Christmas script "three rye spikelets". Scenario of the Christmas performance "Three Trees" Song "We ride horses in a sledge in winter"

Kovalevsky Orphanage 2015 Scenario. "Three Trees" (A Christmas scenario for children based on the fairy tale by Sicarius Topelius and the parable "Three Trees".) Father's congratulations Children read poems about Christmas. Reader 1: Here again is the Christmas of the Heavenly Forces triumph: On this day Christ came to save our world from evil. Glory to Him, the conqueror of darkness. Congratulations with all my heart On this great joy. Reader 2: (Poem): V. Solovyov. …. We are eternal! God is with us! Reader 3: (Against the background of music). THIS POEM IS WRITTEN BY Sasha Zadorov. The worlds rejoiced at the universe. He was born at that hour in Bethlehem! A sign of heaven above the mountain, and, like shadows, Magi hastened to the east. With the first sound from His tender lips, He began a new account of the times. It was a dark night, the air was fresh. A difficult path lay ahead for the wise. Darkness hurried to block their path, But the star illuminated the road. Oh, what a hurry, what a hurry! The path to the Savior God is long. Finally, the wise men are at the threshold, Their faces are radiant, bright ... 1 Gold, myrrh and incense for God From themselves they brought as a gift. All three bowed their knees, Recognizing the King of the universe. The sun painted the walls with light, The night was gone - the dawn was engaged. At that moment, all people felt that the secret of heaven is being accomplished. The one who loves was born, Who raised life above death with himself! Two Easts rose above the earth, And one of them is tiny. Soon the sermon will be a river, In the meantime, the world has filled up its own ... Host: On Christmas Eve, the skies brighten, And transparent forests hide under the snow, And bullfinches bloom brighter than apples on the branches, As if inviting: take me, take me! On Christmas Eve, all people are waiting for a miracle, And festive services are going on in all churches. The heavens shine like the star of Bethlehem, And the frozen forests come to life in a fairy tale. The song "Winter's Tale". Authors: A. Pinegin, A. Usachev. (The screen with the Magi is removed). Anya is dancing. At the end of the music, father and Vanya come out of the house. Father: Dear children! Christmas is coming, very soon. We need a tree. Vanya: We need a beautiful Christmas tree. Anya: Take us with you. We will help you choose it. Father: What a fidget you are. Let's go. 2 EXIT THE DOOR. The sound of a blizzard, a winter forest. Leading: The hut in which the forester lived with his children stood on the edge of a huge, dense forest. There were different trees in it, but there was one clearing on which three trees grew. They were quite unusual, you can just say magical. The crunch of snow. The father comes out with the children. Father: These are trees, so trees! Real giants, just what I need! After a night blizzard, see how much snow has piled up. Let's not go further. We will cut down this Christmas tree, and these two old trees will be used for firewood. Gulya: No, no, no! They are old, have seen a lot and know a lot. In this clearing, Vanyusha and I always play in the summer. Vanya: When the wind rustles in the crowns of these giants, it seems that they are telling some kind of fairy tale. Father: Well, what story can a tree tell? You are my inventors. Well, okay, let them stand for themselves, since you ask so much for them. I will find others. Do not go further with me, come back home. Then I will go alone. (Leaves) The noise of the wind and the call of birds in winter. Birds bullfinch, woodpecker and crossbill fly to the clearing. Gulya: Vanya, look, birds! Vanya: Don't make noise, let's hear what they are talking about. Birds fly out: crossbill, woodpecker, bullfinch. Klest: I flew to the village today. There is so beautiful! The temple is decorated with needles, everyone has such joyful faces. Bullfinch: All people are preparing for Christmas. I cleaned my feathers too, look! Only food for the holiday I did not find. Everything was covered with snow. Woodpecker: I know the forester's family, where any bird will find food for itself, and a sick beast will find shelter and protection. Bullfinch: I saw a forester today. He is looking in the forest for a Christmas tree and firewood for the stove. He almost cut down our cherished trees, but the children persuaded him not to do this. Woodpecker: a kind person raised good children. Klest: No one knows better than me where the best Christmas trees grow in our forest. I'll go and show him. (Flies away) Woodpecker: (On the trail) You, crossbill, are not a specialist in Christmas trees, but in cones. Bullfinch: Oh, how I want to eat. (Children come out) Woodpecker: And me. Gulya: Here, birds, eat, I have a piece of bread, and Vanyusha will share it with you. (The bullfinch is frightened, flies off to the side) Woodpecker: Yes, these are the children of the forester! Don't be afraid! (The bullfinch and the woodpecker are pecking) Vanya: Poor birds, you are so hungry in winter forest. Fly to us. Because today is Christmas. There will be a holiday, gifts and refreshments. 3 Gulya: And we will also light candles and we will have a beautiful Christmas tree. Bullfinch: I will make beautiful rowan beads for your Christmas tree. (Flies away) Woodpecker: And I will convey this news to all the birds by forest telegraph. (A woodpecker flies up and knocks on the trees with its beak, flies away) (Owl flies out) Owl: Who walks here? I have lived in the forest for many years, but I have never heard so much noise in the silence of winter. Today everyone is talking, people, birds and even trees. Gulya: Don't be angry, owl, because Christmas is coming soon. Owl: (Thoughtfully) Yes... Christmas... It's beautiful Holy holiday when miracles are possible. I know that you saved these trees, but did you know that they are magical? Children: (Surprised) No! Flynn: You'll see. (Flies up to the trees) Wake up, giants! It's time for the Christmas story. (The sound of a blizzard and against the background of verses of trees) Oak: We are shackled by cold, we are captivated by snow! The storm rages and rages. To the sound of it, it tends us, the ancients, to sleep, And we see old times in a dream - The time when we, three friends, in a dense forest, rose to the heights. Pine: We stretched to the sky from the frozen earth, Even centuries could not bend us. Spruce: Clouds stray and push, People are born and die. And we stand in spite of everything, We look at the sun or into the darkness. Vanya: Wow, the trees - but they talk. Gulya: It's a miracle, a real miracle. Oak: What are these children, owl, and what are they doing in our forest? Owl: These are the woodcutter's children. They didn't let your father cut you down. Oak: You saved our lives! Now ask us whatever you want. El: We can fulfill your every desire. Pine: What do you want, any of your desires will come true. Gulya: I want the forest to become light and beautiful. So that all people, birds and animals are happy and cheerful. Vanya: And I dream that joy and beauty reigned all over the world, so that trees could tell fairy tales and sing songs. 4 El: Ah, what reckless children! After all, you could wish for so many beautiful things! And wealth, and honors, and glory - you would have everything! .. And you ask for what will happen without your request. Pine: Soon the Christmas star will appear in the sky, and the whole world will be illuminated with such light, such beauty, which you have not seen before. It depends only on you whether you meet this Miracle, whether you keep it in your heart. Oak: And for all people to be happy and cheerful, they just need to be close to God. Pine: If you become good parents , then your good fairy tales and stories will live in your children, in the children of your children. The seeds of warmth, faith and love will sprout and give strong shoots. Owl: Did you dream of hearing a fairy tale? Today is the best day to ask my old friends about it. Tell the story to the children, you know so much. Pine: Yes, we have something to remember, we have something to talk about. Watch and listen. (Music. Everyone sits on stumps) Oak: A long time ago, three small trees grew in the mountains and they dreamed about who they would become when they grew up. The first tree, a small oak, looked up at the starry sky and dreamed of being a treasure trove for the most precious wealth in the world. Pine: A young pine dreamed of becoming the most durable and famous ship in the world, serving the greatest king. Spruce: A small coniferous tree wanted to stand on top so that all people would stop, raise their eyes to it and think about God. Oak: Years passed, it rained and the sun shone. Three trees grew. One day woodcutters came and cut them down. One lumberjack cut down a strong oak tree. He liked that the tree was so powerful. Pine Tree: The second lumberjack cut down a pine tree because it was tall, slender and very suitable for shipbuilders. Spruce: The third tree stood straight, bravely rushing into the sky. But the woodcutter didn't even look up at her. "Any tree suits me," he muttered. Oak: The oak got into the carpenter's workshop and the carpenter made it not a treasury, but a cattle feeder. And the tree, which dreamed of becoming a precious chest for riches, was filled with hay for hungry animals. Pine: Pine rejoiced when it was brought to the pier. But on this day no big ships were built. They made a fishing boat out of it and sent it to a small lake. Every morning this boat carried fishermen and fish. Spruce: The third tree was sawn into beams and left in the sheepfold. It thought, “What is going on? But all I wanted was to stand on top and strive for God. Oak: Many days and nights have passed. The three trees almost forgot about their dreams. The first tree to become a cattle feeder spent all its days in a cave. But one night the light of a wonderful star illuminated this gloomy abode. At that moment, the Young and Beautiful Virgin 5 placed the Child in a manger made from an animal feeder. And the tree realized that it kept the greatest treasure on earth - the Divine Child. Pine: One night, the amazing Wayfarer and his friends boarded a battered fishing boat that the second tree had turned into. The traveler fell asleep on the calm surface of the lake. Suddenly a terrible storm broke out. The boat began to sink and the people who were there became very frightened. The tired Traveler woke up, got up, extended his hand and the storm stopped as quickly as it began. And at that moment the pine tree, dreaming of the glory of the famous ship, felt that it was transporting the greatest King of Heaven and Earth. Spruce: The beams, which were made from the third tree, have lain in the sheepfold for many years. One Friday morning, they were disturbed. An instrument of execution was built from the beams and carried through the angry screaming crowd, placed on the top of the hill, forever connecting the Cross with Greatest Man, Son of God. And so, when the sun rose on Sunday morning, the third tree realized that the Love of God had changed everything on earth. And every time, looking at the Cross, people will remember God. The cross forever, from the top of Golgotha, shows us the way to the Lord. Vanya: What happens, the desires of all these trees came true? Gulya: Yes, but how unusual? Owl: The Lord knows better than us what we need and how to fulfill our dreams. Vanya: I also have a dream. El: The Lord will arrange everything in your life if you are always with Him. Gulya: What good fairy tale. I recognized in her Bethlehem, and the Sea of ​​Galilee, and the Cross on Calvary. But it's time for us to go home. Do you hear bell ringing, calls to the temple, and at home, probably, a Christmas tree is already waiting for us. Vanya: Goodbye, uncle owl. And thank you trees for the fairy tale. Now goodbye! Spruce: Grow, friends, do not bow to the winds. Get up like us and, like us, Live in goodness, and be strong in the earth. In the noise of the winds make your way, And rise towards God. And even in the most difficult days Reach for the light, be people. (Children leave. The screen is removed) Presenter: Night. Freezing. The stars are shining from the heavens. Covered in snow, as in ermines, A quiet forest is slumbering. Silence around. Glade 6 Asleep in the arms of sleep, The moon emerges from behind the forest On watch. The stars are fading. Pale rays are pouring from the sky, The frosty snow sparkled with silver brocade. Spreading its branches wide In a snow coat, In the middle of the clearing, the fir-tree Up went with an arrow. The moonlight fell on the beauty of the forest, And the ice of crystals began to play with fires in the branches. Diamond threads Weaved in the needles, Emeralds and rubies On the snow lit up. A clear star at the Christmas tree The head is shining ... The day of the great Christmas Holiday is coming! Final song. More games and winter fun in the sports hall. 7

