Climbazol - what it is, medicinal properties, indications for the use of funds, analogues and price. Climbazol - cream from nail fungus

Climbazol has an effective effect on the fungal microflora. Due to its composition, it inhibits the reproduction and growth of pathogenic fungi. The drug is prescribed in the presence of such diseases as:

  • Trichophytosis (ringworm);
  • Onychomycosis (nail fungus);

Also, the drug can be prescribed to prevent the risk of fungus with a very weak immune system.

The composition of the drug

The main component of the drug is a chlorinated azole, which is formed as a result of the combination of substances of fungicidal origin such as triazole and imidazole. In addition, the preparation contains the following components:

  1. selenium disulfide. It has a strong antiviral effect, helps strengthen the immune system, and also restores and maintains the condition of the nails.
  2. Farnesol. Improves tissue elasticity and does not allow moisture to disappear, which prevents dehydration of nails, eliminates bad smell.
  3. Essential oils. They have an antibacterial effect, antiviral and fungicidal, maintain a healthy look of nails.
  4. Vitamins. Saturate tissues, provide immunity protection and improve the condition of nails.

Release form

Climbazol for nails is available in tubes of 75 ml, has a white-yellow tint, light texture and pleasant smell. The cream is well absorbed into the nail plate. Also on sale is Climbazol in the form of a powder, which is packaged in special bags with a zipper.

Instructions for use

Before you start using Climbazol cream, you should study in detail the instructions for its use. It should be understood that a single use of the drug will not give positive results. Only the systematic use of the cream will help cure the fungus. The cream should be applied only at a time when you can relax and unwind, as only under this condition will it be well absorbed and have the maximum effect.

Before using the cream, you must first clean the infected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail from dirt or other fragments. The surface of the nail should be well wiped with a towel until it is completely dry.

Important! The used towel for wiping the nail must be thoroughly disinfected and laundered. In no case should it be used for personal hygiene!

The package with the cream must be opened and spread on the nail with a thin layer. After the start of treatment with Climbazol, it is necessary to repeat the procedure daily for two weeks. It is necessary to process not only the nail plate but also the skin adjacent to it. Particular attention should be paid to the skin area directly between the fingers, since it is in this area that fungal infections are most concentrated.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The use of the drug should be abandoned to people suffering from acute liver failure, hepatitis in a chronic or viral form, and a disease of the hepatobiliary system. Pregnant women should not take the drug, as the substances in its composition disrupt the embryonic development of the fetus. Also, the cream is contraindicated during breastfeeding, as well as children under five years of age. In no case should the drug be taken orally, and also used for other purposes. The drug should not be used for a long time, as addiction is possible.

During the use of the drug, it is worth refusing to drink alcohol, since alcohol can reduce the effect of treatment, and the liver will be subject to severe toxic effects.

In the event that during the use of Climbazol side effects such as general weakness, severe dizziness, and nausea are observed, you should immediately stop treatment with the drug and consult a doctor, since the presence of such symptoms indicates poisoning of the body.

Overdose and possible complications

The drug Climbazol has the peculiarity of penetrating into the blood, and theoretically it is possible to oversaturate the body with its active ingredients, which by the way can be observed extremely rarely. But in case of acute symptoms such as frequent vomiting, dizziness and nausea, you should immediately get medical help. As a result of poisoning, treatment is prescribed according to the symptoms, and further use of the drug is strictly prohibited.


Climbazole and Farnesol are substances that have active influence and included in a whole line of drugs. An analogue of the drug are similar medicines that include the same components that have an effective effect on pathogenic fungi. There are several popular analogues of Climbazol on the market, among which are:

  • Sulsen paste.
  • Vita Mater.
  • Mykostop.
  • Tinedol.
  • Foot Active.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Candide.
  • Canison.

Where to buy and how much

You can buy the drug at any pharmacy in the city or at the points of sale of medicines on the Internet. The cost of the cream is very affordable, and therefore every person with an average income can buy it. The average cost of the drug varies from 250 rubles to 300.

Local therapy of onychomycosis includes several principles that directly ensure its effectiveness. After choosing a specific remedy, strict adherence to the terms and treatment regimen is mandatory, otherwise the fungus will develop drug resistance. Self-medication can only do harm. Local preparations, which you will now read about, "work" only in the initial stages of the disease. When the fungus has penetrated deep into the tissues or has affected several nails, they should be combined with systemic therapy.


For effective treatment nail fungus dermatologists recommend MycoLock ointment. The natural components of the remedy work in a complex way, acting on the causes and signs of the disease:

  • Destroys any kind of fungal spores;
  • Blocks the growth and spread of the fungus;
  • Restores nail plates;
  • Heals wounds and cracks on the heels;
  • Protects against the risk of infection in the future.

MycoLock ( official site ) can get rid of nail fungus in 1 course. This has been proven by a number of serious clinical trials conducted in leading Russian clinics.

Tinedol (Tinedol)

It is produced in the form of a cream that combines specific antimycotic and cosmetic effects. Climbazole, which is part of the cream, stops the growth of yeast-like fungi. Mycostatic action extends to trichophytums, mycosporums, pityrosporums. The drug is interesting for additional cosmetic properties.

Cream "Tinedol" reduces sweating of the skin of the legs and destroys bacteria that give sweat an unpleasant odor (farnesol contained in the cream is responsible for this). It moisturizes the skin, is able to fight cracks and corns (due to mint essential oil and vitamin E). The price of the cream is 900 rublesGo to the official site

Formulated with ketoconazole. Effective in the treatment of the process caused by dermatophytes (Tricholihyton spp.) and yeast-like fungi (Candida). According to numerous reviews, Mycozoral very quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms (itching, soreness, delamination of the nail plate). In addition to ketoconazole, it contains Castor oil, which in itself negatively affects all fungi and strengthens the structure of the nail.

Contraindication for use is only an allergic reaction to ketoconazole. Studies have shown that the substance is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not have a systemic effect. The average cost of "Mycozoral" is about 300 rubles.

Available in the form of a cream. It contains substances that are not specific antifungals. It's rather cosmetic product, which is effectively used in the complex therapy of fungal infections.

The composition of the cream includes: salicylic acid, petroleum jelly, lanolin, zinc oxide, vegetable oil, celandine, oak bark, sorbitol, potassium iodide, nipazole, vitamin E, wax. Some of them are antiseptics, others soften the nail and remove dead cells, others have nourishing and regenerating properties.

An important advantage of the Fundizol cream is its harmlessness. It has practically no contraindications and rarely causes any negative reactions. The cream is pleasant to apply on the skin, it does not have an irritating smell. The cost of the cream is on average from 80 to 100 rubles.

Available in the form of ointment and cream. The spectrum of antimycotic action is wide - dermatophytes, yeast and mold fungi. It is important to know that about 5% of a dose of Terbinafine is absorbed into the blood. This expands the list of contraindications:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Severe hepatic or renal failure.
  • Pathology of the hematopoietic system.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Vascular diseases (atherosclerosis, vasculitis with narrowing of the lumen of the vessels).
  • Alcoholism.
  • Age up to 12 years.

The average duration of local treatment is 4 weeks. Terbinafine quickly provides a positive effect, so it is important not to interrupt the course of therapy when the symptoms of the disease disappear. The cost of Terbinafine: ointment - up to 100 rubles per tube, cream - up to 200 rubles, depending on the region.

Refers to keratolytic agents. It does not act directly on pathogens, but it has been used in the treatment of onychomycosis for a very long time. An important advantage is the relative harmlessness (compared to other means).

Salicylic ointment is an excellent antiseptic. It relieves many of the symptoms of inflammation that always accompany the disease (swelling of tissues, redness of the skin around the nail). Most importantly, with prolonged regular use, the dead areas of the nail are exfoliated.

