Test drive: three types of slim massage. What is more efficient? Slim massage: reviews, technique, results

Every woman dreams of being slim!
And he asks himself - how to do it?

You can talk and write a lot about cosmetic preparations for weight loss and reducing the appearance of cellulite, but every client and master understands that without an appropriate massage in the salon by an experienced and competent specialist, the result can be achieved very, very soon.
If we want to get a quick result, we want the skin to tighten, change the relief, and the figure change the contours, then we need a deep massage aimed at working with the muscles, with the lymphatic system and of course with the subcutaneous fat layer.
Often, the possession of one technique of modeling massage is not sufficient to obtain a pronounced lasting result. Moreover, the skill of a figure correction specialist is determined by his ability to navigate the methods and select an individual program that is optimal in terms of efficiency for each client. Without a doubt, there are more than a dozen methods working in this direction on the beauty market now. Diet therapy, mesotherapy and hardware cosmetology are widely used, however, they are still effective and in demand in figure modeling programs. various techniques manual massage.
MegaSPA International School offers several programs for weight loss and body shaping, each of which includes the original technique of manual massage and has its own characteristics and advantages:

  • ThaiSLIM-massage- vibration technique, sharp "torn" style of execution, it is recommended to use a cream with a high concentration of phytocomponents;
  • forming technique A. Ermolaeva - a combination of fitness and massage, work on statically tense muscles;
  • stone modeling massage- a combination of deep massage with hot stones with cryotherapy with cold stones of negative temperatures;
  • elier therapy - modeling massage with deep strong kneading, accompanied by thin-layer applications of highly organic mud, wrapping and gradual compression bandaging.

Thai slim massage(SLIM - translated from English slender, thin, thin) is one of the most unusual and effective techniques that allows using original techniques to make a massage strong, deep, and at the same time not traumatic. Thai SLIM is a traditional Thai cream massage with intensive and deep tissue work that improves blood circulation in adipose tissue and stimulates muscles using an unusual vibration-kneading technique. As an additional effect, it also strengthens the skin, relieves swelling and promotes the elimination of toxins. Waist and hip measurements before and after the procedure show amazing results: volume reduction from 2 to 5 cm and buttocks lifting by 2-4 cm.
Indications for holdingSLIM-massage:

  • Cellulite.
  • Overweight.
  • Puffiness.
  • Atonic skin.
  • Need for body shaping.

The duration of the procedure is 1-2 hours, provided that each problem area is worked out for 15-20 minutes. The pace of the massage is fast, the pressure force is above average.
The massage is done on a cream with a small addition of warm water.
The client is in the prone position, arms raised to the head.

Back and buttocks massage
1. Circular stroking and rubbing movements on the dry surface of the skin in the lumbosacral region.
2. Long and short multidirectional rubbing and twisting movements across the back over the cream. photo 1.

  • The thumbs are abducted 180º, the palms are located as close to each other as possible.
  • joints thumbs. photo 2.

3. Long rubbing movements with both hands simultaneously across the back with tissue displacement.
4. Alternate successive pulling and rolling movements along the lateral surface of the back towards the spine. photo 3.

5. Twisting movements along the buttocks and waist.

  • The movements are short, with constant holding and grinding of the skin-muscle fold.
  • Twisting the fold with a sharp separation of the hands.

6. Successive fan-shaped movements up the buttock and waist.

  • Circular movements with fingers with fixation of the palm.
  • Twisting fist movements.
  • Alternate fan-shaped quick movements with fingers with a breakdown.

7. Consistent fan-shaped and fastening multidirectional movements along the waist and buttocks.

8. Push-ups with crossed arms with a sharp reverse breakdown. photo 5.

9. Strong tapping with fingers - "Thai chop." photo 6.

10. Fast plucking alternating movements with all fingers with a sharp separation of the hands.
11. Stretching movement of the palms along the waist to the sacrum with a sharp separation of the hands and a clap over the back.
12. Smoothing.

Massage of the back of the right leg
1. Stroking with two palms on the cream along the midline of the thigh.

  • The fingers then form a lock. photo 7.

