Recipes for quick whitening of elbows at home. how to whiten elbows fast at home how to whiten dark elbows

IN spring period the skin on the elbows, which is no less exposed to harmful environmental factors than the skin of the face, arms or legs, becomes drier, begins to crack, peel and darken. To solve this problem, you can whiten the skin in the salon and forget about this unpleasant cosmetic defect. However, there are many folk recipes for lightening this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. The article will focus on how you can whiten your elbows at home without resorting to expensive cosmetic procedures.

Why does the skin on the elbows darken?

Before fixing the problem, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence. There may be several factors that cause darkening of the skin on the elbows:

  • mechanical friction of clothing delicate skin elbows;
  • weathering due to a sharp temperature drop;
  • insufficient skin hydration;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Often, a violation of pigmentation and peeling of the skin in the spring is associated with beriberi, namely a lack of vitamins A and E. Dysbacteriosis can also cause cracks and roughening of the skin, since antibiotics inhibit the production of vitamin B. Darkening of some areas of the skin, including number of elbows, often leads to diabetes.

In the presence of diseases that only a qualified specialist can diagnose, it will be quite difficult to get rid of dark spots on the elbows and whiten them at home. But if the problem is purely aesthetic, then folk recipes can become faithful helpers.

Homemade whitening masks for elbows

If you have dark, pigmentation-prone skin, then a mask of heavy cream and chickpea flour with saffron will suit you. Milk is also suitable for cooking.

  • Put the cream on the fire and when it begins to sag and curdle, add half a teaspoon of saffron and half a glass of chickpea flour.
  • Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly and, after allowing it to cool, apply to problem areas of the skin. in a circular motion, wait a while, then rinse off.

Please note that the first time you use this mixture, your skin may turn a bright orange color, but gradually it will become lighter, as saffron is a natural bleaching agent. If you do not want to experiment with saffron, you can replace it with oatmeal.

For whitening, moisturizing and nourishing, a whole milk mask with honey is ideal. Mix both components in equal proportions and apply the resulting mixture on the elbows for a few minutes, then rinse.

To exfoliate dead skin cells, use a milk and baking soda mask. The order of its preparation is as follows:

  • add enough milk to the soda to form a paste;
  • apply the resulting paste on the skin and gently rub it in circular motions;
  • continue the procedure until you achieve the desired effect.

The effect of softening and lightening the skin has a homemade cream-balm for the elbows, consisting of the following components:

  • Shea butter, or shea butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • parsley juice - 2 tsp;
  • lemon essential oil - 10 drops;
  • chamomile phytoessence - 7 drops.

If lemon juice causes discomfort, you can make a mask with one teaspoon of white yogurt and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture on your elbows, soak for 20 minutes and rinse. After such a mask, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with a nourishing or softening cream.

Whitening of the elbows is effectively carried out using parsley juice, which needs to be lubricated on the skin daily. You can use both pure green juice and various masks with the addition of cosmetic oils, chamomile decoction or fruit pulp.

Recipes for skin peeling on the elbows

In order to maintain the skin of the elbows in good condition, it is necessary to regularly exfoliate the dead cells of the epidermis. To do this, it is enough to use scrubs 2 times a week, which are also easy to prepare at home.

For example, for a sugar scrub, you only need two tablespoons of sugar and one tablespoon of olive oil. Also for cooking gentle home peeling can be used:

  • oatmeal and honey;
  • soda and olive oil;
  • ground coffee and the pulp of sour fruits;
  • fine sea salt and honey.

Whitening baths at home

Whitening masks for the elbow area, unlike peels and scrubs, can be used much more often. They have a noticeable softening effect, and when using certain ingredients, whiten the skin on the elbows well.

The simplest and available means lighten elbows are baths of fermented milk products at room temperature. It is enough to hold your elbows in kefir or curdled milk for only 20 minutes, and to enhance the effect at the end of the procedure, you can lubricate your elbows with almond oil.

To whiten your elbows, you can also use sour sauerkraut juice, tomato, lemon, orange or asparagus juice for a bath, either individually or in any combination with each other.

