Scenario of the holiday “Feast of the Princess of Water. Script for water day in kindergarten Script for water holiday in dhow

Water Festival in kindergarten.


Create a joyful mood in children,

Show the great value of water,

The course of the holiday.

Children go out to the playground to the music of "Summer" and sit down.

Educator: Guys, today we have gathered at the water festival. And now we are in for a surprise. We close our eyes with our hands and do not peep.

The queen of water comes out.

Queen of Water: Did you recognize me? Probably not. I am needed in heaven and on earth. Nobody and nothing can do without me. I need everyone, everyone, everyone!

to drink

to quench your thirst.

To wash something

And the housewives - to cook different dishes!

Who am I?

Children options.

C. V. : Well done guys, I am the queen of water.

Come out soon,

we will play with water.

summer holiday start off.

I heard that there is one custom in your garden.

Always help each other.

And do not leave in trouble.

So I came to you for help. In my water kingdom, the water has become cloudy and dirty. Someone has polluted it. And I even know who. It's a dirty microbe. Help me find a dirty germ and clean it up.

Children. Yes.

C. V. To hit the road you need to gain strength - do exercises.

Charging: (flash mob)

C. V. Here you are ready to go. And our first test is a foamy river.

Foam river game

Girls in one container whip the foam with their palms, and boys in another. Who will get more foam.

C. V .And now I will call my helpers-droplets. (water cycle in nature)

Droplets - my children, it's time for you to hit the road! I send you droplets to the ground. Spill a cheerful rain, water the earth, trees and flowers, take a walk. And then come back to me.

(music sounds, droplets scatter, jump, dance)

Presenter: Droplets flew to the ground. They jumped, they jumped. It became boring for them to jump alone. They gathered together and flowed in small streams.

(droplets make up streams, each team joins hands)

Brooks met and became a big river.

(groups connect, stand in one chain, depict a river)

The river flowed, the river flowed and got into a big - a big ocean.

(children rebuild in a round dance and move in a circle)

They swam, the droplets swam in the ocean, then they remembered that my mother ordered me to return home. And just then the sun came up.

The droplets became light, stretched up (stretch their arms up) and returned to their mother.

C. V. Here are my droplets well done.

And the next test awaits us - we go to the kingdom of the water.

The water one appears. (to the song of the merman)

Water. Why did you complain to me? My dream was disturbed.

C. V. Merman, do not swear at us, we are looking for a harmful microbe. Let us go further.

Water. No, you must pass my tests, then I will pass.

Relays with water.

1. Remove the stone from the basin of water. Run to the pelvis, get one stone out of the water with your hand, go back and put the stone in the bucket.

2. Throw the cubes into a bowl of water. The child, standing in a hoop, should fall into a basin of water with a cube. The team that scores more dice in the pelvis wins.

3. "Wring out the washcloth"
The game is played by 2 teams. Children have to transfer water from one basin to another

using a washcloth. (4 basins, 2 sponges)

4. Whose water splash is higher. One at a time, the children run up to the basin of water and hit the water with their palms. Who has higher splashes.

5. Ride on a boat. Running in pairs in a hoop.

6. Relay “Save the fish”

2 teams are participating. Goal: Who will fill the bucket with the fish faster and more, overcoming obstacles: crawl under the arch, run between the chips, crawl under the rope.

The team with the most water in the bucket wins. The relay race lasts 5 minutes.

A fish cannot live without water. We must help her, fill the bucket with water, overcoming obstacles. Water can be collected with a large wooden spoon, pouring it into a small bucket, then run to the bucket with the fish, overcoming obstacles.

Water. Well, what good fellows you are, you coped with all my tasks. A deep river awaits you further, and I cannot let you in without checking whether you know how to behave near the water.

Game yes or no.

You can swim in unfamiliar places. (No)

While swimming, you need to grab each other by the arms and legs. (No)

You can dive in unfamiliar places. (No)

If you swallowed water, froze - swim further. (No)

You can swim far from the shore. (No)

On a hot sunny day, you can not walk without panama. (Yes)

You must swim in the river without adults. (No)

You can't stay in the water for a long time. (Yes)

Water. Well, now I am calm and let you go further.

