How to prevent the appearance of age spots? Prevention and protection of the skin from pigmentation in the summer How to avoid pigmentation.

Pigmentation unbalances, interferes with life, spoils the image and appearance. For removing age spots it takes not a couple of weeks, but a couple of months, or even one or two years.

The main pigment of the skin is considered melanin, it is located in the epidermis and stains the skin in a certain color. The color depends on the concentration and distribution of melanin. The cells of the epidermis are responsible for the synthesis of melanin. melanocytes. Moreover, in the skin of people of the white race and the black race, the number of melanocytes is the same, only the number and distribution of pigments change.

Dermatologists highlight great amount pigmentation disorders - they are called melanoses. Melanoses can be either hyper (increased pigmentation) or hypo (decrease).

In the practice of a cosmetologist, melanin age spots are most common. They can be of different shades: from light to dark brown. In order to choose the right tactics for eliminating age spots, you need to determine the causes of their occurrence as accurately as possible.

Causes of pigmentation

  • genetic(people of the first phototype, according to the classification of the American dermatologist Fitzpatrick, have hereditarily white skin with many freckles all over the face and body; exposure to ultraviolet radiation does not lead to sunburn in them, but causes sunburn and an increase in the number of freckles). The genetic factor is the cause of the so-called primary hypermelanoses. They also include pigmented nevi (moles).
  • ultraviolet irradiation(the sun's rays can give us not only beautiful tan, but also multiple age spots on the face and body; this can happen if you violate the rules of "communication" with the sun - if you sunbathe in direct sunlight, then even sunscreen will not help). Solar radiation leads not only to the activation of melanocytes, but also to the appearance of atypical (unhealthy) cells, which is more dangerous than any age spots.
  • Hormonal changes in the body, namely - pregnancy, menopause, disorders in the endocrine system - ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, taking hormonal contraceptives, a number of medicinal and dubious cosmetics. All this can contribute to the appearance of pigmentation.
  • Age- with age, the skin becomes more susceptible to external irritants and the sun, which provokes the appearance of foci of hyperpigmentation, which are called "senile lentigo".
  • Skin injuries and diseases(post-traumatic, post-inflammatory, post-infectious hyper- or hypopigmentation occurs).
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys and other organs(for example, diseases of the biliary tract, thyroid gland, and mental disorders) can cause the formation of age spots on the skin.
  • Procedures that are accompanied by trauma to the skin- injection procedures, facial cleansing for acne, the introduction of fillers, plastic surgery, the use of cauterizing agents, creams and ointments with a strong irritant effect.
  • Procedures that provoke skin irritation- all types of hair removal, cosmetic products that cause an allergic reaction or have a toxic effect on cells, contact with the skin of various substances - gunpowder, coal, graphite.
  • Procedures that cause thinning of the upper (horny) layer of the skin- chemical peels, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion.
  • Vitamin C deficiency.
  • Work in a chemical industry or in high temperature environments.

Given all these factors, to eliminate age spots, you may need the help of not only a dermatocosmetologist, but also a gynecologist-endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist. These specialists will help eliminate "internal" problems with the body, and the beautician will deal with external treatment.

To date, the best developed tactics for the management and correction of patients with Caucasoid skin. Patients with Negroid and Mongoloid skin require special approach to the problem and tactics of treatment. But in both cases, the problem of pigmentation should be dealt with by professionals.

Sun protection

To prevent the development and formation of hyperpigmentation in people of any age and skin type, it is necessary to use sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight, especially during maximum solar activity - from 11 am to 4 pm. UVA rays should be avoided before and after peels, laser hair removal, plastic surgery; while taking hormonal contraceptives, antibacterial and other medicines and also during pregnancy.

The tendency of the skin to hyperpigmentation is increased by certain substances and cosmetics that increase the sensitivity of the skin to UV (ultraviolet radiation) - photosensitizers (substances that become an allergen under the influence of UV radiation). Before starting active sunny days and the course of procedures to remove age spots, you must consult a specialist about all cosmetic preparations and medicines that you use in order to avoid complications.

Sunscreens are cosmetic products that contain substances that absorb or reflect UV radiation. The SPF value shows how much the biodose of protected skin exceeds the biodose of unprotected skin. This indicator only indicates the effectiveness of protection against UV radiation. SPF indicator is conditional. In people with different skin phototypes, it makes it possible to stay in the sun for a certain time, which is subtracted by the formula, without compromising health.