2. Alternate sequential push-ups along, along all surfaces of the thigh.
3. Multidirectional rubbing along the thigh and buttocks. photo 8.

  • The bases of the palms and the rear of the bent phalanges.

4. On the outer and inner side of the thigh, a consistent transverse pull-up movement.

  • The thumb is pressed to the palm.
  • Pulling up with all fingers, but the thumbs are fixed in one place.
  • Quick movements along the gluteal crease with the thumbs. photo 9.

5. Twisting with palms, thumb retracted 90°.

6. Successive fan-shaped movements up the buttock.

7. Alternate fan-shaped movements with fingers.

  • Open palms, then one palm is open, the second - "cup".

8. Quick pinching alternating movements of the fingers on the thigh and buttocks. photo 13.

9. Tapping fingers "Thai chop."
10. Stimulating multidirectional movements along the outer and inner surfaces.

  • Across the thigh, then along the thigh.

12. Stretching movement with two palms simultaneously from under the leg, with a sharp break and a clap above the leg.
13. Smoothing.
Massage the left leg in the same technique.

Hand massage
The technique of massage movements is the same as for foot massage. At the same time, the shoulder girdle and the lateral surface of the back at the shoulder blades are massaged.

Flip the client face up.

belly massage
The position of the hands is at the top, behind the head.
1. Circular movements without cream and on cream with one hand, then with two hands alternately and simultaneously.
2. Long and short twisting movements across the abdomen with the knuckles of the thumbs.
3. Simultaneous rubbing movements with two palms across the abdomen. photo 14.

4. Transverse sequential pull-up movements along the lateral surface of the abdomen.

    • Movements are performed with all palms, with thumbs pressed.
    • The thumbs are fixed in place, the movement is carried out by the remaining fingers.

5. Twisting movements.

6. Consistently fan-shaped movement with roundabout fingers. photo 16.

  • Fingers with palm fixation.
  • Quick movements with fingers with a break, without fixing the palm.

7. Alternate fan-shaped lashing movement, all over the abdomen. photo 17.

  • Up and along the abdomen with your fingers.
  • At the waist, the direction of movement towards the middle of the abdomen with folded fingers.

8. Twisting along the front surface of the abdomen with a cross of arms and a reverse sharp separation of the fingers. photo 18.

10. Alternate pinching movements.
11. Pulling movement from under the waist with two palms on both sides with a sharp break, and cotton over the stomach.
12. Smoothing.

Massage of the anterior surface of the right and left legs
Massage movements are the same as on the back of the legs.
The leg is given various positions: bending the leg at the knee and hip joints while working out the inner surface of the thigh.

Hand massage
The arm is bent at the elbow joint, the palm is behind the head, the hand is held by the master's thigh. At the same time, the back side of the shoulder is well worked out, then the hand is pressed to the middle of the abdomen, to work out the inner surface of the shoulder and the décolleté area.

Today, salons offer their customers a very large selection of procedures for weight loss. Among them great amount variety of massages. Naturally, only massage for effective weight loss will not be enough, but with the right combination of it with diets and sports exercises, you can achieve desired results, and within a relatively short period of time.

One of the ancient and time-tested techniques is Thai slim massage.

Slim massage is a procedure that quickly became popular after it appeared in modern beauty salons. More than two thousand years ago, Thai massage was successfully used to treat Indian royalty. In combination with it, Thai traditional medicine was used. The time-tested experience has not been fully preserved, since part of the knowledge was lost due to the lack of writing at that time, but all the secrets of health and weight loss have come down to our times since 1277.

Today successfully exists a large number of therapeutic areas that have Thai roots, including the slim massage mentioned above. It is used to get rid of cellulite, excess weight, just preventive maintenance of overall tone and improve metabolism. Naturally, the results will appear only if you combine massage with sports activities and proper nutrition. Alas, overeating and a passive lifestyle do not contribute to weight loss.

Thai slim massage favorably differs from others in that after it there are no bruises, as, for example, after anti-cellulite massage, and the skin does not sag after losing weight. Elasticity is not lost, but on the contrary, skin turgor increases even more. To double the effect of slim massage, it is recommended to visit a Thai bath beforehand.

