DIY paper crafts dove of peace. How to make doves out of paper? The most interesting ways to make paper doves

Trying to find new ideas for interesting activities with your child? Paper crafts can be done with the baby if you choose an easy method of work. Make unusual decorations. Teach your kids new skills. This is a necessary, wonderful and exciting chance to spend time. So, how to make a dove out of paper?

The main types of applications "Dove"

Such a paper craft can be made in different ways: from a pasted flat pattern. With large parts created by folding and gluing auxiliary elements (tail, wings). From a material with a textured surface created from napkins. From details in quilling technology. As you have already noticed, there is far from one way to create a product. Small children can also cope with the first if you give them a cut out template. The latter method is suitable for an older child or for working together with parents.

Use of paper birds

If you approach work with joy and good mood, a rather interesting paper application "Dove" will come out. You can make a postcard yourself, a beautiful panel for decorating an apartment, decorating a simple box using this idea. What holidays is it worth making this beautiful bird:

  • The theme can be suitable both for decorating congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, and, for example, on Mother's Day.
  • A bird in the form of an addition to a bouquet of roses can also appear on a postcard for the lovely holiday of March 8th.
  • At home, you can give a child, this type of work to create a present for someone from the family or for your friends at the wedding.

These paper birds - symbolize peace, kindness and love - they can decorate any celebration.

Materials and fixtures

Before work, you always need to prepare well. To create a beautiful bird, you need to take the following:

  • paper white color.
  • Napkins.
  • Pencil and eraser.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Glue gun.
  • Sample.

To work in quilling technology, you will need to take stripes, about five mm wide, as well as a device for twisting them. For this task, you can take a knitting needle, a toothpick, or something similar. It turns out that there is nothing difficult, so you can safely entrust the work to your child. You only need to find templates - make a contour or print a picture.

Easy option

Now it will be dismantled, a master class on creating a simple dove. Most easy option creating a bird can be created in the following way: Take a sheet of white or multi-colored cardboard or paper as a base (background).

Leave it flat or try folding it into a fold-out postcard. Prepare by any method, bird patterns made of white cardboard. Glue the birds to the base.

Draw or paste beautiful eyes and a beak, you can also stick part of the wings or tail on top. It is good to decorate such a craft with ordinary flowers, an image of the earth, children's hands or people holding hands.

For an older child, you can complicate the work: Take napkins and tear them into small pieces. The smaller the pieces, the more interesting the application will be. Put all the material in a plate or other similar container and pour some water. When the napkins get wet, wring out the unnecessary and add simple glue to the material. Glue paper products onto the dove template cut out earlier.

After drying, the surface of the product will become textured and slightly voluminous. Thus, you can even create something similar to the relief, showing the shape of the wings. According to this principle, it is easy to work with crumpled material.

Volumetric dove

To make such a bird, use one of the methods shown below.

Method #1 starts with the following: Take the dove template. Make different squares out of white napkins (choose the size yourself so that they fit the dimensions of the dove). Twist the made parts in the form of cone bags. To do this, you can use a simple pencil. Dip the thin parts of the product in the glue so that the napkin does not get wet, and stick it on the surface of the product. After completing all the steps, you will have a bird with a very cute openwork plumage.

Method #2 is to prepare or make with your own hands the desired bird template, from which you can make the whole shape, and then, using the folds of the elements, make a voluminous bird.

The surface of such crafts can be easily decorated with any of the methods discussed above. To make more live craft make individual elements of plumage in the form of scales out of paper. Stick them all over the product. On the wing, the elements can be larger, on the sternum and trunk - small. This option, of course, is quite difficult, but older children can handle it.

The application "bird" from cardboard is made in various ways. Choose the right method according to the age of the children and their ability to work with crafts. Fulfill various works with the kids and teach them something new.

Templates for work

To quickly make a dove out of paper, cutting templates will come in handy. The first image below shows the easiest version of the bird pattern. This craft is great to take for children's entertainment with the smallest kids. The form here is light, and it will not be difficult to fill it with a mass of material.

