Red lipstick: for exceptional women. Red Lipstick Quotes

If you are overtaken by black-black depression, change your life for the better - pick it up red lipstick and go to the mirror. It used to be that juicy and bright lips give out in a woman, to put it mildly, a promiscuous person in relationships. In the 21st century Red lipstick is associated with luxury, sophistication and well-groomedness - you just need to use it wisely.

You can often hear opinions about Red lipstick goes exclusively to brunettes, and with golden and dark skin tones. What about burlesque queen Dita Von Teese? Yes, she is a brunette, but her milky-white radiant skin has long become her "calling card", as well as bright red lipstick. After all, the image of Dita is always designed in accordance with the rules of retro style or, as it is now commonly called, vintage style, and it is simply unthinkable to imagine a vintage young lady with some kind of orange, pink or brown spot on her lips. Red and only red!

Brunette with red lipstick - Dita Von Teese.

And Marilyn Monroe? She, if memory serves no one here, was generally a blonde to the marrow of her bones (in good sense this word). But try to say that Red lipstick was not to her face. Soft blond strands, thick black eyelashes, the famous mole above the lip and, in fact, the dazzling red lips themselves - such Marilyn entered the history of cinema and fashion.
But in makeup for redheads, perhaps red lipstick not a place. If nature itself has made the main color accent on the hair (or this accent has become your personal choice), then do not try to outshine it with your lips - nothing good will come of it anyway.

Who said blondes can't do that? It all depends on what kind of blonde.

Red lipstick: how to use it

She requires a special attitude towards herself - one might even say that she obliges a lot. These are the "duties" we're talking about.
1. Red lipstick pure shade, without additional blotches, almost always looks perfect on the right faces (big eyes, straight medium-sized nose, plump lips). Hair color in this case can be any, with the exception of red in all variations.
2. It does not look good on thin, narrow lips.
3. In most cases, it is good as an element of evening makeup. If we talk about everyday about everyday look, then the skin of the face should not look too pale: use bronzers to create a tan effect.

But on a red-haired fashion model, red lipstick looks defiant.

4. It is not recommended to use red lipstick women over thirty: she is able to treacherously give out your age, otherwise add a certain number of years to it.
5. Such lipstick requires a rather feminine style of clothing. For example, high heels are a must.
6. Before you start using red lipstick, undergo a teeth whitening procedure: yellowed or darkened enamel against the background of red lips spoils the whole impression.
7. The condition of the lips that are supposed to be painted with this lipstick must be perfect. No cracks, flaky skin, seizures, and even more so herpes pimples. Don't rely on red to divert attention from these cosmetic flaws. Not only will it not distract, but it will also attract. So first give proper care to your lips, bring them back to normal, and then you will rehearse a stunning make-up.
8. Before applying makeup red lipstick, use a contour pencil of the appropriate color: the mouth should have a clearly defined outline. Blurred and shapeless lines will make you look like a girl from a cheap quarter.
9. red lipstick must match a very well-groomed face and the same well-groomed hands. By the way, if you paint your lips so bright, then choose the same nail polish or do a French manicure.
10. Do not focus on the eyes in makeup - just make up your eyelashes with lengthening mascara and apply quite a few light and almost imperceptible shadows on your eyelids. The feature of your image will be Red lipstick: wear it with dignity!

Millions of women confess their love to this beauty product, men are shy before red lipstick, they write songs about it and put on musicals ... Red lipstick remains timeless and competitive, and many stars owe their beauty to her. The editors of Lady Mail.Ru found 10 interesting facts about this must-have and shares it with you!

1. Red is dangerous, many women think and put off buying red lipstick for later. And in vain! Scientists from the University of Southern Brittany conducted an experiment: waitresses in the restaurants of the French city of Vannes were asked to make up their lips with various lipsticks: pink, brown, red. Girls who wore red lipstick got 3 times more tips than others .

2. Lipstick is one of the most purchased beauty products in the world. According to British cosmetics store Superdrug, scarlet lips are considered the most iconic trend among customers . The second place is occupied by smoky eyes.

3. In the days of black and white television, red filters were used in video cameras. Because of this natural color lips or red lipstick on the screen looked faded and lost in the background of the face. To avoid "discoloration", make-up artists used green lipstick instead of red lipstick .

4. According to international diplomatic protocol, Presidents' wives should not wear red lipstick to official receptions. (they are allowed only one shade - pale pink). If the first lady ignores this ban, there will be an international scandal.

5. Style icon Marilyn Monroe applied lipstick in 5 layers and adored shade #522 of Guerlain's Kiss Kiss lipstick.

6. To add flicker, today, as before, some brands use shredded fish scales . In the composition, it is usually referred to as "pearl extract".

7. A group of American scientists from Columbia University conducted a study and found that, on average, each a woman eats about 24 milligrams of lipstick a day. If we assume that you paint your lips about five days a week for 55 years, then you can eat 350 grams of lipstick in a lifetime. This amount cannot affect health, but if you eat three tubes in a row on an empty stomach, poisoning cannot be avoided.

8. During World War II, Britain banned the production of all cosmetics. Winston Churchill made an exception only for lipstick - he believed that its use "boosts the morale of the population." Later, the term “lipstick effect” appeared in the economy: in difficult times, women do not spend money on large and expensive things, but they are willing to buy cosmetics. Probably for this reason red lipstick sells best on cloudy days.

  • Renata Litvinova: "when there is no money, the most elegant and economical look is a black tight skirt, a turtleneck and high heels. Plus clean hair, White skin, sparkling eyes and burgundy lips."

