Benefits for children in the event of loss of a breadwinner. Survivor benefits

The state takes care of all its citizens. It pays special attention to the needy and low-income segments of the population. In the event of the loss of a breadwinner, everyone who is unable to take care of themselves on their own, the state assigns monthly payments. To obtain them, you need to send an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and Required documents. Benefits for survivors

In the event of the death of a family member who was the breadwinner, the state provides monthly cash benefits to everyone who was dependent on him. Payments are divided into certain types.

Social benefits

Social pension is assigned according to Federal Law No. 166 dated 12/15/2001 (Article 11, paragraph 3). Benefits are provided to citizens who are temporarily unable, for whatever reason, to earn a living on their own. Such a pension is accrued to children under the age of 18 who have lost one or two parents. Also, persons under the age of 23 who continue full-time education in educational institutions are entitled to receive payments from the state. Article 11. Conditions of appointment social pension disabled citizens

The amount of social payments is determined in article 18 of the Federal Law No. 166 of 12/15/2001. The amount of the allowance directly depends on the region and the established in it living wage. Indexing takes place annually. Social security payments cannot be less than that the amount of money that is needed to live in a particular region. Article 18

The average amount of social benefits in the country as of 01/04/2020 is:

  1. If one of the parents of a child has died, then he will receive 5,240.65 rubles a month from the state.
  2. In the event of the death of two parents or the death of a single mother, the social allowance paid to the child will correspond to 10,481.34 rubles.

Important! Since 01/04/2020, social pensions have increased by 4.1%.

insurance pension

Features of the payment of insurance pensions are spelled out in. Accruals are made in case of loss of a breadwinner who has experience labor activity equal to at least one day. Children, sisters, brothers, grandchildren up to 18 years old or 23 years old when receiving full-time education can receive such benefits. Laid insurance pension spouse, regardless of age, parents, grandparents, if their age is over 60 for men and 55 for women, if the relative has a disability ( Article 10 of the Federal Law No. 400). Not only natural children and parents, but also adopted children, as well as stepfather and stepmother, if they have lived with their breadwinner for more than 5 years, can claim insurance payments. Article 10

The calculation of the survivor's insurance benefit is determined by the formula ():

SP = IR * SC

Where IC is an individual coefficient for calculating insurance payments.

SC - the cost of 1 coefficient on the day the pension is assigned.

If at the time of death the breadwinner has already taken a well-deserved rest due to old age or disability, then the calculation for each dependent is carried out according to the formula:

SPu \u003d IKu / KN * SK

Where IKu is the individual coefficient by which the old-age or disability pension was calculated for the breadwinner. Who can receive an insurance pension, in case of loss of a breadwinner, who was not dependent on him

KN - the number of dependents.

Important! If a child was granted a pension for the loss of one of the parents and the second died, then payments will be calculated in total for each deceased. When a benefit is awarded for a deceased single mother, the benefit is doubled.

50% of the amount of the accepted fixed payment is often added to the insurance pension. From 01/01/2020, it is 4982.80 rubles. Consequently, the supplement to the insurance benefit for the loss of a breadwinner will be equal to 2491.45 rubles.

Terms of appointment labor pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner

State pensions

The state pension is assigned in accordance with Federal Law No. 166 dated 12/15/2001 ( article 5 point 1.4). The following cash payments are made to the families of military personnel:

  • if a citizen died while serving on conscription or contract;
  • if the breadwinner died within the next 3 months after the end of the service;
  • upon the death of the military space troops ().

The amount of the state pension depends on the following factors:

  • type of service;
  • cause of death.
Recipient CategoryThe amount of the state benefit for the loss of the breadwinner
Family of an astronaut who died in the line of duty40% of the allowance of the astronaut
Children whose parents died as a result of a disease resulting from a man-made disaster125% of the social pension (in the event of the death of one of the parents) and 250% (in the event of the death of two parents)
The family of a military man who died from his injuries while on duty150% social pension (7860.98 rubles)
Family of a soldier who died in military service200% social pension (10481.34 rubles)

The amount of the pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner to members of the families of military personnel who military service on call

Circumstances under which payments stop

A widow is not entitled to a survivor's pension in the following situations:

  • when entering a new marriage;
  • when applying for a job.