Combined use with other antifungal drugs allows for faster and more stable recovery. Among the benefits of salicylic and price, which is 30 rubles. Given the need for a long course of treatment, this is a significant factor.

This name is well known to people who have ever encountered "thrush" - a fungal disease caused by Candida. With mycosis on the legs, clotrimazole has a wider range of applications. In addition to yeast-like ones, many dermatophytes (Tricholihyton) and mold fungi are sensitive to it. The drug also acts on the bacterial flora, which often multiplies in the focus of fungal inflammation.

The average duration of treatment is a month. Many treatment regimens require the mandatory continuation of the use of the drug after the disappearance of symptoms for another 2 weeks. The cost of the drug is from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the volume of the tube.

Antifungal drug of a new generation. The active substance is terbinafine hydrochloride, which destroys almost all types of fungi on the legs. A detailed list of susceptible microorganisms can be found in the annotation. The advantage is a shorter treatment time. It is shorter and ranges from 1 to 2 weeks.

The disadvantages of "Lamisil" include side reactions. It is partially absorbed into the blood, so it can cause adverse reactions from many human systems and organs. The cost of the drug is about 500 rubles.

Solution and cream "Exoderil" contains naftifine, which has a wide spectrum of antifungal activity. Sensitive to "Exoderil" are: dermatophytes (Epidermophyton, Trichophyton and Microsporum), yeast, mold fungi (Aspergillus) and Sporotrix schenckii. The duration of treatment is an average of 4 weeks. Possible local reactions at the site of application - burning, dry skin, redness.

The indisputable advantages of the drug include its effectiveness. This is one of the most effective remedies against the disease, as it penetrates deep into the tissues and destroys almost all known types of nail fungus. Its cost fluctuates around 1000 rubles..

The active substance is bifonazole, which is effective against all types of fungal infections on the legs. Mold fungi are in the first place in terms of sensitivity, but Mycospor is also prescribed for candidal, dermatophyte lesions. Like many specific drugs, it can cause a local side reaction (redness and burning of the skin, sometimes pain, swelling, blisters).

Bifonazole, when applied topically, is not absorbed into the blood, which makes it possible to use it in pregnant and breastfeeding women, in people with chronic diseases. The price of "Mycospor" varies from 600 to 1200 rubles.

The drug is an analogue of "Mycozoral" as it contains the active ingredient ketoconazole. It is effective against many pathogens of onychomycosis and some representatives of the bacterial flora. It differs in more diverse forms of release for topical use: ointment, cream, shampoo.

Special indication: avoid contact with mucous membranes (eyes, mouth). It has an irritant effect when applied topically (like all drugs with ketoconazole). Cost - 400-500 rubles.

Argoderm (Argoderm)

It contains a whole set of substances that act in a complex and cope with the fungal problem on the legs:

  • Silver ions destroy pathogen cells, disinfect and restore skin structure.
  • Sodium bicarbonate creates an environment on the surface of the skin that is unsuitable for the reproduction of the fungus.
  • Peppermint relieves unpleasant symptoms of the disease (itching, burning).
  • Salvestrol is a substance isolated from fruits and vegetables with proven fungicidal properties.
  • Fir oil softens the skin and nail plates.
  • Complex of vitamins.

Argoderm ointment solves a whole range of problems: eliminates unpleasant foot odor and excessive sweating, softens cracks and corns, kills nail and skin fungus, relieves itching and burning. The cost is 990 rubles - go to the site

Recipes for making homemade ointments for foot fungus

Classical antifungals are often toxic (causing unpleasant local reactions). Many of them are absorbed into the bloodstream and adversely affect the entire body. This limits the use of medicinal antifungal agents in pregnant women, while breastfeeding, under the age of 12 years.

Fortunately, there are natural substances that can stop the growth and destroy the pathogen. Based on them, you can prepare antifungal agents at home. Their advantages are harmlessness and low cost of ingredients. Here are some recipes:

  • Based on vinegar. Acetic acid creates an acidic environment on the skin in which the fungus cannot exist for a long time and dies. In low concentrations, it does not have a local irritant effect. Vinegar can be mixed with additional ingredients (egg, dimethyl phthalate, which is easy to find in a pharmacy, sunflower oil). Recipe: beat a chicken egg well, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence, then 1 teaspoon of dimethyl phthalate. Mix again.
  • Containing salicylic acid. At home, you can prepare a drug with an increased concentration of salicylic acid, which is more effective for the treatment of advanced stages of the disease. Recipe: mix 80g of petroleum jelly, 12g of salicylic acid, 6g of lactic acid. It is better to prepare such a remedy immediately before use.
  • Solutions with iodine. The disinfectant and cauterizing effect of iodine enhances the fungicidal effect of other ingredients. Iodine is mixed in dry celandine leaves (20g leaves and 5% iodine).

The list of recipes goes on, because nail fungus is a very common problem. The main thing is to use folk ways must be discussed with the attending physician.

A feature of a fungal infection of any part of the body is the difficulty of cure. The first improvement occurs quickly, but often the symptoms of the disease return again and again. This is due to the fact that the fungus is able to penetrate deep into tissues, where local preparations “cannot get it”. Therefore, antifungal therapy is distinguished by the duration and importance of following all the doctor's recommendations.

Treatment of onychomycosis with traditional methods or folk remedies will be effective only if certain rules are observed. Let's dwell on them in more detail:

  • Strict observance of the duration of the course. Each drug contains instructions for the frequency and duration of use. If it is used irregularly, from time to time, the effect will not be achieved, and the fungus will become resistant to therapy. With this approach, a person runs the risk of staying with nail disease for life.
  • Preliminary preparation of the surface of the nail. Before application, remove all dead skin flakes. This is necessary for deeper penetration. medicinal product. The main difficulty in the treatment of fungal infections is the deep penetration of the pathogen into the tissues.
  • Many doctors recommend steaming the legs before treatment. This makes it easier to remove dead tissue.
  • The use of local remedies is effective only in the initial stages of onychomycosis with an isolated lesion. If several nails are involved in the process, the matrix is ​​affected, complex therapy should be used.
  • In severe forms of onychomycosis, you should first remove the nail plate surgically, and then begin a course of local treatment.

Doing all listed rules requires discipline and patience. But nail fungus is a problem that cannot be dealt with without these qualities.

Video: A simple way to remove the fungus on the nails and feet

The video shows a simple and proven way to get rid of toenail fungus. You will need table 9% vinegar and a little patience. The essence of the method: steam your feet in warm water, pour 9% vinegar on the nail, wait for the skin to dry.

Important! Do not make compresses with vinegar! You can get a chemical burn! The procedure is repeated every evening. According to experience, the duration of treatment is about one and a half weeks.

An article on the topic: "climbazole - cream for nail fungus. benefits, instructions for use" from professionals.

Everyone is familiar with the manifestations of a fungal infection. The disease is highly contagious, which significantly reduces the quality of life, and its symptoms cause discomfort. There are many effective drugs that can defeat the disease. One of them is Climbazol (crinipan).


Climbazol (Climbaxole) is used in preparations in combination with other substances: selenium disulfide, farnesol, essential oils and vitamins. Such combinations expand the spectrum of action of the drug and reduce the number of side effects.

Release form

Climbazole can be found in the form of shampoo and cream.

Shampoo in bottles of 150 and 250 ml, packed in a cardboard box, inside - detailed instructions. The liquid is thick, pink in color, has a pleasant smell. Very often you can see on sale Sulsenovy (1 or 2%) shampoo with Climbazol.

Cream Climbazol (Tinedol) from nail fungus is available in a volume of 75 ml, white-yellow in color, light texture, perfectly absorbed into the skin, has a fresh mint smell. Country of origin - Russia.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance is a chorated azole (a derivative of imidazole and triazole). This is a synthetically formed medicine against fungi of the Candida family, Trichophytum, Pityrosporum and Microsporum.

