Congratulations on a nickel wedding 12 years are cool. Nickel wedding (12 years old) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, sms

Each anniversary is a special occasion for congratulations and gifts. wedding anniversary everyone celebrates differently, someone prefers to retire on this day, while others, on the contrary, roll up a noisy festivity. There are several wedding anniversaries that are usually celebrated. 12 years of marriage is called nickel wedding and this anniversary should be celebrated in a big way. Behind the past years of living together and so much experienced together that it is simply impossible to miss such a date and not celebrate it in the company of family and friends. For such an occasion, appropriate congratulations are also needed. You can pre-send congratulations to the anniversaries in prose or poetry, this will turn out to be a pleasant surprise. A sign of attention can sometimes become much more expensive than any gift, and therefore such a congratulation will always come in handy.

You have already passed the test of the fidelity of the feeling,
And they came to a consensus
That there is no feeling in the world, holier than love,
Guests for festive table collected again.

May all your dreams come true,
Let the family weather always be sunny,
All the best to you, joy, warmth.


Today, relatives, friends congratulate you,
After all, it's time for a nickel wedding,
Complements to you, gifts and flowers,
We want you to swim in the sea of ​​happiness.
God bless you, joy, good luck,
In all success and luck in addition,
Let the house be a full bowl
Let wealth and love settle in it.


You've been together for so long
It's hard to imagine you apart
Today again, you are the bride and groom,
We give you a million scarlet roses.
Let your life flow like a full river
Let luck not pass by
May the Lord keep you from troubles and evil,
And let fate be the happiest.


You are an amazing and harmonious couple,
They call you perfect for a reason,
Always support and complement each other,
Let fate reward you in full.

long and happy life we wish
Children always make you happy
And let the parents never get sick.


12 years of marriage is a long time,
Daughter and son are already growing up,
On this day, congratulations
Let life give you only inspiration.
Always be happy, do not get sick,
Never regret the past
We wish you a bright future
May everything go well for you.


We wish you today with all our hearts,
Health, vigor and strength,
So that age is not in a hurry to you, not in a hurry,
And that there was prosperity in the house.
Congratulations on your nickel wedding,
We sincerely wish you good luck in everything,
May your every day turn into a holiday,
Let good luck rush to you on wings.


12 years you are one family,
Loving husband and wife
We wish you good luck, joy and happiness,
So that all the bad weather flew by.
God bless you, strength, patience,
And always in a great mood
Let your life flow like a honey river,
Let everything that is planned come true.


On the day of the wedding,
We wish you good luck, fun and warmth,
All compliments to you today and flowers,
Live in joy always and in love.
Good health to you, happiness,
Don't let misfortune bother you
Let the cherished dream come true
And luck always smiles sweetly.


Congratulations on your nickel wedding,
In all success, we wish you happiness,
Live for glory, appreciate each other,
You have been a husband and wife for 12 years.
Let there be a strong thread of life,
Let it be lucky in everything, always,
Let happiness on wings lift you up,
May fate reward you generously in full.


Feel free to be in love at any age,
Try to appreciate and respect each other,
Congratulations on your nickel wedding,
Always live in love and harmony.
May God bless you, love and care.
So that fate is always favorable,
We wish you more happy family minutes,
And a happy life - longer.


You are the heroes of the occasion today,
For you all the warmest and most tender words,
With a nickel wedding, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
May all your dreams come true.
We wish to shine each other, but not to blind,
Warm each other, but do not burn,
In all you happiness, joy, good luck,
And family wealth to boot.


12 years you are together, the term is not small,
Many paths of life have been passed,
Congratulations on your nickel wedding,
All compliments and flowers for you.
Appreciate each other, respect
Live happily, don't be discouraged
We wish you all the best from the bottom of our hearts,
May your dreams come true.

Not a short period, 12 years,
Live even longer.
Together in happiness and without trouble,
More love and money.

Today is a nickel holiday
The wedding day is like an anniversary.
Live brightly, diversify your life,
And it will be even more fun.

After all, twelve years is not enough
For great and devoted love,
The heart is not tired to beat loudly
From those feelings that warm in the chest.

Children's laughter is a gift for patience
And you won't find a better one.
Gives life to you passion inspiration,
Breaking down the obstacles on the way.

I congratulate you with all my heart on the nickel wedding, on the 12th anniversary of your life together! This is not much, but not enough, you managed to create a strong fortress and a happy hearth called "family". I wish you further well-being and prosperity, family comfort and warmth, peace and understanding in your home, strong love and unspeakable joy for many years to come.

