Slimming brush massage. Cellulite Dry Massage Brush

Hello to all beauties!**

The fight against cellulite in our time has become just a mania.

The girls are buying up great amount expensive and cheap creams from the hated bumps on the skin, but do not get the desired result.

I was that kind of girl too.

When I gained weight from 52 to 59 kilograms, then I decided to smear with creams in order to somehow improve the condition of my skin.

You can read more about my struggle with excess weight and how I lost 7.5 kg in 2 months without diets.

Naturally, there was no result from the creams I used. After all the fight against cellulite is a comprehensive strategy.


Therefore, as an experienced person in losing weight and fighting for a slim body, I can now tell you about an amazing budget tool that helps me in the fight against cellulite - about dry brushing.

The effectiveness of anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush is as follows:

Separately, I want to dwell on contraindications to the procedure.

Massage is prohibited:


Well, now about my massage with a dry brush in more detail.

I have this double sided brush.

I like that I can massage the skin like a bristle

and these interesting things

I chose immediately on a long handle- so it is more convenient to reach the lower surface of the thighs without bending over

Professional massage from cellulite in the salon will cost a pretty penny, Therefore, we will use such a budget tool that has an excellent result.

brush price was 250r in Auchan. Bought a couple of years ago.

This is my second brush. The first one was shorthand. Personally, I like the long brush better.

Anti-cellulite massage at home with a brush helps to irritate the nerve endings. As a result, the general condition of the body improves.


I will describe a few points that I have identified for myself and that you should pay attention to when choosing a brush and using it:

  1. The brush must be natural bristle.

Do not buy brushes with synthetic bristles - they are not durable and will not bring the desired result.

Brushes are:

With synthetic bristles

With natural bristles (the best from Australian cactus or horsehair)

It is better to buy a brush on a wooden handle and only with natural bristles. I have exactly this.


2. Take a shower half an hour before the massage.

Personally, I like to take a shower with some kind of scrub.

I carefully prepare the skin for the massage, so I scrub it so that the dead particles are removed and the massage is more effective


3. For massage, the skin must be dry.

Also, do not apply any creams or oils before the massage.


4. Regular massage is the key to success.

We are all human and often lazy to do massage.

I myself am like that.

But if you want to succeed and get the body of your dreams, then you need to overcome your laziness.

Having done a massage every evening for at least 5 days - you will already feel improvements - CHECKED!


5. We always carry out massage from the BOTTOM UP!

Brush massage is done in the direction of lymph flow in our body, and it moves up to the heart.

From the bottom up and nothing else. If you massage in a circular motion, then in the same direction from bottom to top

I want to note that in my review I am talking specifically about the massage of the thighs and buttocks.

Massage of other parts of the body has its own characteristics:

Places with lymph nodes should be treated very carefully (groin, armpits)

Gently treat the neck and décolleté

NEVER MASSAGE YOUR FACE! For facial massage, completely different brushes are used - specially designed for this area.

6. Massage thoroughly and gently

Try to focus on efficiency rather than speed or maximum pressing power.

Move at an average speed, pressing moderately, but at the same time avoid damaging the skin.

I saw on the Internet how girls rubbed themselves to such an extent that the skin looked like boiled cancer - this is fundamentally not true!

The main thing here is regularity, and not the maximum redness of the skin.


7. How long to massage?

I massage each leg for 5 minutes - that's enough.

For starters, it is advised on the Internet to start massage from 3 minutes. and gradually increase the time.

But what they won’t write on the Internet, but I’ll tell you, so this is that in 5 minutes of massaging the thighs and buttocks with one hand - she gets so tired that it seems that I went to the gym.

Therefore, for me personally, 5 minutes is enough, and someone who can massage with one hand for 10 minutes- it's just zombies

8. Drink water immediately after the massage.

As soon as you finish the massage - drink a glass of water. It will help remove toxins from the body.

It is allowed to drink green tea or water with lemon.


9. Strange itching…

After the massage, it may seem that the skin itches or burns a little, DO NOT WORRY - this is a normal reaction that will pass in 5-10 minutes.

However, if itching doesn't go away, then you overdo it with pressure on the brush. Solution - apply a soothing cream and do not touch the skin with washcloths and scrubs for several days.


10. At the end of the massage, apply your favorite anti-cellulite cream.

At this stage, the skin is ready to receive the active components of the cream, as blood circulation has improved.