Important! The main effect of the drug is fungistatic, i.e. Climbazole slows down the growth and division of the fungus.

The tool has a systemic effect, because. the active substance is absorbed into the blood through the skin. The drug is excreted by the liver within 1-2 days. It has no carcinogenic and genotoxic effect.

In creams, Climbazol is contained in a concentration of about 0.5%, in shampoo - up to 2%.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for the following conditions:

  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • all types of dandruff,
  • trichophytosis,
  • dermatomycosis,
  • onychomycosis (nail fungus),
  • pityriasis versicolor,
  • prevention of fungal infections in case of weakened immunity (against the background of chemotherapy or radiation therapy).

Climbazol eliminates all the signs of the listed diseases, relieves itching, flaking and burning of the skin, and also prevents the build-up of a bacterial infection on the skin affected by the fungus.

Shampoo and stimulate hair growth. The cream moisturizes the skin and strengthens damaged nails, providing healing of microcracks. Due to the antiseptic properties, the unpleasant odor caused by the pathogenic microorganism is eliminated.

How to use the drug?

Climbazole is applied externally.

The cream is applied in a thin layer 1-2 times a day for 10-14 days. Before use, the skin must be cleaned and dried. They treat not only the affected area or nail, but also the healthy skin around. Pay special attention to the interdigital folds, because. it is there that favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of the fungus.

The shampoo is applied to damp hair and lathered thoroughly. The product is rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements and left for 3-5 minutes. Then rinse completely with running water. The procedure can be repeated. Duration of treatment - 3-4 times a week for a month.


The tool can not be used in acute liver failure, viral and chronic hepatitis, diseases of the hepatobiliary system.

Climbazol is contraindicated in pregnant women (has a teratogenic effect on the fetus) and lactating women, as well as children under 5 years of age.


Because the drug is absorbed into the blood, then theoretically an overdose is possible. But such cases have not been described due to low concentrations of the substance. If you experience weakness, headache or nausea during use, consult your doctor.

Important! Climbazol is used only externally!


During treatment with this remedy, you should refrain from drinking alcohol, because. Climbazole will enhance the toxic effect of alcohol on the liver.

Where to find the drug?

Shampoo and cream are sold in pharmacies, sold without a prescription. The price of "pure" Climbazol is low - 150-250 rubles. If the substance is added to other preparations, the remedy will cost more - up to 1500 rubles.

Keep the medicine in a dark place out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 2 years.

Related articles:

How much does Climbazol cost (price in pharmacies) from a fungus:

Pharmacy "Europharm" /


(in Moscow and all Russia)

sulsen shampoo forte 2% with climbazole 250 ml

Nail fungus, smooth skin, and scalp fungus are among the most common reasons people visit a dermatologist.

Mycosis is contagious and unpleasant in terms of symptoms. In addition, external signs of a running infectious disease repel those around you. There are many different ways defeat the disease, and one of them is the use of the antifungal drug Climbazol (crinipan).

Composition and release form of Climbazol

Climbazol contains essential oils, vitamins, selenium disulfide and farnesol. All substances are safe for the body, they reduce the likelihood of side effects.

Climbazol is produced in two forms:

  1. The cream is a white-yellow mass with a light texture and a minty smell. The volume of the tube is 75 ml.
  2. Shampoo Climbazole is a thick pink substance with a pleasant smell. Sealed in bottles of 150 and 250 ml. There is an instruction in the carton box with the drug. Sulsen shampoo with climbazole is also on sale (the content of the active substance is 1 - 2%).

The active substance of both forms of the drug is chlorinated azole - a compound of imidazole and triazole. Medicines are effective against fungi Microsporum, Trichophytum, Candida and Pityrosporum. Climbazol has a fungistatic effect on the pathogens of mycoses and onychomycosis, i.e., it slows down the growth and division of the mycelium.

The systemic effect of the antimycotic is due to the ability of the components to enter the bloodstream through the skin. Substances are processed by the liver within 24 to 48 hours. They do not possess carcinogenic and toxic properties.

Shampoo Climbazol stimulates the growth of hair affected by the fungus. The cream moisturizes the body and strengthens the nails, accelerates the regeneration of microcracks and eliminates the unpleasant odor that appears due to the activity of pathogenic strains.

How to treat a fungus with Climbazol

Apply Climbazol instructions for the treatment of fungus offers only externally.



If the fungus is activated on the scalp, shampoo is used for treatment. A small amount of Climbazol is applied to wet hair and lathered. After 3 minutes, the strands are thoroughly washed with water.

Course treatment of mycosis involves the use of shampoo 2-3 times a week for the first two weeks of therapy. From the beginning of the third week and for 1 - 2 months, the head is washed with Climbazol 1 - 2 times a week. As necessary, the course is repeated.

Contraindications to the use of Climbazol are diseases of the liver and bile ducts, viral and chronic hepatitis, pregnancy, lactation and childhood up to 5 years.

The advantage of Climbazol over other drugs

Climbazole from nail fungus and scalp is considered an effective remedy, because it helps to overcome the infection in a short period of time. In addition to the powerful fungistatic effect, the drug exhibits many other useful properties:

  • Eliminates itching and irritation.
  • Neutralizes fetid odor.
  • Stops inflammatory processes.
  • Saturates the skin tissue with essential oils.
  • Disinfects infected surfaces.
  • Restores the affected areas of the skin or nails.
  • Strengthens the nail plates and moisturizes the smooth integument of the body.
  • Exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis and nail plate.

Pleases consumers and the affordable price of the Climbazol line - cream (paste) from Mirrolla costs about 100 rubles.

Shampoo in Moscow pharmacies, depending on the volume of the bottle and the concentration of the active substance, costs 200 - 275 rubles. Drugs are sold without a prescription.


Reviews of doctors indicate that Climbazol perfectly treats trichophytosis, onychomycosis, seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor and ringworm. Shampoo effectively removes dandruff of any type. Also, the remedy is recommended for the prevention of fungal infections that have developed against a background of weakened immunity after radiation or chemotherapy.

Climbazole quickly relieves the symptoms of the listed pathologies and prevents bacterial infection of tissues affected by the fungus - this can be read in the patient reviews.

Ilona, ​​26 years old: I was treated for onychomycosis with Climbazol on the recommendation of a doctor. The non-greasy cream is quickly absorbed, and after a few minutes you can go about your daily activities. Before applying the cream, I soaked my foot in a hot soapy soda solution. The disease receded after 3 weeks of regular treatment.

Dmitry, 50 years old: Last year I had a fungus on my fingers and scalp. The dermatologist prescribed me Climbazol shampoo and cream. I carefully followed all the recommendations prescribed in the instructions, and was able to get rid of the fungus forever in just 1 month. Although my illness was diagnosed as advanced.

Valery, 40 years old: I used Climbazol cream against candidal fungus on my hands. The tool completely eliminated the disease in 2 weeks. There were no relapses.

Ella, 35 years old: At various times, the doctor prescribed me Climbazol for nail fungus and pityriasis. The cream is perfect for me. I liked that the itching, burning and peeling of the skin quickly disappeared. Sometimes the irritated areas festered, but the daily use of the medicine did not allow the bacterial infection to develop further. Nails at the end of the course of therapy became strong and beautiful. From the sores there was no trace.

Prevention of nail fungus

Remember that compliance will help you avoid fungus. elementary rules hygiene. Never lend your towels or other personal items to strangers. Always bring your own rubber flip flops to the pool or sauna.

After bathing, dry your feet thoroughly, capturing the interdigital areas. Change your socks and tights daily and keep your feet dry. Periodically disinfect closed shoes with special products.

times, score:

Fungus ointments are drugs that are used for the specific or nonspecific treatment of onychomycosis (fungal nail infection). This disease is common among all population groups.

The traditional way to get rid of the problem is local treatment with ointments. Pharmacies offer a huge range of antifungal drugs. On our site you will find a complete review of ointments from nail fungus.

