spite of all the obstacles, let's build another bridge that connects our hearts.

I apologize, beloved, for all the bad things that I did to you - for every thoughtless word thrown during a dispute, for every action committed out of spite. Now I understand how stupid I looked, how naive were my attempts to prove something. Let's make up and try not to quarrel anymore.

I'm sorry! Kitten, these short words, I put all my grief and regret from realizing how hard it was for you to listen to me. I beg you to take a step forward, discarding all resentment against me. You know how important it is to me, like air, I'm suffocating without your presence and approval, come back and everything will be fine with us.

My boy, waking up today without you, I realized how hopelessly self-confident and stupid I was. I want to ask - will you give me one more chance, to return everything to its original place? If yes, then for my part I promise to reconsider my opinion on many issues. The thing is, I love you baby.

After our quarrel, for a moment it seemed to me that the heavens collapsed, burying everything that brought us so close. Just imagine how much I love you, if a small quarrel produced a similar effect in me! But still, I do not stop believing that everything will get better, and we will remember this situation with a smile, after many years. Sorry kitty.

(name), all the time that we are apart, because of a stupid quarrel, I can’t find a place for myself. We have put so much effort into building ideal relationship and suddenly overnight, we can lose everything. Just the thought of it can bring the most persistent person to tears, break the strongest one. Of course, I'm guilty, but I'm ready to fix everything and move on, my good.

You are the strongest and smartest guy in the world! Can't you forgive your little girl?! After all, heaven allowed us to meet, so that you would instruct me like a child, teach me how to cope with difficulties, support my hand so that I would not fall. How to be without you, in a world full of evil and temptations? Who, if not you, will help you go through life without getting dirty?! I believe that you, like the wise Solomon, will make the only right decision, because I completely trust you. I'm sorry my love.

My favorite person in the world, please don't be angry. Your indifference is killing me, I can neither breathe nor live. If you could look into the depths of my heart, you would certainly see a sea filled with the water of regret. Really, I'm sorry, sorry honey.

Baby, I took an insanely long time to select some beautiful words, for its justification, tried to justify itself in their and your eyes. But nothing happened, I understand that it is extremely stupid to look for a reason, you just have to accept the whole truth. And the truth is, I was wrong. I can only hope for your generosity, because you are a man, a man of my whole life.

(name of a loved one), it's time to talk seriously. After all, we both understand perfectly well that this cannot continue. Imagine, everything that we have been building for so long and hard is on the verge of destruction. After analyzing my behavior and everything I said, I can say that I was wrong in many ways, and now I sincerely apologize. I hope for you, beloved, for your understanding, for unlimited patience. Sorry.

Lately, it seems to me that I am among huge snowdrifts and eternal ice, and the reason for everything is our quarrel. At first it seemed to me petty, even insignificant, but after cooling down a bit and thinking about it, I was horrified! Horror, how she could say so many stupid things, how smart she was to commit such actions. I am even ashamed, despite the depth of our relationship, for everything that has been done. It remains only to forgive you, to forgive me.

Kitten, what if we just forget about everything that happened and start writing the history of our relationship from a new, still unsoiled sheet.

My little one, I am very sorry that we cannot meet and discuss the current situation. But I will wait for you very much, remember my love.

Now, after some time, it is absolutely clear to me that I was wildly wrong when I threw stupid, unfounded accusations in your face. It's all because of my love for you, I was scared that I could lose you and that's why I made such a scandal. Now I am terribly ashamed and I apologize for him, but it turned out even worse. Dear forgive me, just madly in love, it is very difficult to restrain emotions.

Today, preparing for the conversation, I tried to find among the classics how they asked for forgiveness from their loved ones. I read a lot of things, but nothing caught my soul, so I decided - come what may, I will say in my own words. But now, being alone with you, there are simply no words. I want to cry like a little girl who has done a little wrong to her parents. Forgive your girl, take, as before, by the hand and kiss.

Remember girls - for that. For the chosen one to understand and forgive you, the main thing is to be sincere. But in addition to apologies, it is necessary to give an explanation for your words and actions. Also show your regret for what you have done and your willingness to change for the better.

Of course, when it comes to betrayal, everything is somewhat more complicated, but with the right approach and choice of words, you can correctly describe the reason for the act.

