Lines about love with meaning. Quotes about love: with meaning, beautiful and sad

Quotes about love with meaning are present in different authors - from antiquity to the present. Love is an eternal theme that excites the minds and hearts of both the authors of works and their readers. We present that will touch your soul and make you think.

The search for answers to the questions of what love is and how it manifests itself does not stop.

Scientists consider love from a philosophical, psychological, physiological point of view. And writers of all times expressed their thoughts about this wonderful feeling through clever phrases in their books. Love in books is described differently - from eternal mutual to unrequited feelings.

Wise words about eternal love are present in the books of Remarque, Sparks, Begbeder and others. The authors note that you can love regardless of circumstances, distances, time. Here are some beautiful quotes:

True love lasts forever (Nicholas Sparks "Choice").
Hell is when you can no longer see those you love (Anna Gavalda "Just Together").
I love you. Even if I'm not in the mood. Even if it's autumn outside. Even if there are different cities across the oceans. I love you (Nicholas Sparks "Diary of Memory").
It's not hard to die for love. It's hard to find a love worth dying for (Frederic Begbeder "Ideal").
Love is the only thing worth living for (Frederic Beigbeder Love Lives Three Years).
True love does not tolerate outsiders (Erich Maria Remarque "Three Comrades").
Love cannot be explained. She needs actions (Erich Maria Remarque "Arc de Triomphe").

Love is always emotion. Whether they are positive or negative depends on the relationship. Quotes about love often contain descriptions of the emotional experiences of lovers. There are sayings in the books:

In general, it seems to me that too strong emotions burn something in a person. If you loved too much, then you can’t love anymore (Harry Harrison “The Birth of the Steel Rat”).
True love is born in difficult times. And only after going through pain and suffering, you can truly appreciate happiness ”(John Green“ The Fault in Our Stars ”).
There is probably ordinary love - the mutual attraction of two hearts, two souls. But there is, undoubtedly, another love, painful, burning, ruthless - the irresistible attraction of two dissimilar people who both hate and adore each other (Guy de Maupassant "Hairpin").
Love is an emotional thing, and as such, it is the opposite of a pure and cold mind (Arthur Conan Doyle "The Sign of the Four").

A special place in the books is given female love. Beautiful words about love, the authors put it into women's mouths, because the fair sex is more sensitive, emotional.

We have selected some quotes with meaning about the feelings of women:

Any woman's heart is always full of hope: to kill them, you need more than one stab with a dagger, she loves to the last drop of blood (Honoré de Balzac "The Forsaken Woman").
Almost every woman in love is capable of heroism. Understand, she kisses, hugs, gives herself - and she is already a mother. For her, if she loves, love contains the whole meaning of life - the whole universe! (Alexander Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet").
I'm all - one continuous love for you. Even, perhaps, the word love is still too weak. I have such a feeling for you, which only one can have for God: everything is here - reverence, love, and obedience (Stendhal's "Red and Black").

In books, a plot is common, based on a past or unrequited feeling. It brings suffering, makes you commit rash acts, leads to reflection. Here are some beautiful quotes:

We are dearly loved only by women to whom we pay little attention (Honoré de Balzac "The Elixir of Longevity").
No, he said quickly. - Just not this. Stay friends? Dilute a vegetable garden on the cooled lava of extinct feelings? No, this is not for you and me. This happens only after small intrigues, and even then it turns out to be rather false. Love is not stained with friendship. The end is the end (Erich Maria Remarque "Arc de Triomphe").

Quotes about love in books are always deep thoughts that make the reader think. We see in them a reflection of life situations, experienced feelings, and also learn important lessons for the future.