Important! At the same time, benefits for children issued on the loss of a breadwinner remain until they come of age. If children continue full-time education, then payments continue until the age of 23. If a child has a disability, which is confirmed even after the age of 23, then the pension can be paid indefinitely.

Conditions for granting a pension

To establish pension payments For the loss of a breadwinner, the following conditions must be met:

  • death of the breadwinner;
  • the presence of dependents of the deceased citizen.

An insurance pension is assigned only if the deceased has at least one working day. The state allowance is accrued if the breadwinner was in the service in the army or the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Important! Citizens who can document the presence of family ties are entitled to receive benefits. If this is a married couple, then official registration of marriage is required. Persons who are in a civil marriage cannot claim cash benefits.

Requirements for granting a survivor's pension

How to apply for a survivor's pension

You can apply for survivor benefits in one of the following ways:

  1. Personal appeal to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where you need to fill out an application.
  2. The application and copies of documents may be sent by post. In this case, copies must be notarized.
  3. It is possible to apply for a pension in case of loss of a breadwinner through the MFC.
  4. You can send an application on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the entrance to your personal account.

To apply for a pension, you must provide a certain list of documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • SNILS;
  • work book (if any) or other documents confirming seniority deceased;
  • certificate of salary from the last place of work;
  • a document on death (death) or a court decision if the breadwinner is missing;
  • paper confirming family ties with the deceased;
  • certificate of disability of the person applying for the allowance;
  • a certificate from an educational institution on the completion of training (for persons over 23 years old);
  • document confirming the status of a single mother.

Required documents for applying for a survivor's pension

Together with the documents you need to fill out a special application. It specifies:

  • Name of the person to whom the pension is assigned;
  • address of registration and residence;
  • passport details of the applicant;
  • a note on which pension is required to be assigned;
  • list of all attached documents.

At the end of the application, a signature is affixed, its transcript, the date of its compilation. The submitted application is considered within 10 days.

Application for a survivor's pension.

Terms of assignment of payments for the loss of a breadwinner

After filing an application for the appointment of financial assistance for the loss of a breadwinner, it is assigned from the moment of the death of the latter. If the applicant applies within a year after the death, then he will be compensated for the entire amount due for the past year. When applying after 12 months from the date of death, benefits will be issued from the date of submission of this application ().

If, when applying for financial assistance, the entire required set of documents was not provided, then the applicant is explained what papers are required. In this case, the period is extended for another 3 months.

Survivor's pension can be assigned to the following time intervals:

  • indefinitely: elderly people who have reached retirement age 55 for women and 60 for men, as well as the disabled;
  • until the age of majority or the age of 23 when studying full-time.
What are the terms for establishing survivor benefits?

Important! If a child who receives a survivor's pension marries before the age of 18, then the state's cash allowance is no longer transferred to him.

Ways to receive pension accruals

Survivors' pensions are paid monthly. In this case, the recipient of cash assistance has the right to choose the method of its delivery, indicating it in the application.

  1. Russian Post. When applying for a pension by mail, a specific day is set on which the money will be delivered to your home. The applicant will be able to receive it at a designated post office.
  2. Bank. It is possible to receive directly at the bank's cash desk from the operator. The recipient can issue a Mir bank card, where the due amounts will be transferred every month.
  3. Delivery organization. The procedure for receiving benefits is the same as for using the mail.

Important! When money is delivered to a minor, the pension is usually transferred to the account of one of the parents or guardian. If the child is 14 years old and has a passport, then he can receive a money transfer on his own. Social pension for children on the loss of a breadwinner

Additional bereavement benefits

In accordance with the year, additional benefits have been established for persons in need of state assistance. For 2020, the state allocates funds for the provision of certain services for children who have lost at least one of their parents.

For preschoolers

  1. Nutrition in the dairy kitchen. Relies on children under two years of age.
  2. Medications. Available for special prescriptions medical preparations for children 3 years old.
  3. Partial payment for preschool institutions.

For school children

  1. Free breakfasts and lunches. Children are provided with free 2 meals a day in school canteens.
  2. textbooks. Students are entitled to receive all school allowances free of charge.
  3. Tours to holiday camps. Recreation is provided annually in summer children's recreation camps.
  4. Free travel in public transport.
  5. Cultural events. Some events offer free tickets.
  6. Benefits for admission to a university. There are some priorities when passing the competition for admission to the university.

