The status of a large family when one of the children reaches the age of majority. Assistance to large families in Belarus Subsidy to large families in Belarus

Today, there are over 62 thousand families in the country, where there are three or more children - just such, in accordance with Art. 62 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on marriage and family, have the status of large families with all the ensuing numerous benefits. Belarus staked on this “big” family model back in the early 2000s. As a result, there are as many third and subsequent children in the family as in the demographically very prosperous 1980s. Out of a hundred babies, at least one in eight is not even the second baby of mom and dad. The trend is encouraging: today the cohort of large families is growing 42 percent more actively than eight years ago.

Benefits for large families in Belarus

Before applying for them, the family needs to confirm their status with a certificate. It is issued by local executive and administrative bodies, including single-parent families with three or more children under the age of 18 who are dependent on and raising three or more children. Both citizens of the country and foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

The benefits are different - pension, social, housing, so they are considered unprecedented in the CIS. Here are the main ones.

Retirement benefits for large families

  • Women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them up to the age of 8 are entitled to an old-age pension upon reaching the age of 50 if their work experience is at least 15 years.
  • Women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them up to the age of 16, with at least 10 years of experience in agriculture directly in the production of products (excluding the time spent caring for children), are entitled to a pension regardless of age.
  • Women who gave birth and raised 9 or more children and were awarded state awards USSR or the Republic of Belarus (Order of the Mother, medal "Medal of Motherhood", Order of "Maternal Glory", Order of the "Mother Heroine"), receive a pension for special merits.

Tax incentives for large families

  1. Exempted from income tax individuals incomes of large families registered as those in need of improvement living conditions or registered on this account at the date of conclusion of a loan agreement with the bank, in the form of financial support from the state in repayment of debt on loans for construction (reconstruction) or the purchase of residential premises.
  2. Parents of two or more children under the age of 18 receive a monthly standard tax credit for each child.
  3. Buildings and structures, as well as parking spaces owned by families with three or more minor children, are exempt from real estate tax.
  4. Plots provided to one or more members of a large family are exempt from land tax.
  5. Mothers with many children also do not pay a state fee when performing notarial acts (for certifying the accuracy of copies of documents in cases of their awarding).
  6. Single tax rates are reduced for parents (adoptive parents) in large families with children under 18 years of age - by 20 percent starting from the month following the month in which the right to the benefit arose, including the last day of the month in which such a right was lost.

Construction for large families

Today, approximately 22 percent of the apartments being built are housing for large families. In Minsk last year alone, more than a thousand large families got the opportunity to find a new roof over their heads. Four-room apartments are not yet enough, so some are building several at once - one- and two-room apartments.

Yet one must take into account important point, which since July 2013 has been stipulated by law. Up to 5 years, the period during which it is prohibited to alienate residential premises built with the attraction of a preferential loan has been extended. It is also prohibited to provide such housing under a rental or lease agreement until the loan is fully repaid, unless there is permission from the relevant local executive and administrative bodies. Otherwise, it will be considered an administrative offense and is fraught with a fine of 4 to 30 basic units, and if this happens twice in a year - in the amount of 30 to 50 BV.

Loans for large families

They have an extraordinary right to receive preferential loans for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises, or to receive one-time subsidies. The maximum period for which such preferential loans are provided is 40 years (at 1 percent per annum). If a family has exercised this right or improved its living conditions with the attraction of a preferential loan as part of the parents' family, then they can be included in the lists out of turn only if there are new grounds for registering those in need in connection with the birth, adoption, adoption of children.

The state helps families with many children to repay the debt on preferential loans after the commissioning of residential buildings (acquisition of residential premises) in the amount of:

* in the presence of three minor children - 75 percent;

* if there are four or more minor children - 100 percent.

Affordable housing for large families

The right to receive housing for social use from the state fund is reserved for those registered in need of improved housing conditions. large families, as well as mothers who have been awarded the title of "Mother Heroine" or who have been awarded the Order of the Mother, the Order of "Maternal Glory" or the "Medal of Motherhood". At the same time, conditions are stipulated: the average monthly total income for each family member should not exceed the BPM on average per capita, calculated for the 12 months preceding the month of registration (and on the day the housing was provided), and the value of the declared property - the size of the cost of a typical apartment consumer qualities.

