When does a newborn's navel heal? Solving the problem: what to do if a newborn’s belly button bleeds

After the baby is born, the last link connecting with the mother's body - the umbilical cord - is cut by the obstetrician. The remaining wound heals within a certain period of time, but there are situations when this process is delayed. Today we will discuss healing time, proper care behind the wound and possible complications in this case.

How long does it take for the navel to heal?

When cutting the umbilical cord, the doctor leaves a small piece, approximately 2 cm long. Usually the remainder of the umbilical cord is clamped with a special clamp or clothespin made of plastic or metal.

Today, in most cases, this method is not used; the remaining tissue is processed for healing daily while the mother is in the maternity hospital.

Considering the early discharge practiced in Lately, the mother controls further care of the wound herself, having received instructions from a doctor or visiting nurse.

As a result of treatment with antiseptics and healing solutions, the shoot gradually dries out or dies and falls off. Normally, this occurs within three to five days; a delay of three days is considered normal.

The remaining wound on the navel, if properly cared for, will heal before the baby reaches one month. It is considered normal if the wound bleeds a little, like any living, open wound. The discharge is without an unpleasant odor and not abundant - a few drops.

Did you know? Finnish scientist, Doctor of Science at the University of Helsinki Akki Sinkonen, in the course of his own research, concluded: a woman’s navel can tell about the reproductive potential of its owner, as well as provide information about possible hereditary diseases of a woman.

When you urgently need to see a doctor

When the healing process extends over a longer period than is accepted by norms, and is accompanied by a deterioration in the appearance and condition of the wound, as well as in the baby’s health, you need to go to the doctor.

There is discharge from the navel for a long time

The following symptoms are cause for concern:

  • profuse bleeding, yellow color or transparent;
  • bad smell from a wound;
  • redness or swelling around it;
  • increase in baby's body temperature;
  • the navel does not dry out.

These symptoms can lead to a serious infection and serious health complications.

The navel does not heal for more than a month

Prolonged healing of the wound and bleeding can be explained by the close location of the system of blood vessels that supply blood to it. internal organs baby. Careless care actions can lead to damage to the integrity of the navel.

Prolonged healing of such a wound is extremely dangerous for the baby, since the navel is a kind of “gate” for various kinds of microorganisms, for example, Staphylococcus aureus bacillus.

Why doesn't my belly button heal?

When visiting a doctor, the mother should tell in detail how she cared for the wound, since to eliminate the problem you need to know the specific cause of its appearance.

Error when putting on a diaper

An inexperienced woman can catch a wound when changing a diaper, or provoke a problem by wearing it or other clothes incorrectly during this period.

You should always leave a cutout for the wound - with access to oxygen it will heal faster, and the diaper material will float the skin, slowing down the process. Do not allow a diaper or other item of clothing to put pressure on the umbilical area.

Big navel

Each child is individual, some children have a rather thick umbilical cord, and it takes more time to heal. There is no need to sound the alarm if the clothespin has not fallen off on the fifth day, but you need to show the baby to the pediatrician when all the acceptable deadlines have passed.

Improper wound care

Many inexperienced mothers go to extremes when caring:

  • fearing harm, they do not clean the navel well, which is fraught with infections;
  • They do it too “carefully”, thereby causing damage.

What and how to do:

  1. Firstly, after treating with any product, it needs to be given time to dry.
  2. Secondly, the wound must be cleaned, but with soft cotton swabs and very carefully, without picking.
  3. Thirdly, before removing the dried crust, you need to soak it, and not peel it off.
  4. Fourthly, you should not cover the wound with a band-aid: this will create a greenhouse effect and delay the drying of the skin.

How to properly handle the navel: video

Umbilical hernia

This protrusion in the area of ​​the same name most often appears when the baby is crying or screaming. This phenomenon is not scary, it is explained by the fact that the muscle ring around the navel still has immature tissue and cannot properly support the internal organs of the peritoneum.

There is no pathology if the bulge takes on a normal appearance when the child is calm. If this does not happen on its own or when you lightly press your fingers, the baby screams incessantly and experiences pain, then a pinching has occurred. In this case, you need to see a doctor.

Treatment of a newborn hernia at home is as follows:

  • prevent prolonged crying (eliminate its cause);
  • monitor the baby’s nutrition (he should not be disturbed by gases);
  • do massage, gymnastics to strengthen the abdominal muscles and laying on the tummy (after the navel has healed).

Infection and suppuration

Due to infection in the wound, omphalitis (catarrhal, purulent, necrotic), fungus (granulation of connective tissue), and fistula can develop.

Symptoms indicating diseases:

  • swelling and redness of the umbilical area;
  • protrusion of the navel;
  • purulent discharge;
  • poor appetite;
  • anxiety;
  • weight loss;
  • fever, sudden increase in temperature.

Delay in treatment leads to sepsis and tissue necrosis. At the first symptoms, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe adequate treatment.

Important!Under no circumstances should you squeeze out the pus or put pressure on the wound yourself, as this can cause even more harm.

To avoid infection, you must carefully monitor your own and your child’s hygiene:

  • Wash your hands during any procedures;
  • carefully and carefully treat the wound with antiseptics;
  • all clothes, bedding, diapers and nappies of the baby should be ironed with a hot iron;
  • Water for bathing a newborn must be boiled.

Prematurity and weak immunity

Premature babies have weaker immunity; their body’s defense system cannot cope with viruses and bacteria that easily penetrate through an open wound. Prolonged healing in this case can be dangerous, so you need to consult a pediatrician.

Premature babies need to be examined as often as possible; only a doctor can prescribe treatment to strengthen the immune system.

What to do: treatment and healing methods for the navel

Not all mothers have medical knowledge and experience in caring for the umbilical area, so when discharged from the maternity hospital, you need to consult a doctor about the correct actions.

