Consultation for teachers “Conversations and consultations with parents as a form of implementing an individual approach to parents. Approximate topics of conversations and lectures for parents Plan a conversation with parents of a preschooler

What cartoons should children watch?

Target: Explain to parents the positive and negative aspects of watching modern cartoons.
Material: projector, computer.
Conversation flow:
I'm concerned about this question:
- Our children become more angry, cruel and aggressive. Watching children, I saw that they copy the behavior of cartoon characters. Children, attacking everyone and breaking all the rules, suddenly realize that it is very pleasant to be the main, strong, when everyone obeys you and everyone is afraid. Heroes set a bad example for them, which children carry into their lives. If a child often watches such cartoons, he learns the example of an all-conquering superman, for whom there are no laws. (It is imperative to give such examples from the life of the group, I'm sure every teacher has them in abundance.)
Today, cartoons for children have become something like a toy or a book. And they form the soul and mind of the child, educate his tastes and views of the world. Children themselves are not yet able to deal with such a stream of information that falls on them in the form of cartoons. They are unable to understand what is good and what is bad. Their inner world is still taking shape, and everything they see on the screen plays a significant role in its formation.
At the same time, cartoons are also a means of education, and for preschoolers, when they still do not know how to read and write, this is the main means of education. Cartoons are loved by children different ages. They are close in their developmental, educational opportunities to a fairy tale, game, live human communication. The characters show the child the most different ways interaction with the outside world. They form in children ideas about good and evil, standards of good and bad behavior. The events taking place in the cartoon allow raising the awareness of the child, developing his thinking and imagination, and shaping his worldview. And therefore it is impossible for a child to forbid watching cartoons. Then how to be?
Of course, I understand that when you come tired from work, you should have a rest. You sit your child near the TV for an hour or two and it seems to you that the problem is solved. But there is no need to strictly control what and when they watch. And it is best to watch with him to comment and explain the plot of what is happening on the screen, since the child cannot filter out the information being viewed, which is negative. Who except you will explain to them what is good and what is bad? In these plots there is often a conflict, a fight, a battle, a shootout, a murder - these are elements of aggressive behavior and violence, which the children then transfer to real life. Everything viewed, of course, is deposited in the minds of children. Most of the negative moments are present in modern cartoons. And a lot of aggression was originally laid down in foreign cartoons. Let's watch these films:
movie 1
movie 2