If your skin is prone to freckling, then it is necessary to carefully protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, because freckles cannot be eliminated once and for all, their appearance is due to the genetic characteristics of melanogenesis. And sun protection (applying creams with UV filters, wide-brimmed hats) is one of the effective methods of combating the appearance of freckles.

Pigmentation during pregnancy

If age spots appeared during pregnancy, then you should not correct them yourself at the moment, since at this time a certain hormonal background is preserved in the body, and there are some peculiarities. It is necessary to eliminate age spots only after childbirth. And it is also very important to remember that pigmentation often disappears on its own after pregnancy. Therefore, in a hurry and, even more so, self-medication is not worth it.

The fight against pigmentation

All procedures in the fight against pigmentation can be conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  1. Procedures that are aimed at skin renewal (exfoliation)- these are chemical peels, polishing, ultrasonic peeling.
  • Chemical peels. To remove age spots, peels based on AHA acids (glycolic, mandelic, lactic acids), salicylic or trichloroacetic (TCA) acids, retinoids are suitable. Different depths of exposure and penetration allow for a variety of courses of procedures with different rehabilitation periods. Specialists in this case always focus on the individual characteristics of the patient. Surface peelings are carried out in sets 6-10 times, once every 7-10 days. Median peeling is a course of 2-3 procedures, once every 1-1.5 months. Specialist recommendations are required before, during and after the course of procedures.
  • Microdermabrasion- a procedure for removing age spots by mechanical exfoliation with a stream of crystals or microcrystals. Thanks to this manipulation, the surface layer of the skin is gently removed and at the same time the renewal of its deep layers, as well as the dermis (middle layer of the skin), is stimulated. Microdermabrasion uses aluminum oxide microcrystals, which under pressure mechanically grind or remove the top layer of the skin. Microdermabrasion is used to remove age spots on aging skin prone to hyperkeratosis. The technique is also effective for post-inflammatory pigmentation after acne, where, as a rule, there is an altered skin relief.
  • Laser skin resurfacing*- a procedure for removing age spots by destroying epidermal cells with an excess content of pigments due to their heating. When hyperpigmentation is combined with signs of photo- and chronoaging, laser skin resurfacing (CO2 laser, erbium laser) with or without ablation is used. As practice shows, the best clinical results are observed after the use of a fractional erbium (1550 nm) laser and CO2 (10600 nm), while using low energy and high coating density.
    In modern medicine, the method of fractional photothermolysis has gained wide popularity, in which the supply of laser radiation to the tissue is carried out by fractionation (distribution) into hundreds of microbeams that penetrate to a sufficiently large depth (up to 2000 microns). This effect reduces the energy load on tissues, which in turn contributes to rapid regeneration and avoids complications.
  • Phototherapy*- removal of age spots by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.
  • ELOS therapy*- a combination of exposure to light energy and electric current. By combining IPL and RF radiation, it is possible to achieve selective coagulation of dilated superficial vessels, removal of epidermal hyperpigmentation with minimal risk of damage to surrounding tissues. In this case, the thermal effect develops at a depth of up to 4 mm. Improvement of skin texture and its lifting is achieved due to the additional synthesis of collagen fibers caused by exposure to radio waves. This effect is cumulative and increases from procedure to procedure. The achieved result should be fixed by supporting courses of procedures.
  • Ozone therapy*– a procedure for removing age spots (post-traumatic or inflammatory pigmentation), which has an anti-inflammatory and resolving effect on spots.
  • Procedures that are aimed at reducing melanin production(depigmenting therapy) is a home and professional care(creams, masks, concentrates, serums), physiotherapy, mesotherapy sessions.
    • Physiotherapy procedures that improve the biopermeability of the skin. Such procedures improve the penetration of active serums and lotions into the deeper layers of the skin, as a rule, they contain components that convert melanin to a colorless form. The course of removal of age spots usually ranges from 10 to 15 procedures, on average one to three times a week.
    • Mesotherapy sessions. The specialist before the procedure makes a cocktail or uses a ready-made one, but taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The course of procedures is 6-8 procedures, every 7-10 days.
    • Home and professional care(creams, masks, serums, concentrates, etc.). The composition of the products includes ingredients that have a whitening effect, the most effective for removing age spots - these are hydroquinone, hydrogen peroxide, kojic and ascorbic acids, arbutin, extracts of paper mulberry, licorice and aloesin. Each component has its own indications and contraindications, application features and side effects. Before using the product, you should consult with a specialist.