We had a cat in our yard. Ordinary, outbred, only his life has been beaten up, as well as people. Once he lost part of his tail - only a short stump remained. The left ear was torn and healed badly. One eye did not open because of the scar, but only squinted. Sometimes you look at the cat, and he looks at you. And it seems as if the beast is aiming at you. Only there is no gun.
In fact, this cat was kind. He never got angry with people, although people did not like him. And they called him - "Ugly". Not Vaska, not Barsik - "Ugly". Yes, but he looked scary, you know.
And he, perhaps, understood that the word was offensive, but he was not offended by people ... When they shouted "Ugly!", he meowed in response, tried to wag his tail stump, even ran towards him. Everyone was waiting for a miracle ... Only the children were forbidden to touch him, and those who were older shushed him.
It happened that he was deceived. They called to him, and instead of eating, they poured water from a bucket. I remember I often thought then: why are we so evil? We want to be treated like human beings, to understand our problems, and to those who are weaker - cruel and merciless.
The cat, when it was watered, endured. He pressed his ears and obediently wet. Sometimes, even rubbed against the leg, meowing. As if he was apologizing for being so unattractive, useless, which causes hatred in people. He received kicks, he was kicked out of the hallway, as if taking out all the accumulated anger - for the injustice of our life. One poor fellow wanted to enter the house, ask for food in the kitchen, but his paw was pinched by the door.
He then limped, his paw healed slowly, but he still forgave people, reached out to them. And, as if in punishment for being so good-natured, someone set the neighbor's dogs on Ugly. The cat could not run away or jump on the fence - the diseased limb let him down. I was in the room, I heard his screams, almost human. He ran out into the street, drove away the mongrels - embittered, dirty. From the breed of those that the herd is ready to bark at everyone they meet - hiding under the fence. But they will never get into a fight with a strong opponent.
"Ugly" lay in a pool of blood, motionless. You know, I suddenly thought - he is the same as us. Like me, like all the broken lives of the inhabitants of the slate communal apartments. Only he does not know how to hate ... He lifted him in his arms, carefully, carefully. He carried it home, very afraid that I would hurt him, because he suffered terribly. He entered the room, not knowing what to do. He wheezed and gasped. I sat down on a chair and placed it gently on my knees. I tried to stroke his head, fearing that I would cause more pain.
And "Ugly" suddenly tried to purr. Yes! He didn't wheeze or howl, he was trying to purr! Thank you for being kind. The man gave him a drop of warmth, albeit before death - the beast tried to thank for this miracle, forgetting about his own pain.
The cat died in my lap. He stretched his head, rubbed against the palm. Stretched out in full height and froze. I didn't breathe anymore, I stopped feeling his heartbeat.
Then I sat motionless for a long time, with the dead cat on my lap. Everyone was thinking about us humans. About how we treat each other, and not only to each other - just to those who are weaker. This beast, which was called "Ugly" - an unfortunate cripple, all his life looking for at least a drop of warmth - revealed something very important to me. I suddenly saw the light: for many of us everything is fine with the physical shell, with the body, but the soul is severely crippled. "Freak" - so today you can say about almost everyone ...

Accurate quotes and statements allow you to convey those thoughts that a person is not aware of and cannot fully express. When it comes to love, words are never enough, but they allow you to at least superficially reveal deep feelings. Popular quotes about love with meaning, short and long, will help convey the beauty and strength of feelings when love becomes more than words. A selection of the best love and romantic quotes for all occasions is below.

Sometimes beautiful long phrases are not needed to convey the main human feelings, because the depth lies in simplicity and sincerity.

For those who, from an abundance of real feelings, cannot formulate their experiences in words, a collection of the best short statements.

  1. "Love will never learn prudence and rationalism."
  2. "Love hurts, love heals."
  3. "The friendship that grew into love will only get stronger with the years."
  4. "Love returns us to childhood, where we are again defenseless against the outside world."
  5. “Love reveals the true abilities of a person, which he may not even be aware of.”
  6. "Love frightens with its depth, but it never comes to those who have not learned to swim."

Brevity does not always allow you to reveal the whole essence of feelings, but these well-aimed expressions allow you to better understand the main truths of love and life.

Beautiful and sad aphorisms

Love is not always positive, bright emotions. As nature has its seasons, so there are different stages in human life. Sparkling statements can help to survive pain and sadness, even in the most difficult times.

A selection of sad, deep phrases about love - further.

  1. "Unrequited love can be considered a disease for which there is only one cure - time."
  2. "A loving person is happy with the happiness of a loved one, even if he found it in another person."
  3. “It is not love that causes pain, but its excess due to the inability to share it with a loved one.”
  4. "Feelings without reciprocity are not eternal, but the scars from them remain for life."
  5. “None of the days will be as bright until we let our feelings fly. Even if they have nowhere else to fly.”
  6. “There is no reason not to love, even if it is not mutual. Do it just like that - this is the secret of real happiness.
  7. “To accept love is given to everyone. But only angels can love unselfishly and sacrificially.”
  8. “Don't put off love for tomorrow. Love is a perishable product."
  9. “A relationship without love is a heart condition for which there is no cure.”
  10. "In love, as in music, falsehood is heard from the first note."

