We sculpt lesson notes from salt dough. Synopsis of the open lesson "Studying traditions and building a Russian round dance

MDOU Lipitsky kindergarten of the combined type "Spikelet"

Salt dough modeling lesson:

« Dishes for guests»

senior group


Volkova V.V.

Zhuravleva N.M.

Target: Develop an interest in working with salt dough, aesthetic perception, independence, fine motor skills. To acquaint with the method of connecting parts with water and a brush (mug handle).

Material: salt dough in three colors, porcelain glasses and saucers, brushes, napkins, water, pencils, caps from markers to decorate crafts.

Lesson progress

IN. Children, our guest today is Mishka. He is very confused and came to us for help. Do you know what happened to him?

The bear was left alone at home and remembered that there was a cup of honey in the closet. He decided to enjoy. He put a chair up to the cupboard and almost took up the cup, when suddenly the chair staggered. The bear fell off the chair along with the cup and broke it. What will he say to his mother now? She will be very unhappy. How can we help Mishka?

D. Blind him a cup.

IN. So let's help Mishka and fashion him not one cup, but two sets. What is a service, you know?

D. This is a set of dishes, where there is a teapot, sugar bowl, identical cups and saucers.

IN. What can you make a service from?

D. The service can be molded from plasticine, from dough, papier-mâché.

IN. Yes, but today we will sculpt from dough. What color is the dough on my table?

D. Crimson, blue, yellow.

IN. Now look how I will do. I have a porcelain glass in my hands. I pinch off a piece of raspberry dough and apply it to the outside of the glass by pressing thumb. I crush the dough until the dough covers the entire glass, as we make a sausage, between two palms so that the surface of the dough becomes even. In order to make a handle, first roll out the sausage. Then we grease the place of attachment to the cup with a brush dipped in water, and stick the sausage on this place. Get a mug handle. And now we decorate the cup with dough white color. Roll out six identical balls. After wetting the place of attachment, we press each ball with a pencil at the same distance from each other. The cup is ready. Now it needs to be dried in the oven and removed from the glass. From the blue dough we do the same, but we decorate with pokes from the caps of the felt-tip pen, in the form of a flower, with light pressure. We also dry it in the oven. We also make saucers.

IN. Children, before starting work, I suggest you play with your fingers.

Physical education "Tea". (to the music)

And I have a cupStretch your left hand forward

the palm is rounded like a ladle.

And a teapotPull forward right hand, fist

compressed, the little finger is straightened.

I'll pour you a cupTo pour tea.

Have tea with me.Serve tea to guests.

When you do it again, change hands.

IN. Fingers out, let's get to work.

Children are making dishes.

IN. Children, you have made wonderful cups, from which we will assemble a service. Our bear is very happy.


IN. Tell me, what did you have trouble with? What did you like? Children, you have done a wonderful job. Mishka invites you all to tea. Now his mother will definitely not scold him and he has many friends.

Plan - a summary of the lesson of the circle "Handicraft" (modeling from salt dough) in senior group kindergarten"Mimosa" on March 8.
Theme: "Flowers for my beloved mother"
Learn to sculpt flowers from salt dough using various techniques: rolling the dough between the palms, pinching off small parts, connecting small parts using water.
To consolidate knowledge about the structure of flowers.
Develop fine motor skills. Cause a desire to supplement the created image with details, decorate with a stack. Develop creative interest.
Equipment: salt dough (white, green and yellow), modeling boards, stacks, water, brushes.
The course of the lesson: 1. Conversation with children
What season is it now? What month?
First spring holiday in Russia on March 8.
Whom do we congratulate on this holiday?
Each of us has our own mother, mother. When you were just born and didn’t know how to speak yet, your mother understood you without words, guessed what you wanted, where it hurts. You can't confuse your mother's voice with any other voice. He is so familiar, so familiar. Mom is a giver of warmth, love and beauty. We congratulate not only mothers, but also grandmothers, and aunts, and girls and all, all women. This is International Women's Day.
Children's poems about mothers.
Here is a snowdrop in the meadow,
I found it.
I'll take the snowdrop to my mother,
Even if it didn't bloom.
And me with a flower so gently
Mom hugged me
That my snowdrop opened
From her warmth.
I walk, I think, I look:
"What am I going to give my mom tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe candy?"
Here's to you, dear, on your day
Scarlet flower - light!