    Prevention of pigmentation

    Prevent the appearance of secondary hyperpigmentation (one that is caused by metabolic disorders or diseases internal organs) almost impossible. At the same time, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of relapse after treatment if:

    • strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations (when preparing the skin for the procedure and after it), use preparations with UV filters during the procedure and for another month after the procedure;
    • exclude tanning under direct sunlight and in a solarium (especially during the course of procedures);
    • protect exposed areas of the body with reflective powders;
    • cover sun-sensitive skin with wardrobe items (thin capes on the shoulders, sunglasses, hats with a brim, etc.);
    • when taking medications, it is advisable to first consult with your doctor if they increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sun;
    • do not use St.

    Currently, the development of technologies and aesthetic medicine make it possible to competently and comprehensively approach the removal of age spots and completely eliminate them. However, you should not deal with stains on your own, such self-treatment can aggravate the problem. To permanently get rid of age spots, consult a doctor (dermatologist, cosmetologist), who will develop an individual scheme and treatment plan for you, and be patient - the fight against pigmentation takes time.

    Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are sensitive to their appearance, so they are upset about even a small pimple, to say nothing of pigmentation.

    No woman is immune from the appearance of brown spots on her face, which by no means add attractiveness and cause complexes. Most often, pigmentation occurs in women after 35 years.

    Causes of pigmentation on the face

    Melanin, located in different layers of the epidermis, begins to be produced more actively and accumulate in certain areas of the skin, forming pigmentation on them. There are a lot of reasons for the manifestation of violent "performance" of natural pigment.

    Here are the causes of pigmentation on the face:

    1. Hereditary factor. Stains can only be removed with laser resurfacing.

    2. Hormonal failure in the body caused by menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth or thyroid disease. Until the root cause is eliminated, it is useless to try to deal with spots (chloasma). After stabilization of the hormonal background, age spots brighten and disappear by themselves.

    3. Injured skin. Pigmentation of this kind may occur after an unsuccessful cosmetic procedure(peeling), thermal or chemical burns. It can also be the consequences of a severe form of acne or furunculosis. In this case, cosmetics are not enough, complex treatment should be carried out.

    4. Burns resulting from excessive exposure to the sun or solarium. The most dangerous are spring rays, since after winter the skin is in a state of partial depigmentation. As a rule, this kind of pigmentation disappears after using homemade masks and special cosmetics.

    5. Nervous disorders. Stress, depression are often accompanied by changes in hormonal levels and, as a result, the appearance of pigmentation.

    6. Avitaminosis. After taking the appropriate vitamins, which must contain vitamin C and copper, the spots disappear.

    7. Medical preparations. Pigmentation can be the result of long-term use of certain medications, most often birth control or hormones. It is necessary to inform the attending physician about the appearance of spots, who will cancel the drug or replace it with a similar one.

    8. Allergy to low-quality or expired cosmetics. Often, pigmentation can be caused by chemical components contained in the composition of products, essential oils poor quality ingredients.

    9. Improper skin care, for example, frequent peeling procedures provoke the appearance of fine pigmentation - freckles.

    10. Diseases of internal organs - kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, red spots mean malfunctions in the intestines, brown ones signal diseases of the gallbladder or liver, yellow-brown ones indicate problems with the kidneys. Required proper diet and appropriate treatment.

    And, of course, the cause of pigmentation on the face or body can be the aging process, accompanied by hormonal changes in the body, skin aging, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases, the number of which increases with age.

    Age spots are not dangerous and do not deliver pain, however, they cannot arise out of the blue. When they appear, you should consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination of the body, including consultations with a therapist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and gynecologist. This will help determine the causes of pigmentation on the face. Treatment is prescribed after the diagnosis is made.

    Causes of pigmentation on the face and the choice of bleaching agents

    After the necessary treatment, the spots will disappear or brighten, after which it will not be so difficult to get rid of them.

    beauty salons and centers of aesthetic medicine offer women modern methods of getting rid of pigmentation:

    1. Chemical peeling. Eliminates many skin defects, including age spots. With the help of a weak solution of fruit, glycolic or other acid, deep or superficial (depending on the degree of damage) peeling is carried out, removing the top layer of the skin. The method is considered painless, but the skin after the procedure should be protected from the sun for some time, otherwise the pigmentation will appear again.

