Cotton bear craft. Application from cotton wool in the senior group "Polar bears" (compendium)

Kovylyaeva Elena

Good evening, Dear colleagues. I present to your attention applique from cotton pads "Bear in the den"

For such applications you will need: PVA glue, glue brush, cotton pads halved and cut into 2 halves, 1/2 lilac cardboard, drawing bear in the den you can not color according to your desire, snowflakes - made by a figured hole punch, scissors, sample.

My goal applications: -development of creative abilities in mastering the technique of attachment cotton pads on cardboard to obtain volumetric applications.

Teach children to create volumetric application from ready-made forms(cotton pads) ; carefully paste the image, beautifully placed on a sheet of paper;

Cultivate positive relationships.

This is how we got a bear - bear.

I prepared such preparations for each child.

And this is our exhibition for moms and dads.

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Outside the window, the real Russian winter is in full swing with high snowdrifts and bitter frosts, and the children and I longingly recalled the bright autumn.

New Year is happy and fun party. During this period, I especially want to create something beautiful, beautiful, and most importantly, with my own hands. After all, there is a great desire to please your loved ones and loved ones with beautiful things and unusual ideas.

Toys made of cotton wool look especially beautiful and cute, it is not difficult to make them using the old technology, the main thing is to know the secret of these Christmas decorations and have a fantasy.

Such toys can be presented as a gift, they can make an original composition in the room, besides, such a “Soviet” toy can be hung on a Christmas tree, because retro products always add color and originality.

Today, a sparkling, richly decorated Christmas tree is a mandatory attribute of the New Year and Christmas. Glass beads, foil rain, large bright balls hanging on spruce branches, give adults and children faith in a fairy tale and holiday miracles.

However Christmas decorations not always made of plastic and glass. The first Christmas tree decorations were made from cotton wool.

Since 1700, by decree of Peter I, the celebration of the New Year in the Russian Empire was moved from September to January. On the eve of the holiday, people started a tradition to hang the roofs, gates and doors of houses with coniferous branches. However, there was no additional decor at that time.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the trends of the West came to the country. The custom of decorating a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve was borrowed from the German people.

In Europe, mass production of glass toys has already been established. But to launch its own glass-blowing factories, Russia did not have the necessary amount of raw materials, and it was very expensive to import finished products from abroad. Therefore, Christmas decorations began to be made from cotton wool.

Cotton wool had excellent characteristics: it was valued for its softness, pliability, durability and ability to interact with other materials. There were enough raw materials for work, and the craftsmen in the factories put their whole soul into creating festive decor.

The first Christmas tree pendants were called "Dresden toys". They were made by hand from pressed cotton wool and were flat relief figures. Often cardboard was taken as the basis: it gave the product greater strength.

A little later, the masters mastered the art of three-dimensional modeling and began the production of three-dimensional wadded toys in the form of Christmas symbols - stars and angels. Each figurine was covered with a paste diluted with starch. This composition made the toy tough and less vulnerable to pollution.

During the revolution, there was a change of power, and the new government did not encourage the celebration of Christmas. In 1929, an official decree was issued banning Christmas and all its attributes.

But that didn't stop people. Secretly in their homes, they still decorated the Christmas tree with cotton products. The creation of Christmas decorations was done underground. This period accounts for the creation of unique works self made of value to current collectors.

In 1935, the holiday was returned to the people. The Christmas theme was replaced by New Year's, instead of cherubs and six-pointed stars began to produce figurines of the Soviet mood - ordinary people, athletes, characters in fairy tales. Natural motifs were widespread - vegetables, mushrooms and fruits as symbols of prosperity and fertility.

Since the 1950s, factories have been using machines for winding cotton wool and hot stamping cotton toys. This is gradually replacing manual work.

In the 60s, the process of creating Christmas decorations was completely mechanized and put on a grand scale. Since then, decorations for Christmas tree began to be mass-produced according to one pattern and lost their uniqueness. Therefore, items produced since 1966 are not considered rare and are of no value to collectors.