Of course, you can read Yesenin's poems by heart or read Tatyana's monologue, but all this will not produce the proper effect, since these are the words of outsiders, albeit famous people. But if you formulate the situation in your own words, focus on mistakes and show your vision of a way out of the current situation, we assure you, you will certainly be heard.

From time to time, each of us has quarrels and conflicts with others. Well, if they do not affect the relationship. But sometimes it happens that misunderstanding or resentment leads to a break. To prevent this from happening, you need to apologize, to atone for your guilt by deed.

This is where difficulties arise if the girl herself offended the guy. There is a fear of being ridiculed, rejected, humiliated. What is the best way to apologize to a man correctly, and is it necessary to do this in principle? Find out about women's life hacks that are guaranteed to return the favor of a loved one.

How can you apologize to a man?

It seems that it is difficult to say the usual "I'm sorry." But in reality, not all girls dare to plead guilty, even if the situation is petty, everyday. Pride interferes, the insults caused by a man are remembered, or do you think, what if it will work like that? And if the matter is serious, for example, treason or a lie, you will have to repent of all sins at all, and it is not known which side it will come out in the future. There are thousands of answers.

But in fact ... any man feels when a woman hides something or treats him superficially and lightly. It is the attitude, not the act itself, that hurts the most. If a man is dear, it will be right to remain honest with him. Do you feel like you did something wrong?

Say, "I'm sorry. I can be unbearable, but I love you very much. Think about his feelings. In this case, it is not necessary to reveal all the cards. If you have done something serious, the truth can hurt a lot. In most cases, it is enough to express regret about what happened and assurances of love.

How to apologize and when to do it

Many of the fair sex are interested in when it is better to ask for forgiveness from a guy so that it is not too late. If the offense is not too serious, then you should apologize immediately. A long wait in this case will make the man doubt your feelings, he will think that you consider your behavior to be normal and will continue to do so in the future. In other words, he can wind himself up.

If you quarreled on a grand scale, then it is better to postpone the conversation with an apology. Surely at first the guy will be very angry and can rashly say too much. In this case, you can apologize touching sms. After a day or two, when emotions subside, you should meet and talk heart to heart. It is important to pay attention to some details.

Suitable environment

The place where the conversation will take place with a man is of no small importance. Many do not even realize how much the environment affects the train of thought and decision making. If a person feels uncomfortable, he stops delving into the essence of your words, does not penetrate, but strives to quickly end the dialogue and leave.

And vice versa, if there is cosiness and comfort around, it is warm, smells good and nothing distracts, you don’t want to leave this place. Therefore, when trying to apologize for something serious, try to create an environment that will relax and arrange the guy. For example, it's good to talk:

Avoid talking in a hurry, in front of other people, his friends or your parents. Remember that a quarrel is a matter of only two people.

In your own words

It's natural to get nervous before a serious conversation. However, excessive excitement can lead to stupor. At the most crucial moment, all the necessary words can fly out of your head, especially if they do not come from the heart. Therefore, you need to prepare for a conversation with a man. Try to put yourself in the place of the offended. What does he feel now? How can you soften his heart? Feel the situation. Now sit down and write a letter.

When the time comes for a conversation, try to say everything that you wrote looking into your eyes. If for some reason this cannot be done, give the guy a written letter. Just do not try to copy text on the Internet. Exposing plagiarism is easy. If the words are not yours, the guy may suspect insincerity. Better a slightly clumsy, clumsy apology, but your own, from the heart, than a beautiful, but copied work.

Words of apology in SMS

The apology SMS option should be considered as an additional one or used when the conflict is insignificant. In the first case, a short message will show the guy that you repent of your act, but have not yet decided to talk openly. In the second case, the text message will be a sign that you are bored and want positive communication, and the quarrel occurred due to a common misunderstanding.

So, what can you write to a guy if you are at fault:

  1. “Let's forget all the insults, so as not to lose love. Let's just start all over again, because kissing is much more pleasant than swearing and blaming!
  2. “Let's make up soon, tea has boiled in the kitchen for a long time. Let's have a drink, eat a candy and quickly go to bed!
  3. “I am so ashamed of having offended you. I am very worried and I hope that you will forgive me"
  4. My hedgehog is prickly, stop snorting.

