How to curl straight eyelashes. How to do eyelash curling at home? Disadvantages of perm eyelashes

Many girls dream of thick fluffy eyelashes with a seductive curve. However, for most, they are not too thick, and besides, they look straight, inconspicuous. You can solve the problem with the help of forceps to give a bend or various devices. There are enough ways to curl eyelashes without any problems. At home, you can use mascara, a spoon or your own fingers, making eyelash curling by any available method.

The most popular way at home is curling with tongs. This device looks like nail scissors, has a rounded plate instead of blades. The tweezers must be metal, of high quality, so that the cilia do not break and are not injured. Be sure to check the presence of a rubber gasket on a wide plate.

Curling technology with tongs:

  • heat the tweezers with hot air from a hair dryer or hot water;
  • carefully and slowly fix them on the cilia, carefully clamping the plate at the very roots;
  • hold the brackets for 8-10 seconds;
  • if necessary, repeat the procedure 2-3 times on each eye, achieving the necessary bend.

Tweezers twist the hairs only if there is no rain or snow outside, otherwise all efforts will go down the drain in a few seconds. Eyelashes should be free of mascara and make-up residue.

Curling eyelashes with fingers

If there are no devices at home, and you want to have curled, beautiful cilia, you should not be upset. You can curl them with your fingers, after applying any bulk mascara. The procedure is easily performed at home, does not require certain experience and skills.

Finger curling steps:

  • apply one layer of mascara, first on one eye, then on the second;
  • repeat the application of mascara, gently twisting the hairs with a brush inside;
  • apply the third layer;
  • slightly warm up the fingers on the battery, twist the eyelashes up with the fingertips;
  • repeat heating the fingers and twisting the tips until the desired effect is achieved.

Curling eyelashes with a spoon

Many girls, in the absence of forceps, curl their eyelashes with a spoon. At home, this procedure is easy to do if there is baby powder in the medicine cabinet. You will need mascara, a spoon and hot water with napkins. Baby powder can be replaced with talcum powder, it is also sold in stores or pharmacy kiosks.

Hot Spoon Curling Procedure:

  • do eye makeup, do not apply mascara yet;
  • we apply talc or baby powder to the cilia so that they do not stick together later;
  • apply a suitable mascara in 2-3 layers, twisting the ends up with a brush;
  • heat the spoon in boiling water, quickly wipe dry with a napkin;
  • we press the spoon to the painted hairs, clamping them at one corner of the eye with the fingertips;
  • run a spoon from the roots to the tips, doing it slowly and carefully.

Curling with regular mascara

The easiest way to curl eyelashes at home is with mascara. This method does not require the use of any tools, especially if the hairs are lush and long. It is only necessary to follow a number of tips and recommendations when twisting:

  • the mascara brush should be curved, having a fairly noticeable bend;
  • when applying, the brush should be directed upwards to the tips, twisting the hairs on the squinted eye;
  • It is necessary to apply 3-4 layers of mascara, trying not to glue the cilia.

All these methods do not harm the health of eyelashes, make them curved and beautiful. If it is better to use forceps not every day, then fingers and a spoon can curl hairs daily. Mascara is desirable to buy voluminous, with a curved thin brush. Tools and hands must be clean and dry. In the evening before going to bed, castor or burdock oil can be applied to the eyelashes to strengthen and protect them.

When communicating, people usually look into each other's eyes. Therefore, many girls try in every possible way to highlight, often using a lot of cosmetics for this.

But what about those who love natural beauty, but does not have beautiful curled eyelashes, without which the eyes do not attract attention at all? The answer is simple - curl eyelashes at home.

What to use?

How to make eyelashes curled? How can you curl your eyelashes at home? At home, you can use a device such as tongs, specially designed for curling eyelashes. If there are none, then you can find them in the nearest cosmetic store.

Those who love natural curled lashes should definitely purchase this tool as it is inexpensive and will soon become indispensable.