Scenario of the Christmas performance "THREE TREES". (Christmas production for junior schoolchildren) Characters Host First Shepherd Second Shepherd Angel Palm Tree Olive Tree Decoration of the winter forest Props green hats with paper palm leaves, olives, spruce needles; beautiful vessel for oil - Olive. PROLOGUE Presenter Winter came to us straight from the North. The forest is all in white - magic! Coming soon - Christmas! Winter nights are quiet. The shepherds were walking through the forest... SCENE 1 The shepherds appear. First Shepherd (referring to Second Shepherd and pointing up) Look over here - See? Bright Star! SECOND SHEPHERD (gazing intently at the sky) Where is the star? Until I see - I'll come closer to you. The first shepherd approaches the second shepherd. Together they look up. FIRST SHEPHERD Look! Golden! It burns brightest! Holy! SECOND SHEPHERD How radiant! How it burns! It's like he's saying something! Host What about? Do you want to know? I can tell you. Shepherds (in chorus) Of course we want! Tell me soon! Leading Centuries ago, just like you, the Star appeared to the magi As a sign from heaven: soon everyone will Arrive in distant Bethlehem, Where the Savior of all human souls was born in a sheep's manger. Trees, people, animals, birds Came to worship the Child. SCENE 2 The Palm Tree, the Olive Tree, and the Fir Tree appear. Perhaps a collective performance of a Christmas song (for example, "We will go to Bethlehem"). Leading Argued Palm, Olive and Christmas Tree, What a gift to bring them to the Holy Child. And the Palm tree bowed to the beautiful Olive Tree ... Palm Tree (Olive Tree) ... Let's go and bow with them! Tree Wait, my dear sisters, - I also want to bow to the Baby! Palm tree (contemptuously) Where are you with us, prickly Christmas tree? What do you have? Only resin and needles! Olive You're better, sister, look at us: Fragrant oil I keep inside! I give my fragrance to the baby - (Shows the hall a beautiful vessel.) And he will be happy, and he will be glad! Palm tree (picks up) Yes, the Holy Child does not need Christmas trees! And I will give him a cool leaf! I will cover him with myself from the heat - And he will sleep in peace and quiet! Tree Oh yes! I agree! You are right sisters. I can't match your gifts! An angel appears. Olive, Palm, Fir-tree surround him. Angel I came to you to resolve this dispute. May you be better than boastful sisters! (He solemnly proclaims, turning to the Christmas tree.) For your modesty, I will exalt you - And from now on it will be a wonderful custom: Decorate the Christmas tree with toys in winter And celebrate the birth of Jesus with this! .. All the actors go on stage, join hands and sing a Christmas song (for example, “Christmas, an angel has arrived”) or take turns reading by heart

