Thematic week transport in 2 ml gr. Calendar thematic planning in the second junior group for a week

Tatiana Lexanova

Educational activity.

Reading fiction. Reading the story of N. Pavlova "In the car." Contribute to the formation friendly relations, mutual assistance. Encourage children to answer questions about the content of the story.

cognitive activity. Consideration of plot pictures "Special Machines". To give children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat cars are and their purpose.

cognitive activity. Examining the illustrations "Transport". To acquaint children with objects of the immediate environment, vehicles. To promote the ability to distinguish vehicles in the picture, find similarities and differences, name them.

Communicative activity. "The bear arrived on the bus"- to promote the ability of children to distinguish between trucks and cars, to correctly name the parts of the car (cab, steering wheel, wheels, body, doors).

Design. "Bus (car)." To promote the ability to use the techniques of superimposing building parts on top of each other, to improve actions during construction, to consolidate the concept of size and color.

Visual activity (sculpting). "Airplane". To promote the ability of children to roll plasticine between their palms with direct movements, to connect the parts, creating a given image.

Visual activity (drawing). "Road for the car"- to promote the ability to draw horizontal lines with a brush.

Development of movements

"Cars drive down the street"- encourage children to move in a given direction.

"We're going to visit the bunny"- exercise children in the ability to move one after another, holding on to the rope.

"Train"- exercise in walking in a given direction.

"Cars"- to promote the development of attention, coordination of movement, the ability to act in a team.

"Aircraft" Encourage children to run without bumping into each other.

"On a flat path"- Exercise children in walking on a limited surface, develop balance, strengthen the foot

"Sparrows and the Car"- Improve walking and running in different directions.

Observations and labor assignments

Watching cars on the road-to promote the ability of children to distinguish and name trucks and cars, compare them in size.

Building roads and sand houses- develop children's imagination. Encourage the use of words in speech: “truck”, “garage”, “turn”.

Observation "We study transport." To promote the ability to distinguish and name trucks and cars. Find differences and similarities. Follow the rules traffic.

Collecting toys with trucks- Encourage the careful execution of the assignment.

Reading and entertainment

A. Barto "Truck", "Airplane", "Ship"- Encourage children to understand speech, pronounce the words together with the teacher.

B. Zakhoder "Chauffeur".

"Here is our train rushing" Words by T. Babajan.

Physical culture leisure "Colored Cars"- give children the pleasure of joint actions and outdoor games.

Didactic games

"Garages and cars"- to promote the ability to correlate objects by color.

Mosaic. "Paths for cars"- contribute to the formation of choosing an object of a given color.

"Car big and small"- exercise children in distinguishing objects of two sizes.

"Compose an Image" (transport)- contribute to the formation of a whole picture, from two (four) parts.

Game and problem situations

Construction game "Machine"- Encourage children to create, together with an adult, simple play buildings and beat them.

Game situation "Let's ride toys on a truck." To acquaint with the way vehicles are used by their functions.

Construction game "Colored paths"- to promote the ability to select objects by color.

Game situation "Let's teach Doll Katya how to behave on the bus." Remind children of the rules of conduct in public transport.

Construction game "Garage"- encourage children, together with the teacher, to create a small play building, measuring its size with a toy.

Game situation "Transport cargo". Encourage children to clean up after themselves toys, to help a friend.

Problem situation "Two boys want to play, but one car"- to promote the ability to see and accept a problem situation, to solve it.

Problem situations: "The car broke down", "The bus ran out of gas."

Individual work

Speech game "Transport" to promote the ability of children to imitate the sounds of different types of transport, to develop the articulatory apparatus.

Exercise "Where the car is buzzing"- develop auditory attention.

"Paint the plane (car)"- Encourage children to paint over without going beyond the contour, to hold the pencil correctly.

Finger game "Who came"- develop fine motor skills hands

Joint examination of a toy truck. Refinement of machine parts (wheels, body, cab).

Exercise "Airplane is flying"- for the development of a long exhalation.

Interaction with family

Reading fiction A. Barto "Airplane", "Truck", "Ship".

Observation while walking for transport (cars, buses)

Teach children about the rules of behavior on the street.

Pay attention to the pedestrian crossing, fix the colors red and green.

Related publications:

The week "Transport" was held in the preschool educational institution. All week there were classes, games and walks dedicated to traffic rules. Was held thematic conversation «.

Monday Organization of household work in a corner of nature: duty, To form the ability to identify plants in need of care. Form.

Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world "Transport" (junior group). Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world "Transport" (junior group). Purpose: to form an elementary idea of ​​​​the modes of transport.

Lesson summary 2 junior group Topic: "Transport". 2015 Tasks: -Introduce children to various types transport. -Acquaintance.

Subject: Theme week: "Transport" in junior group

Target: Introduce children to the types of pedestrian crossings

Tasks of the thematic week:

  • Introduce children to the rules of the road, teach them to bypass dangerous areas;
  • To form a figurative idea of ​​transport, to develop the ability to depict it in one's own activity;
  • To promote the development of all components of a children's game, game actions, plots, the ability to establish role-playing relationships, conduct a role-playing dialogue;
  • Form ideas about professions related to transport;
  • To cultivate respect and gratitude for adults for their work.
  • Clarify and expand children's ideas about the main types of transport (car, train, electric train, bus, tram, trolley bus).
  • To expand the knowledge of children about the profession "driver": Pilot, machinist, tractor driver.
  • Learn to sculpt different types transport, conveying the shape and characteristics of the components of various modes of transport, show modeling techniques in different ways.
  • Development creative imagination, ability to navigate in space, recognize symbols.
  • To expand the knowledge of children about the rules of safe behavior in and around transport.
  • Learn to compare modes of transport with each other (bus, trolleybus, tram; train, electric train; cars and trucks).
  • Learn to guess and compose riddles about modes of transport on your own.
  • Arouse interest in creating an expressive color image. Develop fine motor skills, consistency in the movement of both hands.