How to treat an umbilical wound

Several means are used for processing:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • brilliant green;
  • calendula solution in alcohol;
  • "Chlorophyllipt" solution (1 percent alcohol).

Important!It is preferable to use colorless solutions as they do not stain the area around the navel and possible redness will not go unnoticed.

How to process

Basic processing rules:

  1. Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap.
  2. Prepare cotton swabs or a pipette.
  3. Use a pipette to drop a couple of drops of brilliant green or other antiseptic and wait until it dries.
  4. If you are treating with a cotton swab dipped in antiseptic, lightly press the umbilical area with two fingers to open it as much as possible, and gently, with light movements, lubricate the wound.
  5. If there is any ichor discharge, apply a cotton swab soaked in peroxide before the main treatment. After the cotton wool absorbs the bloody discharge, treat.
  6. When a crust forms, do not peel it off. To make it easier to come off, you need to pre-soak it with hydrogen peroxide, then it will come off easily.

Did you know? There is a clear leadership of athletes from Africa over Europeans. scientific explanation. The fact is that the navel is the center of gravity of our body, and since Africans have longer legs, the center of gravity is located on average 3 cm higher than that of Europeans. This structural feature gives black athletes a clear advantage over white athletes in speed and endurance.

Is it possible to bathe a child if the navel has not yet healed?

Pediatricians' opinions on the possibility of bathing with an unhealed navel vary: some doctors are against bathing, others do not see this as a problem with correct implementation procedures.

The following rules remain general:

  • the baby should have his own bath;
  • water for bathing must be boiled;
  • It is recommended to add herbal decoctions, traditionally chamomile, string, calendula, St. John's wort;
  • you can add a solution of potassium permanganate, but very weakly concentrated, as it dries delicate skin. It is better to dilute the solution in a separate container so that the manganese grains are completely dissolved and do not cause a burn.

With clothespin

If you have a clothespin, it is advisable to ensure that the navel does not get wet. If you want to play it safe, you can use wet wipes instead of a full bath.

Without clothespin

After bathing, you need to thoroughly dry the umbilical area and the wound itself. Then treat with an antiseptic and wait for it to dry. Air baths speed up the process, while in a humid environment it slows down and increases the risk of the growth of harmful bacteria.

In conclusion: the health of a newborn largely depends on his personal hygiene and the hygiene of his parents.

It is important to ventilate the room for constant access of oxygen, follow the nursing mother’s own diet, select the appropriate nutrition for the artificial baby and monitor the cleanliness of his dishes. It is equally important to undergo routine examinations with a pediatrician on time, which allows you to identify possible problems at an early stage.

How long a newborn’s navel heals depends primarily on proper care. Individual characteristics of the body play a role, but if the navel does not heal for a long time or becomes inflamed, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. How to take care of the first and such a serious wound so that the baby successfully survives healing?

A child is born - the umbilical cord is cut - and now he already has a navel, like all people. On the way to the last point, time passes (about 2 weeks) when the wound must be constantly treated, ventilated and protected from infection.

For 9 months, the baby's entire life rests on the umbilical cord. Three large blood vessels pass through it, ensuring the exchange of substances between the fetus and the mother’s body. It is logical that cutting the umbilical cord leaves a rather serious wound, the healing of which requires proper care.

How to do everything as efficiently as possible and not harm the child? How and when does the navel heal in newborns? What can be done to make this process easier for the baby?

Immediately after the baby is born, the umbilical cord is compressed with a special clamp. The tummy around it and the base itself are treated with an antiseptic, then the umbilical cord is cut off with sterile scissors at a distance of about 2 cm. For the next few days, a tail-knot remains in this place, which will eventually dry out and fall off.

At the very first time, healing the navel in newborns does not require much effort.: it is enough to treat it with hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate once a day.

Under the influence of antiseptics, the tissues above the clamp noticeably dry out, the tail of the umbilical cord darkens and wrinkles. The remnant of the umbilical cord lasts on average from 4 to 10 days, and then falls off on its own - this usually serves as the determining period for discharge from the hospital.

When a pinched piece of the umbilical cord falls off, an open wound remains underneath, which is a cause for concern and a reason for careful care. The first lessons in treating the navel are usually given by the doctor before discharge: the area must be disinfected and kept dry to prevent infection.

Timing and stages of healing

On average, the healing time of the navel is 2 weeks

The first stage of healing takes place in the maternity hospital. There are exceptions, when the umbilical cord does not fall off for more than 7 days, then the mother and baby can be discharged home.

If there is no inflammation, this situation is normal: how long the navel heals depends on individual characteristics and immunity.

The second stage lasts approximately 7-10 days and takes place at home. At this time, the wound at the navel needs careful care - then it will heal quickly and will not cause discomfort to the baby.

In total, healing takes 2-3 weeks.

Caring for a newborn at home

Care involves not only antiseptic treatment, but also special rules for bathing, wearing clothes and other aspects of a little person’s life. Let's highlight the main points of care and possible problems.

How to treat a wound

How long it takes for a newborn’s navel to heal directly depends on the correct and regular treatment of the wound with disinfectant compounds. It is important to remove the ichor from the damaged area and protect it from infection. When discharged from the maternity hospital, the mother and baby should have the following medications in the first aid kit:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) is necessary to remove dried crust from the ichor and speed up the healing process.
  2. Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic composition for treating open wounds.
  3. Zelenka (1% solution) – disinfects the wound well and promotes healing. But it requires a moderate dosage, as it dries the skin, and in very large quantities may cause burns. In addition, under the layer of brilliant green, redness is not visible if it appears. You need to apply the brilliant green dottedly, only on the wound itself., not on the skin around the navel.
  4. Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate, sold in crystal form, you need to prepare the solution yourself) is a strong bactericidal agent.
    You need to use it carefully: apply only to the wound, so as not to burn sensitive skin, the concentration of the substance should be the weakest.