Your marriage is 12 today!
We want you to always smile
Live only in happiness - beautiful, carefree,
Your love lasted forever!

To take care of each other
Hands would not open in difficulties,
Joy was also shared all the time,
So that only bright days last!

a dozen years
You lived nearby.
There is a son and a daughter
The house is beautiful with a garden.

Harder than nickel ores
Your feelings have become.
They ate a pood of salt together,
Marriage is an art.

We wish you
Happiness and success
With good friends
Joy and laughter.

Never argue
Respect friendship.
Don't be afraid of difficulties
Greet them with a laugh.

12 years legally married
You've been together for 12 years
Gone are the troubles and happiness,
And together you found joy.

Today we celebrate the wedding
Glasses will clink for you.
Let it come true what you dreamed about
And gossips ... let them talk.

May it be strong, impeccable,
Your jointly created alliance.
May feelings flourish forever
Let the smile never leave your lips.

Your wedding is 12 years old
Congratulations and hello to you.
Your warm and bright love
We only want to grow.

Outside the window there will be time to run,
But he doesn't scare you.
Among the storms, among any bad weather
We wish you only happiness!

You have confidently crossed
In the second ten, gentlemen,
And love, and loyalty kept,
Like metal, your family is solid!

They say that nickel is mined
The most skilled experts.
Congratulations on your nickel wedding,
You guys are just great!

Happy nickel wedding!
Great happiness to you.
Together forever,
There is no other way.

Let love burn
In souls and hearts
Let passion rage
Just so that - ah!

May there be patience
tenderness, understanding,
After all, the family is a support,
Strength and vocation.

Nickel wedding -
joy dawn
Freezes in the heart
gentle spring.

You are both good
nothing to say!
We are left with only
wish happiness.

And the love that's with you -
best of all awards.
From love, from yours.
The garden is blooming!

Let her give
best years!
If only we were together
next to you always.

Your marriage has become stronger, it has become strong,
Like amazing metal
What is nickel called?
Only a ray of sun hits -
He will shine.
Not for nothing in the old years,
He was greatly appreciated
And together with gold and silver
Stored in safety.
And you keep your union
Always loving each other
How nickel will become your spouse,
If his wife is next to him.

We suggest you make themed gifts for the wedding anniversary of 12 years? make flowers from isospan, foamiran, silk, quickly sew a dress from this material.

Not everyone knows, 12 years old, what kind of wedding? The Germans and Slavs call it nickel, and the Americans call it pearl. There is another name - a silk wedding.

12 years of wedding - ceremonies, rituals and congratulations on the anniversary

The symbol of 12 years of marriage is the peony. In China, he is considered the king of flowers. In the East, he personifies love and happiness. This flower symbolizes respect, abundance, nobility. This plant is believed to bring good luck and prosperity. Previously, it was widely used in folk medicine, the Greeks were sure that if you carry a peony with you, it will become a talisman that promises longevity.

It is customary to celebrate 12 years of marriage 12.5 years after the wedding, since exactly the same amount will remain until silver wedding. There used to be such interesting tradition. Unwashed dishes were brought to the spouses on this day, and the hostess had to clean them. By how cleverly she did it, they judged whether the family would have problems, but there would be prosperity in the house.

Now you can also repeat this tradition, but let the spouse help his missus in this hard work.

But we need to rest together. Therefore, it is good if, on the eve or on the day of the celebration of this event, the husband and wife go for a walk, visiting those places where they were happy.

When the spouses go to the place of celebration, they should be showered with coins. These shiny silver coins will become a symbol of harmony in the family, prosperity, and a happy future.

Another ceremony for 12 years of marriage allows the couple, as it were, to cook prosperity and love with their own hands. They will prepare a favorite family meal using nickel cookware. This should be done in a good mood and help each other. Then they will bring prepared food to the court of the guests and their children, treating them.

The feast can be both magnificent and modest, in the presence of numerous guests or in the family circle. At the end of the holiday, put a samovar on the table that will shine, it is believed that then the house will be attracted material well-being and luck.

What do they give for 12 years of marriage?

It can be a wide variety of presents, which include nickel. It would be nice to give your wife one of the following:

  • jewelry;
  • a pendant on a chain, on which the name of the event will be engraved;
  • dishes;
  • a beautiful lamp or candlestick;
  • brooch.

The wife will present to her husband:

  • a set of metallic shiny stacks;
  • flask;
  • mug from this material;
  • souvenir dagger or saber.