Plus, you don't have to worry about searching. other devices. But it happens when they become necessary: ​​tongs break, the store is closed, etc.

Then an ordinary spoon, ink or a toothbrush will come to the rescue. If none of these items is available, you can use your own hands, which can also play the role of the twisting tool.


How to curl eyelashes with forceps? Someone has never used tongs in their life, so they may not know about them appearance. They look like scissors with two concave plates at the end instead of cutting blades.

Between them there is a layer of soft material so that it is impossible to accidentally burn or injure the eyelashes.

To curl your eyelashes with forceps, you need:

If there is no hot water, you can replace it hair dryer. To do this, the tongs are first applied to the desired place, fixed, and then a stream of warm air from the hair dryer is sent to them. So they will heat up during the curling process and will not be able to cool down, unlike the option with water.

If only tweezers are at hand, the water and electricity are turned off, and after a few minutes you need to go to work, then you can have time to curl your eyelashes without heating. To do this, you need to use tongs, as usual, without heating them.

Eyelashes will not curl as much as we would like, but the effect will still be visible.

But it happens when the tongs are missing, broken or lost. And there is a way out of this situation.

Ink and cotton swab

If there are no tongs at home, mascara will come to the rescue. It is better to buy it in advance with the effect of twisting, but the usual one will do. You will also need a cotton swab.

To curl eyelashes without tweezers, you need:

  • take ink, paint eyelashes in one layer from roots to ends and fix, holding the ends in a twisted state with it;
  • at the same time apply cotton swab to the roots of the eyelashes, lifting them;
  • wait a few seconds;
  • paint over the eyelashes again, stopping at the tips;
  • wait by applying a cotton swab to the roots.

You can repeat the process until the eyelashes acquire desired shape. If not cotton swab, you can hold them at the roots with your finger.

Another option with mascara is to use it more intensively, holding the ends in a curled position.

If the eyelashes painted with mascara seem unnatural, too catchy, then the usual one is suitable for curling instead of it. spoon.


Take a spoon tea, not flat, but well curved. To curl eyelashes with a spoon you need:

You can do a perm in three stages: roots, middle, tips. Curling with a spoon is longer in time, but it helps out great in some circumstances.

There are other ways to curl.

other methods

A tool that can replace ink and a spoon is Toothbrush. It is also heated hot water, remove moisture with a towel and stain the eyelashes, imagining that they are working with mascara. You can hold it at the ends for a few seconds with each twist. If necessary, the brush is heated again and the procedure is repeated.

If at home there was none of the above, you can curl your eyelashes with your fingers.

They are also heated in water, get wet and, having given the desired shape to the eyelashes, hold for several seconds. After that, they heat up again, etc. until reaching desired result.

When there is time and money, it is better to buy good remedy for curling. It is preferable because it gives a long-term effect - up to three months for one application. Typically, such funds are represented by a roller, on which eyelashes are to be rolled.

Also, special solutions are attached to them, which fix and curl the eyelashes.

It will not be difficult to do this at home, as the kit always comes with instruction where all steps are described in detail.

Of course, all methods work in their own way, but will eyelashes really stay in one position from simple heat?

Yes, it is, although for more lasting effect you can use a home fix.

We fix the result

What tool can be used to fix curled eyelashes? Great for fixing aloe juice. This plant is indispensable not only in traditional medicine but also in cosmetology.

It will fix the eyelashes, and will have a beneficial effect on them due to its beneficial properties.

In order to fix eyelashes with aloe juice, need to:

  • curl them in any of the presented ways;
  • take a few drops of aloe juice and apply to the eyelashes with a brush;
  • let dry and repeat the process if needed.

In the case of aloe, its juice can be shaped and without preheating. To do this, the juice is applied to the fingers or a clean mascara brush, and then to the eyelashes with the fingers or brush.

After fixing them in a twisted position, you need to wait until the juice dry up and repeat if needed.

All methods do not seem so complicated, but before using them, you need to familiarize yourself with the precautions.