I just love this cream from Arabia. He is perfect for me

I have other remedies, but they are more warming.

After a warming massage with a brush, you want to cool the skin and cream Arabia with this perfectly copes.

Continuing my series of reviews on anti-cellulite products, and post #4 will be about a body brush with natural bristles, which I use not for washing the body, but only for dry massage - very, very useful.

Behind Last year I fell in love with such a massage so much that if earlier I had to force myself to do it and get used to the sensations, now I can’t imagine a morning without a brush, for me it’s like brushing my teeth - something is missing without it. I use this massage not to exfoliate dead cells in the first place - scrubs and special washcloths do this very well, but to improve blood circulation and stimulate important processes in the skin of the whole body, and not just problem areas.

How I apply:
~ in the morning, BEFORE taking a shower, gently massage with a brush all over my body - the movements should be circular, you need to press the brush hard enough, although the first time I barely touched the skin, because it seemed that it hurt, but over time I got used to it, and now I press very confidently, making an intense massage. I start from the tips of my toes (!), then the feet, then I go up, and so I go through the whole body - every centimeter, every part of the body (including the hands and fingers, here the massage is especially pleasant, however, as well as on the feet :), and finish at the neck. I pay special attention to the buttocks, abdomen, sides and forearms - potentially problematic areas. And I do this every morning, every (!) - this is very important in order to see the benefits of the procedure.

Important: all movements should go from bottom to top - towards the heart, but not vice versa !!!

To dilute the text, I will add a thematic sports photo from my instagram, this is me a month and a half ago :)

What does it give:

~ stimulates the lymphatic and circulatory system, accelerates blood circulation and lymph flow, and this contributes to the saturation of the skin with oxygen, removes toxins and toxins from the skin;

~ pronounced anti-cellulite effect - the skin tightens and looks more elastic, friability and lethargy disappear due to the fact that excess fluid does not linger in it, and the effect of such a massage is much more visible than that of anti-cellulite cosmetics, which is logical. But here, for the maximum effect, the regularity of such a massage is important + physical activity + proper nutrition(even if not ideally correct, then at least close to it);

~ the skin becomes smoother to the touch due to exfoliation (but here I repeat that in the first place this is a massage, not an exfoliation).

Possible downside:
~ in places with a visible vascular pattern and with varicose veins, such a massage is undesirable, but this does not mean that it should be completely abandoned - you can actively massage those areas where there are no problems with the veins. For example, there are definitely no such problems on the hands and feet, and you have no idea how pleasant it is to massage with a brush in these areas, while energy points are stimulated, which is good for the health of the whole organism. And the back! And the forearms! My spider veins are visible on my thighs, here I try not to touch with a brush, but still I gently go over the top, although I won’t call it a stimulating massage in this area, but it’s still nice.

Feelings while using:
at first it was uncomfortable, it seemed that the brush was prickly, like a cactus, it was generally impossible to touch it on the stomach. But over time, the skin got used to it and now it’s just waiting for such stimulation - the massage is very pleasant, goosebumps run all over the body, you just physically feel how blood circulation improves, all stagnant places are worked out and skin tone increases, there is a feeling of wings behind your back and incredible vigor, it seems that even breathing becomes easier and your eyes open wider, you want to do something, run, create, etc. It's a very pleasant feeling, very, very! If you have not yet become involved in such a brush massage, then I simply urge you to try it, it is so beneficial for both the body and the spirit.
I now have a very inexpensive, but very cool brush from Earth Therapeutics - it is made of natural high-quality bristles (and for such a dry massage, the brush should be just that, they are usually made from plant fibers - sisal, cactus, etc.), it has a convenient size and a very comfortable handle: on top of it there is a silicone wavy insert, because of which it does not slip in the hand, plus its correctly thought out length - it is easy to get "difficult" places, for example, the back.

I have had a brush for quite a long time, but the bristles have not lost their shape (I use it ONLY on dry !!!) and in general appearance she didn't change. I wash it about once a week with water and shower gel, dry it near an open window.
It seems simple in appearance, but everything is very well thought out in it, as a result, it is ideal in work (for some of these brushes, the handle is either too narrow or too long, or the massage head falls off, or the bristles are somehow low and soft, right there there is not a single minus, it is a solid workhorse):
. .
The handle is not too wide and not too narrow, the silicone insert makes it even more comfortable:
. .
The bristles are pretty hard and don't fall out.
. .
On the reverse side, there are such massage pimples made of wood, they are smooth, made of high quality, but I rarely massage them - they are too small, and the brush itself makes the massage much more tangible and highly stimulating, so there is no need for this side:
. .
All in all, it's a great brush and I highly recommend it. The main thing is not to be lazy with her, then the effect will definitely be, plus these most pleasant sensations of massage and freshness that she gives :).