The second picture shows a dove made of paper, three-dimensional template. You can work with the second template, both for creating children's leisure and for decorating a wedding celebration. Children can cut out auxiliary parts that will repeat the shape of the wing and tail. The parts glued with an auxiliary layer will give the effect of relief to the craft. Many people think about how to make a dove out of paper with their own hands. Templates and the silhouette of a bird help in creating any craft and simplify the work.

Attention, only TODAY!

The dove of peace, made of paper with his own hands on the eve of May Day, will tell the children about this holiday, which was created in order to unite everyone who was ready to work for the good of their country. How to make a craft dove of peace on May 1 with your own hands?

A rather simple do-it-yourself dove of peace craft can be created from thick white paper or white double-sided cardboard.

All you need to create it is a template that is easy to draw and cut out on a plain paper sheet. The template is a silhouette of two doves, sitting close to each other with their backs. To draw these doves, fold a piece of paper in half, draw one dove, and then unfold the drawing. The template is ready! Following the same principle, make a template for the wings, which should look like a fan. Transfer the templates to thick white paper or cardboard - and the base of the craft is ready.

Cut out paper blank. And we outline the fold lines. For this we use a needle or a special machine, which is used to transfer patterns to paper.

Then fold the back of the dove. First you will need to bend one half.

And then the second one.

We push through all the lines well.

The tail is tucked in last.

And our dove becomes voluminous.

Armed with a glue stick, glue the halves of the beak.

The craft takes on a rounded shape.

We get a separate body and wings.

We separate the feathers at the wings - just cut them with scissors.

We bend the wings according to the pattern.

The middle between the wings should match in shape with the back of the dove. Coat it well with glue.

And we attach directly to the body of the dove.

Hold until the glue is well seized.

Paper dove (video):

Dove of Peace - drawing and application (video)

In this video you can see how to draw a dove of peace:


Such a voluminous craft will become not only a symbol of the holiday, but also interesting toy for kids - they will be happy to come up with fun with the participation of such a paper toy.

Creation paper crafts, especially with children, it great way spice up any holiday. A child's birthday, Valentine's Day or a wedding - a light and elegant paper souvenir will give a sense of solemnity and joy everywhere.

How to make a dove out of paper - a simple description

In modern culture, the white dove symbolizes peace, love and purity. Thanks to the biblical myth of Noah, where a dove brought a twig to signify the end of the flood, the white dove is also considered a symbol of good news. A newlywed couple is also often depicted as a pair of white doves. In a word, this bird reminds of peace and tranquility, so a craft in the form of a dove will be a great decoration for any holiday. Consider a few simple options for how to make doves out of paper using available materials.

Volumetric dove from a cardboard template

1 - You need to print the finished template on cardboard (or just thick paper), and accurately cut out all the details on it: head, torso, wings and tail.

2 - Along the dotted lines, you need to make additional cuts that imitate the details of the wings and tail.

3 - The body of the bird, the main part of the template, should be folded along the center dotted line.

4 - Now you need to glue the existing parts, attach the wings and the crest, and then straighten the figure so that it looks more voluminous.

5 - If your dove should seem to soar in the air, it is worth stretching a thin white thread in the center of the body, for which the bird will be suspended from the ceiling.

How to make a dove out of paper using regular napkins

Very simple craft, available in the manufacture of even a child. On a background sheet of paper or cardboard, a figure of a dove is created, the illusion of volume of which is given with the help of paper napkins.

1 - First, a background sheet of cardboard is selected suitable color, on which the outline of a dove is drawn, as well as other images required by the author's idea. You can use a white background, but then it will have to be painted.

2 - Prepare napkins that will create volume for the figure. To do this, you need to cut a lot of small squares, about 1-2 centimeters in diameter, and roll them all into balls.

3 - When a sufficient number of balls have been prepared, apply a layer of glue on the background cardboard, respecting the area already marked with the dove figure.

4 - The contour of the dove smeared with glue is immediately pasted over with balls of napkins, and, to enhance the effect of volume, the layer may be uneven.