    Gwyneth Paltrow: "beauty for me is to feel comfortable in your skin. Or wear killer red lipstick."
    Gwen Stefani: "My husband really likes the scarlet color on the lips. I am faithful to this shade so that my favorite is faithful to me."

    Christina Aguilera: “I don’t know why, but with bright lips I somehow feel better. Probably, this is already a kind of addiction.”

    Charlize Theron: "I'm so glad that lipsticks are finally back in fashion! No shine will look as chic as red lipstick."

    Evelina Khromchenko: "If a woman wants to look inaccessible, but attract attention, she just needs to emphasize her lips with scarlet lipstick. Everyone will notice you, but they will be afraid to approach you."

    Elizabeth Taylor: "Drink A Little, Paint Your Lips Brightly And Get Yourself Together."

    Red lipstick is associated with a holiday or going out. In any incomprehensible situation, make up your lips, and everything will work out, the main thing is to believe in it yourself. In pumps with high heels and red lipstick, you will be the star of any party. But do we all know about this magical tool for all occasions? The editors of PEOPLETALK have found 10 interesting facts about red lipstick for you.

    It turns out that even the ancient Egyptians used a purple-red dye taken from seaweed, with the addition of iodine and bromine, as a lipstick. Since bromine is poisonous, this remedy is called the "kiss of death."

    It is believed that Cleopatra painted her lips with a mixture made from red pigment obtained from grated red ants and beetles.

    In 1770, the Parliament of England passed a law banning red lipstick, because it was believed that women with red lips were witches who seduced men. For scarlet lips, the girl could be burned at the stake. Even Queen Victoria (1819-1901) opposed makeup and lipstick, explaining that it was vulgar to wear makeup. Red lipstick was considered a sign of frivolity.

    Red lipstick in the form of a pencil appeared in 1883, it was made from deer fat, castor oil and beeswax. French perfumers presented a novelty at the World Exhibition in Amsterdam.

    When Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain (88) was preparing for her coronation in 1953, she ordered a custom shade of lipstick that would perfectly match her dress. The resulting cool red was called "Balmoral" after her castle in Scotland.

    Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011) was so fond of red lipstick that she demanded that in films with her participation, only she had red lips.

    Scientists from the University of Southern Brittany conducted an experiment by asking waitresses to use red, pink, brown lipstick or not at all. They were required to serve 447 customers in three restaurants in the city of Vannes. Girls who wore red lipstick got three times as much tips. It can be concluded that red lipstick makes men fork out.

    Style icon Coco Chanel (1889-1971), who revolutionized the fashion world, believed that red lipstick should accompany us throughout our lives. After all, red lipstick is a symbol of a strong woman.

    The shelf life of lipstick before use is 1.5–2 years. After opening the package - no more than 5-6 months. A changed texture, smell or shade is a signal to replace it. The use of expired lipstick can lead to cheilitis - the so-called lesion of the skin of the lips, provoking severe redness and the formation of transverse cracks and dry crusts.

    In her entire life, a woman “eats” about 4.5 kg of lipstick. A man, through kisses, takes about 1.5 kg inside.

    How many times have you heard the opinion that boys love exclusively natural makeup on girls? The most common date makeup rule goes something like this: “emphasize your dignity, but in such a way that a man does not understand that you are wearing makeup.” “Red lipstick is a green signal for men. You shouldn't seem too approachable." Here I am, going on a first date with a new beau last week, the first thing I did was wipe off the red lipstick that I wore all day. I don't want to seem available, do I?
    Emma Stone looks equally cool with natural makeup and red lipstick. The main thing in makeup is relevance! It turned out that everything is not quite right! At least in the case of my man. Half an hour into our date, he asked me if I even wore lipstick. He probably didn’t realize that I was wearing a pale pink lipstick of a natural shade at that moment (but that’s what I intended!). “Guys love a woman wearing lipstick,” he told me, “Pink, red, it doesn't matter. It looks so beautiful and attractive. Causes associations with the 40s, when women spent a lot of time on makeup. Men are attracted to things that are different from themselves. And a girl with neutral make-up doesn’t look feminine.” Of course, your man may not express such an opinion, but scientists (of course, British)) have come to the conclusion that men are really attracted to lipstick. Especially red. The study involved 50 men. They were given photos of women with red lipstick, pink lipstick, and none at all. So, on average, men spent 7.3 seconds looking at women with red lipstick, 6.7 seconds with pink, and 2.2 seconds without lipstick. After the study, the men were asked the question - why did you look at women with red lipstick for so long? The answer turned out to be simple - because they found them the most attractive. Of course, men notice lipstick. The red color itself attracts attention. Personally, I really love red lipstick and do not consider it a sign of accessibility. There is nothing wrong with a woman attracting attention to herself - it is in our nature. In addition, red color goes absolutely everyone, the main thing is to find your shade. What do you think about this, dear participants?)

    Poem about lipstick. Poems for a gift lipstick

    Beauties need
    To sparkle lips
    Men were attracted.
    Hold my gift
    He is fashionable and bright,
    Make up your lips clearly -
    You are just beautiful!

    Give you a very happy
    We have wonderful lipstick!
    Its color is beautiful, juicy,
    Durable and very soft!
    attraction force
    There is in this stylish lipstick,
    You always use it
    Not lipstick, but a dream!

    Take lipstick as a gift as soon as possible
    Many happy days await you with her,
    I wish you always show off with sweets
    Looks beautiful to yourself to be surprised.
    Let her like the texture and color,
    There is no better lipstick in the whole world.
    Let her give you beauty
    This will make any dream come true!