Financial assistance to large families

  1. At the birth of twins - for one child of twins in the amount of 20 budgets living wage, on the other - 40 subsistence minimum budgets.

* A differentiated payment system for families with many children does not apply electrical energy and gas supply - with multiplying coefficients and tariffs that provide full reimbursement of economically justified costs for these services.

Social assistance to large families

  1. In the case of the birth of three or more children in a family, babysitting services are provided free of charge until the babies are 3 years old.
  2. Families with an average per capita income below the poverty criterion can count on targeted social assistance in the form of food for children of the first two years of life. However, at the birth of two or more children, such assistance is provided in any case.
  3. The fee for the maintenance of children in kindergartens is reduced by half for families with three or more children under 18 years of age.
  4. Children from such families are entitled to receive free additional education in all art schools.
  5. The fee for the use of textbooks and teaching aids for children from large families is reduced by 50 percent.
  6. Heads of universities, secondary schools, vocational schools and colleges have the right to provide discounts from the cost of education in the manner and amount determined by the Government to people from families with three or more minors.
  7. Free meals are also provided for students of institutions of general secondary education, special education at the level of general secondary education, as well as institutions of higher education when mastering the educational program of secondary education, if there are three or more children under the age of 18 in the family.
  8. A mother (father, guardian, caregiver) raising three or more children under the age of 16 is provided with one additional day off work per week with payment in the amount of the average daily wage.

We should not forget that in addition to republican benefits there are regional preferences. For example, in Minsk, an additional monthly social allowance (1 BV for each child) is provided for families in which triplets or more children were born until they are 3 years old.

Help families with many children prepare for school

By the school year, large families, where children study in institutions of general secondary and special education, receive one-time assistance - up to 30 percent of BPM for each student. To do this, you need to leave an application with the school. Plus, every year in Minsk, a charity event "First Grader's Portfolio" is held, aimed mainly at large families. The goal is to equip first-graders for school, for which large stores have special baskets where anyone can put pens, pencils, pencil cases, rulers ... This year, more than 350 elementary school students were gathered by September 1.

Larisa Krymova.

A large family in Belarus is a family with three or more children. What benefits are provided to such families in 2019 and is it easy to get them?

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The status of a large family is confirmed by a certificate issued by the executive committee. The law provides for various benefits for large families: family capital, housing benefits, additional days off at work, benefits for children in kindergartens and schools, tax benefits, and others. Let's consider all of them in order and in detail.

family capital

Family capital can be obtained by citizens of the Republic of Belarus permanently residing on the territory of Belarus. A mother (stepmother) in a complete family, a parent in an incomplete family, an adoptive parent (adoptive parent) can apply for registration of family capital.

The maternity capital program is valid from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2019. A large family can use maternity capital only once, that is, if an application is submitted in connection with the birth of a third child, the family will not be able to count on maternity capital after the birth of 4-5 -6 children, etc.

When assigning capital, children are not taken into account:

  • over whom guardianship (guardianship) is established
  • in respect of which the parents (parent) are deprived of parental rights
  • selected from the family
  • dead
  • as well as in case of refusal

The amount of capital is 10,000 (ten thousand) US dollars, which are deposited to the applicant's deposit account in Belarusbank with accrual of interest ( 2.10697% per annum), which become part of the family capital.

Family capital can only be spent on

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • getting an education;
  • receiving services in the field of social services, healthcare;
  • formation of a funded (additional) pension for the mother.

To assign family capital, it is necessary to apply to the executive committee with the following documents within 6 months from the date of birth, adoption or adoption of a child:

  • citizen's passport
  • birth certificates of all minor children or a copy of the court decision on adoption (adoption)
  • Marriage certificate
  • spouse's identity document.

It will be possible to dispose of family capital after the child turns 18 years old. To do this, you will need to apply to the executive committee with a statement. This will need to be done within 3 years, otherwise the family capital will be returned to the state.

Family capital can be used ahead of schedule only to receive paid medical services.

The family capital program is proposed to be extended until 2024 and they are considering allowing the use of family capital after the child reaches the age of 3.