Dark elbows in women are quite common. From this article you will learn what to do if the elbows are rough and dark, the causes, the treatment of this phenomenon. I will tell you about why the skin on the elbows is dark and dry, and how to whiten the elbows at home quickly using simple and affordable products.

Why the skin on the elbows is dark and dry: causes of the problem

Far from always dark and rough skin on the elbows indicates incomplete body skin care. Black elbows can be a sign of thyroid disease. It can also occur during menopause, in which the level of one of the hormones, estrogen, decreases significantly in a woman's body.

The skin on the folds of the arms may darken in the presence of the following diseases:

  • psoriasis;
  • diabetes;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • beriberi (lack of vitamins E, A, and group B in the body).

The cause of this problem may be long-term use of antibiotics. Therefore, before embarking on the fight against such a phenomenon and in order to exclude the presence of the above diseases, you should undergo a complete medical examination.

Dark skin on the folds of the arms, which has increased dryness due to physiological reasons, may also appear from constant contact and friction of the skin on any surface (for example, a table) or clothing. In this case, you can get rid of the problem with the help of simple folk remedies.

How to whiten elbows at home quickly?

There are many recipes traditional medicine, which will give you the opportunity to quickly and effectively get rid of the problem using simple and inexpensive means. Today the most common of them are:


For these purposes, you can use both the lemon itself and lemon juice, as one of the ingredients of self-prepared care products. Remember that the procedure will be more effective if, before using these products, steam the skin in the shower and thoroughly rub the folds of the hands with a scrub.

One of the easiest and fastest ways to whiten elbows is to apply lemon slices to rough skin, securing them with plastic wrap. After half an hour, such a compress can be removed and, without washing off the lemon juice, lubricate the skin with a fat cream.

Also, in the fight against this phenomenon, masks and wiping dark places on the skin based on lemon juice have proven themselves well:

  • mask of oatmeal, lemon juice and milk in equal proportions;
  • mask of vitamin E, glycerin, lemon juice taken one teaspoon and 4 tbsp. spoons of milk;
  • wiping the skin with a product that includes 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 tbsp. spoons of rose water.


With the problem of darkening and roughening of the skin on the folds of the hands, masks, as well as potato-based compresses, do well. In this case, both raw and boiled potatoes can be used. It will not only brighten, but also soften the skin well. Most popular recipes:

  • fasten raw grated potatoes on your elbows with polyethylene and leave the compress overnight (as an option, you can wipe rough and darkened skin with potato juice several times during the day);
  • rub boiled potatoes with honey and vegetable oil or milk, apply the mixture to the elbow bend and secure with a bandage or polyethylene.

Other ways to get rid of the problem

You can try other simple remedies in the fight against rough skin on the folds of the arms. This:

  • the pulp of black bread dipped in warm milk;
  • decoction of oatmeal;
  • coffee grounds;
  • linseed oil compresses;
  • rubbing the skin with aloe juice, cucumber juice or hydrogen peroxide;
  • lotion from diluted with water.

Black elbows: how to get rid of the problem with baths?

Baths based on simple and familiar means also have an excellent effect of whitening the skin on the folds of the hands. Here are the recipes for some of them:

  • one teaspoon of ammonia and 2 teaspoons of liquid soap should be dissolved in one liter of warm water and elbows should be dipped into the solution for 20 minutes (the procedure should be done daily);
  • in one liter hot water separate two tbsp. spoons of soda and hold the folds of the hands in the solution for about 15 minutes. Then rinse your hands and lubricate nourishing cream(you should take such a bath every other day);
  • heat olive or burdock oil and dip your elbows into it for 20 minutes.

Remember that the maximum effect from the use of these simple folk remedies will be achieved only if they are used regularly. Before the procedures, it is better to steam and clean the skin by applying a scrub, and after the procedure, a fat cream should be applied to the elbows.