You will also need cotton wool and cotton swabs, a sterile pipette, medical alcohol, and an adhesive plaster.

How to treat an umbilical wound

The optimal frequency for the treatment procedure is 1-2 times a day: after the morning toilet and evening bathing. Before starting, you must wash your hands.

  • Take peroxide into a pipette and drop it onto the wound. Wait a few seconds until the dried crust gets wet.
  • Using a clean cotton swab, carefully remove any remaining crust. If it does not give in, add peroxide again and wait. It is important not to rub with force, so as not to injure the sore spot.
  • Blot the wound dry with a piece of cotton wool.
  • Soak a new cotton swab in brilliant green and apply it to the future navel. To do this, you need to spread the skin around with two fingers.
  • If possible, leave the child undressed for a while so that the tummy can “breathe.”
  • In the first days before dressing, apply a patch; when the wound heals, it is no longer needed.


This approach is not considered acceptable today, and I fully support it. Full water procedures important for hygiene, normal physical development and formation of the immune system. Be sure to take a bath! Just be careful and attentive, pour .

Bathing is a mandatory hygiene procedure. How a newborn’s belly button heals depends, not least of all, on the immune system and the general condition of the skin – both are associated with bathing.

Water for a newborn can (not necessarily) be boiled and a few crystals of potassium permanganate added to the bath to protect against accidental infection. It is not advisable to wet the remainder of the umbilical cord and a fresh wound - there are special waterproof plasters for everyday bathing. Or you can gently pour water over your tummy without completely immersing it in the bath.

Air baths

How long it takes for a newborn’s belly button to heal is directly related to the skin’s ability to “breathe.” Between bathing and dressing, it is advisable to leave the child undressed for a while to take air baths. This way, the umbilical wound will heal faster, and excess moisture will not accumulate in the folds of the skin. Naturally, this needs to be done in a fairly warm room.

How to properly handle diapers and clothes

When the umbilical wound heals, you need to minimize irritating factors and make sure that clothes and diapers do not injure the delicate skin. You should choose rompers with a wide elastic band or without it at all - with a bib and fasteners on the shoulders so that they do not put pressure on the navel.

As for diapers, there should be a cutout in the area that covers the navel. There are special diapers for the little ones - the manufacturer prudently made such a cutout on them.

But analogues with a regular belt are not a problem - just try on which part of the belt will cover the navel, and cut out the excess section with scissors or tuck it in. When changing a diaper or changing clothes, you should blot your navel with a cotton pad to remove any moisture that may accumulate in it.

Reasons to worry

It happens that a newborn's navel does not heal well even with careful care. In this case, you will need to consult a doctor and take immediate action. Usually such problems are solved quite easily, but there are situations when difficulties with the umbilical wound indicate serious problems.


If your baby's belly button is healing poorly, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Redness of the skin around the navel should be a cause for suspicion.

If you let the situation get worse, there will be suppuration, an unpleasant odor from the wound, pain from touch, and fever.

If any of these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor and describe how you cared for your navel, since most often it is improper care that leads to infection.


If blood periodically oozes from the wound, it may be a granuloma - a pathology of the blood vessels near the wound. Provokes the situation accelerated growth capillaries and tissues in the navel area. Granuloma is treated: after diagnosis, the doctor performs a cauterization procedure, and the wound heals normally.


A dense navel that sticks out strongly, looking like a lump, indicates a hernia. In some cases, it appears during childbirth or in the first days after it as a result of the fact that the baby’s abdominal wall is in weak tone. The treatment will be massage. Also, a child with an umbilical hernia should be placed on his tummy more often, and crying should not be allowed to turn into hysterics, as tension in the abdominal muscles can aggravate the situation.

What to do if the wound oozes and gets wet

The baby's navel gets wet due to lack of proper wound care

It happens that the navel becomes inflamed, and the unhealed area begins to fester and become wet. Most often this happens due to lack of proper care: either due to insufficient regular treatment with medications, or due to the fact that the skin does not “breathe”.

If you notice in time that the navel is oozing, you can eliminate the problem simply by increasing the duration of the baby’s air baths.

When the wound site is not only moist, but also red, and the discharge begins to resemble pus, you should consult a doctor. The situation can be either the result of water retention after swimming or a manifestation of infectious infection. What to do if a newborn’s navel gets wet, what problems may arise if measures are not taken in time - read the article on.

What is prohibited to do

You should not pick dry ichor from a still unhealed umbilical wound.– this injures the tissue and makes healing longer and more painful. Excessive care can also slow down the process: you need to treat the navel 1-2 times a day - this is quite enough. There is no need to wash more often; on the contrary, this will prevent the formation of new tissue at the site of the wound.

It is pointless and dangerous to try to change the shape of the navel by wrapping it with a bandage or bandage. If the navel protrudes, it will remain the same, but the above measures disrupt the natural ventilation of the wound and interfere with healing.


Proper care of the umbilical wound in the first days and weeks of a baby’s life is simple and does not require special skills. All that is needed is a responsible attitude, strict hygiene and regular medication treatment. Once or twice a day, the navel needs to be disinfected; in addition, it is very important that the skin “breathes”.

In the vast majority of cases, the wound heals without complications, but if they do arise, you should not panic and show the child to the doctor as soon as possible. Redness, constant moisture, suppuration, bleeding and hardness of the navel should be a cause for concern. To notice in time alarming symptoms, you need to carefully examine the newborn’s tummy and not paint over the large area around the navel with brilliant green - only the area of ​​the open wound.

Pregnancy, children > Caring for a newborn > When does a newborn’s navel heal: a question that concerns mothers

Everything that concerns a newborn baby is alarming and gives mothers, especially inexperienced ones, a lot of trouble and worry.