Our old cartoons are certainly much more sincere, cleaner and kinder. In "Soviet" cartoons, an evil character, as a rule, was angry because he was alone. And as soon as he found friends, he became kinder. Kindness was the basis of Soviet cartoons. Think about how long you have seen these cartoons on the screen:
movie 3
I very often hear complaints from parents that children watch cartoons all day long and simply cannot be torn away from them, and at the same time you forget that you yourself put your children on them, seating them at the TV so that the children do not interfere with you mind your own business. You must understand that not a single cartoon, even the most instructive one, can replace communication with parents for a child. Children need to feel the love of their parents, their attention and presence. You need to find time for the child, let it not be so much. If this doesn't happen, don't be surprised if kids start acting aggressive, laughing hysterically, and start pinching or biting other people, imitating the cartoon characters they adore. Watch the behavior of the child, try to remove from viewing what negatively affects the psyche of your child. And keep in mind, if you forbid a child to watch a cartoon, he will stop watching it in front of you. But who guarantees that he will not watch it without you, given the current availability of many television and Internet channels. Or will not start to hysteria and act up because of this. The ban is probably a last resort. It is important for the child to understand for himself what exactly is wrong with these cartoons and their characters, and why it is not worth becoming like them. And you must help him in this understanding so that the baby draws the right conclusions and makes an informed decision. It is important to understand that not a single wonderful cartoon can replace positive, full-fledged communication with parents for children. He needs words of support, our smiles and love.
Probably every parent should determine for himself how harmful this or that cartoon is for his child.
According to psychologists, here are some signs of dangerous cartoons:
- Too much bright colors. Acid bright colors and dynamic scenes with flashes on the screen oversaturate the psyche of children. If you watch such cartoons in the evening, the child will get too excited, and it will be difficult for parents to put him to bed. In addition, bright cartoons can negatively affect a child's vision and even provoke an epileptic attack in sick children.
- Loud soundtrack. Harsh sounds, intense music have a depressing effect on the child's psyche, cause headaches and increased anxiety.
- The presence of scenes of aggression and violence. You should avoid cartoons where the characters show increased aggression towards each other, constantly fight, harm others, as well as demonstrations of the attributes of death (murder weapons, cemeteries, blood, skulls). The child after viewing may show aggression and cruelty in real life.
- Bad (deviant) behavior of heroes is not punished in any way, and sometimes even welcomed. In a cartoon, characters can offend, rob, kill, and at the same time not be condemned and punished. Young children develop an idea of ​​permissiveness, standards are destroyed good behavior social barriers are lifted. You should also avoid cartoons in which there is no clear line between good and evil, where even good characters can do bad things for their own interests.
- Life-threatening behavior is displayed on the screen. Cartoons where characters "reckless", jump from rooftops, run along the roadway, endanger their lives, have a negative impact on the self-preservation instinct in children. Preschoolers tend to imitate their favorite characters, and such examples can result in trauma and a terrible disaster for the family.
- There are scenes of disrespect for people, plants and animals. In many modern cartoons there is ridicule, mockery of weak, helpless heroes, an ugly attitude towards old age, motherhood. If the beloved hero is ill-mannered, cocky and rude, then the cynical obscene behavior of the child will not keep you waiting.
- Ugly, unsympathetic characters. For children, the appearance of heroes is very important, because they identify with them. If a child sees monsters, monsters, ugly heroes on the screens, then his inner world, self-awareness suffers. Sharp angular superheroes can be perceived by girls as a model of the future man, and big-eyed mysterious and mysterious heroines as an ideal for boys.
- Broadcast non-standard examples of gender-role behavior. Many modern cartoons show courageous women who wear men's clothing, show strong-willed character traits and demonstrate strength, and vice versa. IN preschool age gender identification occurs. Watching such scenes can have a negative impact on the child's behavior.
- Slang, obscene expressions. Even, at first glance, in the most harmless cartoons, such expressions sometimes slip through. Children immediately remember "interesting" words. Parents say one thing, and cartoons show that it is possible to swear, as a result, the child is at a loss, the authority of parents may be shaken.
Psychologists recommend refusing to show cartoons to children under 2 years old. Before turning on the cartoon, parents should carefully review it and analyze it according to the above signs. Even if cartoons have been tested for safety, they should not be shown more than 1.5 hours a day. According to experts, the cartoon should be a holiday for the child.
Decide for yourself and watch the reaction of children and select cartoons for your child. And don't download it by watching. It is better to read a book with your child. Maybe this book you read will be much more interesting than the cartoon. Indeed, in the process of reading, we can think out characters, thoughts and images, as well as personify some part of ourselves in the hero. So for the child, the benefits will be much greater. Aggression of children has become a real problem in today's society!
movie 1

movie 2

movie 3

Thank you for your attention!

This is the most accessible form of establishing a connection between a teacher and a family; it can be used both independently and in combination with other forms: a conversation when visiting families, parent meeting, consultations.

