Competition with road signs for the anniversary. Scenario of the anniversary of the motorist

The phonogram of the song “Hold on to the steering wheel, driver!”

presenter. Good afternoon Our meeting today is by no means accidental. We warmly and cordially congratulate motorists and road workers, all those whose lives are connected with the road, on their professional holiday.

For our city with its developed industrial infrastructure, dynamic development road transport and road facilities is of great importance. Timely delivery of goods and passenger transportation is an integral part of ensuring the smooth operation of the economy and the normal functioning of the social sphere.
We express our deep gratitude for your painstaking work for the benefit of people and the city. Health and good luck to you! And, of course, neither a nail nor a wand!

Leading. There is, perhaps, not a single person who would not appreciate all the advantages of road transport, because thanks to its mobility, its carrying capacity, the necessary transportation of passengers and various goods to the most remote corners of the country is carried out.
The work of motor transport workers is very important, responsible and honorable.

How many of them, behind the steering wheel, drivers
On the roads of the native land,
Overcome both valleys and mountains,
Knee-deep in water and dust.

How many? endless loads,
Endless nights without sleep.
Work for them is not a need, not a burden,
Labor for them is a novelty of long runs.
And they don't need another
Even if loved ones are waiting.
Dear our guys,

May God give you only bright moments.
And keep you fate and hope,
And lead you with one desire:
Stay the same as before
Do what has long been decided.

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. Dear friends, accept congratulations from the driving instructor

Performance ….

Leading. Happy holiday to you! Happy roads and good students to you!

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. At any moment, a taxi service comes to the rescue.
Vehicles in our life
Everyone knows it's very important.
Congratulations to all who are with him

Inextricably linked.
We wish you all
Truss is always happy
And health and warmth,
And the love of loved ones
So that fate does not disappoint
So that adversity - by.
Let from your doorstep
And before God's judgment
The road will be smooth
Today, tomorrow and always!

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. Oh, roads, oh, roads!
Worries a lot of people these days
Your, let's say, "health",
"State of mind".
Because everything in the world
Old people, young people and children,
They don't like delays
They are better off in a hurry.

Dear road workers!
Your day is today.
Do not give up positions in this life,
Love, and create, and dare,
So that the light of hope and faith does not go out!

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. Now let's look at history. Who do you think broke the rules first? traffic- man or woman? The first car driver in history was ... a woman. The judgment of the Parisian court read:

"In the Bois de Boulogne, Madame d'Uzès was driving a car at a speed of 13 km / h, which could have caused serious consequences." It happened on August 14, 1893. Maybe Madame thought that “it is better to go badly than to go well?”

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. I would like to say the warmest words to the drivers' wives. Anxious hours of waiting, excitement ... Only they know about it. Despite worries and troubles, they remain affectionate, friendly, kindness radiates in their eyes. And, if necessary, they can be funny and mischievous. You, dear women, are given songs by the following performers.

A concert number is being performed.

At the end of the song, the participants of the concert rise to the stage with glasses in their hands.

presenter(makes a toast).

Let us raise a glass
For the most tender on earth
For those creatures without which
We don't imagine life.
We drink for kind eyes
For the tenderness of a gentle hand,
For what you are in the world
For you, in short, men!

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. Dear viewers, you know that humor helps to live. And we are going to switch you to a fun wave.

A couple of trick questions about drivers and transport:

1. How many giraffes fit in "Zaporozhets"? (Three. Although the car is a four-seater, but one seat is intended for the driver).

2. And how many hippos fit in "Zaporozhets"? (Not a single one, because all the places in Zaporozhets are already occupied by giraffes).

Life would be boring without jokes. They did not bypass the drivers, the police, the traffic police. First, let's look at the ads in the newspaper:

1. Since 2005, cars of the largest companies have been offered in a special configuration for blondes: a powder box is mounted in the sun visor along with a mirror, lipstick takes the place of the cigarette lighter, and deodorant is hidden under the guise of a fire extinguisher.

2. Announcement. “Do not park cars at the entrance! The penalty is a shovel on glass.

3. I change "VAZ 2110" for you at 21.10. Sashik.

4. Don't trust the traffic lights - trust the traffic coming towards you.

5. Do not drive the car faster than your guardian angel flies.

6. Driving school students need scattered pedestrians.

3 concert numbers are performed.

Leading. Once two friends met. "How much do you need to learn to drive?" - "Well, seven or eight ...". "What, months?" “No, cars.”

