Consultation on the topic: “A toy is a reliable assistant in raising a baby” consultation on the topic. Regulations on the review-competition "toys-assistants" Toys assistants for educators competition in the preschool

Elena Karataeva

Studying the materials of the Federal State Educational Standard, teachers of the preschool educational institution came to the conclusion that the main task of the Standard for preschool education- return gaming activity and the status of developing gaming activities in kindergarten. The game as an independent children's activity is formed in the course of the upbringing and education of the child in kindergarten.

The main task of us adults, educators and parents is to teach the child to act with toys. Toys allow the child to express their feelings, to explore the world contribute to mental, moral, aesthetic, physical development and the upbringing of children, the development of their speech, memory, attention, they are taught to communicate and know themselves.

Toy-First Friend, helper of every child. Darling the toy remains in memory, it is to her that the child trusts his most secret thoughts, desires, requests.

That is why we decided to hold a contest in our kindergarten " Helper toys"

Parents were involved in making dolls. Ideas for making characters are borrowed not only from magazines and the Internet, but also invented directly by teachers. Teachers and parents sewed, tied DIY toys.

In our group, we decided that each toy will"responsible" for your game center. Exactly toy will introduce new material, consolidate the studied material, doll mistakes will help children accept and solve game tasks, problem situations.

The owner of the group was the doll Alice.

In the center of mathematics is a Lisa Pochemachkina doll.

Rosochka Pencil is the center of Artistic activity.

In a corner of nature, the little brownie Kuzya is in charge.

In the garden on the windowsill - Mr. Potato.

In the sports center - an elephant - an acrobat Glasha.

In the theater corner - the gnome Tinkerbell,

In the center of life safety - Dr. Pilyulkin.

In the patriotic corner there is a Matryona doll and a Barbara doll with a beauty-long braid.

In the corner of role-playing games Dr. Wolf.

Hare Stepashka settled in the corner of the dining room attendants

And this helper toys who put up for the competition our kindergarten teachers

Toys help to form in kids such qualities as accuracy, independence, responsibility.

Showing love for your toys, caring for them is the first sprouts of valuable qualities of character.

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They are rarely mentioned in pedagogical literature, but they are not offended, but patiently wait for their help to be needed. What are we talking about?.

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NOD "Our helpers - household appliances" Synopsis of direct educational activities for children senior group Performed by the educator MBDOU "D / S" Lark, Abakan, r. Khakassia.

Our group was opened three years ago in 2013. Thanks to our parents, in a very short time we managed to arrange a group and a site. Not alone.

Hello dear teachers. Now on sale a large number of various stickers. Children enjoy playing with them.

Purpose of the competition:

  • increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of educators by deepening their knowledge of the choice of game material that contributes to the full development of children of early and young preschool age.


  • stimulating the development of the game as the leading type of children's activity;
  • improvement of the subject-developing environment in groups, taking into account the age of children, their gender characteristics;
  • increasing the level of knowledge and ideas among teachers about children's folk toys, fun toys for children of early and younger preschool age;
  • help to understand the importance of using toys in development fine motor skills hands, which directly contributes to the development of the child's speech;
  • activation of potential creative possibilities for the manufacture of helper toys.

Criteria for evaluating a toy-fun, requirements for the review-competition:

1. Compliance with sanitary standards (SanPiN).

2. Compliance with the age, needs of children.

3. The toy should contribute to the development of the child, should expand his horizons, captivate with images of modern reality.

4. The toy should evoke good feelings towards the phenomena of our reality, contribute to the accumulation of positive moral experience.

5. The toy should be dynamic, encourage the child to a variety of actions in the game. “The more opportunities a toy provides for various actions, the more interesting it is for a child, the greater its educational opportunities.”

6. The toy needs an attractive, colorful design in order to evoke an emotional attitude in the child, to cultivate artistic taste.

7. The design of the toy must be safe for the life and health of the child and meet a number of hygiene requirements:

A) by their design, toys should not have a traumatic effect on the child, they should exclude the possibility of accidents: in toys for any age, the presence of sharp corners, cutting edges, piercing ends is unacceptable;

B) the surface of the toys must be flat, smooth, without roughness and burrs.

