How to properly wash your head or wash your hair. How to wash your hair properly

The procedure for washing hair for the vast majority is to simply wash them with shampoo under running tap water. But not many people think that this can do harm. In the process of washing, the scales on the hairs open, the cementing component is washed out from under them, and the hair becomes defenseless against the aggressive effects of liquid and friction.

For the beauty and health of curls, it is very important to know how and how to properly wash your hair, as well as what to do before and after:

  • Preliminary preparation. Before washing your hair, you should definitely comb your hair for ten minutes with a non-rigid massage brush, then they will be less tangled. This will also remove the leftovers cosmetics, dead particles of the skin and improve its blood circulation.
  • Sour-milk mask before shampooing. Whey, sour milk, kefir or yogurt are suitable for her. Such a mass nourishes the hair with calcium and creates a protective fatty film that protects against damage by detergents. Moisten the curls with a fermented milk product, cover with polyethylene and a towel. Wash off after half an hour. Any masks should not be done with every wash. They are applied every other day to weakened hair that needs enhanced care (course - 8-10 times), and for prevention - once a week.
  • Oil massage. It should also be done before washing the hair, making massaging movements, while always slightly shifting the skin relative to the skull. Thus, blood circulation and oxygen supply to the skin will increase, which will positively affect the condition of the curls. Oil can be purchased at any pharmacy, for example, castor or burdock.
  • Water temperature. Washing your hair with too hot water is harmful. The secretion of fat from the sebaceous glands increases, the scales on the hairs open up and, bristling, deprive them of their shine, and soap base shampoo settles on them with a gray coating. Warm water, which feels comfortable when you put your hand in it (+35-45 degrees), will eliminate the likelihood of such problems and the possibility of absorption harmful substances both hair and scalp.
  • Water quality. Regular tap water contains a lot of chlorine, as well as various oxides, magnesium, calcium salts, iron, and even carcinogenic chemicals. Because of these impurities, it becomes hard. In contact with it, the scalp ages, the hair dries up, breaks, becomes discolored, and falls out. Therefore, to wash them, as well as to prepare all kinds of masks, balms and rinses, you should use soft water purified from impurities - filtered (ideally with a special shower filter, but you can just use a household one), bottled or mineral. True, these options are very costly. The easiest way to obtain soft water - add glycerin to ordinary boiled water(for 1 liter of water - 1 teaspoon), ammonia (for 2 liters of water - 1 teaspoon) or baking soda (for 1 liter of water - 1 teaspoon).
  • Soaking in water. Wet your hair thoroughly before shampooing. Moisturized, they absorb less harmful chemicals.
  • Washing process. You need to wash the curls with massaging movements with the fingertips (without scratching the skin with your nails!) First from ear to ear, then go to the back of the head.
  • Rinsing after washing. Makes hair smooth, smoothing and covering the raised scales, and therefore shiny. The scalp acquires an appropriate pH. Blondes can acidify the water with the juice of half a lemon, and everyone else can acidify with ten milliliters of 6% apple cider vinegar(add to 1 liter of water).
  • Combing wet hair. This is absolutely not recommended! The fact is that when combing wet curls are greatly stretched, their structure is disturbed, the scales exfoliate. They look dull, the ends may begin to split.
  • Using a towel. Washed hair should be carefully, trying not to injure, wring out and get wet (do not rub in any case!). Then wrap your head in a towel turban and let the water soak in. But do not keep your hair wrapped up for too long, otherwise there will be a kind of greenhouse effect, and they will become greasy. Throw a used towel into the wash - even if it looks clean, enough bacteria has already accumulated on it.

Important! Hair with regular heating becomes brittle, dull and brittle, as the scales rise on them, and the inner layer loses moisture and grease. Therefore, if after washing your hair you intend to use a hair dryer, curling iron, etc., sprinkle your still damp curls with a heat-protective spray enriched with vitamins E and B5, proteins and plant extracts.

Features of washing the head with different means

The longer your hair, the more times its ends have been subjected to traumatic washing procedures. In order for regrown curls to be beautiful and healthy, they should be washed according to the rules, which depend on the type of detergent you have chosen.

How to wash your hair with shampoo

Most often, we use shampoos to wash our hair, because this is the most convenient way. It is very important to be able to choose the right remedy so that it does not cause harm. When buying a universal product or "two-in-one" (shampoo + conditioner, for example), do not expect amazing results from it in the form of a wonderful head of hair.