Theme of the cycle: "My home, my city." (november)
Theme of the week: "Transport"

MONDAY: "What is transportation?"


event title

Actions of children and adults

Integration educator areas


Conversation: "What is transport?"
Purpose: to give an idea of ​​​​transport, why it is needed.

Enrich the vocabulary of children, learn to distinguish in appearance and name the main parts of cars (cabin, body, wheels, steering wheel).

S-K, R, P

Didactic game: "Name the profession."

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to form nouns using suffixes - shchik,

Tel, - ist.

Game activity

S-K, R

Directly educational activities application "Ship"

Purpose: to activate and diversify the technique of working with paper: tear paper, crumple it. Generate interest in creating an image. Develop imagination, sense of composition, fine motor skills. Introduce the words "captain", "sailboat" into the children's dictionary.

Conversation, reading, making riddles, showing, examining, making products of children's creativity.

P, F, X-E, S-K.

Observation on a walk behind a truck.

Purpose: to learn to distinguish freight car from passenger car

Supervision of garbage collection by special vehicles. Observation, research.


Work on the site: “Machines helpers” - teach to work, carry out assignments, take out fallen leaves by car.

Competition "Who will quickly fill the baskets with leaves", collecting fallen leaves

S-K, F

Mobile game "Airplanes"

Purpose: To develop orientation in space.


S-K, F

2 half a day

Reading fiction: N. Nosova "How Dunno rode a carbonated car"

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the work of N. Nosov. Continue to teach to distinguish the genre features of a fairy tale, to comprehend the content of what is read. To form an evaluative attitude towards the heroes of the fairy tale. Give children a joyful mood from meeting their favorite characters.

Reading, discussion

R, P, S-K.

Joint work of parents and children. (draw any car) for the design of the album "Transport"

Joint work of adults and children.

S-K, H-E

Summary of the day: "Colored cars"

Child analysis activities throughout the day.

P, S-K

TUESDAY: "Street of our city"


event title

Actions of children and adults


Conversation on the painting "City Street".

Purpose: to clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, about modes of transport, about the rules of the road.

Individual work. Illustrated conversation.

R, P

Oxygen cocktail

Children eat oxygen mass and drink juice

S-K, F

Didactic game: "Who controls what on the streets of our city?"

Purpose: to improve the grammatical structure, to exercise the ability to use nouns in the instrumental form; to expand children's knowledge about the professions of people working in transport.

Game activity, speech situation, games with rules (with a ball)

S-K, R

Directly educational activity: "Transport on the streets of our city"

Purpose: To teach children to identify and distinguish between transport, modes of transport (air, ground, air); highlight the main features (color, shape, size, structure, etc.)

Conversation, reading, riddles, showing, looking, discussing

P, F, S-K,


Vehicle surveillance.

Purpose: to teach to understand the meaning and functions of the car, to consolidate the ability to determine the material from which the car is made (glass, metal).

Observation, research.

P, R, S-K

2nd half of the day:

Reading fiction Reading the story of M. Ilyin and E. Segal "Cars on our street"

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about special types of land urban transport

Reading, discussion, speech development.

F, R

Questioning of parents on the topic: "Adults and children on the streets of the city"

They talk, fill out, answer.

S-K, R,

Making an album on the topic "Transport"

Parents draw, bring photos, and children help

F, S-C, H-E

Manual labor: Repair of toy cars together with the teacher.

Help in repairing paper cars

S-K, H-E

WEDNESDAY: "Different cars drive through the streets of our city"


event title

Actions of children and adults

Integration of educational areas


Didactic game: "One - many"

Purpose: to develop the ability to form plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases (bus - buses - buses)

Conversation, questions answers, games with rules.

P, S -K, R

Directly educational activity: storytelling based on the painting “We Eat on the Bus” by A. Barto “Truck” (repetition)

Purpose: to teach how to compose a story based on a picture, to exercise in ear differentiation m - m.

Conversation, problem solving, reading poetry, riddles, writing a story

R, S-K, F

Walk outdoor game: "Cars".

Purpose: to perform movements according to the content of the game.

Mobile game with text (sound pronunciation)

F, P, S-K

Walk target walk along the street of the city.

Purpose: to form an idea about the streets and objects located on the street.

Conversation, answers, questions.

S-K, F, P

OZZH: Consideration of slides about transport.

Purpose: to develop observation, attention, cognitive interest, to cultivate love for hometown, respect for its inhabitants, the desire to make it better.

Look, participate in a conversation, play out situations

P, S-K

Didactic game: "Find and name."

Purpose: to understand the meaning of words denoting transport, the location of objects in the picture.

Riddles about transport, split pictures

Role-playing game"Drivers"

Purpose: to continue to teach children to assign roles, and act according to the role they have assumed, reflect the relationship between the players. Raise interest and respect for the work of transport workers. Strengthen knowledge of the rules of the road.

Role-playing game.

Evening: Creating a collection of car models (if possible)

Purpose: to show how different transport can be, to acquaint with history, to arouse cognitive interest when getting to know the environment, to develop thinking, speech, attention, fine motor skills of hands.

Viewing exhibits.

Comparison of items.

Classification by material, size, mood, character.

Speech activity (compilation of descriptive, creative stories).

S-K, F, P.

THURSDAY: "How well-behaved children behave in transport"


event title

Actions of children and adults

Integration of educational areas

You can spend a day of kindness


Conversation: "Rules of conduct in transport"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the rules of conduct in public transport, to cultivate a sense of respect for other passengers, responsibility for their actions, to develop memory, thinking, speech, attention.

Conversation, looking at pictures, answers

S-K, H-E, F

Didactic game: "Find the same"

Purpose: to teach to compare objects, highlight the main features, develop attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills of the hands, consolidate the concepts of “different”, “same”, “pair”.

Game activity, speech situation, games with rules.

S-K, R

GCD with a psychologist in the playroom

They talk, solve pedagogical situations, play, build from modules

S-K, F, P.

Surveillance of passing vehicles

Goals : fix the names of the parts of the car (body, cab, wheels, steering wheel);

note the wide variety of machines, their purpose; develop respect for work.