An important point in caring for a newborn is the healing of the baby’s umbilical wound. There are no difficulties in this. However, you need to know several nuances of this procedure, as well as what to do if the navel does not dry out.

Umbilical cord: purpose, main functions

The fetus, while in the womb, constantly receives nutrients. How does this happen?

The supply occurs through the blood channels of the umbilical cord, which connects mother and baby into one whole. Through it, blood brings oxygen to all the child’s organs. This process does not stop even during labor.

After the baby is born, the need for this kind of communication disappears: the umbilical cord is clamped and simply cut off with sterile scissors. The remainder is tied with a special thread or clamped with a clothespin. The tail dries out and falls off, and the wound underneath gradually heals. The scar after healing is that part of the body called the navel.

Hygienic care procedures

In the first days of a child’s life, all procedures for treating the umbilical wound with an antiseptic are carried out by a doctor. And the mother masters the basics of care under his supervision.

Usually the woman is discharged on the fourth day, when the pinched end of the umbilical cord falls off.

There are also such cases: the tube is too thick and does not have time to dry within the standard established time frame, because all processes in the body of babies occur individually. What happens in such a situation?

Surgical intervention is possible: the umbilical cord is trimmed a little more, and the healing process is accelerated. Or the woman in labor is discharged, having determined the specifics of caring for the child.

When the doctor’s help is over, the wound healing procedure, an important and crucial moment, falls on the mother’s shoulders.

You should know that it is easy to get an infection into the wound, the path is open for it. This can be avoided by observing hygiene requirements and following all medical advice.

Comprehensive navel care includes:

  • Lubrication with an antiseptic drug
  • Compliance with bathing rules
  • Following the conditions for wearing clothes and diapers

Read: Symptoms of lactase deficiency

Treatment of the wound is carried out for the purpose of disinfection and removal of accumulated ichor. The following products are suitable for this procedure:

  1. Chlorhexidine. A liquid without a characteristic odor or color. There are no restrictions on its use; this drug is absolutely safe.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. It is recommended to use a 3 percent solution.
  3. The solution is brilliant green, commonly known as ordinary brilliant green. Its concentration should not exceed 1 percent. Use a moderate amount, otherwise you can burn your baby's delicate skin. Zelenka prevents or reduces redness of the outer skin.
  4. Weakly diluted potassium permanganate gets rid of bacteria. Important: crystals in pure form are dangerous and contact with them must be avoided.

Treatment is best done twice: morning and evening.

Caring for the umbilical wound - a daily hygiene procedure

after swimming. More often it is not required, the wound does not need to be irritated again.

The entire procedure can be carried out in several main steps:

  • Wash your hands with soap
  • Soak the crust on the wound by dropping peroxide onto it using a pipette
  • After the liquid stops hissing, clean the indentations with a cotton swab, gently spreading the navel with your fingers.
  • Let dry
  • Lubricate with brilliant green
  • Cover with a clean bandage

If the navel is tightened, the last stage can be excluded.

As for bathing, some experts are convinced that it is better not to wet the child until the umbilical wound heals. But from a hygiene point of view, this is the wrong approach. Of course, you can bathe, but do not wet the navel as much as possible. You can cover the wound with a band-aid during water procedures.

When you notice that the bleeding has stopped, these precautions can be neglected, with the exception of adding a weak solution of potassium permanganate and herbal decoctions that speed up the healing process.

There are also certain rules regarding baby clothes and diapers. Synthetic fabrics should be excluded, it is better to use only cotton, which allows the skin to “breathe”. In warm weather, taking air baths as much as possible is recommended.

Read: Swaddling a newborn: basic rules and methods

But wear diapers only when there is an urgent need for it, for example, for a walk. To make the umbilical wound heal faster, you can use models with a cutout for the navel. Contact of the cotton product with the body will be minimized. If the diaper is ordinary, solve the problem yourself: bend or cut a hole.

Normal healing time

To avoid worrying moments associated with the umbilical wound, parents need to be aware of the timing of its healing.

A suppurating wound is a reason to urgently visit a doctor

It is important to remember that, of course, there is a norm, but there are also individual deviations from it.

In general, healing proceeds in the following stages:

  1. After birth and during the first 3-5 days, the newborn’s navel is a nodule.
  2. After this time, the tip dries out and falls off on its own.
  3. Within a few weeks (1 to 3), the navel heals like any other deep wound. Bleeding may occur, but it is minor. Rather, these secretions resemble ichor.
  4. Complete healing of the umbilical wound occurs within a month.

If there are significant discrepancies in the terms presented above, you should consult a doctor. He will help you find out the reasons for this and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Possible complications

There are several reasons for deviations from the established healing time frames:

  1. Enlarged navel. The size of the navel may differ from the norm due to individual characteristics. If its diameter is large, then it will take longer to heal. In this case, the wound is large and drying is slow.
  2. Hernia. A protruding and non-healing navel is the first symptom of a dangerous disease - an umbilical hernia. In this case, you must immediately contact a specialist.
  3. Improper wound care. Careful care with meticulous cleaning irritates and disturbs the wound, damaging thin skin. But processing without hygienic requirements will lead to dirt or even a foreign body getting into the navel. Follow the care requirements strictly, but do not overdo it.
  4. Suppuration. The infection will make itself felt unpleasant smell and copious discharge. The navel will remain wet all the time and healing is out of the question. This problem cannot be dealt with at home.
  5. Weakening of the immune system. It is difficult for a fragile body to cope with the healing of a deep wound. Weak immunity requires taking special medications, but only those prescribed by a doctor. No self-medication!

Read: Beds for newborns: restful sleep for your baby

Caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn is simple if you follow the basic rules and recommendations. Most mothers do an excellent job with this procedure.