Paper pigeons made in a combined way

Now let's see how to make doves out of paper, choosing a slightly more complex option that combines several different techniques, as well as the use of various materials. Let's make a dove, with a fluffy pom-pom body, the material of which will be woolen threads.

1 - First, according to the finished and printed template, cut out the contours of all the details of the bird, getting two main elements - the body with the tail and wings and the head.

2 - From thick cardboard, make a blank for making a thread pom-pom. The blank is two cardboard circles, about 10 centimeters in diameter, in which holes are made for winding the thread.

3 - Now we are preparing a fluffy pompom. A thread is inserted between two cardboard circles, which is wound until a pom-pom blank of the desired size is obtained. Then the thread is cut from the outer edge, and those ends that were inside the circles should be tied tightly to prevent it from “self-dissolving”.

4 - Alternatively, the inner ends of the threads can not be cut, but tied together. In this case, with the help of large knots, a kind of paws will be created.

5 - Assembling the model: a previously cut head and body with a tail and wings are glued to the resulting volumetric pom-pom.

How to make truly unforgettable looking paper doves

How to make a paper dove to really impress your guests home holiday? For this, there are even more complex techniques. Of course, such methods will require certain skills, as well as time to learn them. Consider, for example, voluminous application- quilling. You can learn this technique by watching numerous master classes. The basis of quilling is the use of twisted paper blanks (or, as one of the options, napkins) that give the application a three-dimensional effect. Especially for this type of crafts, special corrugated paper is also produced.

In the manufacture of crafts using the quilling technique, a cardboard blank is first used, on which the silhouettes of doves are placed, cut out along the finished contour. After that, additional details are created, such as feathers for the wings and tail. It is these details that give quilling its impressive volume.

Prepared volumetric parts are attached to a cardboard blank with glue or double-sided tape. The resulting application can be additionally decorated by painting the background, adding clouds, the sun or flowers.

Having shown a little imagination, you can come up with independent options for the crafts listed here. For example, a combination of two doves made in any way is useful for decorating a wedding hall, or for decorating original postcard for Valentine's Day. For such cases, you can use red or pink paper as a base.

To decorate large festive rooms, you can also use large quantity paper doves connected in garlands of various lengths.

There is also a classic Japanese technique for making paper crafts, known to all as origami. This technique originated over 1000 years ago, and in our time has developed into a separate area of ​​​​art. You can get acquainted with origami by watching the numerous video tutorials that exist online. A feature of origami is the variety of existing crafts, including models that are accessible even to beginners.

Among all the paper crafts, one of the most popular is the dove, which personifies the desire for a peaceful existence. Pigeons can be used to decorate a room or as a children's toy; modules and garlands of large and small pigeons look no less attractive. To make a bird of the world in any technique, you will not need much time - 10 - 15 minutes will be enough.

Do you know what methods of making paper doves exist?

Dove can be made from corrugated paper, from napkins, cut according to the pattern and glue. It will be easiest for children to cope with the application.

DIY materials

In order to make a dove, you will need medium-weight paper. You can buy a specially designed for creativity or take ordinary office sheets. The dove will look good in both glossy and matte paper. The kids will love the colored paper doves that can be decorated with beads, ribbons, glitter glue or sequins. Suitable watercolor paper or square sheets for origami.


Sometimes a beautiful decorative element is made from pigeons, reminiscent of a "dream catcher". To do this, the birds are attached to twine and hung from the hoop.

  1. We need a square sheet of paper. We bend it diagonally so that we get an isosceles triangle.
  2. We fold the triangle in half again, then again, while wrapping the top layer in one direction, the bottom layer in the other.
  3. We bend the top of the resulting triangle to its base on one side, then on the other.
  4. Expand the triangle. If you did everything right, you will see folds inside the figure.
  5. We fold the triangle in half, and wrap its upper part along the folds inward. We do this on both sides.
  6. We bend the wings of the bird up.
  7. To form a beak from the side of the wings, we bend down the corner of the triangle, after which we turn it outward. The dove's beak is ready.
  8. From the opposite side of the beak, bend down the tail. You should get a blank that looks like a kite from above.
  9. Around the tail, we bend inward one half, then the other.
  10. Dove is ready.