Regarding tongs - it is better to buy them in a cosmetic store, after checking their integrity. All elements must fit snugly together, do not shake or fall out. It is necessary to check how the layer between the arcs rests on them. It should be well attached, not peeled off anywhere. The material should be soft, but dense enough.

Both tongs and a spoon should not be heated too much. This can only damage the lashes, which will become brittle and begin to fall out. Tools must be used carefully, without accidentally hitting the eye, so as not to burn it.

You need to apply them a little back from the beginning of the eyelashes at the roots, not at the very eyelid. Also Do not perm lashes- this will only spoil the makeup, and can make the eyelashes brittle.

Remedy for perm you need to buy in trusted cosmetics stores. It is advisable to talk to a consultant before that, who will tell you about the composition of the product.

Shouldn't be trusted dubious means at a low price with instructions not in Russian, yet they contain components that can damage the eyes.

If the question arises about the dangers of such curling methods, then the answer to it is simple.

The procedure is practically harmless unless the eyelashes prove otherwise.

In the case when, after curling, the eyelashes begin to fall out, thin out and deteriorate, the procedure should be stopped.

This means that the instruments were either too hot, or of poor quality, or the skin of the eyelids is very sensitive, etc. There are many more reasons, but most of them boil down to violation of the curling technique.

In addition, with sensitive skin, you can use special tongs that do not provide for heating.

There are many ways to curl eyelashes at home, but each of them should be used with caution, following all the recommendations. Then the eyelashes will acquire the desired shape, which can be maintained by curling them regularly.

How to curl eyelashes at home using forceps you can learn from this video:

Many ladies prefer curling to other eyelash curling technologies. Until recently, the device was almost the only way to curl eyelashes, so girls are in no hurry to give it up. There is a myth that the device has a bad effect on the condition of the hairs, however professional craftsmen refute this assertion. In their opinion, it is not the procedure itself that causes damage, but the inept use of forceps. To understand whether this is so, consider the main points.

Benefits of an eyelash curler:

  • eyelashes become voluminous in a matter of minutes;
  • technology is considered the most harmless of all available today;
  • daily use of forceps is acceptable if used correctly;
  • low cost of the procedure in comparison with other methods.

Disadvantages of Eyelash Curler:

  • in wet and windy weather, the effect of the procedure is reduced to zero;
  • incorrect use severely injures the eyelashes.

How eyelash curlers work

The lower part of the device is equipped with two finger slots, reminiscent of the rings of nail scissors.

On the upper part, depending on the design, there are levers or springs. They end in two volumetric hemispheres, tightly adjacent to each other.

The lower part of the semi-circle has a long recess in which there is a dense silicone or rubber lining.

The upper semicircle has an identical radius, due to which, upon contact, both parts are closed, forming a kind of puzzle, where cilia are located between the two parts.

Tweezers are designed for curling eyelashes and nothing more. Hairs are placed between the two hemispheres, then the device is closed and pulled up, held for a while, and then released.

Working with eyelashes has always been considered delicate, for this reason it is important to take the process seriously. If, due to inexperience, you purchase a device of dubious quality, you can easily lose your eyelashes. A defective tool cuts off hairs that are not so easy to grow back. Refuse to buy tongs in underground passages, markets, small stalls with cosmetics. Choose only professional stores that give a guarantee on their products.

  1. Take the tongs in your hand, put your fingers through the holes, and then make a few movements with them. If unpleasant grinding sounds appear, refuse to purchase. The hemispheres should move easily and freely without additional effort on your part.
  2. Take a close look at the silicone pad that runs along the bottom base. It should not be very soft, so as not to crumple the eyelashes. Only forceps with a hard rubber band can give the hairs the desired bend. The surface must be free of burrs, adhesive residues, cuts and other defects.
  3. Choose only those tongs in which the elastic band is fixed tightly. On a high-quality device, it does not stagger when in contact with the upper semicircle.
  4. If you have definitely decided that the forceps will be used daily, pay attention to products equipped with additional pads. With regular curling, the elastic bands wear out after 1.5 months of operation, after which they cannot be used.

