Our grandmother is not old at all. Scenario of the anniversary of an elderly man (grandfather) Scenario of the anniversary of 90 years for a woman cool script

90th anniversary script

"Funny, warm circle friends"

Guests are met at the doorstep by the hostess and the owner of the house, the hero of the occasion. They invite those who come to the table. After all the guests have taken their places, the host enters the room.

Presenter: Hello! I am glad to welcome everyone present in this house! Today we are gathered here together on an unusual occasion. On this day, our esteemed one turns ninety (gives the name and patronymic of the hero of the day). The holiday is opened by congratulations of children.

Children congratulate the birthday boy.

Presenter: Now let's have an auction. Attention! I have things belonging to the hero of the day. He asked me to sell them to guests at a fair price. However, guests will have to pay not with coins, but with kind words addressed to our esteemed birthday boy. So the auction is open!
Lot No. 1. This faded canvas is a diaper in which parents wrapped our hero of the day when he was a few days old. Today, looking at such a small diaper and at such a respectable birthday boy, it is hard to even imagine that he was once placed in an envelope folded from such a cloth. How many kind words will this diaper be sold for?

A “sale” of the diaper of the hero of the day is being held. The winner and owner of it is the one of the guests who said large quantity kind words for the birthday boy. Further, other things that belonged to the hero of the day at different times can be “sold” in the same way: a toy with which he did not part, shoe laces in which he went to first grade, a school diary for the fifth grade, the first tie, etc.
After all items are sold, the winner of the competition is announced. He has the right to say a congratulatory speech. Then you can invite guests to drink a glass of wine for the health of the birthday man. And the winner of the auction, who said the largest number epithets, a prize is awarded, which can be used as a paper medal "For Eloquence and Strong Friendship".

Presenter: So we finally found out who should be considered a true friend of the hero of the day. Of course, this is a person who said a large number of kind words to the birthday man. And now we will find out the name of a person who, over the long years of strong friendship and acquaintance with the hero of the day, was able to best know his character, habits, and is also aware of the events that took place in his life. We are holding a quiz called "The Most Informed".
Questions for the quiz:

  1. When was the hero of the day born? Give the exact date and time of his birth.
  2. In what city was today's birthday boy born?
  3. What was the first toy of the hero of the day?
  4. In what year did the hero of the day go to first grade for the first time?
  5. What was the birthday boy's first assessment?
  6. What is the name of the first teacher of the hero of the day?
  7. What is the name of the girl to whom the birthday boy first confessed his love?
  8. Who was school friend birthday boy?
  9. For what tricks was the hero of the day severely punished by his parents for the first time (summoned to the teachers' council, etc.)?
  10. When did the birthday person receive a diploma of higher education?
  11. When did the hero of the day receive his first salary?
  12. When did the birthday boy get married? Name the date and day of the week of the wedding.
  13. Where did the hero of the day meet his future wife for the first time?
  14. How did the birthday boy meet his chosen one?
  15. What flowers did the hero of the day give to his bride?
  16. Name the dates of birth of the birthday children.
  17. Who chose the names for the children: the hero of the day, his wife, mother-in-law or mother-in-law?
  18. What dish prepared by his wife does the birthday man prefer?
  19. Does the hero of the day like to wear a tie?
  20. Does the birthday boy use an electric or mechanical razor for shaving?
  21. What is the birthday boy's hobby?
  22. Where did the hero of the day spend his first vacation with his family?
  23. What song is the birthday boy's favorite?
  24. What pop singer or singer does the hero of the day like?
  25. Is there a house at the summer cottage of the hero of the day?
  26. What vegetables does the birthday boy grow in the country?

After all the questions have been asked, the quiz should be summed up. The person with the most correct answers is declared the winner. questions asked. He is awarded the medal "The most informed and inquisitive."

presenter(addressing the guests): And now, in honor of the holiday, let's sing the birthday's favorite song.

The guests sing a song in chorus.

Presenter: We hope the hero of the occasion liked the choral performance of his favorite song. We continue our evening! What a holiday without reading poetry! But since our celebration is attended mainly by adults - independent people, it is necessary to complicate the task. (Addresses guests.) You have to read a poem ... (makes a significant pause) of your own composition. It should be an ode - a form of poetic work praising the hero. Moreover, it must contain such words as birthday, glorious anniversary, birthday boy, schoolboy, builder, life.

The guests are divided into two teams, after which they are given some time to write a poem. At the end of the appointed period, the presenter reads the compositions aloud. Those present together choose the winner. Most often, friendship wins, and everyone raises their glasses to the friendship and health of the hero of the day.

While the guests are writing, the hostess can, if necessary, change the dishes and bring additional dishes.

Presenter: Well, dear guests, are you tired of having fun? No? Then we continue our holiday! The next contest is the most fun. This is a ditty contest. To do this, you need to split into two teams. The first team opens the mischievous competition. She should answer funny ditty performed by a representative or representatives of the second team.

At the end of the competition, you need to take stock: determine which team members performed the most ditties. The winners are awarded prizes (it can be sweets, fruits, souvenirs, etc.) and medals "For the best performance of ditties." The one who sang the most mischievous ditty receives a medal "For resourcefulness and fun."

Presenter: I see that intellectuals and merry fellows have gathered at this festive table. And now I want to know if you can dance... in unusual conditions. You need to perform the dance without getting up from your chair. There must be four contestants.