Benefits for the purchase of housing

A large family can receive loan or subsidy (one thing!) for the construction, renovation or purchase of a home.

In order to receive a preferential loan or subsidy, a large family must be low-income and be registered as needing better housing conditions.

A low-income family is considered to be a family whose average monthly total income per family member does not exceed 3 times the average monthly average per capita minimum consumer budget of a family of 4 and which owns property, the value of which does not exceed twice maximum amount a loan for this family (to obtain a loan) or owns property whose value does not exceed the cost of housing, calculated from 20 sq. m. per 1 family member at a cost of 1 square meter not more than the established standard (to receive a subsidy).

From February 1, 2019, the minimum consumer budget for a family of 4 is 351 rubles 28 kopecks. That is, for a family of 5 people, the income should not exceed 1,053 rubles 84 kopecks per family member, and the total income should not exceed 5,269 rubles.

Credit is issued in the amount of 100% of the cost of buying or building a home, for up to 40 years and at an interest rate of 1% per annum. However, it should be taken into account that:

  • 20 square meters of total area are credited per 1 family member
  • the cost of 1 square meter of housing should not exceed the established standards
  • if one of the family members owns housing, then the total area of ​​such housing is deducted from the credited

Size subsidies does not exceed 70% of the cost of housing at the rate of 20 square meters of total area per 1 family member. In this case, the average monthly total family income and the size of the housing quotas of family members are taken into account.

Weekly paid vacation for parents

Parents with many children are entitled to 1 paid free day per week (with the payment of the average daily wage), subject to raising three or more children under the age of 16. At the same time, both parents must be employed, and the applicant must work at least 40 hours per week under the conditions of 5 (6) day working weeks. The parent himself chooses and agrees with the employer on a specific day, which will be a day off. You need to provide the following documents:

  • a statement stating the preferred day off
  • birth certificate of the child(ren)
  • certificate of residence and family composition

If the family is incomplete, then you need to bring documents confirming the category of an incomplete family.

Benefits for the upbringing and education of children from large families

With the simultaneous birth of two or more children, a family that has become large has the right to get free babysitting in caring for children up to the age of 3, and the right to and obtaining food for children in the first 2 years of life.

IN kindergarten families with many children pay only half the cost of food. To do this, you need to bring a certificate of a large family and write an application addressed to the head of the kindergarten (a certificate of residence, a certificate of family composition can be requested by the kindergarten on its own).

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Pupils from families with many children receive free meals, pay only half the cost for textbooks, can study free of charge at art schools, visit camps twice a year with day or round-the-clock stay.

To receive free meals, you need to bring a certificate of a large family to the school by August 25 (the school can also request a certificate of residence and family composition on its own) and write an application.

In addition, large families can receive targeted assistance to school and other one-time support. To do this, you need to contact the district administration.

When receiving higher and secondary specialized education on a paid basis for students and pupils Families with many children may receive a 40% discount. The discount is given from the second year of study from September 1 until the end school year, if in all subjects there are no marks below 6 points and in the absence of academic debt.

tax incentives

Large families exempt from land tax and real estate tax for all apartments in multi-apartment residential buildings, permanent structures, buildings, structures and parking spaces, except when real estate is used for business activities.

Large families have the right to a tax deduction for the income tax on children at an increased rate.

Parents who are individual entrepreneurs or carry out activities without registering an individual entrepreneur have the right to a reduction in the single tax rate by 20% (if they pay a single tax).

To receive benefits, you must submit a passport and a certificate of a large family to the tax office.

Families with many children are reimbursed 50% customs duties, taxes when importing a car from April 2019).

In addition, large families receive concessions for utility bills. They pay subsidized tariffs for the population, regardless of the volume of consumption for gas, electricity, water supply and sewerage services, as well as liquefied hydrocarbon gas from individual cylinder installations. When registering a family at two or more addresses, benefits are provided only at one address at the applicant's choice.

Also, in support of large families, benefits are provided in some shops and entertainment places.

