The scheme of how to apply the cream on the face: step-by-step instructions and rules for various "tubes. How to apply cream on the face, advice from cosmetologists Rules for applying cream on the face

Few think about how to properly apply the cream on the face, because they believe that there is no need to study this issue. The technique of applying the cream at first glance seems simple and uncomplicated, but in reality it requires not only experience in this, but also certain skills, without which this tool cannot cope with most of its key functions.

The principle of the correct use of face cream is based on a system of massage movements, which implies certain directions of vectors and the impact of fingertips on facial tissues.

Tasks of massage movements when applying cream on the face:

  • maintaining the tone of the facial muscles;
  • restoration of firmness and elasticity of facial tissues;
  • toning the cells of the epidermis;
  • acceleration of cellular metabolism processes;
  • improvement of microcirculation.

If you learn how to properly apply the cream on your face, over time you will notice improvements in the condition of the skin: it will become more toned, young and attractive, and acquire a natural healthy color. Correct Application cream will solve the problem of increased dryness and dehydration of the dermis, since now the face cream will bring much more benefit.

How to apply the cream on the face and neck?

You should remember a few simple rules that you will need to follow every time you use a face and neck care product, as well as familiarize yourself with the system of massage movements.

Minimum physical pressure

When using cosmetics to maintain beauty and health, it is important to know how to properly apply the cream on the face so as not to harm the skin. The fact is that many people make the same mistake: to absorb the cream, they press hard on the skin with the pads of their fingers or rub it with rough, sloppy movements.

Rubbing and strong pressure on the skin can cause microdamages and wrinkles. Therefore, the movements should be like light gentle touches.

Patting instead of rubbing

To properly apply the cream on the skin of the face and neck, you need to use patting movements with your fingertips. So the product is better and faster absorbed, evenly distributed on the face and will not roll off quickly. Use multiple fingers at the same time.

Do not forget that your hands must be pre-washed before applying the cream. In addition, the facial skin should also be cleansed with a peeling, tonic, micellar water or a special cleansing mask. Also, when using the product, avoid strong pressure movements.

Using the motion vector scheme

Remember: massage movements with which you apply the product to the skin should be directed from the center (forehead, chin, nasolabial fold) along the edges and always from the bottom up (toward the earlobes, to the temples). If you apply the cream on the nose, you need to start from its tip and slowly move towards the bridge of the nose with your fingertips.

Applying the cream on the neck and décolleté area, which also need regular care, moisturizing and massage, you need to perform movements from the center to different sides, creating a figure resembling a fan with movements. Practice in front of a mirror to better understand how to apply the cream on your face.

The scheme of massage movements is presented below.

Gentle effect on the skin around the eyes

Do not forget that the skin around the eyes is particularly thin, which is why it becomes one of the “first” areas on which wrinkles begin to form in the first place. To prevent their formation and prolong the youthfulness of the skin around the eyes, it is important to apply the cream correctly.

If you apply the product on the face with patting movements, then for the area around the eyes it is better to use the tip of the little finger, performing light smearing movements, moving from the inner corner of the eye to the outer (for the upper eyelid) and from the outer corner to the inner (for the lower eyelid).

Warming the cream before applying

If time is limited, but at the same time you do not know how to properly apply the cream on your face so that it is absorbed as quickly as possible, warm it in your palms before applying. Drop the required amount of the product on your hands, close your fingers and hold it in your palms for a while. Warm cream will quickly absorb and penetrate into the dermis.

Choosing the right amount of cream

The amount of the product is selected according to the type of skin. Remember the following features different types skin when determining the amount:

  • Dry dehydrated skin needs a large amount of cream, as it absorbs it very quickly and often requires a “additive”.
  • Oily skin rarely needs additional moisture. She needs massage and products that regulate the production of sebum. If you are using a skin care cream for oily skin, a small droplet the size of one pea will suffice. Carefully smear it over all areas.
  • For combination skin correctly apply the cream on the face only on problem areas with increased dryness.