Types of ointments for fungal diseases of the feet

Onychomycosis is the same infectious disease as pneumonia, flu or pediculosis. A person becomes infected when the smallest particle of the pathogen gets on the skin or nail plate. This is where its life cycle goes. Local treatment of onychomycosis with a properly selected drug is the first thing to start the fight against nail fungus.

Before treating onychomycosis, it is imperative to conduct a study of the affected areas and determine the type of pathogen. All ointments are fundamentally divided into two groups:

  • Specific antifungal- contain substances that directly kill the pathogen.
  • Keratolytic- serve to remove the affected areas of the nail and skin.

When choosing a remedy, it is necessary to take into account not only the type of pathogen, but possible adverse reactions from the drug. After all, some ointments from nail fungus contain potent and toxic substances. Others, on the contrary, are based on natural ingredients and are relatively harmless. Let's take a closer look at each tool.

List of effective ointments for toenail fungus

Local therapy of onychomycosis includes several principles that directly ensure its effectiveness. After choosing a specific remedy, strict adherence to the terms and treatment regimen is mandatory, otherwise the fungus will develop drug resistance. Self-medication can only do harm. Local preparations, which you will now read about, "work" only in the initial stages of the disease. When the fungus has penetrated deep into the tissues or has affected several nails, they should be combined with systemic therapy.

Tinedol (Tinedol)

It is produced in the form of a cream that combines specific antimycotic and cosmetic effects. Climbazole, which is part of the cream, stops the growth of yeast-like fungi. Mycostatic action extends to trichophytums, mycosporums, pityrosporums. The drug is interesting for additional cosmetic properties.

Cream "Tinedol" reduces sweating of the skin of the legs and destroys bacteria that give sweat an unpleasant odor (farnesol contained in the cream is responsible for this). It moisturizes the skin, is able to fight cracks and corns (due to mint essential oil and vitamin E). The price of the cream is 990 rubles.


Formulated with ketoconazole. Effective in the treatment of the process caused by dermatophytes (Tricholihyton spp.) and yeast-like fungi (Candida). According to numerous reviews, Mycozoral very quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms (itching, soreness, delamination of the nail plate). In addition to ketoconazole, it contains castor oil, which in itself has a negative effect on all fungi and strengthens the structure of the nail.

Contraindication for use is only an allergic reaction to ketoconazole. Studies have shown that the substance is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not have a systemic effect. The average cost of "Mycozoral" is about 300 rubles.


Available in the form of a cream. It contains substances that are not specific antifungals. It is rather a cosmetic product that is effectively used in the complex therapy of fungal infections.

The composition of the cream includes: salicylic acid, petroleum jelly, lanolin, zinc oxide, vegetable oil, celandine, oak bark, sorbitol, potassium iodide, nipazole, vitamin E, wax. Some of them are antiseptics, others soften the nail and remove dead cells, others have nourishing and regenerating properties.

An important advantage of the Fundizol cream is its harmlessness. It has practically no contraindications and rarely causes any negative reactions. The cream is pleasant to apply on the skin, it does not have an irritating smell. The cost of the cream is on average from 80 to 100 rubles.


Available in the form of ointment and cream. The spectrum of antimycotic action is wide - dermatophytes, yeast and mold fungi. It is important to know that about 5% of a dose of Terbinafine is absorbed into the blood. This expands the list of contraindications:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Severe hepatic or renal failure.
  • Pathology of the hematopoietic system.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Vascular diseases (atherosclerosis, vasculitis with narrowing of the lumen of the vessels).
  • Alcoholism.
  • Age up to 12 years.

The average duration of local treatment is 4 weeks. Terbinafine quickly provides a positive effect, so it is important not to interrupt the course of therapy when the symptoms of the disease disappear. The cost of Terbinafine: ointment - up to 100 rubles per tube, cream - up to 200 rubles, depending on the region.

Salicylic ointment

Refers to keratolytic agents. It does not act directly on pathogens, but it has been used in the treatment of onychomycosis for a very long time. An important advantage is the relative harmlessness (compared to other means).

Salicylic ointment is an excellent antiseptic. It relieves many of the symptoms of inflammation that always accompany the disease (swelling of tissues, redness of the skin around the nail). Most importantly, with prolonged regular use, the dead areas of the nail are exfoliated.

Combined use with other antifungal drugs allows for faster and more stable recovery. Among the advantages of salicylic acid is the price, which is 30 rubles. Given the need for a long course of treatment, this is a significant factor.


This name is well known to people who have ever encountered "thrush" - a fungal disease caused by Candida. With mycosis on the legs, clotrimazole has a wider range of applications. In addition to yeast-like ones, many dermatophytes (Tricholihyton) and mold fungi are sensitive to it. The drug also acts on the bacterial flora, which often multiplies in the focus of fungal inflammation.

The average duration of treatment is a month. Many treatment regimens require the mandatory continuation of the use of the drug after the disappearance of symptoms for another 2 weeks. The cost of the drug is from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the volume of the tube.


Antifungal drug of a new generation. The active substance is terbinafine hydrochloride, which destroys almost all types of fungi on the legs. A detailed list of susceptible microorganisms can be found in the annotation. The advantage is a shorter treatment time. It is shorter and ranges from 1 to 2 weeks.

The disadvantages of "Lamisil" include side reactions. It is partially absorbed into the blood, so it can cause adverse reactions from many human systems and organs. The cost of the drug is about 500 rubles.


Solution and cream "Exoderil" contains naftifine, which has a wide spectrum of antifungal activity. Sensitive to "Exoderil" are: dermatophytes (Epidermophyton, Trichophyton and Microsporum), yeast, mold fungi (Aspergillus) and Sporotrix schenckii. The duration of treatment is an average of 4 weeks. Possible local reactions at the site of application - burning, dry skin, redness.

The indisputable advantages of the drug include its effectiveness. This is one of the most effective remedies against the disease, as it penetrates deep into the tissues and destroys almost all known types of nail fungus. Its cost fluctuates around 1000 rubles.


The active substance is bifonazole, which is effective against all types of fungal infections on the legs. Mold fungi are in the first place in terms of sensitivity, but Mycospor is also prescribed for candidal, dermatophyte lesions. Like many specific drugs, it can cause a local side reaction (redness and burning of the skin, sometimes pain, swelling, blisters).

Bifonazole, when applied topically, is not absorbed into the blood, which makes it possible to use it in pregnant and breastfeeding women, in people with chronic diseases. The price of "Mycospor" varies from 600 to 1200 rubles.


The drug is an analogue of "Mycozoral" as it contains the active ingredient ketoconazole. It is effective against many pathogens of onychomycosis and some representatives of the bacterial flora. It differs in more diverse forms of release for topical use: ointment, cream, shampoo.

Special indication: avoid contact with mucous membranes (eyes, mouth). It has an irritant effect when applied topically (like all drugs with ketoconazole). The cost is 400-500 rubles.

Argoderm (Argoderm)

It contains a whole set of substances that act in a complex and cope with the fungal problem on the legs:

  • Silver ions destroy pathogen cells, disinfect and restore skin structure.
  • Sodium bicarbonate creates an environment on the surface of the skin that is unsuitable for the reproduction of the fungus.
  • Peppermint relieves unpleasant symptoms of the disease (itching, burning).
  • Salvestrol is a substance isolated from fruits and vegetables with proven fungicidal properties.
  • Fir oil softens the skin and nail plates.
  • Complex of vitamins.

Argoderm ointment solves a whole range of problems: eliminates unpleasant foot odor and excessive sweating, softens cracks and corns, kills nail and skin fungus, relieves itching and burning. The cost is 990 rubles.

Recipes for making homemade ointments for foot fungus

Classical antifungals are often toxic (causing unpleasant local reactions). Many of them are absorbed into the bloodstream and adversely affect the entire body. This limits the use of medicinal antifungal agents in pregnant women, while breastfeeding, under the age of 12 years.