Leading. The traffic police inspector stopped the car: “Show your documents. Bah, your photo is not in order! “How are you not okay? Here I am, third from the left.

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. The traffic police inspector finally managed to stop the female driver. He is indignant: “Didn’t you see, I showed with a rod to stop and whistled?” “Why should I stop for a whistle? I'm busy tonight!"

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. We invite everyone to the car fair. How many warm words and admiring glances were presented to the famous OKA car! They even wrote a song about her.

A song is performed to the motive "God invented you."

There is such a car in the world,
I will sing and play about it for you,
I saw myself, I was inside
It's a car of the past generations.
Ears in it prop up the knees,
Believe your eyes, you look.
At KAMAZ, it seems, they are produced,
And off the assembly line...

Chorus. Who invented "OKU"
Apparently he was drunk
split across,
Clearly drinking a bottle!
From "OKI" I suffer and cry,
It is impossible to get to the cottage.
Everything broke down and died at once.
Got everyone to the liver, infection,
This terrible embryo of KAMAZ
Down with OKU! Give "UAZ"!

Leading. And towards "OKE" leaves "Lada".

To the motive of the song "No need to frown, Lada."

Under the iron ringing of the jack - 2p.
Under the Zhigul, groaning, lying down,
A car mechanic once told me - 2p.
He spoke not in an eyebrow, but in an eye:

Chorus. No need to frown, "Lada",
Not a car, but a reward - "Lada".
No matter how much the master boasts,
Anyway, the medical unit will fall off,
And then the Lada will completely fall apart.
Inspection is not an obstacle, - 2p.,
Gave "on the paw" and passed,
Let it puff, but the Lada is driving,
It rattles, but the Lada is driving,
Rides "Lada" well.

Leading. A very valuable, very "cool" off-road car - "Za-porozhets". Now we will give you valuable instructions on how to keep it from hijackers.

To the motive of a song from the repertoire of V. Serduchka.

I came to the city
On your favorite "Zaporozhtsi!",
I put yoga on Lenin Boulevard,
Bіlya shop toti Zіni
Very neat and beautiful...
Shobi "Zaporozhets" was not stolen,
I spun the wheels of youmu,
I put the wheels very carefully.
I put it in my travel bag.
I from the wheel with a brake shoe.
I put it carefully in the basket.
I go with a graceful gait to the grocery store
Enakievsky for vodka.
Behind the shoulder is a basket with four tires.
And a box with a brake pad,
I glance at the men.

Serduchka. Here's what I want to tell you: “Children should follow in the footsteps of their parents. Here the teacher asks his son: “Who will you be, son, when you grow up? - The boy replies: "Teacher, dad!"
The traffic cop asked his son who he would be, he replied: “A traffic cop, dad! These are boys, these are boys who are boys above all the carriers!
But the policeman asks his daughter: “What do you want to become, Accident?” - "Disaster, dad!"
Oh, and here is our friend - Accident!

A provocatively dressed girl enters the stage.

Serduchka. Yes, the girl has grown! Now for sure - Disaster! And you, girl, are obviously interested in cars?

Are you selling or buying?
Young woman. I'm stealing.
Sings to the tune of the song "The Hijacker".
"Zaporozhets" I once stole,
But friends called it a "cart".
And since then I began to steal
Everything that drives, flies and runs.
I don't need a pager or fax
I don't want a cell phone.
Tears flow like a river from my eyes,
Where to steal a Mercedes 600?
Chorus. I drove you, I drove you so
You were a dazzling machine...
Sold you, sold you
Living with a car is suspicious.
"Hey thief!" - I hear after
"Don't drive, pick up your slippers!"
But I run a red light
I am colorblind, and everything is "do not care" for me.
I'll take you apart on the go
I'll unscrew, unscrew everything I can,
And when I leave you
You will become the twin of Zaporozhets.

Leading. We announce the competition "Real Man". But women will take part in it. We invite three representatives of the fair sex to the stage. The participants in the game should take turns listing the definitions of a real man. If the participant cannot come up with a new definition, she is out of the game. The participant who named the last definition wins. You begin your definition with the words: “A real man is that ...”
Answer examples:
- Who is always gentle and caring,
- Who brings a lot of money into the house,
- Who creates comfort in his home,
- Who has extraordinary masculine virtues,
Who can stand his ground
- Who carries women in their arms, etc.
We give the winner a prize and give a musical gift.
A concert number is being performed.

JUMPING "The Strongest"

All contestants receive a match. The winner is the participant who breaks the match into the largest number of pieces.

