NPF "Sberbank" calculator. Should a pension be transferred from the PFR to the NPF? Calculator of NPF "Sberbank" Pension payment period

The instruction entrusted by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on the indexation of pensions for working pensioners to the relevant departments did not find support in the government. The Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy and the Pension Fund were to develop a program to return to the recalculation of payments to working pensioners by May 24, 2017. However, no decision was made on this issue and pensions in July 2017 will remain at the same level.

Recalculation for working pensioners

In April of this year, during a report to the State Duma, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev raised the issue of resuming indexation for working pensioners. At the same time, he instructed several relevant ministries and departments to work out the possibility of resuming the indexation of pensions for working pensioners by May 24. This initiative could well find implementation - according to the head of the Russian Pension Fund Anton Drozdov, about 200 billion rubles will be required for these purposes (payment of pensions). And according to experts, despite the difficulties that forced the authorities to stop recalculating this category of recipients, now the state can quite cope with the load. Budget revenues have become higher than expected, and the return of indexation may have a positive impact on the eve of the country's presidential elections. However, the government of the country did not take a decision on this issue within the specified period. Thus, working pensioners cannot count on the recalculation of pensions while they have income from their activities.

Meanwhile, another option for obtaining an insurance pension is being considered. This project directly concerns self-employed citizens – the possibility of acquiring pension points is expected. The Ministry of Labor came up with this initiative in response to complaints from citizens who do not have enough points to receive a pension. It is assumed that individual entrepreneurs, paying contributions to the Penfund, will be able to accumulate points for insurance pension by old age. Also, this method is suitable for those citizens for whom the employer does not make deductions. The ministry plans to extend this practice not only to those permanently residing in the country, but also to Russians working abroad.

Important! In Russia, according to Rosstat, about 16 million self-employed citizens are registered.

Indexation of social and other types of pensions

The priority for the government is the indexation of pensions for non-working citizens. This is due to the fact that employed pensioners have some income, unlike those who have gone on a well-deserved rest.

In 2017, as a result of several recalculations, the pension increase amounted to 5.8%. According to Penfond, the average sizes are:

  • in old age - 13,714 rubles;
  • for disability - 8'465 rubles;
  • for the loss of a breadwinner - 8,619 rubles;
  • social pensions - 8,774 rubles;
  • disabled children - 13'026 rubles;
  • disabled people who were injured in the war - 30.3 thousand rubles;
  • participants of the Second World War - 34.2 thousand rubles.

In addition to the two-time indexation carried out since the beginning of the year, all categories of recipients, including working pensioners, were lump sum in the amount of five thousand rubles.

How will military pensioners receive

It is no secret that payments to military pensioners are almost twice as high as ordinary civilian ones. This is due to the fact that in addition to the state pension, they are entitled to a departmental pension. Currently, a bill is being developed that will allow retired generals and officers to receive payments due to them in the country's commercial banks without violating the usual payment schedule and terms.

Average pensions in Russia

The military receive payments at the Russian Post and Sberbank. According to the decision of the Constitutional Court, military pensions are transferred to banks without charging an additional commission. The developed document will increase their (banks) number. How they transmit last news The bill will enter into force at the end of the year.

The pension payment schedule is a hot topic for any citizen who is entitled to social transfers. We note right away that the frequency of receipt is not tied to a specific date or day of the week, so it can be postponed to an early or late date.

The recipient is informed in advance about any changes in the procedure for transferring funds. For this, the resources of regional mass media agencies, stands placed in pension funds and other social institutions are used.

General provisions

When a Russian citizen reaches a certain age, allowing him to interrupt labor activity and retire, he must apply to the regional office pension fund Russian Federation, for the monetary compensation due to him. Calculation and accrual of payments takes place no later than 10 working days from the date of application and submission of the necessary package of documents for consideration.

It is in the right of each pensioner to independently determine the organization that will conduct transactions, as well as the method of delivery. There are currently three options available:

  • personally, with delivery to the actual address of residence;
  • transfer to a bank card;
  • personally, at the cash department of the selected organization.

Any accruals due to a citizen are carried out in strict accordance with the established regulations. According to the current legislation, the frequency is set by the leadership of the region or region, so each region of the country follows its own schedule.

Regardless of the chosen method, the frequency remains unchanged and occurs in accordance with the established schedule.

How to receive

According to Article 21, paragraph 12 of the current law "On Insurance Pensions", a citizen can receive transfers due to him only in person, on the basis of the presented identity document.

If a person does not have the physical or other opportunity to independently receive the due accruals, he can issue a notarized power of attorney to another person who will collect the money. In this case, an annual confirmation of the registration of the actual recipient will be required if the power of attorney is issued for a period of more than 12 months.

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Graph definition

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the transfer of funds for social, insurance and pension transactions must be carried out in accordance with the established schedule. This is indicated by the Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 885n dated November 17, 2014. It says here that The billing period starts on the 3rd day of each month.

Based on these terms, each pensioner is stopped by the frequency of receiving the due finances. If the due dates fall on holidays and non-working days, the schedule is shifted to an earlier period, but no more than 3 days before the standard settlement time.