To achieve not only cleanliness, but also beauty, you should choose a shampoo strictly for your hair type (dry, oily, normal). Consult in a beauty salon or in the cosmetic department of the store. Perhaps you will be selected a highly specialized tool, for example, for dyed normal or long split ends.

It is worth reading carefully what is written on the package. Some shampoos contain silicone. Thanks to him, the hair is very well combed and shiny. But it blocks the access of oxygen, and after a while the curls become thinner and begin to fall out. It is not recommended to use this shampoo for a long time.

If the composition of the product contains foaming sulfates, for example, SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) or SLES (sodium laureth sulfate) and others, then in general you should think about the need to buy this particular shampoo. Yes, it will foam well, but the scalp and curls will become dry, allergies may begin, with constant contact with the eyes - cataracts.

And sulfates have the ability to accumulate in the body, causing serious diseases later. Yes, and for beauty, the benefits are doubtful, because overdried skin will begin to recover hastily, intensively releasing fat, hair will become greasy, and you will have to wash your hair more often. Organic shampoos with less aggressive surfactants lather less, but are not harmful.

When washing your hair with shampoo, the following recommendations should be observed:

  1. Shampoo amount. To find out how much money is required for one wash, even scientific studies were carried out. For those who have a short haircut, 5 ml of shampoo (1 teaspoon) is enough, for owners of hair middle length it will take about 7 ml (one and a half teaspoons), for long curls squeeze out 10 ml (1 tablespoon). The right amount of air conditioner is also calculated.
  2. Application method. In no case do not squeeze the shampoo directly onto the hair, as you will not be able to control its amount and overly concentrated on a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Therefore, first lather the shampoo in your hands, and then distribute it over your head (moreover, the hair should already be wet!).
  3. Number of soaps. For those who wash their hair daily, one lathering is optimal. And those who wash it once or twice a week will have to lather their hair twice. The first lathering will wash away impurities, and the second (half the amount of shampoo) should be used for a caring effect: having collected the right amount of product in the palm of your hand, drop 1 drop of aroma oil, for example, tea tree or rosemary, into the same place.
  4. Using conditioner/balm conditioner. After thoroughly washing the curls after the shampoo, you can proceed to applying it, distributing it through the hair with a comb with very rare teeth (these will not stretch the hair and will not damage it). The largest number should go to the tips, at the roots such products, weighing the hair, will break the volume of the hairstyle.
  5. Rinsing with water. Poorly rinsed shampoo can cause irritation and allergies. Therefore, always thoroughly rinse the curls with water, and do not forget about the benefits of acidifying it (with lemon or vinegar).
There are special washing rules for afro braids and hair extensions. Afro-braids are refreshed with a spray bottle filled with warm water with diluted in it not large number m shampoo. After sprinkling this solution on them, you should gently massage them and rinse them in the shower, then gently pat them dry with a towel.

Hair extensions are more difficult to wash. If they are synthetic, then washing them in the usual way is not recommended at all, dry shampoo should be used. Hairdryer and hot styling for such hair is also contraindicated. Natural extended strands can be washed as usual, but if at the end of the procedure you apply conditioner, then distribute it far from the keratin capsules, otherwise the latter will collapse.

How to properly wash your hair with balm

In English, this hair washing technique is called "co-washing" (conditioner only washing - "washing only with air conditioning"). It was invented by black ladies whose hair is naturally coarse and dry. And replacing the shampoo with a conditioner allows you to make them livelier, softer, more obedient, because it contains more caring substances than detergents.

The composition of the balms really makes such washing of the head possible, and it is shown not only to African women, but also to those whose curls are weakened, the scalp is very sensitive, and also to those who often dye their hair, use a hairdryer and all kinds of curling irons daily.

For those whose strands are normal, it makes no sense to switch to co-washing, moreover, it is even harmful - there is a risk of “overfeeding” the roots with nutrients, which will lead to excessive oily hair.

The balm should not contain silicone. Read the label carefully, and if there are chemicals whose names end in -ane or -cone (eg cyclopentasiloxane, dimethicone), don't buy them. Co-washing with such a product will only harm and create the effect of dirty hair.

The procedure for washing your hair with a balm is simple: first you should comb well, moisten your hair with warm water and dry it thoroughly with a towel. Then divide into strands, applying a large amount of balm to each along the entire length. Then gently massage the scalp for 15 minutes and rub the strands against each other (if necessary, you can slightly moisten them with water). After that, the balm is thoroughly washed off.