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. I will now tell another anecdote, to some extent it concerns drivers: “A drunk falls out of a restaurant, looks, a man in a cap is standing. - Doorman! Taxi! - I'm not a porter, but a captain of the third rank! - Well, then the boat to the gangway!
And I told an anecdote not by chance. We invite you to take part in an anecdote dramatization contest or funny story on the subject of auto.
While the organized teams are preparing, several concert numbers are performed. Spectators after watching the dramatization determine the winning team.

Leading. We once again congratulate you on the holiday and wish you good luck, health and happiness!

A concert number is being performed.

The wind behind the cabin rushes with dust.
Turn left, be careful, driver!
Somehow make it to the last miles
Your reliable friend and comrade motor.
You are not afraid of rain or sleet,
Sharp turn and slope.
So that my beloved does not have to cry,
Hold on tight to the steering wheel, driver.
And the road winds like a gray ribbon,
Sight glass filled with rain.
Let your truck break through the storms!
I want you to be lucky, chauffeur.
Let your hands smell of rain and gasoline,
Let gray whiskey silver,
It's a joy to meet you with your little son
Love and wife will come out to the crossroads.

Bezrukova L. A., methodologist of the Orlovsky RDK

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Anniversaries are a big holiday. Many try to celebrate it on a large scale. It implies a wide feast and many guests. Here are not only relatives, but also friends of the hero of the day with children and spouses, his colleagues, colleagues, superiors. It turns out a very diverse company - by age, hobbies, interests. So that guests do not get bored, you need to think in advance what entertainment can be offered to them. Scenes are best suited for this, which will periodically “dilute” the feast, amuse the guests and delight the hero of the day himself. Scenes can be very different - costumed and not, short and long, with one "actor" and more ambitious. There are also many ideas for them. Any plot will do, from already existing books, films and mini-productions that have been spied somewhere, to those invented by yourself. However, they all have to have one thing in common - to be funny.

Costumed productions

The main difference between them and the rest will be only the costumes in which the participants-actors are dressed for plausibility. Usually the actors themselves are the guests. Their participation is coordinated in advance by the relatives of the hero of the day, who are preparing the holiday and want to make an additional gift.

traffic police inspector and hunters

Three men are involved. You need to pick up the appropriate costumes - the form of a traffic police officer for one and a gun, boots and bandoliers for the other two. "Hunters" can be exchanged for fishermen, fans or anyone else. It depends on the interests of the hero of the day.

Scene progress

Two friends-hunters, accompanied by a traffic police officer, enter the hall where the feast is taking place. They were just on their way to today's anniversary to congratulate their friend, but they violated traffic rules and were stopped by an inspector. They explained the situation to him - well, you can’t help but congratulate good man! Of course, the inspector agreed to deliver them to the place of celebration. After congratulating friends and presenting gifts, the inspector comes forward and joins in the congratulations himself. He reads out, and then hands the spouse of the hero of the day a certificate of passing the technical inspection of a special vehicle - the birthday man himself (his last name and first name are voiced) on the occasion of the 50th birthday (the figure can be any) and the corresponding conclusion.


Conclusion of the traffic police

  1. Condition is excellent.
  2. The owner claims that this vehicle is still rideable and rideable.
  1. Refueling only with high-quality fuel - an octane number of at least 40. If the octane number is lower, it is necessary large quantity fuel.
  2. Regular lubrication of the filler part is shown: on vacation, after hunting and baths, on birthdays, and so on.
  3. It is not allowed to use a vehicle by proxy.
  4. The owner must remember that for normal operation, the vehicle needs affection, love and regular lubrication.
  5. The next inspection is recommended after 50 years.

Italian guests

This scene also needs three participants - two men who will Italian guests and a female translator. The costumes are quite simple, you don’t even have to completely change the actors, but just pick up the appropriate accessories - dark glasses, black wigs and mustaches, hats with a brim. For the translator - eyeglasses and a stack of paper. As gifts - pasta, olives, wine. In the midst of fun, the actors of the scene quickly enter the hall and head to the hero of the day. They take turns congratulating the birthday boy, and the translator repeats each phrase in Russian. 1st guest: Nashente zdravigilento jubelento and druzente - lubente alcoholento pipivento! translator: We want to greet our hero of the day, as well as his dear friends. 2nd guest: Arrive at the devil on Kulichkent tell at least something totent! translator: We came to your wonderful city to join in the general congratulations. 1st guest: It is desirable not to glotanto tabletanto and not to know the doctor! translator: We wish you the best of health. 2nd guest: Let there be a lot of money in the wallet and the stomach was always full! translator: Let it accompany you through life financial well-being and enduring happiness. 1st guest: Let's druzilento nikogdento on krysento! translator: Let there be reliable friends nearby. 2nd guest: We gave hotetto figinetto and jurundento! translator: These lovely gifts from sunny Italy for you. 1st guest: Do not overeat and do not blivante, the puzento is not bursting. translator: Eat healthy and enjoy. 2nd guest: Reminiscent of our arrival, Italian gift. translator: Remember us, always your Italians.