Observation, research.

S-K, F, P

Labor - "Let the site smile with us"

Children decorate the house, the veranda, the plane with ribbons, flowers.

S-C, F, H-E

2nd half of the day:

Reading fiction Poems about transport

Listen, participate in a conversation, look at illustrations Reading, listening, memorizing.

R, P, S-K

Entertainment "Don't play on the road!"

Purpose: To create a joyful mood in children, clarify children's knowledge about various types of transport, about traffic signals, expand children's vocabulary, develop speed, attention, dexterity in the game, improve coordination of movements, cultivate goodwill.

Children's concert, postcard making

F, S-C, R

Teamwork from various materials"Transport"

Help for adults.

R, P.

FRIDAY: "Machines are helpers"


event title

Actions of children and adults

Integration of educational areas


Situation - communication "Machines - assistants"

Tasks: to find out with children which machines make human work easier; enrich children's vocabulary.

Listen, participate in the conversation, look at the illustrations.

S-K, P

Musical - didactic game: "Journey"

Purpose: to learn to listen and sing songs about transport. “We are driving, driving, driving ...”, imitating “Sounds” (imitation of car noise, tram bells, horn sound, etc.)

Sing, imitate the sounds of the car.

S-K, P, R

2nd half of the day:

Reading and staging V. Berestov "About the car."

Acting, expressive reading

R, S-K, F

Sports entertainment "Funny cars"

Teams of children and parents compete, perform sports exercises

F, S-C, H-E

Didactic game: D / and "Collect a car" (cut pictures)

Tasks: To teach children to make up one whole from 2-3 parts, to learn to distinguish between an assembled mode of transport.

Consolidation of knowledge about modes of transport.

R, P, S-K

Summing up the week

Creation of a collective work-layout "Transport in the city"

Exhibition of drawings “Draw transport”…

Production of "Driver's Rights"

Creating a folder-movement "Rules of the road"

Children and parents put down notes and make sketches about what they remember during the week.

P, S-K, R

Comprehensive thematic planning on the theme of the week "Transport"

The age group is senior.

Zemlina Anastasia Yuryevna senior educator MOU secondary school No. 4 SP mDOU kindergarten No. 6 of Marx
Purpose of development: this development is useful for teachers preschool institutions. Useful for planning educational activities.
Pedagogical tasks on the theme of the week:
- Introduce children to the knowledge of the world around them through acquaintance with
different types of transport and their features
-Expand children's ideas about the types of transport and its functional purpose;
-Clarify the concept of transport: land, air, water;
-Clarify and expand knowledge of the rules of conduct in the city, elementary rules road traffic.
- To consolidate the knowledge of children about professions related to transport.
- Enrich the relationship between parents and children with the experience of joint creative activity.

Final event: creation of the album "Such different transport", participation in the competition" car of my dreams.
Educational area"Social and communicative development"
Conversation "Transport of our city"
Target: to expand children's ideas about the types of transport that exist in our city.
Situational conversation "How to behave in transport"
Target: tell that you can’t run, jump in transport, as you can fall and get hurt.
Problem situation "What happened before the car"
Target: introduce children to the history of the appearance of cars "
Situation - communication "Machines - assistants"
Target: find out with children which machines facilitate human work; enrich children's vocabulary.

Educational area "Speech development"
Reading fiction: O. Ivanova "My first cars", E. Kuzmin "My first cars", A. Usachev "The house at the crossing", S. Mikhalkov "From carriage to rocket", D. Rodari "Piper and cars"
Target: continue to teach children to listen to a short work, to help them, using different methods and pedagogical situations, to correctly perceive the content of the work, to empathize with its characters.
Memorizing a poem
s. Mikhalkov "Pedestrian must remember: crossroads-crossing"
Reading and staging the fairy tale "How a Dunno rode a carbonated car."
Target: Continue to form the ability to distinguish between the genre features of a fairy tale
speech games
"Guess where we're going?"
Target: to form interest in speech games, to encourage children to clearly pronounce sounds and onomatopoeia, to promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus. To consolidate in speech the names of various types of transport.
"Recalculation of different modes of transport"
(coordination of numerals with nouns).
"My Fairy Car"
Target: develop the imagination and coherent speech of children.

Educational area "Physical development"
Complex of morning exercises "We are going, we are going, we are going"
Target: to exercise children in various types of walking, to consolidate motor skills, to give children an emotional charge for the whole day.
Breathing exercise "Pump up the tires, start the engine"
Target: consolidate the exercise technique
Activate the work of the muscles.
"The train choo-choo-choo"
Target: promote the development of general and fine motor skills, improve the health of children.

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"
Workshop - drawing "Spare wheels"
Target: to consolidate the ability to draw round objects, continue to teach how to hold a pencil correctly, do not lean low over the table, draw with pressure, fix the name of the color (black). Develop fine motor skills, memory

GCD integrated lesson with drawing "ship"
Target: continue to acquaint with water transport, arouse interest in drawing with paints.

NOD application.
Theme: Bus
Target: Activate and diversify the technique of working with paper: to form the ability to stick an image according to the plan. Introduce children to an excerpt from S. Boguslavsky's poem "Bus" Introduce the words "conductor" into the children's dictionary,
Generate interest in creating an image. Develop imagination, sense of composition, fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in visual activity accuracy in doing work

Educational area "Cognitive development"
Watching the cartoon "Travel around the world"?
GCD Social World "Journey to the world of transport"
Target- to acquaint children with various types of transport, with the professions of a driver, pilot, machinist.
GCD mathematics. "Colorful cars".
Target - to form the ability to establish a correspondence between the number of objects and the figure; develop addition and subtraction skills; develop orientation skills on a sheet of paper.
"We are on the train"
Target- continue to involve children in the construction of the simplest structures. To develop the ability to build a building according to a model and without relying on it. To cultivate interest in the result of joint work, the ability to beat the building.
The description of the features of the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment is presented in 2 parts.
The final event was an exhibition of drawings, which was held in the form of a competition. All participants were awarded with sketchbooks.
Here is one of the works.