Fortunately, there are natural substances that can stop the growth and destroy the pathogen. Based on them, you can prepare antifungal agents at home. Their advantages are harmlessness and low cost of ingredients. Here are some recipes:

  • Based on vinegar. Acetic acid creates an acidic environment on the skin in which the fungus cannot exist for a long time and dies. In low concentrations, it does not have a local irritant effect. Vinegar can be mixed with additional ingredients (egg, dimethyl phthalate, which is easy to find in a pharmacy, sunflower oil). Recipe: beat a chicken egg well, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence, then 1 teaspoon of dimethyl phthalate. Mix again.
  • Containing salicylic acid. At home, you can prepare a drug with an increased concentration of salicylic acid, which is more effective for the treatment of advanced stages of the disease. Recipe: mix 80g of petroleum jelly, 12g of salicylic acid, 6g of lactic acid. It is better to prepare such a remedy immediately before use.
  • Solutions with iodine. The disinfectant and cauterizing effect of iodine enhances the fungicidal effect of other ingredients. Iodine is mixed in dry celandine leaves (20g leaves and 5% iodine).

The list of recipes goes on, because nail fungus is a very common problem. The main thing is that the use of folk methods should be discussed with the attending physician.

A feature of a fungal infection of any part of the body is the difficulty of cure. The first improvement occurs quickly, but often the symptoms of the disease return again and again. This is due to the fact that the fungus is able to penetrate deep into tissues, where local preparations “cannot get it”. Therefore, antifungal therapy is distinguished by the duration and importance of following all the doctor's recommendations.

Treatment of onychomycosis by traditional methods or folk remedies will be effective only if certain rules are observed. Let's dwell on them in more detail:

  • Strict observance of the duration of the course. Each drug contains instructions for the frequency and duration of use. If it is used irregularly, from time to time, the effect will not be achieved, and the fungus will become resistant to therapy. With this approach, a person runs the risk of staying with nail disease for life.
  • Preliminary preparation of the surface of the nail. Before application, remove all dead skin flakes. This is necessary for deeper penetration of the drug. The main difficulty in the treatment of fungal infections is the deep penetration of the pathogen into the tissues.
  • Many doctors recommend steaming the legs before treatment. This makes it easier to remove dead tissue.
  • The use of local remedies is effective only in the initial stages of onychomycosis with an isolated lesion. If several nails are involved in the process, the matrix is ​​affected, complex therapy should be used.
  • In severe forms of onychomycosis, you should first remove the nail plate surgically, and then begin a course of local treatment.

The implementation of all these rules requires discipline and patience from a person. But nail fungus is a problem that cannot be dealt with without these qualities.

Video: A simple way to remove the fungus on the nails and feet

The video shows a simple and proven way to get rid of toenail fungus. You will need table 9% vinegar and a little patience. The essence of the method: steam your feet in warm water, pour 9% vinegar on the nail, wait for the skin to dry.

Important! Do not make compresses with vinegar! You can get a chemical burn! The procedure is repeated every evening. According to experience, the duration of treatment is about one and a half weeks.

Climbazol is a new generation antifungal drug. No one is safe from a fungal infection. Do not think that only those who do not follow their hygiene are susceptible to this disease. When the first symptoms appear, the fungus is often ignored. They seem harmless: slight peeling, slight itching, redness.

However, if treatment is not started on time, serious complications and even worsening of the general condition due to a decrease in immunity and blood poisoning are possible.

How does climbazole work

A fungal infection usually affects the feet, hands, nails, and scalp. It interferes with the normal life of the infected. Excessive sweating, unpleasant odor, soreness, severe itching - all these are symptoms of mycosis.

Getting rid of this disease is very difficult. The difficulty lies in the fact that, in most cases, treatment gives short-term results. After a while the fungus returns. To prevent this from happening, leading dermatologists recommend an effective remedy for infection - climbazole.

What it is? Why is it considered one of the most effective means? This drug appeared on the pharmaceutical market relatively recently, but has already established itself as the best drug from mycosis. It contains chlorinated azole, essential oils, sulsena, vitamins and farnesol.

The unique combination of active substances allows you to solve several problems associated with a fungal infection at once:

  • relieves irritation and itching;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • heals wounds and cracks;
  • eliminates inflammation and redness;
  • eliminates unpleasant odor;
  • promotes hydration of the dermis;
  • quickly restores the skin and nail plates;
  • exfoliates dead skin cells;
  • nourishes the dermis and nails

Climbazol for the treatment of mycosis of the feet and nails is available in the form of a paste in a 75 ml tube. Sulsen cream with climbazole is a white mass with a yellowish tinge. The drug has a pleasant menthol aroma.

With the defeat of the scalp, use shampoo from the fungus. It is sold in bottles of 150 and 250 ml, packed in a cardboard box. Inside the package - detailed instructions for use. The drug looks like a pink liquid with a pleasant smell of thick consistency. There is also a sulsenic hair shampoo with climbazole.

How to use climbazole

To achieve greater effectiveness, thoroughly clean and dry the skin before use. Then the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area and to the area around it.

Particular attention is paid to the interdigital space. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks. The skin is treated with cream twice a day.

Shampoo for the treatment of fungus is used in the same way as a regular hair product. The drug is applied to wet hair and foamed, rubbing into the scalp with massage movements. To achieve a greater effect, it is recommended to leave climbazole on the hair for 3-5 minutes.

After the specified period, the antifungal agent is completely washed off. To get rid of the infection, it is enough to treat the hair with the drug 3-4 times a week for a month.

Contraindications and overdose

Climbazole contains substances that are absolutely harmless to the body. However, like any other drug, it should not be used without reading the instructions. The annotation to the antifungal agent says that it is contraindicated in people suffering from hepatitis and other liver diseases. In no case should climbazole be used by pregnant women and children under 5 years of age.

There were no cases of drug overdose. However, in case of unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is important to remember that antifungal drug is used only externally!

In order to avoid harmful effects on the liver during treatment with climbazole, it is recommended to refrain from alcoholic beverages.

Where to buy climbazole

You can buy climbazole in city pharmacies and at points of sale of medicines on the Internet. The price of the cream is affordable for consumers with different income levels. The drug in pure form costs within 250 rubles, but shampoos with the addition of climbazole will cost much more - up to one and a half thousand rubles.

Everyone is familiar with the manifestations of a fungal infection. The disease is highly contagious, which significantly reduces the quality of life, and its symptoms cause discomfort. There are many effective drugs that can defeat the disease. One of them is Climbazol (crinipan).

Climbaxole is used in preparations in combination with other substances: selenium disulfide, farnesol, essential oils and vitamins. Such combinations expand the spectrum of action of the drug and reduce the number of side effects.

Climbazole can be found in the form of shampoo and cream.

Shampoo in bottles of 150 and 250 ml, packed in a cardboard box, inside - detailed instructions. The liquid is thick, pink in color, has a pleasant smell. Very often you can see on sale Sulsenovy (1 or 2%) shampoo with Climbazol.

Cream Climbazol (Tinedol) from nail fungus is available in a volume of 75 ml, white-yellow in color, light texture, perfectly absorbed into the skin, has a fresh mint smell. Country of origin - Russia.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance is a chorated azole (a derivative of imidazole and triazole). This is a synthetically formed medicine against fungi of the Candida family, Trichophytum, Pityrosporum and Microsporum .

Important! The main effect of the drug is fungistatic, i.e. Climbazole slows down the growth and division of the fungus.

The tool has a systemic effect, because. the active substance is absorbed into the blood through the skin. The drug is excreted by the liver within 1-2 days. It has no carcinogenic and genotoxic effect.