Lyubov Varushkina
Christmas party script kindergarten"We Praise Christmas"

Scenario of a Christmas party in kindergarten "We glorify the Nativity of Christ" mixed age group

To the sound of the bells, the children enter the hall, become a semicircle.


The snow shines under the sun

A clear light streams over him,

And the words sound: "Hello, holiday

Light, clear, majestic and beautiful,

Feast of Christmas!

In that great holiday glorify Jesus Christ, thank God that He sent His Son from heaven, who taught to love, believe and forgive. For this Christ came to earth, so that a miracle would happen in the hearts of people, so that the evil would become good, the greedy would become generous, so that the weeping would be comforted, so that the lonely would find a friend.

And now the floor is given to the director of the Kindergarten

Word of the Director

Leading: Let us glorify Christ who came into our world, and wish everyone that everyone loves each other, as the Lord God commanded. The whole world celebrates Christmas. Adults and children sing joyfully: for the salvation of the whole world, God was born in Bethlehem!


I really look forward to Christmas -

This is a fabulous holiday.

And I meet him

In front of a colorful Christmas tree!

I congratulate the whole family

Happy holiday.

I love them very much

And I appreciate them too!

May health bring

This bright holiday

And a blizzard will sweep

Trouble snow-prankster!

The song "We ride horses in sleds in winter"

1. We ride horses in sleds in winter

And my heart is sweet on the way home,

The bell rings loudly under the arc

And the horse briskly, quickly runs across the field.

Christmas, Christmas, here comes Christmas

Let the good news sound Everywhere, everywhere we are

Christmas, Christmas, here comes Christmas

Heart joyfully sings, Because Christmas.

2. Light road, the bell is ringing

He speaks of Christ born to the world

A bright star lit up in the sky

This is joy, this happiness is a holiday forever.

Zimushka-winter (T. Bokova) Rushing in an ice carriage


The wind beats its wings

Sleepy houses.

Blooming squares, parks

Snow white.

And frost builds arches

Above the forest path.

Dance "Winter Beauty"

Leading: Christmas is a bright, joyful holiday! We decorate the Christmas tree, decorate its crown with a sparkling star, light the lanterns.

An elegant Christmas tree pleases the eye,

A star burns solemnly above her ...

We will give the guests a Bible story

ABOUT memorable night Christmas.

Cartoon ChristmasLeading: We have now looked at a wonderful story. But something we sat with you.

We will stand together in a round dance,

We will sing and dance together!

Wider circle! Wider circle!

There are enough hands in the round dance!

Round dance "Christmas lullaby"

caregiver: Sit down, please, on the chairs. (Children sit down).

Today we continue to celebrate the wonderful holiday of Christmas. Does everyone remember the traditions of this holiday? I will ask questions.

(Christmas quiz is being held).

1. The feast of the Nativity of Christ is traditionally celebrated:

b) in spring;

c) In autumn.

a) Christmas holidays;

b) Christmas Eve;

c) Christmas itself.

3. our country celebrates the holiday of Christmas:

4. What were the names of the Baby's parents?

a) Ivan da Marya;

b) Mary and Joseph;

c) Peter and Fevronia.

5. What was the baby's name?

b) Jesus Christ;

c) Solomon.

6. Who brought the happy news of the birth of the baby to the shepherds:

b) neighbors;

c) fortune tellers.

8. Who announced the birth of the Son of God to the magi (wise men):

a) Comet;

b) Star;

c) Northern Lights.

9. The first bed of the Baby was (and):

a) Cradle;

b) A manger with hay;

c) Parents' bed.

10. Magi gave the Baby gifts:

a) Gold, frankincense and myrrh;

b) Gold, diamonds;

c) Toys, clothes for the baby.

11. The main tree at the feast of the Nativity of Christ is:

12. In memory of the Christmas star, the main decoration of the Christmas tree in our homes is:

a) Electric garland;

b) Bengal fire;

c) Star.

13. On Christmas night, it is customary to carol until morning. What were the children and youth doing?

a) Sang Christmas songs;

b) Read poetry;

c) They made riddles.

caregiver: So we have learned that everyone knows very well the history and traditions of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. We all know that the main tree both at the New Year's holiday and at the Christmas holiday is the spruce. But does everyone know why this particular tree? There is a Christmas tradition and I invite everyone to watch it now. (The lights go out. On the stage in the “cave” are the Virgin Mary, Joseph, the baby in the manger. To the left and right of the cave are “trees”, “flowers”, “shrubs”).