2. The game "Guess what flower it is"
I show pictures with different colors, the children should name them.
4. The game "What can do ....?"
- What can the sun do? (shine, warm, dry ...)
- What can a butterfly do? (fly, breathe, collect pollen ..) - What can mom do? ….
What can we do for moms? (children's answers)
And today we will make gifts for our beloved mothers. -
And we will sculpt flowers from the dough. (Consideration of ready-made flowers, flowers in pictures). The dough is very soft, plastic, it is easy to mold from it.
5. Demonstration of modeling techniques.
Step-by-step instructions for sculpting from colored salt dough - pinching and rolling sausages from green dough (flower stalk).

Pinching and rolling small balls of yellow dough (we repeat the count! Who dashed more!). Gluing the balls with water to the stalk and forming a mimosa twig.

Our works dry for a week, until the next lesson, so we start preparing for any holiday in advance!
On the eve of the holiday, happy guys pick up their bouquets and give them to their mothers!

Target: To teach how to use the dough to manifest the creative abilities of children, to teach how to convey a conceived idea when making a product, to reveal creative fantasy children in the process of modeling, to develop the flexibility of the fingers, to teach them to see the final result of the planned work. Learn how to make flowers from salt dough. To consolidate knowledge about the structure of flowers. Develop fine motor skills. Cause a desire to supplement the created image with details, decorate with a stack. Develop creative interest.

Tasks: Introduce children to the holiday - Mother's Day. To instill in preschoolers love and deep respect for the dearest person - mother.

preliminary work: Consider a cornflower (blue center, blue petals). Prepare dough.

Material: Salt dough (blue, red, black), stacks, water, wet wipes.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, what season is it now? What month?

(Children's answers.)

Did you know that at the end of November we celebrate - Mother's Day. Each of us has our own mother, mother, mother, the best, dearest, most affectionate. How many more words I want to say about my mother, I just can’t convey. You can't confuse your mother's voice with any other voice. He is so familiar, so familiar. Mom is warmth, affection, love and beauty. Mom is the keeper of the family hearth.

Children: What is your mother like?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: There are many proverbs and sayings about mother.

It's warm in the sun, with a mother ...... .. (good).

Maternal care does not burn in fire, but in water ....... (does not sink)

The bird is happy for spring, and the child .... (mothers).

For a mother, a child, up to a hundred years old .... (baby).

Educator: Well done. Guys, what gifts do your moms like to receive on holidays?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: So now we are blinding beautiful flowers for our mothers and making a beautiful picture of these flowers.

Educator: Guys guess the riddle.

What is my name? Tell?

I often hide in the rye.

humble wild flower,

Blue-eyed (Cornflower.)

Children: Cornflower.

Educator: That's right, it's a cornflower. Remember? We have seen them many times over the summer. And our group is called "Cornflower". And there is even a song about our group "Vasilyok". Let's sing.

Children: Sing the first verse and chorus.

Educator: What does the cornflower have?

Children: Stem, leaves, flower

Educator: Guys, what color is the middle of the flower? And the petals?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: Now I will explain to you how we will sculpt a cornflower. We pinch off a piece of blue dough, roll up the ball - this is the middle of the cornflower. Then we pinch off a larger piece of blue dough and roll one big ball and flatten it, make a notch in the middle with a finger, moisten it with water and put the middle of our cornflower, make incisions in a stack - petals.

Educator: In order for our fingers to do the job well, we will do finger gymnastics.

Our blue flowers (The palms are connected in the shape of a tulip, the fingers are honey

bloom the petals, lazily open)

The breeze breathes a little, (Smooth swaying of the hands)

The petals sway.

Our blue flowers (Fingers close slowly,

close the petals, acquiring the shape of a flower)

Shake their head (Smooth swaying of the hands,

fall asleep quietly. "flower head")

The children are making flowers.

Educator: Well done, what beautiful cornflowers we got. We will plant our flowers in a clearing, and we have a beautiful picture for our mothers.