Types of eyelash curlers

  1. Metal tongs. The classic and most popular instrument. The device differs in durability, durability, careful attitude to eyelashes. A negative feature of the device is the inability to twist the eyelashes painted with mascara.
  2. Plastic tongs. A novelty in the world of the lash industry. They allow you to curl painted eyelashes, but do not find their consumers. The inconvenient case design does not allow you to curl your eyelashes properly.
  3. Spring forceps. These include both metal and plastic devices. The spring prevents excessive squeezing of the hemispheres, due to which it is extremely difficult for an inexperienced user to damage the eyelashes. The disadvantage of the tool can be considered fragility. The springs are constantly falling out, making it difficult to tighten the process.

  1. Stretch the skin, the movable eyelid should be clearly visible. Unclench the forceps and bring them to the lash line so that the hairs are located between the hemispheres. Try not to pinch the skin of the upper eyelid.
  2. Make sure that your hand does not tremble, only then start squeezing. Close the curler slowly, lift your hand up and hold for 5 seconds, do not press too hard, otherwise the eyelashes will curl unnaturally. Repeat the manipulation 2 more times. Remove the forceps, evaluate the result.
  3. After that, move the tool to the middle of the length of the eyelashes. Hold, wait 5 seconds, release, repeat 2 more times. Next, you need to smoothly move on to twisting the ends. Do the same manipulations 3 times.
  4. A very thick mascara will help to fix the perm. Liquid cosmetics promotes rapid straightening, as a result of which your work will be in vain. An alternative to mascara is a thick brow gel, apply it to the brush and lightly go over the eyelashes.
  1. For the first time, curling should be carried out slowly. Do not proceed with the procedure if you are in a hurry. Otherwise, the hand may inadvertently slip off, damaging the skin and tearing out the eyelashes.
  2. The procedure is carried out strictly before the use of mascara. The recommendation is also relevant for plastic tongs, which allow you to curl colored hairs. After applying cosmetics, eyelashes become brittle.
  3. Before using the tongs, rinse them with boiling water or hot air from a hair dryer.
  4. Make sure that the rubber bands are always in good condition, check the tongs for defects. If they work incorrectly, you risk cutting hairs at the root.
  5. Ladies who use the device daily are advised to take a break once a month. The duration varies from 5 to 10 days depending on the condition of the eyelashes.
  6. Treat eyelashes every 4-5 days. Smear them with olive, castor, sea buckthorn or corn oil. Apply the composition to the hairs and go to bed.
  7. Regardless of the length, eyelashes are always curled in three stages: at the base, in the middle, at the tips. Give up prolonged squeezing, squeeze the hemispheres for no more than 5 seconds. Otherwise, the bend will not turn out smooth, but angular, like a Barbie doll.
  8. To consolidate the result, always apply only thick mascara. It is advisable to give preference to two-tone cosmetics, consisting of a black and white base. White visually lengthens the hairs, black - gives volume. You can also use cosmetics designed to maintain the curve.
  9. To get eyelashes like a fan, master the new technology. Curl the outer edge of the hairs slightly to the side, positioning the forceps accordingly. Grab the middle and the inner part at once, keep the device in the usual straight position.
  10. Carry out the procedure in a well-lit room. It can be sunlight or bright fluorescent lamps.
  11. Curl only dry eyelashes. If you recently got out of the shower, blot your eyes with a cosmetic swab and wait 15 minutes until the moisture has completely evaporated from the hair structure.
  12. Do not use the curler on false eyelashes. The technology does not imply a stable adhesive base, as a result of which you can tear off the tape or tear out the bundles. The same applies to lash extensions. In this case, if the artificial hair comes off, it will take the natural hair with it.
  13. To comb curled eyelashes, use a special brush with natural bristles. It can be used even on mascara-covered hairs.