Usually, by such an anniversary, spouses already have children. The heroes of the occasion will be pleased to receive a present from their heirs. If the children are still small, grandparents will tell them what to give for 12 years of marriage. Let the daughter present cutlery or crockery made of nickel. She can give her parents a shiny samovar, let it be decorative.

And the son will present his mother with jewelry, which includes nickel. He can give dad a shiny cigarette case, a flask.

But what gifts for 12 years of the wedding guests will bring:

  • nickel handcuffs;
  • a custom-made or souvenir shop-bought nickel seal that says 12 years of marriage;
  • sparkling horseshoe;
  • teapot.

Of course, the main flowers on this holiday are peonies. They are symbols of 12 years of marriage. Various crafts children, guests or spouses can do it with their own hands. And with large flowers you decorate the place of celebration of the event.

How to make peonies from foamiran and isolon for a 12-year wedding anniversary?

If you decide to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale, then the venue can be decorated with huge flowers.

These are easy to make from isolon. By purchasing this material, you will make growth flowers. First, you need to cut out the petals from the isolon. Then their ends are heated with a hair dryer and twisted.

Now these charming petals are glued together to make a flower.

If the isolon is heated, it will soften. Then the petals of this material can be easily bent, stretched to give them a natural color.

If you then attach the peony to the wall, then you can not make a stem to it. In this case, attach the perforated tape on the reverse side.

Then, also attach a piece of perforated tape to the wall and attach flowers here using clamps or paper clips.

If the flower will stand, then it is necessary to attach a plastic pipe with a diameter of 40 mm to it, which will turn into a stem. To do this, you need to cut it on one side to get 6 segments. Glue this blank to the hole in the petals. From above, you will impose the rest of the petals. Attach a sepal made of plastic or isolon down.

It is best to use a metal-plastic tube as a stem, which can be bent in a spiral, wave. Isolon leaves are glued to such a stem. They must also first be cut out of this fabric, then bent, making the edges wavy using glue.

If you need to make several colors, then use a stand. Metal-plastic pipes are welded to it.

If you do not have the opportunity to make such a design, then cut the tubes out of plastic, place them in a bucket of this material, decorate it. Then stems of artificial peonies are installed in these tubes, the horizontal surface is also decorated.

Color the petals if you wish. To do this, you can use acrylic enamel, spray paint or rubber.

Place a blossoming bud on the wall, then you can turn it into a lamp in the form of a wall lamp or a floor lamp. Such a thing is useful not only during the celebration of 12 years of the wedding, but also for a pink wedding.

When making peonies, you can use material of various colors. But check out what each color means. Then you will use the one that is necessary for your family.

So, here's what the following peony colors mean:

  • pink is financial wealth and respect for family members;
  • white - sincerity, tenderness, harmony;
  • purple - constancy, protection;
  • red - fidelity of feelings, ardor, passion;
  • yellow - stability, harmony, tranquility.

Foamiran is also an excellent material for creativity. Flowers from it are durable, they are not afraid of precipitation. Therefore, just like peonies from isolon, from foamiran, you can place them on the street and not be afraid that they will get wet and lose their shape.


  • green, pink, yellow foamiran;
  • peony pattern;
  • foil;
  • wet wipes;
  • dry pastel;
  • thick wire;
  • scissors;
  • textile;
  • iron;
  • glue.

You will need 5 types of peony petals.

Now you need to tone each view. So, cover the petals at number two with a yellow bed, at number 4 they will be bright pink below, and light pink above.

The same colors must be achieved by decorating 20 petals that go under number five.

The same colors must be achieved by decorating the petals at number 3. They will need 10 pieces. Now take the number one petals, which are pale pink in color, and put a piece of foil in the middle of each, giving it shiny material oval shape.

Gather the edges of each petal, covering the middle. You get a blank that looks like a dumpling. Glue them together and give a light green color using a pastel of this color, and glue on the wire.

On the petals at number 3, make half-petal cuts at the corners. Now each such blank needs to be heated, put on an iron, then folded like an accordion and scrolled between the fingers. After that, you need to straighten the petals and heat them again on the iron. Where there was an incision, it is necessary to make a bend by pulling this part over the finger.

Now take the petals at number 4 in turn, also heat them on the iron and fold them like an accordion, rubbing them between your fingers. You need to straighten them, slightly stretching the middle.

Take the first petal at #5 and fold it in half. Place this blank inside a chiffon or silk rectangle and fold it in half too. The curves of these two materials must match.