    2. Laser polishing. The principle of action is the same as with chemical peeling. As a result of laser exposure to pigmented areas, the process of skin regeneration occurs, its tone increases, spots disappear.

    3. Phototherapy. The laser device emits an intense pulse of light aimed at the accumulation of melanin cells in the layers of the skin, thereby destroying them.

    4. Mesotherapy. For the procedure, fillers, vitamin complexes or medicinal substances are used, which are injected subcutaneously.

    Whitening cosmetics are also used to remove pigmented areas. They must be used very carefully to avoid the opposite effect: the spots may become larger or they will darken and will differ sharply from the natural color of the skin. Some of the drugs have contraindications, so before using them, you should consult your doctor.

    Most commonly used:

    1. Cream Achromin MAX - removes spots and protects the skin from exposure to sunlight.

    2. Retin-A cream - stabilizes the level of melanin in the skin.

    3. VC-IP solution with vitamin C - fights hyperpigmentation of cell layers.

    4. Mask Belita Vitex, based on white clay and acids. Not only eliminates pigmentation, but also moisturizes the skin.

    5. Cream "Snow White" Biocon based on white lily extract, licorice and lactic acid. Prevents the appearance of pigmentation, has a sunscreen effect.

    Regular zinc ointment has an excellent whitening effect. Its advantage is the absence of contraindications, since the paste can be used even by pregnant women. The ointment must be applied 2-3 times a day until the spots completely disappear.

    Before you start using this or that remedy, you must carefully read the composition and test for an allergic reaction.

    Causes of pigmentation on the face: folk remedies

    Traditional medicine will help to cope with age spots. Masks that are kept on the face for 20-30 minutes are excellent help, after which they are washed off:

    1. Rub the cucumber on a fine grater. The resulting slurry is applied to the face. Remove with a tissue after 30 minutes.

    2. Fresh yeast (20 g) is mixed with lemon juice (half a tablespoon).

    3. Boil potatoes in their skins. Cleaned, mixed with yolk.

    4. Lemon juice is mixed with protein. Add 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

    No less effective are washing with birch sap, rubbing the face with parsley lotion, elderberry infusion, grapefruit or sauerkraut juice, melon pulp decoction, strawberry water.

    Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a bleaching agent. This method is used if the spots are very dark. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in peroxide and apply to the affected area. Put a plastic film on top and hold the compress for 15 minutes. After that, rinse the skin thoroughly with water. The compress is done within 10 days.

    Prevention of age spots on the face

    Any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with it later. To avoid the appearance of brown spots, cosmetologists recommend using the following preventive measures:

    1. Provide UV protection with cosmetics containing retinol, vitamin C, natural oils(jojoba, shea).

    2. From time to time, exfoliate the top layer of the skin. This should only be done by an experienced beautician.

    3. For skin prone to pigmentation, do not use phototoxic products.

    4. The skin must receive vitamins all year round. To do this, include more vegetables and fruits in the menu. In the spring, when the body is weakened by beriberi, it is necessary to drink vitamin C or nicotinic acid.

    5. Eat right.

    6. For a timely determination of the causes of pigmentation on the face, consult a doctor.

    Take care of your health and be beautiful!

    The constant striving for perfection and regular work on oneself are, as you know, the main trump cards of those women who have managed to maintain their beauty and even increase it with age.

    But there are so many obstacles on the way to preserving youth and beauty, and among them are age spots on the face, which spoil the overall appearance and are often difficult to treat.

    In our article, we will consider the causes of excessive pigmentation, methods for removing stains and preventive measures. The practical application of the above tips will help lovely women always be confident in their external attractiveness and make it possible to preserve youth for a long time.

    Before studying pigment spots on the face in more detail, the causes of their occurrence and methods of prevention, one should understand what pigmentation is and why it can be more in some places and less in some.

    As is known from the course of anatomy to each of us, a special substance contained in our skin and called melanin is responsible for skin pigmentation. Melanin is located in the surface layer of the skin, in the epidermis.

    Usually this substance is distributed fairly evenly, which determines the uniform color of human skin, however, under the influence of certain factors, the concentration of melanin can change, resulting in the formation of so-called age spots.