My rating: 5/5.
Where to buy and price:
I poked on iHerb here - Earth Therapeutics Ergo-Form Massage Brush ($4.69).
And I’ll immediately show you those brushes from my wish list that I also like and which I plan to buy, I think that all of them will go well with the one I already have:
Mio The Mio Body Brush (Price undiscounted £14.50) - The only downside to this brush is that it won't work on the whole body: due to the fact that it doesn't have a handle, it's more suitable for thighs, buttocks, abdomen and arms. But perhaps, due to such a round shape and silicone “fingers”, she should do an even more intense and stimulating massage in these areas.
By the way, in this brand, the entire anti-cellulite series should be very good - I’m talking about creams and serums, the compositions are amazing everywhere (plus safe), but the prices ... Therefore, I still haven’t decided to buy anything from them, but I might fork out. Here is a link to their entire Mio Cellulite & Firming Firming line:

The health benefits of dry rubbing have been known since ancient times. Even Hippocrates, who lived in the 5th century BC. e., said that this method of massage can "rebuild the flesh" and "expel waste" from the body. The effective therapeutic effect of the procedure is also confirmed by modern medicine. The technique is popular because of its active lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite action, which makes the skin smooth and elastic, and body contours clear and toned. That is why in the bathroom of any fashionista among jars, tubes and bubbles, there is sure to be a massage brush. To choose the one that suits you, learn to navigate the endless number of samples offered by manufacturers.

Be prepared to see a variety of models on store shelves:

Today, brushes in the form of a mitten with a rough surface, into which synthetic or natural (sisal, nettle, coconut) fibers are woven, are more often chosen for massage. They provide good cleansing and lymphatic drainage massage of the body, allow you to adjust the pressure and are suitable for any, including large areas, surfaces: back, abdomen, buttocks and thighs. You can read about the results of dry rubbing in the article: "".

Criterias of choice

Finding a good brush is not easy. Sometimes even expensive, high quality models are completely inappropriate. Such a massager must be selected individually, paying attention to:

Be sure to hold the brush in your hands: evaluate its weight and convenience, the strength of the handle. Touch the bristles to determine the degree of stiffness, then pull the bristles, check if they fall out. Pay attention to the smell: sharp and unpleasant indicates the low quality of the feedstock, the presence of dangerous additives and impurities. Carefully examine the case: it should not have cracks, chips, burrs, sharp parts that can injure your delicate skin. Watching a video with information about the rules for selecting and using brushes will be useful to every potential buyer.

Best Options

You should not buy a "pig in a poke", especially when it comes to a body massager designed to improve your well-being. Information about models recognized as sales leaders will come in handy for any buyer.


"Cactus" - natural bristle variant made from Tampico cactus

The base of the brush is made of beech, and the bristles are made of natural cactus fibres.


  • effectively affects problem areas of the skin;
  • improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage;
  • actively contributes to the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

"Complete" - a set of brushes for a gradual effect

One of the main problems that dry massage practitioners face is
too hard brush cover. Wishmore Complete set consists of three models
different rigidity, which allows you to move towards the result gradually and get
maximum effect.

Iherb (Earth Therapeutics, Ecotools Dry Brush)

The American company Iherb, which has been on the natural products market since 1996, offers many massage brushes for the body. The two most popular are:

The company's designers do their best to emphasize the naturalness of their products, using a special treatment of wooden surfaces, woven fabrics for fastening straps and color scheme close to natural shades.

Rich Cosmetics

Richet is a domestic company founded in Moscow in 1996, known as a manufacturer of cosmetics and body care products. The company's products are not cheap, but very high quality. An example is the Riche drainage brush for dry massage - a fairly large sample with a long handle that allows you to reach the most inaccessible parts of the body:

  • The base is made of beech, resistant to any mechanical impact. Rough processing and some roughness of the base are the “trick” of the manufacturer, emphasizing the environmental friendliness of the model.
  • The bristles of this sample are made from the fibers of a Mexican cactus. It should be warned that it is tough and not suitable for delicate and sensitive skin, but it cleanses it very well.