Iron this design with an iron on both sides, then pull the corners of the fabric towards you. Straighten the petal from this canvas and make a recess in its middle.

Heat the tops of petals number 2 on both sides, then fold them like an accordion, twisting the top between your fingers. Glue these blanks along the joint to make petals that look like butterfly wings. Glue them in pairs. In total, you will get 10 pairs of such blanks.

To collect a peony from foamiran, in the middle you need to glue the petals at number 3. Arrange them in 2 rows of 5 petals. Fasten the petals of the second row and the first with a small amount of glue. Glue the petals at number two in a circle, and then attach at number 4, placing 5 in a row. They should be at the level of the yellow petals.

Attach them with an overlap in a circle. Take a pair of petals number five and glue them in a checkerboard pattern.

Cut out blanks for the petals and tint them with light green pastel. Cover the edges with a dark green pastel. Tone the sepal in the same way.

Attach the leaves to the lithons. To make the leaves slightly wavy, they need to be processed over the flame of a lighter. Shape the sepal by heating it on an iron and then rubbing it between your fingertips.

Check out another master class with a step-by-step photo, from which you will learn how to make a foamiran peony so that it turns out to be half-closed. Take:

  • foamiran white and green;
  • scissors;
  • foil;
  • glue;
  • wet wipes;
  • dry pastel;
  • iron;
  • wire;
  • teip tape.

From foil, roll small blanks into the shape of drops. The height of these parts is 1 cm. Cut out blanks that look like leaves from green foamiran.

Take foamiran white color and cut three strips out of it. Length of all 25 cm. Width of the first 5.5 cm; second 5 cm; third 4.5 cm.

Now cut the longest part of each piece to make it look like a fence. In the narrowest strip, the distance between these "pickets" is small, it is 5 mm. In other strips, this distance is greater.

Take a dry pastel and tint two strips, taking a hot pink color. Paint the big one yellow.

Cut out petals from foamiran, the size of each is 5.5 cm. It will take 12 pieces. Use pink. And the leaves are covered with green pastel.

Process the main petals by heating them on an iron, then folding them like an accordion and rubbing the edges of the petals, pull them out and make a small cup in the middle of the petal. And heat the small petals completely, rub them in the upper part, then straighten them.

Heat the blanks that look like a fence and rub them gently with your fingers. Heat the leaves on the iron and twist their tips.

Now, on the middle made, you need to glue the blank in the form of a pink fence 4.5 cm wide, wrapping it with two turns. Glue on small petals. Then take the second blank in the form of a fence, pink and glue small petals to it so that they are staggered to the blanks of the first row. Last, glue the blank that looks like a yellow fence. It must be attached to the very edge so that the fringe looks in different directions.

Glue the leaves onto the litons and screw them in a checkerboard pattern to the wire using tape.

This is how you can make peonies from foamiran. Since a nickel wedding is also called silk, it would be nice to make flowers from this material as well. They can decorate the hairstyle of the hero of the occasion, make a bouquet for her or decorate the venue of the celebration.

How to make silk flowers for a 12th wedding anniversary?

These are similar to peonies, therefore, having made a charming creation, you will immediately make a silk gift and a flower that accompanies this wedding.

Take a silk ribbon, cut circles out of it. To make several blanks at once, apply a template to the tape, having previously rolled it up in several layers.

The circles should be slightly different in size from each other. Now, over the flame of a candle or over another burner, singe the edges of the blanks. Assemble the flower, placing the largest petals at the bottom and the smallest ones at the top. Sew along the center with a thread and a needle to fix the petals in this position. Then sew beads and other decorations here. Cut out circles from organza and place them under the main flower.

You can make the core of such a charming creation from threads. Another way will require the use of fishing line. Cut it into equal segments, glue small beads or fragments of threads on the tops of each. Flowers can be put on leaves from satin ribbons.

To make a silk peony, cut out 4 types of petals. Each of them must be singed over the flame of the burner, assembled in this way. First there are two rows of large petals, then, moving up, fasten the small petals. Arrange them in a checkerboard pattern in relation to each other.

Glue a golden thread in the middle of the flower to form stamens. On the reverse side, glue and sew a hairpin to decorate the hairstyle of the hero of the occasion with such an ornament.

Watch the master class step by step photos which will help you make similar flowers. Take:

  • silk fabric;
  • a candle with a candlestick;
  • matches or a lighter;
  • beads, beads and other decor items;
  • thread with a needle.