The purpose of the pedagogical conversation is to exchange views on a particular issue; to provide parents with timely assistance on a particular issue of education, to contribute to the achievement of a common point of view on these issues.
The leading role here is assigned to the educator, he plans in advance the topic and structure of the conversation.
It is recommended that when conducting a conversation, choose the most suitable conditions and start it with neutral questions, then go directly to the main topics.
Its feature is the active participation of both the educator and parents. A conversation can arise spontaneously on the initiative of both parents and a teacher. The latter thinks about what questions he will ask the parents, informs the topic and asks them to prepare questions that they would like to receive an answer to. When planning the topics of conversations, one must strive to cover, if possible, all aspects of education. As a result of the conversation, parents should gain new knowledge on the issues of teaching and educating a preschooler.
The conversation begins with general questions, it is necessary to cite facts that positively characterize the child. It is recommended to think over in detail its beginning, on which success and progress depend. The conversation is individual and addressed to specific people. The educator should choose recommendations suitable for this family, create an environment conducive to “pour out” the soul. For example, a teacher wants to find out the peculiarities of raising a child in a family. You can start this conversation with a positive characterization of the child, show, even if insignificant, his successes and achievements. Then you can ask the parents how they managed to achieve positive results in education. Further, you can tactfully dwell on the problems of raising a child, which, in the opinion of the educator, still need to be finalized. For example: "At the same time, I would like to pay attention to the upbringing of diligence, independence, hardening of the child, etc." Give specific advice.
Algorithm for conducting a conversation with parents
The preliminary stage is the creation of conditions for effective conversation.
It is necessary to equip a special place (a separate room or a specially fenced off space). It is better to place furniture in such a way that the principle of "equal", "eye to eye" is observed: two identical chairs separated by a coffee table (1.5 m apart); preferably dim lighting. Also there should be a hanger and a mirror.
Pre-arranged meeting
Preparation of the teacher for the conversation: prepare the results of diagnostics, drawings, work on the application, manual labor, child's notebooks; audio - video recordings of observations of his activities.
Technology (rules) of conversation.
1. Greeting. Purpose: to create a friendly environment.
Meet the parent, take them to the room, offer to choose a convenient place. Before starting a conversation, you can joke, express your opinion about the weather, etc. If people have not met before, an official acquaintance takes place: "What is your name and patronymic? What do you want me to call you?"
In further conversation, each time you need to address the person by name. This creates conditions for the individualization of contact, as it were, brings people together.
During the conversation, it is necessary to take into account the cultural, national characteristics of a person, his educational level.
2. Conversation.
During the conversation, the teacher sits on a chair, leaning against the back, in a comfortable position, his head is slightly tilted forward. If the initiator of the conversation is the teacher, then he begins his message with positive feedback about the child, then proceeds to the goal and subject of the conversation.
For a better understanding of the interlocutor, it is recommended, carefully, but imperceptibly watching him, to adapt to his posture, the pace of speech.

It is useful to learn how to use positive "open" gestures for successful communication with people and get rid of gestures that carry a negative connotation. This will help you feel comfortable in the company of people and make you attractive to them.
The teacher should show empathy in a conversation (empathy is an entry into the spiritual world of another person), which helps to more objectively assess the situation and understand it.
During the conversation, a simple, accessible language is used, preferably without evaluative phrases (happened, worries, happened, etc.) and without scientific terms.
It is very important to be able to pause so that the interlocutor can understand his experience, comprehend what was said.
If you "correctly" listen to the interlocutor, then his negative experiences weaken, he begins to talk about himself more and more, and as a result, he himself "advance" in solving his problem.
When answering someone's question, it is sometimes helpful to repeat how you understood what happened and to "label" their feelings.
These communication skills are based on humanistic principles: respect for the personality of the interlocutor, recognition of his right to own desires, feelings, mistakes, attention to his worries.
During the dialogue, feedback technology is used (repetition and generalization of what has been said). This makes it possible for a person to understand how the interlocutor perceives him. The following introductory phrases are used for this:
- Did I understand you correctly?
- If I'm wrong, you correct me.
Parents have the right to disagree with the teacher. If the teacher feels such resistance, he notes this: “It’s hard for you to accept ... You don’t want to agree ...” Thus, the teacher gives up the desire to reorient the interlocutor and shows his desire to admit that he is right in some way .
You should not be afraid of the negative attitude of parents to the results of the conversation. The main thing is to arouse their interest, feelings and understanding of the subject of conversation.
Further joint work will help to achieve a single positive solution.
3. End of conversation.
Finishing the conversation, you can make a compliment to the interlocutor: "You know how to understand the situation", make it clear that the conversation was successful. You can recommend meeting with a specialist, reading the necessary literature, inviting you to observe the child in kindergarten("Workshop of good deeds", open classes). It is advisable to make an appointment to meet again.
If the conversation drags on, you can look at your watch and stop the conversation with the phrase: "But this moment requires special attention. We will talk about it next time. Today our time is running out. Thank you for coming." After that, get up and escort the interlocutor to the door.

Parents must be sure good attitude to your child caregiver. In order to earn the trust of parents, the teacher can organize his interaction with them as follows (V.A. Petrovsky).
Stage 1 - "Broadcasting a positive image of the child to parents." The teacher never complains about the child, even if he has done something.
Stage 2 - "Transferring to parents the knowledge about the child that they could not get in the family." The teacher reports on the successes and features of the development of the child in the preschool educational institution, the features of his communication with other children, the results of educational activities, sociometric data, etc. At the same time, the principle “your child is the best” is observed.
Stage 3 - "Familiarization of the educator with the problems of the family in the upbringing of the child." At this stage, the active role belongs to the parents, the educator only supports the dialogue, without giving value judgments.
Stage 4 - "Joint research and formation of the child's personality." Only at this stage, the teacher, who has won the trust of parents through the successful implementation of the previous stages, can begin to cautiously give advice to parents.