Four guests go out, taking chairs, to the center of the room. March, waltz, Latin American rhythms, twist, rock and roll sound alternately. Participants perform appropriate dances. The winner is chosen jointly and then they are awarded a medal. "For the best dance performance." After that, everyone can leave the table and perform the Gypsy dance. The best dancer receives the medal "First-class (th) gypsy (-ka)".

Presenter: Attention attention! A charming and charming woman came to visit us for the holiday. Meet the master of magical and gypsy sciences, professor of divination, unpredictable and inimitable ... Lyalya Chernaya! Applause!

Gypsy: Wow, what a warm company! Receive mpiya into your agreeable company. (He sits down at the table.) It's no use the deushka called me professor. Yes, I am a professor. I can predict the future. I know the fate of all the guests of this house. Podkhady, gild the pen, I’ll tell you everything, what is, what was, what will be, what to fear, what gifts to expect from fate ...

The guests take turns approaching the fortuneteller and find out their future: someone is waiting for the purchase of a jeep, someone - the arrival of a mother-in-law, someone - the birth of another child, someone - moving, someone - a promotion, etc. After fortune-telling, everyone raises a glass for the future and health of the hero of the day. Then the gypsy performs a gypsy dance, inviting "First-class gypsy (s)".

Presenter: And I heard from one of my acquaintances that gypsies have the ability to guess the thoughts of other people. (Turns to a gypsy woman.) Perhaps this is not true?

Gypsy: Wow, your truth! Everything is true! Believe it or not, I can guess thoughts from a distance. I’ll tell you the whole truth, who thinks what and what ... (He goes to one of the guests, a representative of the older generation.) Here is this young man, handsome and handsome, thinking about what a delicious salad the hostess of this house prepared, and his wife he won’t be able to do such a thing ... (Goes up to another guest.) This young and ruddy one thinks about what good man master ... (Suitable for the third, etc.)

Presenter: I also know that you can predict fate by drawing a lucky or unlucky ticket.

Gypsy: And such fortune-telling is known to me! Here are my tickets. Padkhadite, dear guests, good people, pull the papers of the king. What is written on them will certainly come true ...

As tickets, you can use an astrological forecast or clippings from newspaper articles pasted on small pieces of paper.

Gypsy(after divination): Now everyone knows their future. Well, I have nothing more to do here. I’m going to the camp, the children are tired of waiting, and my husband is strict, stern, doesn’t like it when I’m late for work ... Hello everyone! And I wish the hero of the day and his family happiness, prosperity, health and prosperity! I’ll drink a glass on the path for the hospitable owners of this house and for their guests! ..

Presenter: Thank you, Lala, for visiting us! We thank you, present the medal "For Honesty and Dedication" and want to perform a fun dance for you.

After the fortune telling is over, everyone sees off the gypsy.

In this case, you can turn on any gypsy melody or perform the corresponding song.

Presenter: And now let's give the floor for congratulations to the faithful friend of our dear hero of the day in grief and happiness, his wife (gives the name and patronymic of the birthday man's wife).

The wife congratulates the birthday boy.

Presenter: The wife said good words to the hero of the day. And now it's time to find out how she sees her husband in reality. We will blindfold her, give her a felt-tip pen, (gives the name of the wife of the birthday man) she will have to draw a portrait of her beloved husband on a piece of paper.

The birthday man's wife draws a "portrait" of her husband. Upon graduation, she is awarded the medal "For Loyalty and Devotion to the Ideal".

Presenter: Yes, a good wife went to our dear hero of the day, attentive and faithful. And what about the birthday boy? How attentive is he to his wife? Now we will check it. (Invites the hero of the day to go to the center]) of the room.) Let's blindfold today's birthday man, and let him find with his eyes closed among the five beautiful women the only one with which he once decided to link his fate.

Five representatives of the fair sex line up in the center of the room. The hero of the day must take turns approaching each and guessing, without removing the bandages from his eyes, which of the women of his spouse. For the correct answer, the birthday person is awarded a prize - a medal " best husband millennium".

Presenter: Something I see our guests are bored. I propose to raise a glass to the health of the hero of the day! .. We learned what a friend and husband is a birthday man. Now you need to find out what qualities his true friends have. So, the first competition for men is announced, which is called "Who is faster." I will give each man a piece of ice. It needs to be melted down as soon as possible. Whoever does it first will get a prize.

At the end of the competition, the presenter presents the winner with a prize - the medal "The Fastest and Hottest Man of the Millennium".

Presenter: The winner of the competition "Who is faster" we have decided. However, I am sure that there are those who could seriously compete with him. The next competition is called "The most dexterous". There are apples in basins filled with water. It is required to eat an apple as quickly as possible without the help of hands.

At the end of the competition, the presenter awards the winner with the medal "For Dexterity and Resourcefulness".

Presenter: The third competition will help us determine the most patient and persistent man. They lie on the floor air balloons. They need to be crushed by sitting on them. This is not as easy to do as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, those representatives of the stronger sex who have self-confidence and consider themselves the most persistent are called to participate in this competition.

After the end of the competition, the winner should be presented with a memorable gift - the medal "The Most Persistent and Patient Man of the Millennium."

Presenter: With this, I declare the official part of the celebration closed. I wish our dear hero of the day long life, good health, happiness and prosperity in the house. The evening will continue with a cheerful feast and incendiary dances.

The ninetieth milestone in a woman's life is a huge achievement worthy of recognition, respect, praise and glory. Of course, beloved relatives - children, grandchildren, and sometimes great-grandchildren - want to turn this significant date for their beloved grandmother and mother into real holiday. 90% of success depends on well-organized events. They cheer up an elderly person for a considerable period of time, reminding them of love, respect and attitude of relatives.

