DIY Christmas decorations - pasta snowflake. Do-it-yourself pasta snowflakes: master classes with photos Pasta snowflakes for the Christmas tree

New Year's pasta snowflake crafts are popular with moms who love to create something with their children.

Dry dough is a surprisingly strong material, has a dense structure and is stored for a long time, and these qualities are ideal for any craft, especially for volumetric snowflakes from pasta.

Even one trip to the store is enough to find pasta of various shapes - curls and spirals, stars, bows, petals, shells, tubes, and their cost is not high.

Many people ask how to glue pasta snowflakes. This can be done with any durable and quick-drying glue, for example, Moment. It should have a long nose so as not to glue each pasta, but to glue it by pouring glue right between the pasta on the laid out template.

And, by the way, very popular among needlewomen glue gun, we already wrote about the principle of working with it in the master class, .

For creativity you will need:

  • various curly pasta
  • strong glue or glue gun
  • PVA glue
  • brush for glue
  • acrylic paint or gouache
  • glitter or glitter hairspray
  • optional fine salt, gold or silver paint

How to make snowflakes from pasta master class

1. On a flat surface, lay out a snowflake pattern according to the chosen pattern or, as your fantasy tells you.

2. Take glue with a nose and fasten the structure with it. Let dry.

3. Paint with paint in any color, usually white or pearlescent. Wait for it to dry.

4. Cover with PVA glue. If you are using glitter polish, you can skip this step.

5. Sprinkle with glitter or fine salt and let dry well. To hang snowflakes on a pasta tree, you can glue a ribbon or thread a thread into some hole on the pasta, especially if it is a “wheel” or “ring” shape.

Original pasta snowflakes video

New Year's pasta snowflakes are useful not only for decorating the Christmas tree, you can make a garland out of them by hanging them on a suitable rope. Or .

Pasta is an excellent material for the implementation of ideas in the manufacture New Year's crafts. Do-it-yourself pasta snowflakes are very original.

They are sure to enchant many with their beauty. You can decorate with such snowflakes Christmas tree or a room.

And if you involve your child in the work, then you cannot avoid children's delight and positive emotions.

With the onset of winter, more and more evenings are freed up for needlework - the weather does not always favor walking, and you often want to raise your mood with a calm, interesting activity. On the eve of the New Year holidays, the theme of crafts becomes clear. I would like to update the toys for the Christmas tree, decorate the home, bring a special touch to the interior.

What do you need to make snowflakes

Can be made to There are many great ideas for creativity. With this affordable material, you can make countless options for jewelry. For example, snowflakes Consider a few ideas that can be implemented.

To complete the work you will need:

  • pasta of various shapes and sizes;
  • PVA glues and "Moment";
  • tassel;
  • acrylic or nail polish can be an alternative;
  • all kinds of decorative elements: beads, pebbles, rhinestones, sequins, ribbons.

Also suitable decoration of sugar, rock or salt "Extra", semolina and even flour.

Manufacturing instructions

  1. How to make snowflakes from pasta? First you need to prepare the workspace and components for future products. It is desirable to cover the table with plain paper. Pour all the components that are supposed to be used into containers and place them in front of you.
  2. Then you need to decide on appearance snowflakes from pasta and pre-lay out its components on the table, checking how it will look.
  3. After that, you need to glue all the elements together with the help of Moment glue. Tip - it is imperative to fasten the structure from the middle, so you can ensure its strength. You need to finish closer to the edge.


Then the snowflake must be dried, after which you can proceed to the decor stage. If the paint is supposed to be applied from a spray can, then you should go out into the open. The decor is made as follows:

  1. Products can be hung on a string and painted in this position evenly from all sides. You can also paint with a sponge soaked in paint.
  2. Lay the snowflake on a straight surface - cardboard or plastic. Paint both sides alternately. At the same time, do not forget about the ends of each element.
  3. Using brushes must be used taking into account hard-to-reach areas. If the components of the snowflake are very small, then the product can be completely dipped in tinting.
  4. The gouache on the craft will dry for a very long time, as a result, the pasta can completely crack.
  5. Using nail polish, it is necessary to apply a colorless layer of fixative on top of it.

Final stage

After you managed to make and paint snowflakes, you can proceed to the final decor. You will need PVA glue, with which you need to cover the product with a thin layer. After that, it should be sprinkled with sugar, beads or any other material in the form of crumbs. Further along the end of the snowflake, you can once again walk with glue, then apply more large beads, rhinestones or decorative stones. At the end, through one of the holes, pasta snowflakes must be passed satin ribbon, beautiful lace or a thin braided rope, and tie it into a knot. fine decoration ready for the New Year holidays.