A worthy alternative to dry massage is anti-cellulite scrubs from Richet (Coffee Bean Scrub) with unique aromas and based on natural ingredients: coffee beans, citrus peel, coconut pulp.


An inexpensive brush from the famous Russian soap company is characterized by a number of advantages:

  • The body is made of wood.
  • Boar hair bristles provide lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite properties of the model, making the brush hypoallergenic and safe.
  • The handle with comfortable recesses for the palm for comfortable fixation, about 20 centimeters long, allows you to carefully work out the back.

It is important to remember that the brush is intended for dry massage only. For its production, untreated wood was used, so the action of cosmetics and moisture can lead to deformation and cracking of the body of the model.

Avon Planet Spa

A well-known American company offers a special miniature brush for the face. Dense, but soft synthetic bristles perfectly exfoliate dead skin cells, deeply cleanse pores without damaging the surface. A special, resistant to microorganisms, material allows the brush to be used not only for dry rubbing, but also for applying creams, emulsions, and scrubs to the face.

The design of the model, reminiscent of an elegant glass, is thought out to the smallest detail: the base leg allows you to dry the brush in an upright position, and the transparent cap protects the bristles from dirt and provides convenient storage at home and on the road.

Wooden Massager Brush

The Swedish international concern Oriflame has created a very convenient oval brush:

  • A slightly tapered silhouette in the center, a good width of the product and low weight allow you to hold the massager in your hand without unnecessary muscle tension.
  • The wooden base is distinguished by its processing: rounded edges, no cracks, burrs, sharp elements provide additional comfort and ensure safety.
  • The working surface - rounded wooden teeth - is fixed on a rubber insert.
  • The strap, woven from thick threads, is very pleasant to the touch. However, it is designed for big hand, so it seems too long, which makes it inconvenient to use and reduces the functionality of this part.

Massage with such a brush develops muscle fibers, eliminates stretch marks and cellulite, improves blood circulation, has a drainage effect, activating the lymph flow, removing accumulated excess fluid, eliminating congestion.


The AIRA body brush was developed in Russia. It has an unusual shape: the working surface is located at an angle relative to the handle, which facilitates massaging hard-to-reach areas.

The light plastic base and synthetic bristles make it possible to use the product not only for dry massage, but also in the shower. These materials are not afraid of moisture, practically do not accumulate microbes, are easy to clean and dry quickly.

The length of the model reaches 20 centimeters. The handle is comfortable, voluminous and pleasant to the touch, but it is not at all intended for back massage. A textile loop makes it easy to store.


A brush from a German manufacturer is a real master wagon:

  • The model is equipped with a long wooden handle, allowing. After removing it and fixing the hand with a tight strap, you can move on to working out other, more accessible parts of the body.
  • The product is designed for dry and wet exposure. The beech base swells slightly in water, strengthening the fit of the detachable handle. Drying, the tree does not crack or deform, but returns to its original state.
  • Some models work on both sides. One is covered with long, medium-hard cactus bristles that are resistant to deformation. The other surface is embossed, massage, with rounded wooden spikes.

When creating the Riffi brush, manufacturers have thought through all the little things that provide comfort and good mood users, right down to the attachment tab and the easy-to-remove barcode label.

The Body Shop

It is believed that a cactus massage brush should be in any person who cares about his body and health. And this is not just a tribute to fashion: elastic bristles evenly press on the surface of the body, gently cleansing it, intensively renewing the skin, stimulating blood circulation and lymph flow, providing a burst of energy.

This massager is offered by Bodyshop, a well-known English cosmetic brand founded back in 1976, which today has become part of the L’Oreal Group.

A classic-shaped brush with a long handle allows you to literally polish the entire body. Judging by the reviews, the unique aroma and feeling of warmth emanating from natural wood, taken as the basis of the massager, comfortable silhouette handles, streamlined shape of the working surface make the procedure very comfortable and pleasant.


This massager of the German brand Titania is not for sissies. The bristles of this model are made of hard nylon, thick and elastic. Such a working surface ideally replaces the hands of a massage therapist, suitable for working out problem areas with thick skin and an impressive fat layer: hips, buttocks, shoulders. The villi seem to sweep the surface, removing dirt and exfoliated lifeless cells. The reverse embossed side also works as a massager that accelerates blood and lymph.

