What should be a close friend: the main qualities. What a friend should be: reflection Mini story what kind of friend am I

The life of any person is not easy. It is difficult to live it alone, without support, understanding, support. Everyone needs a real friend. Who is he?

How does friendship come about? How is a person capable of becoming close? Usually spontaneous. After all, you can't force someone to be friends, right? It will not be possible to arouse sympathy in a person if it did not originate in his heart.

A common team can contribute to the emergence of friendship. Only such relationships are under great threat. A real friend is acquired, but disappears as soon as this very team breaks up, or interests change. Such people are called simply acquaintances.

So what should a friend be like? In short, the answer will be: “The best!”. Just what exactly is included in this definition? Each person has his own criteria for friendship, desires and ideas. No laws, requirements or prohibitions can be laid down in this matter. We will not allow a similar approach when choosing a friend.

Distinguishing a real friend from a casual friend and acquaintance is quite simple if you listen to your heart and carefully look at the actions of a comrade.

Everything is simple. A true friend has certain qualities that will not show up in relationships with other people. So, what are the features in question?

Loyalty and reliability

A loyal friend knows how to keep secrets, does not discuss you behind your back, does not spread rumors. He will not allow people around him to talk ugly about his friend. He is absolutely reliable. Relations with a true friend are distinguished by honesty and stability. In addition, such a person:

  • knows how to keep his promises;
  • does not fail;
  • sincere;
  • hospitable;

Honesty and trust

These are the main ingredients true friendship. Without them, the relationship cannot be considered as such. Being honest with your comrade in any situation is very important, even if the truth turns out to be bitter. In the relationship of friends there is no place for falsehood. With a friend, you can share whatever you want. Friendship implies complete trust.

Ability to forgive and listen

A true comrade has a priceless gift. He knows how to listen when needed. Can forgive if necessary. We must remember that no one is perfect. Failure to forgive kills friendship. Having harbored indignation, resentment, it will not be possible to build a trusting relationship. You can be honest with a friend. Strong man knows how to forgive other people's mistakes, be tolerant and tolerant.

A true friend not only shares the problems that have arisen, but also shows interest in the events in the life of a friend. He always lets his interlocutor speak out, does not interrupt him.

Being able to listen is an important indicator that indicates the sincerity of the relationship between friends.

Support and care

A significant quality of a best friend is the ability and desire to provide support and care. Without them, there is no trust relationship. He will always support, both in grief and in joy, even if he does not share and does not understand your act. He is absolutely disinterested. If possible, a friend is ready to fulfill the instructions of a comrade, to give wise advice.

Respect and empathy

Mutual respect should be the foundation of any relationship. Friendship is no exception. It’s comfortable in the company of a friend, it’s not scary to be frank. A friend will always try to understand, support, lend his shoulder. He will not allow himself to be familiar and will always respect the individuality of a friend. Besides, a true friend ready to reckon with your actions, accept them as a fact, without judging. Every person has flaws. However, it is the friend who will try to reconcile with them.

You can talk for a long time on the topic of relationships, characterize a close friend. However, everyone decides and chooses for himself. It is important for someone that he shares his interests, for example, he was fond of fishing or skiing. Someone prefers to communicate with people of their profession. Such friendship also has a right to exist.

Most importantly, relationships are built on trust and respect. Only in this way will it be possible to carry them through for many years, and, perhaps, through the whole life. Neither temporary distance, nor misunderstanding, nor the emergence of other interests can destroy such a "foundation". Even at a distance, a true friend will remain the closest and dearest person.

I have a friend. His name is Sasha. We have known each other since kindergarten, and
now we sit at the same desk. We do homework together. In the evening we
we walk in the yard or play at the computer. He is kind, generous and friendly. In summer
we go to the river with his dad, who teaches us how to fish. And the past
in the summer Sasha and I rescued a kitten that couldn't get down from a tree. Sasha,
getting down from the tree, he scratched his hands, but was pleased that the kitten was safe.
Sasha is my very best friend.

Friend Story Plan

In order for our story to be logical and have the correct structure, sequence, we will first draw up a story plan.

Story plan for a friend:

  1. What is a friend?
  2. Meeting my friend.
  3. Descriptions of my friend's appearance.
  4. Why do I consider him my friend.
  5. Friends forever.

After we have made a plan, we will reveal the meaning of each item, thereby compiling a story about a friend. Remember that you need to write down each item of the plan on a new line, that is, from a paragraph.

Story about a friend

I believe that every person should have a friend. A friend is a person with whom you like to walk, chat, play. It's always fun with a friend, you can tell him a secret, a friend can cover you and never betray you.

I have a friend Leshka. We met him in kindergarten, and now we go to the same class. In kindergarten, we always played together. We also had beds next to each other where we slept during nap time. Leshka, like me, did not like to eat semolina. the teacher always scolded the two of us.

Leshka is very tall, well, a head taller than me. Him Brown hair And beautiful haircut, such as many actors. His eyes are large and dark brown. Mom says that Lesha is very a handsome boy because he has expressive features. I think that he is very similar to his dad, and when he grows up, he will be exactly like him.

Of course, I still communicate with many girls in the classroom and in the yard. But everyone knows that my best friend is Leshka. I always have fun with him, we have a common activity. Together with him we collect a collection of cars. We almost never quarrel, and if we quarreled, we make up very quickly. Leshka can tell me any secret and I will never tell anyone. I also trust him with my secrets. I am sure that he will come to my aid at any moment and will never betray me. Even if I do something at home, he can take the blame so that my parents do not punish me.

Leshka and I made wishes so that in a hundred years we would also be friends. True, our parents laughed at us, but the main thing is that we believe.