Weird salaries

A small costume scene, which should accompany, and, possibly, open the gift-giving ceremony. There are two actors. It is desirable that they be women - thin, vertically challenged and high dense:

  • A small one is "weighed" with a small amount of money - it can be both coins and banknotes of small denominations. They can simply be drawn on large sheets to be clearly visible.
  • A tall woman is dressed richer - there are no coins at all, but there are many large bills.

Before presenting gifts, they take turns approaching the hero of the day and congratulating him.

Congratulation Little Pay

Do not look, dear birthday boy, that I am still so small. I wish you all the best in the world. May you, with my help, secure a life worthy of a king himself! To make this happen, I invited my older sister here. I hope that together we can please you.

Big Pay Congratulation

Maybe I don't look like a lucky lottery winner, but together with my little sister, we - best gift, which is useful to you in any situation, takes you on vacation and brings many pleasant minutes! Congratulations! After this performance, all the guests who decided to choose an envelope with money as a gift hand them to the birthday man. You can prepare a large envelope in advance and put the entire amount into it at once.

Mini productions

Such scenes usually do not take much time. They are staged with the help of one or two actors. Very rarely more is needed.

It is convenient to insert them before the next toast in order to somehow diversify the usual course of the feast and entertain the hero of the day with his guests.

Urgent medical examination

A man, fully dressed as a doctor, enters the room. He is wearing glasses, a white coat, a stethoscope, shoe covers. In his hand he holds a small "medical suitcase". Doctor: Let me, let me! Before congratulations sound, I have to examine our today's hero. He goes straight to the hero of the day and begins the examination: he examines the face, ears, pupils, asks to touch the tip of the nose, listens to breathing with a stethoscope and performs other medical manipulations. During this impromptu medical examination, the doctor comments on his actions with various remarks: “So, sir,” “let's see what we have here,” “yeah, yeah,” “I thought so,” and the like. After that, he makes a short speech.

Doctor's speech

I have performed a full examination of our patient and am ready to make a full report on his health! So…

  • Anniversary (surname, name, patronymic).
  • Age - in the prime of life, that is, blooming.
  • The pulse is like a real fountain, there is no way to measure it.
  • Blood type - only red bodies, sometimes there are white ones (in a strictly measured amount). This is a real "blood with milk"!
  • The heart rate - as it should be on one's own anniversary - either skips, or freezes from a complete overabundance of feelings.
  • The vitality is completely versatile.
  • Vision is perfect. This way you can notice any little thing.
  • Rumor is truly universal, which is a rarity.
  • The sense of smell is very subtle, with a 3% error probability it can determine with whom the spouse communicated today. Such an acute reaction occurs only in males.
  • Chronic diseases - an inexplicable hibernation after a delicious dinner, a dinner cooked with love. Most often this manifests itself next to a working TV.
  • The regime of the day is mixed: walking-sitting-lying.
  • The general conclusion is that this is only the beginning of the life of this organism. It is recommended to take from life everything that you want, and that was not received.

urgent telegram

A man enters the hall with a bag over his shoulder, a hat with earflaps and a glued-on mustache. He portrays a well-known character - the postman Pechkin. Hello! It's me - the postman Pechkin. Brought you an urgent telegram. It must be read aloud. To do this, I need to wet my throat. Demands a filled glass, drinks, then reads a telegram. It can be written on this form.