Scene "Three trees" (Palm, Olive, Christmas tree)

caregiver: Such a beautiful legend is the ancestor of the modern Christmas Tree. Did you like the legend?

Leading: And now the children middle group they will also tell poems about Christmas and winter and show beautiful dance snowflakes.

Middle group children

1. Needlewoman-winter

Christmas tree-baby

Cleaned it up in the morning

In a white coat.

We will decorate the spruce with a star

And a golden garland.

Soon, soon the celebration -

Christmas! Christmas!

A light cloud over the forest

Sailed fairy tale

And touched with snowflakes

Tree branches affectionately.

Snow fluffs are spinning

At my window.

Let's have fun together:

Christmas tree! Holiday! Christmas!


The wind sings a song

On the edge of the forest

Calls me to dance

In a round dance to girlfriends.

Wind, wind, blow harder

To dance more cheerfully

ice mug -

Little snowflake.

Snowflake danceLeading: There is another folk tradition. On Christmas holidays, it was customary to go from house to house and sing songs to the owners or recite poems. Such songs are called carols. The hosts had to give something tasty in return, for example, sweets. After all, according to popular belief it promised a rich and fruitful year. Let's listen to them.

1. An angel descended from heaven to us

And said, "Christ is born!"

We came to glorify Christ

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Here comes Christmas again

The triumph of heavenly forces:

On this day Christ came

To save our world from evil.

Bright holiday of Christmas!

There is no happier celebration!

On the night of Christ's birth

A star lit up above the earth.

Since then, through the centuries

She shines for us like the sun.

Warms the soul with faith

To make the world a better place.

Gives sparks of magic

Bright holiday of Christmas!

Peace comes to every home.

Merry Christmas!

Song Shepherds ran to the manger of the poor Shepherds ran to the manger of the poor

And they glorified the Child as best they could.

Chorus: Glory to God in the highest!


God gives peace to people!

2. A bright angel visited them on the field,

He announced the one who was born in Bethlehem.

3. They bowed to the Life-giver of all the earth,

With a pure heart, glory to God was lifted up.

4. The King of kings was revealed to them in that Child,

Who was born to save all people

Leading: Guys, do you like to solve riddles?

Riddles about Christmas

In the whole world a celebration

Because... (Christmas)

There is no humbler in the whole world

A young girl ... (Mary)

Came to her from God

Angel of God ... (Gabriel)

This angel brought the message

What was born to her ... (Christ)

Discarding all doubts

Going to Bethlehem ... (Joseph)

No home for the King

They will have to sleep ... (in the barn)

Not in palaces and not in tents,

Baby Christ is sleeping ... (in a manger)

From the east side

They go to the baby ... (Magi)

How can they find the King?

The path will show them ... (star)

Bowing down to the ground

They brought ... (gifts)

presenter: Guys, you were very attentive. And tell me, please, what is the most important thing in the Christmas holiday: go to visit, eat a lot of sweets or give and receive gifts? ( no, the most important thing is not to forget that Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ)

Guys, Did you like the holiday? (children's answers) And me too, thanks for such wonderful poems and songs.

And so our holiday comes to an end.

Night. Freezing. The stars are sparkling

From above heaven.

All covered in snow, as in ermines,

A quiet forest slumbers.

Silence around. glade

Sleeping in the arms of sleep

Emerges from the forest

Watch the moon.

The stars are fading. Are pouring from the sky

pale rays,

Frosty snow sparkled

Brocade silver.

Branches spread wide

In a snow coat

Christmas tree in the middle of the meadow

Up went an arrow.

To the beauty of the forest

The moonlight has fallen

And the lights of ice crystals

Played in the branches.

Diamond threads

Weaving in the needles

Emeralds and rubies

They lit up in the snow.

A clear star at the Christmas tree

Head lights up.

The great day is coming

Christmas holiday!

Lead boy
So the Nativity of Christ has come - a great, bright, joyful holiday.

leading girl
At this time, angels in heaven rejoice and people rejoice, because everything that is bright, peaceful, high, noble, holy in our life, all this is a gift from Christ the Savior who was born in the city of Bethlehem.

leading girl
Let's remember the events of the great Christmas night and what preceded it.

The lights go out in the hall, only the model of the cave on the stage is beautifully illuminated with garlands.

Lead boy
Before the birth of the Savior, the Roman emperor Augustus ordered a census to be carried out. All subjects went to the census in their hometowns. Righteous Joseph and Holy Mary from Nazareth, where they lived, went to Bethlehem, where they were from.

leading girl
In this city, Joseph and Mary could not find a place in the hotel, and they stopped for the night in a cave where shepherds drove cattle in bad weather. This is where Jesus Christ was born. The Mother swaddled the Baby and laid it on fragrant straw in a manger - a feeder for cattle.

A beautiful slide with the icon of the Mother of God with the Infant Christ is projected in the opening of the cave.

child reader
Angels, ray invisibly,
Praise the birth of Christ.
The Virgin bowed over the Son,
In her heart is purity,
Meekness, love and humility.
It blows with the breath of roses ...
To the sinful earth for salvation
The Christ child has been sent.
T. Shorygina

Children's choir sings the song "Christmas"
(lyrics by T. Shorygina, music by L. Ershova).

There were many stars in the sky
Warm clear night.
Quietly sleeping Jesus Christ
On the straw in the manger.
Sleeping quietly
Quietly sleeping Christ
On the straw in the manger.

Virgin Mother, bending over Him,
She sang softly.
The night shimmered golden
Star cover.
The night shimmered golden
shimmering gold
Star cover.

Angels sang to Christ
Glorified the birth
He brought beauty into the world
I'm lying to the rescue!
Brought into the world
He brought beauty
I believe in salvation!

Lead boy
The first of the people who received the news of the birth of the Divine Child were shepherds who were tending their flocks near the city of Bethlehem.