    Lipstick from me
    Dress up your lips
    Will play in a new color
    Style and beauty.
    Let the painted lips
    Kisses beckon,
    Let this fudge take you
    The durability will not disappoint.

    Lipstick from me
    So that the lips always burn,
    To make your lips sweet
    Shine fabulous warmed.
    Long lasting lipstick
    Let it be on your lips.
    Passionate kisses with her
    Never miss.
    Let her adorn her appearance,
    Let it emphasize the beauty
    Give softness to your lips
    And dates - sharpness.

    So that your lips beckon
    To conquer the smile
    I give you lipstick
    To seduce with lips.
    Let lipstick emphasize
    Your beauty and charm
    So that men from beautiful lips
    Everyone was immediately thrown into a fever.

    you beautiful lipstick
    I give from the bottom of my heart,
    Paint her lips,
    It suits you, I say
    You will be the most fashionable, stylish,
    Outshine everyone with your beauty,
    And there will be different men
    Always get to know you!

    For happiness, a woman needs very little:
    To always be loved, adored,
    That's why I give you lipstick now,
    So that your lips admire the beauty of everyone!
    Let your beautiful lips shine
    After all, this color suits you, believe me, it suits you very much!
    Let men always read lips
    That you are beautiful and your soul sings!

    I will give lipstick
    To your scarlet lips,
    And then you
    I will kiss.
    Running out of lipstick
    I will give another
    very kissing
    I love you.
    Don't feel sorry for the lipstick
    Substitute your lips
    Let your kiss
    Heaven will give me.

    The shade of lipstick you choose can say a lot about your personality.


    Appearing in public with red lipstick on your lips, you tell others that you love the classics and trust proven solutions. At the same time, this color does not characterize you as a conservative - on the contrary, it shows that you are a passionate, energetic and active person. Red lipstick demonstrates that you are confident, ready for decisive action and used to achieving your goals. Of course, it is impossible not to mention the fact that red lipstick emphasizes sexuality and liberates.

    Light pink

    It may seem that a touching pale pink shade indicates infantilism. But not everything is so simple: a nature can also be hidden behind it, which feels good for other people, appreciates sincerity, openness, honesty in them - and she herself possesses these qualities. Pink lipstick can also show others that the girl is in a romantic mood.


    A daring pink shade is chosen by those girls who want to stand out from the crowd, show others that they are non-standard and extraordinary. Fuchsia on the lips indicates creative thinking, a willingness to experiment. A girl with bright pink lips is looking for like-minded people - as creative as she is, so not everyone can find an approach to her. She is open to everything new and ready to spontaneously make decisions, get involved in any adventure.


    If you like to paint your lips with nude lipstick, people around you may think that you are a modest and shy person. But this first impression should not be trusted. A fondness for nude shades actually means that you are sincere and open, responsive and friendly. If the use of red or pink lipstick implies a certain game, then nude shows that you want to take yourself seriously, strive to be who you are. In addition, nude shades can indicate your tenderness and sensuality.


    You are a person for whom the glass is more half full than half empty - this is what your love for coral and carrot shades of lipstick can say about you. They, as a rule, are liked by girls who are cheerful and energetic, living with big smile and sparkle in the eyes, such anyone will cheer up.


    A fashionable wine shade of lipstick can also tell a lot. This color on the lips will help to demonstrate a strong character, your penchant for uncompromising, bold, decisive action. At the same time, burgundy lips may indicate that you do not let strangers get too close to you and stay away until you get to know the person better. Burgundy lips seem to say: "Be patient - and then I will show you what I really am."

    There is an opinion that the red color of lipstick is integral element image of a sexy woman. Perhaps ... But where did the fashion for this very red color come from and for what reason was it considered a symbol of sexuality?

    A small digression into the history of this issue surprised me. So, the prototype of red lipstick appeared in Ancient Babylon 5000 years ago. Women achieved a bright shade of lips, covering them with crushed dust. semi-precious stones(not bad, huh?!). The production of such a "lipstick" required a lot of time and effort. Cleopatra was a passionate fan of such cosmetics.

    Red lipstick remained the privilege of the rich until the 18th century, when, after several epidemics of the plague, a healthy complexion came into fashion, and with it its artificial substitutes - red rouge and lipstick. And in the twentieth century, red lips became a symbol of emancipation.

    Today, there are two opposing opinions in society regarding the red color on the lips of women. Some people think it's vulgar and vulgar. Others, however, that the red color is still relevant if a woman seeks to emphasize her temperament.

    In principle, red is a color that you have to decide on, if you like, dare! (I remember that same emancipation). Lips are a very sensitive part of the face. The combination of one with the other inevitably places certain accents. But! Is red lipstick really the right way to emphasize sexuality? Can red lipstick make the average woman sexier and more attractive to men? Are these signals read today in the same way as they were 50-60 years ago? Or now a woman with a luxurious shade of red on her lips may well go unnoticed against the backdrop of naked female bodies and not particularly hidden sexual overtones used to sell us a car or a TV?

    I'm very interested in what you think about this. What thoughts do you have when you notice a woman with red lipstick on her lips? And do you even notice behind the abundance of anything so frank from which the advertising industry is already bursting at the seams?

    Finding the perfect shade of red lipstick is a task that some girls can't complete for years. We tell you how to choose "your" shade

    When choosing red lipstick, makeup artists advise you to definitely focus on your external data: hair color, eye color, skin tone.

    It is believed that platinum blondes should paint lips with cool shades - red with berry "blotches" or with a bias in wine, while it is better to refuse warm colors (such as brick red).