Even if it hurts, I want to hug you.

All in injections, wounds, I will snuggle up to you,

I ask for forgiveness in an affectionate prayer.

Hurry, my love, hide your thorns,

If at least a little sorry for my hands "

  1. “The cutest, most faithful, I acted like a bitch. I don’t know what I found, I eat myself! Let's make it up?"
  2. “I love you and miss you. I don't know how to live without you. I'm sending a text message, I promise to fix everything "

Most importantly, try not to dramatize the events. The girls love it, but the boys don't. Try, on the contrary, to approach the problem with a bit of humor. Good mood- recipe for success.

What not to do during an apology

Many girls and women make the same mistakes. And instead of the cherished forgiveness, they get a break in relations or fall into submission to a man, endure jokes, humiliation and insults. To prevent this from happening, take note of a few rules:

And of course, you should not rush the guy. Give him time to think about the situation and your words. He has every right to do so.

Apologizing and making excuses are two different things.

Some people don't understand the difference between asking for an apology and trying to justify themselves. To apologize means to admit one's fault, without any amendments and buts. To justify is to find an excuse. For example: “Yes, I lied to you, but just because I was afraid of your reaction, you are sometimes very harsh.” If you want to be forgiven, and the relationship improved as soon as possible, you need to apologize without amendments. You can explain your behavior later. For example: “Sometimes you overreact, I get scared to talk about something. Can you be more restrained? I think it will benefit our relationship."

Apologize to your husband to improve relations in the family

A successful marriage is one where both are willing to compromise for the sake of good relations. Sometimes the wife has to take the lead, apologize and try to strengthen the union. For the result to be positive, try not only to ask for forgiveness, but also to renew your relationship:

Use your imagination, you know your husband like no other. Surely there is a loophole that will help win his favor, return love and understanding to the relationship.

Is it worth it to apologize to a man at all

Men like proud women who value and respect themselves. But does this mean that they do not need to apologize? No. If the offense inflicted is serious, then even the strongest love and admiration will not help. Rather, on the contrary, love will turn into hatred and a desire for revenge.

Therefore, if you are really wrong, it is better to confess. But do not forget about female charms. Come to the meeting dizzyingly beautiful, attractive. A man should look at you and understand that this cannot be lost.

Being able to ask for forgiveness is an important social skill that is necessary for deep harmonious relationships. It is good if a woman can admit that she is right calmly, without tears and tantrums. Why? Yes, because it is a woman who asks emotional background. Men are aware of this. A comparison can be made with the wind. Women can light a fire or put it out, it all depends on her skills.

As for tips on how to build a conversation, they apply to absolutely any request for forgiveness. Be sincere, make eye contact, speak in a calm voice. You can hug a man or take his hand. Think at this moment a little more about him than about yourself.

In conclusion, you can justify yourself to the guy, explain your act good reason but he will never forgive you. This is also the ability to forgive and forget insults. Not all people are capable of this. Take the man's decision for granted and don't beat yourself up if the answer isn't what you wanted. Your person will always understand and find the strength to forgive.

Lada, Moscow

It is always difficult, and when you have to apologize to your loved one, who is dear to you and whom you love, it is ten times more difficult.

Today we will not consider the case when it is enough just to say: "I'm sorry." This often happens if you accidentally push someone or step on your foot, but if your words and behavior inflicted severe emotional wounds and went through the heart of your loved one with a sharp blade, a simple “sorry” is no longer enough.

It is very difficult to ask for forgiveness, looking into the eyes. Because of the excitement, thoughts go astray, it is impossible to speak clearly and express your feelings. There is another obstacle - he may not want to meet with you and not want to listen to you. Therefore, there is only one thing left - to write an apology letter.
Words are a double-edged sword. Not realizing this, many use the same words to apologize that caused the pain!
An apology letter meant for your boyfriend isn't easy to write because you can't afford to lose your loved one. Usually, it is difficult to find the right words and in the end, everything that can be written comes down to one phrase - “I'm sorry”, only written with a large number words and sentences, often chaotic and inconsistent.

In the heat of the moment, you can say things that can destroy your relationship and leave permanent scars on the heart of a loved one. What is the use of the fact that in fact you do not think so, as everyone said it. "The word is not a sparrow ..." and no explanations work anymore, it is useless to make excuses. After such an incident, there comes a moment when there is nothing left but to write a letter of apology. This is exactly what I'm going to help you with.