Now the fashion for handmade cotton toys returns. Modern masters are trying to revive this trend in art and give it a second life.

Notable masters

Many modern well-known needlewomen create vintage toys using technologies once invented by our grandparents.

One of these needlewomen is Elena Vasko, christmas toys from cotton wool in its performance are very popular. Master classes, secrets and features of creating these dolls inspire many to make such Christmas tree decorations on their own.

Masters such as Irina Cherepanova and Natalya Rodina are also quite popular in this area. Their tutorials are easily found on the Internet and are a visual guide on how to make wonderful creations from cotton wool.

Preparatory work

Christmas toys made of cotton wool have the advantage that they are made from improvised materials and do not require large expenditures. The story tells that our ancestors did not know how to make toys for the Christmas tree, or did not have the opportunity to purchase them. That is why this technology was born.

So, stunning vintage, colorful and beautiful Christmas decorations are created from the following materials:

  • cotton wool;
  • glue;
  • newspapers;
  • wire.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that faces for toys are often made from salt dough. If several toys are supposed, then it is best to create blanks in advance.

The technology for creating faces from dough is as follows: you need to take two parts of flour and one part of salt, dilute with water, add flesh-colored paint to give the blanks natural color. After that, you can sculpt the face, but you do not need to make it very dense.

It is important to make a notch at the back. You can make a face on your finger so that it does not spread.

This is followed by the process of baking blanks, for this you can use the oven or an open frying pan. The blanks are baked for half an hour. From above they need to be painted: draw eyes, mouth, eyebrows, etc. Then cover the workpiece with transparent varnish, you can use ordinary nail polish.

You also need to prepare cotton wool in advance: paint it in different colors. For this, aniline dyes for fabric are used. How to make cotton wool colored? You need to unwind pieces of cotton wool, put them in a pan. In advance, dilute the dye in a saucepan and bring the water to a boil. For a few minutes, cotton wool should be left in water with a dye, then squeezed out and hung out to dry.

It is advisable to think in advance what colors will be needed and prepare all the necessary shades.

Creation technology

A little imagination, skill and patience - and your unique Christmas decorations succeed. Below is an instruction for creating Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden - traditional symbols of the New Year, always relevant.

  1. You need to take a long piece of smooth wire and bend it in half - you get a loop for the head. After that, two more loops are created, which will form the basis of the shoulders.
  2. It is necessary to thread a short piece of wire into the loops that form the shoulders and clamp them using pliers. This is necessary so that the structure does not slip out and break.
  3. With the help of pliers, you need to bend the feet and twist the lower ends so that you get a waist.
  4. After that, you need to take cotton wool, dyed in grey colour, and start twisting it around the feet of the toy. These will be boots. It is necessary to periodically dip your fingers into the glue and continue to screw, slightly pressing the cotton wool to the wire. Glue will give strength to the created toy. The same must be done with the second leg.
  5. The same technology is used to create mittens on the toy's hands.
  6. Now it's time to move on to the torso. Initially, you need to use paper and wrap the body with strips of newspaper, be sure to moisten the strips with glue.
  7. Hands and feet are also initially glued with paper.
  8. The frame of the toy has been created. Now it's time for clothes. Stripes of colored cotton wool are first wrapped around the sleeves, not forgetting to moisten the fingers in the glue.
  9. Next, panties are made of white cotton, and a fur coat is formed in the same way.
  10. From cotton wool white flowers you need to make an edge on a fur coat.

Be sure to shape the toy. To do this, gently bend the handles, and also straighten the legs. From the blanks you need to choose suitable face and glue it to the wire loop created earlier. The head is easily glued to ordinary PVA glue. After that, the entire structure must be left so that it dries well and takes the desired shape.

For the Snow Maiden, you need to create a braid. It is also made from cotton. In this case, the technique of ordinary braid weaving will help. After the glue dries, a hat is made, both the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus need it. But at the Snow Maiden, a braid is neatly tucked under her hat.