Questions for analysis after the interview with parents

1. What is the purpose of the meeting in terms of its pedagogical significance for parents
2. How successful was the organization of the meeting: the stages of its holding, the methods used to activate parents, causing their response, interest, etc.
3. Analyze your style of communication with parents during the meeting. Was he the same throughout the meeting or not? Was your communication with your parents dialogical or reduced to your monologue?
4. What difficulties did you encounter during the meeting? Did they not depend on you, or did your own actions lead to them? What helped or hindered you from coping with them?
5. Describe the emotional side of the meeting (general emotional atmosphere, elements of humor, "entertainment", ease, etc.)

Consultations for parents held in the preschool educational institution are one of the forms of differentiated work with the family. This type of work allows the teacher to give qualified advice to the parent on the upbringing and development of the child. In this section, you can find interesting topics and options for conversations with parents, summaries of consultations, ways to design visual information material.

Advice for kindergarten parents

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Victory Day. Advice for parents "Tell your child about the war"
  • SDA. Road safety tips for parents
  • Autumn. Advice and advice for parents in the autumn
  • Fear, childhood fears, anxiety. Advice for parents
  • Sleep, sleep mode, put the child to sleep. Advice for parents
  • What a child should know and be able to do. Advice for parents
  • Physical education, exercise, sports. Advice for parents
  • Winter. Winter advice for parents

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All sections | Advice for parents

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The family for the child is a source of social experience, an example to follow. In order to raise a morally healthy person, it is necessary to combine the efforts of parents, the knowledge and experience of educators, the expectation and ideas of the public. main goal preschool help the family raise a child, ensure favorable socialization.

Types of consultations

Work with parents is carried out both on a personal level in an individual conversation (in the form of frontal and individual work), and takes the form of visual and educational information.

One of the most common ways of counseling parents is visual information in the form of travel folders, stands, newspapers. Since the parent, due to their busyness, does not always have time to communicate with the teacher personally, it is more convenient for him to devote 3-5 minutes to reading the information block.

The stands and folders designed by the teachers of the group are visual propaganda, which is aimed at familiarizing parents with the content, methods of education in the preschool educational institution, and providing practical assistance to the baby in the family. The content and topics are determined by the wishes of the parents or at the discretion of the teachers.

Larisa Kotova
Pedagogical talks and thematic consultations for parents

Pedagogical conversation with parents– the most accessible and widespread form of communication teacher with family. Conversation Can be used on its own or in combination with other forms: on parent meeting, consultations when visiting family.

Goals conversations- exchange of views on a particular issue of education and the achievement of a common point of view on these issues, providing parents timely help.

Material for conversations with parents give the teacher supervision over the children. Conversation may be initiated parents or caregiver. If Parents initiated the conversation(usually this happens spontaneously, and the teacher cannot give them the necessary attention (or is not ready to answer questions, he arranges a special meeting at a convenient time for everyone. It should be taken into account if the issues raised in conversation, are associated with intra-family relations, then the presence of unauthorized persons is undesirable, since the situation conversations should encourage frankness.

If the initiator conversations - teacher, he advance thinks through: where to start it, what questions to ask parents. Negotiating a time conversations, teacher should tell her topic and ask to prepare questions for which parents would like to receive an answer.

Pedagogical conversation with family members of pupils, arising in the morning when they come with their children, as well as in the evening, must meet certain requirements.

1. Frequency of communication with parents must be balanced. When conducting a small monitoring, noting all conversations with one or another relative of the pupil during the week, you may find that some of them communicate with teacher often while others barely communicate.

2. Conversation should have a lively character, benevolent and friendly tone.

3. Parents should allow sufficient time to discuss the issues at hand without haste.

4. Conversation must inform parents about the life of children in kindergarten, as well as to convey to each of parents positive information about his child, to strengthen faith in him. Need to reduce conversations on abstract topics not related to the development and health of children.

5. Avoid hurting parent value judgments about the child.

Among the reasons for applying teacher to parents the negative actions of the child should not prevail, as this forms in them a negative attitude towards contacts with teacher in general. You also need to show sympathy, tolerate some erroneous ideas and beliefs. parents.