The initial stage of the organization of the holiday, of course, will be the planning of the table and the preparation of the menu. This is enough important point, since it will not be entirely comfortable for the birthday girl to understand that guests simply cannot appreciate some dishes, or not a single dish will be to the taste of someone at a chic table. Therefore, when compiling the menu, it is worth considering the age of the guests and making an approximate list of their taste preferences.
So, in our case, the anniversary of elderly woman and, accordingly, the list of her guests will partly consist of veterans. Our main task is to make sure that, having gathered at the festive table, they plunge into the time that they consider the brightest and most fun period of their lives. In this case, it will sound: “Everything is fine, like in the good old days,” and not “Remember how good it was” ...
Dear relatives should understand that no matter how well they treat the hero of the day, she is unlikely to be pleased with the presence of festive table sushi, rolls, squid and lobsters. Unless, of course, they are aware of the contrary. In any case, the presence in the anniversary menu of modern dishes from different cuisines of the world should not take more than 25-30%. The basis is still worth making up of classic dishes. Do not forget that old people sometimes have problems with their teeth. Don't embarrass veterans with hard and crunchy snacks. Dishes that do not require careful efforts when chewing must be present on the festive table.
Well, and, of course, drinks. It would be better to stock up on good, aged homemade wine in advance. Mojito, martini and schweppes - save for the party. The anniversary table should be dominated by Russian wines or cognacs. Do not forget that this is important for veterans, since they have a slightly different attitude towards imported products than today's youth.
The beginning of the celebration
In a well-organized environment, a decorated room and an atmosphere of general joy, the anniversary begins. You can decorate the room different options, as an example - decoration from balloons, which will not only give and support the atmosphere of the holiday, but will also become an excellent backdrop for photographs. After all the guests are seated at the table, the host begins his speech.
Leading:- Hello, dear guests of the celebration. Greetings, birthday girl! On this significant day, we gathered at the table to celebrate a big holiday - the 90th anniversary of our glorious friend (Congratulations name and patronymic). We, being your descendants, remember and appreciate the contribution that you made to the life of our country. Without your courage and courage, we would not be who we are today. Be always healthy, loved by all, and deservedly respected! Today, we all want to wish you mutual understanding, joy and divine participation in every undertaking.
Guests: Agreeing with the leader, they applaud loudly. General fun, joy, celebration begins.

Leading: I would like to note today the contribution that you personally made to the modern world. It is impossible to convey the emotions that we experience, understanding this. But accept our modest gifts as a thank you for what you have done for us and our children (Further, each of the guests presents his birthday gift to the birthday girl, emphasizing his personal attitude towards her).
All this happens in an atmosphere of exclusive interpretation: against the background of the general presentation of gifts, a slide show is shown, in which there are photographs of the most inquisitive moments from the life of the hero of the day. It can be like a snippet summer holiday, as well as student years captured on the camera, or a wedding. (Here it is worth paying attention to whether the husband of the congratulatory woman is alive, since this fragment of the anniversary can cause her a state of stress or apathy, which by itself will ruin the whole holiday for a person).
This captivating slideshow clearly demonstrates to the guests what achievements the birthday girl has achieved in her life. Further, the guests are invited to take part in a kind of competition: Each of them writes his wishes to the birthday girl on a piece of paper prepared in advance, and describes a fragment of her life, which, in his opinion, is of particular importance for the birthday girl. Then she selectively takes out one of the notes and reads it aloud. After that, according to the birthday girl herself (the notes are anonymous), the winner will be chosen. That is, the person who most accurately suggested that this particular moment of her life was the most memorable (infancy, school, university studies, marriage, participation in the Second World War, work, childbirth, etc.).
Host: So, congratulations are written, but now they should be quoted personally! We each take one of the notes (naturally, everyone comes across someone else's), and read them aloud. Thus, to the birthday girl, each guest reads wishes written by another person.
Guests: delight, laughter and applause.
Host: everyone congratulated the birthday girl, but someone was overlooked! And this person will now read a poem to you.
"Dear hero of the day,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
This is your holiday today
And flowers bloom for you.
Be happy, healthy
Never get sick.
We wish you trouble
They always got around you."
Guests: support with applause.
Leading: Each of us knows why we are gathered here today. Or rather, not why, but thanks to whom. This amazing woman worthy not only of love, health, happiness and gratitude, but also of understanding. So let's ask each other, which of us knows the birthday girl better?! Everyone must prove it personally by guessing the favorite song of the congratulatory from the list of sounding music.
In the process of selection and assumptions, of course, there is already general joy and delight among the guests. Musical works (it is worth knowing in advance from the relatives of the hero of the day which song she likes best) sound without interruption, the guests and the birthday girl are celebrating. At the end of the anniversary, the winner is determined. That is, the person who most closely or accurately guessed the favorite song of the birthday girl in the process of listening. He is given a symbolic gift, the guests and the hero of the occasion herself continue the fun to the music that sounds further.

90th anniversary script

MBOU "Vortsinskaya OOSh"


Araslanova Irina Aleksandrovna, head of the museum

Besermian poet M.I. Fedotov,
Trefilova Galina Veniaminovna, Deputy Director for BP,

Dementieva Elena Vasilievna, director of the school

Target - maintaining the connection of school generations, withpromoting the development of school traditions,popularization of the school in the life of society.


    The study by students of the history of their native school, the formation of the need to love and respect the school.

    Preserving the continuity of generations of graduates and teachers.