8. The toy can be crocheted, knitted, sewn or made from any available environmentally friendly material (fabric, cotton wool, wool, threads, dough);

9. Toys can be in the style of Russian folk tales;

10. Toys can be presented as toys for finger theater and toys for board games.

The teachers of our kindergarten approached the competition creatively and with great enthusiasm. Ideas for making characters are borrowed not only from magazines and the Internet, but also invented directly by teachers.

The following works of teachers were submitted for the competition:

  1. "Ladybug" - a magic pillow - Ramazanova N.A.
  2. “My helpers are the Swan Princess, the Clever Owl, funny bunny» - Zimina N.A.
  3. "Magic Cups", "Barometer" - Makarova O.M.
  4. "Hare" - Vakhturova V.V.
  5. "Who eats what" - didactic game- Sinyagina I.V.

The competition was held in a warm creative atmosphere. The administration and teachers of the preschool educational institution were satisfied with the results of their work. The team was given a positive assessment, the winners were awarded certificates for prizes and participation in the competition.

1st place - Makarova O.M.

2nd place - Zimina N.A.

3rd place - Ramazanova N.A.

The development of a rich emotional world of a child is unthinkable without toys. They allow the child to express their feelings, explore the world around them, teach them to communicate and know themselves. Think back to your favorite toys! These are not necessarily expensive and chic dolls and cars. For some, this is a nondescript bear, inherited by his mother, a tiny baby doll with a huge number of unimaginable outfits made of tulle, etc. e. The choice of toys for a child is a very important and serious matter. Only the child is able to choose from huge amount toys exactly what he needs. This choice is internally conditioned by the same emotional stimuli as the choice of friends and loved ones by adults.



Municipal institution "Department of preschool education" of the executive committee

Nizhnekamsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Presentation at parent meeting

on the topic :

"A toy is a reliable assistant in raising a baby"

Educator: Gilemkhanova G.Yu.


Nizhnekamsk, 2014

"A toy is a reliable assistant in raising a baby."

(consultation for parents)

R The development of the rich emotional world of a child is unthinkable without toys. They allow the child to express their feelings, explore the world around them, teach them to communicate and know themselves. Think back to your favorite toys! These are not necessarily expensive and chic dolls and cars. For some, this is a nondescript bear, inherited by his mother, a tiny baby doll with a huge number of unimaginable outfits made of tulle, etc. e. The choice of toys for a child is a very important and serious matter. Only the child himself is able to choose from a huge number of toys exactly what he needs. This choice is internally conditioned by the same emotional stimuli as the choice of friends and loved ones by adults.

Every child should have such a toy that he can complain about, scold and punish, pity and comfort. It is she who will help him overcome the fear of loneliness when his parents leave somewhere, the fear of the dark, when the lights turn off and you need to fall asleep, but not alone, but with a toy girlfriend. They are sometimes angry at them, they are punished and even broken, thrown into a far corner, but they are remembered in moments of childhood grief, they are taken out of the corner, repaired, the worn out eyes and lips are finished, new outfits are sewn, ears and tails are sewn on.

It is hard to imagine that a child can experience such an attitude towards a robot - a transformer, a toy "Dandy", a plane soaring up, a roaring car.

As "girlfriends" little boys and girls would rather choose Barbie, Mishka, a kitten, a hare, that is, a creature that is very human, close to him and understandable. Therefore, having learned about the cherished dream of a child to have this or that toy, first think about whether he needs it.

Undoubtedly, the child should have a certain set of toys that contribute to the development of his sensory perception, thinking, horizons, allowing him to play real and fairy-tale situations, imitate adults.

Real life toys.

Doll family (maybe a family of animals), doll house, furniture, dishes, cars, boat, cash register, scales, medical and hairdressing supplies, watches, washing machines, stoves, televisions, crayons and boards, abacus, musical instruments, railways, telephone, etc.

Toys that help "splash out" aggression.

Soldiers, guns, balls, inflatable pears, pillows, rubber toys, skipping ropes, skittles, as well as throwing darts, etc.