Decided to try eyelash curling technology with tongs? To get started, pick up a quality tool, carefully examine the condition of the silicone gaskets. Do not start the procedure 10 minutes before leaving the house, so as not to accidentally injure the skin of the eyelids and hairs. If you decide to use the device daily, try to take breaks once a month. Curl only dry eyelashes, use mascara strictly after curling.

Video: how to curl eyelashes with a teaspoon

The good old way is curling eyelashes with a spoon. The method is, of course, simple and correct application eyelashes can be given any shape, unlike forceps.

Long, thick and curly lashes are every woman's dream. We are offered a huge selection of mascaras, from the simplest in shape to complex inventions that not only lengthen but also make them thicker, wrapped, attractive, waterproof, etc.
Often acquired mascara does not always please us with its result, and it is especially disappointing when women buy it in expensive boutiques for decent money.
Many professional makeup artists recommend that their clients combine mascara that perfectly lengthens the eyelashes with mechanical curling. Using this method, you will get really beautiful eyelashes that at the same time keep their shape for a long time.

So let's figure out the same how to curl eyelashes correctly and with what tools?

most accessible and the easy way is known to many eyelash curlers. The shape of this device is very reminiscent of scissors, only at the end of the tweezers is not a blade, but two concave plates between which eyelashes are placed and clamped.

note that they must be used correctly otherwise you can damage the eyelashes. To do this, choose high-quality tweezers that have a rubber plate and open easily.

Holding the forceps vertically, with the handle down, place the eyelash between the plates, press them lightly and then return to their original position.

Some women warm the curling iron in hot water before curling. Hold them in water, then wipe them dry from the water so that the mascara does not smear. The result with this method makes the eyelashes more beautiful.

The second way is using a spoon. Let's look at how to curl eyelashes with a spoon? This method is more difficult, but it is safer than using forceps.
To do this, you will need a teaspoon that you need to hold with the handle up, while the convex side should be out.
Actually, to be honest, any spoon won't work. You need one with thinner edges:

Let's compare:

The thick edge of the spoon will not do the job, so if you decide on this method, approach the issue of choosing a tool responsibly!

After that, we start curling, the process will take no more than 15 seconds, and the result will last all day.

The spoon must be held like this: with your thumb, pinch the place between the handle and the spoon, and with your index finger from the outer convex side.

We will curl the upper eyelashes, so thumb with the same hand we trample them from below in this way:

And then, with the edge of a spoon (the scoop itself), draw along the eyelashes from above, from the roots to the tips, with light pressure, but without fanaticism:

Make it look like you are running a scissors blade along a long strip of paper to twist it into a spiral - you probably know how. And don't be afraid, it just sounds scary. Varya from "Children of the Arbat" generally did it with a knife, but here it's just a spoon!

Each eye will require several movements - along the entire growth line. Here's what happens:

The curve is smooth and natural.
With two to three layers of mascara, the curl holds tightly all day until you wash your face ()

The spoon can also be heated for better results. This method takes longer than curling, but you can curl your lashes in any shape with a spoon curl.

After curling eyelashes with the help of one or another device, you need to fix the form so that they do not soon return to their original place.

The videos presented to your attention show how this is done in practice.

Important: right hand curl the eyelashes of the left eye. And vice versa. Use your left hand to curl the eyelashes on your right eye. So says the author of the first video.

Well, in this video, a girl of Asian appearance generally works wonders with a teaspoon:

Experiment, try new methods and always be attractive.

Watch, learn... and apply as needed!

Curling eyelashes allows you to make the hairs visually longer and more elegant. At the same time, the eyes acquire an expressive look. By using salon procedures provides the effect of twisting up to 3 months. Not everyone knows how to curl eyelashes with forceps. The nuances of this procedure are presented in the article.

Advantages of special forceps

Thanks to special devices, the procedure for increasing the volume of hairs can be performed independently. Among the advantages of forceps are:

  • execution of the volume in a few minutes;
  • harmless method of all existing;
  • daily use of forceps is allowed;
  • low price of the procedure.