Avoid contact with water when applying the cream

The cream is applied to dry, cleansed skin. Do not use it on damp or wet face. If you are going to use it immediately after washing, dab your skin with a dry cloth, only then proceed to apply the product.

Also remember that you need to take care of your skin, starting not only from its type and features, but also from age. You can read the article on how to care for skin and hair in accordance with age.

When buying a face cream, any woman wants to get the most out of it. Of course, first of all, it all depends on the quality of the cream itself. If it is not of high quality in itself, then no methods correct application won't help here.

In this article, we will look at the basic rules that you should follow when applying cream on your face.

Preparing the skin

Of course, before applying the cream, the skin should be prepared. You can clean your face every time with a foam, gel or lotion, but this is not necessary. Simply remove makeup from your face and wash with warm water. You can use regular tonic. After washing, the skin does not need to be wiped dry. You can just blot your face with tissue paper. Everything, now you can start applying the cream.

cream application process

We apply it as usual and now the question arises: “How long do you need to walk with it?”. If it is a day cream, then it usually does not need to be removed. If you need to put on makeup and the cream interferes, you can remove it after about 15 minutes. This time is enough to achieve a good absorption effect. Night cream should be applied about an hour and a half before bedtime. It is denser in consistency, so 15 minutes is not enough for him. After that hour and a half, you can wash it off and go to bed.

You don't need much cream.

It is better to apply a few dots on the face the size of a pea and rub them all over the face. If this is not enough, more can be added. It's better to miss right away than to overshoot.

By the way, the process of extracting the cream from the tube is very important. It is recommended to “extract” it with some spoon and then apply it on your finger. The less your fingers are in the tube, the less germs there will be. Accordingly, the cream will last you longer. It is recommended to apply it only with fingers, but always clean. The skin of the fingers has an additional warming effect. This has a positive effect on the overall effect of the application of the cream.

Quite often, cracks appear on the heels. We would like to tell you about the reasons and.

Creams can be applied along with masks. First we use a mask, and then a cream, and only like that! It is advisable to use the lightest face cream with the mask to achieve better absorption.

We would like to note that applying the cream to places where there is little hair can provoke their faster growth. Therefore, it is desirable to avoid such areas.

The right cream is a warm cream. This means that before applying it is necessary to warm it up to about our body temperature. This can be done quite simply: squeeze it onto your fingers and rub it for several minutes, after which we apply it on the face. It should be initially borne in mind that part of the cream will go into the fingers.

Cream application technology

Hasty and inaccurate movements can only harm your skin, stretch it, make it flabby. You need to treat your skin with care, and only then it will look young for a long time. The cream should be applied gently, preferably with light massage movements. On the face it can be smeared as follows.

We apply the cream on the face and begin to rub it with smooth movements from the bottom up, starting from the chin, aiming for the corners of the mouth. From the mouth it is worth rubbing upwards, towards the ears. The nose should also be rubbed upwards, without side branches. The skin near the temples should be rubbed over the forehead. Having reached it, the left and right sides of the frontal lobe must be rubbed to the sides - respectively, to the left and right. The middle of the forehead should just be rubbed upwards.

Such simple movements cause the skin to stretch a little and make it more elastic. If everything is done exactly the opposite, then the effect will be the opposite: wrinkles, sagging skin. And this is what we are fighting.

Approximately the same cream is applied around the eyes.: it is rubbed from the inner corner of the eye to the outer and rubbed with light movements. With such movements, we simply stretch wrinkles, and also prevent their appearance.

Not all girls know how to properly apply cream on the face. It is important to know that the correct application technique and other subtleties help maintain a radiant look.