Washing the head with improvised means

A lot of people retire the usual shampoos, fearing aggressive chemistry in their composition, and choose for themselves a more difficult, but also healthier way - using folk improvised means to wash their hair. It takes more time, because such products still need to be prepared, and they are often not washed off as easily as shampoos, but they reflect remarkably on the condition of the hair.

Consider the features of washing your hair with improvised means:

  • Mustard. Oily hair can be washed with this composition: dilute in warm water (2 l) until completely dissolved mustard powder(1 tablespoon). If you just pour mustard on your head, then you can get burned in the place of the highest concentration, and it will be very difficult to wash it off later, white flakes will remain on your hair. The mustard is removed not under running water, but by rinsing, lowering the curls into some kind of container with water, so it will all be washed off.
  • Clay. Pour a pack of clay (from a pharmacy) into a container and, after stirring well, dilute with water to the consistency of sour cream. A thicker mixture does not penetrate well to the scalp. If desired, you can add your favorite essential oil (1-2 drops) or dilute the clay not with ordinary water, but with herbal decoction. Apply to the head and hold for 5-15 minutes, then rinse with a rinse, so all particles of the product are removed. Green clay is the easiest to wash off. Curls can darken from black, so fair-haired people are recommended to use yellow or white. After washing with this shampoo, the hair may not be shiny enough. Vinegar will help dark-haired, and lemon rinsing will help fair-haired.
  • Egg. The yolk should be separated from the protein and pierced, "pouring" out of the shell (this film is very poorly washed out of the hair). Mix with honey (1 tbsp.) and, foaming the mixture in your hands, rub it into your head, hold for 10 minutes and rinse. If desired, you can also add half a teaspoon of ground coffee, then the hair will acquire volume and a slight coffee smell. After such washing, it is recommended to rinse them with nettle infusion (pour 2 tablespoons of dry grass with boiling water in a ladle and insist for half an hour).
  • Rye bread. After cutting off the crusts, pour boiling water over a couple of slices of bread, cover and let it brew. Mash the sour bread into a gruel and apply it on the head with rubbing movements. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse with water (rinse). Regular use will heal dry hair, and dandruff will disappear. This recipe can give the curls a dark tint, so it is not suitable for fair-haired people. With caution, it should be used by those whose strands are oily.
  • Flour. Suitable wholemeal flour (rye, rice, oatmeal, peas). The longer the hair, the more flour should be taken and poured directly onto the head. Distribute through the hair, massage and comb out with a thick comb. This is a very convenient way to dry wash your hair in field conditions. At home, you can rinse your hair with water. The second way: pour flour with warm water and let stand for 6-8 hours. Then apply the resulting slurry to the curls for half an hour and rinse (rinsing).
  • Soda. Take ordinary drinking soda (1 tablespoon), pour a glass hot water and stir. Apply this solution on your head, hold for one minute and rinse your hair. The uniqueness of this recipe is that, in contact with hair grease, soda forms soap and glycerin, so the solution on the head begins to foam when rubbed. Moreover, this soap has an exclusive composition, because the fatty secretions of each are unique.
  • Soap. Grate baby soap, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of these soap flakes with warm water (100 ml) or a strong infusion of medicinal plants suitable for you, mix until completely dissolved, add your favorite aroma oil (2 drops). Apply to hair, rub, massaging, hold for a couple of minutes and rinse.
  • Henna. Washing your hair with it is both coloring, strengthening, and getting rid of dandruff. You should take 1% kefir or whey, pour it into an enamel bowl and bring it almost to a boil. Pour henna, let it brew for 5-10 minutes. You can also drive and stir 1 yolk. Apply the mixture for 3 hours and wash off. If you do not want to dye your curls, use colorless henna. But you should not use this recipe too often, you can dry your hair.
  • Ash (lye). All the complexity for modern man- getting the actual ash. This requires an oven. It should be heated with dry grass, collect the resulting ash, pour into a container (up to half) and, stirring, pour water to the top (if desired, with a decoction of medicinal plants). Hold for a day in a warm place, stirring from time to time, or boil for 3 hours on low heat. The settled clean solution (lye) should be carefully drained and used for washing (50-100 ml is enough for 1 time, depending on contamination) or washing (200-500 ml is needed per basin of water). A sediment rich in trace elements can feed indoor flowers.
  • Brewer's yeast. Pour raw yeast with kefir, heat in a water bath. You will get a jelly-like mixture, which must be applied to the hair for an hour, and then washed off.