Telegram text

I dreamed of coming period I couldn’t tour period I cordially congratulate you zap I wish you well period I dream of being there period your Alla Pugacheva This scene can be staged instead of another toast. And in conclusion, you will find one cool scene-tale about forest animals, a hunter and dragonflies in love - watch the video:

The proposed scenario can be used both for a professional driver and a motorist.
All words belong to the Leader.
Roads of life for the anniversary
Managed to bring you
Therefore, I would like to note
It's time to raise a toast to them.
The guests fill their glasses.
On this glorious anniversary
We congratulate you in chorus
And on behalf of the guests
We sincerely wish you all:
Let the beautiful road
Your life will go on.
Let happiness keep pace
Keeping you from adversity!
May the soul not fade for a long time
Bright, bright light
Let you beckon to discover
All untrodden roads!
The guests raise their glasses, a musical pause.
The life of our hero of the day is directly related to intersections, traffic lights and road signs. And given that the car is the brainchild of any car enthusiast, we decided to give the hero of the day a few useful things. We give this wheel, Put it in the trunk.
A baked kalach in the form of a wheel is awarded.
Well, so that the patrol does not get to the bottom, We hand you this spare steering wheel.
The lamb is handed over.
After watching cool series about truckers,
We think that fuels and lubricants will also come in handy.
A bottle of vegetable oil and vodka is awarded.
Now the transport is fully equipped, you can safely hit the road. Here the driver gets into the car, turns on the radio and hears the voices of friends.
Congratulations from friends and colleagues.
Perhaps now is the time to go to the gas station and refresh yourself with everything you need.
I think that for the hero of the occasion there is a unique special offer on this occasion.
Dear Anniversary,
I need to open this box.
Show what's in it, banquet.
The hero of the day takes out a vessel for cognac and a set of glasses.
To strengthen the backbone of friends,
Invite them to cognac.
The number of glasses is equal here to the heel
If you want a drink, please come.
Five people from the guests are coming to the hero of the day.
I see that you really decided to become the backbone of the company of the hero of the day. Hopefully, before you fill up", you will have no problem answering the questions attached to the shot glasses.
Guests answer questions, drink to the health of the birthday man.
1. What kind of transport did the birthday boy "run" at a very early age?
2. Does the hero of the day know how to season the soup as professionally as his own transport?
3. What does the hero of the occasion need to refuel in cool weather before he goes out? (Shirt or T-shirt with trousers.)
4. What kind of fuel does the birthday boy use at the gas station?
5. What duties does the hero of the day "run" in his family?
Since everyone at the station refueled diligently,
I invite everyone to dance now without fail.
A dance break during which the "Carrier" game is played. Two men are selected for the competition, they are given caps and bagels. Their task is to "go around" all the guests, hitting everyone they meet with their hand. Those who have been touched must grasp the belt of their driver or last passenger. The winner is the driver whose "car" will collect more people.
At the table guests can not be counted,
There are many congratulations.
But let's start by seniority,
As is customary in everyday life.
The hero of the day is congratulated by his parents, then by other relatives who can be represented in verse.
So the turn for the wife of the hero of the day has come.
I wonder what she would wish him that day.
And now on my own behalf
The son will congratulate the birthday man-father.
For a long time, the relatives of the hero of the day are eager to congratulate.
We cannot refuse them now.
Relatives put on chef's hats and aprons, go out to the music and start congratulating.
First. On the road over the hill
There is a cafe - our second home.
We are all cooks - super-class,
You haven't been seen in a while.
Meet us now
After all, we really missed you!
Second. Leaving lids and pans
We hurried here quickly,
To congratulate the birthday
On his wonderful birthday.
Third. We sewed sausage beads
And they baked an oak cake,
Well, it's okay that he's so low,
We tried our best.
The cooks put on the hero of the day sausage beads sewn from nylon tights, handing a cake made of cardboard or papier-mâché.
First. Keep a taste for life
this food will help you longer.
Second. We wish you good days
Rosy cheeks and curvaceous.
Third. To remember the holiday
moments, accept these presents here.
They hand over memorable gifts, leave the hall.
And now we'll say a toast
Which will throw a bridge over the tables.