    To learn how to prevent the appearance of excessive pigmentation on the face, you should first understand what are the reasons for its appearance. It should also be remembered here that such a manifestation of a reaction to the sun's rays is very individual, the sensitivity of the skin is different for everyone, and therefore the reasons for their occurrence should be dealt with in each specific case taking into account both hereditary factors and the characteristics of the place of residence. Depending on this and the measures to prevent their occurrence may vary slightly.

    As you know, increased pigmentation most often appears in the fair sex. And women mistakenly believe that the fight against them is based solely on the use of certain cosmetics. However, this is not entirely correct, because, according to numerous medical research, all external manifestations (and excessive pigmentation on the skin is precisely an external disadvantage) - the consequences internal changes. Therefore, the cause should be sought in the state of the body.

    To the factors causing change melanin concentrations should include the following:

    • Heredity - someone on the skin has much more age spots, someone has less. And often it is inherited.
    • A large amount of sunlight - in places where there is more sun during the summer period, the occurrence of increased pigmentation increases; where there is less sun, there are fewer such manifestations.
    • A significant number of moles on the body - this factor should also be considered as a predisposition to the formation of places of excessive pigmentation. After all, moles that have a dark brown color and rise above the surface of the skin also represent pigment spots of the highest concentration.
    • Pigmented spots on the face can also form after childbirth, when there is a significant change in the hormonal background of a woman. In this case, age spots are called chloasma. After some time, which each woman has her own, the balance is restored, the hormonal background returns to normal, and the formation of excessive pigmentation ceases to be a real disaster. However, it is during this period, after the birth of a child, that skin may become more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation from the sun's rays.

    • organic diseases. These should include:
    1. Diseases of the digestive tract. It is known that the condition of the skin is directly related to how the entire gastrointestinal tract functions. And, as a rule, the problem with pigmentation on the face is most common in people who have problems with digestion.
    2. Skin exposure to chemicals. It's no secret that some women have more sensitive skin than others. It is in them that spots can appear when low-quality cosmetics or preparations containing aggressive chemical ingredients act on the skin.
    3. Diseases of the kidneys, as well as the gallbladder and liver.
    4. Lack of vitamins in the diet and improper, unbalanced nutrition also directly affects the condition of a woman's skin.

    The sun's rays are considered the most common cause of excessive pigmentation. People who do not have a hereditary tendency to them perceive the sun as good friend, because under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D, which is so necessary for the body, is formed in the surface of the skin, which we externally perceive as a tan. With the help of melanin, our body is protected from the harmful effects of excess ultraviolet radiation on the body.

    However, people with a predisposition to excessive pigmentation react differently to the sun's rays. The melanin in their skin is unevenly expressed, thereby causing skin coloration to be brighter in some places and less bright in others. Freckles known to everyone, which many people like, can be cited as mild pigmentation, because they give a woman’s face a somewhat playful and piquant look.

    Darker, more pronounced age spots on the face, the photos of which are presented in our article, already spoil the appearance to a large extent. Therefore, to prevent their occurrence, a number of easy-to-use recommendations should be applied that will always make you feel attractive and young.

    Age spots on the face, the causes of which were discussed above, will not become an ornament appearance not a single woman, as they are unevenly distributed, giving the face a mottled look. Remembering that any unpleasant manifestation is always easier to prevent than to get rid of its consequences later, you can avoid the factors that contribute to the appearance of age spots.

    Therefore, the most effective measures to prevent the appearance of increased pigmentation on the face include the following:

    • Avoiding direct sunlight, especially on the skin of the face, since here the skin is especially thin and susceptible to ultraviolet radiation;
    • Before going out, especially on sunny days summer days, be sure to wear a hat with a visor that will cover most of the face.
    • Application special means for face. Sunscreen for the face from age spots is rightfully considered one of the most effective means to combat such manifestations. The effect of such cosmetic product based on creating a barrier between the skin and the sun's rays. The well-known SPF factor of such a cream allows you to neutralize ultraviolet exposure, and the higher its value, the more effective the effect of such a cream.

    It should be remembered that the application of sunscreen should be carried out not only in summer, but also in winter, when the weather is sunny and the sun is no less active than in summer. Despite frost and snow, it is in winter that it can form large quantity pigmented areas on the skin of the face, because there is a reflection of the sun's rays from the surface of the snow and at the same time an increase in their effect on the skin.