And also, together with their parents, an album was created from clippings from magazines, postcards about cars, planes and ships. Children study it with pleasure in free independent activity.

Project participants: children 3-4 years old, teachers and parents.

Final event: "Daddy's holiday."

Target: To form the concept of "transport"; To expand the knowledge of children about the purpose of transport.


to consolidate the knowledge of children about the types of transport: land, air, water.

 Expand children's ideas about the structure of a car, aircraft, ship; place of movement.

 Introduce children to the rules of the road.

 To develop the skills of cooperation in the game and in the classroom, independence, initiative, responsibility.

 To form children's ideas about safe behavior on the roads.

Suggested projects:

Exhibition of drawings and crafts on the topic "Transport".

Design of the thematic window "City".

Setting up a parenting area.

Project development:

 To convey to the project participants the importance of this topic.

 Create a developing environment: pick up materials, toys, attributes for gaming, theatrical activities, didactic games, illustrated material,



Musical and rhythmic exercise "Bus".

Tasks: To form an interest in music, a desire to listen to music, sing along, perform simple dance movements. To develop emotionality, figurativeness, perception of music through movements.


Finger games and greetings used in the morning gathering.


Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello free breeze!

Hello white snow!

Hello kids, boys and girls!

Hello, I'll tell you, I welcome you all!

Outdoor games.


The plane flies (Motors started, wings spread, flew).

"U - u - u - u - u!", I'm flying to Moscow!

The commander-pilot leads the aircraft.

"U - u - u - u - u!", I'm flying to Moscow.

"Landing!" - flew in and sat down.


Here is our train

The wheels are rattling.

And on the train in this

The guys are sitting.

“Choh-chooh!”, “Chah-chooh!”.

The steam locomotive puffs

Far - far away he took the guys!


Let's go, let's go by car

We press the pedal.

Turn gas on, turn off

We look closely into the distance.

The wipers clean off the drops.

Right, left - clean!

Hair ruffled by the wind.

We are drivers anywhere!

Joint activities of the educator and children
Educational activities during regime moments
Theme "Transport"
Group - the second youngest
Period 12/16/2013 – 12/20/13

Main part

Reception of children

Morning walk
Return from a walk
Current and additional cases (activities in the group)
An evening walk



Topic: "What interesting things I noticed on the way."
Play with Natasha E., Dima S., Danya S. in the d / and “What is it made of?”: teach children to group objects according to the material from which they are made.

Conversation with all children: "Pedestrians and the road"
A pedestrian
Stop, Car! Quiet move! Pedestrian on the road. He crosses the road Along the path "Transition" P. Cake
Repeating the nursery rhyme: “This is a spoon, this is a cup. In a cup - buckwheat porridge. A spoon has been in a cup - Buckwheat porridge is gone "

morning exercises

NOOD Organization


1. Observation of passing vehicles. Mark the purpose of the vehicles.
Hood. Word
Rustling along the roads
funny tires,
Hurry on the roads
Cars, cars.
And in the back - important,
Urgent cargo
cement and iron
Raisins and watermelons.
Chauffeurs work
Difficult and complicated
But how is it for people
Needed everywhere!
K. Chaliev
Labor: labor assignment - to clear the path from snow to Roma P., Zhenya V., Vladik K.
P / n - “Game of snowballs”, “Find the same”
5. Individual work on the development of basic movements with Masha P., Dasha T., Dima S. catching the ball with both hands at the same time.

"Help the doll undress."

Exercise correctly hold the spoon.

Awakening gymnastics
"Kittens wake up"

Hardening procedures - walking along the massage paths, rinsing the mouth, throat at room temperature.

.Game situation "Learning to turn clothes inside out."

Game situation "Let's invite dolls to the table"

What a miracle - a long house! There are many passengers in it. Wears rubber shoes And eats gasoline (Bus)
Reading: M. Manakov "Bus"

Story game on the "Road" layout

Cleaning in a corner of nature - watering plants, loosening. Children are watching.

Decoration of the exhibition "In the city of snowmen" - crafts made by children and their parents.

Watching children's cartoons

Monitoring weather changes.
Labor - a labor assignment for Diana M., Egor K. - to collect twigs on the site.

Individual work on the development of basic movements with Nikita D., Nikita M. throwing at a distance with the right and left hand.

Snow construction - a slide for dolls.

Free activity under the control of the teacher - take out the attributes for s-r games s "Shop".
Outdoor games "Catch up with me", "Trams".


Individual conversations about the world around: what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal, weather changes.
Topic: "What cars did you see on the way to kindergarten?"
Didactic game "Seat the Birds" with Nastya, Matvey, Vanya
Solving riddles about transport
I am at any time of the year
And in any bad weather
Very fast at any hour
I'll take you underground. (Metro)
Examining pictures and illustrations of "City Streets" with all the children.
Morning exercises Complex "Airplanes"

Learn to wash your hands with soap and dry with a towel

1. Observation of the roadway
Hood. Word
Everyone drives on the roadway on the right side, This traffic rule is valid in the country. Pedestrians on the road Would be in danger, But there is a sidewalk for them Along the roadway. There are no sidewalks on the highway outside the city: At the edges of the roadside, And behind it is a ditch. People on the side of the road should move towards the traffic on the left side.

Formation of KPs and self-service skills
Game "Learning to use the toilet and toilet paper"
Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch.
Game situation "Let's teach the doll Katya to behave correctly at the table"
Relax before bed - listening to Chopin's "Nocturne in G Minor"
Reading fiction "The Adventures of a Truck"

Awakening gymnastics
"Kittens wake up"

Hardening procedures - walking along the massage paths, rinsing the mouth, throat at room temperature. Exercises for the prevention of flat feet

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing
.Game situation "Let's show Mishutka how we can dress"
Cultivating a culture of behavior during afternoon tea
Game situation:
"Let's ask a neighbor to pass a napkin, thank him for it."

Cleaning in the design corner.

Memorizing S. Marshak's poem "Christmas Tree" with all children.