Application rules

To properly apply the cream on the face, you need to know, follow a few simple rules:

  1. More doesn't mean better- Do not apply half the jar at once. A large amount of funds will not improve efficiency. On the contrary, many creams should be applied in a minimal amount - the size of the bead is quite enough for the face and neck area. When applying an excessive amount, the product is simply wasted - it is not absorbed into the face, therefore it does not work as it should, does not bring a positive result;
  2. Apply with soft smooth movements- light claps with fingertips, this is the correct technique for applying the cream. The pressure on the surface of the face should be minimal, barely touching the skin. If the product is rubbed in, pressing too hard on the skin, the result will not be positive. On the contrary, stretch the upper layers of the epidermis, which is especially harmful when the skin began to lose elasticity;
  3. Move from the center of the face to the edges, from the bottom up - the technique was developed by specialists for a long time, it was able to recommend it as the most effective. Movements from the bottom up help fight age-related changes by tightening the epidermis;
  4. Use a moisturizer during the summer, and apply nourishing at night, in winter, on the contrary - in the hot season during the day, the face needs moisturizing so that it does not dry out under the scorching sun. At night, the skin needs nutrition, at this time of the day it recovers from stress, pollution external environment. In winter, during the day, more nutrition is needed to help the face cope with the effects of cold, wind. At night it is more useful to apply a moisturizer. You need to have only 2 types of funds, just swap them depending on the season;
  5. Use special cream for the area around the eyes- here the skin of the face is thinner, more sensitive, you need specialized care, you should use a special tool.

Massage lines

For proper application of the cream on the face, you should know how to use massage lines. When applying the cream along the lines, the result is much better, facial care brings a visible effect.

Basic massage lines:

  • From the bridge of the nose up to the hairline, in an arc to the temples;
  • From the bridge of the nose down to the tip of the nose, along the sides to the wings;
  • From the chin up the cheekbones, the main surface of the cheeks to the temples;
  • From the upper lip to the wings of the nose;
  • From the temples to the inner corner of the eye, along the lower eyelid;
  • From the inner corners of the eye to the temples along the upper eyelid.

Don't forget to take care of your neck. From the clavicular bones, apply the product up to the chin, from the ears down the sides of the neck. If you skip these steps, then the neck will look worse over time, it will set off the blooming look of the face. That's the whole technique of applying cream along the massage lines of the face.

Features of applying various types of creams

Creams are divided according to the time of application into day, night, and according to their functions: moisturizing, nourishing, whitening, lifting. Each type differs in application technique, nuances in use.


It should be applied after morning washing, let it act on the skin for about a quarter of an hour. Excess left on the skin - remove with a napkin, cotton pad. Next, apply makeup. Go outside no earlier than half an hour after application. There is an exception to the rule - express means, they need only 3-5 minutes to be absorbed. For more information, please read the label on the package.


Apply the cream along the massage lines on the face at night, thoroughly washing off the decorative cosmetics. This should be done about half an hour before bedtime, and before going to bed, you should make sure that the product has been completely absorbed, or otherwise remove the excess with a napkin. After application, you should not go outside.


It would be a mistake not to apply moisturizer on normal, combination, oily skin. Not only the dry type needs hydration, the rest of the types benefit from getting a dose of moisture. For example, moisturizing oily skin, you can achieve a decrease in the production of sebum, reduce the appearance of oily sheen.


Should be used on dry, normal skin. For oily skin types, the use of the product should be avoided, because it can clog pores and create a film on the face. At mixed type skin should be used only on the cheeks, neck, avoiding the T zone.


This cream is used by girls with age spots, with freckles. It is best to apply it exclusively to problem areas, avoiding other areas of the face. Then let it soak in, remove the excess with a cotton pad.


The product is applied to fix the effect after using a peeling, or a special mask-film for cleansing. After such procedures, it is useful to apply this type of cream. It is important to remember that peeling should be carried out no more than 2-3 times a month so as not to injure the skin of the face.

Basic Mistakes

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in applying the face cream. It is necessary to apply the cream on the face according to the scheme of massage lines, and apart from that there are no secrets. But many girls do not realize how many mistakes they make during this simple procedure.