Development toys creative imagination and self-expression.Cubes, nesting dolls, pyramids, constructors, ABCs, board games, split pictures or postcards, plasticine paints, mosaics, kits forneedlework , threads, pieces of fabric, paper forapplications , glue, etc.

When buying toys, use simple rule: toys should be chosen, not collected!

Toys, as adults imagine them, are no good from the point of view of a child. Gorgeous automatic and semi-automatic fully assembled toys cannot satisfy a child's creative and emotional needs. The child needs such toys on which it is possible to work out, to polish the basic necessary character traits. For this, automatic toys are completely unsuitable.

Toys for the little onesfirst of all, the sense organs should be developed: eyes, ears, hands. And while his main need is to feel warm, the first toys of babies should be soft and warm, then they will fully correspond to the baby’s desire to know everything through touch. The best toys for little ones are those that can bite. They should be made of soft materials - plastic, rubber, wash well, be light, not have an elongated flat shape so that when putting them in the mouth, the child could not choke. Coloring toys should be bright. Well, if they are sounding.

For one year old baby interesting and useful will be plastic pyramids of 3-4 component rings of different colors, bowls different sizes, embedded in each other, multi-colored cubes. Manipulation with these toys not only develops the intellect of the child, but also gives pleasure and joy when the child succeeds in something in the same way as an adult. Tumbler toys are very useful.

For 2 year oldsvery good are a large multi-colored ball that does not roll under furniture, 7-8-component pyramids, soft, fluffy toys that children no longer put in their mouths, but fall asleep with them very well. A large plastic car or box from this age will teach the child to be accurate, independent, because cubes, balls, rubber and soft toys should be folded in them after playing. It is good if already at this age the baby will have his own play place in the apartment, and the toys also have their own house.

By the age of three the set of toys is expanding. To bright, multi-colored toys with a clear shape, the simplest constructors are added, which kids assemble together with adults, always experiencing pleasure and delight from the fact that a wonderful figure-toy understandable to a child can turn out from strange pieces. At this age stage, the child begins to actively engage in the world of real life situations, learns that people are busy in life with work and have different professions, face problems and find a way out of conflicts. Therefore, most often the child chooses plots for role-playing games from the life that surrounds him. Children play "daughters-mothers", "dad and mother", "shop", "doctor", "kindergarten", etc. etc. Toys at this age increase in size ( big doll, big bear, etc.). It would be correct to buy hairdressing sets, tea and table sets, Dr. Aibolit's accessories, furniture and other items that reflect various aspects of reality. The desire of the child to live a common life with adults indicates a new stage in the development of emotions and social adaptation. The main requirement is that "household toys" should be similar to the "original" and be strong enough.

By the age of four role-playing game becomes the mainactivity child. The content of the game becomes more complicated, many toys become unnecessary, because children's imagination is able to turn specific objects into imaginary ones. So, a pencil can become a magic wand, green leaves- money, ornaments drawn on paper - carpets in the doll's apartment. That is why at this age the greatest benefit to the child will be brought not by expensive and useless toys, but by functional ones, even if they are made by oneself.

By the age of five large toys gradually cease to occupy the child and move from the play area to chairs, beds, cabinets. But sets of animals, soldiers, doll families win the interest and emotions of the child. Great opportunity to play different options with the same toys; children develop fantasy and imagination, thinking ceases to be concrete, and the emotional world is enriched.

six year old childnon-static and specific toys are more useful and interesting - he will be happy with an unusual designer, models of ships and aircraft, beautiful felt-tip pens and an entertaining board game, a collapsible transforming robot, a set for sewing and knitting. Children love toys made with my own hands especially if they become useful to others. Children love at this age to make toys-gifts (kitchen potholders, napkins, decorations). Joy and pride are caused in the child by the fact that he knows how to do good to others and loved ones. Therefore, any desire of a child to make, sew, glue and give something to someone should be welcomed by parents if they want to develop diligence, perseverance and a desire to give something to others in life. Toy stores fade into the background, and the greatest interest among children is caused by counters with stationery,building materials , threads and buttons. The child himself prepares himself for a change in the type of activity and schooling.