Birdwatching - to deepen knowledge about the life of birds in the winter; develop the ability and desire to help them.
The bullfinch sits on a branch. In a pink vest, And a woodpecker in a bright red satin hat. In the distance, jays flash Blue cowboys. Author: M. Plyatskovsky
Individual work on the development of basic movements with Tanya P., Styopa M. - energetic repulsion of the ball when rolling, throwing

Snow construction and natural material at the request of the children

P \ and - "Birds in the nests",

Game situation "We hold the fork correctly"

NOOD Organization
1. Musical
Labor: labor assignment - to Diana, Egor E., Darina - to insulate the roots of trees with snow
P / and "Tram", "Fun along the path."
Individual work on the development of basic movements with Vova S, Misha M. - the girth of the crossbar during climbing.
Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Take out shovels, scoops, buckets for playing with snow.
repeating a poem
I. Surikova:
The days have become shorter, The sun is shining a little, The frosts have come and the winter has come.
With all the children
Examination of illustrations depicting a road, a traffic light.
Problem situation: "How to move the hedgehog to the other side of the road?"
D / and " Miraculous Pouch»- develop the ability to touch to determine the shape of objects.

Pronunciation work - speaking with children the phrase “Tom the dog guards the house”
Reading and discussion of L. Voronkova's story "It's snowing"
Collect cut pictures with Natasha, Masha.
Mobile game "Find your color"

Examination of the exhibition together with the parents "In the city of snowmen".
Children's games in the corner of the "Hairdresser": do my hair.
Games in the sensory corner (inserts, pyramids). Preparing for New Year's party.

"Find Your Place"

Work on sound pronunciation - Ry-ry-ry - mosquitoes fly.
Snow molding.
Free activity under the supervision of a teacher to take out shovels, buckets, masks

Reception of children. Conversations about the world around: what they saw on the way to the kindergarten, natural, weather seasonal changes ..

finger gymnastics, acupressure. Board-printed games - learn to choose and organize a game on your own. D / and “It was-will be”: to teach how to correctly build speech structures of the past, present and future tenses; form the grammatical structure of speech. P / and "Catch the ball."
Morning gymnastics.

Education of KPs and self-service skills
Game "Wash the Bunny"

Cultivating a culture of behavior during breakfast.
Game situation "Let's teach Mishutka to use a napkin"
C-r game "Drivers"
Game "Tell me a word"

Bunny is eight years old
He forgot to buy........ a ticket.
The elephant bought a ticket, but he
Will not enter in any way in ........ car.
Here they meet, see off,
There is a large and bright room.
Trains rush to deliver
Passengers at.. station.

NOOD Organization

Type - thematic, combined.
1. Watching pedestrians cross the road
Hood. Word
Everyone knows the stripes Children know, adults know, Leads to the other side - (Pedestrian crossing) 2. Labor: sweeping snow from the feeders - Vanya, Sasha, Vova Siv.
Pour food into the feeders - Natasha E., Olesya, Roma P.

P / and - “On a flat path”, “Sparrows and a car”.

Individual work on the development of basic movements: Diana, Vova St, Artem - throwing at a horizontal target with two hands from below.

Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Take out attributes for c-r games, molds, shovels, buckets for snow.
Construction from snow - roly-poly
Work on the sound culture of speech, pure speech
ALA - ALA - ALAV well fox fell.
A goat passed by. She lured the goat into the well. SA - SA - SA. So the fox saved herself.

Formation of KGN and self-service skills - we will learn how to neatly fold things in a drawer

Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch.
How to properly sit at the table.

Relax before bed - listening to Debussy "Light of the Moon"
Reading fiction "The Tale of a Dream"

Awakening gymnastics
"Kittens wake up"

Hardening procedures - walking along the massage paths, rinsing the mouth, throat with water at room temperature. Exercise after sleep.

"We put on our own clothes"

Cultivating a culture of behavior during afternoon tea

Game situation:
“Together with Mishutka, we carefully drink from a glass”

Breathing-sound exercise "Stubborn donkey"
Cleaning up the dollhouse. We wash doll clothes.

creative workshop " Christmas toy- with a subgroup of children.

Design a book corner - pick up new books on the subject of the week - transport.

Watching the work of a janitor in winter: to expand knowledge about the work of adults; develop respect for their work.

Lika Razumova

We lined up in pairs
We took hands together,
We went for a walk:
- Hey people! Step aside!

We sat down at the sandbox,
We discussed the game plan
-Let's become janitors, children!
After all, the circle is full of foliage.

And work began to boil.
Each took a broom in his hands.
With a song, fun, provocatively
Sweeping on the site.

Teachers are not visible
Dust is standing around.
Sweep, now papers
Collect, friends, let's go.

We follow each other
Like goslings in the meadow.
It is difficult to work as a janitor
I can say now.
P / and “At the bear in the forest”, “Traps” - learn to run without bumping into each other; exercise in fast running with dodging.

Games for children.
D / and "Who works where"

Shoveling snow for snow buildings - encourage self-execution of assignments.

Individual work on the development of basic movements - jumping on two legs with Danya P., Egor E., Polina B.

Individual conversations about the world around: what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal, weather changes.
Topic: Is it raining today?

Individual work - draw a picture with Diana M. "Zimushka"

Learn the nursery rhyme "The sly pan cooked porridge for us."
Games in activity centers by interests.
Work on the formation of the KGN "Comb the doll Katya"
morning exercises

Cultivating a culture of behavior during breakfast
Game situation "Katya is having breakfast"

NOOD Organization

1. Observation "Behind the bus"
Hood. Word
The house is walking down the street
It takes us to work.
Not on thin chicken legs, but in rubber boots(Bus)

Labor: labor assignment - build a slide for dolls. Vova St., Vova S.

P / n - “Sparrows and a car”, “Who walks like that”

Formation of KHN and self-service skills - we will teach Doll Kat to use a mirror
Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch.
"Let's tell the animals about the rules of behavior at the table"
Relaxation before going to bed - listening to Haydn's "Symphony"

Reading fiction "Snow Maiden and the Fox"

Awakening gymnastics
"Angry Kitten"

Tempering procedures Gymnastics after sleep. Walking on massage paths

Preventive actions.