A family that has lost a breadwinner, if it falls under the status of the poor, is provided with a subsidy for utility bills in the amount of 50%. Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner, which will be received by relatives

For orphans

  1. There is an addition to the social pension in the amount of 15,000 rubles.
  2. Children who have lost two parents are entitled to free vocational training.
  3. Free medical treatment is provided.
  4. The state provides orphans with free housing when they reach the age of 18. A social lease agreement is concluded for residential real estate received from the state. The right to privatization comes only after 5 years of living in such an apartment.

For disabled children

In a situation where the death of the sole breadwinner occurs in a family where the child is disabled, his mother has the right:

  • for additional cash payments in the amount of 5,500 rubles (if she does not work) ( Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 175 dated February 26, 2013);
  • retire 5 years earlier than usual;
  • if she works get extra days off. By article 262 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation such women are given 4 paid days off.
Article 262. Additional days off for persons caring for disabled children and women working in rural areas

When using transport, disabled children are entitled to free travel, except for taxis. Moreover, one accompanying person can use the same right.

Families with children with disabilities, with certain diseases, may apply for additional living space.

Video - Receiving a survivor's pension

tax incentives

The property tax exemption is spelled out in. To receive it, you need to write an application before November 1 of the tax year. Families of servicemen who have lost their breadwinner have the right not to pay this tax in the amount of 100% for one piece of immovable property.

Pension for the loss of a breadwinner who served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The following categories acquire the right to pension for the families of the deceased employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • the children of the deceased;
  • the widow of the deceased;
  • parents of an employee who died in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the event of the loss of a breadwinner, the state assigns monthly financial assistance to all persons who were dependent on the deceased citizen. It is indexed annually. This allowance can be either unlimited or limited to certain limits. For example, turning 18, getting a job or getting married. There are 3 types of cash benefits for the loss of a breadwinner: social (the deceased citizen did not have a job), insurance and state (in the event of the death of military personnel or employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs). To obtain it, you must send the required list of documents and an application to one of the branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Survivor benefits are social security for children who have lost a parent. The state, providing this type of financial assistance, clearly delineated the circle of persons: who is entitled to benefits for the loss of a father or mother, a guardian.

Who is entitled to benefits

Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner are due to children who have lost one of their parents. This applies to family and non-native children. The main condition for payments - the offspring was to provide for the deceased person. The legal basis for the appointment of social benefits in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is the normative legal act numbered 178-FZ of 1999. In addition to children, the following are entitled to help:

  • grandparents of the deceased - pensioners, disabled people;
  • fathers or mother of the deceased are pensioners;
  • guardians, if they care for the offspring of the deceased under 14 years of age;
  • the wife or husband of the deceased, his parents, who are not medically responsible for their actions.

Responsible for making payments Pension Fund. Documents are submitted at the place of state registration or through the MFC. There is no statute of limitations for this category of cases. Therefore, children who have lost one of their parents can apply at any time, but upon reaching the age of 18, or 23 years if the person is studying at a university. But the institution must have accreditation issued by the state, and the student must study full-time.

What can you claim

In case of loss of a breadwinner, the benefits provided may vary in amount. It all depends on whether the deceased officially worked or he worked without a contract. If officially, then an insurance pension is assigned, if without an employment contract, then it is paid state pension by his loss. Its size depends on the type of recipient, it is indexed along with inflation.

In addition to the provision of state pensions for the loss of a breadwinner, children and adolescents are entitled to receive other support. For example:

  1. When entering a university, a teenager has the right to an extraordinary inclusion in the lists of future students. Quotas issued for various specialties are used, offering children free education and scholarships from the university.
  2. The right to free travel.
  3. The right to free treatment in medical institutions, as well as to a similar travel to and from the place of treatment.

NOTE! largest size provided subsidies provided for military families. For the period 2017-18 they will receive at least 7,551 rubles for the loss of a breadwinner. This is the minimum pension indicator if a soldier died as a result of an illness received in the service. If he died from an injury, then the amount of financial support increases to 11,068 rubles. It all depends on each specific case (Article 24 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ).