Loud music sounds.
In the foreground of the screen (if a planar nativity scene is used) or on the stage, if children play the roles of shepherds, a "burning fire" appears. Around the fire are figures of shepherds or children in shepherd costumes.
Children read by roles a poem by T. Shorygina.

1st shepherd
The wind runs through the grass like a wave,
A small fire flickers in the dark.
Heaven with a shining moon
Like a starry, silk tent.

2nd shepherd
The night is fragrant with laurel subtly,
Silver in the stream water.
By the fire they talk quietly
Shepherds tending their flocks.

3rd shepherd
I hear in the grove behind the village
Quiet mysterious singing.

1st shepherd
As if a star choir sings from heaven.

2nd shepherd
Or rustling the branches of the forest.

leading girl
In the valley of the shepherds, not far from Jerusalem, a shining Angel of God appeared to the shepherds.

An angel appears.

Shepherds, do not be afraid in vain,
I brought great joy!
This night of grace, clear
Our Savior Christ has come into the world!

The children's choir sings the first verse of the song "Christmas, an angel has arrived...".

Christmas, an angel has arrived,
He flew across the sky, sang a song to people:
You people rejoice
Celebrate all day,
Today Christ's Christmas!
You people rejoice
Celebrate all day,
Today is Christmas Day!

3rd shepherd
To look at Christ
worship God,
The shepherds set off
On a long journey.

They came to the cave
Quietly stood near the door,
They brought as a gift to Mary
Honey, fragrant herbs.
Found the path by the asterisk
Bright, golden.

Performing the song "Asterisk"
(lyrics by T. Shorygina, music by L. Ershova.)

This asterisk was not easy.
God Almighty Himself
I lit that star.

A golden star lit up in the sky,
This asterisk was not easy ...
And the star burns and shines
We are illuminating the path to salvation.

child reader
In the bottomless high
The asterisk is on fire.
Humble work, modest
God has not forgotten.

First to the cave
The shepherds have arrived.
sincere faith -
It's the salt of the earth!

Meekness and patience,
Life is quite simple.
People for consolation
Holy night has come!
T. Shorygina

The children's choir sings the second verse of the song "Christmas, an angel has arrived...".

The shepherds were the first to come to the cave
And the Child-God with the Mother was found,
Today is Christmas Day!
They stood, prayed, bowed to Christ, -
Today is Christmas Day!

The shepherds leave the stage.
The wolves appear.

Lead boy
According to the star, they found the way to the cave in which the Savior was born, the wise men of the East - the magi. They came to worship the Child and brought Him gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The scene with the Magi can also be shown in a flat nativity scene. If the puppets of the Magi cannot be prepared, you can stage a scene for children in the costumes of the Magi.
Children in roles read N. Veselovskaya's poem "The Conversation of the Magi".

first sorcerer
We are stargazers, we are visionaries,
We are all privy to secrets.
Let's go worship the baby
We are each from our own country.

Second sorcerer
By the command of God
A bright star guides us -
Through deserts and villages
Through forests and cities.

Third Magus
We are driven by insight in everything
We bring gifts to the Child.

first sorcerer
He is the King of kings; and, therefore, it is necessary
Bring Him a gift - gold ...
And now it burns like fire
The first gift to the Divine Infant!

Second sorcerer
And I carry something completely different:
fragrant vessel,
It's quiet here
myrrh and aloe
They will pour at the burial.

Alas! I know in advance
The Savior will die for the people.
But lies and malice will be put to shame,
And He will rise from the grave!

Third Magus
He is the Divine, and therefore
I carry incense for Him,
After all, incense is burned for the glory of God,
He is a fragrant resin ...

first sorcerer
Look! Seems like a road
She brought us to a new city.

Second sorcerer
The star is out of place.

Third Magus
So here.
Let us open the gate.

The children's choir sings the third verse of the song "Christmas, an angel has arrived."

The wise men from the east come with a star,
Frankincense, myrrh, gold
They bring it to Christ.
They stood, wept,
Gifts were given to Christ,
Today is Christmas Day!
They stood, wept,
Gifts were given to Christ,
Today is Christmas Day!

leading girl
At the entrance to the cave where Christ was born, there were three trees: a palm tree, an olive tree and a fir tree. They also wanted to bow to the Divine Child.

The history of the Christmas tree (verses by N. Veselovskaya) can also be shown in a flat nativity scene, using large flat images of a Christmas tree, palm trees and olives. Or you can stage this scene for children dressed in costumes of trees and an angel.

I am a palm tree with a lush round crown,
And I keep pride in my heart.
Your leaf, wide and green
I will bow before the Child.
He will probably smile at me
After all, I'm the most beautiful of all. Right?

And I am the beauty of the olive tree.
Not all trees are so slender...
My fruits with a touch of blue
The fragrances are full.
And there is nothing to think, deciding
Which, of course, I'm good.

Christmas tree
But I have nothing to brag about:
I have only cones and needles.

So don't go to Christ
You still poke him...

Or drop a bump on Him.

Palm and Olive(in chorus)
Christmas tree, go away
Don't go near Christ.

You are not beautiful at all...

A stick in a fur coat, and nothing more.

Christmas tree
Well, dear friends, I will not go to Christ. I'll wait for you here at the entrance to the cave. True, I would very much like to see Him, but what can you do ...

An angel appears.

Christmas tree, palm and olive(in chorus)
Oh who is it?

Oh, quiet and humble Christmas tree! Your meekness pleases Christ. Now I will dress you with stars from the sky.

The angel decorates the Christmas tree, sprinkling it with sparkles.

I myself will take you to the holy cradle of the Child. And from now on, in memory of you, people will decorate a Christmas tree every year.

child reader
We will decorate the Christmas tree
bright star,
We will braid the Christmas tree
Golden thread.

How beautiful on the Christmas tree
Festive outfit.
On her pins and needles
The fires are burning.

And sweet at heart
Fun, light.
Everyone is happy today
Christmas has come!
T. Shorygina

Lead boy
The time of the Nativity of Christ is the time of miracles and Christmas gifts.