Symbols of the year

Not only the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus can be made using this technique. It is symbolic to create symbols of the year from cotton wool. Using the example of creating a goat, you can see how toys are created with the help of all the same materials: wire, paper and cotton wool.

The peculiarity of this method is that cotton wool is not preliminarily dyed in water. But this is not suitable for all animals. The goat can be white, so cotton wool does not need to be dyed. But there is another feature here - the creation of an outfit for an animal. It can be made from fabric. Inventing retro toys, you can dress them in national clothes, embroidery, ruffles always look beautiful.

Head blanks are not needed here. The whole toy is created using paper and cotton, all parts of the body are rolled from these materials. Don't forget the glue. When the toy is created, leave it to dry and start creating the outfit. Kuban sundress with embroidery is perfect as clothing. Particularly inventive will be able to dress the animal in a fur coat of the same Snow Maiden or Santa Claus.

Of course, someone can say that such products are not in fashion, and in the modern world you can buy an incredible number of options for Christmas tree toys. But such wonderful decorations are impossible to find. Making these toys for the Christmas tree can be done as a family affair, and in the evenings you can make toys using this technique.

Even small children can participate in this. This will be an opportunity to touch the beautiful, develop your Creative skills. And also have a hand in creating Christmas decorations for the Christmas tree.

Such "old" toys can be made at home in a completely uncomplicated way. At the same time, they can be presented as a gift as a souvenir or addition to the main present. Such toys give an absolutely unusual, fabulous mood. Hanging them on the Christmas tree is also a special pleasure.

And the point is not even in the beauty of such products and their originality, but in the fact that things created with one's own hand are especially valued. The more such toys, the more colorful the Christmas tree will be decorated. Moreover, you can create absolutely any toy using this technique.

Photo master class "Children on the Christmas tree"

An exceptionally beautiful photo lesson from the master ChirunArt. The toys are made in the old technique "cotton wool + paste".

Materials and tools:

  1. Cotton wool (cotton, uniform).
  2. Wire (for example, knitting from a hardware store, but even thinner and simpler is better, we will need it for the “skeleton” of the frame).
  3. Potato starch.
  4. PVA glue.
  5. Foil (ordinary, which you can find. For example, for cooking).
  6. Stacks (Very handy with balls, rounded, sharp. Needed for small parts, face, mittens, cuffs ...).
  7. Awl.
  8. Watercolor paints.
  9. Acrylic paints.
  10. Glitter (sequins) dry white.
  11. Varnish in a can. (Hairspray will do.)
  12. Rope (gold or silver for a loop).
  13. Threads (ordinary cotton white or light threads).
  14. Long needle. You will need to thread the rope into the finished toy.
  15. Brushes ( different sizes, for painting).

Zaluzhnaya Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of the first qualification category, Omsk Children's Educational Institution " Kindergarten No. 52 compensating type "
Material Description: I offer you a summary of productive activities - applications for children preschool age(from 4 years old) "Polar Bear". This material will be useful for educators, teachers working with children with visual impairment, children, parents. The abstract is aimed at developing fine motor skills, visual perception, increased visual acuity, introducing children to non-traditional techniques of creative activity. Can be used as a final event in a complex - thematic planning on the topic: "Animals of the North".
Application can be collective or individually with a child.

Application "Polar Bear" from cotton pads

Goals: Teaching children how to make appliqué on paper unconventional technique- create an image of a bear from cotton pads, cut into four parts, making up a whole. To consolidate the ability to carefully work with scissors, glue, glue parts to the outline of the image. To consolidate knowledge about mixing colors, the specifics of working with gouache, ink. Cultivate love for nature; friendliness in progress teamwork. Encourage creative initiative.
Materials: cotton pads, A2 or landscape sheet, PVA glue, white and blue gouache, blue or purple ink, brushes, tissue napkins, scissors, black marker.