    Girls with light brown and wheaten hair can not limit themselves and choose red lipstick of any shade. Brunettes have a different situation: they need a “pure” red, without any admixture of pink, orange or plum. Red-haired girls, on the contrary, red lipsticks of berry shades are perfect.

    Of course, when looking for the perfect red lipstick, it is impossible to limit yourself to theory, the main thing is that the shade is suitable in practice. Some brands, however, have managed to achieve a red hue that suits very, very many.

    Lipstick Color Riche in shade No. 335 "In red in Saint-Germain", L "Oréal Paris

    This shade is the “golden mean” between light and dark reds, between warm and cold. Color Riche lipstick in this color is one of the best examples of classic red, which, on the one hand, is universal, on the other hand, it looks very noble on the lips. The lipstick itself, by the way, is distinguished by a high concentration of pigments: on the skin, the color appears with all intensity. In addition, the Color Riche formula with camellia, lotus and argan extracts cares for the lips: they are provided with nourishment and hydration for the whole day.

    Rouge Pur Couture Vernis à Lèvres lip lacquer in shade No. 9 Rouge Laque, Yves Saint Laurent Beauté

    Shade #9 Rouge Laque of this lip lacquer is the best option"front" red. It is the perfect complement to any evening look: Rouge Pur Couture Vernis à Lèvres creates a "smart" glossy finish on the lips. This red is pure - no berry impurities, no shimmer. Neutral - and therefore suitable for almost every shade.

    Color Sensational lipstick in shade No. 465 Citrus Flame, Maybelline New York

    Maybelline New York lipstick in this shade is the perfect red for summer makeup. Warm and cold tones are in balance in it, but on the lips this red looks so fresh and bright that they are perhaps best complemented by summer looks with catchy color accents. In addition, the Color Sensational formula is durable, as well as high-quality lip skin care.

    Rouge d "Armani lipstick in shade No. 300, Giorgio Armani

    It is a rich red shade with a subtle addition of berry tones - another perfect "evening" option. It is no coincidence that Giorgio Armani is called Rouge d "Armani haute couture lipstick, on the lips it looks the best not only because of the beauty of the shades, but also due to the soft creamy texture. Red No. 300 will last for at least 8 hours, but it will also moisturize lips, keeping them soft.

    Lipstick L "Absolu Rouge in shade No. 150 Rouge Odyssee, Lancôme

    Shade #150 Rouge Odyssee is a red rose color that glides onto the lips with a velvety, satin finish. But the advantage of L "Absolu Rouge is not only this. The lipstick protects lips from UV rays with SPF 15, gives density to the skin of the lips thanks to the formula with the Pro-Xylane molecule, and also provides it with 8 hours of moisture.

    Scarlet, coral, cherry, ruby, carrot, raspberry, terracotta... Color experts distinguish up to several hundred subtle shades. It is impossible to guess the "same" shade. It is useless to listen to consultants and sellers of cosmetics, it is not very important for them how noble and fresh you look. Rather, they will tell you that you are bright, noticeable, interesting ... And it's hard to disagree with this. The red color of the lipstick is a priori bright. That's just the degree of grooming, sophistication, youth, freshness of your image can be different with different shades of red lipstick.

    How to choose yours? Look closely at yourself in the mirror, and it is best to do this in daylight. If you notice redness on the skin, a tired look, and the fact that the teeth are not white, put the probe aside and try another color.

    But if you put on a smooth face, perfect tone, which hid all the flaws, your eyelashes are made up, and your eyebrows and hair are in perfect condition, then believe me, you can use absolutely any shade of red!

    If earlier it was customary to use red lipstick exclusively for special occasions, today these facets have been completely erased. Walking with bright lips is appropriate at any time and in any situation (with the exception of a super-strict business dress code). But there are at least four reasons when red lipstick is not only appropriate, but you literally cannot do without it!

    Renata Litvinova: "When there is no money, the most elegant and economical look is a black tight skirt, a turtleneck and high stilettos. Plus clean hair, white skin, shiny eyes and burgundy lips."

    Gwyneth Paltrow: "beauty for me is to feel comfortable in your skin. Or wear killer red lipstick."
    Gwen Stefani: "My husband really likes the scarlet color on the lips. I am faithful to this shade so that my favorite is faithful to me."

    Christina Aguilera: “I don’t know why, but with bright lips I somehow feel better. Probably, this is already a kind of addiction.”

    Charlize Theron: "I'm so glad that lipsticks are finally back in fashion! No shine will look as chic as red lipstick."

    Evelina Khromchenko: "If a woman wants to look inaccessible, but attract attention, she just needs to emphasize her lips with scarlet lipstick. Everyone will notice you, but they will be afraid to approach you."

    Elizabeth Taylor: "Drink A Little, Paint Your Lips Brightly And Get Yourself Together."

    Wine shades with a cold undertone and the effect of bitten lips reign on the catwalk this season.

    The real color of the lipstick is shown only on the lips. Testing it on the back of your hand is simply pointless.

    Renata Litvinova: “When there is no money, the most elegant and economical look is a black tight skirt, a turtleneck and high stilettos. Plus clean hair, white skin, sparkling eyes and burgundy lips."

    Gwyneth Paltrow: “Beauty for me is feeling comfortable in my skin. Or wear killer red lipstick.

    Gwen Stefani: “My husband really likes the scarlet color on the lips. I am faithful to this shade so that my beloved is faithful to me.

    Christina Aguilera: “I don’t know why, but with bright lips I somehow feel better. It's probably some kind of addiction."

    Charlize Theron: “I'm so glad that lipsticks are finally back in fashion! No gloss will look as chic as red lipstick."