Despite the huge number of advantages, Thai massage there is a list of contraindications: pregnancy, vascular disease, menstruation, kidney and heart diseases, the presence of surgical operations on problem areas that will be actively massaged by the master.

Slim massage technique

A distinctive feature of Thai slim massage is that the master works with individual problem areas of the client by intensively rubbing oil into them. The procedure will require patience from the client, but the result will not leave you indifferent. The effect is comparable to visiting a reinforced sports training. The next day, healthy pain and relaxation are felt in the muscles, i.e. krepatura. Slim massage therapists can work with the whole body as a whole, as well as with individual problem areas - the abdomen, hips, arms, etc.

The secret of the effectiveness of Thai slim massage is a special oil. It contains a rich complex of herbs, including harcenia pollen, red capsicum and gingko biloba. The cream actively improves the lymphatic drainage effect and takes care of the skin condition, increases its turgor and nourishes it.

Slim massage is a rather complicated procedure that requires not only good physical preparation of the master, but also the proper level of professionalism. Therein lies the difficulty when you want to find a qualified professional with all the proper paperwork. If you come to a massage therapist who has not taken specialized courses, then you risk not only wasting money, but also harming your health.

Many fear that from visiting the procedure in Russian salons, there will either be no effect at all, or it will be minimal. What can I say, we can only choose proven salons, better with real massage therapists from Thailand and hope that the technique of performing traditional slim massage is in their blood.

Modern clinics and beauty salons vying with each other offer the most different programs figure correction. Combined with proper nutrition and moderate exercise yields incredible results. According to statistics, the most popular way to quickly reduce the volume of problem areas is Thai slim massage, reviews of satisfied customers are a clear confirmation of this. Oriental medicine has absorbed the centuries-old experience of healers in India, China, Thailand and other eastern countries. Today, there is a clear trend towards an increase in the popularity of destinations with "Thai roots", among which is slim massage for weight loss. At the Amrita clinic in Moscow, we offer the most different types Thai massage, including slim massage.

Prices for Thai slim massage

Advantages of Thai slim massage

It is believed that the effect achieved after a course of procedures is quite stable, and the risk of weight gain is almost zero. However, there is one “but”: this statement is true only if after the course the principles of proper nutrition and adequate physical activity. Unlike traditional types of massage, the skin with the slim technique does not sag and does not look flabby. To enhance the effect of the procedures, before a session of slim-massage, it is advisable to visit a Thai herbal bath. The basis of this procedure is a deep study of the muscles and subcutaneous fatty tissue. A unique technique allows you to adjust the figure in the most problematic areas - in the waist, hips, buttocks and abdomen; normalizes lipid metabolism, improves blood circulation, promotes the elimination of toxins. After just a few sessions, the manifestations of cellulite disappear or are significantly reduced, and the skin becomes more elastic and firm. Thai slim massage for weight loss - great alternative traditional hardware anti-cellulite massage. For slim weight loss in Thai, creams containing capsaicin are used - a substance obtained from red hot pepper. Possessing a powerful warming effect, it helps to increase the efficiency of physical impact on the fat layer and accelerate metabolic processes. How Numerous testimonials testify slim massage - the most the right way make the figure perfect, without the use of surgical techniques and medicines, while the risk of re-gaining weight is practically absent. Usually, in order to achieve a stable desired result, it is recommended to take a course of 15-20 sessions with a frequency of 2-3 times a week. In the future, it is desirable to attend a massage session for preventive purposes (once a month). According to customer reviews, after the first sessions of slim massage, the following effects appear:
  • reduced manifestations of cellulite;
  • edema disappears;
  • rises muscle tone;
  • the condition of the skin improves;
  • waist and hips are reduced by 2-3 cm.
Thai slim massage involves a fairly intense physical impact, so there are a number of contraindications:
  • young age (up to 18 years);
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • any infectious diseases;
  • oncology;
  • a large number of moles and skin formations.