Benefits for mothers with many children

A woman has the right to retire at 50, If:

  • gave birth to 5 or more children
  • raised 4 of these children until the age of 8
  • have a work experience of at least 15 years

Women have the right to retire in any age if:

  • gave birth to 5 or more children
  • raised these children until the age of 16
  • has at least 10 years of work experience in collective farms, state farms and other agricultural enterprises in the production of agricultural products

Women who gave birth and raised 5 or more children are awarded Order of the Mother. Such an award is made when the fifth child reaches the age of one year and if there are other children alive.

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Such a mother is entitled to receive a cash payment in the amount of 5 subsistence minimum budgets.

When such a mother reaches the age of 55, the mother is entitled to an increase in pension for special merits. This right is also mother of many children who receives a disability pension.

Fast food, post-term pregnancy, second birth. Why are babies born big?

For the last 3 years, a large family in Belarus has been paid various benefits for registration of which one certificate of the corresponding status is not enough.

Families with many children can apply for tax benefits - exemption or reduction in rates for state duties. This exemption is not granted in case of using real estate or land for business activities. When calculating wages for parents, an increased tax deduction for children on income tax is used. For comparison, at present this tax for parents with many children is 57.00 bel. rub. for every child. For those who have one child - 30.00 Bel. rub. The single tax rate has also been reduced by 20% if one or both parents are individual entrepreneurs and pay this fee.

Parents with many children are granted benefits on customs payments when they import goods into the customs territory of the Republic of Belarus for personal, household, family and other needs not related to entrepreneurial activities.

From January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2019, at the birth, adoption or adoption of the 3rd or subsequent children, the family has the right to receive funds in the amount of $ 10,000. The right to the specified family capital is the mother, stepmother, parent in an incomplete family, adoptive parent . Family capital is paid once. These funds can be spent only for certain purposes: improvement of living conditions; getting an education; receiving services in the field of social services, healthcare; formation of a funded (additional) pension for a mother, stepmother or parent in an incomplete family.

In 2019, families with many children are entitled not only to the above benefits, but also to other subsidies. The most significant of these are benefits in the housing sector. A large family, standing in the queue for housing, has the right to be included in a separate list of families in need of improved housing conditions, to receive extraordinary loans or one-time subsidies. During the year, such a family should be offered participation in shared construction or construction as part of a housing cooperative. Preference is given to families with 4 or more minor children.

A large family has an extraordinary right to receive a preferential loan or housing subsidy. A preferential loan is provided on the following terms: interest rate for using a preferential loan - 1% per annum; the maximum term of a soft loan is 40 years; soft loan amount – 100% of the maximum loan amount. In order to be able to receive a soft loan or subsidy, a large family must have the status of a low-income family or be on the list of large families in need of better housing conditions and eligible for soft loans or one-time subsidies.

Yes, large families are entitled to various benefits, including cash payments. Plus to help from the state - a free nanny.


What benefits and social guarantees are provided for large families, the correspondent of the Minsk-Novosti agency found out.


  • Extraordinary receipt of a preferential loan for the construction or purchase of housing. It is given for 40 years at 1% per annum.
  • For families with three children, the state repays a preferential loan by 75%, with four or more - by 100%.
  • If a family takes out a regular loan, it can receive a subsidy to pay off the principal and pay the interest. In the presence of three children, 95% of the principal debt is covered, four or more - 100%.
  • A deferment is provided for the repayment of debt on a preferential loan and interest for using it, while one of the parents is on leave to care for a child under 3 years old.
  • A family that has taken advantage of a soft loan or a one-time subsidy has the opportunity to receive them again if there are more children.
  • Providing out of turn land plots for the construction of a residential building.
  • Low-income families are provided with social housing.
  • Payment for certain housing and communal services (water supply, sewerage, gas and electricity supply) at subsidized tariffs, regardless of the volume of consumption.
  • Free equipment of houses and apartments with autonomous fire detectors.


  • The payment for the food of the child in the institution of preschool education has been reduced by half.
  • Free food for students of schools and gymnasiums.
  • 50% discount on payment for the use of textbooks and teaching aids.
  • Free classes at art schools in state institutions of additional education.
  • One-time assistance by the beginning of the school year in the amount of 30% of the subsistence minimum budget for each student (today - 67 rubles 26 kopecks).
  • No registration fee when accepting and processing the child's documents for participation in centralized testing.
  • If a child from a large family, when entering a university, scored the same amount of points as another applicant, he will be enrolled in the first place.
  • A discount may be provided when receiving higher or secondary specialized education on a paid basis (up to 40% of the cost of education, if the performance for the year in all subjects is not lower than 6 points).