Video: tips for caring for a newborn:

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When should a newborn's belly button heal?

Many young mothers are interested in the question of when should a newborn’s belly button heal. In this article we will answer it and share useful recommendations to help you care for your child.

After the maternity hospital, you will have to independently monitor the healing of this wound and be ready to raise the alarm and run to the doctor, since at the slightest risk of inflammation you should immediately contact a specialist. If you do not monitor this wound and do not care for it properly, you can cause undesirable consequences that can harm the health of your baby.

How long will the healing process take?

So, how quickly should a newborn’s belly button heal at home?

In the maternity hospital, a special clamp is placed on the baby’s navel, which will need to be removed as the wound heals. For some babies it is removed after three days, for others after three weeks, it all depends on how quickly the baby's tissue regenerates.

Likewise, complete healing of a wound can take different periods of time depending on the individual characteristics of your child’s body. If its tissues heal quickly, then the wound heals in three weeks, but in some cases this process can drag on for a month or more.

What parents need to remember during the wound healing process:

  1. Check the navel for inflammation, infection and allergic reactions.
  2. Treat it daily with potassium permanganate or chlorophyllipt. You can do it twice a day.
  3. If you notice something suspicious or the healing process has been delayed for a long time, then you need to consult a doctor for advice, since delay can harm the child and cause irreversible consequences.

How to determine that the wound has healed and no longer needs to be treated?

Let's look at the basic methods of how to understand that a newborn's navel has healed at home. Do not think that if the clothespin falls off, the wound has healed completely. You still have quite a long time to monitor and care for her. Remember that it is better to get a final diagnosis of healing from a doctor.

About a month after the birth, your baby will no longer need to have his navel treated. This can be determined by the following signs.

How to find out if a newborn's belly button has healed:

  • A wide, leathery scar will appear in the middle of the umbilical ring. It should be dry and not differ in color from the surrounding fabrics.
  • When processed and wiped, dead tissue ceases to separate.
  • The navel will become clean and neat.

Another way to understand whether a newborn’s belly button has healed is to drop a little hydrogen peroxide there; if the substance does not have any reaction, it does not foam or bubble, then this means that, most likely, the wound has healed. Treat it for a few more days, and if there is no reaction, then you can stop care. To learn more about how to determine whether a newborn’s navel has healed, read other articles on our website.


A newborn's navel gets wet - what does this mean, when should you go to the doctor?

The navel is the place where the umbilical cord with three vessels passes in utero, the main function of which is the transport of nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the fetus.

At the moment of birth, the umbilical cord is cut and a clamp is applied to it at the interface between the skin of the abdomen and the umbilical cord. Subsequently, the remainder of the umbilical cord above the clamping site dries out, and the clamp easily falls off on its own. The remaining part of the navel is nothing more than an ordinary wound, which takes about a month to heal in a baby.

Various factors can lead to infection and inflammation of the umbilical wound. Clinically, this manifests itself in varying degrees, from prolonged healing to neonatal umbilical sepsis. Therefore, every mother should know how to properly treat the umbilical wound, what to do if various discharge from the navel and signs of inflammation are detected.

Why does a newborn's navel get wet?

After the clamp falls off on its own from the remaining umbilical cord, the umbilical wound becomes accessible for inspection.

Sometimes the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off within 5-7 days, and the baby may be discharged with a clamp on the umbilical cord. There is nothing wrong with this; as soon as the navel dries out, he can easily get rid of the remaining umbilical cord.

As a rule, in the maternity hospital, the pediatric nurse treats the navel with 9% hydrogen peroxide, dries it, and then treats it with an alcohol solution of potassium permanganate. Therefore, after the clip or clothespin falls off, the navel looks like a dark burgundy dry speck.

Upon discharge, every mother should learn how and how to properly treat the baby’s umbilical wound. Under certain conditions, the baby's navel may begin to become wet. Let's look at the factors that can lead to this:

Incorrect treatment of the umbilical wound

The navel must be treated once a day, preferably after all hygiene procedures for the baby. If you decide to treat the wound without bathing, keep in mind that this should be done after a bath, even if it is the second time in a day.

The wound should be carefully spread with your fingers and a couple of drops of 9% hydrogen peroxide should be added. The peroxide foams (if this does not happen, the umbilical wound has healed). Then, using a cotton swab, carefully and without fear, you need to dry the umbilical wound and remove all the crusts.

There is no need to try to remove the crusts with force; remove those parts that have softened and swollen after bathing and treating with peroxide.

An already clean wound should be treated with an antiseptic solution. This could be an alcohol solution of potassium permanganate (as a rule, they do not sell it in pharmacies, but make it yourself under sterile conditions in the maternity hospital), a solution of brilliant green (the experience of many pediatricians forces them to abandon it, since the “brilliant green” often creates additional weeping, and does not dry out the wound), chlorhexidine solution or medical alcohol.

Healing of the umbilical wound normally occurs within a month, during which time the wound should be treated regularly.

During the first month of a child’s life, the navel is an open wound, so treatment should take place in a clean room, with thoroughly washed hands and solutions that have not expired.

It is also recommended to boil the water in which the baby bathes in the first month of a child’s life. You can add a little potassium permanganate to the water (it should be dissolved carefully, even microscopic pieces that have not dissolved can cause a burn to the baby’s delicate skin). It is advisable to bathe the baby in a separate personal bath in the first month, rather than in a shared bath.

Incorrect use of diapers

Any wound heals better with constant ventilation and sufficient oxygen access. The same applies to the umbilical wound.

Often parents put diapers on their baby so that the entire navel is always covered. This creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, which leads to inflammation and weeping.

It is better to use special diapers with a cutout for the navel during the first month (sometimes the navel is still covered with a diaper, which depends on the weight and height of the baby), or lay the top part of the diaper yourself so that the navel remains open.