In difficult periods of life, it is extremely important to find a way to free yourself from oppressive feelings. If you cannot formulate your feelings in words on your own, quotes from famous thinkers will come to the rescue.

Life sayings about love

Deep quotes with meaning about life and love can change the atmosphere, inspire or even reverse the destruction in a relationship. Words spoken at the right time and carrying an important meaning can radically change the course of events.

Some of these profound statements are below.

  1. “Life has no meaning without love, just as love is unthinkable without real life.”
  2. “In love, it is not feelings that are important, but the ability to convert them into beautiful deeds.”
  3. “Relationships without love are possible. But love without a relationship is doomed to wither.

"The words of love are exactly the same - it all depends on whose mouth they come from." Maupassant

About love for a guy, for a girl

beautiful quotes about love will make you spread your wings and help convey the depth of feelings. They will help you understand yourself and others much better. ABOUT strong love there are thousands of sayings to a girl or a guy.

A selection of the best phrases is presented below.

  1. “The person you love is not the one you want to see next to you. He is the one you want to see happy."
  2. “If a guy loves a girl, he is delighted even with her shortcomings. If he doesn’t love, he doesn’t even notice bright merits.
  3. “The passion between a guy and a girl is kindled in one moment, like a fire from a spark. Love is what remains when the fire goes out."

And the witty Oscar Wilde completes this selection: “Nothing hinders the development of a relationship like a woman’s sense of humor and a man’s lack of it.”

About feelings at a distance

There are no barriers to true feelings. Distance and temporary separation can only strengthen what was born between a man and a woman.

The best life aphorisms about lingering love at a distance, capable of supporting lovers in separation - further.

  1. “The happiness of a relationship that has stood the test of time is twice as strong as that of those who have never known separation.”
  2. "The pain of separation is weakened when there is hope for an early meeting."
  3. "For true love, there is no distance, and long-term intimacy does not save false feelings."
  4. “Neither time nor kilometers kill love. Love is killed by people who are tired of waiting.
  5. "In separation real love becomes stronger, and love, on the contrary, fades away.

And the best phrase about feelings at a distance will complete this collection: “nothing teaches you to appreciate a minute of meeting like years of separation.”

Wise quotes of great people

Almost all the great people from different eras and in many respects their points of view converged.

Interesting and wise sayings of great people about the most beautiful feeling - further.

  • Leibniz: “To love is to find your own in the happiness of another person”;
  • Dostoevsky: "Love is so strong that it can regenerate us";
  • M. Gandhi: "Love always gives, but never requires."

Some of these aphorisms have survived centuries and even millennia, but have not lost their relevance. As long as humanity exists, so long will love live, which finds its expression in words and becomes a source of inspiration for creativity!

I give my friendly look to everyone, I will be friends only with those worthy of friendship, I save love only for you.

Some people want to love so much that they lose their heads even from their spouse.

The fact is that loving a guy is an impossible task. If the feeling is without reciprocity, you will suffer and suffer, with a mutual feeling you will fall into a swampy swamp.

Love is when your boyfriend is talking nonsense, and you think he is saying smart things.

Best Status:
A month or two will pass, or maybe only a week, and you will understand that our meeting was not accidental. But by then, the seat next to me will probably be filled.

Here I met with unrequited love. Now I understand well the guys that I myself once sent. I'm ashamed.

You smile and I forget about the whole world. Other men simply do not exist for me.

Don't give your love to anyone. When men realize that you are cold as ice, then they will begin to seek you.

I am loved, I feel too sincere feeling. But to another.

Love has deafened and blinded me. You changed the whole world for me.

I have a personal brand of drug - it's you, my love!

I have already forgotten your smell, I don’t remember your voice at all and your image has become so vague in my memory ... How far are you from me ...

One glance is enough to kill love. So, you can also resurrect it with one glance ...

Maybe all your friends don’t like me and you won’t call me a cool girl ... But I love you like no one else will ever love you ...