Open lesson on arts and crafts.

Topic: "Making a candlestick (modeling, salt dough)

Verba Oksana Ivanovna , teacher additional education, circle of arts and crafts "Kapitoshka"

Material Description: submitted abstract open class on arts and crafts is designed to work with children of junior and secondary school age(7-10 years). This material is offered to teachers of additional education, teachers of educational institutions.

Lesson type : combined


To study the technology of making a decorative candlestick from salt dough. To create conditions for pupils for the development of creative abilities in practical activities.


1. Learn how to make decorative candlesticks from salt dough.

2.Develop creative abilities.

3. To cultivate tolerance, the ability to listen to others, the ability to work harmoniously in a team.

Lesson forms:

Conversation, game, practical work.

Time of the lesson : 45 min.

Visibility, logistics :

Figurines, photos of cats, photos of salt dough souvenirs. Candlestick in the shape of a cat (sample), salt dough, candles (tea in a sleeve), cups of water, brushes.

Course progress.

Stage 1. Organizational and preparatory.

Hello guys! I am very glad to meet you and hope you are in a great mood. Let's smile at each other. Today we have something unusual. I will ask you questions, and you will answer them, but only all together, in unison. Let's see how friendly you guys are. Agreed?

Do you like to play?

Can you solve riddles? Then guess the riddles:

Even on the iron roof

Walks quietly, quieter than a mouse.

Go hunting at night

And how he sees everything during the day.

Often sleeps, and after sleep

She washes.


He arched his back,


Who it?

Stretched sweetly -

That's the whole mystery.


Well done. It's all about cats.

The cat is a mythical animal. It is no coincidence that in ancient Egypt there was a cult of a cat. She was revered as a deity and personified with joy.

In Rus' for a long time there was a custom, and in new house let the cat in first, and then the owners enter. It was believed that in this way the cat brought happiness to the house.

In Japan, almost every home has a figurine of a cat with a raised paw, which is believed to bring happiness.

The Chinese also believe that it helps a person, protects his house from evil spirits.

Cats can heal their owner by taking him negative energy. In a family where a cat lives, the energy atmosphere is better. A toy cat endows its owner with intuition.

What is a candlestick?

A candlestick is a stand for a candle. Candlesticks are copper, silver, bronze. Candlesticks can not only be bought in the store, but also made by hand. Clay and salt dough. It turns out beautiful interesting candlesticks. They can decorate any interior, and candles in candlesticks create a special atmosphere of mystery in the house. I suggest you make a candle holder out of salt dough.

I will tell you a little about the history of testoplasty. I will give a recipe for making salt dough.

In ancient times, people made bread cakes from flour and water and burned them on hot stones. The ancient Egyptians baked many varieties of bread as far back as 5,000 years ago. And in Europe figured bread was made from yeast dough and only by hand, without auxiliary materials.

But not only bread was baked from dough.

The ancient Incas sculpted sacrificial figurines of people and animals from dough. Chinese puppets. Decorative items were very popular. In Russia, for a long time there has been a custom to sculpt bread figurines for fun for themselves and children. In the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, whole pictures were sculpted from dough. Crafts from dough ancient tradition, but even today salt dough is a very popular material for modeling.

I want to introduce you to a wonderful and kind material - salt dough. A few words about the properties of salt dough. Dough accessible to all material. It can be prepared ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for several days. Salty dough plastic, does not stain hands and does not melt. Dough can be colored by adding paint to water. When kneading or coloring already finished dried products. After firing or drying, such products harden and are stored for a long time.

The salt dough recipe is simple:

2 cups flour, 1 cup fine salt, 1 cup water. (The main thing is to knead the dough well).

Let's remember how to sculpt salt dough.

The dough is molded in the same way as plasticine or clay. Balls are rolled in the same way as from plasticine in the palms or on the table. A sausage or stick is rolled on the table. In order to attach one piece of dough to another, water is used. You can not take a lot of water, the dough can soften.