The body of the brush is made of dense transparent plastic. But it will not slip in the hands: the base of the large handle is wavy, and each finger fits comfortably in the niche allotted for it.

This manufacturer also has another version of a massage brush for the body - on a wooden base, with a removable handle, with natural sisal bristles. It is known that coarse fiber is obtained from the leaves of this plant, which is used to make ropes and nets. Therefore, the bristles are hard, elastic and durable. If its stiffness scares you, try using a body wash brush: in water, the bristles soften and act on the skin more gently than during a dry massage. The only condition is that after the procedure, the wet brush must be hung away from the heaters with the working surface down.

Advance Techniques

The American cosmetic company Avon offers its body care brush. She pleases not only modern design and high quality. First of all, this is a great massager that can fight cellulite bumps, swelling, dryness and flabbiness of the skin.

  • Small size and anatomically balanced shape allow you to hold it in your hand without any extra effort.
  • The elastic base is like a comb, and the silicone massage elements are large enough, strong and resilient to provide deep tissue study.
  • The length of the seamless strap can be easily adjusted to suit any arm size thanks to the elastic fibers woven into the fabric base.

The working surface of such a brush easily glides over dry skin without causing any harm, easy to clean, and dries quickly.

Hydrea London

The Hydrea London brand produces accessories for face and body care, known all over the world. Among them are many massage brushes. The simplest of them - Bristle Detox - has a classic form, without unnecessary details and "bells and whistles". Ergonomic silhouette, wooden base, natural bristles and very low price(you can buy a massager on AliExpress for only 200 rubles) make this model a bestseller.

Users rate the action of a brush made of hard cactus fibers at "five plus". It works quite intensively on the surface of the skin, but does not leave the slightest scratch on it. This is due to a special treatment, from which the villi become flexible and elastic. Rectangular or classic oval shape, calculated up to a millimeter, a long handle and a built-in strap securely fix the massager in your hand and allow you to control the range of motion and pressure force.

Massage brush - not just fashion accessory. It can radically change the life of any person. Done once, dry rubbing becomes a necessity, an essential daily routine. Very soon you will realize that the hand itself reaches for the massager, and the body is waiting for an unprecedented surge of warmth and energy that brings beauty and health.

1 )

Before the summer months, the problem of cellulite becomes almost the most relevant for women.

What is cellulite, which even very young girls are so afraid of?

This, outwardly similar to the peel of an uneven orange, is the result of a change in the adipose tissue of the skin. Most often it appears on the hips and buttocks, it happens on the upper parts of the arms. Fat deposits accumulate due to impaired fluid circulation, and then these same deposits interfere with further fluid circulation. Because cellulite is not just cosmetic defect- after all, because of it, the blood supply, and hence the nutrition, of the cells is disturbed. Someone is trying to fight this scourge with the help of special creams, belts or diets, giving preference to easy ways. But there is a way for those who are ready to work and get a more visible result than after spreading with cream - this is a massage.

I bring to your attention an interesting technique - a dry brush. If you haven't had much success before, then maybe you should try a new way.

It is not easy to make the skin in problem areas smooth and healthy. But rubbing dry skin with a special brush can cope not only with the initial stage, but also with pronounced manifestations of cellulite.

Why does daily use of a dry brush help to cope with orange peel?

Getting rid of the "orange peel" is due to the stimulation of subcutaneous fluids, in particular lymph. As a result, metabolic processes in the fat layer and other subcutaneous layers are activated, and this leads to the removal of waste products that the body does not need. Thus, volumes are reduced, cellulite disappears.

The dry cleaning process provides several benefits:

- First, dry brushing with a soft brush is a great scrub because the process removes dead skin cells. And even the owners of very soft skin, which is too sensitive to cosmetics, can use this peeling method.

Secondly, in places of regular use of such a brush, the blood supply becomes much better. The blood supplying microelements and nutrients to these areas further enriches the skin with oxygen, which significantly improves its appearance: cellulite formations are leveled, unaesthetic bumps and dimples disappear.

These two key actions of the procedure and give a chance to hope that dry cleaningwillsuccessful in the fight against cellulite. But simply a healing effect that improves the appearance of the skin, no doubt, with this method is available.

How to do dry cleaning?