    Evelina Khromchenko: “If a woman wants to look inaccessible, but attract attention, she just needs to emphasize her lips with scarlet lipstick. Everyone will notice you, but they will be afraid to approach you.

    Elizabeth Taylor: "Have a little drink, paint your lips brightly and pull yourself together."

    • Lip painting began in ancient Babylon. They did this with a powder of colored pebbles, which included iodine and bromine. And Cleopatra used pollen from wine-colored insects.
    • During the Inquisition, the Parliament of England approved a law according to which a woman with painted lips was officially recognized as a witch.
    • Especially under the dress for the coronation of Elizabeth II, red lipstick with a bluish tint The Balmoral Lipstick was released.
    • 75% of women cannot imagine their makeup without lipstick.
    • The first president of America, George Washington, not only powdered his wig, but also painted his lips.
    • A woman eats 4.5 kilograms of lipstick in her lifetime.
    • Marilyn Monroe has always worn Rouge Diabolique Guerlain lipstick (now Kiss Kiss No. 522). The actress applied it in five layers.
    • $62,000 - the cost of the most expensive lip product in the world. Guerlain's Kiss Kiss Gold and Diamonds lipstick can boast of such a price. Her tube is crafted from 18 carat gold and adorned with diamonds and rubies. It is produced, of course, under the individual order.


    1. According to Superdrug cosmetics stores, scarlet lips are considered the most iconic trend among shoppers. The second place is occupied by smoky eyes.
    2. Lipstick is the most purchased color cosmetics in the world.
    3. Bright shades sell best on overcast days. Not surprising. They also cheered up women during the years of the Great Depression (1930s).

    Whether high-end designer novelties or mass-market products, lipstick always tops our beauty shopping list. It can become a key element of makeup that can drastically change your appearance. The most beautiful and popular women on the planet agree with this.


    On International Lipstick Day, we have selected the most memorable lipstick quotes from famous women for you.

    1. For me, beauty is the feeling of comfort in your own skin, or awesome red lipstick. Gwyneth Paltrow.

    2. Take a moment for yourself and do something that makes you feel better. For me, it's red lipstick. Dita Von Teese.
    3. I believe in manicures, in flashy clothes, in the fact that on vacation you also need to do your hair and apply lipstick. Audrey Hepburn.

    4. If you're sad, put on some more lipstick and go on the offensive. Coco Chanel.
    5. I have every shade of red lipstick you can imagine. Rita Ora.

    6. I can't imagine myself without pink lipstick. I may not wear it for a couple of days, but if there were no more pink lipstick in the world, I would be useless. Nicki Minaj.

    7. You have the dreamy look of James Dean. And I have red lipstick, a classic thing that you like. Taylor Swift.

    8. Just rejoice. Smile. Wear lipstick. Monica Bellucci.

    9. Lipstick is our armor. When we were growing up, my mother had a habit: if the day went wrong or something went wrong, she would apply red lipstick. I still follow this rule. Keira Knightley.

    10. Pour yourself a drink, paint your lips, and clean yourself up. Elizabeth Taylor.

    Bright red lipstick is a timeless classic out of season and fashion, but it requires special treatment. The main task of the girl is to choose for herself her ideal shade of red lipstick, and for this, the first step is to correctly determine her skin color type.

    Shades of red lipstick

    Red lipstick has more than 20 luxurious shades, such as cherry, coral, raspberry, purple, burgundy and others. Important point The lighter your skin, the more muted and softer the shade of red should be, and the darker your skin, the brighter and richer.

    Photo: Shades of red lipstick

    How to choose red lipstick?

    One of the most common ways to determine skin tone is with large silver and gold jewelry. Trying them on in turn, you determine whether your skin fades against the background of gold or silver suits you more. Gold and silver foil is also suitable for this method. If silver suits you more, then you have a cool skin tone and your shade of red lipstick should be selected with a blue undertone. If gold suits you better, then the skin tone is considered warm and the red shade of lipstick should have an orange undertone.

    Photo: Warm and cold shades of red lipstick

    Warm and delicate shades of red lipstick, such as carrot, brick, coral, chestnut, mountain ash, terracotta, are suitable for women with the spring-autumn color type. Women with the winter-summer color type will suit all pink shades of lipstick, such as scarlet, raspberry, fuchsia, cherry and purple.

    Photo: Selection of shades of red lipstick according to the type of girls

    Makeup with red lipstick

    In order to make a successful makeup using red lipstick, you need to consider a few nuances.

    1. Warm shades and a rather dense texture of red lipstick can visually make lips thinner.
    2. For a perfect lip contour, use a long-lasting matte lip liner before applying lipstick. It should be in the same tone as your lipstick or a tone darker and will keep the desired color of your lips for as long as possible.
    3. Red lipstick in cold tones emphasizes the whiteness of the teeth, and an orange tint, on the contrary, emphasizes unwanted yellowness.

    Video: How to paint lips with red lipstick?

    In this video, the makeup artist shows how to properly apply red lipstick on the lips, the execution technique and what aids are needed for this.

    Red lipstick for brunettes

    Using red lipstick in makeup, brunettes can choose the most saturated and bright colors red. The stronger the contrast between skin color and hair color, the brighter and more saturated lips can be.

    Photo: Combination of dark hair and fair skin with contrasting red lipstick

    Photo: The combination of dark hair and dark skin with red lipstick

    Photo: Contrasting red lipstick in combination with fair skin

    Red lipstick for blondes

    Blondes go for lighter shades of red lipstick. If you have a warm skin tone and hair, then you should choose coral, brick and orange shades of red lipstick. If you have an ash or platinum blonde shade, and the skin has a slightly grayish tone, then cool shades of red will suit you.