Slim massage technique

Execution technique Thai slim massage has its own characteristics: for 1-1.5 hours, the massage therapist intensively works with problem areas, carefully rubbing oil into them. Products (creams, ointments, oils) for slim massage contain extracts of exotic plants (gingko biloba, garcia, etc.). The procedure can be painful, but it is worth patience, and the result will not be long in coming. Slim massage, according to customer reviews, is comparable to the state after intense physical activity. Slim massage- one of the most difficult techniques, requiring huge physical costs and highly qualified massage therapist. That is why it is worth contacting only those salons and clinics that have been operating in Russia for more than one year. At the Amrita clinic, an individual recovery program is compiled for each client, taking into account all significant factors: general physical condition, age, desired results. Compliance with the recommendations of experts will allow you to get rid of excess volumes in a short time and find the silhouette of your dreams.

If you need an efficient massage for rapid transformation and maximum weight loss, women's salon Persik body concept offers a brand new recent years- Slim massage. This procedure has gained incredible popularity among girls and women from all over the world. In just one session, you can lose up to several centimeters at the waist. Just imagine how your figure will change after completing the full course!

It is also noted that only this massage technique can effectively get rid of sagging skin, tighten muscles, make the silhouette slim, attractive and perfect. That is why slim massage Moscow chooses much more often than other techniques. Yes, it costs a little more than anti-cellulite, but you can keep the effect after the procedures forever! This is true if you constantly adhere to proper nutrition and give moderate physical activity for your body, you can fix the work of the master and even improve it.

You need a slim massage if you:

Want to lose weight.

Do you want to quickly and effectively get rid of subcutaneous fat.

You are going to the sea, getting ready for an important celebration.

Want to know how perfect your body can be.

What is slim massage?

This procedure combines perfect Thai massage techniques and the use of original Thai products. It penetrates under the skin, affecting the body from the inside. Biologically active substances are created specifically for slim massage. And only in a complex they give the result that you are now counting on. If you decide to use only the product, rubbing it into the skin, then you will not get even 5% of the effect that a specialist massage will give you.

If you need body shaping massage, Moscow is the city where you live or are now temporarily, then we are waiting for you at our place.

Masters of Persik body concept were trained by the best craftsmen have extensive experience. Therefore, we can guarantee you that you will get exactly the effect that we promise you.

Features of the slim massage technique

This procedure is purposefully designed for weight loss. Therefore, the master conducts it with active, strong movements. However, after the session, you will not see scratches or bruises on your body. This is an indicator of the high degree of professionalism of Persik body concept specialists.

- Defining a place to work . First, the specialist determines the part of the body that needs intensive transformation. It can be the hips, abdomen, arms, or the entire body.

- Cleansing of the skin . Then gradually, sequentially, the master proceeds to warm up the skin.

- A special composition is rubbed into the skin by patting . It contains many biologically active materials. It is important that they are absorbed into the skin and begin their effect already during the session. This composition is not used in any other massage technique.

- The selected part of the body is being worked out . The main task is to act on adipose tissue, break it down, and promote removal from the body. And for this it is necessary to activate the blood flow, lymph.

- A state of rest. At the end of the procedure, the master will leave you. But that doesn't mean the session is over. You need to spend time in absolute peace and quiet. Within 10 minutes the skin will calm down, the cream will be completely absorbed. The product breaks down fat, and also has a therapeutic effect on the body.

One massage session lasts about 1.5 hours. However, you can see the desired effect of the procedure after 2 days. At this point, the cream will have the maximum effect on the body.

Advantages of slim massage

Lymphatic drainage.

Acceleration of blood circulation.

Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Removal of puffiness, removal of toxins and toxins from the body.

Elimination of subcutaneous fat.

Breakdown of cellulite deposits, removing them from the body.


Due to the fact that the massage uses quite serious techniques that have a strong effect on the body, this procedure has a number of contraindications. You are not recommended to undergo slim massage in the following cases.

During pregnancy.

Acute condition of kidney disease, liver.

In the place where the massage is planned, an operation was recently performed.

During menstruation.

If you find a contraindication in this list, please let us know. Our massage salon in the center offers many different services. We will definitely pick Alternative option according to your wishes and preferences.