C. V .Guys, isn't it time for us to eat and catch fish.

Fishing game. (big rope like jump rope)

C.V. Guys, in order to see a microbe, we need to turn into a dirty one, since the microbe will not appear to clean children (children paint their palms with blue crayons and dance the “Gryznulki” dance)

C. V .Oh, who is it there (a drawing of a microbe hangs). Yes, this is our microbe.

Game "Defeat the microbe"

(children splash on the image of the microbe, the drawing is washed off.)

C. V .So we found a microbe, washed it, and the water in the water kingdom became clean and transparent, like these bubbles (blowing bubbles). Thank you guys for your help. And a parting gift to you: - I invite you all to blow soap bubbles.

(All children are given soap bubbles.)

The music "Song about summer" is playing.

Quest "Playing with water" for older children preschool age

Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna, music director of GBDOU kindergarten No. 4 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg
Description of work: I bring to your attention the script of the game quest. This design can be used music directors And preschool educators.
Leading educational areas: physical and artistic and aesthetic development.
Goals and objectives: cause a positive emotional response, create an interactive atmosphere for children
- involve children in active participation in the quest;
- development of research and cognitive skills and abilities


Leading: Today, March 22, the whole country celebrates Water Day. On this day, we must remind each other that despite the fact that our Earth has a lot of water reserves, water must be protected, water is life. How much water on Earth I will show by the example of an apple. Imagine that the apple is the Earth. (Shows an apple, which is previously cut into 4 parts) 0.25 part on Earth is land (shows one slice of an apple), 0.75 is occupied by water (shows the remaining 3 slices).

Look at the map, see how much water there is on the entire planet.
What is water for?

Children: Make medicine, wash the car, wash the dust off the trees, etc.
1. Do not wash, do not get drunk
Without water.
Leaves won't open
Without water.
Can't live without water
Bird, beast and man
And so always
Everyone needs water everywhere.
Experience "Water has no smell"

2. Do not pour water in vain,
Know how to cherish water
Close the faucet tight
So that the ocean does not flow out.
Experience "Water has no color"

The game "Who will fill the jar more" (pebbles and shells are laid in a jar of water)

Leading And now my boys
Guess the riddles.
1. Where he just does not happen,
There the water arrives. Has no arms and legs
But water will pour everyone.
Children - (rain)
2. Carrots, not red, But warm, water runs ..
Children- (icicle)
3. In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Brook)
4. Not the sea, not the land,
Ships don't sail
And you can't walk. (Swamp)
5. Kostya woke up in the morning,
Dressed myself, dressed myself
And more to space
Went out of the house into the yard.
Sees - many mirrors
Someone scattered it all over the place.
Here are some things!
What are these mirrors? (puddles)
6. She falls to us from heaven,
Openwork, very cold.
To us fell on the eyelashes,
All turned into water.
Children - (snowflake)
Game: Guess "What does it sound like?".
Children listen to an audio recording: the sounds of rain, ocean, fountain, stream

Experience "Water has no form"
Frogs come out:
1. And trouble came to us.
People hate us.
The water is polluted.
2. It became difficult to live in the river,
I suffocate in the water.
Have pity on me
How dirty our river is.

3. I changed today,
Looks like it hasn't been washed in years.
In spots, oil, scales,
I'll get lost here in the river.
Leading. We can help the frogs.
The game "Clean the lake from garbage" - Collect garbage in a bag - all children participate.

Leading. Escape from the mountain without difficulty
She thunders like thunder.
On a frosty day, she is firm -
Chop with an ax!
Heat it up - and to heaven
She will fly then.
Now you will answer me yourself
Her name is - ... (water).
Surrounds you everywhere and always,
This sorceress is our Water!