It is human nature to strive for companionship and friendship. Throughout life, everyone meets a lot of people, and everyone will agree that it is easier to go through life with someone.

You can be acquainted with many people, but only some of them can be called a true friend. With such a person it is easy and reliable. You can share sorrow and joy with a friend. Over time, an understanding may come that this person is getting closer every day. When talking about friendship, the image of a true true friend often comes to mind. Let's talk about friendship and friend English language.

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  • Introduction

You can start a story about your friend with the story of your acquaintance:

I met my friend Andrew in kindergarten. Even though we were in different groups, we often played together during walks outdoors. He always shared his toys with me, and so did I. It turned out that we lived near each other. After kindergarten we went to study at the same school.

I met my friend Andrei in kindergarten. Although we were in different groups but we often played together during walks in the fresh air. He always shared his toys with me, and I with him. It turned out that we live close to each other. After kindergarten we went to the same school.

You can start the story with an expressive or interesting statement about a friend, and also try to explain their meaning:

According to Aristotle, friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. Indeed, a man shares his life with another person and they walk together through life side by side.

According to Aristotle, a friend is one soul that lives in two bodies. Indeed, a person shares his life with another person, and together they live one life, walking along the path of life side by side.

  • Main part

In the main part, you need to dwell on your friend in more detail. Here you can talk about how you met (if the story was not started from this), describe the appearance and character of your friend. Here you can talk about everything that comes to mind, but try to highlight the most important.

My best friend "s name is Andrew. We" ve been friends since kindergarten. He is 15 years old and we study at the same school but in different classes. Andrew has got blue eyes and blond hair. He is taller than me. He is cheerful and he is slow to take offence. Andrew doesn't allow anyone to insult other people. We have a great deal in common, we listen almost to the same music and we regularly play table tennis after school. Andrew is a sociable, kind and modest person. Sometimes he is witty, but his jokes are never wicked. We always find interesting topics to discuss. Very often we visit each other at home. We can always help each other with homework, and we usually play computer and video games together.

My best friend's name is Andrew. We've been friends since kindergarten. He is 15 years old and we study at the same school, but in different classes. Andrey Blue eyes And blonde hair. He is taller than me. He is funny and hard to offend. Andrew won't hurt anyone. We have many common interests, we listen to almost the same music, we go to the table tennis section together after school. Andrey is sociable, kind and modest. He is often witty, but his jokes are never mean. We can always find interesting topics for communication. We often go to visit each other. We can always help each other with homework and we often play computer games and consoles together.

You can also tell in more detail about the traits of a person that make friendship real and indestructible, talk about what you like most about a friend.

I can safely say that Andrew is my best friend. He has an amazing sense of humor and he can easily make me laugh even when I have a bad day. He is as good as his word. Andrew is also good at keeping secrets. I like that he is a reliable person and he always supports me. We try to help each other. Of course we sometimes can argue or quarrel, but not for too long. We try to forgive each other.

I can say with confidence that Andrew is my best friend. He knows how to joke well and make me laugh when I have Bad mood. He always keeps his words. Andrew also knows how to keep secrets. I like that he is reliable and always supports me. We always try to help each other. Sometimes, of course, we can argue or quarrel, but not for long. We try to forgive each other.

  • Conclusion

In conclusion, you can sum up what life has become with the arrival of a friend, highlight the most valuable and dear qualities of a friend.

I cannot imagine my life without Andrew. I appreciate our friendship and the fact that we are trying to help each other, and that we can talk about everything. Our friendship makes me happy.

I can't imagine my life without Andrew. I appreciate our friendship and the fact that we try to help each other, we can talk about everything in the world. Our friendship makes me happy.

Most lovely gift made to people after wisdom is friendship.

What, in the view of a modern student, should a true friend be? What character traits to have, and what qualities to possess? Everyone will give their answers to these questions. After all, we are all different.

Everyone has their own views on life, on relationships. Everyone has different needs and desires. And that's okay, that's right.

Let's first think about what friendship is. Undoubtedly, these are close and trusting relationships between people that bring joy, pleasure, pleasure and happiness. These relationships are based on mutual trust, acceptance, understanding, affection, as well as common interests, needs and attitudes. This is sparking mutual assistance, dedication, trust between people. After all, every person needs to be understood and accepted, to be trusted and appreciated.

We all need kindness

As well as attention, responsiveness and disinterestedness.

What is a real friend for me, an ordinary modern schoolboy? This is, above all, a positive and friendly person, with a present sense of humor. He is undeniably responsive, gentle, polite and affable. My friend should also be a man of his word, if he said something, promised something, then he definitely did it. It is desirable that my friend behave politely and with dignity in society, know the rules of conduct, and respect other human personalities. It is also important for me that a person close to me is always sincere and remains himself in different situations, was real. He was also condescending and fair to other people, as well as to their actions.

For me, one of the main criteria for friendship is mutual interests, common hobbies, possibly the same hobbies. The time that friends spend together should be interesting and productive. Communication should bring people who are friends, pleasure, inspiration and positive emotions.

A true friend will never leave you in trouble, he will always be ready to help. He will be able to listen if necessary. useful advice, and if necessary, just keep silent. A friend will always tell you the truth, even if it is unpleasant and bitter. He won't flatter you, but he won't criticize you harshly either. A friend will consciously and adequately express his opinion, if necessary, point out mistakes. It is necessary to advise, it is necessary to render all possible assistance to him. And I think that this is how true and true friends behave. At least, as a friend, I try to adhere to such rules and principles in life.

“A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much ...”. I believe that the words of the famous children's song perfectly reflect the most important and basic criteria of friendship. Make friends, try to become a worthy and true friend! This will make your life happy, joyful, multifaceted and varied. You will never feel alone. Friendship is a wonderful gift to mankind!

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