Social support

  • Free babysitting service if the family has triplets or more until they are 3 years old (40 hours per week).
  • Free baby food for twins or triplets up to 2 years, regardless of the average per capita income in the family.
  • Monthly payment from the city budget to families raising triplets until the children reach the age of 3 in the amount of one basic amount for each baby (today 25 rubles 50 kopecks).
  • A one-time payment from the city budget in connection with the birth of twins or triplets for the purchase of children's things.
  • family capital. The equivalent of $10,000 is credited to the family's deposit account. You can use the money when the child reaches the age of 18.

Labor guarantees and pension provision

  • Parents raising three or more children under the age of 16 are provided with one additional free day from work per week with payment in the amount of the average daily wage (when employed at least 40 hours per week).
  • Women who have given birth and raised 5 or more children have the right to retire 5 years earlier.
  • Mothers of 9 or more children are assigned a pension for special services to the Republic of Belarus.

Tax sphere

  • Tax deduction for personal income tax (currently 61 rubles for each child).
  • Exemption from real estate tax of one of the apartments owned, as well as buildings, structures, parking spaces (with the exception of those used for business activities).
  • Land tax is not charged.

Customs payments

  • Reimbursement to parents of 50% of customs duties and taxes paid when importing cars into Belarus for personal use.


  • Twice during the summer they provide a ticket with state subsidies to country camp(the size of the subsidy this year - 196 rubles) and once - in school (81 rubles).
  • Families raising 5 or more children receive vouchers free of charge.


  • Women who have given birth and raised 5 or more children are awarded the Order of the Mother. Plus a one-time sum of money in the amount of 5 subsistence minimum budgets (today, about 1,120 rubles).

*Data as of June 2019. In the future, the rules may be revised and changed.

What benefits is a large family entitled to?

First, it must be said that the large family-family in which the dependent and upbringing is 3 or more children.

This status of a large family is confirmed certificate issued by local executive and administrative bodies.

Sample see certificates of a large family

Types of benefits to which a large family is entitled:

  • family (maternity capital)
  • concessions for the purchase of housing
  • weekly paid holiday
  • benefits in the upbringing and education of children
  • tax breaks
  • benefits for mothers with many children

Below we will tell you about all types of benefits in more detail. However, family (maternity) capital will not be considered, since there is a separate article about it on our website, so come and read.

Benefits for the purchase of housing

A large family can receive loan or grant for the construction, renovation or purchase of a home.

You need to choose one thing: get a loan or a subsidy.

Who is entitled to this?

A family that is eligible for housing benefits simultaneously:

  • is a large family
  • is on the list of people in need of better living conditions
  • within 12 months before applying for this benefit - has an income per family member not more than the established minimum
  • owns property, the value of which does not exceed twice the maximum loan amount for this family (for acquiring a loan) or owns property with a value that does not exceed the cost of housing, calculated from 20 sq.m. per 1 family member at a cost of 1 square meter not more than the established standard (to receive a subsidy)

What is the purpose of the benefits?

There is a specific list of housing to which you are entitled on the occasion of having many children

It is possible to build housing at the expense of benefits (loans or subsidies) with:

  • buying a home
  • construction of an apartment in a multi-apartment and blocked residential building, project documentation for the construction of which was approved before 1.06.2013
  • construction of an apartment in an economical multi-apartment and detached residential building of typical consumer qualities
  • construction or renovation of a single-family residential building
  • housing reconstruction

Amount of benefits


The loan is issued in the amount 100% the cost of buying or building a home, up to 40 years and at an interest rate 1% per annum.