Summer leisure for children 4-6 years old

Zheltysheva Olga Viktorovna,
music director MBDOU No. 1,
GO Karpinsk, Sverdlovsk region

Explanatory note

Summer is a great time of the year for leisure activities, for which children do not need to be specially prepared, as during school year. The most important:
- to be fun;
- to be interesting;
- so that there are many surprises;
And, of course, something tasty at the end!
On the territory of our kindergarten there is a functioning ecological trail– development and pride of our teaching staff. There are different corners on this trail: an apiary, a pond, a bird canteen, a weather station. I, as a person who is not curious, but inquisitive, have always been interested in experiment games. And I decided to try myself as a crowd entertainer, arranging a holiday for the children with different games and experiments with water, funny songs, a dance flash mob, and an unexpected guest. Why with water? Because I love water! In my opinion, there is a magical power and attraction in it.
3 groups take part in leisure (2 junior, middle and senior), and kids three years– spectators and participants at will. Why are all groups together? I think it's very important point in the socialization of children, in the development of communicative qualities, in the creation of one large kindergarten team, a family where the younger ones learn from the older ones, imitating them, and the older ones take care of the kids. Sometimes it's so touching!

Leisure is designed with the aim of spending it on a summer playground. Game exercises, experimental activity, surprise moments allow you to make it fun, interesting and informative.

Program content:
- to give children joy and pleasure;
- to consolidate knowledge about the different states of water, about the types of natural reservoirs, about the importance of water in the life of all living things;
- to form social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, support each other, take into account the opinion of a partner;
- to develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation;
- develop attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking.

Game equipment:
1. In the younger group: a basin of water, cones according to the number of children, a spoon, a plate
2. In the middle group: a square drawn with chalk on the pavement, a bucket of water, a spoon.
3. In the senior group: 4-5 soup bowls with water, a bench or table.

Equipment for experimentation:
1. In the younger group: a table, a bucket of water, various objects and their images, which then need to be glued to the table.
2. In the middle group: a table, a container of water for spilling on the table, various objects and their images, which then need to be glued to the table.
3. In the senior group: water, 7 glasses with various substances (salt, sugar, sand, jam, stones, grass, sand). Images of these substances, which then need to be glued to the table
For cooking soap bubbles: liquid glycerin (can be bought at a pharmacy), dishwashing liquid, water, basin.

Host, Piggy.

Children take places in a place specially equipped for the holiday on the street. Groups are switching.

The song "Smile" is performed(Music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky)

Leading: Guys! Today we have unusual holiday- a festival of magic water. Why magical?
Children's answers. The facilitator summarizes the answers.
Leading: It is true that water can quickly run in a stream, splash in the sea, become cold ice or hot steam. All living things on earth are made up of particles of water. That's how different she is!
Today I will be the Sorceress of Water, and you will be my droplets. And together we are the sea!
Droplet emblems are attached to children.

The game "The sea is worried"

Leading: Don't wash, don't get drunk
Without water.
Leaves won't open
Without water.
Can't live without water
Bird, beast and man
And so always
Everyone everywhere needs...
Children: Water.
Leading: Water is life.

Mobile game "Drop one, drop two .."

Leading: Droplets flew to the ground.
They jumped and played. (Children jump, play).
They got bored of jumping alone.
Gathered together
And they flowed in small cheerful streams (Move in pairs).
Streams met and became a big river (Connected in a chain).
Droplets float in a large river, travel (Snake walking).
The river flowed and flowed and fell into a large, large ocean (Circle).
Droplets swam in the ocean, and then they remembered
that my mother cloud punished me to return home.
And just then the sun warmed up (The “sun” appears).
The droplets became light, stretched upwards. (Hands up.)
And they returned to their mother cloud (The children sat down).

The dirty pig Piggy appears.
Piggy: Hello!
Leading: Hello Khrusha. Oh, how dirty you are! Children, what do you think needs to be done so that Piggy becomes clean and beautiful again?
Children's answers.
Leading: What is needed for this?
Children: Water.
Leading: Piggy, you should wash up!
Piggy: No, I don't want to wash. Water is our enemy! Wash your face? Never!
Brush your teeth? No way! I'm so handsome, pretty, good.