Regional features

Local authorities have the right to decide for themselves the issue of the number of benefits provided to children on the basis of the loss of a breadwinner. Therefore, the amount of such payments, as well as the amount of support provided, may differ in each specific region. But in most areas, the following types are used state aid:

  • free meals at school;
  • up to three years - provision of medicines according to a prescription issued by a polyclinic free of charge;
  • provision of free school textbooks.

For example, in Moscow, children who have lost one of their parents can apply for:

  • payment from the City Government (every month);
  • compensation for the purchase of things for training (annually);
  • textbooks issued free of charge, meals up to grade 4 (one-time, free).

IMPORTANT! Since the amount of assistance provided varies depending on the region of residence, it must be clarified for each specific case at the local social welfare office.


Children also need attention. The amount of assistance in this case is increased. They can apply for their own apartment under a social tenancy agreement at the time they are 18 years old. But only if the parents did not have their own housing.

In addition, orphans have the right to:

  • medical care (completely free);
  • provision of vouchers to health camps (every year);
  • assistance with determining the place of employment, determining professional orientation;
  • free education.

Submission of a package of documents to FIU is declarative. This means that citizens independently draw up an application if they are entitled to certain assistance. Papers are attached to the application, among which are those confirming the fact of the death of a person. As well as the applicant's passport, other identity document, information about the average income of the deceased person, collected five years before death.

    A minor or disabled person who has lost a breadwinner is entitled to receive a pension in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Its main task is to partially reimburse the income of a relative who has died. State social assistance to children left without support as a result of the death of their mother or father is assigned in accordance with the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance" ( Further- Law No. 178-FZ). Other social compensation is also provided for children receiving a survivor's pension. We will consider in our article what benefits a child is entitled to in such a situation.

    What are the survivor benefits?

    The main benefit for the loss of a breadwinner is the appointment of pension contributions. In addition, minors are entitled to other benefits in 2017, provided free of charge:

  • travel by public transport;
  • visiting cultural events;
  • issuance of dairy products according to doctor's prescriptions up to 2 years;
  • vacation medicines by prescription of doctors up to 3 years;
  • two meals a day at school;
  • free provision of textbooks.

The law also provides for a social supplement to the pension, which is paid from the moment the main benefit is granted. In this case, you do not need to write any statements, the Pension Fund will issue all payments without the participation of citizens.

Who is eligible for survivor benefits?

The following are eligible for benefits:

  • children of a deceased parent or guardian;
  • children adopted/adopted;
  • a relative previously dependent as a result of temporary or total disability;
  • students under the age of 23 who are on provision;
  • disabled people of group I;
  • disabled pensioner;
  • husband wife;
  • unemployed relative.

orphan child

It is required to mark orphans who have lost their parents. Their rights are protected by Federal Law No. 159-FZ of December 21, 1996. The list of benefits that are due to an orphaned child receiving a survivor's pension in 2017:

  • providing their own housing (apartment, house) or concluding a social lease agreement by the time they reach 18 years of age (if the parents of the orphan did not have their own living quarters);
  • free medical treatment;
  • issuance of a voucher for the summer health Camp, including free delivery to the place of rest and back;
  • support with employment and vocational guidance;
  • retraining in the event that the organization ceased to exist or reduced staff units;
  • free college or university education.

An orphan child does not automatically enter an educational institution, he can only enjoy the benefits due to him and undergo free preparation for admission.


The current norms of the law do not provide benefits for admission to an educational institution with the loss of one breadwinner. In addition, a full-time student up to the age of 23 is entitled to a pension.

Orphaned children, upon admission to a university or college, can take advantage of the following benefits:

  • take preparatory courses for free;
  • have an advantage in enrollment after passing mandatory exams, etc.

If they are already undergoing training, then they receive full support from the state until the end. They are obliged to reimburse the cost of books, stationery, clothing, bedding, nonresident citizens are provided with a hostel.

single mother

A single mother cannot receive benefits and issue a survivor's pension for her children for her father. But she has the right to use the following social privileges:

  • take part in the "Housing" program (works until 2020) to purchase an apartment;
  • the newborn is given a set of clothes for discharge from the hospital;
  • dairy kitchen for a child is provided free of charge;
  • reimbursement of the cost of maintenance in kindergarten and compensation additional education for a child;
  • benefits for admission to preschool ( kindergarten), school, vocational educational institution;
  • free (preferential) treatment in sanatoriums.