Please note! It makes sense to alternate detergents at hand, because each of them has its own special nutrients.

How to wash your hair with decoctions of herbs

Herbal decoctions have long been considered a wonderful remedy for healing and strengthening hair. They are used for masks, and for wraps, and for washing. different types curls, of course, for each - their own plants.

Here is a list of plants for each type of hair:

  1. Weakened hair. Decoctions of lovage, yarrow, nettle, rosemary, lavender, peppermint and lemon mint help to strengthen them.
  2. To add shine. Parsley leaves and seeds, peppermint, lemon mint, chamomile, and yarrow should be used.
  3. Greasy hair. Excess fat will be removed by dandelion leaves, oak bark, thyme, peppermint.
  4. Split and brittle hair. Burdock and fenugreek (Shambhala) will cope with such a problem.
  5. Blonde hair. Blondes are better off using plants such as chamomile, lemon balm, elderberry, medicinal marigold, linden.
  6. Dark hair. Brunettes will benefit from oak bark, black tea, rosemary, sage, birch and linden.
The easiest recipe for rinsing and wrapping: 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs pour boiling water (500 ml), cover and let it brew until cool. For better combing of hair, the decoction can be acidified with lemon juice or 6% apple cider vinegar.

And here are the recipes for washing your hair:

  • Nettle. Take 100 g of dry or fresh nettle, pour a liter of water, add half a liter of 6% apple cider vinegar and simmer for half an hour, then strain. Pour clean warm water into a large bowl, add 2-3 cups of the resulting broth there and wash your hair over this bowl, collecting water with a ladle and rinsing them. It's best to do this before bed. Then lightly dry your hair with a towel, tie a scarf and go to bed.
  • Birch. In the spring, break birch branches with leaves and buds, tie them into a broom, rinse with hot water, pour boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour and wash your hair (watering your hair over a bowl in the same way as when washing your hair with nettles).
  • coltsfoot and nettle. Take 3 tbsp. spoons of each of these plants, brew a liter of boiling water. Insist hour. Strain, add the infusion to a bowl of clean water and, pouring water from the ladle, wash your hair.
  • Soapweed officinalis. Take 30 g of soapwort root, pour 350 ml of cold water, boil for 10 minutes. When the resulting liquid has cooled, strain it, pour into a suitable bottle and add olive oil(1 teaspoon) and any essential oil you like (15-60 drops), close the lid and shake well several times. This shampoo can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 days. If your hair is oily, you should reduce the amount of oils or not use them at all. Another way: pour 200 g of medicinal soapwort with water (2 liters), boil for half an hour. After adding the resulting decoction to a bowl of warm water, wash your head over it in the manner described above. Then rinse your hair with infusion of chamomile (for blondes) or a decoction of oak bark (for brunettes).

Remember! Rinse already almost dried curls with decoctions of plants, so the effect will be better.

How often should you wash your hair

There is no single answer to this question, you should not blindly follow other people's advice, everything is very individual. Hair should be washed as it gets dirty. Not only do dirty ones look ugly and untidy, it is also harmful to health.

Curls and scalp can be severely damaged if sebum, styling products, and dust are not washed off from them in time. All this does not allow her to breathe, slows down the growth of hairs, creates a wonderful environment for the development of bacteria and inflammation. Excessive zeal is also harmful. Frequent washing without the need really spoils the hair.

  1. Dry hair. It is recommended to wash every 8-10 days, in the interval you can do healing rinsing with herbs.
  2. Greasy hair. They are washed as they get dirty - either every day (with a special shampoo for daily use), or every 2-3 days.
  3. normal hair. They are washed as they become dirty every 4-5 days.
If we wash our hair correctly, then we feel comfortable - this is what we should be guided by.

How to wash your hair correctly - look at the video:

Hair care is a daily chore. But if you make it your habit (any of which is produced in just 21 days - proven by scientists), then your curls will thank you by delighting you with a great appearance.

All hairdressers agree that dryness, brittleness, hair loss appears because a person does not know how to properly wash his hair. How much shampoo to apply? What is the frequency of hair washing and the role of water quality in an important process?

The correct answers to these and dozens of other questions are reliably known only by trichologists who will share some secrets with us.

It is important to keep the scalp and hairline clean. The secret of the skin glands closes the pores, which impairs gas exchange and nutrition in the tissues. Oily hair stops active growth, loses its attractiveness, does not hold styling well.