Now you know everything about the causes and treatment of dark and rough elbows. I hope these tips will help you get rid of this problem and make the skin on the folds of your arms smooth and beautiful. And finally, watch a video with a few more recipes for elbow skin care:

Dark patches of skin on elbows. This phenomenon is not uncommon. It is mainly found in women, delivering discomfort and additional problems to the beautiful half of humanity. After all, the skin in the affected areas not only changes color, but also peels off. If in winter clothing covers problem areas, then in summer it is difficult to find an outfit that would hide them. Caught in a similar situation, the ladies are trying to figure out how to whiten their elbows with maximum efficiency.

Of course, there are many simple and very effective methods that can correct the situation. Who will rush to address this problem to a beauty salon. In this case, you can do it on your own. There are many popular ways. Having resorted to them, it is possible to return smoothness and natural color to the skin on the elbows in a short time.

But, before choosing the most effective option, you should find out what causes the skin to darken and change its properties. It is very important.

Where does the problem start?

It is worth noting immediately that the skin becomes dry and looks darker than other areas, not only in the elbow area. Such changes are also typical for the knees. Most often this happens due to improper care, constant friction of sensitive areas of the skin with clothes, the habit of leaning on your elbows while sitting at the table. The named reasons are so harmless that it is not difficult to find an effective way to whiten your elbows.

Another thing is when it comes to serious pathologies. Darkening of the skin is often one of the manifestations of such ailments as:

  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of vitamins in the human body: A, E and group B;
  • psoriasis, better known as psoriasis;
  • the use of antibiotics for a long time can also provoke the appearance of unpleasant spots;
  • often low levels of estrogen during menopause in women causes the appearance of darkened areas on the skin.

From the above list, it follows that the problem described should not be taken lightly. And before you whiten your elbows at home, you should go through an in-depth examination in a medical institution.

Home pharmacy help

If the cause that caused dryness and discoloration of the skin on the outside of the elbow bend is found, you can begin to solve the problem. It is always better to start with the usual tools that are at hand.

Not Just Hydrogen Peroxide

Probably, in every house in the cabinet where medicines are stored, there is a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. This remedy has a mild effect on the skin. It helps to carefully remove the top flaky layer. As a result of the wellness procedure, which is recommended to be performed with a cotton pad (three times a day), problem areas become noticeably lighter.

Whitening paste

The paste works great. You can cook it yourself. The bleaching composition includes soda (25 g) and the same hydrogen peroxide, which needs to be taken so much that, when mixed with the powder, a thick mushy mass is obtained. The tool is rubbed for several minutes into problem areas. Then leave to dry completely. At the end of the procedure, the remaining soda should be washed off under running water. And on the surface of the skin, apply any agent that has an intense moisturizing effect.

Lemon power

Feedback from many women confirms the fact that in order to achieve desired result no need to look for expensive drugs in the pharmacy. It is wiser to turn to trusted folk recipes for which you don't need to spend much. How much does a regular lemon cost in a store? That's right, pennies. But what a unique power this exotic fruit has! Making a whitening mask based on lemon does not take much time, and the result will surprise even skeptics who do not believe in the possibilities of traditional medicine.

But let's go directly to the whitening procedure: cut the lemon into small pieces, fix it in problem areas with cling film. The compress is removed after 1-2 hours. The surface of the skin on the elbows is smeared with a moisturizer. Useful manipulations are recommended to be repeated many times, until complete recovery. natural color skin.

Elbow masks

An excellent result will help to achieve a mask that includes the following components:

  • crushed oatmeal;
  • milk;
  • lemon juice.

The composition is prepared before use. All components are taken in equal amounts, thoroughly mixed.

The resulting mass is rubbed into the affected areas and left for 15 minutes. After removing the mask, any hand cream should be applied to the skin.

Mask with glycerin

How to quickly whiten elbows or knees while maintaining the softness and elasticity of these sensitive areas? We offer you another mask recipe. To obtain a therapeutic composition, you will need to take 5 ml of lemon juice, glycerin and a solution of vitamin E. Add 20 ml of warm milk to the available ingredients.

We mix everything until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The composition is applied to problem areas for 20 minutes. Then it is washed off with running water.