    Coco Chanel about red lipstick. 10 facts about red lipstick

    Red lipstick is associated with a holiday or going out. In any incomprehensible situation, make up your lips, and everything will work out, the main thing is to believe in it yourself. In pumps with high heels and red lipstick, you will be the star of any party. But do we all know about this magical tool for all occasions? The editors of PEOPLETALK have found 10 interesting facts about red lipstick for you.

    It turns out that even the ancient Egyptians used a purple-red dye taken from seaweed, with the addition of iodine and bromine, as a lipstick. Since bromine is poisonous, this remedy is called the "kiss of death."

    It is believed that Cleopatra painted her lips with a mixture made from red pigment obtained from grated red ants and beetles.

    In 1770, the Parliament of England passed a law banning red lipstick, because it was believed that women with red lips were witches who seduced men. For scarlet lips, the girl could be burned at the stake. Even Queen Victoria (1819-1901) opposed makeup and lipstick, explaining that it was vulgar to wear makeup. Red lipstick was considered a sign of frivolity.

    Red lipstick in the form of a pencil appeared in 1883, it was made from deer fat, castor oil and beeswax. French perfumers presented a novelty at the World Exhibition in Amsterdam.

    When Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain (88) was preparing for her coronation in 1953, she ordered a custom shade of lipstick that would perfectly match her dress. The resulting cool red was called "Balmoral" after her castle in Scotland.

    Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011) was so fond of red lipstick that she demanded that in films with her participation, only she had red lips.

    Scientists from the University of Southern Brittany conducted an experiment by asking waitresses to use red, pink, brown lipstick or not at all. They were required to serve 447 customers in three restaurants in the city of Vannes. Girls who wore red lipstick got three times as much tips. It can be concluded that red lipstick makes men fork out.

    Style icon Coco Chanel (1889-1971), who revolutionized the fashion world, believed that red lipstick should accompany us throughout our lives. After all, red lipstick is a symbol of a strong woman.

    The shelf life of lipstick before use is 1.5–2 years. After opening the package - no more than 5-6 months. A changed texture, smell or shade is a signal to replace it. The use of expired lipstick can lead to cheilitis - the so-called lesion of the skin of the lips, provoking severe redness and the formation of transverse cracks and dry crusts.

    In her entire life, a woman “eats” about 4.5 kg of lipstick. A man, through kisses, takes about 1.5 kg inside.

    Poem about lipstick. Poems for a gift lipstick

    Beauties need
    To sparkle lips
    Men were attracted.
    Hold my gift
    He is fashionable and bright,
    Make up your lips clearly -
    You are just beautiful!

    Give you a very happy
    We have wonderful lipstick!
    Its color is beautiful, juicy,
    Durable and very soft!
    attraction force
    There is in this stylish lipstick,
    You always use it
    Not lipstick, but a dream!

    Take lipstick as a gift as soon as possible
    Many happy days await you with her,
    I wish you always show off with sweets
    Looks beautiful to yourself to be surprised.
    Let her like the texture and color,
    There is no better lipstick in the whole world.
    Let her give you beauty
    This will make any dream come true!

    Lipstick from me
    Dress up your lips
    Will play in a new color
    Style and beauty.
    Let the painted lips
    Kisses beckon,
    Let this fudge take you
    The durability will not disappoint.

    Lipstick from me
    So that the lips always burn,
    To make your lips sweet
    Shine fabulous warmed.
    Long lasting lipstick
    Let it be on your lips.
    Passionate kisses with her
    Never miss.
    Let her adorn her appearance,
    Let it emphasize the beauty
    Give softness to your lips
    And dates - sharpness.

    So that your lips beckon
    To conquer the smile
    I give you lipstick
    To seduce with lips.
    Let lipstick emphasize
    Your beauty and charm
    So that men from beautiful lips
    Everyone was immediately thrown into a fever.

    you beautiful lipstick
    I give from the bottom of my heart,
    Paint her lips,
    It suits you, I say
    You will be the most fashionable, stylish,
    Outshine everyone with your beauty,
    And there will be different men
    Always get to know you!

    For happiness, a woman needs very little:
    To always be loved, adored,
    That's why I give you lipstick now,
    So that your lips admire the beauty of everyone!
    Let your beautiful lips shine
    After all, this color suits you, believe me, it suits you very much!
    Let men always read lips
    That you are beautiful and your soul sings!

    I will give lipstick
    To your scarlet lips,
    And then you
    I will kiss.
    Running out of lipstick
    I will give another
    very kissing
    I love you.
    Don't feel sorry for the lipstick
    Substitute your lips
    Let your kiss
    Heaven will give me.

    Makeup is a special kind of female meditation. Time spent alone with yourself and your thoughts. The moment when soft strokes of the brush literally transform your appearance. Girls ready to sacrifice so sweet morning sleep and savoring fragrant coffee, just to have time to bring a marafet. They are more likely to neglect the long selection of outfit in order to carefully blend the shadows, evenly distribute the moisturizing tone and emphasize the lips with a translucent sheen. Your appearance is your business card, imprinted in the memory of the interlocutor and helping to form a general opinion about the degree of grooming. ExpertsProstoNaildecided to collect quotes about makeup, which entered the category of popular expressions. Read and get inspired.

    Beautiful makeup quotes - pearls of thought immortalized in words

    It can be assumed that makeup is an ancient technique of decorating oneself, which initially had a sacred meaning for a person. Even ancient shamans in the tribal era, pharaohs in ancient Egypt and Roman servants decorated their faces with natural pigments like ocher, henna or crushed turquoise. Such decals served as evidence of a special position in society, emphasized through clothing, well-groomed nails and catchy appearance.