How to write an apology letter to your boyfriend

Remember, now we are proceeding from the fact that you want to return the guy, and not to prove your case.

Before I get straight into the text of the letter, I will give you some very important tips that you should definitely take into account before you start writing a letter. If you do not take into account these tips, you will not succeed, i.e. - You won't get it back.

  • Start writing the letter as soon as possible before he starts thinking you don't care.
  • Admit your mistake and your guilt, even if you think it's only partly your fault and partly your fault. And in no case do not write about it - because now is the wrong time for mutual accusations, especially if it is important for you to maintain a relationship with a guy at all costs.
  • No need to write too briefly or fill the entire sheet with one word "sorry" 10 pieces in each line and end the letter with that!
  • Don't mention past fights and hurt feelings, as this can only make the situation worse.
  • Let him know that he really means a lot to you, and your act was a ridiculous accident, because you just lost control of yourself.
  • Many believe that a person in anger says what is on his mind. Your boyfriend may feel the same way, so it's important that he understands that this is not the case and that you really love him.
  • Most importantly, write a letter from the heart. Do not write just for the sake of a beautiful written form of expressing your thoughts.
  • There is no point in "crying over a broken vase", so do not speak, analyze or "suck" the incident itself because of which it all happened.
  • If possible, write a letter by hand, this will allow each of your words to be more personal. You can even use paper dyed in his favorite color (or pen ink). It may look naive and childish, but don't you want to return it by hook or by crook?

An example of a letter of apology from a girl to a guy

This sample letter is based on the most common situation - a jealous outburst! When the sense of ownership is limited to sighs and frowns, then this is still tolerable. But if jealousy overflows and spills out in the form of words, insults and unacceptable behavior, this is already beyond the scope and can cause a major quarrel. The following letter is based on one such incident.

My beloved ________, I am sorry from the bottom of my heart because of my terrible act last night. It was entirely my mistake and my fault, please give me just one chance to explain myself and read this letter to the end.

I love you very much, and the only thing I live for is our relationship with you and your love, which protects me and allows me to feel protected. Yesterday I was in seventh heaven until Tanya appeared. Before that, I didn’t know anything about her existence and had absolutely no idea that you had nothing to do with her except friendship!

When I saw you look at her, I ignored it at first, but you looked again and again. In your eyes, it seemed to me that you had some kind of feeling for her, and I was furious!

I'm very hot-tempered, you know that well. At that moment, everything inside me turned upside down, emotions raged, I lost control of myself and could not think soberly and rationally. All I saw was that you look at her and stop noticing me!

I know that I did not want to hear you out right away, but I was still in a state of emotional shock and therefore could not perceive your words normally at all. And then, later, when you called after I ran away, I know that I should have at least given you the opportunity to explain everything, and not turn off the phone.

Yesterday, when I saw Tanya, it seemed to me that I was losing you forever. I was scared, because I don’t want to lose you and I’m very afraid of it. There was a feeling that I would now fall into the abyss, and everything would come to an end. You mean so much to me, you gave me everything - happiness, love and so much more ... much more than I deserve.

I have nothing against your friendship with Tanya. I really didn't know you were just Good friends. You know I've always been good to your friends, boys and girls alike. But I really don't understand what came over me yesterday, and why I behaved so horribly, even though it does not justify what I did.

Please forgive me, I promise this will never happen again. And yet, I beg you to convey my sincere apologies to Tanya. I hope she will forgive me. I really will always be glad to see her.

Forgive me my love!

Forever Yours ____________.

Here is how it should look like. It is not necessary to adhere to the text "letter for letter". I will even say in another way - be sure not to adhere. Your boyfriend should see and feel that it was you who wrote the letter, with your characteristic turns of speech and phrases. Only then will he believe in your sincerity.

You can also add quotes (no more than one or two) or even photos of your happiest moments. With this, too, try not to overdo it, so as not to distract from the text. One small photo - no more!

There are a million ways to apologize, but a handwritten apology works best. I hope this article will help you restore your relationship.