However, this takes into account simultaneously:

  • 20 square meters of total area are credited per 1 family member
  • the cost of 1 square meter of housing should not exceed the established standards
  • if one of the family members owns housing, then the total area of ​​such housing is deducted from the credited

For example, if a large family of 6 people has an apartment of 64 square meters, then it can get a loan for:

(20 sq.m. * 6 people in the family) -64 sq.m. own apartment = 56 square meters

In total, it turns out that the family can count on a loan for an apartment with an area of ​​up to 56 square meters inclusive, based on an example.


The amount of the subsidy does not exceed 70% cost of housing based on 20 square meters of total area 1 family member.

In this case taken into account:

  • average monthly total family income
  • the amount of housing quotas for family members

Where to apply and what are the terms of consideration

To receive the above benefits, you must apply to the local executive and administrative body at the place of registration of those in need of improved living conditions. If you are registered at the place of work or service, then you need to contact the executive committee at the location of your organization.

The processing time for a loan application is 15 days, however, if it is necessary to request documents from other authorities, including state ones, then the consideration period may be extended up to 1 month.

The term for consideration of an application for granting a subsidy - 1 month.

If you have chosen a subsidy as a benefit, please note that it does not cover the entire cost of housing and therefore you will need to prove availability Money to pay off the remaining amount

The right to a weekly paid day off for parents

Parents with many children are entitled to 1 paid free day per week (with payment of the average daily wage), subject to education three and more children aged up to 16 years old.

Conditions for this benefit:

  • the parent must be employed at work during the 5 (6) day working week, while the duration of the working time must be at least 40 hours
  • the other (second) parent must be employed in accordance with the law "On employment of the population of the Republic of Belarus" or have a limited ability to work.

Either the mother or the father can use this right, or it is allowed to share this benefit between them at their discretion.

The parent himself chooses and agrees with the employer on a specific day, instead of which a day off will be provided.

For an extra day off necessary documentation:

  • a statement stating the preferred day off
  • birth certificate of the child(ren)
  • certificate of residence and family composition

If the family is incomplete, then it is necessary to provide documents confirming the category of an incomplete family

Benefits for children

When born at the same time two or more children, a family that has become large has the right to free help babysitting in childcare, not exceeding 40 hours per week until the children reach the age 3 years old. There is also the right to receive food for the children of the first 2 years old life.

In addition, with the simultaneous birth of three or more children, families from Minsk have the right to allowance per child in size 1 base value (25.5 rubles)


In kindergarten, there is a benefit to reduce food fees by 50% .

For this necessary:

  • application to the head of the kindergarten
  • large family certificate
  • certificate of residence
  • family composition information


Schoolchildren from large families have the right to:

  • free meals during the school year
  • payment of half the cost of using textbooks, as well as teaching aids
  • 2 times a year to receive a ticket to the camp
  • study for free in art schools
  • also large families may not pay for the education of their children in art schools

To get free food you need from 1 to 25 August write an application, submit to the school a certificate of a large family or a certificate of residence and family composition

university or college

Students receiving higher or secondary specialized types of education on a paid basis are provided with discount at the rate of 40% .

Discount available to students:

  • starting from September 1 2 courses
  • if the score is not lower than 6 points in all subjects for the previous academic year
  • without academic debt

Also, upon receipt of unsatisfactory marks based on the results of the examination session or as a result of violation of the internal labor regulations - discount can be canceled

tax incentives

Families with many children have the following benefits:

  • land tax exemption
  • real estate tax exemption
  • increased income tax deduction for children
  • reduction of the single tax rate by 20%, subject to entrepreneurial activity

However, this tax exemption for land and real estate does not apply, in the case when this property is used for business activities.

Benefits for mothers with many children

A woman can retire when she reaches her age at 50, when:

  • birth of 5 or more children
  • raising 4 of these children until the age of 8
  • have a work experience of at least 15 years

Women have the right to retire in any age if:

  • gave birth to 5 or more children
  • raised these children until the age of 16
  • has at least 10 years of work experience in collective farms, state farms and other agricultural enterprises in the production of agricultural products

Women who gave birth and raised 5 or more children under the age of 1 year, if these children are alive, are awarded Order of the Mother.

Such a mother is entitled to receive a cash payment in the amount of five living wage budgets.

When such a mother reaches the age at 55- the mother has the right to increase the pension for special merits. A mother with many children who receives a disability pension also has this right.