I don’t get tired of thanking fate, but that we, two halves of one whole, finally met ... Previously, I could not imagine that I could experience this ...

Here is the paradox: love kills lies. However, love can destroy frankness much faster.

And I managed to fall in love with you like that! .. To the very heart ... And you can see forever! ..

Girls before marriage look like hunting lionesses, and after marriage they look like guard dogs.

When you hear from a girl that she hates you, decipher it like this: she is in love with you, but considers you a goat.

There is nothing lower than playing with the feelings of a girl in love with you ...

It would be easier for me to go through your deception many times than to listen to your confessions ... They hurt me so much that I don’t even know what to do ...

I love you so much that I am ready to forgive you absolutely everything, including even your betrayal ... However, I will never forget this ...

In contact he showers me with kisses and affectionate words, but in real life it passes by, whispering a banal “Hello!” ... How tired of this I was ...

I can't stand it if another looks into yours Blue eyes, whisper sweet words to you ... As I used to do ...

I've been waiting for you all this time...

I don’t want to, but I can’t help but miss you ... I don’t want to, but nevertheless I forgive you all your mistakes ...

Every minute that has passed has been a chance for you to correct your mistakes. So how many opportunities did you have?!..

In the life of every girl, some kind of asshole appears, which turns the whole life upside down and makes you suffer ... because you fall in love with him until you lose consciousness ...

How dumb it is to be just friends with the one you love ... I'm going crazy with jealousy ...

Your heart is beating - it means mine is beating ... I feel every beat of it ... And may we never be together, your breath will forever be remembered by me ...

When we are close, I get turned on even if the clock is just ticking.

I’m not one hundred percent sure that I’m in love ... On the other hand, I can’t live a day without you.

You filled my existence with meaning, gave me such happiness! Thank you, my joy, that I have you!

I love one - I kiss with another ... I dream of being with him, but I myself reject him ... For me, he is the dearest little man ...

If you knew what pain it gives me to stealthily admire you, because you will never be mine ... But I can’t help but look at you ...

Like any attractive girl, I almost never go alone. But that doesn't mean I'm not alone...

Do It! Be happy! Leave the one who does not feel you, your soul, your vulnerability, your warmth ... the one who considers you a predator. Ice will melt the sun, and love will warm the soul ...

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I need it the most...

There is nothing more unnecessary in the world than the love of a woman you do not love.

Love, like the red color of a traffic light, knows neither mercy nor pity.

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.

Self love is a lifelong romance.

If we judged love by its consequences, then we would hate it more than hatred.

Quotes about love - Love is fire: it doesn’t shine - everything is dark, but it shines - it’s not surprising to burn out.

Every new love displaces the old - it is in the nature of things.

Love is a stupid thing done together.

Love is like a cat. She scratches us until we bleed, even if we just wanted to play with her.

Love is a game. Whoever said “I love you” first loses...

Love is such an unimaginably incomprehensible force that has no limits and no limits to the ability to love.

Love, as you know, deprives not only people, but also angels of the ability to be objective.

No person can become more alien than the one you loved in the past.

Perfect love is possible only by mail.

Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find a bottom and does not see a limit!

To find love, you have to stop looking for it. And then she herself will come, if only out of curiosity.

You always need to know how much pain you cause the one you love. To think a hundred times before doing this.

Women love only those they don't know.

A man who speaks intelligently about love is not very in love.

Love endures domestic squabbles so badly that for lasting happiness you need to find outstanding qualities in each other.

Love often takes the mind from the one who has it and gives it to the one who does not have it.

Love looks through a telescope, envy through a microscope.

Almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love.

It is not difficult to kill love in yourself, it is difficult to kill memories.

If love doesn't make you cry, love.

Remove love from the world and it will turn into a grave.

You need to be a little similar in order to understand each other, but you need to be a little different in order to love each other.

In this article you will find sayings of different great people about love. You can put them in the statuses of your social network to tell about your feelings to the whole world.

All philosophers, writers, sociologists, representatives of culture and art, humanists, theologians, teachers, historians, statesmen and public figures, scientists, poets, prominent and ordinary people have repeatedly quoted the definition of love.