But it is a mistake to believe that it needs to be washed daily. Modern shampoos and hair care products can greatly dry the skin, so the body protects itself from this procedure by stimulating the sebaceous glands.

Our grandmothers washed their hair once a week on a bath day.

Every day you need to wash your hair for men and women who are engaged in active training, work in dusty or gassed rooms. Ladies who style their hair daily with aggressive strong fixatives will also not do without daily washing.

But for 3 - 4 weeks, beautiful hair can be taught to wash less often. The following method works well: wash your hair thoroughly and walk with loose hair for the first 2 days. For the next 2 days, wear the braid, twisting it in a different way daily. Sleep on a silk pillowcase, touch your curls less, refrain from using a hair dryer, styler, iron, curling iron, do not stay in a room with high temperature and / or dry air.

If the hair gets oily quickly, then rinse it with beer or egg yolk, just take a fresh egg. Tar soap will give a good effect, and our grandmothers continue to use the usual laundry soap. If you wash your hair 1-2 times a week, then lather it with shampoo 2 times. Dry shampoo helps many women, which “saves” their hair from oily sheen. It is used on the second or third day after the usual shampooing.

washing my head without water

How to wash a dirty hair without using water? Dry shampoos "clean" your hair, and combing removes dirt and sebum residues. Store this shampoo in a jar with a perforated lid, it is convenient to use.

Here are a few recipes for preparing the "drug":

  • Mix equal amounts of cornmeal and almond powder. Rub the substance well and leave overnight. In the morning, comb out the remaining powder with a fine comb.
  • Instead of dry shampoo, flour from corn, chickpeas, and oats is successfully used. Grind the cereal in a coffee grinder, use a fine strainer to get rid of large fractions. You need to apply it to your hair for the entire night of sleep.
  • For blondes, the following composition is suitable: we take equal amounts of wheat flour, potato starch, soda or ground oatmeal. We use as in the first recipe.
  • Restore freshness and improve color blond hair 2 will help. spoons of mustard and 2 tbsp. spoons of oat flour. The mixture is combed out with great care so as not to accidentally contaminate the eyes.
  • Only for dark hair suitable insoluble cocoa powder with a few drops essential oil.
  • Two tablespoons of oatmeal and 2 drops of calendula oil will make red curls play clean.

How to wash your hair correctly in several stages

Start with preparatory phase. Try to relax, calm down, think about the pleasant moments of your life. Start brushing your hair, which will oxygenate your hair and make it easier to style after washing.

First stage

At the first stage of shampooing, you should definitely rinse your hair with warm water. This will help soften the hard hair scales, they will open up, which will allow the detergent to penetrate deeper and thoroughly clean the entire hair structure. The water flow will wash away large dust particles, relax the scalp, improve blood circulation and tissue respiration.

Second phase

At the second stage, take care of the ends of the hair, because this is the most vulnerable part of your hair. And the longer this hair, the more care should be taken. Apply some conditioner or natural oil(argan, almond) on the affected area and leave it for 1 minute. Manipulation is carried out before the use of detergent.

The oil will create a film that protects the hair structure from the aggressive effects of chemicals. This will help revive the ends of the hair, give them resistance to adverse factors and mechanical damage.

Third stage

The third step is to use shampoo. For women's hair of medium length and medium density, just half a teaspoon is enough. Place the desired volume in the palm of your hand, dilute a little with warm water and beat the liquid until it becomes a strong foam. And only then the shampoo is ready for use. Never pour detergent directly on the head, it will cause harm.

We talked about the rules for choosing shampoos in a separate article. When buying a product, be sure to consider your hair type. If there is even the slightest sign of allergy (skin redness, itching, runny nose or swelling of the facial area), stop using this composition. Pay attention to the expiration date of the product, the integrity of the package, the reputation of the manufacturer, the ingredients included in the composition. Do not chase cheap analogues or fakes, but use branded products for home use.

To keep the cuticle intact, do not allow harsh aggressive movements. Gently move your fingertips over the entire surface of the scalp, removing impurities and secreted sebum. It is important not to miss a single millimeter, because dust pollution, exhaust soot, subcutaneous gland secretions are an ideal environment for the reproduction of fungal and / or bacterial colonies. Such infection is dangerous not only for the beauty of the hairstyle, but also for the whole health of the body as a whole.

Avoid scratches, but a light massage combined with a hygiene procedure will only benefit. Massage thoroughly, carefully dosing the degree of pressure, massage movements should not cause discomfort. Then distribute the foam residue along the entire length of the hair. Gently remember the hair, avoiding excessive friction. They competently wash their hair at the hairdresser, so remember this “lesson”.

