Men's cufflinks. How to wear cufflinks - the most old-school accessory for a gentleman Why do you need men's cufflinks


Pick the right cufflinks. They vary in shape and style and are made from different materials. Mounting types are also different. It can be a pin, a chain, a metal partition between two plates. Cufflinks are symmetrical and asymmetrical. In the first case, both of its parts, located on the sides of the partition or chain, are exactly the same. Therefore, it does not matter which side to insert it. Asymmetric cufflinks have one plate effectively designed, and it is this plate that should be located on the outside of the wrist.

Cufflinks perform the same function as buttons. They fix the cuff and do not allow it to unfasten. However, they are attached in exactly the opposite way. When you fasten a button, you first thread it through the buttonhole, after which the edges of the cuff align by themselves. To insert a cufflink, first unscrew the cuff and align the holes along the edges. Then connect the edges of the cuff so that both pairs of holes match.

Most often, modern asymmetrical cufflinks are made with pins. Something like a washer is put on the pin. Insert the cufflink by inserting the pin through all four slots. Tighten the washer so that it firmly fixes the cuff. Instead of a pin, there may be a lock or a carnation. Insert them in exactly the same way. The fastener should be on the inside.

Sometimes on sale you can find shirts and blouses with single ones, in which slots are also made instead of buttons and loops. In this case, it is better to choose symmetrical cufflinks. Asymmetrical ones are also acceptable, but without a pin or lock. Align the slots, but not overlapping, as in the first case, but with the wrong sides to each other. A symmetrical cufflink can be inserted in either direction. Asymmetric - insert so that the decorated part of it, with the arm lowered, is directed back. As a rule, the "wrong side" of such cufflinks is an oval metal plate. It is connected to the decorated part with a metal leg or chain. Such cufflinks fix the cuff less tightly.

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Helpful advice

The slots should not be too large, otherwise the cufflink can be lost. As a rule, new shirts have holes that are not much larger than the thickness of the pin. However, from frequent use of cufflinks, the slits can disperse. Sew along the edges with a few inconspicuous "over the edge" stitches. This is especially important for symmetrical cufflinks without a rigid fastening.

Cufflinks are now stylish and trendy male accessory. Therefore, many fans of business style prefer shirts, the cuffs of which are processed to look like cufflinks.

Why are cuffs redone?

There are times when I really liked the shirt and the man knows for sure that he will wear it exclusively with cufflinks, but the cuffs on the chosen model are fastened with buttons. Often, many young people have their favorite shirts in their wardrobe. In order to give them novelty and make them more stylish, it is enough to change the usual buttons for beautiful cufflinks.

In the atelier, you can remake a shirt in the shortest possible time, making the cuffs suitable for cufflinks.

Changing the cuffs so that they fasten with cufflinks is quite simple. The process itself takes very little time. However, keep in mind the fact that it will no longer be possible to make the cuffs suitable for buttoning back. Therefore, think carefully before deciding to remake a shirt.

How to make your own cuffs

In order to cope with the problem of modernizing cuffs, you need to stock up on scissors, suitable threads, and a needle. First, carefully cut off the old buttons from both cuffs. Then, using a bar of soap and crayon, mark where the buttons will attach to the fabric.

Carefully remove any old threads that are left in the fabric of the shirt. In the place of the former fastening of the button, mark a cut symmetrical to the buttonhole on the opposite side of the cuff.

Carefully cut through the cuff at the markup, thus making a loop. Treat its edges with threads suitable color. As a result, the fabric will not unravel, and the loop itself will look beautiful and neat.

You can process the loop manually, or you can use an overlocker.

About cufflinks

Cufflinks are an expensive accessory. Therefore, they distinguish their owner from the crowd, emphasizing his individuality and subtle sense of style. It is very important to be able to correctly combine a shirt and cufflinks so that together they look harmonious and complement each other. A shirt with cufflinks looks very good with a business suit.

Previously, cufflinks were worn exclusively on white shirts. At present, the views have changed a bit. Today, few people will be surprised by the combination of unusual cufflinks and a shirt with a discreet or even bright print.

Cufflinks are different sizes and a wide variety of forms. They can even be custom made with initials or whatever symbols you want.

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Thanks to the small details of the wardrobe, individuality and originality of style are acquired. Cufflinks not only fashion accessory but also a practical piece of clothing. You can choose cufflinks based on the type and color of your shirt, suit, tie, watch, and even tie clip.