You've had a little rest, now let's get to work. Let's do a warm-up for the hands to prepare them for work. Let's do the exercise;

1. The bear climbs the tree (move your fingers up the pencil.)

2. Fist - palm (one hand is clenched into a fist, the other is open and vice versa.)

3. We get fire (rub your palm with your palm.)

Stage 2. Practical part.

1. Take a large piece of dough and roll it into a ball, and make a carrot out of the ball. This will be the body of the cat.

2. Take the candle and press gently into the torso.

4. Style the tail (as you like).

5. Take two identical pieces of dough, roll up the balls - these are paws. (make undercuts for the claws).

6. Roll up a ball for the head. Pull back your ears.

8. We decorate the cat with a mustache. Insert three pieces of fishing line into each.

9. Our candlestick - the cat is ready. Let's leave it to dry.

Stage 3. Control.

Tell me guys, what material did we work with today?

Did you like what we did today?

Stage 4. Final.

Guys, look what wonderful candlesticks we made with you. We all did the same job, but the cats turned out different. This suggests that we are all different with our own characters, habits, features, and everyone puts a piece of his soul into his work. All well done! Thank you for your work.

An open lesson on modeling from colored salt dough " Ladybug on a leaf…” using ICT
Purpose: to develop interest in salt dough modeling.
1. Educational: familiarization with the elementary skills and abilities used in modeling from salt dough (testoplasty)
2. Correction-developing: the formation of creative activity, artistic taste; development fine motor skills; developing a sense of color.
3. Educational: education of endurance, strong-willed effort, the ability to quickly switch attention.
Methodological techniques used during the lesson:
Viewing the presentation "Ladybug on a leaf ...";
reviewing the finished work;
Demonstration of methods of work by the teacher.
Didactic support:
For the teacher: presentation, finished work, dough for all participants in the lesson, napkins, stacks, modeling board.
For children: colored dough for each child, modeling boards, stacks, a jar of water; tassel; fishing line; beads; wet wipes. The course of the lesson
1. Organizational moment.
Teacher: Hello children! I have a secret for you. Do you want to know which one?
Children: Yes!
Teacher: Then I will ask you to come to me and stand in a circle.
All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And smile at each other!
Teacher: I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other so that we have a good mood all day.
2. The main part.
Teacher: Guys, look what I found in our group this morning. This letter and it is sent for you. Do you want to know who it is from and what it says?
Children: Yes!
Teacher: So let's see. This is a letter from the kingdom of "Flowers", but I wrote it ... Guys, this is a mystery. Let's guess!
Children: Yes!
Puts on this baby
Red dress with polka dots.
And he knows how to fly
Children: answer. (Ladybug). Teacher: Guys, here is not only a letter, but also a disk. Ladybug says that we will find something interesting on it. Let's see?
Children: Yes!
Teacher: Reads a letter from Ladybug and shows a presentation. (Slide number 1)
"Hello guys! My name is Cow, Ladybug! Since it is already cold outside, I could not fly to you myself and so I decided to write you a letter. My letter is not simple, it is informative. I want to see what you know and teach you something new. I hope you will enjoy! »
Teacher: So guys, are you ready?
Children: Yes!
Teacher: Let's start then! (Reads letter with assignments)
Do you know why we need salt? Of course, we use salt in cooking, and it is also used by people on the roads in winter. It corrodes snow and ice and therefore the roads become less slippery and safer. (Slide #2)
Do you know how and where people mine salt? Here in such deposits of rock salt (salt lakes) people extract salt with the help of special machines (Slide No. 3).
Guys, what do you think is shown here (Slide No. 4) Well, of course, this is a field with rye.
And who among you knows what people get from rye? So, this is flour (Slide number 5). Previously, people received flour by grinding it in mills, now this process takes place in factories using special machines. Do you all know what we get from flour? (Slide number 6).
And what is shown in this picture (Slide No. 7) That's right, this is water, but what is it for.
In order for clean water to enter our apartments, it undergoes special treatment at such purification stations (Slide No. 8).
All living beings need water (Slide number 9). People consume it for food. It is also one of the means of our personal hygiene. We use it for watering plants and much more.
Guys, what do you think will happen if we take salt, water and flour and mix them together (Slide number 9)
Of course, this is dough (Slide number 10).
Now think about what we can do with plasticine (Slide No. 11) That's right, we sculpt from it. We can also sculpt from clay.