In creams, Climbazol is contained in a concentration of about 0.5%, in shampoo - up to 2%.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for the following conditions:

  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • all types of dandruff,
  • trichophytosis,
  • dermatomycosis,
  • onychomycosis (nail fungus),
  • pityriasis versicolor,
  • prevention of fungal infections in case of weakened immunity (against the background of chemotherapy or radiation therapy).

Climbazol eliminates all the signs of the listed diseases, relieves itching, flaking and burning of the skin, and also prevents the build-up of a bacterial infection on the skin affected by the fungus.

Shampoo and stimulate hair growth. The cream moisturizes the skin and strengthens damaged nails, providing healing of microcracks. Due to the antiseptic properties, the unpleasant odor caused by the pathogenic microorganism is eliminated.

How to use the drug?

Climbazole is applied externally.

The shampoo is applied to damp hair and lathered thoroughly. The product is rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements and left for 3-5 minutes. Then rinse completely with running water. The procedure can be repeated. Duration of treatment - 3-4 times a week for a month.


The tool can not be used in acute liver failure, viral and chronic hepatitis, diseases of the hepatobiliary system.

Climbazol is contraindicated in pregnant women (has a teratogenic effect on the fetus) and lactating women, as well as children under 5 years of age.


Because the drug is absorbed into the blood, then theoretically an overdose is possible. But such cases have not been described due to low concentrations of the substance. If you experience weakness, headache or nausea during use, consult your doctor.

Important! Climbazol is used only externally!


During treatment with this remedy, you should refrain from drinking alcohol, because. Climbazole will enhance the toxic effect of alcohol on the liver.

Where to find the drug?

Keep the medicine in a dark place out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 2 years.

Exolocin for nail fungus

Exolocin is a fungal remedy for the treatment of mycosis of the feet and nails, which has no analogues on the Russian pharmaceutical market. The manufacturer claims that the gel helps fight even the most advanced forms of the fungus without harming human health. Many doctors confirm the effectiveness of the drug, and Internet users disagree about the drug.

Some visitors to health forums leave negative reviews about the gel, calling it a scam. To find out the truth, let's look at the history of the creation and composition of Exolocin in more detail, and also get acquainted with the opinion of experienced dermatologists.

What is Exolocin?

Exolocin is a certified topical gel that is used to treat and prevent nail and foot fungus. According to the manufacturer, the drug has been repeatedly tested for effectiveness and received the highest marks from the world's leading experts in the field of dermatology.

The drug softens the nail plate and keratinized skin in order to penetrate as deep as possible and get to the source of infection.

So the medicine kills bacteria and has the following effect on the human body:

  • eliminates itching and peeling;
  • reduces sweating of the feet, and with it an unpleasant odor;
  • gradually carries out a complete restoration of the nail plate, its shape and color;
  • forms in the body a strong immunity to re-infection with a fungal infection;
  • heals small and even the deepest cracks on the heels and in the interdigital folds.

You are not yet sick with a fungus, but do you already have infected people in your family? Any contact with a sick person can cost you your own health, so buy a natural antifungal cream to prevent the disease. Apply it on the feet to enhance the protective function of the skin before penetration into its depths of pathogenic microorganisms.

Composition and active ingredients

Exolocin can be bought at an affordable price due to its natural composition- the gel is based only on extracts and oils of medicinal herbs and no expensive synthetic substances. The drug was created on the basis of a time-tested formula by Israeli scientists from the Weizmann Institute.

The main active ingredients of the drug:

  • Maklura orange and kukuya- has a detrimental effect on the infection, relieves obsessive itching and other types of discomfort in the foot area. Accelerates wound healing and skin regeneration.
  • Chaga and lopacho- inhibit pathogenic microorganisms, completely stopping their growth and reproduction. Moisturizes and softens rough skin. Reduces sweaty feet and fights bad breath.
  • Hemp seeds and tea tree- take part in the construction of the so-called sarcophagus for the feet, a protective film that makes the skin and nails stronger and more resistant to the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Cordyceps and betulin- strengthen the local immunity of a person, fight chronic infectious diseases of the skin and nail plates.

Exolocin cream has no side effects and contraindications for use (except in cases of individual intolerance to its individual components). The medicine can be safely used as part of self-medication without consulting a doctor.

Exolocin from the fungus - divorce

Is the effectiveness of Exolocin true or a cheap scam and a scam? Analysts of the Russian pharmaceutical market do not doubt the power of the drug, and confirm their opinion with the following real facts:

  1. Exolocin is recognized as the #1 remedy for mycosis of the foot and nail according to Medportal.
  2. The gel is documented to be GMP compliant.
  3. The official website of the medicine for a short time of sales has already received 5667 letters of gratitude from Russians from different parts of the country.

Why do negative reviews about such an effective Exolocin appear in various online sources and on the forum? The manufacturer is sure that these are not the tricks of real people, but fake users bought by competitors. A cheap and high-quality gel quickly won the trust of Russians, and the demand for expensive analogues decreased sharply. To eliminate the rival, the competitors decided to ruin his reputation in the eyes of the target audience.

Also, the manufacturer of the cream draws the attention of buyers to the method of using the medicine. During the implementation of therapy, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions provided by the specialists in the insert for the medicine. If you do not use the ointment regularly or apply it to selective damaged areas, the disease may not recede, but become chronic.

Clinical researches

Gel Exolocin is the leader in the number of successfully completed clinical trials. The effectiveness of the drug and its safety for humans has been tested more than 300 times in various research institutes.

Two dissertations and one teaching aid (dedicated to the peculiarities of using Exolocin as an integral component of complex rehabilitation therapy for people suffering from onychomycosis) have been written about the features of the medicinal cream.

A few months after the study, experts again conducted a survey among volunteers who had undergone treatment. The results of the survey surprised even experienced doctors, not a single volunteer was re-infected with the fungus and did not experience a relapse of his past illness.

Reviews of doctors

Dermatologists are unanimous in one opinion - natural remedy several times more powerful than many advertised ointments and sprays. The main advantage of Exolocin is its complex effect on the body, the simultaneous fight against infection and the strengthening of human immunity.

Practitioners and honored doctors of science leave only positive feedback about Exolocin, recommending it for nail fungus to patients of various ages and financial wealth:

  • Philip Morozov from Moscow has been working as a dermatologist in a private clinic for over 10 years and comments on the effectiveness of the cream as follows:

“Exolocin is a new generation natural ointment that not only eliminates the consequences of the disease, but also kills the cause of its occurrence. The gel at the cellular level forms immunity to fungal diseases, so it is enough to undergo one course of treatment to forget about itching, peeling, bad smell and other consequences of the fungus.

  • Yakovlev Denis, another dermatologist from Moscow:

“People with advanced forms of foot or nail fungus often come to my appointment. Many of them are even on the verge of losing the nail plate. This condition leads them to improper self-treatment. After trying two or three useless but expensive drugs, they go to my office for qualified help. In such cases, I recommend Exolocin for all types of fungus - it is optimal for self-treatment, quickly fights the disease at any stage of its progression and is inexpensive.

Instructions for use

The medication should be used daily (according to the information from the instructions provided with Exolocin). The medicine must be applied directly to the damaged areas of the skin and nail plates, without missing the foci of fungus development. After applying the cream to the treated fingers, you need to put on special fingertips - this will create the right microclimate for the destruction of bacteria.

The manufacturer claims that the patient's condition will improve after the first use of the gel, although Exolocin must be applied to the skin throughout the entire course of treatment without interruption. After 14 days of therapy, almost all cracks in the feet heal.

Exolocin's analogs

Citizens who leave negative comments about Exolocin recommend their treatment options for foot athlete's foot to users. As statistics show, most of these tips are useless or detrimental to people suffering from fungus.

Doctors focus on the fact that each person should choose a medicine based on their own individual characteristics, taking into account their rhythm of life.