Decreased immunity in the baby

First of all, decreased immunity affects low birth weight and premature babies. The immaturity of all systems and organs makes it difficult for a child to cope with such a wound on his own. In such a situation, if you get wet, it is better to resort to drug treatment in navel healing.

Natural reasons

Slight wetting of the navel is observed in all children during the first two to three weeks of life; this should alarm, but not frighten, parents. Slight wetting is a normal wound healing process.

It is also normal to experience slight bloody discharge from the wound. Often the umbilical wound takes longer to heal and wetting is more pronounced than usual in children whose umbilical cord had thick and elastic walls.

When should you consult a pediatrician unscheduled?

If you notice any of the following signs, you should immediately seek treatment from your pediatrician:

  1. Copious oozing from the umbilical wound.
  2. Discharge from the navel with an unpleasant, putrid odor.
  3. Copious discharge (mixed with blood) from the navel.
  4. Redness of the skin around the navel.
  5. Swelling of the navel and the skin around it, which may indicate an umbilical hernia.

Is a wet belly button dangerous?

Despite the apparent insignificance of the umbilical wound and the discharge from it that is small in comparison, an infection from the navel area can easily penetrate the baby’s body through the umbilical vessels and cause generalization of the infection - sepsis occurs.

Umbilical sepsis is the cause of death in newborns, which is why so much attention is paid to the umbilical wound.

Umbilical sepsis, as a rule, occurs in children with severely weakened immunity due to prematurity, the presence of intrauterine infection, low weight, and birth injuries.

Significant bleeding from the umbilical wound is rare. Minor serous-hemorrhagic discharge may occur during the healing process of the vessels in the umbilical cord. Usually this is a couple of drops of blood when diligently removing crusts that have not been soaked with hydrogen peroxide.

What to do?

  • Carefully observe the hygiene of the baby and the one who treats the wound.
  • Bathe your baby in a weak solution of potassium permanganate in a separate bath using boiled water.
  • Make sure that the diaper does not cover the umbilical wound. Do not under any circumstances tape or bandage the umbilical wound.
  • Watch your baby's clothes: they should be clean, soft, and not tight on the child. It is better to iron all diapers and undershirts for the first month of a child’s life.
  • Treat the umbilical wound correctly and carefully. If there is a slight increase in weeping, you can put powder with an antibiotic, for example, Baneocin, into the wound.
  • Contact your pediatrician promptly.

Baneocin is a powder consisting of several antibiotics. The powder should be poured into the umbilical wound after treatment with hydrogen peroxide twice a day. As a rule, significant improvements are noticeable after 2-3 days. The course is seven days.


How does a child's belly button heal?

Even in the womb, the child was connected to his mother with the help of an umbilical cord. It transferred nutrients and necessary oxygen from the placenta to the baby. As soon as the baby is born, his umbilical cord is immediately cut. To do this, the doctor first places a clothespin on it, and only then carefully trims it. The clothespin usually stays on the navel for no more than a week. Then it disappears, leaving an open wound that needs to be properly cared for, taking all necessary measures. This is necessary so that the infection does not get there and start inflammatory process. And how long the navel will heal depends on the care and treatment.

How the navel is treated in the maternity hospital

While still in the delivery room, the newborn's navel is carefully processed. Initially, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord, leaving only two centimeters of it. Next, the end of the umbilical cord is clamped with a clothespin. It can be plastic or metal.

Some maternity hospitals use an open navel healing method. this means that no bandages are applied to it. Simply, the umbilical residue is treated and disinfected 2-3 times a day with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate. The clothespin on the belly button does not last long. After five to seven days, the umbilical remnant dries up and it falls off along with it.

Other maternity hospitals use a surgical method to heal the umbilical wound. The day after birth, the baby's unnecessary umbilical remnant is cut off using sterile scissors. After this, apply a tight bandage for two to three hours. Then it is loosened and usually removed only the next day. With this method, the wound takes much less time to heal.

What you need to care for your umbilical cord

  1. Three percent hydrogen peroxide solution.
  2. Regular greenery.
  3. Napkins.
  4. Cotton buds.

How to properly care for a newborn's belly button

A newborn's navel should always be clean and as dry as possible. Failure to follow these rules may result in the navel taking too long to heal, or an inflammatory process may develop in it.

You need to treat your navel two to three times a day. This can be done when changing a diaper, or before bed. Be sure to perform baby hygiene after bathing. Due to the open wound on the navel, it is recommended to bathe the newborn in boiled water. Care for the umbilical wound must be carried out every day until it is completely healed.

There are three stages that need to be followed in order for the belly button to heal as quickly as possible.

  1. At first after birth, the baby's navel may bleed. It must be wiped with hydrogen peroxide as many times as it bleeds. It is advisable to moisten a cotton pad with the solution and apply it to the wound for a few minutes.
  2. The second stage of healing is characterized by the formation of a crust on the navel. It has a yellowish tint and promotes the development of microbes. Therefore, the crust must be moistened with hydrogen peroxide every day and cleaned with cotton swab. To do this, you need to slightly push the navel wound apart with your fingers. This way, the peroxide solution will neutralize the area and help remove soggy crust particles. The navel should always be as clean as possible.
  3. Once you have cleaned and detoxified the belly button crust, you need to give it time to dry completely. Next, the wound should be filled with brilliant green.

In addition, try to ventilate the room frequently. And also give the newborn air baths so that his skin can breathe. This procedure perfectly helps to tighten the wound on the navel, but it will also help to avoid unwanted diaper rash, which causes discomfort to babies.

Under no circumstances should a child be dressed in clothes made from artificial fabrics. It can cause irritation and even a rash on the skin. And things made from natural fabrics are not only considered hypoallergenic, but also provide the skin surface with the necessary ventilation.