    When using sunscreen to prevent the appearance of strong pigmentation, you should be aware that with a specific reaction of the skin to the components of such a cream, a reverse reaction can occur - age spots can only become brighter and their appearance will accelerate. This is due to the fact that this particular cream is not right for you, therefore, when such manifestations appear, you should exclude the cream from use as soon as possible and change it to another remedy.

    If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid the appearance of such spots, you should start fighting them as soon as possible, because it is the face that is the hallmark of a woman and often its unsatisfactory condition negatively affects the woman's self-esteem.

    Excessive pigmentation of the skin of the face - is it possible to get rid of?

    Being a cosmetic problem, age spots on the surface of the skin can be removed using various cosmetics and cosmetic procedures. However, first of all, you should check the state of your health, because most of the external manifestations are internal in nature.

    Consider the most effective measures to remove the manifestation of excessive pigmentation from the face. These include:

    • Skin peeling. Removing the outer layer of the skin during this procedure makes the spots less noticeable and the skin surface more even. There are several types of peels (laser, ultrasonic, chemical) that will reduce age spots on the face. Reviews of each type of peeling will help you understand which type is right for your skin.

    • Facilities traditional medicine. Many natural and skin-friendly components will also whiten the skin, making the areas of excessive pigmentation on the face less noticeable. There are many recipes for masks and wipes, used regularly, they will give the face an even shade, reduce the severity of age spots.
    In the summer time of the year golden color skin becomes the main pride of every girl. However, it is impossible to get it in one session of sun exposure. We'll show you how to achieve the perfect tan while avoiding freckles and unsightly age spots.

    The skin is accustomed to the rays of the sun gradually. On the first day, sunbathe for twenty minutes on each side, next time increase the time spent. The most beautiful and even tan can be obtained if you do not lie all day on the mat, but slowly walk along the beach, and always dry your body with a towel after bathing.

    Before you apply sunscreen milk or spray, you must use a day cream with sunscreen. It prevents the appearance of freckles, which over time, or rather by the end of summer, can develop into age spots. Cracked lips can be avoided by using a rich lip balm, and wrinkles in the eye area can be prevented by using an eye cream. To protect curls from breakage, use a spray or oil, and you can also buy a special sun protection hair line and use it throughout the summer.

    If you want not just to lie on the beach waiting for a golden tan, but to enjoy sunbathing, be sure to apply sunscreen about twenty minutes before visiting the beach. Means are used only on dry skin, special attention should be paid to the neckline, shoulders and face. The lighter your skin, the higher the level of protection of the product should be. Spread the cream on the skin in a thin layer, wait until the product is completely absorbed. Each cream or milk works no more than two hours, and if you often swim, then the product needs to be “renewed” after two entries into the water. After the beach, you need to rinse the body with warm water, wash off all applied products, and then apply lotion or after-sun balm to dry skin, which will soften and moisturize the skin.

    A couple of weeks before visiting the beach, be sure to go to a beauty salon and do a soft peeling procedure. It will help even out the relief of the skin, removing dead particles from it. This will avoid pigmentation and uneven tanning. At home, use scrubs based on grape seeds, apricot kernels or coffee grounds. In hot weather, wear clothes made only from natural and light materials and do not forget panamas and hats.

    The best time for an even and flawless tan is before eleven in the morning and after four in the afternoon. In order for the skin to acquire the perfect chocolate shade and delight you with its impeccable beauty until the first cold weather, change your diet. Include fresh vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin A. It will help increase the production of melanin, a pigment that contributes to flawless skin tone. If you do not use every day a large number of peaches, apricots and carrots, you can quickly achieve a golden and even tan.

    How to deal with age spots that appear on the face or body, the dermatologist decides after examining the patient and establishing an accurate diagnosis. Pigmentation in the form of spots on the skin causes psychological discomfort and can cause a lot of trouble to its owner.

    Without determining the reliable cause of the formation of age spots, it will not work to find out how to deal with pigmentation.

    There are several theories for the development of this skin defect:

    • action of ultraviolet;
    • hormonal changes;
    • gynecological diseases;
    • pregnancy.

    In most cases, age spots appear on the face due to excessive ultraviolet radiation after prolonged exposure to the sun. Much less often, hyperpigmentation occurs against the background of hormonal failure in the body or during pregnancy.