Single mothers are eligible to receive benefits for utilities. In a number of regions, it is allowed not to pay for garbage collection until the baby is 1.5 years old, others set a discount of 200 to 500 rubles on the total amount of the receipt from housing and communal services. In addition, they are entitled to personal income tax benefits: a 2-fold reduction in the tax deduction from the taxable base.

Registration procedure

You can apply through the FIU, the MFC or by sending a document via the Internet. The survivor's pension is assigned from the moment of the death of the parent of the child, but it is required to apply to the Pension Fund no later than 12 months after the death of a close relative.

If not all papers were collected, then the applicant must provide the necessary information within 3 months. If this is done later, the date of application for financial support will be considered the day the application is received.

Additional benefits for the loss of a breadwinner are provided for by regional legislation. It is recommended that you contact the social security authorities for more detailed advice.


You will need the following documentation package:

  • a certificate confirming the death of the person providing support for dependents;
  • documents proving the identity of each family member;
  • work book, indicating the presence of experience;
  • information on the average income of the deceased over the past five years;
  • birth certificate for each child;
  • statement.

The amount of the survivor's pension

There are three types of survivor's pension:

  • insurance;
  • social;
  • state.

The amount of monthly payments depends on the type, as well as the conditions of appointment and categories of recipients. Calculate the intended amount according to

Family members who are left without means of subsistence are entitled to a certain amount pension provision depending on who the deceased was, if:

  • was officially employed for at least a day, then the family has the right to claim insurance benefits;
  • astronaut, military or injured as a result of man-made or radiation disasters, then a state pension is paid;
  • was not employed for a single day or his death occurred as a result of the actions of members of his family, social payments are provided.

Law No. 166-FZ determined that this social Security fixed in hard monetary terms. It is associated with the category of the recipient (under specific conditions, the amount increases). Last Indexing pension accruals were carried out in April 2017. The size is defined in the following figures:

  1. 5034.25 rubles:
    • children who have lost one of their parents;
    • other disabled persons;
  2. 10068.53 rubles:
    • an orphan child under the age of 18;
    • the child of a deceased single mother;
    • dependents of a soldier who died as a result of a wound.

The amount of pension contributions as a result of the death of a military man who died due to illness during service is 7551.38 rubles. The minimum insurance payment as a result of the death of a person providing for all family members is 2402.56 rubles.

The value of the pension content is necessarily compared with the subsistence minimum for a certain category of subjects, approved for each region of residence. If this amount is less than the established level, then the social supplement is calculated up to the required figure.

Applicants can choose how they will receive support:

  • through the mail of the Russian Federation;
  • by transferring to a bank account (for this it is desirable to issue a social card);
  • with the help of special companies that deliver pensions.

Qualified specialists will help to understand the question of what a family that has lost a breadwinner relative can claim. Use the consulting support on our website - we will show you how to properly prepare the necessary documents. You can apply for the services of specialists by calling by phone, or ask a question directly on the site.

The Russian Federation has several legislative provisions that provide for the assignment of payments and other social support to persons who have lost a relative providing for them.

In this article, we will address the following questions:

  • Citizens of which categories are entitled to federal assistance in connection with the loss of a breadwinner. We also give a few important nuances;
  • whether a child who has lost a parent (or both) should receive any additional benefits in addition to social benefits;
  • what benefits are provided in the Moscow, Leningrad and Sverdlovsk regions;
  • Does relevant state support cover housing and communal services?

Who is supposed to

Russian legislation assigns benefits to the following dependents:

  • any family member who has lost a relative, provided that the latter, until the time of death, was the only source of family income;
  • a citizen whose parents (or at least one of them) died at a time when he had not yet reached the age of majority;
  • an adult student of a higher educational institution who has lost his breadwinner and has not reached the age of 23 at that time;
  • a pensioner recognized as a dependent (woman - 55 years, man - 60), who has lost one or more breadwinners;
  • a close relative with a disability who was dependent;
  • any of the above carers of children (under 14 years of age) who have lost one or both parents.