Cufflinks are appropriate on shirts with a double cuff and in an evening wardrobe, regardless of the presence of a double cuff. For such a white shirt, pick up asymmetric cufflinks. For a double cuff, only symmetrical models are appropriate.

Often cufflinks are matched to the watch strap. This approach looks very harmonious in the general image. Never wear silver cufflinks with a gold bracelet and vice versa.

If a watch is not your constant companion, match your cufflinks to your tie. Preference should be given to neutral materials that will not contradict the shirt.

For events such as engagement or wedding, cufflinks are chosen in the color of wedding rings.

A tuxedo is an unusual costume that requires special approach to the selection of accessories. Cufflinks in this case are matched to the color of the shirt. white shirt complement with black cufflinks to match the color of the jacket. Consider options various materials and textures. It can be metal weaving or rough surfaces.

Today, not everyone knows how to wear cufflinks correctly. Meanwhile, a few decades ago, the appearance on solemn events in a shirt without cufflinks was considered a manifestation of bad taste.

Today, stylish and expensive cufflinks are an indispensable accessory. Small in size, they can have a significant impact on the perception of a person's image as a whole.

History and origins

The forerunners of modern cufflinks were ruffles on the sleeves of men's shirts of noblemen. The fashion of the beginning of the 18th century was distinguished by an abundance of lace, ruffles and bows. Some men began to thread ribbons through the lace to fasten the wide sleeves that hindered them. Later, the ribbons were replaced with 2 gold or fastened with decorative colored glass buttons or precious stones, usually diamonds.

Until the middle of the 19th century, wearing cufflinks was the exclusive privilege of the nobility. In royal and aristocratic families, cufflinks have always demonstrated the noble origin and high prosperity of their owners.

On the way to progress

After the discovery of the galvanization process, cufflinks began to be made from cheaper metals covered with a thin layer of gold, and diamonds were replaced with semi-precious stones. They have come into wide use since 1882, after the start of their industrial production.

By this time, men's cuffs had also changed and were very stiff and difficult to fasten with buttons, and cufflinks were ideal for this purpose. It was then that they became an integral part of the men's suit.

From childhood, boys were taught how to wear cufflinks, and girls how to choose them correctly. Buying expensive cufflinks on your own from men was considered a sign of bad taste. Most of the collections were formed from gifts and inherited rarities. This tradition is still alive today: a modern man often receives as wedding gift cufflinks and

From elite to mass

In the mid-20s of the last century, the so-called sport shirt came into fashion. It was then that the sport shirt with long sleeves became an integral part of the men's wardrobe. Q: How to wear cufflinks? no longer stood, because the cuffs of the new shirts were not designed for them at all. So cufflinks once again found themselves in the background, taking their rightful place as an elite accessory.

Men usually do not wear any jewelry other than wedding ring and watches, so they have few opportunities to make their appearance individual. A traditional tie adds to the charm of its wearer, but only cufflinks can give an ordinary suit a truly unique look.

fashion trends

Now you can find a lot of information about how to wear cufflinks, because modern fashion added them back to my arsenal. Given the incredibly wide range of colors and styles, and the affordability of today's cufflinks, it's no wonder their popularity is higher than ever.

Cufflinks are not only great for men, they are also an exclusive option for ladies. Today, no one is surprised with cufflinks. How to wear them, each woman decides on her own, however, ladies give the greatest preference to large specimens that have a non-standard shape or are richly decorated with stones and rhinestones.

Perhaps you haven't chosen your shirt yet because you don't know how to wear cufflinks. Photos of various models can be found in all fashion magazines. Most casual men's shirts come with cuffs that fasten with buttons and buttons, but many high-end shirt manufacturers have kept their signature cufflink cuffs in the design.

It should be noted that cufflinks are designed to be worn with shirts and blouses with loops on both sides of the cuffs. They can not be worn with clothes on the cuffs of which buttons are sewn.

There are many various types cufflinks, so you can choose them according to your personality. Accessories are designed to create a stylistic unity of the costume and emphasize the individuality of its owner. That is why there are several general rules how to wear cufflinks.

  • If you are wearing a tie, remember that it will determine the style of your suit. The shirt in this case will serve as a background for him. Therefore, the clip and cufflinks should match the tone of the tie and have a discreet design. The classic option is when they make up one set.
  • Of course, cufflinks are appropriate without a tie. In this case, they should be combined with the color of the metal of the dial. wrist watch and trouser belt buckle.

  • Exclusive cufflinks draw attention to themselves, so it is recommended to wear them in the cuffs of plain white or light-colored shirts.