  • Applying to wet skin- after washing, be sure to wipe your face with a towel or napkin so that the skin becomes dry and then you need to apply cream. If additional hydration is required, it is better to resort to the help of a special tonic, and apply it before the cream;
  • Do not use the cream regularly- if you apply the product occasionally, at different times of the day, then you can forget about a positive result. It is the daily application, at the same time without gaps and days off, that is the key to a blooming face, a healthy complexion and unfading beauty;
  • Apply nourishing cream until the age of 25- up to a certain point, the skin independently produces nutrients, and if you start applying care products too early, you can disrupt these processes and the skin will begin to undergo age-related changes earlier. Therefore, before the onset right age it is better to give preference to light moisturizers;
  • Change facial products frequently- Applying the same cream for several weeks or longer, you can achieve more noticeable results if you constantly change the means. Creams have a cumulative effect - with regular use they work at full capacity than with a single use;
  • Scooping cream from a jar with your hands- it is best to extract it with a special spatula, then transfer the composition to your hand, and from there apply to your face. The fact is that when you lower your fingers into a jar, you can bring harmful microorganisms there, which will multiply there and the cream will no longer be so useful;
  • Keep packaging exposed to light- it is best to put the jar in a box or cabinet to minimize exposure to sunlight. Although now they are developing special packaging to avoid negative consequences during storage of the cream, it is better to play it safe. Also, it is useful to check the tightness of the closure of the jar after each use;
  • Don't track expiration dates- usually in a closed package, the cream is stored for no more than 3 years. But after opening, the period is reduced to one year. The product should not be applied after the expiration date.

Cream application video

To better understand the technique of applying the cream along the massage lines of the face, you can watch this video.

The specialist explains the rules of application in an accessible language, shows the correct movement of the hands and the required amount of cream to cover the entire face.


Unfortunately, even the effect of using the most expensive and high-quality product can be spoiled by improper application. This can be compared to buying a very expensive screwdriver, with which they then try to hammer a nail into the wall.

Most of the creams used by girls every day are dispensed from a pharmacy without a prescription, and a three-sheet instruction is not attached to them. And in vain, because the wrong applied cream does more harm than good. Instead of a rejuvenating and toning effect, you can get weight and uneven stretching of the skin, leading to the appearance of wrinkles.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to follow a logical setting: do not help gravity in its work and do not pull the skin further down during application. This is with regard to the application technique, but also do not forget about equally important points of care that should not be forgotten.

Before application

It already seems that there will be a continuous heap of boring rules. This is partly true, but do not be afraid. Everything detailed here will take no more than 5 minutes in the morning and evening. But these 5 minutes proper care will create a "safety cushion" for the youth of your skin.

Skin cleaning

This rule seems obvious, but some occasionally neglect it in a hurry or out of forgetfulness, which should not be done. To give the active ingredients of the cream, you must first cleanse the pores, otherwise the useful essence will form another dense contribution to the matter of skin pollution.

For cleaning, a soap-free product is selected that is mild enough to be used every day. Choose what you enjoy using. There should be no allergy to the product, it should not cause irritation to the skin and irritate with fragrance. Once every six months, it is recommended to change the cleanser, as well as all caring cosmetics, as the skin gets used to it, and there is no longer the desired effect.

Do not choose a scrub for everyday cleaning! Not only will it not serve to clean the skin faster, but it will also damage it. This is fraught with irritation and microdamage to the skin.

Skin toning

After cleaning, the pores are enlarged, the face is steamed. So that new dirt does not settle in place of the washed one, you need to close the pores, cool your face. For this, tonics are used that return the face to its most “fresh” state, ready to face external pollution.

Cream storage hygiene

The easiest way to keep the care product clean is when it is stored in a tube or other container that does not imply direct contact of the contents with the fingers. Scooping up a scoop of cream means you're planting bacteria in a very nutritious environment where they happily grow. The use of such a product in the future is fraught with skin irritations. Therefore, if your favorite remedy is doomed to jar storage, it makes sense to have a cosmetic spoon with which you will scoop it up.