I ask everyone who has filled their glasses to close them with the neighbors opposite. Guests form a "bridge".
Let the Cars rush along this bridge once a year, They rush not to the fire: Our glorious hero of the day is waiting for them! Imagine that cars of different brands are moving along our bridge, and all of them are carrying congratulations and compliments to our birthday man. In my hands I have cards on which the names of cars are written. Try to decipher each letter. For example, OKA: We love Kovalev-Motorist.
The presenter distributes cards with the names of cars to the guests: ZIL, Lada, MAZ, IZH, Niva, LAZ. After a while, the guests read congratulations and compliments.
Slowing down, cars rushed by Russian production, but a car of a foreign brand appeared on the horizon. Yes! On this anniversary day, the owners of "Zaporozhets" are also in solidarity with our birthday man. No wonder they spent a century diligently composing a letter of congratulations to him and dreaming of a meeting. It seems that Taras Bulba himself came to us.
A Ukrainian appears in trousers, an embroidered shirt, a mustache and a forelock on his head. A Ukrainian woman enters with him - a man in disguise.
He. good time,
And we arrived
Until the letter
Haven't been able to send it.
She. Let me read
Our congratulations,
They are in Ukrainian
They sound even better.
He. Our dear man,
Happy Ti for the best bjk.
Sob yci loved you
We didn't weld on the robot.
Shchob boules you cowbass,
Milk i st, i meat.
So that you have fun,
Shchob all the more beautiful you zbulosya!
She. We are from piflHi
We send you fat for half.
Gives a piggy bank.
She. Manage him more often And call yourself rich!
Leading. In order to feed this piglet to us now, We must act subtly with the guests. He loves banknotes and money ringing, He dreams of a festive dinner. For those of the guests who make a contribution, the piggy bank will give wealth a hundredfold.
The host conducts a cash auction, naming the initial price. The winner will receive a commemorative gift.
She. I see that the guests have tried: the hero of the day to be rich!
He. We can now leave for Zaporozhye, to the hut.
Ukrainians leave the hall.
Leading. Let's raise our glasses more and more cheerfully
And we will overthrow them for their wealth!
Just don't get behind the wheel
Looks like the traffic police are waiting for us.
A whistle sounds, a traffic police officer comes out in short pants, his cap on his side, and a baton in his hands.
Traffic police officer. Staff Sergeant....
Controversial moments arose
I ask everyone for documents.
Tell me honestly now
Are you driving all for the first time?
And why did they forget the signs
It's like they weren't taught.
Invites guests to remember the meaning of the signs, naming their own humorous version.
"Men at work" -
"Find something, I don't know what."
"Ejection of gravel" -
"Ham at the wheel." "Children" -
"Save yourself, there's a maniac."
"Crosswalk" -
"Home on the sleepers".
"Departure to the embankment" -
"Railway crossing with a barrier" -
"Steam heating repair".
"Side wind" -
Pinocchio went for a swim.
"Move right or left" -
"The Direction of Russian Reforms".
"Steep climb" -
“Led by beer”
"Nevsky" twelve degree.
"Rough road" -
"Negro Beach".
Yes, your preparation is negligible,
I think what else can be done.
We will have to carry out the "Whirlwind" by all means,
To teach you something instantly.
Competition "Pump the wheel" is held. 3-4 participants are invited. Their task is to pump air balloons using a pump.
Accidentally found out:
The hero of the day is the driver!
I hope it's correct
He's not a violator!
I would like to see him now
Give a gift this festive hour.
Completely trusts the traffic police
And this whistle hands you.
Whenever you need support,
Whistle, we will not be slow to gather to help.
He hands the hero of the day a whistle of impressive size and leaves the hall.
Leading. Of course, all the worries along the way cannot be avoided.
So let's drink to the strength to win.
You can talk about strength and talk.
Here, for example, transport - powerful, fast, load-lifting.
And all why?
Yes, because it contains the N-th amount of horsepower.
And you need to have a lot of experience and patience to be able to manage at least one of them. Let's ask the hero of the day to demonstrate his ability to handle "horsepower".
The hero of the day is given a "horse" on a stick (Fig. 16, p. 80). Mounted on a horse, he needs to show in a dance how the animal performs the following commands: gallop, trot, step.
The ability to drive vehicles and even a horse by the bridle made you, undoubtedly, a cool carrier. We are pleased to present you with this commemorative medal.
Presentation of the medal "Cool driver" - on a badge with a pin (Fig. 14).
Well, dear friends, one horse has already been ridden, and I invite a few more who want to saddle their horses.