The host blows bubbles.
Leading: Look, Piggy, what beautiful soap bubbles, both big and small! Do you want to play with them?
Piggy: Yes!
Leading: Then let my baby droplets wash you. Then we all have fun playing with soap bubbles!
Piggy: Fine!
Droplets "wash" Piggy.
Leading: Now you are handsome! Well, let's have a bubble show, shall we?
Piggy: Yes!
Leading: But what if we try and make soap bubbles ourselves? Children, do you agree? What do you think we need for this?
Answers of children and Piggy. The leader summarizes.

Making soap bubbles
(Soundtrack "Soap Bubbles", music and lyrics by T. Volkova).
The process of making soap bubbles: children pour Fairy dishwashing liquid (100 ml) into a container with water (60 ml), add 2 tablespoons of glycerin. The resulting solution is whipped with a whisk, then bubbles are blown through cocktail straws or specially prepared wires bent in a circle.

Piggy: That's how great!
Leading: You see, Piggy, and you said that water is our enemy.
Piggy: Sorry I was wrong!
Leading: It's good that you figured it out! There are many songs, poems, riddles about water.
Piggy: I love riddles, how about you guys?
Children's answers.
Leading: Do you know, Piggy, that water comes in different states?
Piggy: Everyone knows this! Water can be in the state of tea, in the state of soup, in the state of soda and compote! And also….
Leading: Wait, wait, Piggy, that's right, of course, but I asked about other states of water.
Piggy: I don't know about other states!
Leading: It's not scary, now, with the help of riddles, you will find out everything, and the children will help you.

1. He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But he won't get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
Until he passes.
2. Rolls, turns,
Shoals and whirlpools.
Washing away the shores
Rushing fast…
3. He flies from the sky in winter,
Don't go barefoot now
Every person knows
Which is always cold...
4. When it's cold and cold in winter,
Both the pond and the puddle are covered with it.
5. Either smoke, or clouds,
Is it a magical river
From wonderful soft cotton wool,
Who covered everything with a white paw?
It's not a fairy tale, it's not a lie,
The earth was hidden by a thick ...
6. A mushroom, a dragon is visible in the sky,
And a horse, even an elephant:
They float from afar
In white patches

Leading: You see, Piggy, water is in a liquid state - rain, river; in the solid state - ice, snow; and in the gaseous state - clouds, fog.
Piggy: Great! You can hide in the fog, you can play with friends with snowballs, you can swim in the river!
Leading: And it's all water! You can also play with water and even arrange competitions. Shall we play?

Water games. Games are held at three venues as competitions.

1. Kids play "Fishing".
Game progress: children one by one run to the table, take a fish (bump) out of a container of water with a spoon, put it on a plate, run back.
2. Children of the middle group "ground the canvas."
The course of the game: a canvas for a picture is drawn on the asphalt with chalk, the children one by one approach a container of water, scoop up water with a spoon and pour it onto the canvas until it is all wet.
3. Children senior group"drain the swamp."
Game progress: children one by one run to the “swamp” - plates of water, blow on the water to blow as much as possible, run back.

After the games, everyone gathers at the original place.
Leading: You played very well with water, and now answer the questions:
Does the water smell, does it have a smell?
Children's answers.
Is the water sweet, salty or sour, does it have a taste?
Children's answers.
Does water have color?
Children's answers.

Leading: And you can also conduct various experiments with water, and I suggest you go to your walking verandas and conduct experiments with water.
Piggy: Can I do it too?
Leading: Of course, Piggy!

Children go to their walking areas, where everything is prepared for experiments.

1. Junior group. Experiment "Sinking, not sinking"
The course of the experiment: children lower various objects into the water, determine which of them sink and which do not. The results in the form of an application are entered in a table.
2. middle group. Experiment "Absorbs, does not absorb"
The course of the experiment: children blot water with different objects, determine which of them absorb water and which do not. The results in the form of an application are entered in a table.
3. Senior group. Experiment "Dissolves, does not dissolve"
The course of the experiment: children dissolve different substances in water, determining which of them dissolve and which do not. The results in the form of an application are entered in a table.