But you should also consider the disadvantages of tongs:

  • in wet and windy weather, the result quickly disappears;
  • eyelashes are damaged due to improper use.

Principles of operation of tongs

How to curl eyelashes with this device so that you like the effect? To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the principles of operation of forceps. Below there are connectors for fingers, similar to the rings of nail scissors. On top of them, depending on the design, there are levers or springs. At their end there are 2 volumetric hemispheres that fit snugly against each other.

At the bottom of the semi-circle there is a long recess in which a dense silicone or rubber lining is located. The upper semicircle has an identical radius, due to which, upon contact, both parts are closed, creating a kind of puzzle, where cilia are located between the two elements.

The tongs are used only for curling eyelashes. Hairs are placed between the two hemispheres, then the device is closed and pulled up, held for a while, and then released.


Before you learn how to curl eyelashes with forceps, you should understand the nuances of their choice. Working with hairs is delicate, so you need to take it seriously. If, due to lack of experience, a not quite high-quality device is purchased, then there is a risk of eyelash loss.

A defective fixture cuts hairs. You should not purchase the device in underground passages, markets and small stalls. The purchase should be made only in professional stores that provide a guarantee for their products. You need to choose a product based on the following rules:

  1. The device must be taken in hand, put your fingers through the holes, and then make a few movements. If there are grinding sounds, you should not choose a product. The hemispheres should have easy and free movement.
  2. It is necessary to inspect the silicone lining that is provided along the lower base. It is important that it is not too soft, otherwise the eyelashes will wrinkle. Only forceps with a hard elastic band will be able to give the hairs the necessary bend. It should be inspected that there are no glue residues, cuts and other defects on the surface.
  3. It is necessary to choose only those devices in which the elastic band is fixed tightly. On a quality product, it does not stagger when in contact with the upper semicircle.
  4. If it is definitely decided that the fixtures will be used every day, options with additional pads should be selected. With regular curling, the elastic bands wear out after 1.5 months of operation, and then it is forbidden to use them.

The result of the work is shown in the photo. How to curl eyelashes with forceps, every woman who wants to have an expressive look should learn.

Types of fixtures

Considering the topic of how to curl eyelashes with forceps, you should familiarize yourself with the varieties of these products. They are:

  1. Metallic. This is a classic instrument. The device is strong, durable, takes care of the hairs. The downside is the impossibility of working with eyelashes painted with mascara.
  2. Plastic. Products help to curl painted eyelashes. But users note the inconvenient case design, which makes it impossible to perform the curl in the right way.
  3. With spring. These are metal fixtures, and plastic. The spring does not allow strong compression of the hemispheres, so that an inexperienced user is protected from the risk of damaging the eyelashes. The disadvantage of the device is the fragility. The springs fall out, complicating the tightening procedure.

How to curl eyelashes with forceps? The procedure, depending on the type of device, does not differ. It is necessary to do the work carefully and accurately.

Performing a procedure

How to curl eyelashes with forceps at home? This procedure is simple. In order for the result to be positive, you need to work carefully. Instructions on how to curl eyelashes with forceps are presented as follows:

  1. It is necessary to stretch the skin, the moving eyelid should be visible. You should unclench the forceps and bring them to the hairline so that the cilia are between the hemispheres. The main thing is not to pinch the skin of the upper eyelid.
  2. You need to make sure that the hand does not tremble, and only then perform compression. It is necessary to slowly close the forceps, raise your hand up and hold for 5 seconds. Do not press hard, otherwise the eyelashes will be curled in an unnatural way. The procedure is repeated a few more times. The forceps are removed and the result can be evaluated.
  3. Then the tool is moved to the middle of the length of the eyelashes. It should be clamped, wait 5 seconds, release, repeat 2 times. Then it is required smooth transition for curling ends. The same manipulations are performed 3 times.
  4. The curl is fixed with thick mascara. Liquid cosmetics lead to rapid straightening, which is why the work will be in vain. A thick brow gel is considered an excellent substitute for mascara. It is applied to the brush and carefully processed eyelashes.