Wellness exercise for the throat "Funny ball"

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing

Game situation "Shoes quarreled"

Cultivating a culture of behavior during afternoon tea

Exercise "We eat" using the Mishutka toy.

Independent activities of children in play centers.

D / and "Put the doll's clothes on the shelves: for a large and small doll." Preparing for the New Year's party. Repetition of poems for the New Year holiday

Cleaning in the gym.

Book Hospital - cure diseased books

Individual work with Misha M. - we study the primary colors.

Making postcards for the new year.
Observation "As the sun goes to sleep"
Hood. Word
and the east all year round
In the morning the sun rises
Washed away by the rain
Rolls with a fireball
On the path of heaven
To come to the west.
Goes to bed in the evening
In the clouds - your bed.
Job assignment - sweep the veranda to Stepa M, Artem K., Nastya T.
P / and “Catch up with the snowball”, “We won’t say what we did, but we’ll show what we do”
Games for children.

Individual work on the development of basic movements - long jumps from a place - Vanya S., Egor E., Egor P.

Work on the sound culture of speech “Tell me how a mosquito, beetle, bumblebee sings” with Nastya T, Dasha T., Roma P.


Reception of children. Conversations about the world around: what they saw on the way to the kindergarten, natural, weather seasonal changes, finger gymnastics, acupressure.

Board games liners: the development of motor skills, logical thinking, memory.

Individual work
D / and "Whose children?": to consolidate the knowledge of children about pets with Egor P., Grisha K., Misha M.
Develop phonemic awareness. P / and "Who is quieter" with Dasha T, Darina, Dima S.

morning exercises
Work on the formation of the CGT Exercise based on the nursery rhyme "Pure Water"

Cultivating a culture of behavior during breakfast
Conversation "Why can't you talk while eating?"

NOOD Organization

1.Physical culture

2. Cognition

Observation "For passing cars"
Hood. Word
For me to take you

I don't need oats.

Feed me gasoline

Give rubber to the hooves.

And then, raising the dust,

The car will run.
Labor: labor assignment - to collect twigs on the site Danya S., Polina B., Masha P.

P / n - “Sparrows and a car”, “Catch up with a snowball”

Individual work on the development of basic movements: walking with high knees with Matvey, Vanya, Olesya.

Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Take out the attributes (dolls, doll sleds, molds, shovels, snow buckets.

Work on sound pronunciation - "g / ha - ha - ha, the goat has horns"
Making snow buildings with the participation of parents
Formation of KGN and self-service skills Pomushka Zayka began to wash, which means he was going to visit. Exercise we wash ourselves.

Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch.
The game "Together with Mishutka we take a spoon in hand"

Relax before bed:
Listening to a musical composition - "Sounds of Nature"

Reading thin.
l-ry. at the request of the children
Work on the sound pronunciation "Cha - cha - cha the bunny is sitting at the doctor."
Gradual rise.

Our hands are awake. Where are the palms? Here.

Preventive actions.

Familiarization with the rules of health saving to form the idea that physical exercises contribute to good mood; cultivating respect for one's health.

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing.
Game situation "Button up the shirt with the doll Sasha"

Cultivating a culture of behavior during afternoon tea
Game "What do you need for dinner?"

Independent activities of children in play centers.

With a group of children - d / and "Who screams how."

Reading thin. Literature "Zayushkina hut"

Cleaning in the group - wipe the dust, wash the toys, attract willing children.
Creative workshop - painting with salt.

Working with gifted children – Diana M., Polina B, Roma P.

Make decorations for the group - “Colorful rings”.
Supervision of the "Snowplow"
Job assignment - to clear the ice path from snow - Masha P., Vova St., Diana
P / and “Wolf and hares., “Sparrows and car”, “From bump to bump”

The development of free motor activity under the control of the educator - to bring in shoulder blades, balls, attributes for the “Family” game.

Individual work on the development of basic movements - jumping over objects - Olesya L., Natasha E., Dima S.
Construction from snow and mosaic "Turtle".

Work on the sound culture of speech: pronunciation of the saying "The sun will look in our window" Nikita D., Roma P, Egor P.

Theme "Crystal Winter"
Group - the second youngest
Period 12/23/2013 – 12/27/13

Monday 23.12.13

Individual conversations about the world around: what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal, weather changes.
Topic: How did you spend your day off?

Individual work - creation New Year's composition"Snowballs" with Nastya, Olesya, Roma P.
«»Games in activity centers by interests.
morning exercises

Work on the formation of the CGT
The game "Let's teach the doll Sasha to wash hands with soap"

"Educating a culture of behavior during breakfast
Exercise "Do not fidget Bear on a chair."

NOOD Organization

Observation of snow: continue to introduce the natural phenomenon - snow.

Hood. word
“It snowed, it snowed, and then I got tired.”

P / and "Oncoming dashes" - increase motor activity, develop dexterity, accuracy, endurance. Games for children.

The development of free motor activity under the supervision of the educator - take out attributes for games, shovels, sleds for dolls, balls.

Labor - a labor assignment for Egor E., Misha M., Egor P. to clean the feeders from snow, pour food for birds - Danya S, Egor K., Polina B.
Formation of CGT and self-service skills Exercise "Look at ourselves in the mirror"

Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch.

Exercise "Wipe your mouth with a napkin"

Relax before bed:
Listening to a musical composition - “Sleep, my joy sleep” muses. Mozart, sl. S. Sviridenko

Reading thin.
l-ry. " All year round. December» Marshak

Gradual rise.

Complex "Zainka - bunny"
Exercise after nap.

Hardening procedures: air baths, walking on a massage mat, tempering procedures.
Preventive actions.
Walking barefoot on a ribbed board is the prevention of flat feet.

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing. Improve the ability to quickly dress and undress in a certain sequence.
Cultivating a culture of behavior during afternoon tea
game situation
"Let's teach the doll Sasha how to use a spoon"

Independent activities of children in play centers.