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The assignment of benefits to the relevant persons is carried out by the state pension insurance body - the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Applicants must come to the territorial office and submit a package of documents. It includes:

  • dependent's passport;
  • death certificate of a relative;
  • SNILS;
  • papers indicating the official registration of relations with the deceased;
  • confirmation of the birth of one child or several children common with the breadwinner;
  • adoption certificates;
  • work book of the breadwinner;
  • an application filled out without errors;
  • bank accounts - the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will accrue funds on them.

The FIU reviews the documents submitted by the applicant and issues a verdict. Payments are made after 1 month has passed from the moment the person applied to the authority.

Main details:

  • pensions and benefits in accordance with the loss of the breadwinner are not paid if the dependent is the murderer of the relative supporting him;
  • not only relatives, but also adopted children under the age of 18 (or 23, if they are university students) are entitled to receive appropriate support;
  • in the event that dependents have a large and stable income, the PFR is terminated social payment benefits in connection with the death of a relative, regardless of the age of the recipient. For example, if minor child gets a job.

What benefits are provided to a child for the loss of a breadwinner, except for a pension

Children, in addition to monetary payments for the loss of parents (adoptive parents) or other legal guardians, apply for benefits. This includes the following privileges:

  • free two meals a day in common educational institutions;
  • provision of all necessary medicines (for children under three years of age);
  • free provision of necessary textbooks and books;
  • the right to free tickets to visit various cultural sites;
  • free travel on public (urban, suburban) transport;
  • for orphans under 18 years of age, the state provides free accommodation, education and food inside orphanages;
  • free meals in dairy kitchens (children under 2 years old).

Federal Law No. 159 provides other benefits for orphans:

  • providing their own residential area after being expelled from orphanages;
  • free medical care;
  • drawing up a social contract;
  • free vouchers (with travel) to sanatoriums and recreation camps;
  • assistance in formal employment and professional orientation;
  • free education in higher educational institutions and colleges;
  • support in case of problems with the optimization or termination of the existence of an enterprise where the orphan works.

Benefits for the relatives of the deceased

State Laws also provide for the payment of a funeral benefit. If the deceased relative does not apply to minor citizens, military personnel, participants in the Great Patriotic War and officially employed persons, then the applicant should contact the Social Security Department for a funeral allowance.

It is paid once and fixed size(5227 rubles). On the occasion of the death of a pensioner - in the FIU, a military man or a participant in the Great Patriotic War - a military enlistment office, a working person - to his employer.

Payments are also provided in connection with the loss of a breadwinner, who until the time of death was a military or police officer. 7551 rubles - on the occasion of a death from a disease, about 10,000 to 11,000 - if death occurred during hostilities.

Adult relatives who have lost their breadwinner are guaranteed the following benefits:

  • additional payments and supplements to pensions;
  • free travel on city and suburban transport;
  • discounts on medicines;
  • free medical care.

In Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sverdlovsk region

Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner by region are no different from the privileges established by law throughout the territory Russian Federation. As for cash payments, their sizes for these areas can change only in one case.

There are three types of pension on the death of a relative:

  • insurance payments;
  • social benefits;
  • governmental support.

The amount of insurance monthly payments depends on the length of service and pension points (PFR bonuses).

State support is established in the same amount for all regions, and the corresponding minimum pension depends on the amount of the subsistence minimum established in the region (city). In Moscow, it is 16,160 rubles, in St. Petersburg - more than 8,600 rubles. 8,726 - in the Sverdlovsk region.

Representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Citizens stated that indexation (increasing the size) of all types of payments will be made in the prescribed manner, annually.

Are they put on housing and communal services

The state provides eligible persons with benefits for housing and communal services in the form of a discount on payment (it is 50%) or compensation. Those citizens who do not have the opportunity to take care of their own housing can apply for gratuitous cleaning of premises by social workers.

Loss of relatives is a case provided for by these Federal Laws of Russia. Citizens who are officially recognized as dependents are entitled to receive monthly cash payments and provide them with social benefits.

The conditions are as follows: the person must not be the killer of the breadwinner, must appear at the territorial branch of the FIU and submit the necessary documents in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The set of benefits and the amount of benefits depends on the dependent's belonging to one or another category.

loss by death native person- a serious blow even for strong and healthy people. What can we say about those citizens who are not able to provide proper care for themselves on their own? Since it is too cruel to leave such people without support after the death of the sole breadwinner, support measures in such situations are applied by the state.