6. You should carefully, patiently listen to doubts, comments, complaints parent.

7. Requests to parents about interference in pedagogical the process should be evaluated in terms of appropriateness (often a complaint about the behavior of a child in a group prompts parent take appropriate action even though the situation has already been resolved in the group or parent can not find adequate measures of influence to the son or daughter). teacher should give specific recommendations for the use pedagogical techniques in order to achieve the desired result through joint efforts.

8. It is advisable to give only reasonable advice and avoid being categorical in determining the methods and techniques of influencing the child, providing parent the entire spectrum pedagogical funds with an objective assessment of their positive and negative effects when used in the current situation.

9. The conversation should cause parents desire to cooperate with DOW.

Thematic consultations for parents close in nature to conversations and serve as one of the forms of individual and differentiated work with the family. The main difference is that by doing consultation answering questions parents, teacher seeks to give them qualified advice, to teach something.

Consultations are individual (carried out as needed) and group (held 2-3 times a year). Duration consultations may be 30-40 minutes. Topics of consultations diverse and determined by the results of everyday observations of the behavior of children in the group, relationships parents and children in the group, relationships parents and children, conversations with different family members.

This form of work with parents allows the educator, on the one hand, to discuss in a confidential atmosphere with them all aspects of the upbringing and education of their child, and on the other hand, to receive from parents information that is important to you. During consultations it is necessary to maintain an atmosphere of open discussion, to allow families to speak freely about their concerns, and to ask for information regarding their children and the particular situation in the family. All efforts to create an atmosphere of trust may be in vain if it becomes known that some confidential information has been made public. teacher is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the information received.

Consultations must meet a number of requirements.

1. teacher should show a sincere interest in the development of the child.

3. Each counseling should give parents something new, expand them pedagogical knowledge.

4. teacher must skillfully use the techniques of passive and active listening, persuasive influence.

5. You can’t try to casually resolve difficult questions raising a child. Better invite parents for a serious conversation at another time when teacher, having prepared, will be able to give an exhaustive answer.

6. Before giving advice parents, should be carefully studied question: read relevant literature, consult from the specialists of the institution. If question parents goes beyond competence teacher, That consultation must be carried out by an appropriate specialist.

Sample Topics conversations and consultations with parents.

Preparatory group for school (6-7 years old)

1. Experimentation as a way of exploring the environment.

2. Leaders and outsiders.

3. Formation of the ecological consciousness of the child through communication with nature.

4. Intellectual abilities of a child of 6-7 years old.

5. Features of formation healthy lifestyle life of an older preschooler.

6. How to lead labor activity child?

7. Patriotic education starts in the family.

8. Book and child.

9. The role of the family in the aesthetic education of the child.

10. The arbitrariness of the child and the ways of its development.

11. Ways to organize a home theater.

12. Formation of the correct posture of the child.

13. Plot structure or how to develop creative imagination?

14. Components of readiness for schooling.

15. Moral standards in life "trainers".

16. Game + drawing (how to master different techniques Images).

17. Crisis 7 years: signs and tactics of behavior parents.

18. The game as a means of preparing for school.

19. The place of music in a child's life.

20. On the performance of children 6-7 years old.

21. Education of perseverance in children.

22. Raising responsibility in older preschoolers.

Balakleyskaya Nadezhda
Consultation for teachers "Conversations and consultations with parents as a form of implementing an individual approach to parents"

Conversations and consultations with parents as a form of individual approach to parents.

The pedagogical education of parents involves, according to

E. P. Arnautova, systematically conducted and theoretically substantiated meetings with them, the purpose of which is to transfer knowledge, formation of representations, skills, abilities of mothers and fathers in various aspects of family education.

In our work, we are in solidarity with the opinion of T. A. Markova, who believes that parent-teacher conversations- the most accessible and widespread form of communication between teachers and families, his systematic communication with the father and mother of the child, with other family members. Conversations help to resolve the difficulties of individual families, are addressed to specific people and are dedicated to a specific situation, pointed out

V. M. Ivanova.

Active participation in conversation and educator, And parents- an essential feature of this forms, allowing implement effective impact on parents. It should also be noted that the leading role in the emergence conversations should belong to the educator, since the activity of the educator causes reciprocal activity parents, considered T. A. Markova.

teacher should think about where to start conversation what questions will be asked parents to reveal their understanding of the issues under discussion, their attitude towards them. Negotiating with parents about the time of the conversation, the educator reports her topic and asks to prepare questions to which they would like to receive an answer, noted T. A. Markova.