How to bathe a newborn with an unhealed umbilical wound

Today, doctors are divided on whether it is worth bathing a child with an unhealed navel. Many are of the opinion that water is a source of infection, which is why it is better not to bathe a newborn in the first month. Others believe that water helps wounds heal quickly.

In any case, if you decide to bathe your baby, then you should follow several rules.

Firstly, there is no need to bathe your baby in a large bathtub. For water procedures for a newborn, you should use a small baby bath. Secondly, water must be boiled to prevent the occurrence of contamination and infections. Thirdly, you need to add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the bath.

As soon as the baby has been bathed, it is necessary to give time for the navel to dry and only then perform navel care procedures.

Umbilical ring

There are times when a wound on a newborn’s navel lasts too long. As a result of this process, an umbilical hernia may appear. Its size will be approximately a centimeter. There is a possibility that it will go away over time. This usually happens when the muscles around the belly button become stronger, which is why they need to be exercised.

The baby's abdominal wall should be strengthened by performing special exercises. For example, you can pull the baby’s legs towards his stomach, or lay him on his stomach as often as possible. But if a hernia appears, it is better to consult a doctor.

Causes of infections

During the healing process, the umbilical wound may become infected. This phenomenon is commonly called “wet navel.” It is primarily characterized by very long healing, the presence of constant moisture, redness around the navel and discharge of purulent fluid from the wound. As soon as you suspect such symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist, because this can have a bad effect on the child’s well-being.

It is also necessary to apply the following measures every day:

  • In order for the umbilical wound to heal faster, you need to give the newborn air baths as often as possible;
  • try to avoid getting moisture into the newborn’s navel;
  • you need to bend the top of the diaper so that it does not rub the navel, otherwise this will lead to redness of the skin around the navel and discomfort for the child.

What not to do with an unhealed navel

When washing your navel with a disinfectant solution, you don’t need to be afraid to touch it. It will not hurt the newborn. All he can feel is just a little discomfort. And if the umbilical remnant is not completely treated, then serious infection can occur.

You should also not self-medicate for symptoms indicating a weeping navel. This can have a bad effect on the baby's well-being. You need to understand that in this situation you need to contact a specialist.

What to wear for a newborn

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Article last updated: 04/18/2019

The umbilical cord is an essential intrauterine connection between mother and fetus. All substances required for the growth and development of the child are supplied through it. Immediately after birth, the newborn's body should begin to function independently, so there is no longer a need for an umbilical cord. It is clamped with clamps in two places and cut off at a distance of 2 cm from the baby’s abdomen. The remainder is pinched with a paper clip or tied with silk thread. It is rare that the umbilical cord falls off while still in the maternity hospital; most often newborns are sent to discharge with a paper clip.

Of course, young parents have a lot of questions about the navel. How to care for the wound, when it takes on a “normal” appearance, is it possible to bathe the baby, etc.

Falling off of the remaining umbilical cord

First you need to find out when a newborn’s belly button falls off. Of course, everything is individual - for some on the second day, for others on the fifth. The maximum period for the formation of the navel and the falling off of the remainder is 10 days.

If on the tenth day the remnant of the umbilical cord is still in place, or you suspect some kind of pathological process, then you should immediately consult a pediatrician.

Sometimes this happens while changing a diaper or changing the baby's clothes. There is no need to panic - this is a normal situation. At the site of the former umbilical cord, a small but rather deep wound remains, which needs to be properly treated. To do this, you will need a clean pipette, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green solution and dry, clean wipes.

First of all, you need to wash your hands well with soap. You can even treat it with some alcohol solution. Everything needs to be done calmly and without sudden movements. The baby needs to be calmed down and placed on his back. If blood oozes from the wound, then you need to press a sterile napkin onto it for a few minutes. When the bleeding stops, use a pipette to drop 3–4 drops of peroxide into the navel. Wait a while until it stops hissing and foaming (this is a normal reaction). Then you need to carefully blot the remaining solution with a napkin, and apply the brilliant green solution to the entire cavity of the wound.

If the remainder of the umbilical cord has not fallen off completely, then under no circumstances should it be removed forcibly. It is treated in the same way as a regular umbilical wound.

Caring for the umbilical wound

You need to try to keep your navel open as much as possible. For this purpose, you can tuck the edge of the diaper or use panties with a special hole. The healing navel should not be injured under any circumstances. Clothing that comes into contact with this area should be well ironed and free of seams.

You cannot tear off the scabs, pick at the navel, put any bandage on this area or cover it with an adhesive plaster. At best, this will cause a long-term non-healing wound, at worst it will lead to complications.

When the remainder of the umbilical cord is still in place, the child should not be bathed to avoid infection. But as soon as the umbilical cord falls off, water procedures can be carried out. The water should be boiled and warm. You should try to avoid direct contact of the umbilical wound with water. It is better to then treat this area separately with a clean, damp sponge.

Each time you finish bathing, you need to re-treat your navel. This should be done as many times a day as water gets on the wound. Just like the very first time, after the umbilical cord falls off, 3% hydrogen peroxide is first instilled, then brilliant green is applied.

All clothing, things and hands touching the umbilical wound should always be clean.

Navel healing process

How can you tell if your belly button has healed or not? First of all, you need to inspect the area of ​​interest. The skin around the umbilical opening should not differ in temperature or appearance from surrounding tissues. Nothing should come out of the wound. Touching the navel does not cause fussing or crying in a newborn. On the Internet you can find many photos of what a normally healed navel should look like. So parents have something to compare with.

However, there are situations when the process is delayed or even complicated. The main reasons why this trouble happens can be:

  1. very thick umbilical cord;
  2. long umbilical remnant;
  3. improper care;
  4. prematurity.