In the future, the child himself will make an "inventory" of his toys. Never force your child to throw out broken or outdated toys with their own hands! For him, these are symbols of his development, positive emotions and experiences are associated with each. These are his childhood memories, these are his friends. It is much more psychologically environmentally friendly to repair them and give them to other children, give them to a kindergarten, a child who is unlucky and his parents do not buy toys for him.

IN school age children learn to play without toys. They are increasingly beginning to like outdoor games with peers using balls, jump ropes, shards, knives, etc. In games, the child learns to win and lose, obey the rules, recognize the victory of another child, communicate and work together with adults and peers.

Remember that everything except your favorite toy needs to be changed and updated periodically. If you notice that the baby does not pick up some toy for a long time, it means that he simply does not need it now. Hide it away, and after a while, its appearance will cause a new emotional or cognitive interest in the child.

And one more piece of advice. Don't take your child too often to a toy store full of tempting but very expensive toys. How many tears and sufferings of kids were seen by newfangled dolls, cars and animals sitting on the shelves! These experiences, when a child cannot get what he really wants, he does not need at all. Only when you yourself are ready to give the child joy, take him to the store and make him a holiday.

There is a saying, "You can't play with toys all your life." This is true, but you must admit, adults, how nice it is sometimes to get a funny souvenir from a nice person! Give your children joy not only on birthdays and New Year, but just like that, from a good mood.

With the advent of a child, every new parent begins to measure life by important milestones: for the first time, the baby raised his head, said “aha”, rolled over, sat down, crawled ... And, of course, he took the first step with his little legs. For many, this step of one's own child will be more significant than the step of a man on the moon. And they are waiting for this event with no less trepidation.

Despite the fact that nature has given its time to everything, I really want to somehow speed up the process of turning a crawling man into a erect man. Some parents are proud at the sandbox: “But ours went at 8 months old,” while others, whose baby is a year and two still rubs his knees on his pants, crawling around the playground, lament. Of course, everything will be, before you have time to look back, how your child will rush around the apartment and the street at a speed bordering on light, but you want something “right now”.

You can go for a trick - the vertical position of your heir will help provide some adaptations. As in all matters relating to children, this one causes no less controversy and clashes of different opinions. So you will have to make your own decision, which will automatically put you in either the supporter camp or the opponent camp. Today we will try to give a complete and impartial picture. We will talk about different walkers, jumpers and children's reins.

What is this?

Walkers They are a chair limited around the perimeter by a structure in the form of a bumper with wheels. The child, being in the center, can, pushing with his legs, independently (and quite deftly) move around the apartment. Walkers can vary greatly in cost, but functionally they will be exactly the same. The main thing is that they have a good stopper that secures the walker in the working position (if it is snapped off, the walker will become compact and can be removed). On all walkers on the front panel there are game centers - steering wheel, music buttons, spinning balls, animal figures. It is also important when choosing a walker to pay attention to the growth of the baby, it must match the other!

Do not forget to remove all dangerous objects located a meter and a half above the floor, your mobile child can now reach a lot.

Pushers (carts-walkers) suitable for kids, who are trying to go. Such pushers will serve as a reliable support when moving around the apartment. On the street, a “walk” stroller, which the child will roll in front of him, or a baby toy stroller, can perform the same function. A little later, when the baby is already walking a little more confidently, rolling toys on sticks can already be used.

Jumpers - this is a seat on several strong ropes, which is fixed in the doorway, this design can also be mobile. In the first case, the cost may be limited to 1-2 thousand, and jumpers that are not attached to the opening may be far from budgetary. A child in jumpers can sway or, pushing off with his legs from a horizontal surface, spring.

Rein a bit like a harness for decorative dogs or harness for horses. It is because of such associations that they are not very common. No one wants to hear the question of why a child walks on a leash. This product will help mom keep her back healthy, but at the same time control the movements of her restless child.

For what?