    Uniting the school community: teachers, students, parents, graduates.


colorful ad, Balloons, invitations, booklets, school bell with colored ribbons, a screen and a projector, a laptop, speakers, microphones, an amplifier unit, music files for concert numbers,

Posters: "Welcome!", "It's great that we are all here!"

School Anniversary Scenario.

    Exposition "Vortsinskaya school 1927-2017":

Stand "Teachers - Veterans"

Stand "Our graduates"

- Stand "History of the school 1927 -2017"

    Exhibition of research and creative works students.

Event progress:

The event dedicated to the anniversary of the school consists of 2 parts.

1 part - 1.5 hours. School tour. Solemn excursion and musical part about the history of the school. Start at 13.00 hours.

Part 2 - meeting of graduates. Start at 19.00 hours.

2 leaders come out. Music

Daniel1: What we are going to tell you about today

Everyone should know how to:

Anya 2: After all, the history of our school is

Part of the history of the whole country!

1: Today is a special anniversary

It concerns us all:

2: The school celebrates the birthday

The school is celebrating its anniversary!

1: Good afternoon, dear teachers of the school!

2: Hello Veteran Teachers!

1: We welcome honorable and distinguished guests!

2: Good afternoon dear parents!

1: Hello our wonderful students and our beloved graduates!

2: We are happy to welcome everyone gathered in this hall.

1. Today, Her Majesty's fate has given us an amazing opportunity to once again look into the past. We will again find ourselves in that special country from which, being small, we so want to fly away. After many years, return to it again, becoming adults.

2: It's no secret that the school is headed by a 1981 graduate.

1 : Elena Vasilievna, go up to the stage, everyone is waiting for your congratulations.

(congratulatory speech school principal, awards.)

1. The word for greeting all those gathered is given:

Suntsova E.M. Head of the UNO of the Administration of the MO "Yarsky District"

Gavrilova L.A. - the head of the administration of the municipality "Vortsinskoye"

Myshkin A.A. - Chief of StaffAdministration of the municipality "Yarsky district"

1 The Vortsinskaya school has been functioning for 90 years... A small island in the ocean of life.

2 Regimes changed... Leaders came and went...

1 Ideals and values ​​were changing... The history of our country was reflected in the history of our school like in a drop of water.

2 The story that pierced our destinies... Passed through the destinies of the students.

1 Turning the pages of the school annals.

2 What we are going to talk about now
Everyone should know how to
After all, the history of our school is
Part of the history of the whole country.

So, 1 page - foundation of the school. Slide

1. Yes, it's true, the history of our school began a long time ago, in the middle of the 19th century.

2: This is what it turns out that our school is over 150 years old. Here is the date. So why are we celebrating the 90th and not the 150th anniversary.

1 : Our school local history circle is interested in the history of our native school, but so far we have not found documents confirming the exact date of the opening of the Vortsinskaya school, but we have found a lot interesting facts on the history of the native school.

2: It's curious. Reveal your secrets.

1: With great pleasure! ……, pay attention to these bars, what do you think they mean?

2 : Well, probably some events.

1: Yes it memorable dates the history of our school. (Slide with dates - do not read)

1874 is the estimated year of foundation of our school.

1927 - the year of the opening of the school as a missionary.

1929 - a wooden school with stove heating was built.

1979 - a stone school with a boiler house was built.

2006 - the school was optimized.

The excursion "From the history of the school" begins. Decoration: old desk, inkwell, pen, old newspaper.

1. The Vortsinsk missionary school for the Gentiles was formed in 1874. 1-2 people worked at the school in difficult conditions, mostly young women and priests-teachers of the law. For conducting classes, there was 1 board, abacus, inkwells, books for reading and a primer. The local population did not want to teach children to read and write. Indigenous Udmurts were called the word "Gentile" and they were not allowed to hold official positions.

In 1911, 670 people lived in Vorets, and 78 students.

In October 1917, all parochial schools were transferred to the jurisdiction of Zemsky administrations, and priests began to work in them as teachers of the law. So the Vortsinskaya zemstvo school was formed.

2. The elementary school of 1927 was housed in a kulak house. The director was Mukhamadyar Nabievich from the village of Moino. He was a strict and intelligent teacher.

And in 1929 they built new school, in which school childhood most of our graduates. The school was located on the edge of the village of Vortsa in a wooden design with 125 seats. The housewarming was very joyful, the classes were large and bright. Teachers and students planted birch trees around the school and along the road, taking care of them themselves. Troitskaya Vera Nikolaevna, a teacher of mathematics, worked as the director of the school. She was the daughter of a priest from the village of Ukan. Teachers' houses were built on the territory of the school.

The village grew, there were not enough student places in the school. And in 1967, an unfinished school for 100 places was transported from the village of Zyankino to Vortsa.

2 page - "School in the War Years"

1. The war has begun ... Stuck into the hearts

A terrible poisoned arrow.

And everything changed in the world.

Anxiety rose over the country.


3. In the formidable years of 1941-45, together with all the people, the staff of the Vortsinskaya school forged victory over the enemy. The youth of graduates of the pre-war and war years was scorched by combat fire. On the battlefields, the teachers Araslanov Kuzma Alexandrovich, Pozdeev Petr Vasilievich, Saltykov Ilya Petrovich defended the Fatherland. According to the recollections of grandmothers, participants in the labor front, the children studied during the day, wrote between the lines on old newspapers, and after classes they went to work in the field - to collect ears, to collect ashes from home. In summer, collective farm calves and geese were herded. Many had to leave their studies for a while because of hunger and lack of clothes and shoes.