Did you know that we can also sculpt from a special “salty” dough (Slide No. 12) Look at what beautiful work are obtained from it.
I suggest that you also try to mold a ladybug on a leaf from the dough. Please see what different cows can come out of the test (Slide No. 13).
But first, let's take a closer look at the ladybug.
- What is the shape of the head? - What color is the head? What shape are the wings? - What color are they? How many legs does a ladybug have? Teacher: guys, before we get to work, let's first stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics: - We kneaded the dough, we kneaded the dough, They asked us to knead everything thoroughly, But no matter how much we knead and how much, we don’t crumple, We get lumps again and again.
Work technique:
1. We take pieces of green dough, roll up the balls. But to get the leaves, we slightly roll them between our palms, and we get a sausage, we just need to make it not very long. And then we press it with our palms, make a cake, so we got a leaf, now we put the leaf on the disk and bend the edges of the leaf with a stack. 2. Now we make the torso. To do this, we take a red piece of dough with circular movements of the palms until we get a bun, you need to put the ball on a piece of paper and press it a little. 3. The head of the ladybug is black and we will make it from a small piece of black dough, roll it between the palms, we get a round head. Now we attach the head to the body, with the help of water. We will make eyes with white beads. Here is the ladybug. Apply a stack pattern, in the form of stripes: the separation of the wings. 4. What is missing from my ladybug? That's right, speck, take a black piece of dough and roll it into a small circle and put dots on the wings of our ladybug. 5. Now take the fishing line and make the antennae. 6. And in conclusion, we will make paws, take a small piece of black color, roll thin sausages between our fingers and attach them to the body of the insect. Look how amazing your ladybugs are! Wipe your hands with a damp cloth. Now let's rest
The game "Beetle" On the lawn, a beetle flew over the leaves in a colored scarf (children run freely). Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I am friends with the leaves (stop, stand up straight). I sway quietly in the wind (tilts of the body to the right and left), I bend low, low (tilts of the body forward and up). He sat on a leaf (squat), rested and flew
Bottom line: Guys, please tell me what we did today, and what new things did you learn about the ladybug.
Self-analysis of direct educational activity.
Educational area: « Artistic creativity»
Section: "Modeling"
Theme: "Ladybug on a leaf."
Purpose: To identify the knowledge and skills of children in mastering the Program "From Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva Educational area"Artistic creativity" section: "Modeling".
Integration of educational areas:
Communicative: verbal (conversation, riddle guessing, summing up)
Cognitive: visual (solving a problem situation)
Formation of elementary mathematical representations"(sensory development - the ability to examine objects, highlighting their color, shape Game: physical minute, finger game
Productive: practical (sculpting)
Form of organization: subgroup.
Venue: group room.
Number of children: subgroup 8 people.
Educational tasks: to fix the modeling methods (roll out the dough straight and in a circular motion palms, make a cake - flatten the ball with palms)
Developmental tasks: to develop in children an interest in modeling, fine motor skills.
Educational tasks: to cultivate accuracy, independence, the ability to bring the work started to the end, following the game motivation.
The structure and content of the lesson correspond to the proposed topic, meets the goals and objectives and corresponds to age characteristics. The lesson is developing and reinforcing. Exercises for the development of mental activity were included: imagination, memory, attention and fine motor skills; to consolidate the material covered.
Techniques aimed at creating a positive motivation for training were used, conditions were created for achieving results. A verbal system of encouraging children by the educator was used, which contributed to the creation of an emotionally comfortable environment.
Following the game motivation, during the lesson she supported the children's interest in the result. Each child was actively involved in the activity throughout the lesson.
Forms of work were used: collective, individual.
Communication was built on the basis of partnership and individual approach. Children were active, answered questions, participated in conversations.
At the lesson, sanitary and hygienic requirements were observed, the alternation of activities, the installation on the observance of the posture of children, the duration of the lesson, the air-thermal regime, lighting.
The tasks were completed. The children tried to carefully use the colored dough and do the work on their own. They showed a positive attitude towards the result of the activity.