The materials and style of cufflinks may vary, but their purpose does not change. From the days of diamond buttons and gold chains, to today's exclusive platinum accessories, the presence of cufflinks on cuffs demonstrates that their wearer belongs to the upper class of society.

Whether it's your great-grandfather's rarities or a swanky set you recently bought, cufflink cuffs are a universal and undeniable mark of style and self-confidence.

Cufflinks are decorative clasps attached to the sleeves and collars of shirts and suits with special slits.

There are a lot of types to make it easier to choose, buy the shirt you like and come to the store with it, so it will be easier for the sellers to help you with the choice.

Types of cufflinks by fastening mechanism

Consider the existing varieties depending on various criteria, the first of which is the method of attachment. Here are the cufflinks:

  • With a turning clasp - this is the most common and simplest type. Putting them on is easy: just turn the clasp parallel to the leg, thread through the hole in the cuff and close, placing the clasp perpendicular to the leg.
  • With two turning fasteners - the principle of operation is the same as in the first version, only the fasteners in this case are on both sides.
  • Clips - in this case, one end of the fastener is attached to the product, and the other is free. The fastener must be passed through the loop in the cuff and fasten both sleeves with it.
  • Rods (hard fastening) are cast cufflinks, they are difficult to put on, but they are durable and will last longer. They, at both ends of the legs, have balls, one of which you just need to thread into the cuff loop.
  • On a chain - this type is the most difficult to attach, but with its help you can adjust the cuffs and make them looser. To put on the jewelry, you need, holding one end, gently thread the other end through the slot.
  • With a flat mount - in this case, the fastener is flat, which allows you to connect the cuffs more tightly.
  • With ball fastening - in this case, the clasp is round and this makes it easier to apply.
  • Imitation of cufflinks - they are used if a shirt with slits in the cuffs could not be bought. They are overlays on buttons that completely cover them.

Now let's look at other options.

Types of cufflinks by symmetry

In this case, there are only two options. The first will be more convenient, as it is more common and easier to use. So, allocate:

  • symmetrical: both parts are the same;
  • asymmetrical: there is a front and back side that differ from each other.

Types of cufflinks by design

Appearance is equally important. Therefore, the design meets:

  • classic design - suitable for any suit and a calm appearance without frills;
  • thematic - for those who want to emphasize their hobbies or preferences;
  • extravagant - is an ornament of an unusual shape (in the form of animals, flowers, etc.);
  • functional cufflinks: they are a kind of hybrid, combining a functional element (watch, compass, etc.) and decoration.

And also highlight the division by gender:

  • male - differ in that they are large and darker;
  • female - the opposite of male, bright and small.

What kind of shirts are cufflinks worn with?

Usually this decoration is worn on classic shirts with French cuffs. They are twice as long, have a hole for cufflinks, and are devoid of buttons. Double cuffs need to be tucked, but there are single cuffs that do not require this procedure.

Note! That shirts with single French cuffs are more comfortable to use than double cuffs.

If it was not possible to purchase a special shirt, in this case, you can make a slit on the sleeve of a regular one by removing the buttons before that. Of course, it will not look so aesthetically pleasing.

How to match cufflinks with shirts

To choose a decoration that matches a shirt, you need to focus on the following factors:

  • Color is the first thing to pay attention to. It is advisable and correct to choose cufflinks to match the color of the shirt, but if they are silver or gold, then you can omit this.
  • Pattern: this factor also needs to be paid attention to, for example, it is appropriate to choose a checkered jewelry under a plaid shirt.
  • Theme of the event: Animal cufflinks would be out of place at a serious reception, while you can flash them at another meeting.

Be sure to consider these aspects before going to the store for a purchase.

How to put on and fasten cufflinks

The buttoning algorithm for a special shirt and a regular one is slightly different. Consider both options with detailed instructions.

On a shirt with double cuffs

In this case, no additional manipulations are required. The first thing to do is to wash your hands so as not to stain the shirt and it is advisable to iron it. Then you need:

  1. tuck the cuffs so that the slots match;
  2. thread the existing cufflinks into the holes;
  3. fasten them.

The speed of the procedure depends on your dexterity and the complexity of the clasp. The situation is somewhat different in the second case.

For a regular shirt

First, you need to prepare it:

  1. remove buttons;
  2. make a suitable, symmetrical cut to the other side of the cuff;
  3. Further actions are similar to the first case.

Advice! If you are dealing with cufflinks for the first time, you can first deal with the sleeves, and then put on the shirt.