In May 2017, the normal frequency was shifted due to public holidays. The following changes were introduced in various regions of the country:

  • Moscow - pensioners receiving cash May 7 and 9, the dates were shifted to the 4th and 5th, respectively;
  • Vladimir - for citizens who are entitled to social benefits according to the schedule of May 9, the deadline was postponed by 1 day, that is, the funds were received on the 8th;
  • Voronezh - here payments for May 7 and 9, 2017 were postponed to the 5th and 8th.

Note that the changes affected only one billing month, then accruals will be made in the standard mode. If the pensioner did not have the opportunity to receive payments on time, then they will be delivered later within the delivery month or next month

Attention! If no payments have been made within six months, the money is returned to the FIU and further transfers will be stopped. To resume payments, you must contact the FIU branch with an application. Download for viewing and printing:

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How to get

For personal convenience, each pensioner can choose any of the proposed methods of receiving funds:

  1. Post office. In this case, you can receive funds on your own when you personally visit the post office or at home. In any case, the exact day of transfers is set by the Russian Post, which also notifies recipients of a change in the payment schedule.
  2. Bank. Accruals go to a personal bank card or current account. The advantage of this option is that you can accumulate and withdraw funds at any time, regardless of the date set. No commission or interest is charged for this.
  3. Organizations. Pension delivery companies operate by analogy with post offices. The billing period is identical to the Russian Post. A list of such organizations can be found in the regional branch of the FIU.
Important! The pensioner has the right to change the method of receiving transfers to a more convenient one at any time. This can be done on the basis of a written application to the Pension Fund. Download for viewing and printing:

How the date is set

The pension delivery period implies a specific date, which does not depend on the wishes and requirements of the recipient.
It is curious, but the exact day of transfers is not regulated at the legislative level, but is under the jurisdiction of local executive authorities.

When setting the date, the following factors are usually taken into account:

  • number of recipients;
  • features of the region of payments;
  • subsidies from the federal budget.

The exact date of receipt of funds is reported to the pensioner at the time of the appointment of the pension. This information can always be clarified at the municipal branch of the FIU by presenting a passport.

Important! If a pensioner changes his place of residence, then he will be given a schedule that is established in the relevant region.

Frequency of transfers to a Sberbank card

On the territory of Russia, Sberbank is the main financial and credit structure that is engaged in the accrual of insurance and pension benefits on pensioners' cards.

You can get a bank card at the branch of the financial institution at the place of residence. Payments are made within the established period, which is reported to the recipient at the time of registration of the pension. According to the internal charter of the banking structure and the consent of the Pension Fund, the transfer schedule may be shifted by 2-3 days.

At all the pension payment schedule for Sberbank cardholders runs until the 15th day of each month. If the date falls on a weekend and holidays, transactions are transferred to more early term. This is usually the closest business day to the scheduled date.

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As the new month rolls around, Russian pensioners rush online to learn about possible adjustments to pension benefit schedules. And also specify the moment when it will be possible to withdraw money. Such interest is often associated with the active legislative activity of the authorities, whose new decrees have already called into question the traditional schedule for transferring funds several times.

Need to calm down Russian pensioners. No changes are planned for the second half of July in the planned schedule for issuing pensions. The reason for this was the absence of any laws or regulations that entail adjustments in terms of extradition, as well as the fact that in July there are no national holidays or additional days off provided for by labor legislation. In this regard, the pension, as it is known from the representatives of the Pension Fund, will be issued according to plan.

Representatives of the Pension Fund assure that the schedule for the issuance of pensions in the second part of July remains planned. This is facilitated by the absence public holidays and new bills. If you believe the employees of government agencies, then the financing of monthly pension payments has already been distributed.

Presumably, it will be possible to cash out them at Sberbank ATMs. Russian Federation starting on July 20 of this year. If a pensioner is a recipient of a pension in other state or commercial organizations, then in some cases a citizen can receive the transferred money a little earlier - from July 17 of this year, that is, at the very beginning of the working week. Other organizations include Russian Post, as well as commercial banks, which have the appropriate accreditation received from the Central Bank.

Military pensioners monthly payments the card will also arrive on July 20. military pension can only be obtained from Sberbank of Russia. Other financial institutions or organizations of an agreement with the Pension Fund for the execution of military transfers pension provision Dont Have.

Pensioners served by the Russian Post organization receive pensions in cash. Payments will be made from 17 to 20 July. Possible delays can only be dictated by inconsistencies in the work of specific state structures. In normal mode, the management of Russian Post plans to make the last payment before the end of the working day on Thursday.

Banking organizations that transfer pensions to cards in one hundred percent of cases inform the pensioner about the transfer of a certain amount using a message sent to the number specified by the client in the contract mobile phone. However, such a system can fail, causing pensioners to worry.

An alternative way to check the account is to contact the Sberbank Online system or another alternative (in case pensions come to the accounts of other banking structures). Another easy way is to check the balance of the card directly at the ATM. To do this, you must perform a standard set of actions. Insert the card into the ATM and dial the code. Then move to the "Balance" tab. The amount of funds can be viewed on the monitor or, if desired, printed balance sheet on a check.

Recall that in July, according to the labor calendar in Russia, no additional days off are planned. All weekdays are regular business days. In view of this, pensions to pensioners will be paid in the standard mode.