Another manufacturing method

There is another way to make pasta snowflakes. The knitting thread should be impregnated. With its help, the elements of the product should be tied together, and the ends should be carefully tied and hidden. When the mount dries, the craft can be painted and decorated. Wonderful snowflakes from pasta with your own hands can be collected according to different principles. For example, a core will be obtained from a round element, and with the help of horns and spirals, you can lay out the main pattern.

After carefully painting the product, you should give it time to dry. Then, having covered with a colorless varnish or glue, the snowflake must be decorated with decorative sprinkles. Glitter, sequins and rhinestones are perfect for gold and silver paint. If you thread decorative ribbons into such products, you will get Christmas decorations from pasta.

Volumetric snowflakes

Products can be created not only flat, but also voluminous. Of course, this will require dexterity and some skills. For example, pasta Christmas decorations are best made using feathers. Their cut is made obliquely, which makes it possible to combine elements in several directions. If a flat snowflake requires 18 feather-shaped pasta, then a bulky snowflake will require an additional 9. Gather Christmas tree toy you need this: first you need to coat the sections with Moment glue, connect them together and hold for a few seconds and release. When the design dries, you can start painting. Volumetric products are best tinted with a can. So the color will lie evenly in all directions.

At the end, it is good to decorate the resulting snowflake peaks with beads. To do this, they should be planted on a drop of glue. Then you need to pass through the hole closer to the center of the structure decorative tape. The product is ready, it can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Storage features

When we make snowflakes from pasta, there are a few subtleties to consider. For example, the material becomes brittle when exposed to water. Some paints can damage the surface of the pasta. The elements of the product must not be excessively squeezed when gluing, otherwise the entire structure may collapse.


Winter is a great time when you can spend long evenings doing needlework, making excellent decorations for the New Year holidays. We hope that you will be able to make snowflakes from pasta.

Hello dear readers! We are all used to traditionally making christmas snowflakes from paper or napkins, but today I want to move away from using such conventional materials and bring to your attention a selection of photos of snowflakes created from the most ordinary pasta! These snowflakes will serve as spectacular, voluminous pendants that can be used to decorate a Christmas tree, windows, wall lamps, etc.

How to make pasta snowflakes.

For work you will need:

✓Pasta of various shapes;

✓Transparent glue, it is better to take "Moment";

✓White, silver, gold or blue spray paint (acrylic paints can be used as an alternative);

✓Ribbons, chains, bows, beads, rhinestones, sparkles, artificial snow. Instead of snow, you can use salt, sugar or semolina (you can see how to decorate a vase with semolina here);

✓PVA glue and brush.

Let's get started ... We pour the selected pasta onto different plates, cover the table with newspaper or paper, come up with the shape of the future pasta snowflake (above and below are photos of various shapes of pasta snowflakes, you can take them as a basis). So, having come up with the shape of a snowflake, lay out the pasta in the right order on the surface of the table, after which we glue all the parts with transparent glue to each other (and it’s better to start gluing from the inner circle of the product, otherwise the snowflake will turn out to be very fragile). After gluing all the parts, ready-made snowflakes from pasta should be left for about a day until completely dry.

When the pasta snowflakes are completely dry, you can proceed to the decorative part, namely painting ... We take a can of paint you like, for example, white, go out into the fresh air, carefully paint the product. There are several ways to color pasta snowflakes:

  1. In limbo. We thread a thread into the hole of the snowflake, hang the product on a stretched rope and start spraying paint from a spray can.
  2. In the supine position. We put the snowflake on an unnecessary tray or cardboard, go out into the fresh air and paint one side from the spray can first, wait for the paint to dry, turn the product over - paint the second side, as well as the sides of the snowflake.
  3. If you decide to use acrylic paint, then stock up on brushes of different sizes so that they can easily paint hard-to-reach places on products.
  4. If you decide to use gouache, be prepared for the fact that the product will dry for a very long time, and as a result it may even crack.

So, having decided on the method of coloring and painting the product, we wait for the snowflakes to dry out, and proceed to the next decorative stage - decoration ... We cover the pasta snowflakes with a layer of PVA glue, and immediately sprinkle with sparkles, artificial snow, sugar, salt or semolina ( something one of the above or successfully combining several types of voiced powders). At the end, the product can be decorated with a ribbon, bow, rhinestones or beads, and of course, do not forget to thread a fishing line or rope.

How to make pasta snowflakes (video):

In addition to New Year theme I suggest you read the following reviews:

- Decorate your house or apartment New Year;

— We decorate household plot To New Year holidays;

— Unusual Christmas trees;

- New Year's wreath with your own hands.

Dear readers, did you like do-it-yourself pasta snowflakes? I look forward to your feedback, and I also suggest subscribing to receive the latest news from the "Comfort in the House" website.