After the experiments, the children gather at the original place, exchange impressions, talk about the experiments, show the completed tables.

Piggy: How amazing! I really enjoyed experimenting with water with you guys. We were real explorers!
Leading: And I suggest everyone to drink delicious and vitamin juice!

KGKP I / garden No. 150 "Taңsholpan»

WITH scenario summer fun

priceless water

for older children.

Presenter:Kudryavtseva L.V.

Bastinda: Merkulova I.V.

Muses. supervisor: Shcherbakova L.V.

Date: 20.08.2014

The holiday is held on the sports ground, decorated with balls, flags, flowers, in the summer. Children in the clearing line up in a circle.

Leading Dear Guys! Today we have gathered in this green summer meadow to remember what it takes to become strong and hardened. And songs, poems and games will help us in this.


1. Hello, the sky is clear!

Hello red sun!

Hello air and water

We welcome you always!

2. Wake up early in the morning

And wash your face with water.

After all, always cheer up

Helps everyone... water.

What reservoirs do you know?

Children. Seas, rivers, lakes, streams, swamps, puddles...

Leading. What is rain?

Children. This is also water.

Leading What time of year does it rain? (children's answers)

Let's sing a song about summer rain with you.

Song "Summer Time" by A. Kudryashov

Leading. What is rain for?(Answers.) Indeed, everything that is on the planet: soil, plants, animals - needs water in the form of rain. Where do you think the tap water comes from?(Answers.) That's right, water comes to houses from reservoirs. First, it is thoroughly cleaned, and then it flows through the water pipes both to you - home, and to us - in the kindergarten. Water is needed for cooking: soup, porridge, compote. You can't drink tea without water.

Do you wash your hands before eating? Morning and evening teeth

clean? Do you rinse your mouth after eating?(Answers.)

Well done! What if there was no water?

Children. We would be dirty and slutty!

Bastinda appears to Bastinda's song.

Leading. Hello, dear Bastinda.

What wind brought you to our holiday?

Bastinda. I flew by on my umbrella

and I heard you here in every way water

exalt. Outraged to the core!

Why do you need extra worries: wash your hands, brush your teeth,

rinse your mouth? You don't even have to wash your feet!

Put on rubber galoshes - and go!

(Dances to the music, showing off his galoshes.)

Leading. I wonder what you say, BastindaWhen will you listen to this poem?


The river shines with gold

Splashing in silence

sun bunnies

They ride the wave.

The river is blue

He is calling us.

Let's run guys

Who dives ahead?

( V. Tatarinov)

Bastinda. Oh oh oh! I'm scared to even think about it. Why are you swimming in the river? still drown!

Leading. We won't drown! Kids, what do you use to swim?(answers: armlets, vests, circles) .

And how can you move on water? On what?(answers: on a boat, boat, ship, on a raft).

Draw the attention of children to hoops (boats), next to which there are signs.

The names of the boats are called by the children from the pictures on the plates.

Divide the children into 2 teams.

The game "Whose crew will gather faster?"

Bastinda (grouchily). Oh, think! Yes, if I played, I would not be the first to fly into place in the boat, but I would ... yes, I would fly across the sea on my umbrella.

Oh! I remembered! When I was walking towards you, I saw two small ponds. But they don't have fish or water. Why do you think?

Children Because it's trash!

Bastinda That's right guys! And is it good or bad?(answers)

Leading Let's clean up the trash!

Relay race "Clean the pond of debris"

Leading Well, we cleared the ponds and a fish appeared in them. And then the fishermen.

Game "Fishing"


That's how clever you are!

Tell us, in order:

How often do you exercise?

Do you do sports?

Are you tempered with water?


Temper?! Terrible, brothers!

After all cold water!