    The synthesis of melanin pigment is carried out by special cells called melanocytes, which are located in the basal layer of the skin. Melanocytes are responsible for the color of the skin and, when overproduced, contribute to the appearance of dark areas of pigmentation.

    Hyperpigmentation can be of different types:

    • congenital;
    • secondary;
    • common.

    A medical examination will help to find out the exact cause of pigmentation on the face or body. The choice of treatment method is influenced by the number of age spots, their location on the skin and size.

    Treatment of age spots

    Only a comprehensive and properly selected treatment will help to get rid of hyperpigmentation. to modern and safe ways removal of age spots on the face or on the body include cosmetic procedures.

    The most effective methods are:

    • laser resurfacing;
    • phototherapy;
    • ultrasonic peeling;
    • cryopilling;
    • microdermabrasion;
    • chemical peeling;
    • microcurrents.

    Contraindications to professional procedures in the salon can be:

    • pregnancy;
    • diabetes;
    • allergic reaction;
    • skin injury;
    • infections;
    • blood clotting disorder.

    Also, in the fight against pigmentation, whitening cosmetics and folk methods can help.

    laser resurfacing

    Laser resurfacing is the most effective procedure, which helps to get rid of skin irregularities, post-acne, scars, scars, wrinkles and age spots. essence laser technique consists in the directed energy of the laser beam on the upper layer of the skin, after which it is burned out along with the spot. During grinding, an erbium or carbon dioxide laser is used.

    Proper preparation for laser skin resurfacing will help increase its effectiveness and avoid the appearance of unwanted pigmentation during the rehabilitation period. Laser treatment is carried out under the influence of sedative drugs, and the whole procedure usually takes about 15 minutes. Complete tissue healing occurs after one or two weeks, and during this time, direct sunlight should be avoided on the skin.

    The number of sessions is prescribed by a dermatologist or a beauty salon specialist.


    Phototherapy or light treatment helps to get rid of hyperpigmentation on the face, correct vascular defects, remove fine wrinkles and improve skin condition. In cosmetology, there are broadband and narrowband phototherapy, which can be used for different parts of the body. The essence of this procedure is the action of sunlight of a certain wavelength on the pigmented area of ​​the skin.

    For a complete cure, usually 2 to 3 treatments are required in one week, and the total course of treatment is about 3 months. During each procedure, you need to protect your eyes from the negative effects of light. It should be noted that long-term use of phototherapy significantly increases the risk of developing skin cancer.

    Ultrasonic peeling is performed in the presence of age spots on the face, mimic wrinkles, oily skin, acne, dehydration and signs of wilting. During peeling, under the action of ultrasound, the upper layer of the epidermis is removed. The procedures are carried out with a break of two weeks, and to achieve the maximum result, you will need to undergo a whole course of treatment, consisting of 5 or 7 sessions.

    First, the skin is treated mineral water, and then hardware processing begins. Since the procedure is painless, there is no need to use anesthesia or sedatives.

    With the help of cryo-peeling, it is possible to get rid of areas of pigmentation on the face, cleanse the skin of dead cells and start the regeneration process. The procedure is based on the action of liquid nitrogen, which is used to treat the pigment spot. This leads to the fact that skin cells in the problem area are actively renewed and restored. natural color faces.

    There may be a short-term pain or burning sensation during cryo-peeling, so people with sensitive skin will need additional pain relief. The whole procedure takes up to 2 hours. If there is a slight skin defect, approximately two sessions will be required to eliminate it. The treated skin is covered with a crust on top and heals after one week. Full recovery after cryo-peeling occurs after about 2 or 3 months.


    Microdermabrasion is a skin resurfacing that removes a layer of dead cells and stimulates tissue repair. The essence of the procedure lies in the action of microcrystals of aluminum oxide, due to which the skin tone is evened out, pigmentation spots disappear, wrinkles and nasolabial folds are smoothed.

    To get rid of age spots, you need to go through 4 to 10 procedures and, to enhance the therapeutic effect, simultaneously use a skin softening cream or lotion. Tissue recovery after microdermabrasion occurs after one week, so you need to take mandatory breaks between sessions.

    Chemical peeling is indicated for:

    • restoration of the protective properties of the skin;
    • elimination of age spots;
    • moisturizing;
    • rejuvenation;
    • exfoliation of dead cells.

    The essence of the method is the effect of chemical acids on the skin:

    • fruit;
    • salicylic;
    • dairy;
    • glycolic.