4 . During these years, almost all school subjects were taught at the Vortsinskaya school, the teaching staff consisted of 13 teachers. The directors of the school during the war years were Vakhrameeva Antonina Sergeevna, Topolev Gennady Ivanovich, Potemkina Klavdia Fedorovna worked as the head teacher since 1943.

In 1944, the school introduced a five-point system for assessing the progress and behavior of students. Military science was introduced into the school. Sysoev worked as military instructors since 1943Vasily Ivanovich, and then Fedotov Nikolai Mikhailovich, he was replaced by Fedotov Boris Ivanovich, then Fedotov Vasily Pavlovich.

2. Unfortunately, graduates are forced to fight in peacetime as well - this is participation in local wars while serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

1. Afghan warriors: Avvakumov Nikolay Arkadyevich and Ulyanov Yuri Igorevich.

2. Chechen warriors: Araslanov Ilham Zakhirovich, Lukin Ruslan Nikolaevich, Avvakumov Andriyan Gennadievich.

1 . They are frequent visitors to the school museum and share their memories of the difficult years of service in the army. For this we are grateful to them.

Page "School in the post-war years"

5. After the war, it was very difficult to restore the economy. The school was not left out. After school, children and teachers went to the fields, and at night they sorted and dried the grain. Today they are called "Children of War" and members of the labor front. The “Children of War” include 68 people from the Vortsinsky village council.

Children in the country have always been given great attention. In 1954, a boarding school was opened, in 1963 - an evening school for the education of working youth. Likhachev Vasily Demidovich and Yefimov Philip Ivanovich worked as directors of the school during these years.

1: Well, this date, I'm sure everyone knows. (Shows 1979). Slide

2: Yes, this year a new stone school, our home, where we now live, has opened its doors for children.

1. In 1979, the school moved to a new two-story brick building. The hard, but joyful job of moving fell on reliable male shoulders director of the school Utkin Rudolf Arsentievich.

2. It should be noted that most of the students of the Vortsinskaya school took part in the construction work, everyone wanted to study in beautiful spacious classrooms.

1. The school has healed new life honoring and preserving traditions.

2. Rudolf Arsentievich Utkin led the school for eighteen years.

1. Dear alumni, please share your memories of this important event in the history of the school.

(Speech of graduates) (prepare in advance)

6. During the years of Rudolf Arsentievich Utkin's directorship, the school was the best in the region and the republic in terms of the following indicators:

1. The student production team for growing flax in 1977-80 was one of the best in the republic.

2. In 1975, a joint state farm-school association was organized in the region to teach agrotechnical methods for growing flax and conducting experimental work. In 1979, Dyukina Minzigan Uasilievna and Dyukin Kanif Suleimanovich were the winners of the regional competition for young plowmen.

Dementiev Ivan Ivanovich and Danilova Tatyana Leonidovna - winners of the regional competition of young plowmen in 1980 and participants in the republican competition.

8. From 1966 to 2010, the subject "Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering" is taught with obtaining the right to drive wheeled and caterpillar tractors. The teachers were Kutyavin Vasily Arsentievich, Sitdykov Altaf Sadyrovich, Veretennikov Boris Viktorovich and Semenov Valery Ivanovich.

9. Under the leadership of the leader Kutyavina Lyubov Vasilievna, the pioneer squad in 1983 and 1984 was right-flank in the region.

7. Since 1985, Vladimir Pavlovich headed the Glavatsky school for 11 years. These were the years of perestroika in the country, and this also affected the school.

Then, since 1996, Nina Valentinovna Voronchikhina worked as the director of the school for 10 years. In 1998, the first educational program"Shaer" of the tourist and local history direction, which resulted in the opening of the museum of the first Besermyansk poet Mikhail Fedotov, a school graduate in 1976, in 2003.

With the optimization of the school in 2006, Dementieva Elena Vasilievna began her directorial activity.

3 page, school graduates

Readers 2.3 cells

Hello ex-children,
How do you live now?
Almost all over the world
Life has scattered you.
The school gave you a legacy
Your very first lesson.
And pioneer childhood
And the Komsomol badge.
Here you learned to work,
Books and life to learn.
Here was a favorite teacher
And a teacher, like a mother.
There were hikes and vacations,
Holidays and evenings.
The first breaths of lovers.
Everything was like yesterday.
The school lives without getting old,
The new kids are growing up.
Here they will be warmed with a smile,
They will lead you by the hand.
Hello ex-children,
How do you live now?
We are on the anniversary of our school
We invite you to the waltz.

Song "School Waltz"

1: The main product produced at the school is, of course, (prompt) a graduate. And he himself judges how good this product is, over time, we realize everything that the teachers tried to lay in us in our school years. I ask all graduates of the Vortsinskaya school to stand up different years who are in this room right now.

2 . We are very pleased that the school is loved and remembered. That former students came and came to her holiday and remember their school years with trepidation.

1. Greet each other with applause. (Say which part of the room)

8. Over the years, the school has given hundreds of boys and girls a start in life. Grain growers, livestock breeders, workers, teachers, medical workers, machine operators, entrepreneurs and many others - they are all pupils of our school.

All students are talented, but the fate of Mikhail Ivanovich Fedotov lit up as a bright star among the graduates.

Within the walls of the Vortsinskaya school, the talent for the work of the future poet was born. For years, the Muse was honed, which turned him into a famous Besermian poet.

Teachers and students have collected rich material of his creative activity, which is in the school museum.

We are proud of the Poet, a graduate of our school.