Sometimes it is advised to replace shampoo with soap. Most often, Agafia's soap or one containing birch tar is recommended. Tar soap useful for profuse dandruff, for weakened, split ends. But you need to remember that after applying it, the hair will have a pronounced specific, not very pleasant smell.

A few words about water

We almost figured out how to properly wash your hair, but what kind of water is suitable for this procedure? Trichologists say that soft and purified water is useful for the skin and scalp. Cleaning is best done with stationary filters or use bottled counterparts.

The hardness of water can be reduced by ordinary baking soda, 1 teaspoon is enough for 1 liter of liquid. Soda can be replaced with ammonia, 2 liters of water will require 1 teaspoon of ammonia. Do not wash your hair with hot water, because it changes the properties of the shampoo, activates the sebaceous glands, deprives the hair of smoothness and natural shine.

How to wash your hair and what to do next

How to wash your hair properly? Be sure to finish washing your hair with cold water. Contrasting water procedures are ideal for hair, and water with a lower temperature will close the hair scales, returning the entire hair structure back to normal. Healing decoctions are suitable for rinsing. On dyed, lifeless hair, you can apply a mask or use a balm.

But not only do you need to know how to wash your hair, but also how to dry it properly. The most common mistake we make is rubbing wet hair with a dry cloth. It is not right! On wet hair scales, a rough towel acts like sandpaper. Deprived of external important protection, the hair structure loses its luster, vitality, begins to grow poorly, becomes thinner. All this brings a lot of cosmetic defects, and the hair loses its gloss.

Keep the towel clean, because microbial and fungal environment quickly develops on its surface. You can not wear terry cloth on wet hair for a long time. Under the artificial coating, a “greenhouse effect” develops, which serves as an aggressive factor influencing the sebaceous glands.

Pay attention to the fabric of towels, it should be free of harmful dyes, contain natural fibers, absorb moisture well. Most fashion trend- bamboo fabric Bamboo towels have a bactericidal property, which is important for bath accessories. The only negative is the high cost of the product.

Dry your hair properly

It is highly undesirable to comb your hair, you need to wait until it dries. The ideal option for drying hair after washing is open air at room temperature. Hairdryer is harmful to the scalp and skin. Use it only on cold air or medium temperature settings. The nozzle of the hair dryer is moved away from the surface of the head by 20 cm.

Today, it has been proven that the use of thermal protection (rinsable and indelible) products will reduce the dangerous factors of a hot air jet. Washable thermal protection has a lesser therapeutic effect, as it is much weaker than indelible analogues. The indelible thermal protection has a good caring property, contains a “shock” dose of vitamins, extracts from medicinal plants, micro and macro elements. If after drying you intend to use a curling iron or iron, then choose special means with enhanced thermal properties.

The well-known company Schwarzkopf has released a line of products (Estel Professional Airex, Brelil Bio Treatment Beauty, Osis and gotb) that provide thermal protection and styling. Thermal protection with restorative and caring properties: Alfaparf Pure Veil Bi-phase (two-phase golden hair serum spray), Fresky Lotion Thermoflat mousse by nouvelle, Alfaparf Milano, Dove Repair Therapy, Kapous Invisible Care, Indola Innova Setting Thermal, Lee Stafford Heat Protect Straight, Dr.Sante Aloe Vera, wellaflex, KEUNE HAIRCOSMETICS, GA.MA Protect-ION.

If there are no professional thermal protective agents at hand, then at home they are replaced with improvised means: salt water, gelatin lamination, sour cream. Such natural components have a similar mechanism of action and produce a tangible effect.

A few words about balms

Hair balm is a special type of hair care product. These compositions are divided into 3 large groups: conditioner balm, conditioner balm, hair balm without any additives. Conditioning balms come with an antistatic agent that removes static electricity. They shorten the drying time of the hair by controlling the evaporation of moisture. But substances from the composition of the conditioning balm quickly accumulate on the surface of the hair structure, making it heavier.

Balm rinse contains acid, which will provide hair with:

  • natural shine;
  • fixing the color after the procedure of staining, highlighting;
  • normal pH of the skin;
  • complete elimination of the washing base of shampoos.

Hair balm without any additives resembles a cream in texture. It evens out the hair scales, “gluing” them, which makes the hair neat and well-groomed. Such products often contain zinc, extracts or decoctions of medicinal herbs, fatty acids, therefore they are useful for men in the initial stages of androgenetic alopecia.