This effective method how to curl eyelashes with forceps. Compliance with these steps will increase the volume of hairs.

To get the desired curl, how to curl eyelashes with forceps? The rules for using the device are as follows:

  1. For the first time, the procedure should be performed without haste. You should not do a perm if there are urgent matters. Otherwise, the hand may accidentally slip off, damaging the skin and tearing out the eyelashes.
  2. The procedure is performed before using the mascara. It is especially important to follow this recommendation when using plastic tongs, which are allowed to curl colored eyelashes. After cosmetics, the hairs become brittle.
  3. Before using the tongs, they are treated with boiling water or a hot stream of air from a hair dryer.
  4. It is important to ensure that the rubber bands are in good condition, check the fixture for defects. If they do not work properly, there is a risk of cutting hairs under the root.
  5. If the device is used every day, it is advisable to take a break once a month. The duration is 5-10 days, it all depends on the condition of the eyelashes.
  6. After every 4-5 days it is necessary to perform therapy for eyelashes. They are treated with olive, castor, sea buckthorn or corn oil. The composition is applied before going to bed on the cilia.
  7. Whatever the length of the hairs, they are curled in 3 stages: at the base, in the middle and tips. The duration of squeezing should be abandoned, the hemispheres should be squeezed for no more than 5 seconds. Otherwise, the bend will not be smooth, but angular.

  1. To fix the result, apply exceptionally thick mascara. It is better to choose two-tone cosmetics, which consists of a black and white base. White allows you to lengthen the hairs, and black - to add volume. Suitable cosmetics to maintain the curve.
  2. In order for the eyelashes to be a fan, you should master a new technology. The outer edge is curled slightly to the side, positioning the forceps properly. The middle and the inner part are captured at once, the device is held in a straight position.
  3. The procedure should be performed in a lighted room.
  4. Dry eyelashes should be curled. Therefore, after a shower, you need to blot your eyes with a cosmetic swab and wait 15 minutes until the moisture evaporates.
  5. Can eyelash extensions be curled with a curling iron? It is forbidden to do this. If an artificial hair is torn off, it will pick up natural ones. This also applies to false eyelashes. In this case, there is a risk of damage to the tape or bundles.
  6. For combing curled eyelashes, a special brush with natural bristles is used. It is also used on mascara-covered hairs.

The forceps cannot break the eyelashes, because the rubber inserts on the edges of the vise protect against severe bending and creases. Regular use of fixtures usually allows the hairs to become accustomed to the desired position.

Forceps can damage the eyes and injure the eyelids. This is allowed only in case of gross violation of the rules for the use of tongs. In fact, they are considered harmless, the main thing is not to make sharp breaking movements and clamp the vise near the mucous membrane of the eyelid.

Many consider the devices useless. But this is not true. Reverse straightening is performed only with thick and dense staining of eyelashes with mascara, as well as at high humidity.

Is it possible to do without forceps?

Products used for curling hair at home are considered harmless. The disadvantage of the procedures is that the eyelashes are unstable to wet weather. The advantage is a material benefit: this processing does not require large financial investments.

Some components (aloe vera, castor oil) provide nutrition to the hairs. They also protect against falling out, the formation of their creases. Without tweezers, curling hair is performed as follows:

  1. Before makeup, the cilia are lifted with warm fingers. Make the right bend. The villi hold for at least 40 seconds, and then the coloring is performed.
  2. A little Vaseline is applied to the fingers. It is necessary to compress the villi a little, to give a bend. Eyelashes are kept in this position for at least half an hour.
  3. Special electric tongs are used. The device must be connected to the network. This device is carried out through the hairs several times.
  4. The bend is attached with a toothbrush.
  5. Twisting is done with mascara with a curved brush.


Thus, the procedure for curling eyelashes has its own characteristics. It is important to follow the sequence of work. Then damage to the eyelashes is excluded.