Potato doctor

How to whiten elbows? Few people know that ordinary potatoes do an excellent job of restoring skin color. The product can be consumed raw and boiled. A popular root crop often serves as the basis for therapeutic masks. The recipe for use is simple: the potato is finely rubbed beforehand, the resulting slurry is applied evenly to the problem areas. Next, the compress is fixed with the help of improvised means, left overnight.

There is another use case - it is necessary to rub fresh potato juice into rough skin throughout the day.

Boiled potatoes can be mashed with a little milk and honey. Then fix this unusual mass on the elbows using a bandage or polyethylene. Milk can be replaced with vegetable oil.

Water procedures

Anyone who wants to learn how to whiten elbows at home quickly should not forget about the incredible benefits water procedures that are easy to organize at home. For this, any improvised means are suitable. Hot water will steam and soften the skin, and beneficial additives will whiten and moisturize the skin.

The composition is effective:

  • ammonia alcohol - 5 ml;
  • liquid soap - 10 ml.

For the convenience of the procedure, it is better to take a small bath. In it, these components are dissolved in a liter of warm water. Then the elbows are immersed in a container. The duration of the session is approximately 20 minutes. After that, the skin is dried with a towel. Then a small amount of oily cream is applied to them. Such spa treatments for the elbows are recommended to be carried out systematically until the skin acquires a healthy shade and smoothness. Baths can be done every week and for preventive purposes.

For healing, a soda solution is suitable (25 g per 1.5 l of water). In order not to overdry the skin, it is advisable to perform water therapy sessions every other day.

Home prevention

Our grandmothers knew perfectly well, on the elbows in a short period of time. But, as they say, it is always better to prevent than to spend time and money on fixing the problem later. First of all, try to get rid of the habit of using your elbows as a support.

The second and very important reminder is that the elbows, like the rest of the body, need constant care. This must not be forgotten. Try to regularly exfoliate and moisturize. The stratum corneum is easily removed by wiping the skin with breadcrumbs dipped in warm milk. Oatmeal, apple cider vinegar and coffee grounds familiar from childhood have excellent whitening properties.


There are many great ways to solve this problem. They are able to both whiten the elbows and return the skin to an attractive appearance. Just before moving on to action, you need to remember that the desired effect will be achieved with strict adherence to the recipe of the method and systematic application.

Greetings my dear readers! Let's talk today about such a phenomenon as dark and rough elbows. Agree that it looks rather unaesthetically. Consider probable causes appearances and ways to get rid of black elbows.

Why are the elbows black and rough

Such a phenomenon can cause, at least, bewilderment among others. Those who do not know that this may be the result of certain diseases may think about the lack of hygiene.

And knowledgeable people know that this circumstance may arise due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland or other problems in the body. To exclude all speculation, you should visit a doctor and undergo a diagnosis of potential diseases.

Possible reasons for this phenomenon:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • infections;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • metabolic disease;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • anemia;
  • dry skin;
  • diabetes;
  • psoriasis;
  • allergic reactions.

The skin in the areas of the elbows does not contain any fatty layers, which is why you should carefully care for the skin. If this is not done, it can become rough over time.

To avoid rough elbows with dark spots, it should be remembered that resting the elbows on horizontal surfaces can lead to thickening of the skin on the elbows.

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How to whiten elbows at home

What to do to make the skin on the elbows become lighter? Consider several recipes for whitening elbows.

Mask with honey, olive oil and potatoes

Boil potatoes, peel and crush them. Add the rest of the ingredients to the puree, one tablespoon at a time. After thoroughly mixing the mass, apply it on the skin. Cover with plastic wrap or cling film.

In order for the mixture to better interact with the surface of the skin, you can wrap your elbows with a woolen cloth. Hold the mask for 10 minutes, then rinse the mixture thoroughly. After removing the mask, cleanse the skin with a scrub. Cleaned, dried skin should be lubricated with a moisturizer.

The cream is taken with a high percentage of fat for a greater effect. If at home there is only olive oil, then moisten a cloth with it to attach it to your elbows for a couple of hours, wrapping them up additionally.