There are two teams with an equal number of participants. Each team is given a "horse". The first participants, saddling their horse, overcome the intended distance and return to the team. Having put the second player on their horse, they again set off to pick up the third player, and so on until all the participants are on the horse. Whose team will be friendlier and will be able to get to the finish line faster? After the competition, music sounds, the dance program continues.
Attention, friends!
Sounds like the last toast
In a nutshell, it's pretty simple:
"For the anniversary, for the birthday!"
Let everyone drink without a doubt
Remember this day and hour
Where the hero of the day gathered all of us.

Coming very soon last sunday October, which means that we will celebrate a holiday called - the day of the motorist. We have prepared for you funny script holiday on the day of the motorist. cool script with competitions that both current drivers and future drivers can play. But main feature given scenario is that it is universal. You can hold it in the square, in the park or on the stage in any cultural center.

Now you will not surprise anyone with beautiful speeches and cool poems. Give people spectacles and entertainment! Therefore, we will spend our motorist day like this: alternate competitions with games and entertainment. After all, it is better, more exciting and more interesting than listening to poetry and long monologues. Ready? Start your engines. Go!

And immediately we will play a question-answer game, in which all questions and, accordingly, all answers are devoted only to motorists. We play like this: the first one takes out a card with a question, says to whom he addresses his question, and reads it out. And the one to whom the question is addressed takes out a card with the answer and reads out the answer. After the second, he takes out the question himself, says to whom he is addressing it, and so on.

1. Do you really love cars that much?
2. Do you like female drivers?
3. Do men wink at you while driving?
4. Do you dream at night about someone else driving your car?
5. Do you like to sleep in the car?
6. Can you drive while drunk?
7. Is it yours to run a red light?
8. Would you like to become a personal driver of the VIAGRA group?
9. Do you give bribes to traffic police officers?
10. Did you have a romantic dinner in the headlights?
11. Can you drive, talk on the phone and at the same time swear at cars passing by?
12. Do you like to be stuck in traffic jams?

1. And you get into my car and see for yourself!
2. Yes, but not in the morning!
3. Do you guarantee my safety after my answer?
4. Let's do this: I answer you honestly, and you sleep with me!
5. If only I'm in shorts!
6. And at the same time I wear rose-colored glasses!
7. Yes, and I'm not ashamed of it!
8. This is my favorite activity!
9. Am I a millionaire?!
10. Do you have an extra battery?
11. And I can light a cigarette with my legs!
12. Let me answer you after a hundred grams?!

After such a competition in the form of a warm-up, you can move on to gaming competitions.
But first, ask the drivers what word or expression they say as soon as they get fined and get into their car! While everyone is laughing, you prepare the playground.
You need toy cars. Put them in the way cars are usually parked on the roads of your city and call it parking. And tie a rope to one car. The task of the contestants is to park this car on the ropes. Therefore, do not forget to leave a couple of places to park your car. And let the participants try not to hit the standing cars and park their car: first in front, and then in the back.

And now the competition for taxi drivers!
We invite taxi drivers. They sit on chairs with backs. Their task is to "take away" as many passengers as possible at a time. Therefore, they put passengers on their knees, on their necks, and generally wherever they can. When each taxi driver has seated passengers, you can start the game.
The host invites them to start the motors (taxi drivers must make the sound of the motor). And since people are sitting on taxi drivers, it’s hard for them and such funny sounds will be made that it will immediately become funny. After the motors are wound up, you can get under way. They drive along the road and the first turn to the left (the driver must turn left, while he must actually lean into left side, and its passengers must not fall). After immediately turn right. And then a bump, and uphill. And so on, come up with any tests.
When taxi drivers have taken passengers to the right place, they are awarded prizes if they have taken all the passengers!

We go further and ahead of us is a pantomime contest!
Two participants are called. The first shows, the second guesses naturally to show everything without words, only gestures and facial expressions. You can totally play different situations from road life. For example:
1. The driver ran out of gas and he asks the second driver to go to the gas station, pour him gasoline into a canister and bring it back to him.
2. The driver stopped to go to the toilet. While he was walking his car was stolen. And he asks the second driver to take him with him and take him to the police to file a theft report.
3. Ahead of road repair. And the road worker explains to the driver that he needs to go around on another road.
And so on. You can take situations from real life.

And now the competition is the same words.
The task of the contest participants is to name as many words as possible, which are necessarily related to cars and something else. For example:
Disk - for the wheel and CD for the player.
Candle - for light and a scented candle and a spark plug.
Transfer - goes on TV (field of miracles) and it is switched in the car.
Wipers clean the streets, and in the car they help clean the glass from the rain.
And so on. There are many such words, just when they are asked to remember, everything is immediately forgotten.

And finally, some music and dancing. You need to stock up on karaoke songs about the road. There are many such songs. And turn them on one by one. Each participant has a special horn in his hands, with which he gives a signal if he knows the song. When he gave the signal, he says his version, and if correct, he sings this song in karaoke.
Song examples:
"Roads, roads" Gazmanov
"Oh, roads" (Oshanin - Novikov)
"Radio of Highways" Syutkin sings
And many others.