    Today, makeup is a separate art form that every woman dreams of mastering. It helps not only to emphasize the natural charm of the young lady, but sometimes completely transform her image. In the arsenal of beauties there are brushes and sponges, numerous palettes and tubes, a million pencils and even more sticks with lipsticks. Naturally, smart and famous personalities, who have found their place of honor in the history of mankind, could not help expressing their opinion about the significance of makeup. We have collected the most beautiful quotes about makeup.

    • "Cosmetics - the philosophy of women." Renata Schumann-Fikus
    • « The most important thing in makeup is to look completely natural; but this requires a lot of cosmetics. Calvin Klein
    • “A young beautiful woman is a miracle of nature. A middle-aged beautiful woman is a miracle of make-up art" . Yanina Ipohorskaya
    • "Women aren't usually as young as they make themselves out to be." Max beerbohm
    • "What can not be hidden, at least powder." Yanina Ipohorskaya
    • "Not no beautiful women, there are only lazy ones. Helena Rubinstein
    • “A man loves to be deceived; the best proof of this is his admiration for the art of female make-up.” Slavomir Vrublevsky
    • “My secret to replenishing energy: the more you spend, the more you get. And makeup is the first thing I expend energy on at the beginning of the day.” . Elena Krygin
    • “Makeup is magic. And to induce beauty is akin to magic. Elena Pauline
    • "By appearance Only the most impenetrable people do not judge.” Oscar wilde
    • “They say that in France women spend more on cosmetics than the state spends on the army. But they have more victories." Yanina Ipohorskaya

    • "There are no beautiful women - there are ugly and well-made." Oscar Wilde
    • “It takes 20 minutes to look like a goddess. But it takes 3 hours to look natural.” Yanina Ipohorskaya
    • "I will not retire as long as I have my legs and my makeup bag with me." Betty Davis
    • « The most irresistible women's cosmetics is a powder for men's brains. Stas Yankovsky
    • "Correctly applied makeup emphasizes seductive flaws and hides unwanted virtues." Stas Yankovsky
    • "Makeup is an invisible veil." Marion Coxwick
    • “Makeup is a mirror of the soul. When we are happy, we glow from the inside, and we do not need cosmetics. If we feel uncomfortable, then we apply it layer by layer. Ellis faas
    • “I am very sensitive about my appearance. I never go anywhere without makeup. Never wear the same thing twice in public. I look like I put on completely random things - but no, everything was chosen carefully. It's the same with make-up." Anna Piaggi
    • "No matter if I have a lot of makeup on or no makeup at all, I'm always the same person on the inside." Lady Gaga

    • “I believe that a woman should wear the makeup that she likes. And turn the process of applying make-up into an adventure. Emma Stone
    • "My best secret beauty is not saying negative things about yourself in front of a mirror. It's not great. My new mantra: Don't put yourself down. Happiness - best makeup and a smile is prettier than lipstick" . Drew barrymore
    • “I thought the idea of ​​giving up makeup, clothing and retouching was just crazy. Then I realized that it gets rid of a lot of complexes associated with self-image. Demi Lovato
    • "I sincerely believe that proper care behind the skin will save you from having to put on tons of makeup.” Demi Moore
    • “You have no choice but to remember the main beauty rule: Who cares?”. Tina Fey
    • "Can not be ugly women. There are indifferent to themselves and cosmetics. esti Lauder
    • “If you love beauty, then please do your best to create it. Makeup is just one way." Rumi Mara
    • "A woman in a bathrobe can never achieve the same as a woman with makeup." Evelina Khromchenko

    • "Smiling is the best makeup any girl can do." Marilyn Monroe
    • “For me, makeup is a feeling of comfort on your own skin or awesome red lipstick on your lips.” Gwyneth Paltrow
    • "If you're sad, put on some lipstick and go on the offensive." Coco Chanel
    • “Lipstick is our armor. When we were growing up, my mother had a habit: if the day went wrong or something went wrong, she would apply red lipstick. I still follow this rule." Kira Knightley
    • "It doesn't matter what makeup you use, it's more important to know how to apply it." Goar Avertisyan
    • "Breakfast business woman: on the first - hair styling, on the second - makeup, on the third - a thin layer of lipstick on the lips. Boris Trushkin
    • “The more makeup a woman has, the easier it is to seduce her.” Kobo Abe
    • “The worst beauty mistake is when a girl tries not to correct what nature has given her with the help of cosmetics, but to draw a new face.” Vlad Lisovets
    • “If a woman wants to look inaccessible, but to attract everyone's attention, she just needs to make up her lips with classic red lipstick. Everyone will notice you, but they will be afraid to approach you. Evelina Khromchenko