It is worth starting with the main thing - none of the listed devices helps to speed up the process of learning to walk. So do not blindly rely on the same walkers and think that since the baby rushes briskly around the apartment in them, then it is not long before independent steps are left. We'll have to come to terms with what has already been said above - it will go when it goes. Not earlier and not later. For children, by and large, this is just another toy.

So treat jumpers-walkers and other helpers solely as entertainment that allows you to free your mother’s hands for a while and keep your baby busy with something new.

For whom?

Again, let's make a reservation - we try to be impartial, so we won't shout that it is necessary for everyone, as well as declare that it is harmful for everyone.

IN jumpers it is better to insert a child when he reaches 5-6 months, it is not necessary that he already knows how to sit, the main thing is that he holds his head well. Jumpers can be considered as a sports simulator. They help inactive children move more and develop the musculoskeletal system, motor functions and coordination. The kid can jump in them for 30 minutes, but after that it is necessary to change activities - let him crawl, play while sitting.

Walkers give the main support to the pelvis and spine, the child only pushes off with his feet. That is why it is impossible to say that walkers help learn to walk - when riding them, other muscle groups are used. It is better to put the baby in a walker after he learns to stand up near the support on his own and sit without falling over. Before acquiring these skills, it is better not to put a child in a walker, he will take the wrong position, the load will be distributed incorrectly, which can lead to a curvature of the spine. It is also better to limit the time spent in a walker at the beginning for half an hour, followed by a change of activity. In the future, when your child becomes more physically developed, the time can be increased.

Rein worn on babies who have already begun to take their first steps. First of all, it is an assistant for the mother, especially if the child is not very tall. Children like to hold an adult's hand for reassurance, so parents have to bend over to make the little traveler feel more comfortable. Many mothers during this period complain of back pain and aching in the lower back. The reins allow you not to bend too much and protect the backs of adults. Try not to strictly control your child's every step, let him learn to balance himself and sometimes fall. Otherwise, after you stop using the reins, you will have to re-acquaint the baby with the laws of attraction.

Buy any of the above funds to entertain your baby or not - the choice is yours. Just remember that nature cannot be rushed, you can only observe.

Ksenia Gavrilova

Our preschool is attended by children with general underdevelopment of speech and mental retardation. The task of teachers is to provide them with differentiated assistance, to maximize the activation of all analyzers that contribute to the assimilation educational material. We pay considerable attention to the emotional sphere, since the child, learning the world, should receive joy from this knowledge, be interested in the surrounding reality. Therefore, in the lessons of the cognitive cycle, we use surprise methods as often as possible, game situations. They help to bring a drop of surprise and the joy of discovery to the lesson, sharpen perception and contribute to the development of imagination.

Who usually comes to visit the guys during class? Dunno, Pinocchio, Bunny, doll Masha. To be honest, I'm a little tired of it. I wanted the guest toy to be bright, original, unusual. Let her have her own fairy tale! Let it be associated in the death of children with some particular area of ​​life!

I came across a book by T. Gorodkova and M. Nagibina "Soft toys - cartoons and animals." She gave me the idea of ​​creating special dolls, which now help me in my activities with children.

Here is Brownie. He is the owner of the group. Comes to children when it is necessary to help them in mastering the topics “Toys”, “Clothes”, “House and its parts”, “ Appliances". Brownie asks children funny questions, “travels” around the house with them, and learns safety rules together with the kids.

A sound speaker is a specialist in literate speech. Teaches children to speak beautifully and correctly, introduces sounds and letters.

Florik and caterpillar Glasha are the main experts in natural history. They tell children about animals and plants, about the secrets of the forest, meadow and swamp.

Snowball appears in the kindergarten with the onset of winter. He is in charge of winter natural phenomena, fun, properties of snow and ice.

Children fell in love with these toys - it means the goal is achieved. The children are surprised, delighted, with passion they complete the tasks given by furry friends.

I'm doing soft toy since childhood, now many of my works delight children in the near and far abroad. I also like knitting, crocheting, needle. Now I am fond of needlework, new for me, felting from wool. IN summer period I work in the Zvezdochka children's recreation center, I lead a circle of soft toys.