Maybe there is another remedy

hardened to become

Keep up with others?


1. In the morning, do not wallow for a long time,

2. Do physical education,

3. Run, jump and jump,

4.Shower cool to take!

5. Noisy trickle of water

Crushed by hand.

We never forget

Wash up in the morning!( P. Voronko)

Bastinda Well, yes, I would like to do exercises. Yes, but who would teach!

Leading Our children will teach you. Really guys? And you watch and do with us.

Charging "The sun is radiant ..."

Bastinda Charging is great. But the shower is cold - no ... Brrr ... I don’t want to!

Leading In vain you so, without water in any way it is impossible! Water is essential for humans, animals and plants.

Draw the children's attention to the flower pots.

Leading See these flowers? What is needed for their growth? Sun, air and water. They have enough air and sun, but I suggest you water the flowers. Teams, take your seats.

The game "Whose team will fill the glass with water and pour the flower faster?"

Leading Well, Bastinda, are our children clever?

Bastinda . (laughs, doesn't want to agree) Just think, they didn’t spill the water, they watered the flowers! But I have a very difficult task for them.(Pulls out water pistols. Leading with an assistant at this time takes out 2 easels with paper targets.)

Now I'll check how accurate they are!

Game "Hit the target with water"

He selects 2 boys and invites them to hit the target with a jet of water from a distance of 2m. The game is played 4 times with different participants. Bastinda sums up the game.

Bastinda Well, yes, you are better with pistols than I am.

Guys, I'm glad I got to you. Now everything is clear to me. It turns out that it is impossible to live without water. Water is needed both for hardening and for the life of people, plants, birds, animals.

Down with the umbrella! No galoshes needed!(takes a squirt gun and sprays it on his feet)

Wow, good!!!(Slightly splashes on children, they scatter)

Why are you running away? Are you afraid of water? For the fact that you taught me not to be afraid of water, I will thank you. I give! Let you stay!

(Gives pistols to the leader, children thank)

Leading. Bastinda, do you know why our children did so well? Because they are very friendly. Now we will sing you a song about friendship.

The song "The world is like a colored meadow"

Leading So our holiday is over. You learned even more about ordinary, but so necessary water. Love water and temper!

Today - do you know? -

Day of water resources.

We are all invited to visit

River, swamp, pond,

Sea, ocean, spring -

The holiday was created for them.

So let it be everywhere and always

Our water will be clean.

And also, to make it happen,

Let your thoughts be pure.

Another spring holiday- World Water Day, which is celebrated on March 22, appeared on the calendar recently - in 1993. And the UN General Assembly announced it. And the task of the holiday is extremely simple - to draw the attention of all mankind to the development and conservation of water resources.

And in 2003, the UN declared 2005-2015 the International Decade for Action "Water for Life".

Activities aimed at promoting the rational use of water resources were held in our kindergarten with children and their parents. A series of conversations “Where does water live, what is it for?” was held with preschool children, the children read and learned poems, sang songs, conducted experiments with water, exhibitions of drawings were organized on the theme “Water around us”, as well as an exhibition of literature related to the subject of water and water resources of our planet. Children of the senior group presented their project "Water around us". When organizing work with children, kindergarten teachers tried to ensure that children were not just listeners, observers, but also full participants in them. The children themselves drew conclusions about the need to be caring and take care of what surrounds them.

Water is life, say the sages.

This assertion is undeniable.

Today guys, a holiday of water.

It's shameful not to celebrate.

On this day, I wish you all purity,

Bright days and boundless freshness.

After I drink a glass of cold water,

I admire her out loud without flattery.

Rivers, lakes, seas, oceans,

Streams, springs, swamps and ponds,

Runs from the ground, runs from the tap,

Life is impossible, alas, without water.

The resources of the planet are not at all bottomless,

And we will protect the water resource,

Use water wisely and legally

Use in a way that does not poison.

So that in clean, mirror, cool water,

The children splashed, to their own delight.

Smile and happiness to be on the faces,

And reflected in the crystal water!