The TOP 10 hair balms included the following products:

  1. NIVEA Hair Milk.
  2. Belita-Viteks GOAT MILK Nutrition +.
  3. Natura Siberica "Royal Elixir" Natura Kamchatka by.
  4. Vichy Dercos Densi Solutions.
  5. Schauma Infinitely long.
  6. Dr.Sante Extra Moisture Coconut Hair Shine and silkiness.
  7. Grandmother Agafia Moroshkovy's recipes.
  8. Velinia Restoring.
  9. Planeta Organica Revitalizing Provence for all types.
  10. TAI YAN Ginseng.

Professional products are used according to the attached annotation, observing the dosage and exposure. For an expensive cosmetic, be sure to require quality certificates as confirmation of its originality. Hair balms can be prepared at home, but their quality is much inferior to professional products.

Gently squeeze the remaining water out of your hair before applying the conditioner. Apply conditioner only to the ends of your hair. If you have dry hair, you can apply higher. Hair roots usually do not need conditioning, as they get sebum.

8. Rinse in cool water

Warm water opens the cuticles, so at the end of the washing procedure, the cuticles must be closed with cool water. Rinsing your hair in cool water will close the cuticles, reduce frizz and add shine.

Now let's deal with the types of hair and scalp, what are the subtleties?

How to wash dry hair?

Infrequently. If both the hair itself and the scalp are dry, then you should not wash them very often. Even if after washing the desired basal volume appears, it is still worth washing your hair only as it gets dirty. In most cases, with this type of hair, it is enough to wash your hair 1-2 times a week.
Make masks for the scalp. It is very useful to apply vegetable oil to the roots of the hair for an hour before washing, wrap the head with a film and warm with a towel.

Water is only warm. Do not wash your hair with too hot water, best temperature- body temperature, can be 2-3 degrees higher.

Use conditioner and conditioner after every hair wash.

Wash your hair with soft water. Before an important event, you can even wash your hair in mineral water- checked, they will shine. If possible, wash your hair in filtered, drinking water. If there is none, you can soften the water, add a teaspoon of soda for every two liters of water.
Always use thermal protection. Before each curling and blow-drying your hair, apply special protective products to your hair. Otherwise, the hair will dry out over and over again.

Dry ends but oily skin

In this case, you need to clean the scalp well, while nourishing the tips.

Basic rules for washing hair of this type:

Choose your shampoo carefully. Aggressive shampoos for oily hair unsuitable. Do not use hard soap either. In order for hair to grow healthy, it is important to keep the scalp's ability to produce oil. The ideal option is sulfate-free shampoos that gently cleanse and gradually normalize the production of fat. Cause unnecessarily oily skin heads are often just shampoos based on lauryl sulfate and other aggressive ingredients.

Use moisturizing balms. Just apply them to the length of the hair, and not to the roots.

Masks do not spoil dry hair. Make it a rule to use at least 1-2 times a week good mask. Apply it along the length of the hair, if there is time, then do not rinse, cover your head with a towel and walk like this for about 40 minutes.

Definitely - means for the ends of the hair. Various oils, thermal protection and other indelible products - something that will help strengthen the hair along the entire length, give it shine.

Dyed hair

Dyed hair requires special care, so we will also tell you about the rules for washing them separately.

Choosing the right shampoo There is a difference between shampoos for colored hair and regular ones. Yes, the shampoo has a short exposure time and its main purpose is cleansing, but shampoos for color-treated hair contain ingredients that prevent dye pigments from leaving the hair. You can pay attention to sulfate-free shampoos, they are the least aggressive and do not wash out the color so much;

It is better to use the care of the same brand as the paint. For example, if coloring is on Wella, then buy care on her. Notice the difference. Manufacturers strive to create an entire line of care products so that one product complements another. If you have done professional coloring, then hair care is possible only with products of the same level. Shampoo and balm from the mass market will no longer work, moreover, the paint will quickly wash off, and you will blame the masters and the paint;

Be sure to wear masks at least once a week. Under the film and towel, we nourish the hair;

If you do not make a mask, then after each wash, apply conditioner or balm. This has long been a basic requirement for maintaining the health and beauty of dyed hair;
Always after washing - thermal protection. Without it, we do not expose the hair to thermal effects.

How often to wash your hair?