It is impossible to buy a sensational fungus cream in an ordinary offline pharmacy, because Exolocin is sold only on the Internet. The manufacturer refused to supply its products to pharmacies due to their high margin on the goods. In the online store, the gel can be ordered at the original price without markups from intermediaries.

Beware of fakes! Fraudsters have become active on the Internet, selling a low-quality surrogate under the guise of a branded medicine. In order not to pay money to deceivers, use the services of the official website of Exolocin only.

Prices for Exolocin

Initially, Exolocin from all types of fungus was supplied to pharmacies different countries at a price of 1650 rubles per pack (UAH 640 in Kyiv). The increased demand for the product provoked a drop in its price, and now you can buy a natural and effective cream at a fairly large discount.

Do not miss your chance and you, place an order for the purchase of cream right now! Please note that the number of promotional packages in the seller's warehouse is decreasing every minute.

Where to buy profitable?

To order Exolocin ointment on the most favorable terms, use the services of the official website of the drug:

  1. Order goods without making an advance payment.
  2. Use the service of free delivery of parcels from the manufacturer's website.
  3. Pay for the purchase only after self-checking the originality of the medicine at the branch of the transport company.
  4. Place an order at any time of the day or night, regardless of the day of the week.
  5. Follow the news of the site to participate in promotions and buy high-quality medication for a symbolic price.

Do you have any questions? Contact the free support service of the official website of the Exolocin foot mycosis gel, and get detailed advice on any question you are interested in. Do not delay the treatment of the fungus, because this can lead to terrible consequences: the appearance of burning ulcers, abscesses, persistent stench, and even loss of the nail plate!

Climbazol - what is it: instructions for shampoo and cream

Find out about the drug Climbazol - what it is, to whom it is intended. The drug is available in the format of a cream for external skin treatment and shampoo for washing hair. The preparations contain the active substance of the same name, they are effective against a wide range of fungal pathogens. After studying the instructions for use, you can learn how to use the medicine Climbazol correctly. It differs from analogues in affordable cost with high efficiency in the elimination of fungal diseases.

What is Climbazol

The formula of the new generation ingredient - Climbazol - according to dermatologists is the most effective in the fight against all types of dandruff. This is due to the use of an innovative cosmetic substance in products to eliminate the causes of dandruff. The ingredient is part of shampoos, balms, masks for the treatment of the scalp. The action of climbazole helps to suppress the reproduction of the fungus in a short time, eliminating the causes of damage to the epidermis.

The drug belongs to the group of drugs based on azole. In the production of the main component from the ingredients of the shampoo, chlorinated azole, essential oils, sulsen, farnesol and vitamins are used. The formula has a high fungicidal spectrum of action, comparable in effectiveness to zinc pyrithione, and better in safety than ketoconazole. The proportion of climbazole in the composition of a cosmetic product is 0.5-1%.

Release form

Fungicides containing climbazole are presented in the form of a cream and shampoo. Shampoos are packaged in bottles of 150 and 250 ml. They are packaged in carton boxes and supplied detailed instructions. Shampoo Climbazol is a thick substance of pink color, pleasant aroma. The cream containing climbazole is available in tubes (75 ml), has a white yellow tint color, light texture, pleasant smell, perfectly absorbed. Sometimes on sale you can find climbazole in the form of a white crystalline powder, packaged in sachets with a clasp.

Indications for use

The drug has a wide range of indications associated with skin diseases caused by a fungus. Climbazol eliminates dandruff, itching, burning, peeling of the skin caused by a pathogenic factor. The drug can be used to prevent dandruff and epidermal layers, which often occurs with bacterial infection of the skin affected by the fungus. The therapeutic effect is noticeable: the substance stimulates hair growth, inhibits the growth of the fungus. The cream helps the regeneration of nails, eliminates itching and unpleasant odor.

Direct indications for the use of the drug:

  • dandruff in any form;
  • trichophytosis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • onychomycosis (nail fungus);
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • to reduce the risk of infection with a fungus in immunocompromised patients, such as radiation or chemotherapy.

How Climbazol works

The drug belongs to imidazoledioxolane derivatives (azole group) and has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect. It is achieved by influencing the lipid composition of the fungal membrane and slowing down the process of ergosterol biosynthesis. An additional advantage is that the drug eliminates dandruff without destroying the natural healthy microflora of the skin. The use of products with climbazole helps to normalize the condition of the skin and relieve unpleasant itching and flaking of the skin, eliminate excess secretion of the sebaceous gland.

Instructions for use

Before using products with climbazole, you must carefully read the scheme for using the product. Do not expect that a single application will bring the desired result. The tool is used systematically. The cream should be applied in such a way that after application there is time for a short rest. This will ensure maximum absorption of the cream and a therapeutic effect. Shampoo can be used during the shower or alone.

If climbazole is used as part of a shampoo, then the hair is washed with the product as usual, carefully treating the skin. The duration of the course is a month, the frequency is three to four times / week. Procedure:

  1. Shampoo is applied to moistened hair, foaming actively.
  2. The resulting foam should be rubbed into the scalp, then left for three to five minutes.
  3. The hair is washed with running water.
  4. To consolidate the result, the process can be repeated.


The drug with the active ingredient climbazole should not be used in acute liver failure, viral or chronic hepatitis, diseases of the hepatobiliary system, pregnant women (the substance has a teratogenic effect on the fetus). Contraindications for use are breast-feeding and under five years of age. You can not use drugs inside, use uncontrollably. Also, doctors recommend not using shampoos and creams with climbazole for a long time to avoid addiction.


Climbazol is an active substance with a wide spectrum of action, but due to low systemic absorption, an overdose of it is extremely unlikely. According to patients, the drug is well tolerated. Against the background of its reception, nausea, weakness, headache can rarely be observed. If these signs appear, it is recommended to stop using the product and consult a doctor for help.

If you keep the shampoo on the scalp for a long time, irritation may occur. Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes. If not, wash thoroughly with warm soapy water. If you accidentally took a cream or shampoo with the antifungal component climbazole inside, you should perform a gastric lavage, take activated charcoal and artificially induce vomiting. There is no antidote to the substance, it is difficult to remove it by hemodialysis or dialysis.

drug interaction

Climbazole for hair or skin is incompatible with the intake of alcohol and alcoholic beverages. This leads to an increase in the toxicity of drugs and an increase in the load on the liver. As a result, side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, weakness, and allergic reactions may increase. Other types of drug interactions of Climbazol are not mentioned in the instructions for its use. Do not combine products with the same active ingredient (Tinedol) in order to avoid overdose.

Climbazole and farnesol are the active substances of a whole line of drugs of the same name. Their analogues are medicines with the same active ingredients or others (Tinedol), but with a similar effect on the fungus. Popular substitutes for drugs are soft ointments, creams and shampoos:

  • Sulsen paste;
  • Vita Mater;
  • Mycostop;
  • Tinedol;
  • Foot Active;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Candide;
  • Canison.

Climbazole or Ketoconazole - which is better

Both active components are presented in the composition of antifungal drugs, they have fungistatic, fungicidal and antiandrogenic effects. These two components are similar in action - they inhibit the biosynthesis of ergosterol and lead to disturbances in the lipid composition of the fungal cell membrane. Climbazole is a new ingredient used in shampoos and dandruff or fungus remedies, ketoconazole has been known for a long time. According to reviews, they work the same and are inexpensive.

Unlike Climbazol (crinipan), Ketoconazole in the composition can act aggressively on the skin, has pronounced side effects and an impressive list of contraindications. They differ in the size of the molecules - the drug in question is smaller, therefore it penetrates into the affected areas faster, without causing the destruction of the normal bacterial flora. A doctor should choose one or another remedy for the treatment of dandruff on the hair or skin fungus.