(those who wish to speak)

For you, dear graduates, this number. Folk group performance.

4 page, teachers - veterans of the school

2: Our dear and beloved teachers, now you have seen how many of your graduates are sitting in the hall, each of them has a piece of your work, your soul, your warmth and talent.

1: Dear Veteran Teachers. Low bow to you from your students.

2: Hugethank you for coming to our anniversary, we are very glad to see you in good health.

There is no richer and more generous in the world,
Than these people, forever young.

We remember all our teachers

Although they themselves are almost gray-haired.

They are in the fate of each of us,

They pass through it like a red thread.

We proudly pronounce every time

Simple three words: "This is my teacher."

    Dear teachers, veterans of pedagogical work, please rise to greet.

Vershinina Nadezhda Alekseevna , excellent student of education, worked as a teacher at school for 42 years primary school, Russian language and literature, organizer of extracurricular activities.

The high level of culture, the depth of knowledge of the subject, the mastery of the methods of teaching and education, the democratism of communication with students distinguished pedagogical activity Nadezhda Alekseevna.

Kutyavina Anna Alekseevna , worked at the school for 40 years, of which 25 years - the head teacher for educational work.

Anna Alekseevna's lessons were distinguished by high intellectual activity, clarity, logic and organization. She found the most effective ways of teaching and educating schoolchildren, striving to give them deep and solid knowledge.

Kutyavina Ludmila Ivanovna , Honorary Worker general education Russian Federation, worked at school for 41 years as a teacher of Russian language and literature.

Lyudmila Ivanovna is a talented teacher who has proven herself over the years of work as a highly qualified specialist. Her lessons were distinguished by methodological and pedagogical skills, a variety of non-standard techniques and teaching methods.

Abasheva Madina Zyanmukhametovna , 38 years worked as a primary school teacher, teacher of Russian language and literature

The lessons of Madina Zyanmukhametovna were held at a high methodological level, she knew how to ignite the students with her enthusiasm and excitement. Her lessons were always interesting and informative.

Matveeva Granya Nikolaevna, senior teacher, taught lessons in primary school. She taught kids not only to count, read and write, she was a second mother for each of her students.

Queen Raisa Stepanovna Worked as a teacher for 34 years different directions. She skillfully selected teaching methods and techniques that ensured active cognitive activity students.

More than 30 years worked at the school and in 2016 went on a well-deserved rest:

Vershinina Inna Leonidovna - Excellent student of education, primary school teacher.

- Eshmemetyeva Lyudmila Ivanovna - Honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation, teacher of biology.

- Vershinina Zinaida Andreevna - teacher of physics and mathematics.

Veteran teachers continue to work at the school today:

Kutyavina Lyubov Vasilievna - Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Public Education of the UR.

- Dyukina Alevtina Nesterovna - Excellent student of education.

-Trefilova Galina Veniaminovna - Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation

Dementieva Elena Vasilievna - Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Public Education of the UR.

1. We wish all veterans good health and success in all endeavors.

This song "Our youth team" is dedicated to you.

2. Unfortunately, life is short. Many teachers who were loved, appreciated, are no longer alive today:

- Rudina Sofia Fedorovna;

- Dorofeeva Antonida Semyonovna ;

- Dyukina Nina Andrianovna ;

- Shibanova Claudia Stepanovna;

- Potemkina Claudia Fedorovna ;

- Avakumova Elizaveta Alexandrovna.

We offer to honor minute of silence the memory of those who glorified the proud name of the school, but today cannot be with us.

(Metronome) Thank you.

5 page, school parents

1: Anya, don’t you think that we forgot to congratulate someone on the holiday.

2: No, we haven't forgotten. Dear our parents, the anniversary of the school is your holiday. After all, the school is not only children and teachers, but the children of teachers and parents. The doors of the school are always open for you, come to us more often. Thank you so much for your help, which we provide, and especially in the repair of cabinets. Walking through the school today, I think everyone appreciated how our classes look.

6 page, History in photographs

1: G They say that with the cry of a child, a divine fire ignites in his soul. The strength of this fire then determines his whole life. Teachers support this fire and do not let it go out. The people who lit this fire many years ago have remained, remain and will remain in memory. Generous and responsive were their hearts, containing both the joy and the pain of their disciples.

2. Leafing through the pages of the school annals, looking at old photographs, we see young energetic faces of teachers. What inspiration their eyes shine with, what a thirst to embrace the immensity! We flip through the pages and see how these faces are gradually covered with wrinkles, and the eyes become stricter, the look is wiser.

(show pictures)

1. We, the members of the local history circle, are very interested in looking at old photographs, but we do not recognize the people depicted in them. I think that now the graduates will recognize themselves or their acquaintances and tell the story of the following photos:

2. Thanks for the information provided. We will definitely record all your memories.

page 7, school today

1: Today our schooltrying to keep up with the times. A highly qualified and creative team works here. For many years in a row we have been providing a high percentage of quality and education for schoolchildren.

2. The most active and creative children are participants in the Student of the Year competition. The floor is given to a student of the 8th grade, a participant in the contest "Student of the Year - 2015" Maria Dyukina.

Please don't forget this place.

Even when it gets really hard for you.

Do not be afraid of pity and tell honestly

Teacher, principal and friend.

The shrine is here, please don't desecrate

Reproach, malice or resentment.

Those who leave, come more often.

Everyone else's job is to be protected.

From all adversity, snowstorms and rains.

From all the troubles and disappointments

Protect your teachers

Do not listen to the proud silence.