Use round containers of different diameters to create a pattern of 6 types of petals on paper different size. Pin the first template to the silk fabric, outline with a pencil and cut out. Get the rest of the petals in the same way.

Each needs to be singed over the flame of a candle, cool.

To further make silk flowers for the 12th wedding anniversary, collect the petals for each flower from largest to smallest. Make a few lines in the middle to connect these elements, with the next turns of thread you need to sew beads or beads into the center of the flower.

If you want to make a flower with petals, then after cutting out the circles, make four or five cuts on each. When you fire these elements, the petals will curl up and look natural.

You can take silk or satin ribbon, cut it into rectangles of the same length. Now, wrapping the first small side, hem it, then sew on your hands along the large sidewall and hem the second small side. Pull the thread, giving the workpiece round shape. Sew on an artificial pearl in the center.

For a silk wedding, the hero of the occasion can sew an outfit from this material. At the same time, she will show those present what a wonderful hostess and needlewoman she is.

If the wife does not have such talents, then a friend can sew a silk dress for her and present such a wonderful gift. This product is made in the Greek style. Mark the length from the shoulder to the sole of the foot, multiply the resulting figure by 2.

Now you need to cut the fabric of the same length. Let the hero of the occasion fold it in half, and place the fold on her right shoulder. Here you will need to collect the fabric by tying it with a ribbon. Mark where it is necessary to make a line on the right and left on the sidewalls to make a dress out of the canvas.

Pin the place just below the armpits and down with pins, so the lines will be located. The belt should be made of contrasting fabric, and sew a braid in the center that resembles the main fabric in color.

You can sew a Greek-style dress made of lined silk. Such a canvas drapes beautifully, and the belt and decoration on the shoulder are made in the same style.

You can also quickly sew a dress if you fold the canvas in half, make a neckline. Process this cutout, as well as the places where the hands will be threaded. It remains to complete two side seams, tuck and hem the bottom of the dress, also tie it with a belt. And you can already shine in a similar outfit.

If you're celebrating your 12th wedding anniversary to turn it into a beach party, then the next outfit will do. It can be useful to the wife even when she wants to spend the evening alone with her husband.

This silk dress is also quickly sewn.

Measure your upper thigh. Add 10 cm. This will be the width of the skirt. Make the length as you wish. Transfer these measurements to the canvas, cut out with a seam allowance. Now connect the fabric by folding it in half with the right sides inward. Stitch the sidewall on the wrong side. This seam will be on the back. Or you can make it not to the end, leaving a cut at the bottom.

Process it by tucking and stitching the edges. Gather the upper part of the skirt with a soft elastic band. Now you need to cut out a strip of the desired length from the same fabric. Fold it in half, place the fold at the back of the neck. Then one side of the fabric covers the left and the other side covers the right breast. The stripes go down to the hips, where they twist. You can sew the bottom edges directly onto the skirt or tuck them into the seam at the back first, then sew up the skirt.

The place under the bust is decorated with a ribbon that will help keep the fabric in the right position. Also, such a braid is sewn or applied to the place of the hips, tied at the back.

On the basis of a long fluffy silk skirt, you can also quickly sew a dress.

For the next bottom of the skirt, cut off a little in front. Work the edges of the product over the flame. At the top, sew a stretchy braid to this part, and make straps for this sundress dress from it.

If you have another one fluffy skirt from silk, fabric for it, then from the canvas you will make a wide belt that will support this dress in the chest area and in front you tie it on a bow.

This is how you can sew a dress and make flowers for a silk wedding. If you are interested, find out what to present at a nickel wedding. You can give the young couple a collage of their photos, including photos from the wedding and touching congratulations.

If a husband and wife look smart,
Roses smell in vases, guests at the table.
So we're celebrating our wedding anniversary.
And for the young, we shout "Bitterly!" we drink.

We want to congratulate you on a nickel wedding,
Wish you happiness, joy, love.
And fill the glass with sunny champagne
May your days be sweet!

You've been together for 12 years!
In sickness, in health, and in sorrow.
You are also in love and you are not happier
From joy you will cry for you involuntarily.
Do you know that this anniversary
Nickel people call?
Did not know? Well, okay! There is a reason,
We will return to the table
Where the glasses are so sparkling.

Though not a round date,
Just 12 and 5
But we want guys
We wish you:
In the family, as before,
For love to live
To keep dreaming
Like together for the first time.