When to sound the alarm

If the newborn does not stop bleeding when the umbilical cord falls off. This is a fairly rare situation, since the umbilical vein is no longer functioning. But there are pathological conditions, in which slight bleeding may occur. The first thing to do in this case is to press a sterile napkin to the navel and hold it until the doctor arrives.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Recently I became an unwitting witness to a conversation between two young mothers. One complained to the other that the newborn’s belly button was not healing for a long time and did not know what to do. The second one passionately asked a friend if there were any accompanying moments about how the baby behaved.

But she shrugged her shoulders. He doesn't notice anything bad in his behavior. And there are a million such examples. Young parents cannot understand the reason, and accordingly, they do not know how to deal with the problem. Today I will try to answer these questions.

When something happens to us, we immediately rush to the Internet, look, and try to establish a diagnosis ourselves. Of course, it is impossible to establish a 100% cause and, moreover, prescribe treatment! But it is still necessary to understand which norms correspond to this situation.

So, the following boundaries are established at the navel:

  1. The umbilical cord remains dry and falls off within 3 days to a week. Sometimes the process takes 10 days.
  2. Isolation of ichor (light liquid) on day 3. Please note that this phenomenon is short-term in nature and in small quantities.
  3. Healing of the resulting wound. About 3 weeks.

How long does the entire healing period take? About a month. Deviation plus or minus 3 days. When the process is delayed, you need to understand the root cause.

Possible reasons

We didn't have any problems with our belly button. But having been in the maternity hospital and using the examples of friends, I can tell you a lot about this. In general, during pregnancy I read quite a bit about this. I tried to prepare for the surprises of approaching motherhood.

Here are the reasons for a non-healing navel:

  • Incorrect processing. Yes, parents often evade the pediatrician’s advice by using the wrong means. Or better yet, doing without them. Yes Yes! There are people who believe that for successful healing it is enough just to give the baby air baths more often. But here I will say this: only those who are lucky heal well. In other cases, such activities threaten infection, at best. And it’s not far from blood poisoning. Are there any readers who adhere to such care methods? Still want to do without medications?
  • Inflammatory processes. This may be due to poor processing. Or the parent simply missed something. For example, when they cleaned it, lint from the cotton wool remained in the wound. Because of this, inflammation can occur.
  • Thick umbilical cord. Remember, at the beginning I talked about a mother who sees no changes in the baby’s behavior, but the belly button does not heal for a long time? Most likely, the root cause was a thick umbilical cord. Typically, long healing is not accompanied by additional symptoms. But it causes great concern among parents.
  • Tight clothing or diaper. When babies are wrapped tightly in swaddling clothes or pulled in with diapers, this can cause prolonged healing. The wound is constantly injured, the crust is torn off. You understand that it won’t heal so quickly.
  • Hernia. A terrifying diagnosis. This happens in babies who cry a lot and have weak abdominal walls. How to determine? The belly button just sticks out forward. In general, the baby should be shown to a doctor. But more often the diagnosis is favorable, it will go away by the age of 5. You just need to keep it under control and not let the child lift anything heavy when he starts walking.

Yes, the list is considerable. But let's figure out when there are special reasons for concern.

When is it bad?

Really, can it really be that bad? There are several reasons for concern.

  • From the umbilical ring. And this sign cannot go unnoticed. Any mother will notice during treatment that the little one’s wound reeks of something foul.
  • Redness of the umbilical area. Sometimes even pulsating!
  • Sudden increase in baby's body temperature.
  • Umbilical ring. Yes, in the first days after the umbilical cord falls off, ichor may be released. But in small quantities. And when this is permanent, and at the same time, this is a serious reason to go to the hospital.
  • . Yes, a few drops are not terrible. But it happens when copious bleeding begins. Here the body clearly fails.

And if there are no these troubles, it is quite possible that the umbilical cord was thick. Or you just wrap the baby up too much and slow down the healing process.

What to do for speedy healing?

Tell me, did you receive recommendations on caring for your navel at the maternity hospital? Dear parents, whatever the root cause of long healing, there are a number of rules to speed it up. I will share these recommendations with you. I wonder if you will have anything to add to my list?

  1. . How? I used peroxide and brilliant green. Yes. First, peroxide was dripped into the wound. When it hissed, I carefully removed the softened crusts. But just don't tear them off forcibly. Remove only those that come off easily. Then I smeared it with green paint. Carry out the procedure once or twice a day. How are you doing?
  2. Do not wear tight clothing. And diapers should be rolled up or used with a special cutout for the navel.
  3. Arrange air baths. Show off your little one naked more often!
  4. Bath only in boiled water. Until the wound heals, of course. You can add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the water. Only well-bred. There should be no crystals in the water! They should dissolve. And maintain concentration. Slightly pink tint.

Well, rules are rules. What to do if the umbilical ring does not heal for a long time?

What to do if the navel does not want to heal?

Unfortunately, when suppuration occurs or the temperature rises, potassium permanganate can no longer help. No, of course, proper care is necessary! But in this case it must be special. And it will depend on the situation. More often than not, everything works out. Peroxide is left out of medications, but antiseptics are selected individually.

So what to do? And there is only one piece of advice: go, no! Run to the doctor! Or call an ambulance if the situation becomes critical. It’s better not to let it come to this. If you see that your child’s belly button is constantly getting wet or red, don’t wait for the long-awaited month to pass and everything to heal as ordered. Most likely, the deadlines will be delayed. Contact us immediately. Don't delay.

And one more piece of advice - don’t experiment. If your pediatrician recommends it, do it. Do you doubt the qualifications of your local doctor? Go to another specialist. Just don't self-medicate.

Tell me, what is the reason for the long healing time of your baby? Or does it heal on time? What do you process? Leave comments and become blog subscribers. Bye. See you again!