Keep track of the expiration date on all your beauty products. Never use expired cosmetics.

In order not to have to throw away purchased creams, do not stock them up on time at sales. Keep on the shelves only what you use every day, and do not create “dead weight” on them. And be sure to take care of your skin twice a day. Just a care product standing on a shelf will not bring any benefit, even if it is in a very beautiful jar.

If you are under 25, then you may not need the cream. At this age, the epidermis is still very active, and excessive glut of its support from the outside can "wean" it from independent work. If you do not have serious skin problems, then it is better to leave only cleansing and toning, as well as additional softening and moisturizing in the winter.

What are massage lines and how are they located?

Massage lines - the direction of applying the cream, following which you stretch the skin the least.

If you now stroke your face a little, you will notice that some of its zones seem more elastic to you, some less. In those that are more elastic and massage lines are located. Just starting to correctly apply the cream on the face, it will be useful to start a memo where they are drawn. For example, this one:

Thanks to the picture, the main principle is noticeable: the movement is always directed in the opposite direction of the force of gravity, and from the center to the periphery.
And do not worry about a large number of points: all this can be brought to automatism in just a couple of days, and it will pay off handsomely in terms of daily care.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the area around the eyes. Here the skin is the thinnest and most delicate, which means it ages faster. But this does not mean that it needs to be overloaded with heavy oily products. On the contrary, it is worth starting a more watery and gentle, necessarily hypoallergenic, cream specifically for this zone. When applying the cream in this area, you seem to make an honorable circle around each eye: counterclockwise around the right and clockwise around the left.

For clarity, you can watch the following videos:

Cream application technique and main mistakes

  • Apply the cream with light, slightly flying movements, with fingertips, a brush or a special cosmetic spatula.

Moisturizing cream is not smeared, but applied. You should not rub it in, "so that it is better absorbed" and intensively distribute it over the face, pressing on your fingers.

  • Try to choose the method that will make your movements as easy as possible. Those with a steady hand may be advised to apply the cream with the pad of the ring finger, which most often provides the greatest ease of movement.
  • To help the skin better absorb the cream, it is worth rubbing it a little in your fingers first so that it takes the temperature of your body.
  • Many active substances begin to act only under certain thermal conditions. Warming the cream in your fingers helps it begin to absorb and act as soon as it hits the face.
  • You don't need to apply a lot of cream. A thick layer will not provide the skin with a “reserve” of active substances for long-term absorption, but it will block access to oxygen, which it needs in order for natural chemical reactions to occur. Scoop so much that you feel a slight hydration, but there are almost no traces of the cream on your face, except for the natural slight gleam. The remaining excess can be smeared on the hand.
  • The cream must be applied to the dried clean skin unless otherwise stated on the package. Most often, moisturizers themselves carry the necessary amount of moisture. The water remaining on the face will only interfere with their action, as the cream will seem to “slip off” the face: between the active substances and the skin there is a layer of water, where they are lost along the way, never reaching the goal.
  • If a cream tingles or causes discomfort, it does not mean that it is effective. Most likely you are allergic to this remedy and its further use will cause irritation and redness. You need to stop using this tool and choose another one. It is a good investment in your health to make allergy tests so that in the future you will choose only those products that do not contain substances that cause you allergies.
  • Using nourishing cream do not apply it to the hair growth area. So you only contribute to their faster spread across your face. So avoid plot over upper lip and the area of ​​the nose. In these places it is better to use only moisturizing formulations.

In addition to facial care, do not forget also about the neck and décolleté. These areas also often form wrinkles that make you look older.

With the help of regular and proper skin care, you can prolong its youth, prevent the appearance of early wrinkles, fill it with radiance and freshness. Do not be discouraged if the result is not noticeable instantly: creams have a cumulative effect and the first changes in appearance that will please you will come after a month of regular care.