Bear pattern:

Preliminary work: Examination of the polar regions on the map and globe. Conversations: “How are animals adapted to life at low temperatures?”, “What helps the polar bear survive in the ice?”, “Human help to the animals of the North.” Watching cartoons, reading fiction and educational literature, looking at illustrations. Working with tracing paper, carbon paper, coloring in coloring books, shading silhouettes (for children with visual impairments). Stenciling the silhouette of a bear.
Lesson progress:
1. Creation of game motivation.
Educator. This week we learned a lot about the life of animals in the polar regions of the Earth. Today we will make an application of the largest and strongest animal of the North. Who is this? (Polar bear) Do you agree?
Reading poetry:
A. Khrebtyugov
Where there is cold, snow and ice -
This wild beast lives
He is big, fluffy, white,
And a skilled fisherman.
V. Kalinichenko
I love to swim and splash
Where is the cold water.
Tumbling in snow heaps,
Where winter is always, always.
White fur and fat layer,
Help anyone in trouble.

2. Demonstration of working methods.
Educator. What color is the bear? (Children's answers.) That's right, for the bear's fur we will take white cotton pads. Let's cut the disk into four parts. (Reminds me of the rules for using scissors.) Now on each part rounded edge make small cuts. (Show by the teacher.) To make bear hair thick and fluffy.
Educator. I drew the silhouette of the image of a polar bear myself. You will stick the parts, fill the silhouette with them, not forgetting that the glue must be applied carefully, use a napkin. (The teacher shows the technique of gluing parts of cotton pads.)
The application is collective, the children alternately stick the details.
Educator. How to get a blue color for an ice floe? (Children's answers.) Right. Let's add a little blue to the white gouache.
Children draw an ice floe on which a polar bear walks. Then the sky is depicted in ink (blue or purple). Marker highlight the contour.
Educator. Guys, how else could you draw a polar bear? (Children's answers: draw with semolina, salt, put a stencil on a sheet of paper and paint over the space around it; make an application from small white circles, cotton wool, crumpled napkins, contours of children's palms, etc.)

3. Summary of the lesson. Exhibition of work at the stand "Our Vernissage".

M. Korneeva
Little white bear
Never wears boots:
He is not afraid to walk
Right on the snowdrifts barefoot.
N. Rodivilina
Maybe someone will not believe:
These animals love the cold.
White coats are not removed,
They sleep, eat, play in fur coats,
They even catch fish in fur coats.
Where did you see this?
If you know, then answer:
This is a northern bear.

Educator. Would you like to visit the North Pole? What would you like to see there?

I like crafts on the example of which you can explain something important and interesting to a child - natural phenomena, animal life, the basics and traditions of different holidays.

I propose to open today interest Ask Why do bears go into hibernation? and make a bear craft in a den.

Hibernation is essentially a very deep sleep in which all physiological processes slow down. This is a defense mechanism that saves the animal from death without water and food in winter frosts. In summer, the bear feeds mainly on berries and mushrooms - plant foods. What does he eat in winter, when it is covered with a thick layer of snow?! In order not to die of hunger, he hibernates. In the summer, he prepares - he eats intensively and accumulates subcutaneous fat, which helps him survive the state of hibernation. In hibernation, the bear's body temperature drops, breathing and heartbeat slow down. When spring comes, the bear comes out of this state, feeling an increase in air temperature and severe hunger.

During hibernation, the bear cubs are born. Babies are born tiny and blind, they bask on their mother and feed on her milk.

What you need for crafting:

  • Small paper plate
  • Sheet of blue paper
  • brown paper
  • Scissors
  • felt-tip pens
  • shifty eyes

Cut the paper plate in half and cut out a small oval hole - this is the entrance to the bear's lair. Glue it to a piece of blue paper.

On top of the plate and a little near, stick cotton balls or just pieces of torn cotton wool - this is snow. And put a bear in the center, sticking googly eyes on a piece of brown paper, you can draw them with a felt-tip pen or use plasticine.

A wonderful cotton craft with children - the kid worked with his hands and at the same time learned a lot from your story.