Reading thin. Literature Reading books from the book corner at the request of the children.

C / r game "Hospital": to activate the dialogical speech of children, to cultivate respect for the profession of a doctor.

Preparing for the New Year's party.
Cleaning in a corner of nature - watering, loosening, dusting.

Board game box repair.

Creative workshop - crafts for the New Year holiday.

Choose best snowman at the exhibition.

Pick up books in the book corner about winter

We decorate the Christmas tree in a group together with the children.
Observation of the sky: to continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena; learn to distinguish the weather, linking it with the state of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).
Hood word -
Today in the sky, like yesterday,
Only a bunch of clouds
It's time for the snow to go
Clouds don't move.

P / and "Dwarf giants", "Catch up with the plane" - learn to alternate walking with small and wide steps, run fast without looking back.

Games for children.

The development of free motor activity under the supervision of the educator - take out the shovels, molds, buckets for snow, ice cubes.

Labor - to clean the snow from the hill - Masha P., Roma P., Nikita M.

Individual work on the development of basic movements - jumping over objects (height 5 cm) Matvey, Vanya, Darina.

Tuesday 24.12.13

Individual conversations about the world around: what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal, weather changes.
Topic: What toys did you play with yesterday?
D / and "Collect snowflakes" - with Masha P., Zhenya V., Nikita M.
Games in activity centers by interests.
Finger game "Finger, finger, where have you been
"Repetition of nursery rhymes:" This is a spoon, this is a cup. In a cup - buckwheat porridge. A spoon has been in a cup - Buckwheat porridge is gone "

morning exercises

Cultivating a culture of behavior during breakfast
"Eat porridge carefully"
Reading poems about winter from the book corner

NOOD Organization


1. Observation of "Rowan"
Hood. Word
[Download the file to view the link]
Winter swept fields, forests and mountains, And nature dozed off until spring, - Only mountain ash likes winter patterns, She likes elements of novelty.
Bullfinches in fluffy pink jerseys They love this fiery inn very much, And the mountain ash, like a hospitable hostess, They will arrange a real bird feast. Under the cover of rubies and pomegranates, They will be fed and relieved of worries. in year.

Labor: labor assignment - to clear the benches of snow to Vladik K., Egor E., Vanya S.

P / s - "Blinding a snowman", "Wolf and hares", Individual work on the development of basic movements - slow circling left and right - Olesya, Matvey, Natasha, Dima S.

Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Take out attributes for s-p games, molds, shovels, snow buckets, clubs and gates
Formation of KPs and self-service skills
"Show me your locker."
The game "Tell me how" with Vanya S., Egor P., Olesya L.

Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch.
Conversation "Eat the soup carefully"

Relaxation before sleep - listening to recordings of birdsong

Reading fiction - K. Chukovsky "Christmas Tree"
Awakening gymnastics
“Stretched, smiled, turned from side to side”
hardening procedures
Tempering hands, playing with water "Flow, pour."

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing
Game situation "We ourselves will unbutton the buttons in front"

Cultivating a culture of behavior during afternoon tea
Exercise "Thoroughly chewing food while eating"

Independent activities of children in play centers

D / and “Where is whose mother” fix the names of pets and cubs - Dima S., Misha M., Danya S.

Games of the choice of children. Games with buttons, fasteners, Velcro.

With a group of children - d / and "Fold a house from geometric shapes". – Matvey S., Vanya S., Roma P.
Repetition of poems for the New Year holiday.
Repair of books and boxes from table books.

Cleaning in the construction corner

Making New Year's cards

Watching children's cartoons

Conversation "How we meet New Year Houses"

Watching the birch: expand the idea of ​​the tree; to form knowledge about the features of birch, by which it can be distinguished from other trees; instill a desire to protect and protect nature.

P / and “On a flat path”, “We are funny guys” - to learn to listen carefully to the teacher’s command, develop attention, monitor the correct execution of tasks.

Games for children.

The development of free motor activity under the supervision of a teacher.

With a group of children - to learn to run in a circle and stop at a signal - Danya P., Vladik K., Zhenya V.

Labor - to instruct Vanya and Matvey to clean the snow off the shoulder blades.

With a group of children - "Name what I will show." – Dima S., Nikita D., Polina, Egor K.

Wednesday 25.12.13

Individual conversations about the world around: what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal, weather changes.
Topic: What did you see on the way?

Reading the story of L. Voronkova "It's snowing", A. Bosev's poem "Three".
Help memorize A. Bosev's poem "Three".

Individual work: with a group of children - exercise in the expressive reading of a poem.

morning exercises

Cultivating a culture of behavior during breakfast
game situation
"Let's teach the doll Sasha to keep the back straight"

NOOD Organization

Observation of a tit: to consolidate the idea of ​​​​the name of a bird, characteristic features appearance, cultivate the desire to care for birds.

Hood. the word "Little bird - yellow-breasted tit."

P / and "Crows and a dog", "Get in the box" - learn to act quickly on a signal, train the accuracy of throws.

Games for children.

The development of free motor activity under the supervision of a teacher.

Labor - to instruct Dana S., Dana P. to collect twigs on the site
Formation of KPs and self-service skills
"Together with Mishutka we will tie shoelaces."

Game "Tell me a word" with Nastya, Darina, Danya S.

Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch.
Conversation “Eat porridge, mashed potatoes, jelly and yogurt with a spoon”

Relaxation before going to bed - listening to "Lullaby of Svetlana" from the film Hussar Ballad

Reading fiction by I. Tokmakov "Lullaby"
Awakening gymnastics
"Pulls - sips"

hardening procedures

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing
Game situation "Help a friend get dressed"

Cultivating a culture of behavior during afternoon tea
Exercise "Put food in your mouth in small pieces and chew it thoroughly"

Preparation for the New Year's party - repetition of songs, poems

Theatrical game based on the fairy tale "Sister Chanterelle and the Wolf".

Independent activity of children.