Do not forget about skin care, even if you are very tired. Make it as good a habit as brushing your teeth or morning work-out. Over time, the process will reach automatism and become another not so difficult contribution to your unfading beauty.

The compositions of creams play an important role in preserving youth and beauty, but the technique of applying it is also of no small importance. In order to maximally saturate the skin with vitamins, macro- and microelements and other necessary substances and at the same time not stretch it and accelerate premature aging, it is necessary to follow the rules for applying and distributing care products.


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Each type of cream has its own characteristics of application, but the basis of the technique for all products is the accounting of facial massage lines. This rule is followed by cosmetologists during the procedures, but it is recommended to observe it when daily care at home. Applying cosmetics in each area of ​​​​the face also has its own rules.

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    How to apply the cream correctly?

    The face cream is applied to cleansed and prepared skin. Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

    1. 1. Make-up is removed.
    2. 2. The skin is cleansed special means for washing (foam, mousse, milk or gel for the face).
    3. 3. The skin is toned (tonic, cucumber water).
    4. 4. The cream is applied strictly along the massage lines.

    Hands should be clean and washed with soap.

    Cosmetologists recommend using a cosmetic spatula (disposable or plastic) to apply the cream. This is necessary so that the product comes into contact with air as little as possible, which helps prevent oxidation and destruction of substances.

    Also, upon contact with the fingers, it will become infected with microorganisms, which will subsequently cause inflammation. When using a plastic spatula, it is treated with an antiseptic before each use.

    If more than one product, but several, is used for the final stage, then a more liquid and light agent is applied first, and then with a denser structure. It is recommended to pause between the use of the first and second composition so that all components are absorbed and do not destroy each other.

    Do not forget about the neck and décolleté. These areas also need to be hydrated. It is important to avoid areas of the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

    The cosmetic must be applied and massaged for at least 3 minutes. This massage is done 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. An exception is when a person goes in for sports: after exercise, you need to clean the skin of sweat and dirt, and then put the cream on top again.

    Massage lines

    To avoid stretching the skin, the cream must be applied strictly along the massage lines. These conditional landmarks correspond to the direction of lymph outflow, as well as the location of collagen fibers. If applied incorrectly, natural collagen can be destroyed.

    These lines have a direction from the center to the periphery.

    Scheme of the main massage lines of the face and neck:

    Features of applying different types of cream

    The regularity of use and the nuances of its application depend on the characteristics of the cosmetic product. Before using the funds, you must carefully study the instructions.


    This cream is preferred at night, as at this time cell regeneration occurs. It is important to apply the right amount and in no case use more funds. Due to the dense structure, the composition is not completely absorbed and will leave marks on the bedding, and also clog the skin. When using the product, the general rules for applying creams are observed.


    The cream should be used in the morning. It will keep you hydrated throughout the day, preventing dryness and flaking.

    Each type of dermis requires a different level of moisture, and therefore cosmetic product you need to select according to the characteristics of the skin, otherwise there is a possibility that the pores will become clogged.

    Apply moisturizer 40 minutes before going outside, taking into account general rules distribution of the composition on the face and recommendations in the instructions.

    For face skin tightening

    The main goal of such creams is to combat flabbiness, sagging of the skin, reduce wrinkles and smooth, tighten the skin, correct the oval - a lifting effect.

    The cream is applied in the morning and evening a couple of hours before going out / sleeping. No need to press on the skin or rub the composition hard. Movements should be light, patting.

    For rejuvenation

    This type of cream also fights age-related changes. Such funds promote regeneration and enhance the nutrition of cells with essential nutrients. They are recommended to be applied at night, a few hours before bedtime. Movements should be light, patting. If the cosmetics were in the refrigerator, then you need to warm them up a little at room conditions or rub them on your fingertips.

    Apply the product strictly along the massage lines.