Thanks to such interesting contests you can arrange fun party for motorists, and they will be grateful to you.

We offer a collection of games that will be especially appropriate for professional holidays, anniversaries for motorists, corporate parties, and if you change the eyeliner a little, then they can be held at any celebration and any company.

"Funny and musical games and competitions for motorists"- these are new thematic, very incendiary entertainments with full musical accompaniment, which, if desired, can be downloaded directly in the text. (Thanks to the authors of the ideas)

1. Competition for motorists "Love-machine"

A song is played to create the appropriate atmosphere.

Sounds like 1.project. car is love

Presenter: I offer a comic guessing game about men. They say that the car a man drives says a lot about him. Let's try to guess?

Confidently keeps his hand on the steering wheel

He does not like to show off, the driver of a CHEVROLET.

Very brutal and bold type,

Someone who drives a Jeep.

He is independent and proud by nature,

The one who chooses a FORD car.

He knows that he tried hard

Reliable man driving a SUBARU

The President drove this car

We call everyone who is on Kalina a patriot.

Will pass through the mud, in the rain and blizzard.

The getter is a man, he has a GAZELLE.

I bought a car with the accumulated rubles,

Old-fashioned, modest owner of Zhiguli.

Women are not particularly appreciated yet.

Nimble and incomprehensible OKA driver

(during the game, the host chooses two ladies in the hall who answered faster and more willingly than others)

Presenter: The winners of the quiz come out to me, What's your name? Nowadays, a woman driving is no longer a rarity, but a normal phenomenon. And no matter how skeptical men are about this phenomenon, statistics show that a woman, as a driver, is more accurate and disciplined. Let's test how strong you are in driving practice. Do you have a car? Which brand? Colors? Is this the car of your dreams? Each - find in our hall a man who corresponds to the idea of ​​​​this car, and bring him here. Plant your men - this is now the car of your dreams, take care of it, wipe the headlights, the hood, look into the engine - everything is in order, open the doors, wipe the rear bumper, clean up the glove compartment, you need to fill the cars with anti-freeze liquid (one stack carried to cars), then they need to be refueled (snack). It’s a sin not to ride on such a clean and beautiful car, now we’ll find out which of our women is the most frisky driver - the ladies open the door, lay a napkin on the seat (a man’s knee) and “rule” to the incendiary music. The one with the crumpled napkin wins.

Sounds 2. I'll get in the car.

(Assess which napkin is more crumpled.)

presenter : ( ask the winners s) Now let's find out what the winner thinks about her car?

Sounds 3. Machine beast

Presenter: ( I ask the losing lady) And now let's ask the opinion of the lady who took second place?

Sounds 4. Let the carburetor dry out.

(These ready-made phrases can be included, or you can actually ask the participants for their opinion)

Presenter: I hope your partner will not be offended, because this did not apply to him, but to the chosen brand of car, or maybe you should change your dream?

Sounds 5. Let's drink for gasoline.

(For a closer company, you can arrange a game "For safety", which can be found in this selection for adults)

2. Cheerful team game "Valuable cargo"

For this game, two equal teams are recruited, each of which chooses in their ranks the most accurate, in their opinion, driver who can be entrusted with valuable cargo. For the game, you need to prepare two large children's dump trucks with a long rope, plastic, preferably small, cubes (according to the number of participants) and two pencils.

Game conditions: The selected drivers stand in front of the dump trucks at a distance of 2-3 meters, next to them there is a pile of cubes, The task of the members of each team in turn (one at a time) is to take a cube and run to their dump truck, load the cube and run back when they return to the team - the next player runs. When all the cubes are “loaded”, the driver starts to wind the rope from his dump truck, trying to do it quickly, but so as not to lose the cubes.

The winner is the team whose dump truck comes first and with minimal losses.

3. Game with the audience for the Day of the Motorist "Dashing Carrier"

4. Musical game "Automotive market"

For this game, you need to download and print pictures of different cars and prepare songs about them or take ready-made cuts here.

Leading: Of course, we all love our cars, but sooner or later the moment comes when we need to sell them. And here, no matter how many troubles and hardships our “swallow has endured, it must be served from the best side.

(Players randomly select pictures of different brands of cars, then name the car in their picture and the DJ, in turn, each plays the appropriate excerpt from the song. The song must be beaten or make a presentation to the music. An example can be given, as in the Good Jokes program , provocatively took out the signs for the next round)

Variants of musical excerpts for the game "Car Market":