Heaven gave Christ
Christmas star.
Earth with love and faith
Gave the Baby a cave.
The angels praised with singing.
Preserving the beauty of the soul,
Chastity and humility
People gave Mother to Christ!
T. Shorygina

leading girl
And also the time of Christmas is the time of Christmas Christmas stories. One of them - the fairy tale "Three rye spikelets" today we will tell and show you.

Three rye spikelets
(According to the fairy tale by Z. Topelius)

Wealthy Peasant
Wealthy farmer's wife
poor peasant
Poor peasant's wife
Vanya (son)
Masha (daughter)
flock of sparrows

Props for a fairy tale
Spikelets of rye (or other cereal).
"Strong stick" - a gnarled thick branch.
A bag suitable for putting "four loaves of bread" into it, a strap should be attached to the bag in order to quickly throw it on Vanya's back and take it off just as quickly.
"Pitcher of milk".
Birchbark, or another bucket.
Christmas tree for a festive evening in the house of the poor.
Dishes on the table in the poor man's house.

At one end of the stage is the rich man's house, at the other the poor man's house. In the middle of the scene is a lake made of silvery fabric, surrounded by a forest.
Magical music sounds.

It happened just before Christmas.
There lived a rich peasant in a village. They began to prepare for the holy feast in his house, so the wife says ...

Wealthy farmer's wife
Listen, master, let's put at least three spikelets of rye on the roof - for the sparrows! After all, today is Christmas.

Wealthy Peasant
I'm not so rich to throw away so much grain to some sparrows!

Wealthy farmer's wife
Probably the poor man who lives on the other side of the lake has not forgotten about the sparrows on Christmas Eve. But you sow ten times more grain than he...

Wealthy Peasant
Don't talk nonsense! What else have you thought up: throwing grain to the sparrows! Take it better at the festive table.

They began to bake, cook, fry and stew in a rich house. Only the sparrows that jumped on the roof did not get a single crumb. They circled over the house: they did not find a single grain, and they flew away.

The roles of sparrows can also be played by children. They dance, move around the stage to the music, "flying" from the rich man's house to the poor man's house.

Sparrows are watching, and on the roof of a poor house, open to all winds, a rich treat is cooked on the roof - as many as three ears of ripe rye. The sparrows rejoiced, they began to peck the grains!
We heard sparrows in the house. The owner sighed...

Poor peasant's wife
Eh, our oven is empty now, but the table is not thick. If we took those three spikelets, if we threshed, if we kneaded the dough, if I baked cakes from that dough - so we would have a treat for the holiday! For children - for joy, for us - for consolation!

poor peasant
Enough, wife! If only, if only ... What kind of cakes are there! How much grain can you thresh from three ears of corn! Just right for a sparrow feast! Better gather the children, let them go to the village and buy us fresh bread and a jug of milk - after all, I have saved up some kopecks for the holiday! We will also have a holiday - no worse than that of sparrows!

Children in the house of a poor peasant decorate a Christmas tree and sing some kind of Christmas carol. After the end of the song, the father turns to the children.

poor peasant
Vanya, Masha! Get ready, go to the village, and buy us a jug of milk and fresh bread for the holiday.

Let's go to! Let's go to!

We'll bring a treat!

Poor peasant's wife
Yes, maybe they shouldn’t go ... After all, it’s cold in the yard! Yes, and the road is not close! And it's getting dark, come on! And yes, wolves...

Don't be afraid, mother. And you, father, give us a strong stick, with this stick we will scare away every wolf!

Father gave Vanya a stick, their mother baptized them, and the children went to the village.

Children walk past the lake, through the forest.
Sounds like music or soundtrack howling wind.

How long, how short - they bought four loaves of fresh bread, and a jug of milk and went home.
They go, and the snow keeps falling, and falling, the snowdrifts grow, and grow, but it’s still not close to the house.
Suddenly, a wolf, huge, thin, met them. Mouth opened, stands across the road and howls. Vanya was not timid, he waved his stick, but his voice was trembling ...

The wolf enters the scene.

Do not be afraid, Masha, now I will drive him away!

And the wolf howled suddenly, so plaintively...

Woo, what a stu-u-uh, what a fierce stu-u-uh, my wolf cubs have absolutely nothing to eat! They're going to starve! Hungry-u-u!

Vania! I feel sorry for the wolf with the cubs, only we have nothing but bread, we will give two loaves to the cubs!

Vanya thought, and handed the wolf some bread. The wolf rejoiced, wagging its tail like a dog.

I will never forget your kindness!

The wolf runs away.

The wolf grabbed two loaves and ran away.
And the kids moved on. They are walking, in a hurry, suddenly they hear: someone behind them is heavily stepping behind them in deep snow. Vanya and Masha looked around, and so they froze on the spot: a huge bear was following them. The bear stopped and growled.

A bear appears.

Sea-r-roses, sea-r-roses! R-r-r-streams are frozen, r-r-rivers are frozen! Bear cubs are crying, drinking pr-r-drow!

Wow, what's the matter! Don't worry, we'll pour you some milk, give the cubs water to drink, and you'll sleep like other bears in your lair until spring!

The bear holds out a birch bark bucket to the children. Vanya and Masha are pouring milk from a jug for him.

Good kids, good kids!

The bear leaves.

And the bear went on his way, waddling from paw to paw.
And Vanya and Masha went on. It's very close to home. They suddenly hear a noise above their heads. They looked: an owl flies at them, flaps its wings, screams in a raspy voice.

Give me bread! Give me milk! Bread for me! Milk!

The owl flies around trying to grab prey.

Vania (wielding a stick)
Here I will give you now, robber!

The owl had to get out!
And the children soon reached the house. The mother rushed to meet them, kisses, pardons.

Poor peasant's wife
Oh, how I worried about you! Why didn't you change your mind! Suddenly, I think, they met a wolf, suddenly what a connecting rod bear met! ..

We really met a wolf! And we gave him bread for his cubs.

And we met a connecting rod bear! We gave him milk for the cubs.

Did you bring anything home? Or were they treated to someone else along the way?

We also met a robber owl! We threatened her with a stick!

And we brought home two loaves of bread and half a jug of milk. So now we will have a real feast!

Children take out a knapsack and put a loaf of bread on the table, put a jug of milk.

The first star lit up in the sky, people began to praise the Nativity of Christ.