Work on sound pronunciation with Matvey, Vladik, Zhenya - "Ra - ra - ra - we will remove all the garbage in the morning"

D \ and "Find the most tall tree”, “sort by color”
Memorizing a poem by Y. Akim "The Christmas tree is dressing up"
Invite the children to help repair the books in the book corner.

Creative workshop - "Garlands for the group"

P / and “I catch birds on the fly”, “Hit the target” - learn to act quickly on a signal, develop dexterity. Games for children.

The development of free motor activity under the supervision of the educator - take out clubs, gates, sleds for dolls, shovels, buckets.

Labor is to instruct all the children to shovel the snow into one pile.

Work on mastering by children the main types of movements crawling under an arc - Masha P., Egor P., Roma P., Matvey S.

Thursday 26.12.13

Individual conversations about the world around: what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal, weather changes.
Theme: "Snowfall".

Individual work:

Color the pictures on the winter theme.
Repeat verses for the holiday.

morning exercises

Repeat A. Bosev's poem "Three".

Formation of KPs and self-service skills
The game “How good all the kids are dressed, how nice it is to look at you, everyone is dressed neatly!”

Cultivating a culture of behavior during breakfast
Conversation “You can take bread, candy and pie with your hands”

NOOD Organization

Bird watching in winter: deepen knowledge about the life of birds in winter; develop the ability and desire to help them.

Hood. the word "The birds' nests are empty, the birds have flown south."

P / and “I catch birds on the fly”, “Hit the target” - learn to act quickly on a signal, develop dexterity.
Games for children.

Labor - a labor assignment for Vova ST, Vova S., Zhenya V. - to shovel snow from a hill and benches.
Pour the seeds into the feeders - Olesya L. Vanya S, Dima S.

Work on mastering the main types of movements by children - walking with the performance of tasks (with a stop, squatting, turning) - Matvey, Diana, Darina, Dasha T.

Game situation "Let's choose everything we need for modeling after sleep"

Formation of KPs and self-service skills
"Let's show clean hands to the bunny."

Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch.
"Thanks to everyone who cooked dinner for us"

game exercise"Help Mishutka neatly lay out the clothes on the chair."

Relaxation before sleep: listening to a musical composition - recording flute sounds

Reading fiction "Nanny Fox" in translation from Finnish. E. Soini

Awakening gymnastics
"The cat arches its back"

hardening procedures
Hardening of the hands - wet rubdown to the elbows

Preventive measures Breathing and sound exercise "Machine gunner"

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing
Game situation "Help Mishutka fasten the buttons and zipper"

Cultivating a culture of behavior during afternoon tea
The game "Let's teach the doll Sasha to behave at the table"

C / r game "Hospital": enrich and deepen the game and personal experience children, to expand their understanding of the surrounding reality; to form skills related to the performance of social roles, communication skills.

Observation of children's play, assistance in resolving disputes

Vegetation observation: to form knowledge about plant life in winter; develop respect for nature.
Hood. word:
Valentina Lanzetti

The winter-needlewoman is again in the cares - Let nature dress warmer. Winter has prepared a lot of yarn, White things tirelessly knit: Sleepy trees - fluffy hats, Christmas trees - mittens knit on their paws. Sheila, knitted and very tired! - Oh, soon spring would come ...

P / and "Find your color", "Hares and the wolf" - to learn to navigate in space, to distinguish between primary colors.

Games for children.

The development of free motor activity under the supervision of a teacher.

Friday 27.12.13

Individual conversations about the world around: what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal, weather changes.
Theme: "New Year at the gate."

Individual work:

D / and "Dress the snowman" - exercise children in the selection color combinations first according to the model, and then independently - Misha M., Dima S., Styopa M., Artem K.

Independent activity of children

morning exercises

Formation of KPs and self-service skills
The game "Let's teach a kitten to wash his ears!"

Cultivating a culture of behavior during breakfast
Exercise "Ask a neighbor to pass a bun and thank him for it"

Final event - New Year's celebration"Snowballs"

Watching snowflakes. Examining snowflakes on a mitten. Note that each snowflake is beautiful in its own way and they are all different.
Hood. word
S. Baruzdin Winter snows in from morning until dark. Snowflakes curl, swirl At our window. As if the stars were sparks Scattered all around. They rush, silvery, They look into the house.

P / and "Catch a snowflake", "Mousetrap"

Games for children.

The development of free motor activity under the supervision of the educator - take out attributes for playing drivers, balls, shovels, snow buckets

Labor - assignments - pour seeds into the feeders - Diana, Zhenya V., Roma P., clear the paths from snow - Danya S., Egor E, Natasha.

Work on the development by children of the main types of movements - bouncing up, from a place, dosing an object, suspended, just above the child's hand - Egor P., Matvey, Vanya, Egor K.

Construction from snow - depending on the properties of snow.

Game situation "Let's choose everything we need to draw after sleep"

Formation of KPs and self-service skills
The game "We are neat."

Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch.
"Let's teach Doll Sasha to use a fork"

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance when undressing
Game exercise "Help Olesya to turn out clothes."

Relax before bed: Debussy "Light of the Moon"

Reading fiction
"Swan geese"

Awakening gymnastics
"Kittens Stretch"

hardening procedures
Walking along the massage paths, gargling, pouring hands up to the elbows

Preventive actions Breathing exercises"Geese"

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing

Game situation "Help Natasha and Vladik fasten their sandals"

Cultivating a culture of behavior during afternoon tea
Discussion of the rule "When I eat, I am deaf and dumb"

C / r game "Family": enrich and deepen the game and personal experience of children, expand their understanding of the surrounding reality; to form skills related to the performance of social roles, communication skills.

Independent activity of children in the game centers at will.

Individual work with Diana, Polina, Roma "My impressions of the holiday" - compiling stories.

Let's lay out the books - small to small. Big to big.

Cleaning in the group - to attract children with little initiative - Dima S., Misha M., Diana, Stepa M.
Vegetation observation:

With a group of children - exercise in fast running, develop dexterity - Danya S, Danya P., Egor E, Egor K.