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cucumber mask

Cucumber juice has an excellent whitening result. Masks are made from it with the addition of other components. The compositions are applied to the body, face, hands. The stores offer a wide range of cucumber masks. You can make the mixture at home without purchasing the finished product.

Grate a medium-sized cucumber on a fine grater, mix with a tablespoon of sour cream. The composition should be applied to the elbows. Wrap this area as in the previous method. Keep the mask on for at least 10 minutes.

Regular use this composition will make the skin soft, bright, smooth.

Yolk and glycerin

In this method, you need to mix the chicken yolk and 2 tbsp. l. pharmacy glycerin. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, apply it to the desired area and wrap it. Using this recipe, in a few days you will get soft, clarified elbows.


Cucumber can be replaced with lemon or alternate them by day. But if there is no time to cook and keep the masks on your elbows, you can regularly wipe the skin with lemon slices. Cut the lemon into circles and massage the desired areas with them for five minutes. After finishing the procedure, wash the skin and lubricate with a moisturizer.

Bath with salt and soda

achieve fair skin on problem areas it is possible by steaming these zones. Pour hot water into a small container. Stir in a tablespoon of baking soda and sea salt.

When the substances dissolve in the water, lower your elbows into the container and hold until the temperature of the water drops. Massage your elbows directly into the water. After steaming, you can apply a scrub peeling of the skin.

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Do you love oatmeal? This is a truly unique product that helps to cope with excess weight, improve digestion, enriches the body with vitamins and useful elements. But few people know that it perfectly brightens and softens rough, dark skin.

Pour oatmeal with milk, kefir or water. When they swell, put a delicious porridge on your elbows. Yes, you heard right! Oatmeal is so good for the skin that after a short time it can bring it back to normal.

Express whitening

With the help of hydrogen peroxide, you can quickly whiten darkened skin. The main condition is not to get carried away. Take ordinary hydrogen peroxide, wet a cotton ball with it and carefully wipe the problem area. The skin on the eyes will turn white.

But we want to repeat that blackness cannot just appear, and the option with hydrogen peroxide is not a panacea. You should undergo a thorough examination by specialists and begin treatment with a cause that lies deep in the body.

The skin can be whitened in a short time, but without treating the existing disease that gives this problem, this exercise is useless. It has a short term effect.


Alternative treatment black elbows is quite popular among adherents of alternative medicine. Let's look at a couple of recipes.

Burdock oil

First, thoroughly steam the problem area. After the bath, clean the skin with a scrub to remove the stratum corneum. When the elbows are cleaned, pour burdock oil into the palm of your hand and rub it into the steamed area with light massage movements.


What is a burdock? This is a weed plant that can be found on every street corner. But not everyone knows that this weed is an excellent healer of certain diseases. in a great way bleaching elbows are decoctions from it.

Have you looked at your elbows for a long time? How long have you paid attention to them? Dark skin on the elbows - many suffer from this skin defect. There are many ways to whiten your elbows at home quickly and easily. There are several reasons for darkening. Such reasons include the following, incomplete or intermittent cosmetic care, diseases of a different nature, changes in hormonal levels, friction on any surface (table, clothes, and others). In order to weed out the causes of a medical nature, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

A number of health problems can lead to this problem. This is diabetes mellitus, and disruption of the thyroid or pancreas, beriberi, hormonal imbalance, and others.
If you are sure that this has nothing to do with health, you can try to eliminate this deficiency with the help of purchased cosmetics or with the help of home-made products according to folk recipes. A variety of traditional medicine advice allows everyone to find an option that will bring the desired result. In this article, you can find recipes based on three products that are inexpensive and can be found in every kitchen.

Lemon and lemon juice

The easiest option is to cut a fresh lemon into 2 halves and attach to your elbows, you need to keep it for at least 10 minutes. Then, without washing off the juice, spread with nourishing hand cream or body lotion.