For example, in 2018, benefits for the loss of a breadwinner are provided, which can be used by every dependent.

The list of citizens who have the opportunity to receive benefits after the death of the breadwinner in Russia is determined at the level of legislation. In particular, a family member who was dependent on the deceased has the right to seek help.

An exception is reserved only for those citizens who caused the death of their breadwinner.

The following categories of citizens are eligible for benefits:

  1. Disabled family member;
  2. A minor child, whether or not related by blood. This may be an adopted child, a cousin;
  3. Measures of additional material support are also applied to children under 23 years of age, provided that they are trained in a budget educational program;
  4. Allowances and benefits are provided to relatives of a deceased person, subject to the availability of a document on disability received before the age of 18;
  5. Parents or spouse of the deceased, if they were declared incompetent;
  6. Relatives who lived with the deceased person and were supported by him, since their personal income is less than the subsistence level.

You can get such a pension and a number of other privileges in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

What benefits and subsidies can you apply for?

Persons who have lost their breadwinner can receive social benefits aimed at ensuring their normal life and improving their financial situation. In addition to the pension, which is paid to all people who find themselves in such a difficult situation, at the legislative level there is an opportunity to receive other compensations and benefits:

  1. If the dependent has previously received a pension, he is entitled to an allowance of 15 thousand rubles;
  2. Free travel on any type of public transport;
  3. Benefits for survivors include the opportunity to receive 100% discounts on meals at school, as well as the opportunity for future students to receive additional assistance during admission to the university and during subsequent studies (reduced ticket price);
  4. Discount on payment of rent, utilities in the amount of half the cost of payments;
  5. Free tickets to theaters, cinemas or exhibitions;
  6. Free medical care;
  7. Acquisition medicines with discount. All medicines intended for the treatment of a child under 3 years of age should be issued free of charge (upon presentation of a prescription from the attending physician);
  8. Children under the age of 2 have the right to eat free of charge in the dairy kitchen.


The law also provides for a rule that such citizens are paid a state pension for the loss of a breadwinner. You may be eligible for this additional support:

  1. Family members of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner during the performance of their duties;
  2. Loss of a breadwinner during radioactive tests, accidents. The same pension is due to family members if, during such events, one of the parents received radiation sickness;
  3. The death of a parent if he worked as a researcher, tester, astronaut

Such payments are made in respect of children who, due to their age, cannot independently earn an income. But if the son or daughter of the deceased at the age of eighteen finds a job, the right to receive state benefits ceases.

In order to receive benefits for the wife of the deceased, who is entering into a new marriage, it is necessary that an application for state assistance be submitted before registering a new relationship with the registry office.

How to arrange everything

Registration of benefits after the loss of a breadwinner is possible in Pension Fund Russian Federation at the place of residence of the deceased. By law, family members who have lost their breadwinner must apply in person. The interests of a minor child or an incapacitated citizen (should be recognized by the court) may be represented by other relatives.

To qualify for such social support measures, interested persons must submit the following documents:

  1. Applications from all family members;
  2. Death certificate;
  3. SNILS;
  4. Documents that confirm the existence of family relations (birth certificate of children, certificate from the registry office on marriage registration);
  5. Documents confirming the adoption of a child;
  6. The work book of the deceased;
  7. Bank account details to which the money will be transferred cash.

After reviewing all the submitted documents, the employee of the state fund decides on the need to pay a pension, as well as providing applicants with a number of other benefits that are due in this case.

All funds paid in case of loss of a breadwinner are accrued from the next month after the applicant submits all the necessary documents.

Regional features

Depending on the level of financial security in the regions, measures of social support for the loss of a breadwinner for the family of the deceased may vary. For example, in Moscow, the opportunity has been established for such families to use free of charge not only urban public transport, but also suburban buses.

In some regions, a parent who has lost a breadwinner is given the opportunity to send their child to kindergarten out of turn in order to return to work earlier and start providing for themselves.

You can find out the exact list of benefits for people who have lost a breadwinner at your territorial office of the Pension Fund.