    • “If you choose red, it means you want to be noticed. If you wear red lipstick, then you are ready for people to look at you. Red is a very strong color and it expresses you first and foremost, it doesn't necessarily have a sexual connotation." Monica Bellucci
    • “I tell you how to hold a pencil and show the application technique, but you create the individuality yourself.” Elena Krygin
    • “Take a minute for yourself and do something that brings tremendous pleasure. For me, it's putting on makeup." Dita background Teese
    • “I believe in manicures, in flashy clothes, in the fact that on vacation you also need to do your hair and apply lipstick.” Audrey Hepburn
    • “I can't imagine myself without pink lipstick. I may not wear it for a couple of days, but if there were no more pink lipstick in the world, I would be useless. Nicky Minaj
    • “Just be happy. Smile. Wear lipstick." Monica Bellucci
    • “I believe that all women are beautiful without makeup. But with make-up, they are mighty-beautiful.” Bobby Brown
    • “Fashion embraces absolutely everything. Makeup is not just makeup, it's cinema, television, art history... culture. Developing a make-up concept is always a test, the key here is to come up with something new every time. Pat McGrath
    • “I always try to respect a woman and do makeup just for her: for me, beauty is more important than creative sophistication.” Volume Pesho
    • "Your personal style and makeup is a reflection of your taste, and whether you like it or not, people will judge you by it." Bobby Brown
    • "Too much a large number cosmetics, I say absolutely no. Makeup should not be a mask. But a natural bow is also not for me: I prefer lipstick on my lips, preferably red. Lucia Pieroni
    • “I don’t understand women who go without makeup. They need to come to me, I'll hide them, they're crazy! They just don't realize the power of makeup, it can change our lives." Charlotte Tilberry
    • "Self-confidence is the most important thing, but a little make-up can't hurt." Bobby Brown
    • "There is no harder job than trying to keep your makeup flawless from eight in the morning until midnight." Bridget Bordeaux
    • "Makeup is an open letter of recommendation that wins the heart in advance." Arthur Schopenhauer
    • "A woman only has one opportunity to be beautiful, but makeup increases those stakes." Charles Montesquieu
    • “Makeup affects even those who do not notice it” . Jean Cocteau
    • "The most common mistake all women make when applying makeup is applying it in poor lighting." Bobby Brown

    Luxurious aphorisms about makeup - with the world on a string

    An aphorism is a subtle, original, complete thought expressed in a sarcastic or joking manner. There is nowhere to put the truth, aphorisms about makeup on the Web are as common as holivars on hot political topics. All this speaks only of the relevance, relevance and popularity of the skill of transforming oneself. Of course, there was a place for both male pearls of thought and female reflections on a given topic. ProstoNail collected the most juicy examples in a colorful selection.


    • Makeup is an attempt to paint on your face the face of another, much more beautiful woman.
    • A beautiful soul does not need makeup.
    • An old-timer is a person who remembers the times when a woman could be recognized even after she washed her face.
    • Makeup is a special kind of female meditation.
    • As soup is not complete without seasonings, so a woman is not complete without makeup.
    • Cosmetics is the philosophy of women.

    • Beauty salon - a workshop for the improvement of women.
    • Time spent on makeup shortens the day and lengthens the night.
    • Makeup is a kind of restoration of your personal beauty.
    • A woman in front of a mirror is partly a creator and an artist. And sometimes a plasterer, or an antiques restorer.
    • Make-up is a sacred act for a woman, bringing special aesthetic pleasure to a man.
    • The eternal female question: is there life after removing makeup?
    • Women's war paint is a distraction from a blow to the heart.
    • Whatever you say, but the main female deception is to put on makeup as if you were not made up, but beautiful.
    • For some, "plaster" is tuning, for others it is a consumable.
    • Appearance is not the main thing, the main thing is that on top of it. And this is the first commandment of a makeup artist.
    • The white face hides seven flaws.
    • Makeup is a note in the concert of the transformation of a woman into a lady.

    Entertaining statuses about makeup - the best of the web

    The World Wide Web is the habitat of the most amazing "pearls", invented and voiced by the users themselves. We tried to put together the most ridiculous and extraordinary, the most uncomplicated and sarcastic, sometimes sad, and sometimes unspeakably funny statuses related to female appearance and makeup. What did we get? Find details below.

    Makeup statuses:

    • My wife still looks young, but now it takes her an extra half an hour every day.
    • Sometimes beauty is hidden under makeup.
    • The most difficult thing for hairdressers is bohemian negligence, and for makeup artists - freshness of the face.
    • To hide, it was enough for her to wipe makeup off her face.
    • White women behave like Indian squaw husbands: when they go to war with men, they paint their faces.
    • Good cosmetics cost a lot of money. It's only natural beauty is free.
    • The living beauty of a woman is 30% appearance, 20% intelligence, 50% character, and everything else is well-applied makeup.

    • First you put on makeup to attract attention, then - so as not to attract.
    • Such happiness to scratch the eye when it is not made up.
    • The older you get, the longer you paint ... Whether it’s earlier: you shook your hair, put on a smile - and you’re beautiful.
    • Janus is a brother to women, You can't even argue with that. We, women, have two faces, as usual: All native and BEFORE makeup.
    • Looking for you under makeup.
    • You will become an embodiment of unearthly beauty, if in the morning you managed to create on your face!
    • Everything flows, everything changes. In principle, not bad, unless it's about make-up in the heat.
    • To make it pleasant for people to look into your mirror of the soul - put the frame in order in the morning.
    • Great will be the day when I draw beautiful arrows the first time.
    • Girl, you put on so much make-up... are you not hot?
    • Men, want to know why we paint our eyes with an open mouth? So, I answer, FROM PLEASURE!
    • Oh wow! How did the make-up artist photoshop you?
    • Make-up, peeling, manicure, epilation, pedicure. Eh! And in childhood, to become beautiful, it was enough to tie a bow on your head.
    • A little red lipstick never hurts.
    • Makeup can save the worst day.
    • God created a woman, looked at her, and then said: “Come on, put on makeup.”
    • I love long, romantic walks to cosmetic stores with my favorite ... red lipstick.
    • Never ask a girl with perfect arrows why she was late.
    • When I was little, I never thought that eyebrows were so important.
    • Man, be the one who ruins lipstick but doesn't cause runny mascara.
    • The more makeup a woman has on her face, the more ambiguous her last night was.
    • The worse things are for a girl, the better her makeup should be.

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