At what age can you get a slim massage?

If you are already 17 years old, then we will be glad to see you in Persik body concept. It is recommended that you first go through one session and only after that it will be determined whether you want to attend the full course, or if you want to take one massage from time to time. The fact is that this technique involves the use of certain, professional, biologically active drugs. You need to watch your health. Most often, girls perceive massage comfortably and loyally. It practically does not cause discomfort. However, there are rare exceptions. In this case, on slim massage in Moscow we will not recommend you to go, but we will select other options that are most suitable for you.

After the first session, you will see that you have become slimmer. It will take up to several centimeters from the treated area. However, if you want to get the maximum effect, we recommend that you take a hollow course. It is from 6 to 12 massages. The exact amount will be determined by the specialist at the time of your first visit. This indicator consists of the characteristics of your figure, age, individual characteristics.

Sign up for a slim massage

You can sign up for a slim massage in any way convenient for you: on the website, using the online booking form, or by calling our managers by phone.

All procedures are carried out only by appointment. If you have any questions, you need advice from our company's specialists, call us or come to Persik body concept! We are always glad to see you!

The beauty and harmony of your body is our work!

-~- Slim massage: how I lost centimeters on the couch I heard about slim massage as a magical procedure that allows me to reduce the volume of problem areas of the body by 7 centimeters in a few sessions, I heard from a friend. Naturally, such an idea to get rid of hated kilograms inspired me. Moreover, the friend herself looked thinner and happily talked about the fact that "nothing came back."

In general, without thinking too long, I signed up for massage treatments at the salon. As I was told, slim massage is unique in that the impact on the body occurs not only with the help of the hands of an experienced massage therapist, but also with the help of creams unique formulations which are intensively rubbed into the body during the massage. Creams are selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the client. I liked "Royal", based on pollen of garcenia, the most suitable for me.

In Thailand, this pollen is obtained from a plant that produces mangosteen fruits - Thai fruits. It is believed that these fruits in some amazing way affect the female body, support its youth and beauty. However, the composition of the massage cream also included ginger and red pepper (their extracts).

What is slim massage

Before the session, I was warned that some massage treatments may seem somewhat painful, as it is necessary that the impact on the body be really intense. It didn’t inspire me too much, but it didn’t frighten me either - I calmly endure a certain intensive. But the massage room was a pleasant surprise - the atmosphere in it was very relaxing. Light music was playing, it was twilight, the couch on which I was invited to lie down was equipped with a heating system. In general, everything was done for maximum relaxation.

By the way, I didn't feel any pain. Yes, the massage itself differs in its strength, but it is used very smoothly and measuredly, so it does not cause discomfort. The slim massage session itself took an hour and a half, during which the masseuse worked on one of my problem areas, rubbing cream into it.

As they explained to me before the session, the peculiarity of the slim massage is precisely to work on one part of the body during the entire session. It can be hips or waist, or buttocks. If you scatter on everything, it will be difficult to achieve the desired effect. The meaning is in the long-term effect of the cream with intense heating.

At the first session, I chose to work on the hips - and only they were engaged in the masseuse during almost the entire procedure. Slim massage, of course, includes elements of Thai massage, so at the end of the procedure, the masseuse worked with her incredibly strong professional fingers every part of my body.


Well, I can say that the slim massage confidently justifies the loss of the declared centimeters: the volumes really melt before our eyes. Already after the first session at home, I managed to put on jeans, which I had difficulty getting into before and didn’t really hope that this thing would again become a running item in my wardrobe.

I was also pleased with other effects brought to life by slim massage. After such procedures, toxins actively leave the body. Without noticing it myself, I began to eat much more correctly: I was literally drawn to fresh vegetables, fruits, I didn’t feel like flour at all. Yes, and I began to move much more: there was some kind of thirst for movement, vivacity, a feeling of smartness.

It's also nice that slim massage has an amazing effect on the condition of the skin of the body - it becomes silky and soft, like a newborn's. Losing weight and volume is uplifting. The very feeling that you are becoming more beautiful makes you rejoice and feel a constant influx of strength, vivacity and positive!