Climbazole shampoo and cream with the same active ingredient can be bought in the online store according to the catalog or ordered in pharmacies without a prescription. Funds are stored in a dark place for two years. Specify the prices for products with climbazole in the table below:

Climbazol - cream from nail fungus. Benefits, instructions for use

Climbazol is an innovative cosmetic product that can defeat a fungal infection. An effective drug is a white-yellow cream of delicate texture with a light mint aroma, successfully relieves fungal infections not only of the nails, but also of the scalp.

For hair, the drug is available in the form of a thick pink shampoo with a pleasant smell, packaged in 150 or 250 ml. Currently, there is a sulsen shampoo on sale, which includes Climbazol.

Benefits of Climbazol for nail fungus

Climbazole from nail fungus has a number of positive qualities that significantly increase its demand:

  • high efficiency in the fight against infection for a short period;
  • elimination of itching and irritation;
  • neutralization of a specific unpleasant smell;
  • blocking the spread of inflammatory foci;
  • saturation of the skin layers with essential oils;
  • disinfection of the affected surface;
  • active restoration of nails or damaged skin areas;
  • moisturizing the skin layers and strengthening nails;
  • effective exfoliation of dead cells;
  • affordable price of the product.

Climbazol: composition, its effect on the fungus

The active substance of Climbazol cream is chlorinated azole, which is effectively used against some known types of fungus. The systemic effect of this drug is due to the absorption of the active substance through the epidermis directly into the blood. Then it is excreted through the biliary tract in 1-2 days, without showing a toxic effect.

In the therapeutic agent, in addition to Climbazol, other substances are also used:

All substances are easily excreted and are safe for the body. Due to the property of the drug to be absorbed directly into the blood, an overdose is practically excluded. Such situations have not been recorded in medicine due to the low concentration of the substance.

However, if symptoms of poisoning appear during treatment (weakness, headache or nausea), it would be rational to contact a specialist.

Due to the fungistatic effect, Climbazol helps to slow down the growth of the fungus and its division.

How to use Climbazol against nail fungus

Treatment with antifungal ointment should begin immediately after the first signs of the disease appear (the nail becomes opaque yellow color, its thickening and gradual deformation and dystrophy occur).

Instructions for use of Climbazol ointment

Cream Climbazol, as a remedy for fungal infections of the nails and scalp, is intended for external use only. It should be applied in a thin layer morning and evening for 2 weeks.

Climbazole from nail fungus is applied to a clean, dried surface

Areas to be treated must be clean and dry before application. In this case, the nail should be treated, along with healthy skin adjacent to it.

The interdigital folds deserve special attention as a favorable environment for the production of fungal flora.

Proper preparation of the affected areas will greatly enhance the effectiveness of antifungal drugs. To achieve higher performance, according to the recommendations of dermatologists, light steaming of the feet to exfoliate dead skin cells, treatment of the nail plate will help special tool or hardware method.

During the application of Climbazol from a fungal infection on the nails and hair, it is necessary to avoid getting it into the eyes.

Do not forget that alcohol consumption during the treatment period will significantly reduce the final result, and the toxic effect on the liver will be increased many times over.

How to treat a fungus with Climbazol shampoo

When the fungus affects the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair growth on the head, a special shampoo is used to promote the growth of hair prone to fungal disease. In addition, it reliably eliminates dandruff.

The use of shampoo involves applying a small amount of it to pre-moistened hair. After lathering it well and keeping it for 3 minutes, you should rinse your hair with running warm water.

Shampoo with climbazole is applied to wet hair, lathers and aged for 3 minutes, after which it is washed off

Dermatologists have developed a special course of treatment with Climbazol shampoo. In the first and second weeks of treatment, it must be used every 2-3 days. The beginning of the third week involves washing your hair with shampoo no more than 1-2 times a week for 2 months. The course can be repeated if necessary.

What result to expect after treatment of the fungus with Climbazol

The popularity of such a drug as Climbazol is maintained due to its high performance. The drug successfully treats diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis, some types of lichen, ringworm. Quickly stopping the development of the disease, blocks the spread of infection in the affected tissues.

When using Climbazol, burning sensation on the skin, itching, and peeling immediately disappear. Nails acquire a healthy shine and smoothness. There is no dandruff on the hair. Complete elimination of the disease eliminates the occurrence of relapses.

In addition, the remedy is widely used for prophylactic purposes to prevent the development of a fungal infection that develops as a result of reduced immunity after undergoing chemotherapy.

Who should not use Climbazol: contraindications

Climbazol as a drug consists of many components, and therefore has its own contraindications. This tool is not recommended for use in the presence of the following factors:

  • The period of pregnancy and lactation.

Climbazole, helping to get rid of nail fungus, can irreparably disrupt embryonic development.

Pregnancy and lactation - contraindications to the use of a remedy such as climbazole for nail fungus

  • Children's age less than 5 years.

A similar factor is associated with an imperfect immune system in the child's body, which may not accept unfamiliar medicinal reagents.

  • Liver pathologies(acute liver failure, cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis).

In the event of the manifestation of such pathologies due to the difficult or impossible excretion of waste substances, irreparable harm can be caused to the body.

In order to avoid infection with a fungal infection, the simplest hygiene standards should be observed.

Such regulations include the following requirements: do not allow other people to use their own towel, scissors and other personal items when visiting public places(pool, sauna) it is always necessary to have an individual towel and your own shoes.

Where to buy Climbazol, price

Climbazole from nail fungus is currently sold in any pharmacy. You can buy it without a prescription, at a price of 150 to 200 rubles. In the case of adding Climbazol to other drugs, the price can reach 1500 rubles.

However, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, it is better to buy the drug directly using the official website. This, first of all, will favorably affect the final cost of the product. In addition, such a precaution is a guarantee of the purchase of the original medicinal product, excluding fakes.

The fungus is a dangerous enemy for the body. In the case of neglect of one's health in the early stages of the development of such a disease, the lack of timely treatment, there is not only the risk of getting all sorts of complications, but also the threat of completely losing the nail plate. Because dermatologists insist on careful attention to your body.

Climbazol from nail fungus - what is it:

What are effective drugs and remedies for getting rid of nail fungus:

Who cured nail fungus?

Hello Irina! Where can you buy this kombucha? Thank you in advance!

A friend cured a fungus! orungal or irunin tablets + lamisil or exoderil ointment and be sure to treat shoes with 1% chlorhexidine solution, it is better to take out socks and tights (if they are made of cotton, you can iron them), you need to constantly cut your nails + use a nail file to try to thin the nail plate (so that the cream or the solution was better absorbed into the nail)

Good evening! 20 years could not cure nail fungus. I went to the KVD, to private doctors, again to the KVD, no sense. I stole a lot of money and poisoned myself with pills. Until I read on the Internet how one woman cured cheap and accessible way. Apple vinegar mix with vegetable oil 50/50. Moisten the cotton wool and put it on the nails for 4 hours (more if possible) Wrap it with tape - it holds better, put plastic bags on your feet and socks on top. And so for 1 month. In a month you take tests and everything is fine with you. Even the doctor from the KVD wrote down this prescription and said that she would recommend it to everyone. Health to everyone.

Here I read and marvel at the stupidity of people who drink all sorts of filth. After all, with a fungus you can live up to 100 years, and if you kill your liver, you won’t last long. I have a fungus for a long time, there are no unpleasant sensations. I periodically soak, cut, etch, and, as they say, in one pore.

LAMISIL is a brand, the composition is TERBINAFIN. In pharmacies, there are a lot of drugs with such a composition, but at an affordable price, moreover, with lamisin you can swell up, the more expensive the more badyagi. Here is the link , at the end are indicated drugs based on TERBINAFINE. Orungal too good remedy, but the price for it is also a divorce, Composition - ITRACONAZOLE (ITRACONAZOLE), here is the link where you can choose a medicine on the same basis. But the choice is yours. The fungus on the nails must be treated for quite a long time, 2 months - at least, it is better to play it safe, it can return. There is a bad experience.