Material for conversations with parents allow the teacher to observe child: for the implementation of the rules of conduct in the team, for the attitude towards children, adults and their requirements, for the attitude towards activities; conversations with the child, revealing his knowledge, ideas, motives of behavior.

According to T. A. Markova, pedagogical conversation should be as specific and meaningful as possible. Parents should result in conversations new knowledge on the education and upbringing of preschoolers, conversation should wake up parents interest in pedagogical problems to increase the sense of responsibility for the upbringing of children.

To establish contact with parents during the conversation, to involve them in the discussion, the educator needs to provide for a number of conditions, in particular, to think over the place and time of the conversations. Parents should allow sufficient time to discuss the issues at hand without haste. But it is important not only to get in touch with parents, arouse in them a desire to communicate, but also to be sincere in conversation to answer questions truthfully. This succeeds if parents see the deep interest of the researcher in the fate of the child, goodwill and at the same time erudition, the ability to help in education. During conversations with parents do not keep detailed records, as this is embarrassing parents and thereby reduce the efficiency. conversations.

As T. A. Markova rightly notes, the educator always has facts that positively characterize the child. These facts must be included in conversations, then the negative that the educator is forced to say about the child, parents are not perceived as painful.

Thus, the most important principles conversations with parents: active position teacher, which gives conversation purposefulness, sets the tone, but its main task is to evoke interlocutor for a frank conversation. Conversation will be effective if two-way activity is achieved talking and the conversation was from the position of the interests of the child.

Zh. R. Bereznya identifies a special species individual conversation with parents - a typical conversation. As the author notes, typical conversation is similar to a survey, since it is carried out on pre-set questions.

Summarizing the above, we define the value individual conversation in the following:

Disposes to a more open conversation about all aspects of the child's life;

Helps the educator inform parents about changes in the development and behavior of their children;

It makes it possible to find out what educational influences the family has on the child in a given period (therefore, the content of such conversations determined by the behavior of the child).

Hence, conversation is a means of establishing contact with parents, studying the family upbringing of the child and the influence on the nature of this upbringing.

Another one of forms of individual work with parents are consultations. Advice for parents, according to T. A. Markova, are close in nature to conversations. The main difference is that by doing consultation answering questions parents, teacher seeks to give them qualified advice, to teach something. Consultations, as one of forms of individual, differentiated work with parents, helps, on the one hand, to get to know the life of the family more closely and provide assistance where it is most needed, on the other hand, encourages, parents take a serious look at your children, identify traits, their character, think about how best to educate them. Consultation allows you to discuss a specific issue in sufficient depth, analyze it, get acquainted with the experience of educating others parents and draw conclusions for the upbringing of your child. Subject consultations determined by the objectives of the comprehensive education of children and the needs parents(what questions do they ask, what difficulties do they experience).

T. A. Markova noted in her studies that the recommendations, advice given parents, should be specific, taking into account the living conditions of the family and individual characteristics of the child. Each counseling should give parents something new, useful, expand them pedagogical knowledge. Success consultations largely depends on tact, sensitivity and responsiveness teacher in relation to parents, from the ability to convince. Consultation, like conversation, requires preparation, because parents do not satisfy the general answers. Before giving advice parents to resolve some of their doubt, teacher should carefully study the fact that forced parents to contact him: talk to family members, read relevant literature, select interesting examples from practice, if necessary - visual material: children's work, crafts, books, sometimes even visit the family.

When analyzing pedagogical literature, we drew attention to the fact that different researchers have different attitudes towards the specifics of conducting. So, A. S. Spivakovskaya believes that in raising a child, everyone parent is creator, the discoverer that his experiences and thoughts are deeply individual and unique, and in this regard, you do not need to give them ready-made recipes and advice, you need to give them guidelines, directions for searching, so that parents realized the importance of independent work, which consists in influencing and changing not only children, but also themselves.

Unlike A. I. Vasilyeva, Ya. I. Kovalchuk believes that individual interviews with parents should not be accidental, during the arrival of children or leaving home. real conversation requires special training from the teacher material: information about the child, about his interests, behavior, selection of drawings and crafts. Private conversation makes parents more frank and talkative.