  • Any person, when he falls in love for real, begins to look for statements about love.
  • This unique feeling overwhelms from the inside and causes a desire to search for beauty.
  • Aphorisms, quotes about love, sayings of great people - you will find all this in this article.
  • The simplest phrases will help you deal with your feelings and understand the essence of love more deeply, and social media statuses will help tell the whole world about what's going on inside you.

What is love: quotes, phrases

If a person admires the beauty of another person or awakens a thirst for possession of the object of his adoration, this is not love. If we start talking about love or analyzing it, then this is not love either. So what is love? Here are quotes and phrases of the great and ordinary people:

Quotes and phrases about love for a man, boyfriend, girl, woman at a distance for statuses: list

When loved ones are at a distance, they become sad and want to tell everyone about the sadness of parting. This will help to make quotes and phrases about love for a man, guy, girl, woman at a distance for statuses. Here is the list:

Quotes and phrases about love and relationships, happiness, life, family for statuses: list

Family, happy love, relationships between a man and a woman, and our life is the most precious thing a person can have. In this section you will find beautiful and romantic phrases about married life, and cool statuses about family and relationships. real family- this is the family in which there are children and this is true, because love must continue. We offer beautiful quotes and phrases about love and relationships, happiness, life, family for statuses. Here is the list:

Unrequited, unhappy and "sick love" - ​​all this gives us torment and suffering. Express your feelings in the form of beautiful quotes and phrases, sad words about love about unrequited, unrequited love:

Short quotes and phrases about real, true and beautiful love for a man, a woman for statuses: list

Happiness is a little extension of you and your object of adoration. If love is mutual, we rejoice in happiness, and we want to scream about our feelings. Short quotes and phrases about the real, true and beautiful love to a man, a woman for statuses. Here is the list:

Short quotes and phrases about first love for a guy, a girl for statuses: a list

First love is almost always unhappy and unrequited. It happens at the most beautiful age, when a person is still young, inexperienced and naive. But this is the most beautiful thing when we do not think about what will happen next, but completely surrender to feelings and the call of our heart. Express what's on your mind with short quotes and phrases about the first love for a guy, a girl in statuses. Here is the list:

Smart quotes and phrases about eternal love and fidelity to a man, boyfriend, girl, woman for statuses: list

I would like our statuses in social networks to speak not only about feelings, but also about high intelligence. But at the moment when you need to speak out, nothing smart comes to mind. Only some banal words and incomprehensible thoughts. In this case, smart quotes and phrases about eternal love and loyalty to a man, guy, girl, woman will help. Here is the list for statuses:

Best Wedding Quotes for Statuses: List

Girls dream of marriage, a wedding, a beautiful white dress, and many men are afraid of this and try to delay the moment of proposing to their beloved. But you can hint to him about your desires with the help of original status in the social network. Here is a list of the best wedding quotes for statuses:

The best quotes about love with the meaning of Omar Khayyam for statuses: list

Omar Khayyam is a Persian philosopher and legendary scientist. He lived in the 11th century, but his clever thoughts have survived to this day. The sayings of this sage are parting words for many people. Here is a list of the best quotes about love with the meaning of Omar Khayyam for statuses:

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The best quotes about love with the meaning of Yesenin for statuses: list

The greatest Russian figure, Sergei Yesenin, wrote many poems and quotes about life and love. For many people of our time, his phrases are dear and interesting, which teach how to live and help to understand the highest human feeling - love. Here is a list of the best quotes about love with the meaning of Yesenin for statuses:

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The best quotes about love from the movie "Love and Doves" for statuses: list

The comedy "Love and Doves" has been a favorite film of all since Soviet times. It has long been dismantled into quotes. Most bright moments- this is the life of heroes, their love, betrayal and relationships. Here is a list of the best quotes about love from the movie "Love and Doves" for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the movie "Love and Doves"

Best Black Love Love Quotes for Statuses: List

The best show is life. But there are such multi-part films, with the heroes of which we live their lives as if they were our own. Such a gripping plot and words, phrases and quotes that are vital to the characters. These series include "Black Love". The phrases of the main characters are repeated in the statuses of many social media pages, as they talk about the most important feeling of people - love. Here is a list of the best love quotes from Black Love for statuses:

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Best love quotes from the movie "Love, Rosie" for statuses: list

Rosie and Alex from Love Rosie best friends since childhood. But they had to part right after High school prom At school. However, despite this, they continue to remember each other. Here is a list of the best quotes about love from the movie "Love, Rosie" for statuses:

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The city of hope and the city of angels is Los Angeles. Here every person, if not an actor, then a producer. Dreamers come to this city to meet their love. A film about love in this city tells about the feelings between two people who met in Los Angeles. Here is a list of the best love quotes from the movie "Love in the City of Angels" for statuses:

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The best quotes about love from the movie "Formula of Love" for statuses: list

"Formula of Love" is a good old film about Count Cagliostro, who traveled around Russia and studied people's lives. Some build, others break - this is Rus', where everything is simple and eternal. Here is a list of the best quotes about love from the movie "Formula of Love" for statuses:

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Best love quotes from love songs for statuses: list

The song is capable of conveying a feeling. The right words are always chosen in it, and the melody complements them. Phrases become quotes, we write them in the statuses of our social networks in order to tell the whole world about the feeling for a particular person. Here is a list of the best love quotes from love songs for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the work "Garnet Bracelet" by Kuprin for statuses: list

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The best love quotes from The Master and Margarita for statuses: list

Everyone knows about Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. Some have read the book more than once, others have watched the movie. You can not fall in love with a work, but it is impossible to remain without emotions for its quotes. They keep in suspense from the first lines to the end of the novel. List of the best love quotes from The Master and Margarita for statuses:

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Best Bible Love Quotes for Statuses: List

The Bible teaches us about life. The Orthodox always turn to this Book of Life for help in difficult moments of their life. If you want to express what's on your mind with the help of a social media status, then choose the right phrase for your mood from the best bible love quotes for statuses from this list:

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Erich Maria Remarque is one of the most widely read writers of the twentieth century. His deep and heartfelt quotes put millions of people on the status of social networks, cite as arguments during a conversation about love, and simply give answers to their questions to many lovers. List of the best quotes and sayings about Remarque's love for statuses:

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Best Osho Love Quotes for Statuses: List

In the life of every person there come such moments when advice is needed, and then we turn to the statements of sages and philosophers, in whose words there are answers to the questions that have arisen. Osho is an Indian mystic. Despite the fact that in life he was an adherent of mysticism and religion, his statements are very vital. List of the best quotes about Osho love for statuses:

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Best Shakespeare love quotes for statuses: list

The works of the great English writer William Shakespeare make you take a fresh look at such a wonderful feeling as love. The words about love of this poet are very beautiful and elegant. Therefore, his works are popular at all times. List of the best Shakespeare love quotes for statuses:

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Best Coelho love quotes for statuses: list

Paulo Coelho is a famous contemporary writer. His bestsellers are re-read several times. All his works are sorted into quotations and in in social networks almost every public quotes this famous writer. Here is a list of the best Coelho love quotes for statuses:

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Best Nietzsche love quotes for statuses: list

Friedrich Nietzsche is a famous philosopher who taught non-academic teachings. His statements destroy generally accepted stereotypes, people find the right answers to their questions. The philosopher easily clarifies the problems of reality, morality and religion. List of the best Nietzsche love quotes for statuses:

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The best quotes about Yevtushenko's love for statuses: list

Yevgeny Alexandrovich Yevtushenko is a famous Soviet and Russian poet. He is also known as a prose writer, a talented director, screenwriter, publicist, orator and a good actor. His statements speak of the vital and sore for each person. List of the best quotes about Yevtushenko's love for statuses:

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The best quotes about Dostoevsky's love for statuses: list

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky lived in the 19th century. This is a wonderful writer, philosopher, thinker and publicist. The brightest thoughts of Dostoevsky are sorted by quotations. They are published on social networks and with their help they philosophize about life, love and all that is beautiful on this Earth. List of the best quotes about Dostoevsky's love for statuses:

The best quotes about Dostoevsky's love

The best Hemingway love quotes for statuses: list

Ernest Hemingway had a great understanding of people. His books are cynical, harsh, but they have a lot of honesty. Hemingway spoke a lot about love in its various manifestations. List of the best Hemingway love quotes for statuses:

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Best quotes about Freud's love for statuses: list

Quotes by Sigmund Freud can tell us a lot more about ourselves. It's a paradox, but it's true. List of the best quotes about Freud's love for statuses:

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Video: The best quotes about life, love and relationships.