It's hard for them, I know, we all know

Carry your duty through time.

We offend, often offend,

They are ready to forgive everything.

And so from year to year, for almost a century

You teach not only according to the program,

From a student you make a man

Teachers with tired eyes.

Native school, you can be calm

While you teach us kindness and fidelity,

We will act honorably, live with dignity

And carry the glory of you throughout the earth!

Grades 5-6 come out.

1: Oh sport, you are the world! Versatile and successful sport life schools. There were so many wonderful moments of rivalry, gambling competitions, difficult and difficult victories. They have been faithful to him all these years.

2. We proudly remember the graduates - athletes: Avvakumov Andriyan Sergeevich from the village of Zyankino, Brothers Sysoev Anatoly and Nikolai Leonidovichi from the village of Dusykovo, Fedotova Olga Mikhailovna from the village of Vortsa. They defended the honor of the school and the district in cross-country skiing in different years.

3 .Sisters Kutyavina Alevtina Vasilievna and Elena Vasilievna annually defended the honor of the district at the republican chess competitions.

4. Today the school honorably wins on sports competitions in the district and annually holds the challenge cup.

5: The school shows good performance in teaching, actively participates in regional competitions, takes many prizes, participates in republican and all-Russian events.

6: The school has done a lot for development creativity students. Circles work with great dedication: Math games, Crazy hands, My small motherland, Sports games, Local historian, Cross-country skiing section.

7. Our achievements: INIn 2008, the school took part in the competition "The Best Educational Institutions Implementing Innovative Educational Programs" and received school equipment for the chemistry classroom.

8. In 2007, the school became a laureate of the republican competition "School without Borders" for the creation and implementation of the project "Shayer Education Program".

9. Two recent years the school is the winner of the competitions of educational institutions in the second group. These achievements are proud of the teaching staff and students.

1 0. How the school lives today, you can find out from the official website of the school.

2: We would like to express our gratitude to all organizations that help the school and actively cooperate with it.

1. Thanks to our sponsors: Morozova L.V., Bogach S.V., Bulatov S.S., Dementiev P.I.

2. Thanks to the branch of the center of culture and sports or the Vortsinsky rural house of culture and the rural library. Our children after lessons are engaged in circles based on the Club. A lot of joint activities is held together with the club and the library.

1. We have always found and are finding a common language with the leaders of the rural settlement. They are frequent guests at school and help in solving many problems. Thank them for this.

1. Let the fire of knowledge not go out, which was kindled in this school many years ago and is now flaring up with a bright unquenchable flame. And let the knowledge gained by our graduates help and rescue them always and everywhere.

2. Warmer to a person on difficult roads,
In a harsh land from

That somewhere in the world there is a sweet school,
There is a good school for him.

1 Dear graduates of past years, guests, veterans of pedagogical work! We are always glad to see you in our school.

2. At the end of our meeting, we invite you to sing togethersong "It's great that we are all here today."

90 years is a glorious anniversary!
And life wisdom in the eyes.
Is there anything to regret?
Is it worth looking back?

We want to wish you
So that the house is full of happiness,
Every day to give you strength.
And from us admiration and low bow!

Happy Anniversary
And we sincerely wish you
Live without sorrow, without pain,
Well, at least 100.

You are 90 today
You are all wiser than the assembled.
Get congratulations
From loving family his!

We wish you much happiness
Good luck and good.
Let bad weather bypass you
And trouble doesn't happen.

Ninety is the age
Round date anniversary.
Congratulations on this toast
And we wish you bright days
peace, prosperity,
Never lose heart
And with relatives - understanding,
Do not lose courage.
Your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren
Gathered to congratulate you
We wish - be happy
Many, many more times!

It's a great honor to be the hero of the day
When you are ninety today!
I hasten to read the congratulations,
And you listen: everything is very simple!

I wish you good health
So that you forget the way to the hospital.
To feel like
Not ninety to you, but thirty!

Don't get upset over trifles
And always love your life.
Just smile more
And live the same!

Anniversaries are a great occasion to gather a family together
And congratulations, and wish you good health,
Thank you for being there, for ninety years,
For a smile, your wisdom that will shed a wonderful light
Our lives are illuminating, and with advice you help
You can, and we want the problems to go away.
Only happiness, only joy, only goodness, warmth, comfort
May you always be surrounded, and give you strength!

May every day bring joy
And the sun generously warms
And brings peace and sweetness to life
The love of the family that surrounds.

Longer to make it sound
For everyone, the word "grandfather" is familiar,
And the body so as not to feel
The heavy burden of the past years.

Great-great-grandchildren let them run
Lovingly grandfather is tormented,
And the heart promises happiness
How many years ago!

It's hard for me to find the words
To explain the importance of the date.
Spring is alive in your soul,
You are very rich in wisdom.

You are ninety, and in the eyes
Earthly beauty sparkles.
And forget about the years
I don't know better people than you.

So let me wish
Good health to you, faith.
And boldly overcome
Barriers are all and all barriers.

You are ninety today
Ten remained only until the century!
Such a beautiful person
Like you, it's not easy to find now.

We wish you good health
And endless moments of happiness
May peace and inspiration live in the soul,
Love from loved ones, peace, kindness!

Today you are ninety.
So much to live is not easy at all -
Survive both joy and adversity
Let's remember the best years today.

Let the sun shine brighter for you
There will be grandchildren and children nearby.
We wish you good health.
And lived every day to make everything easier.

On such a glorious anniversary
Call all your friends,
To celebrate a birthday
And meet a new challenge in life.