It should also be noted that when working with parents teacher confronts parents different levels of educational opportunities. As O. L. Zvereva notes, in work with parents with a high level of educational opportunities, which the author refers to group 1 individual conversations and consultations carried out to support "positive" parenting experience and style of intra-family relations, help parents to establish themselves in the correctness of the methods used, to promote the development of creativity in educational activities.

Working with a family with an average level of educational opportunities

(2 gr.) purpose individual consultations and conversations is to identify the nature of the difficulties experienced, the mistakes made and the specific assistance in education. Individual work with family low level educational opportunities (3 gr.) the most difficult. According to O. L. Zvereva, typical for these parents is disbelief in the possibility of education. Formed "vicious circle"- disobedience of the child, incorrect methods of influence, uncontrollability of the child. At parents' opinion is strengthened that baby "difficult", they are looking for negative traits in him, confirming this opinion. At the same time, they are characterized conservatism with regard to their own educational methods, there is no doubt about their correctness. Some of them refuse to attend classes, citing the lack of time, the fact that in the classroom "you won't get anything new". With this category Parents should have individual interviews, identifying the difficulties experienced in raising a child, giving specific recommendations, briefly revealing the content of problematic issues, advising to analyze more often pedagogical activity , the motives of the child's actions, his reaction to the educational influences of adults. Joint with parents an analysis of their educational activities shows, notes O. L. Zvereva, a lack of knowledge parents. With in-depth work of educators with parents the latter are interested. They are more likely to ask for answers to their questions.

O. L. Zvereva, Ya. I. Kovalchuk believe that oral consultations it is better to spend on a specially appointed day. better days and hours to match parents, since many of them are busy at work in the evening, study at evening universities, etc. Sometimes there are unplanned consultations, When parents are asked to answer a question. It is not scary if the teacher doubts something, is not sure of the correctness of the existing knowledge.

We agree with the opinion of O. L. Zvereva, who recommends giving various tips for parents, instructions for self-observation, for the analysis of their own educational activities. For example, you can set questions: “With what own mistakes do you associate the child’s disobedience, his whims, etc.”, “Is the unity of requirements for the child always respected in the family?” Parents assignments should be given - to observe when the child shows disobedience, what tone remarks are given to him, how he reacts to them, whether adults make concessions, etc. You can also suggest keeping diary entries - let parents write down the most interesting manifestations and try to interpret them.

As a result of the teacher of conversations and consultations parents can change their behavior, in particular, the methods of influencing the child, for example, more influence his feelings, consciousness, use game techniques, rely on what the child already knows, instill confidence in his own strength. Parents will come to the conclusion that they should more often critically look at their parenting experience, look at themselves "from the side".

L. V. Kotyrlo, T. A. Markova, considered it necessary to note important points during the individual conversations and consultations:

1) must be notified parents about the day and the topic of individual conversations, especially inactive parents.

2) unacceptable hostile or careless attitude at a meeting, constant claims and reproaches, requests “take action at home about the child’s behavior”.

3) it is important to carefully consider the content and form of conversation and in advance to design their behavior in case of possible complications.

4) you should start a conversation with a description "positive" sides of the child, his good intentions or acquired skills.

5) you need to win the favor interlocutor to find the tactful form of the message that raises doubts, give advice or suggest looking for ways to overcome difficulties.

6) try to be patient and attentive, spare pride parents, you can not belittle their authority, no matter how small it may be in raising a child. Considering the meaning conversations We consider it important to emphasize that conversations with parents significantly raise the level pedagogical culture of parents, they have a need to look closely at their child - his behavior, actions, a benevolent desire to understand their child is manifested. This observation helps to understand internal state child, understand his feelings, understand the motives of actions, see the good that needs to be encouraged, and the bad that needs to be corrected.

Considering the opinions of various researchers, it can be concluded that individual conversation is the most efficient form of work with parents. Individual conversation implies openness, confidentiality, direct contact, as well as another of the positive moments: it can be held at a convenient time for everyone parent time and not limited by time frames. Joint analysis of educational activities parents during the conversation can show parents the lack of their pedagogical knowledge, the need to more often address exciting questions to teachers as well as in the literature pedagogical nature, i.e. form the need for self-education in this area.