Do not use too hard brush. Even a slight redness after brushing is not always the result that will help. Dry cleaning is not rubbing with a hard towel, after which the skin should not"burn" and blush. Although there will be some slight redness, this is the result of increased blood flow, which is so necessary to fight for even skin.

Make sure that the bristles of the brush do not scratch the skin. Therefore, the choice of brush is important. Synthetic fibers are too stiff and can damage skin, especially sensitive skin.Buy a brush made from natural fibers.

It is most reasonable to perform the procedure in the morning, as it increases the overall tone of the body and in the evening can provoke insomnia.

The cellulite brush, like the skin itself, must be dry, since dry massage contributes to the elimination of the “orange peel”.

- For anti-cellulite cleansing rubbing begins, as a rule, from the back of the thighs. The tinder is usually quite strong. No special pressure on the problem areas of the body at first is not necessary. Let the hips first get used to the process, and only then can you do more intense massage movements on cellulite areas. Then go directly to the buttocks. You can also rub the sides.

Dry brushing for health should also start with the feet:start wide soft movements from the ankles upand then from the arms to the chest. In the area of ​​​​the stomach, direct the brush counterclockwise.

After rubbing, be sure to at least rinse if there is no time for a full bath or shower.
This is necessary in order to remove all dead cells. After a properly performed procedure, the water should slightly tingle the skin at the points of use of the brush. After that, you can use anti-cellulite oil or cream. Or just apply a moisturizing / nourishing cream

Use a dry brush in the bathtub or shower stall to keep your bathroom free from excess dust.

Brush care is reduced to washing with any detergent at least once a week. After each use, do not forget to dry the brush well, otherwise the formation bad smell guaranteed.

Dry cleaning technique

Movement should always be directed towards the heart.

Rubbing is always carried out from the bottom up: they begin to be done with the feet, gradually moving towards the area hearts. The initial movements should be directed from the feet to the knees: massage the feet, across the toes, around the ankle, then the lower leg from the bottom up to the knee.

Having passed the back of the knees, we move on to the problem area - the hips. When rubbing the thighs and buttocks, it is necessary to make circular movements, lightly pressing the brush, counterclockwise. Here you need to stay longer, in the area of ​​​​the outer surface of the thighs, alternating stretching movements from the bottom up, with circular movements.

- For the abdominal area, movements, of course, need more gentle ones. Gently, in a clockwise circular motion, rub the sides and lower back. It is convenient to do this, thanks to the long handle of the brush. Do not rise above the level of the heart!

- Let's move on to the neck. From the chin we rub to the chest, then from the earlobes, to the mammary glands, not reaching the nipples. The movements should be long, fanning out to the shoulders and upper back.

The back is rubbed with sliding movements along the entire length. The direction of movement is from the waist up, without pressure. Shoulders - short movements down.

Then we massage the back in a circular motion towards the chest, gently massage armpits where the large lymph nodes are located.

Hands are also rubbed with sliding movements from the bottom up. We start with the fingertips, moving to the palms and to the back of the hand. Massage from wrist to elbow, from elbow to shoulder.

How often should dry cleaning be done to get results?

Dry cleaning of the skin effectively opens the pores on the skin. This is something we can and should do every day. After all, the skin, being the largest organ, needs complete cleansing and nourishment no less than other organs. And the opening of the pores helps to perform a thorough cleansing, saturate the skin with oxygen, and get rid of dead cells. Therefore, do dry cleaning at least once a day, but you can do two.

This process takes some time, so set aside an extra 20 minutes in the morning for dry brushing. It is believed that the optimal duration of dry rubbing is twenty minutes. If you do less massage, then it most likely will not bring results. It takes just this amount of time to activate muscle and connective tissue. But I do about 10 minutes - and the results are excellent.
Rubbing should be done before taking a shower or bath. During the first two or three months, dry rubbing with a brush is carried out daily. Then they switch to alternation: they do a day, they don’t do a day. And after the disappearance of cellulite, the number of procedures is reduced to 2 or 3 times a week.

And be patient: you will see the first results in a week and a half.

Anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush should not cause discomfort. On the contrary, dry massage perfectly relieves stress and promotes relaxation. If there is still discomfort, then you need to either adjust the pressure force, or purchase a brush with softer bristles.