I wish you all the best at ninety,
To make life easy and simple
And nothing to hurt
The body did not feel the age.

Relatives to be healthy
Surrounded by love
I wish you to live without troubles
And many, many years to you.

The ninetieth milestone in a woman's life is a huge achievement worthy of recognition, respect, praise and glory. Of course, beloved relatives - children, grandchildren, and sometimes great-grandchildren - want to turn this significant date into a real holiday for their beloved grandmother and mother. 90% of success depends on well-organized events. They cheer up an elderly person for a considerable period of time, reminding them of love, respect and attitude of relatives.
The initial stage of the organization of the holiday, of course, will be the planning of the table and the preparation of the menu. This is a rather important point, since it will not be entirely comfortable for the birthday girl to understand that guests simply cannot appreciate some dishes, or not a single dish will be enjoyed by someone at a chic table. Therefore, when compiling the menu, it is worth considering the age of the guests and making an approximate list of their taste preferences.
So, in our case, the anniversary of an elderly woman and, accordingly, the list of her guests will partly consist of veterans. Our main task is to make sure that, having gathered at the festive table, they plunge into the time that they consider the brightest and most fun period of their lives. In this case, it will sound: “Everything is fine, like in the good old days,” and not “Remember how good it was” ...
Dear relatives should understand that no matter how well they treat the hero of the day, she is unlikely to be pleased with the presence of sushi, rolls, squid and lobsters on the festive table. Unless, of course, they are aware of the contrary. In any case, the presence in the anniversary menu of modern dishes from different cuisines of the world should not take more than 25-30%. The basis is still worth making up of classic dishes. Do not forget that old people sometimes have problems with their teeth. Don't embarrass veterans with hard and crunchy snacks. Dishes that do not require careful efforts when chewing must be present on the festive table.
Well, and, of course, drinks. It would be better to stock up on good, aged homemade wine in advance. Mojito, martini and schweppes - save for the party. The anniversary table should be dominated by Russian wines or cognacs. Do not forget that this is important for veterans, since they have a slightly different attitude towards imported products than today's youth.
The beginning of the celebration
In a well-organized environment, a decorated room and an atmosphere of general joy, the anniversary begins. You can decorate the room in different ways, as an example - balloon decoration, which will not only give and maintain the atmosphere of the holiday, but also become an excellent backdrop for photographs. After all the guests are seated at the table, the host begins his speech.
Leading:- Hello, dear guests of the celebration. Greetings, birthday girl! On this significant day, we gathered at the table to celebrate a big holiday - the 90th anniversary of our glorious friend (Congratulations name and patronymic). We, being your descendants, remember and appreciate the contribution that you made to the life of our country. Without your courage and courage, we would not be who we are today. Be always healthy, loved by all, and deservedly respected! Today, we all want to wish you mutual understanding, joy and divine participation in every undertaking.
Guests: Agreeing with the leader, they applaud loudly. General fun, joy, celebration begins.
Leading: I would like to note today the contribution that you personally made to the modern world. It is impossible to convey the emotions that we experience, understanding this. But accept our modest gifts as a thank you for what you have done for us and our children (Further, each of the guests presents his birthday gift to the birthday girl, emphasizing his personal attitude towards her).
All this happens in an atmosphere of exclusive interpretation: against the background of the general presentation of gifts, a slide show is shown, in which there are photographs of the most inquisitive moments from the life of the hero of the day. It can be either a fragment of a summer vacation, or a student's years captured on a camera, or a wedding. (Here it is worth paying attention to whether the husband of the congratulatory woman is alive, since this fragment of the anniversary can cause her a state of stress or apathy, which by itself will ruin the whole holiday for a person).
This captivating slideshow clearly demonstrates to the guests what achievements the birthday girl has achieved in her life. Further, the guests are invited to take part in a kind of competition: Each of them writes his wishes to the birthday girl on a piece of paper prepared in advance, and describes a fragment of her life, which, in his opinion, is of particular importance for the birthday girl. Then she selectively takes out one of the notes and reads it aloud. After that, according to the birthday girl herself (the notes are anonymous), the winner will be chosen. That is, the person who most accurately suggested that this particular moment of her life was the most memorable (infancy, school, university studies, marriage, participation in the Second World War, work, childbirth, etc.).
Host: So, congratulations are written, but now they should be quoted personally! We each take one of the notes (naturally, everyone comes across someone else's), and read them aloud. Thus, to the birthday girl, each guest reads wishes written by another person.
Guests: delight, laughter and applause.
Host: everyone congratulated the birthday girl, but someone was overlooked! And this person will now read a poem to you.
"Dear hero of the day,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
This is your holiday today
And flowers bloom for you.
Be happy, healthy
Never get sick.
We wish you trouble
They always got around you."
Guests: support with applause.
Leading: Each of us knows why we are gathered here today. Or rather, not why, but thanks to whom. This amazing woman deserves not only love, health, happiness and gratitude, but also understanding. So let's ask each other, which of us knows the birthday girl better?! Everyone must prove it personally by guessing the favorite song of the congratulatory from the list of sounding music.
In the process of selection and assumptions, of course, there is already general joy and delight among the guests. Musical works (it is worth knowing in advance from the relatives of the hero of the day which song she likes best) sound without interruption, the guests and the birthday girl are celebrating. At the end of the anniversary, the winner is determined. That is, the person who most closely or accurately guessed the favorite song of the birthday girl in the process of listening. He is given a symbolic gift, the guests and the hero of the occasion herself continue the fun to the music that sounds further.