  • There is another option, you can wipe your elbows every day with a slice of lemon or a cotton pad dipped in lemon juice, and then grease them with a fat cream. Whitening occurs due to the lightening properties of lemon.
  • In addition to the lemon itself, its juice is no less effective. To achieve greater efficiency, do not forget to steam the skin and use scrubs before the procedure.
  • In the treatment of such symptoms, you can use masks based on lemon juice. To prepare the mask, you will need oatmeal, lemon juice and milk in equal proportions (1:1).
  • There is another version of the mask: vitamin E, glycerin and lemon juice, 1 teaspoon each, plus 4 tablespoons of milk. You can prepare a kind of elbow whitening lotion, ingredients: 1 teaspoon of lemon juice plus 2 tablespoons of rose water.
  • On the basis of a citrus product, you can prepare a scrub, but you need to use it carefully. If there are wounds and scratches on the skin of the elbows, then it is better to wait a little so as not to add a negative effect.

Scrub recipe: 1 teaspoon oatmeal, 2 teaspoons sea salt, 1 tablespoon lemon juice. You can use it 2 times a week, with proper use it will help not only lighten your elbows, but also carefully remove dead skin particles.

Elbow whitening with ammonia

Everyone knows the direct purpose of ammonia. But few people know that this remedy can make the skin softer and brighter. People who cannot tolerate the smell of ammonia need to find other, more suitable recipes.

  1. You need to prepare 2 identical cups.
  2. Dilute a teaspoon of 10% ammonia solution with a liter of warm water and add a teaspoon of shampoo / liquid soap / shower gel.
  3. Mix ingredients and pour into 2 prepared bowls.
  4. Lower your elbows into them for 15-20 minutes, this bath should be repeated every other day.

This mixture not only brightens the skin, but also cleanses of dead cells and scales, and also makes the skin softer and more tender. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to rinse the elbows with running water and spread with cream.

Mask with glycerin

All girls and women know that hand and nail creams are added to all. We suggest you try the mask recipe to brighten and soften the skin on the elbows and knees.

To prepare the mask, you will need 50 grams of glycerin and 2 tablespoons of blackcurrant gruel. We mix and lubricate the elbows, the berry contains vitamin C, which helps to lighten the skin. You need to use the mask three times a week.

If you mix lemon juice, milk and glycerin in equal proportions, you can get another version of a good mask. Steam your elbows, grease them with the mixture and wrap with cling film. To achieve a greater effect, you can wear warm jacket with sleeves or wrap them with a scarf. In this form, we keep them for at least 15-20 minutes. Then rinse and apply cream. Repeat the procedure at least twice a week.

Recipes with soda and soda solution

Baths with soda - dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda in 4 glasses of hot water. We lower our elbows into the consistency and hold until the water cools down. After the procedure, lubricate the elbows with a nourishing cream.

Option number two, make a soapy solution, stir 50 grams of soda in it. Lubricate the elbows with petroleum jelly and lower into a container with the prepared composition for a quarter of an hour. After the time has elapsed, gently wipe your elbows with a natural fiber washcloth and re-immerse in a cup for 5-7 minutes. To achieve the desired result, you will need to make at least 8 trays.

After using baths and compresses, you can additionally do scrubs and peels. But it should be remembered that after using baths, masks, scrubs and compresses, it is necessary to apply a rich nourishing or moisturizing cream.

The skin on the elbows can darken as a result of diseases, improper care, lack of vitamins and macronutrients in the diet, or malnutrition. To defeat this problem, it is necessary to eliminate all possible causes. Only with an integrated approach to solving the problem can an effective result be achieved.

Remember, whichever recipe you choose, it will not bring the desired result if it is not applied on a regular basis. In addition to the above recipes for how to quickly whiten elbows at home, there are others. Compresses based on potatoes or cottage cheese, linseed oil, baths based on apple cider vinegar or aloe juice, scrubs with coffee grounds or sea salt. Among this variety, each woman will find the remedy that will be most effective in her situation. The main thing is not to give up, in no case should you forget about the beauty of the elbows, because this place is very noticeable, especially in summer period time.

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