Which brush to choose

Since tactile perception is purely individual, it is best to be guided by your own feelings when choosing a brush. It is preferable to choose a brush with natural bristles, the tips of which would be slightly rounded, rather than pointed. The fibers should not be rigid, although moderately elastic. You can determine this by taking the product in your hands and touching the bristles to the inside of the arm above the wrist: the touch should be palpable (too soft bristles may be ineffective), but not cause irritation (skin damage is also not needed). best material for the handle - wood.
If the skin is injured, and even more scratched, then this is not the brush that is needed for the procedure.

If, nevertheless, after the purchase, the brush turned out to be quite hard, then you can significantly soften it simply by soaking it in water for several hours - then the bristles will soften somewhat, and anti-cellulite procedures will not be unnecessarily painful.

By the way, animal advocates should not worry, the tools created specifically for the procedure are the so-called vegetarian brushes made from plant fibers (for example, from a cactus).

The market is also saturated with a variety of brushes in shape: round with a palm mount, with a long handle, with a removable handle.

On the reverse side of many brushes, there are special pimples for anti-cellulite massage.

Dry cleaning perks

Getting rid of cellulite is not the only property for which women fell in love with the procedure of using a dry brush. Even if you don't have problems with orange peel on the hips, dry cleaning is still worth a try.

To summarize the undoubted benefits of dry cleaning. This method...

* Exfoliates dead, dry skin and softens it.
* Accelerates the cell renewal process and exposes new skin layers.
* Helps fight cellulite, making thighs and buttocks firmer and smoother.
* Stimulates blood flow and gives the skin a healthy color.
* Helps the body to actively destroy wastes and toxins.
* Promotes enhanced oxygen circulation.
* Regular treatments reduce the number of ingrown hairs.

Precautionary measures

I warn you right away, in the first days, dry rubbing will seem to you a tedious and not very pleasant procedure. The bristles will irritate the skin, and after contact with water, tingling and a slight burning sensation will appear. But, be persistent, in a couple of weeks your skin will get used to such a massage. You will realize that this morning ritual with a brush is worth it to become the owner of renewed skin.

Believe me, dry rubbing with a special brush can become a useful habit, as a result of which, the skin becomes taut, velvety and smooth. Don't believe? Be sure to check!

And remember, a cellulite brush is, of course, a powerful weapon, but nutrition must also be monitored. Adjust your diet and there will be no cellulite!
Based on materials from,,

Brush massage from 52-year-old supermodel Elle MacPherson

To massage at home, there are many various techniques. But the modern beauty industry also does not stand still, and to improve the efficiency of the process, a large number of a variety of fixtures. If we talk about dry skin, then massaging it with a brush with natural bristles is the most the best option. Today you will learn how a body massage brush will help get rid of annoying cellulite once and for all, make your skin supple and smooth, and no more than 10 minutes a day will be spent on it.

What to expect from a brush massage?

Let's first list the main positive effects of dry massage that will help your skin shine again with health:

* Exfoliation. In cosmetic terminology, this process is called exfoliation or peeling. When the skin comes into contact with a dry brush, keratinized particles and dead cells disappear from the skin surface. At the same time, the living do not experience damage, the skin is renewed, acquires the necessary elasticity and smoothness.

* Massage with a brush perfectly stimulates blood circulation, as well as lymph flow. Together with the lymph, toxins and wastes leave our body, excess fluid is removed, which allows you to remove swelling. This effect is called detox. The result is a toned and rejuvenated body.

* Such a procedure has a beneficial effect on digestion, because during the massage, metabolic processes are adjusted and activated.

* Massage significantly increases muscle tone.

* Anti-cellulite effect - one of the most desirable for women. Thanks to increased blood circulation, excess fat is removed from fat cells called adipocytes. If you combine massage and appropriate anti-cellulite cosmetics, the result will be

* With the help of a dry brush massage, you can fight unwanted stretch marks, which is facilitated by cellular regeneration and an increase in overall tone.

* You feel much more alert and energetic.

* Thanks to such a massage, it is possible to correct the imperfections of the skin, in particular, fight acne, since blood circulation is stimulated, and toxins are actively removed from the body. We are cleansed from the inside - and become more beautiful on the outside.

* Massage prevents ingrown hairs. The dead cell layer is removed, the skin surface gets rid of unnecessary barriers, and new hairs grow freely.

Thus, dry brush massage is very useful procedure, which stimulates the regenerative processes of the whole organism and favorably affects your appearance.