A dozen years lived - is this not happiness?
You have experienced both joy and bad weather!
Your union is very strong, everyone is a feast for the eyes.
We are going to celebrate weddings Birthday!

We put a samovar on the table, made of nickel in honor of the date.
We wish that armor saves love from all adversities,
And we wish you to live in love and happiness,
Let grief and bad weather bypass you!

Though they lived twelve years,
But you are newlyweds!
Keep forever your secret
Such bottomless love!

From our generous soul
We wish you happiness.
And empty sits in his wilderness
Of course with a bad weather!

You've been living together for twelve years
In love union you are holy,
So we wish from the heart
So that your whole house is in abundance,
To be always happy
You success for your children,
For you to receive rewards
Her majesty - fate!

12 years of marital happiness -
Only stronger, only sweeter
May your marriage be wonderful
So that you love each other
And surrounded by care
Never discouraged.
For a dozen years you shared lunch,
And now you will never find people dearer,
So we wish you happiness
So that was enough for a hundred years!

I wish you for each other
Also I hold on.
With your nickel wedding,
I praise 12.

So that the feeling in the heart beats
And there was harmony.
And the melody of hearts
turned into a symphony.

Twelve is the luckiest number.
Twelve times you did not let go of the oar,
And under the champagne fireworks a new raft
You got along this new year...

And bypassed the storms
Winter, summer, autumn, spring,
And they were waiting for you, and they looked after you
Twelve months - and grew to years.

You've been together for twelve years
Congratulations on this holiday
On the love of you yes advice
Direct with a sincere word.

Gathered together today
According to the old tradition
So that you, the bride and groom,
They have always been the best couple.

And let the nickel, strong
Your family will always be
Forever fashionable, forever strong
And it only gets better with age.

Happy 12th birthday to you
We congratulate family life,
Your nickel wedding
We are celebrating today!

We want to wish the spouses
So that prosperity and harmony reign in the house,
Children so that fun, joy
Positive and happiness gave you!

12 years lived together is not such a short period: all possible problems have already made themselves felt, character flaws have manifested themselves in all their glory, and feelings have been tested for strength. So let your family continue to be not afraid of adversity, and all the problems that arise only strengthen your union to the envy of everyone.

You have been together for twelve years already, which means that today is the anniversary of your wonderful, reverent and full of love family relationships! May your feelings always be so fiery and mutual, because you are a wonderful couple who are an example for others! I wish you to appreciate each other, and your children only make you happy and always be healthy! Live in harmony, peace and be happy!

It's been twelve years already
How to become husband and wife
We grow up with you son
And next to her daughter is catching up.

So much has already passed
We rubbed our backs to each other,
We went to the cinema with you
They walked under the gloomy moon.

And I want to wish one thing -
So that joy does not leave us.
I love you my dear,
And I will never get tired!

Today we congratulate you on your Nickel wedding. The first 12 years of marriage were a great start to your lifelong union. May your family ties continue to grow stronger, living together will be bright and brilliant, and love will always be passionate and passionate, like 12 years ago.

12 years you love each other
And rejoice with your smile
Parents, neighbors and girlfriend,
After all, your couple is brighter every day.
May troubles not come in your life
And let grief not ask at your door,
Love forever, take care more
Hug and kiss every day.

Still a very young child
A teenager is your family.
Barely fluttered out of diapers,
Years are rushing, ringing.

Chintz, paper and leather,
Linen, wood, cast iron...
And many more can be named.
The strings you touched.

Let the wedding sound like a song
Let the wine flow.
You need to keep your family
How much is it given to you.

Let every anniversary pass like a holiday,
Meet 12 years with unearthly happiness in your eyes,
Love for a million years is enough for you,
Your marriage took place in heaven.

You live only in happiness together,
After all, you won’t find dearer souls in this world,
You love each other with all your heart,
And any trouble will pass by!

We did a lot of work
All these years building a family
We still have the same feelings
They burn brightly, and like heaven,
We live now with you, it's not surprising
After all, they took steps together,
Towards happiness, we are feasible,
Leave all worries behind.
I know you and I are together
Both in body and with all soul,
And there is no better place in the world
Than this, near. here with you.

Children go to school on their own
Yes, and you already have a mustache -
What is family life
You don't need to explain.
So, I will praise:
You lived twelve years
Rejoiced, did not grieve.
May this year also
It will bring you good luck.

Happy anniversary, nickel wedding. Who could have said twelve years ago that you would be such an amazing and harmonious couple? May this love remain with you further, becoming only brighter and bringing happiness to all parties.