    After the peeling procedure, the process of tissue regeneration is stimulated and the production of collagen and elastin fibers is accelerated. Time per procedure chemical peeling takes 15 to 60 minutes. If the skin is very sensitive, local anesthesia or sedation may be needed. The general course of treatment is 4-6 sessions, which are carried out with a break of one week.

    Microcurrents or microcurrent therapy is performed using a weak pulsed electric current, during which age spots on the body are removed. Bags under the eyes, stretch marks, reduced skin tone, scars and scars can also serve as an indication for the procedure.

    Each procedure of microcurrent therapy takes from 40 to 60 minutes, and to completely eliminate pigmentation, a treatment course of 12 sessions is required. The skin after microcurrents becomes more hydrated, tightened and evened out.

    Whitening cosmetics

    You can fight pigmentation spots that appear on the face with the help of whitening cosmetics. To solve a minor problem, it is recommended to use a cream with brightening components. You can buy such a tool at a pharmacy or a specialized store, but first you need to find out its composition and action.

    Whitening cream usually contains chemical or herbal ingredients:

    • mercury;
    • melanozyme;
    • hydroquinone;
    • rucinol;
    • glabridin;
    • arbutin;
    • retinol;
    • kojic acid;
    • glycolic acid;
    • azelaic acid.

    The most effective, but at the same time the most toxic substances are mercury and hydroquinone. With prolonged use of such a cream, they have a toxic effect on the skin. Safe components of whitening cosmetics include retinol, azelaic acid and melanozyme.

    Skin whitening cream can prevent new pigmentation and restore melanin synthesis and remove excess melanin pigment in cells. It is advisable to start a whitening course after a preliminary surface peeling procedure, so that the skin can more easily absorb the active ingredients. It is not recommended to use whitening cream in summer period and in spring, when the sun's rays are very active.

    Apply the cream to the skin only according to the instructions attached to it. You can achieve lightening of age spots with the help of regular use of a cosmetic product. For the entire time of using a brightening cream, you should refuse to visit the solarium, sauna and sunbathing.

    Help to remove dark or light spots on the face such means:

    • Achromin;
    • Belita-Vitex;
    • Snow White;
    • Vichy;
    • Series Pearl line.

    A contraindication to the use of a whitening cream may be an allergy to the components included in the composition.

    Folk recipes

    You can cure skin pigmentation with the help of folk remedies that help get rid of many cosmetic imperfections.

    It will not be possible to completely solve the problem using this method, but you can lighten age spots and make them less noticeable:

    1. Most often, lemon juice is used to whiten the skin, which contains a large amount of acid and vitamin C. In order to prepare a whitening agent, you can take one teaspoon lemon juice and add 25 g of yeast and a tablespoon of milk to it. Lemon mask helps to cope with white or brown spots on the skin, and even out the tone of the face.
    2. Cucumber juice also has whitening properties, from which homemade lotions and tonics are made. Can be used to combat pigmentation folk remedy from one grated cucumber, olive oil and lemon juice. The finished mass should be applied to cleansed face skin and washed off after 15 minutes.
    3. If you are not allergic to honey, it will do honey mask for face whitening. To prepare it, you need to take a teaspoon of melted honey and add 2 tablespoons of fresh berries (viburnum, currant) to it. The mask can be applied directly to the skin of the face or lubricated with a napkin and applied to the pigmented areas.
    4. Every day you can wipe your face with sour milk, curdled milk or natural yogurt. An ice cube made from herbal tea or green tea also helps.
    5. For facial skin care, it is recommended to use parsley decoction or add this plant to masks and lotions. Potato starch, clay, seaweed and tomato have bleaching properties.

    Prevention of pigmentation

    After removing age spots, you need to properly care for the skin to avoid re-pigmentation. First of all, it is desirable to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and in summer to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. In order to prevent the occurrence sunburn You can use a product with a high level of SPF protection.

    The daily diet should consist of:

    • a large number of vegetables;
    • fruits;
    • cereals;
    • dairy products.

    Cosmetics should be selected strictly according to skin type. Poor-quality cosmetics can cause an allergic reaction or lead to new age spots on the face.

    There is no universal and unified method for treating pigmentation. Therefore, in order to eliminate such a cosmetic defect, it is best to contact a specialist. Only the right treatment and an integrated approach will help get rid of age spots and improve skin condition.