The song "It always happens"
(words and music by A. Kryachko).

This is how it always happens
Sweeps the snow of the field,
The earth became white
Sleeping under a snow blanket -
This is always the case in winter.

There is a tower-teremok,
Smoke comes out of the chimney.
And under a warm blanket
The son is sleeping in the cradle.

His sister is sleeping next to him.
And quietly snores ...
Behind the window all the tracks
The moon is bright silver.

Mom covered the kids
rocked the cradle,
Quietly sang a song -
It's always been like this in the family...

Year after year, round dance,
Everyone goes, the years run,
Grow up, recruit
Strength, dexterity, intelligence.

Helping mom and dad
It always happens in the family!
Save, Lord, our house,
To have happiness in it.

Save, Lord, our house,
So that everyone is warm in it,
And all the strife and strife
Let them freeze under the window.

Outside the window snow sweeps,
Dad is carrying a Christmas tree
So it's going to be a holiday soon.
Christmas and New Year!

Come, guests, to us,
You are welcome in our house
Grandma washed the tablecloth
Mom set the table for her -

It's always been like this at home!
That's how it's always been with us...

The family of a poor peasant sits down at the table.

Everyone in the house prayed to God and sat down at the table. They look: what a miracle - how much the father does not cut off from the loaf, how many pieces of bread he does not distribute, but the loaf remains intact! The mother began to pour milk - no matter how much it pours out, but the milk in the jug does not decrease!

Poor peasant and children(in chorus)
Well, miracles!

The scene is changing. The owners in their homes are taken to work.

But everything has its turn: gone holidays. The owners began to get down to business. Whatever the peasant and his wife undertake, everything goes well with them, but they argue. Where it was empty, there it became dense. What a wonder?
On the other hand, the wealthy peasant's economy went awry. Owner collapses...

Wealthy Peasant
All because, wife, that we do not save the good! Give to that, lend to this. No, we are not so rich, not so rich to think about others. Drive away, wife, away from the yard of all beggars!

They began to chase everyone who approached their gates. But they didn't have much luck anyway. The old man began to think ...

Wealthy Peasant
Maybe we eat too much or too fat? We probably need to cook our food differently! Go, wife, to those who live on the other side of the lake, but learn how to cook!

The wife of a rich peasant goes to the house of the poor, watches how the poor peasant and his wife work, how they meet guests, treat them.

The old woman went, and the old man waits, waits. Long or short, the wife returned. The old man is impatient.

Wealthy Peasant
What, wife, plucked up mind-mind? Did you find out why everything in their house is going well?

Wealthy farmer's wife
Got it, got it.

Wealthy Peasant
Tell me what their secret is!

Wealthy farmer's wife
Well, listen! Whoever comes into their yard, they welcome him, put him at the table, and even give him with him. A homeless dog will be fed. And always from a good heart ... That's why, old man, they are lucky.

Wealthy Peasant
Wonderful! I have never heard of people getting rich by helping others. Well, okay, let's check: take a whole loaf and give it to the beggars on the high road. Yes, tell them to get away on all four sides!

Wealthy farmer's wife
No, this will not help ... It is necessary to give from a good heart ...

Wealthy Peasant
Here's another! Not only do you give yours, but also from a good heart. Well, okay, give from a good heart. But only such an agreement: let them work later. We are not rich enough to give away our good for nothing.

Wealthy farmer's wife
No, if you give, then without any persuasion.

Wealthy Peasant
What is it! His own, acquired - to give as a gift!

Wealthy farmer's wife
So after all, if for something, it will not be from a pure heart!

Wealthy Peasant
Wonderful deeds!.. Well, that's what, wife, we still have a sheaf of unthreshed rye. You know what, take out three ears of corn, but save ... for sparrows. Let's start with them!

The song "About a cold and hot heart" is performed
(lyrics 1 and 2 verses by an unknown author, verses 3 and 4 verses and music by A. Kryachko).

About cold and hot heart
Where are the butterflies, dragonflies
Play your game
There our tears freeze
In the icy wind

We can't keep warm
When the blizzard blows.
As long as the heart reigns here
Cold as ice.

Make it hard to warm up
But still, every time
There is someone who has a heart
His will warm us.

And the butterflies will swirl
The nightingales rise
Where the one will pass, whose heart
Filled with love.

All "artists" bow to the audience and leave the stage.

Thank you guys for the story and songs.
And on our stage, like last year, there is a Christmas tree, decorated with toys and sweets. Everyone who reads poems about winter and the holiday will get a toy or candy. Before you go out and read poetry, let's read one of the poems "Bright Holiday - Christmas" all together. I will begin each quatrain, and you will finish it.

We will decorate the spruce with a star
And a golden garland.
After all, today is a celebration
Bright holiday - Christmas!

Christmas trees are beautiful outfit,
The lights on it are on.
After all, today is a celebration
Bright holiday - Christmas!

Let's sing and have fun
Circling around the Christmas tree
After all, today is a celebration
Bright holiday - Christmas!

Children read poems about winter and holidays, take pictures of sweets and homemade toys from the Christmas tree.

After the end of the matinee, the host invites everyone to the classes, to the festive tables.

Matinee for children from 3 years to 7 years

Enters the hall (to the music "to us on New Year Santa Claus")

D.M. and Vasilisa the beautiful chorus

Hello kids girls and boys, hello moms and dads, grandparents, hello adults! Here we are with Santa Claus to you!

D.m: - through blizzards and snowstorms on a sleigh they flew to you. you have been waiting for us. Well, what good fellows! how beautiful, elegant, festive! And what a beautiful, fluffy Christmas tree you have, well, just like in my forest, but let's play around it(at this time there is a loud knock). Who else complained?

The sorceress winter enters the hut, her appearance is accompanied by

music by G. Sviridov "blizzard".

Sorceress winter: - hello, grandfather, hello Vasilisa! What, you didn't expect me to show up? how is it so?! because I am a winter sorceress, so I walked by and decided to look at the light. How many guest helpers do you have! I also have many helpers: funny snowflakes fly through the forest, snowdrifts sweep!

Snowflakes run out to the music.