How to wear a shirt with cufflinks

How to wear this jewelry figured out. Now a few words about how to use it correctly in the future. Here all the points come down to the rules of conduct and accuracy. Necessarily:

  • see if your sleeves are dirty, as such an accessory draws attention to this part;
  • make sure the cufflinks are on the right side;
  • see if all the details of your costume fit well.

On a note! Sleeves should not stick out much from under the jacket, as it is impolite to expose cufflinks.

Here are some more general tips for you:

  • it is undesirable to purchase a shirt with double cuffs if you are going to wear it without a jacket;
  • if your suit is expensive, it is better to choose the appropriate decoration, otherwise it will reduce the price appearance.

Important! Don't forget about proper care for jewelry.

To make your jewelry last longer, store it in a separate place, and do not expose it to moisture (especially if it is not made of precious metal).

Follow these simple rules, and your appearance will be flawless on any evening.

Women transferred and adapted almost all men's clothes to their wardrobe. Cufflinks are the only truly masculine item. Not every man can wear cufflinks - and not because they are expensive, but because not everyone knows how and with what to combine them correctly.

The devil, as you know, is in the details, and cufflinks are a great proof of this. Therefore, we tell you what cufflinks are and how to wear them correctly. These 13 recommendations will be useful to you if you are a man or woman who helps their other halves to choose a wardrobe.

1. Now there are four main popular types of cufflinks: cufflinks of two identical parts connected by a chain or pin, one-sided cufflinks on a fixed pin, cufflinks with a rotating T-shaped clasp and soft knot cufflinks.

2. Symmetrical cufflinks on a chain or pin in Lately undeservedly forgotten, but in vain. They are better than others, if only because they are pleasing to the eye on both sides of the cuff, and not on one side, like cufflinks on a T-shaped clasp. They also hold up better overall. And they are less common simply because their production is about twice as expensive.

3. Silk knotted cufflinks look a little simpler than metal ones. They are often sold in several pairs at once and are different colors. And if one of the cufflinks is lost, then the second can be easily inserted into the buttonhole of the jacket.

4. Cufflinks are worn only with special "French" cuffs. They fold in half, so the cufflinks end up holding eight layers of fabric together at once. This is what keeps them going. And so, just in case: the fold on the French cuffs is not ironed. The cuffs are simply rolled up just before the cufflinks are inserted.

5. As with a regular shirt, the French cuffs should protrude slightly from under the sleeves of the jacket. But at the same time, it is absolutely not necessary that the cufflinks also look out. This is already on your conscience.

6. Cufflinks are, let's say, a formal accessory. That is, they require a suit. In practice, it can be a blazer, but then the cufflinks should not be too solemn - silk, for example, will do. But the combination of cufflinks and casual wear- it's already walking on thin ice. Although strict rules on this score, no, wearing cufflinks with jeans is worth it only if you are absolutely sure of their appropriateness. As the permanent American GQ style consultant Glenn O'Brien says, "this combination is the 8th level on the difficulty scale."

7. Wearing cufflinks without a jacket, of course, is also possible. For example, if you took it off at the office. But sooner or later you have to put it back on. It is consciously not worth wearing a shirt with French cuffs without a jacket.

8. If the cufflinks are made of metal, then ideally its color should be in harmony with the watch, belt buckle, tie clip. In practice, this rule is not always observed, but it is worth striving for. At least try to make cufflinks fit at least the watch.

9. If the cufflinks are colored - with enamel, stone or pattern - then they can be matched to the color of the shirt or accessories. For example, playing on a combination or, conversely, a contrast of colors with a tie or pocket square. But this is absolutely not necessary and you should not get carried away with it so that it does not turn out too far-fetched.

10. Cufflinks with a suit are voluntary. But a tuxedo has always meant a shirt with French cuffs. Black cufflinks made of onyx or mother-of-pearl are a mandatory attribute of black tie. In addition, in its most correct version, the tuxedo shirt has small black reversible cufflinks on the chest instead of the top three buttons.

11. Cufflinks from precious metals and even more so with precious stones pass through the category jewelry and demand moderation. Wearing expensive cufflinks, a ring, a tie clip and a gold watch at the same time, you risk being mistaken for a gypsy baron.

12. Cufflinks with a soccer ball are good for a party, but hardly suitable for a business meeting. In addition, they draw attention to themselves, and if you do not have enough of them for regular circulation, they will begin to be an eyesore to those around you.

13. Cufflinks with lighters, flash drives, compasses, naked women and other jokes can be accepted as a birthday present and put in a desk drawer. Forever.