Rules for choosing a brush for dry massage

In order to choose the right device for massage, we recommend following simple rules:

* The best option is a brush with natural bristles. The fact is that each bristle of such a brush tapers towards the end and acquires maximum subtlety, which means that during the massage you will not be scratched and will not get irritated.

* Be sure to pay attention to the degree of stiffness of the bristles. It can be different, so if your skin is particularly sensitive, then for the first time, opt for the softest option.

* Quality is also an important criterion. This applies to all parts of the brush. Glue smudges or a strong smell are completely unacceptable. In addition, cheap items break down very quickly, so it’s better not to save on your own health.

* The massage brush must be comfortable. Take your time, rotate it before you buy: you should feel comfortable holding it, and it should fit exactly in your palm. Otherwise, you will not be able to effectively massage, because the brush will simply fall out of your hand.

Thus, a natural dry massage brush that meets the above requirements will really benefit and give the desired result.

Types of brushes

Types of brushes may differ in shape, the presence or absence of a handle, its length and other parameters. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following classification:

* Brushes can be oval or round. If there is a special strap on their outer side that fixes the brush, then this is most convenient.

* There are brushes with a long handle. These are more suitable for massaging hard-to-reach areas of the back, but if the handle can be removed, then it becomes universal.

* Brushes in the form of a mitten. They are soft, put on, as is clear from the form, on the hand, and they are good for massaging those parts of the case where strong pressure is useless: the neck, stomach or chest.

* Electric brushes. You will have to look for high-quality goods of this variety, but you will not need to make additional efforts during the massage.

* Japanese brushes. The traditional tawashi served as a model for them, characterized in that the bristles are palm fiber, held on a steel wire, and there is no handle. The classic massage brushes of this variety have a handle.

So, pay attention not only to the shape and quality, but also to the compliance of the purchased brush with your expectations from the massage. For supporters of online shopping, we advise you to contact Ozone, and you can also use Lookfantastic sites,

Amazon or Feelunique. Very good feedback also has an iherb dry massage brush.

Correct massage algorithm

In order for the massage to be especially effective, it is important to do it in the right sequence:

*Start with the feet and slowly work your way up.

* Then move on to the hands, and massage the skin in the same progressive manner, starting with the fingers and hands and ending with the shoulder area. It is better to rub the inside of the hand first, and then move on to the outside.

* Now the back and also from the bottom up: from the lumbar towards the cervical.

* The thoracic and cervical regions are the massage end zones, which have the thinnest and most sensitive skin, so the movements should be as delicate as possible.

However, apart from general rules each massage has its own nuances. They are here too.

Pay attention to the following important points:

*Massage exceptionally dry skin.

* Try to alternate types of movements, combine longitudinal and circular short ones, do not forget that the general direction is from below and up, towards the heart, and along the path of the lymph flow. This way you can avoid swelling.

* Massage problem areas especially carefully.

* Do not ignore in addition to the feet and hands also the knees and elbows.

* Pay special attention to the armpits and popliteal areas, because the lymph nodes are located there, and they need to be massaged well, which will help get rid of harmful substances faster. But do in these places extremely delicate massage.

* Massage the body evenly: if you have made a certain number of movements on the right leg, then do the same on the left.

* It is necessary to continue the massage until the skin turns slightly pink. A change in color will be a signal of increased blood flow. The usual duration of the procedure is from 7 to 10 minutes.

* Try to take a shower at the end of the massage and then apply cream to the skin. It can be a regular moisturizer or anti-stretch marks and cellulite. Special oils are also suitable. Apply the products to the still damp surface of the skin.

* A good addition to the procedure would be a glass of plain water or water with lemon. Drinking immediately after a massage will help you restore balance faster and speed up the removal of toxic substances.

*Sometimes after the procedure, you may feel a slight itching or tingling sensation. Do not be alarmed: this only means that in the next session you need to put a little less pressure on the brush.

* If your skin is damaged, then massage should not be performed.

* Wash the massage brush with soap and warm water at least once a week.

We figured out the nuances that rubbing with a dry brush has, but when is it best to do it?

When is the best time for a massage?

Since dry rubbing has a powerful tonic effect, it is most logical to do it in the morning before going to the shower. It happens, of course, that the morning is too busy with business. Then massage in the evening. More important here is not the time, but the regular procedure, but preferably not more than once a day, so as not to deplete the skin.