What are you all talking about? Or frozen? Well, I'll quickly teach you how to keep warm in winter! Come on, let's play! Now the music will play and you, along with the snowflakes, will begin to spin around the hall, but as soon as the music stops, you should freeze each in its place.

music sounds, snowflakes run out and begin to dance, involving everyone present in the dance, the music stops, the dancers stop.

Sorceress winter: and now I will ask you riddles in turn.

(who guessed freezes puts a cap on his head)

1. who walks in the cold cold winter, hungry? (wolf)

2. winter and summer one color? (spruce)

3. Who is gray in summer and white in winter? (hare)

4. is the tablecloth white all the light dressed? (snow)

5 . the old man at the gate dragged him warmly, he himself does not run and does not order to stand. (freezing)

6. the field is not measured, the sheep are not counted, the shepherd is horned (month and stars)

7. lies quietly all winter, and in the spring he will run away. (snow)

8. walks in the field, but not a horse,

flies in the wild, but not a bird. (blizzard and blizzard)

9. not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a person, but tells. (book)

10. a horse downhill, and a piece of wood from the mountain. (sled)

Father Frost: what are you doing to me, winter-winter, you froze almost all the children? one means gifts, and the other turned into icicles! this is not good! Come on, disenchant them immediately!

Winter sorceress. it will still work! And I've got a present for you too! here, hold it! (holds out ice cream to Santa Claus). The most delicious winter treat - ice cream!

Father Frost: and this is what I love! try it, right? (eats ice cream)Anxious music.

Father Frost: oh, what a treat! oh, who are you? (referring to children). and how did you get here? I don't remember you! And who am I? what is my name?

Vasilisa: guys, oh, this naughty winter, and D.M froze, and he forgot everything, let's help him remember everything! And give us back the holiday.

Children : you d.m came to the Christmas holiday, to congratulate us and give gifts.

D.m: what other Christmas, why is it so hot, I want to go home to Africa to my beloved monkey, and I go to the exit.

Vasilisa: dm wait guys now will help you remember and sing a song.

"Big Star"

Come out, my helpers, tell grandfather what kind of holiday it is today.

Reader1: Those were the days of miracles

The words of the prophet came true

Angels descended from heaven

A star rolled from the east

The world of redemption awaited

And in the poor manger of Bethlehem,

To the song of praise of Eden,

The wondrous baby shone...

Reader2: A great miracle happened that night:

God sent us a Savior

In a forgotten cave, in an abandoned manger

The baby, the Son of God, was lying.

Star above the cave, like a guiding light

She shone to the learned sorcerers,

And the loud song of the shepherds majestically

And gracefully rushed to heaven.

Reader3 : It's Christmas again

The triumph of heavenly forces:

On this day Christ came

To save our world from evil.

Glory to Him forever

The conqueror of darkness.

Congratulations with all my heart

With this great joy.

You . Well, how do you remember?

Dm : it seems that something is working out, but what is the tree from my forest doing here,

You . All children and their parents decorate it for Christmas, everything should be perfect on this bright holiday.

D.m : why not birch, it is beautiful and light.

Children in chorus : look grandfather, we will tell you now ....


Music sounds.

Narrator, Palm, Olive, Spruce

Narrator: At the very entrance to the cave where Jesus lay, there were three trees: a slender palm tree, a fragrant olive tree, and a simple green fir tree.

Palm: Olive, look how wonderful the light is in the cave!

Olive: Let's go and we will worship the Divine Infant and offer Him our gifts.

Palm: I am Slim Palm. I will bring the best leaf of my luxurious crown to the Baby, and on a hot day the leaf will bring coolness to Him.

Olive: And I am a fragrant Olive. I will saturate the ground in the cave with fragrant oil, and it will be filled with fragrance.

Spruce : Ah, dear sisters! You, slender Palm, and you, fragrant Olive! Bow to the baby and I would like to join you. Take me with you too.

Palm: How did you think, prickly Christmas tree, to equal with us?

Olive : Please tell me what you can simple Christmas tree, give to the Divine Child? What do you have?

Palm: Only sharp, prickly needles, and a nasty sticky resin.

Spruce I will not be able to present rich gifts ... But beautiful music sounds in my soul.

Palm: Hide the nasty thorns away! You can hurt the Baby with them!

Olive: Make sure that sticky resin does not accidentally get into the cradle!

They leave.

Spruce: The sisters turned their backs on me. They entered the sacred cave and offered their gifts to the Child. Insignificant and poor, I am not even worthy to approach Him. And the best thing I can do is quietly give way to others.

Narrator: The angel heard the words of the Christmas tree and said to her: "For the fact that you are so modest, God will adorn you!" And thousands of stars shone on the branches of the Spruce. When the Infant Christ woke up, He did not pay attention to the Olive Tree and the Palm Tree, but smiled affectionately at the Christmas Tree and extended His hands to her.

Since then, every year at Christmas, the tree celebrates Jesus, and people all over the world decorate its branches. On this day, the Christmas tree pleases both children and adults with its outfit.

One star escapes the stage, runs around D.M. and he remembers everything!

D.M. Guys, I remembered:Today is a break from work

Oblivion of all worries ... The first star will light up -

And Christ will come to us. It will come down to every family

Bring peace and peace, Show your goodness to everyone,

Have a feast for the kids.

Vasilisa: Grandpa, let's play with the guys

Round dance to the music "Old Beetle"

1. stand up, children, stand in a circle, stand in a circle, stand in a circle! clap your hands without sparing your hands! jump like bunnies - jump yes lope, jump yes lope! and now stomp, not sparing your feet!
2. We will take our hands as soon as possible, more fun and raise our hands up, jump above all! we will put our hands down, stomp with our right foot, we will stomp with our left foot and turn our heads!

D.m: I'm tired of rest, I need to listen to your poems.

D.M.: What good fellows you all are, but can you sing?

You: Of course they can, let's have our favorite.

Choral singing in the forest

D.m : Oh, where's my mitten?

You: Here she is, we can play with her

Mitten game

D.m : Are there any other guys who haven't told poems?

Organization of space for reading poetry.

Final song "Bright Star"

Farewell to the heroes.