FROM THE AUTHOR: My responses in the comments are the opinion of a private individual, and not the recommendation of a specialist. I try to answer everyone without exception, but unfortunately I physically do not have time to study long stories, analyze them, ask questions about them and then answer in detail, and I also do not have the opportunity to accompany your situations, because this requires great amount Free time, and I have very little of it.

In this regard, I kindly ask you to ask specific questions on the topic of the article, do not expect that I will advise in the comments or accompany your situation.

Of course, you can ignore my request (which many do), but in this case, be prepared for the fact that I may not answer you. This is not a matter of principle, but exclusively of time and my physical capabilities. Don't be offended.

If you want to receive qualified assistance, please contact me for advice, and I will devote my time and knowledge to you with full dedication.

With respect and hope for understanding, Frederica

Article content:

There are times in life when loving people somehow offend each other. After a quarrel, you really want to turn back time and restrain your emotions, do things differently. But, unfortunately, time is not subject to us and we cannot change anything. What is said is said, actions are also irreversible. Now you need to think everything over, solve the problem and move on with your life.

To live without unnecessary memories, you need to learn to ask for forgiveness. And most importantly, you first need to forgive yourself. Otherwise, remorse will not allow you to be happy, thoughts about the past will constantly return to your head.

There are no perfect people in the world and we all make a lot of mistakes. The main thing is not to exaggerate your guilt and not to remain in the past. We need to correct the situation, find a constructive solution and move on.

Forgiveness is an essential element of any relationship. The ability to forgive makes a person happy. It happens that resentment has dug into the heart so deeply that it is very, very difficult to forgive. It would seem that one side did everything to atone for its guilt, but the beloved still cannot calm down.

The fact is that each person is individual and requires special approach. Forming as a person, the child acquires certain attitudes of relationships. He watches how his family asks for forgiveness, apologizes at school, friends make up in the yard. All this together forms a general idea of ​​forgiveness.

Doctor of Philosophy G. Champen in his book described five languages ​​in which people ask for forgiveness. These are specific patterns of behavior that must be followed in order to receive the forgiveness of your loved one.

I regret

Regret is a very important step in renewing a relationship. Regretting his act, a person admits that he was wrong. Ashamed of your mistake, you realize that you hurt your loved one. It is very important that regret be sincere and real. Gestures, touches, and glances help to express one's regret more convincingly.

I was wrong

It is very important to realize your guilt and admit your own wrong. Thus, you convince your partner that you made a mistake, but take full responsibility for yourself. Not all people have the ability to admit their mistakes. For some, this is very difficult, it seems to them that admitting guilt, they humiliate themselves in front of a person. This skill comes with time, when a person overcomes selfishness and shows maturity of character.

I will fix everything

In order to build relationships sooner, sometimes it's good to make amends. Beloved Scorpio, Aquarius or Taurus will be pleased to see your sincerity and remorse. Which method to choose, you need to decide based on the characteristics of your half. It can be a gift, a delicious dinner, a romantic walk, a surprise, a touch, or nice words. The main thing is to make a person feel that he is still loved.

I repent for what I did

Sometimes there are so difficult situations that a simple regret is not enough for a person. He wants to see something deeper and more spiritual. In this case, it's time to repent of your sins. You need not just to apologize, but to show that you truly regret what you have done and are ready to fix everything. Repentance helps to cleanse the soul and start living differently, avoiding misunderstanding or even parting.

I need your forgiveness

There is a type of people who want to see you want their forgiveness. When a woman shows her beloved that forgiveness is very important to her, he understands the sincerity and purity of apology. But it is important to ask, not demand forgiveness. 'Cause it's first and foremost, a choice offended person forgive or not.

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Orthodox calendar

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 (April 25, O.S.)
Week 2 after Easter
Apostle and Evangelist Mark (63)
Saints' Day:
Rev. Sylvester Obnorsky (1379). Rev. Vasily Polyanomerulsky (1767) (Rom.).
Memorial Day of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Shmch. Sergius Rokhletsov presbyter (1938).
Day of veneration of the icons of the Mother of God:
Tsaregradskaya Icon of the Mother of God (1071).
Lent day.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
In lit.: -Ap.: Acts 4:13-22 Ev.: John 5:17-24
Morning: - Ps.70-76; Ps.77-84; Ps.85-90 For eternity: - Ps.119-133