    For skin treatment

    These creams contain components whose action is aimed at eliminating a specific problem. Most often they fight fungi or bacteria.

    Such a tool should be applied pointwise, affecting only the affected areas. Healthy tissues should not be exposed to drugs. Do not touch the mucous membranes (mouth, corners of the mouth, eyelids, conjunctiva, nostrils).

    The regularity of the use of therapeutic compositions depends on the disease and is determined by a specialist.


    This tool protects the face from excessive moisture, dryness, dust and dirt. After application, it forms a protective film and gives a mattifying effect. For people who are prone to dry skin, you can first apply a little nourishing cream, and then, after 20 minutes, a day cream.

    This type of cream is applied only after morning procedures - washing, toning. 30 minutes after its use, remove the remnants of the product with a napkin. After such actions, decorative cosmetics will lie well on the skin.


    The products have a dense oily structure, so you should not apply them in a thick layer.

    The procedure should be carried out 1.5 hours before bedtime, otherwise swelling may occur in the morning. Before use, warm the cream with your fingers. Movements during application should be light, "driving".


    Before using decorative cosmetics, the face must be moisturized. Sometimes foundation mixed with cream. Then, with a brush or sponge, or a beauty blender, apply the product dotted all over the face. It is recommended to moisten a brush or other product with water.


    Creams with ultraviolet protection protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, premature aging and burns. First you need to choose the appropriate level of protection - SPF. Means with a high value are suitable for those who have very bright skin And who can't get sunburned. The higher the level of protection, the denser the consistency of the cream. Creams with SPF-30 are the best option.

    Sunscreen cosmetics should be applied evenly to the skin after a day or moisturizer. It is necessary to wait for the product to dry completely on the skin, as you can accidentally wipe it off and the protection will not be complete.

    The regularity of application depends on solar activity and the purpose of the product. If sunscreen is used while relaxing at sea, then after each swim you need to apply the product again. IN spring-summer period you can use regular moisturizers or day creams with a certain level of SPF, then the frequency of use will correspond to the type of cosmetics.

    Features of application depending on the area of ​​​​the face

    Facial skin has uneven thickness and degree of sensitivity. Therefore, the movements in different zones are not the same.

    To apply the cream on the face correctly, you need to consider its areas:

    1. 1. Skin around the eyes. You can only apply a special eye cream. A small amount of the product should be “driven in” with the fingertips from the inner corner of the eye along the upper eyelid and from the outer corner along the lower eyelid. You can not rub the product, as in this area the skin is delicate and thin. With "crow's feet" apply the product with tapping movements.
    2. 2. forehead area. The cream should be distributed pointwise, evenly over the entire forehead. It must be applied in a horizontal direction. With tapping movements of the fingertips, you need to “drive in” the composition in the direction from the center to the periphery (temples).
    3. 3. Cheek area. It is required to rub the product with arc movements along the massage lines (to the temples).
    4. 4. Mouth and chin area. It is necessary to apply the cream on the center of the chin and rub it with "driving" movements from the center to the periphery. Then, with two fingers from the corners of the mouth to the wings of the nose, one should run along the epidermis, smoothing out the folds in this area. In this case, do not squeeze the dermis too much so as not to stretch the skin.
    5. 5. Nose area. The movements must be sliding. It is necessary to start applying from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose, then move on to the wings.

    Common Mistakes

    • application a large number creams - the skin will not absorb more than it can, but the product can clog pores, give an ugly shine;
    • the use of the composition on dirty skin - if you forget about cleansing and toning, then the remedy will not give an effect, but will contribute to the formation of acne and comedones;
    • wrong choice of cream - an inappropriate remedy for a particular skin type will exacerbate existing problems and add new ones;
    • violation of technique - non-observance of massage lines entails stretching of the skin and destruction of its own collagen;
    • wrong movements - if you rub the skin, squeeze it once again, then it will lose its elasticity and firmness.