Even a child can make a beautiful dove out of paper. The main thing is to consistently perform manipulations and the origami bird will be ready. It remains only to decorate it - you can draw eyes or put a green twig in the beak.

paper dove

How to make a dove out of paper

Origami paper dove

There are many paper crafts that can be used as room decorations, events, or children's toys. One of them is paper doves. These birds of the world look quite cute and interesting.

To create such crafts with your own hands, you do not need to spend a lot of time, you just need a master class in fifteen minutes.

Several technologies can be applied at once. Most often, such pigeons are made by template. You can also try to create birds in origami technique or other method by hand.

You may need the following tools and materials:

Paper dove template: distinctive features

Where to download stencils and templates for blue silhouette applique? By template making a dove is quite easy, even with a child. Let's prepare good paper. If you have a printer, you can immediately start printing the template. In this case, you will first need to stretch the image so that you get the desired size.

You need to cut three parts: body, wings and crest. This must be done on special lines. The dotted lines highlight the folds. There should not be any cut holes in the center of the template for the torso.

Let's move on to creating the bird's head. To do this, bend the back template along the dotted lines. The beak should fall down. Next, cut the feathers on the tail. To make the bird more real and voluminous, it is worth making plumage. To do this, we create oblique cuts in all places except for the head and beak. This also applies to other details. The crest should become especially large.

Create wings. To do this, we will also bend the middle part along the dotted lines.

A small triangle should come out that goes down. Don't forget to create feathering around the edges with oblique cuts. We spread the triangle of the central part with glue. Then glue it to the body in the center.

The final stage of the master class - crest. We also bend it a little (a small “tongue” should come out), and then glue it to the head of the bird. Here we have a beautiful dove. You can give it to your child.

Gallery: paper doves (25 photos)

A picture of a dove of peace from a sheet of paper: a master class

Take a square sheet and fold it diagonally. Then we repeat everything for the second side. Let's leave it in the shape of a triangle. Let's turn the workpiece so that the bifurcating vertex looks to the left. Then we bend it to the right side. In this case, the fold should be from the wide right side at a distance of 2-3 cm. Repeat the same in the other direction.

After that, we lift the created protruding part up again, capturing part of the future body of the dove (about 1 cm near the triangle that is behind the part). We almost got a bird. It remains only to wrap the pigeon's beak. To do this, we bend the part of the triangle closest to us on the left side of the craft down.

Dove of peace from a sheet in the technique of origami it can turn out not only white, but also any other color. It is best to take thin paper. It will be easier to roll it up. You can decorate the craft by painting the bird with markers. You can also glue her eyes and a beak out of paper. This craft looks very cute if you hang it with thin ropes or a fishing line in the form of a garland. Pigeons are placed at the base of the chandelier.

Magnificent pigeons can be made in different techniques. One of them involves the use of wet paper. The created birds can be used as figurines for garlands or created with their help. different applications together with the child.

To work, you will need the following materials:

Instructions for creating a dove with your own hands: a master class

Let's print out the template for creating doves. It is better to take drawings in which birds are shown in profile. On the printed sheet of paper, place a plastic film on top.

Let's move on to the rationing of paper for the manufacture of the product. To do this, prepare a couple of bowls. Take colored napkins and tear them finely. Sort paper of different colors into different bowls. Add some water and glue to them. We will interfere with the resulting mass with any in a simple way. As a result, the napkin should be completely wet. The resulting mass will be plastic, and it can be sculpted.

Take a wet shredded sheet and put it on the film in accordance with the contours of the pattern. After filling the entire body of the pigeon, leave the mass to dry. It takes one to two hours at the most.

The dried blank can be used by any method. For example, it can be hung with a rope on a Christmas tree. Also, with the help of such blanks, pigeons create interesting applications. For example, birds, flowers and children's hands created using the wet paper technique are placed on a good piece of cardboard.