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The remaining few days before the New Year is the time to do holiday crafts with the children. Many people know how to make paper snowflakes? But how to make them from pasta with your own hands? It turns out that from this, such an unusual material for crafts, surprisingly beautiful snowflakes are obtained, which can not only be hung on a Christmas tree in the most honorable place, but it’s not even a shame to give grandmother or one of your friends as a New Year’s souvenir. But let's talk about everything in order.

What you need to make your own pasta snowflakes

First of all, you will, of course, need the pasta itself. It's best if they have different sizes and forms. In addition, you will need an all-purpose superglue. If your children are still small and do not know how to work with glue, it does not matter, you can use plasticine instead of a son-in-law. Beads, sparkles and even the most ordinary sugar are suitable as elements for decoration. Or semolina. In general, we will be guided by the situation.

The principle of operation is very simple. First, you glue a snowflake from pasta, and then decorate it with the means that you have at hand. In particular, acrylic-based paints can be used to paint the finished snowflake. But if you don’t have them, then you can replace it with ordinary gouache. And if you coat a pasta snowflake with PVA glue, and then sprinkle it thickly with sugar, semolina or sparkles, then you will succeed New Year's souvenir, sparkling with almost real hoarfrost. You can use to give the finishing touch and hairspray with sparkles. In general, turn on your imagination and get creative, focusing on the schemes we have presented.

Do-it-yourself pasta snowflakes. Scheme

Some useful tips DIY pasta snowflake making

As in every job, there are some little tricks that you need to know.

First of all, sort the pasta you have into varieties and arrange them on separate plates. Choose the shape of the snowflake that you will make or come up with your own. Lay out the snowflake and glue the parts with glue at the points of contact. Do not forget that the finished snowflakes need time for the glue to dry well and the product does not crumble in your hands during further processing. Therefore, prepare in advance a place where your snowflakes will dry for at least a day.

Product color is very important point. It is best if you use spray cans for this purpose. Painting a snowflake from a spray can should be done not indoors, but outdoors, for example, on a balcony.

If you use brushes, then make sure that at least one or two of them are thin enough to penetrate into the most inaccessible places. Do not apply too much paint to the product, remember that you are working with pasta, which can get wet and deform.

The most convenient for painting pasta snowflakes are quick-drying acrylic paints. If you are working with gouache, then it will take some time for your snowflake to dry. In addition, sometimes after painting with gouache, the finished product cracks.

Hello dear readers! We are all used to traditionally making New Year's snowflakes from paper or napkins, but today I want to move away from using such conventional materials and bring to your attention a selection of photos of snowflakes created from the most ordinary pasta! These snowflakes will serve as spectacular, voluminous pendants that can be used to decorate a Christmas tree, windows, wall lamps, etc.

How to make pasta snowflakes.

For work you will need:

✓Pasta of various shapes;

✓Transparent glue, it is better to take "Moment";

✓White, silver, gold or blue spray paint (acrylic paints can be used as an alternative);

✓Ribbons, chains, bows, beads, rhinestones, sparkles, artificial snow. Instead of snow, you can use salt, sugar or semolina (you can see how to decorate a vase with semolina);

✓PVA glue and brush.

Let's get started ... We pour the selected pasta onto different plates, cover the table with newspaper or paper, come up with the shape of the future pasta snowflake (above and below are photos of various shapes of pasta snowflakes, you can take them as a basis). So, having come up with the shape of a snowflake, lay out the pasta in the right order on the surface of the table, after which we glue all the parts with transparent glue to each other (and it’s better to start gluing from the inner circle of the product, otherwise the snowflake will turn out to be very fragile). After gluing all the details, ready-made pasta snowflakes should be left for about a day until completely dry.

When the pasta snowflakes are completely dry, you can proceed to the decorative part, namely painting ... We take a can of paint you like, for example, white, go out into the fresh air, carefully paint the product. There are several ways to color pasta snowflakes:

  1. In limbo. We thread a thread into the hole of the snowflake, hang the product on a stretched rope and start spraying paint from a spray can.
  2. In the supine position. We put the snowflake on an unnecessary tray or cardboard, go out into the fresh air and paint one side from the spray can first, wait for the paint to dry, turn the product over - paint the second side, as well as the sides of the snowflake.
  3. If you decide to use acrylic paint, then stock up on brushes of different sizes so that they can easily paint hard-to-reach places on products.
  4. If you decide to use gouache, be prepared for the fact that the product will dry for a very long time, and as a result it may even crack.

So, having decided on the method of coloring and painting the product, we wait for the snowflakes to dry out, and proceed to the next decorative stage - decoration ... We cover the pasta snowflakes with a layer of PVA glue, and immediately sprinkle with sparkles, artificial snow, sugar, salt or semolina ( something one of the above or successfully combining several types of voiced powders). At the end, the product can be decorated with a ribbon, bow, rhinestones or beads, and of course, do not forget to thread a fishing line or rope.