Thin hair - can be washed every day with mild shampoos, so so Thin hair quickly lose their shape and become oily

Shampoo: Sulfate free volumizing shampoos

Thick hair - no more than every other day. Comb your Thick hair more often, so that sebum is evenly distributed throughout the hair and nourishes them

Shampoo: choose shampoos with shea butter or organ oil in the composition

Oily hair - you can wash every day with mild shampoos, but try not to overdo it and use tricks to keep your hair fresh
Shampoo: Sulfate-free shampoos and mild shampoos with mint, eucalyptus, or tea tree oil

Colored hair - wash when dirty
Shampoo: only special products for colored hair, if you want to keep the color

Straight hair - can be washed every other day using light shampoos and conditioners, as sebum spreads through straight hair faster than curly hair
Shampoo: choose shampoos and conditioners that promise volume and shine

Curly hair - it is enough to have such hair once every 3-4 days.
Shampoo: Use conditioner between washes to keep curls or waves from frizzing, choose a shampoo with coconut or argan oil.

In Soviet times, print media advised girls to wash their hair once every 10 days. Agree, now the task seems impossible. They commented on these recommendations by the fact that regular exposure to cleansers increases the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In fact, it is, but it all depends on the choice of shampoos. In the Soviet Union, they were tough without softening components, today stores offer a wide range for any wallet.

How to choose the right hair shampoo

Most girls prefer the products they have tried before, but not all of them know how useful this shampoo is.

Before paying for a purchase at the checkout, turn the bottle over and carefully read the “Composition” column. Shampoos contain detergents that perform a cleansing function. They should be soft and gentle, look for the following components in the list:

  • TEA lauryl sulfate
  • TEA laureth sulfate
  • Sodium laureth sulfate
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Ammonium laureth sulfate
  • Ammonium lauryl sulfate

Ammonium is added to cheap shampoos, it washes away dirt and sebum well, but it dries the skin a lot. The first four components are used expensive brands, they nourish the hair, strengthen the bulbs and soften the scalp, preventing dandruff. Owners of dry, brittle, damaged and dyed hair need to choose more expensive funds containing TEM and sodium. Also, the shampoo should contain proteins, keratin, glycerin, lecithin, plant extracts and oils, vitamins A, B, E, D, PP.

How to wash your hair with shampoo: a step by step guide

Step 1. Preparation
Start the procedure with combing. Thanks to simple manipulations, you will thoroughly rinse the curls and do not leave cosmetics on your hair. An important point is the temperature of the water, it should not be cold. Pay attention to the hardness, if in your area it exceeds the norm, then it is better to boil the water first, then proceed to bathing. Experts even recommend using natural sources, but not everyone has such an opportunity.

Step 2: Shampooing
Moisten curls and scalp with plenty of water. Put the shampoo on your hand and rub it between your palms until a thick lather forms. Apply the composition to the scalp, massage it thoroughly with fingertips for 3 minutes. Rinse off the shampoo and apply the product again to your hands, rubbing between your palms.

This time lather not only the root zone, but the entire length. Don't do it in a circular motion, so you damage the structure of the hair and they will begin to split. Squeeze individual strands into a fist, gradually moving from the roots to the tips. Now rinse the shampoo again and repeat the previous manipulations, since you need to wash your head exactly 2.5 times (first the roots, then 2 times the entire length of the hair).

Do a scalp massage when you shampoo your hair. Thus, you will restore blood flow and awaken the hair follicles, the hair will begin to grow faster. Apply shampoo first to the back of the head, gradually descending to the neck, then pay attention to the crown, hairline at the forehead and the temple area.

Step 3. Balm application
After shampoo comes balm, these products are inextricably linked. Refuse to purchase 2-in-1 products, they only harm your hair. The conditioner is designed for 3 minutes of exposure, imagine what effect the shampoo + balm will have if it is immediately allowed to be washed off. 2-in-1 components are halved, that is, the shampoo is diluted with a kind of balm and vice versa, so there are fewer nutrients in such products.

After you have applied the shampoo, rinse your hair with clean water and wring it out. The balm is applied only to curls, without affecting the scalp. Otherwise, you risk increasing the work of the sebaceous glands. Do not abuse the conditioner, an excessive amount adversely affects the hair. After superficial application to the curls, start combing the hair with your fingers, imitating a comb. Leave the remedy for 5 minutes.

Do not listen to those who say that the conditioner should not be washed off completely, supposedly with the help of such actions the hair will lie better. No, they will begin to absorb dirt and get dirty at a double speed, in the morning you will notice that it is time to wash your hair again.

Step 4: Towel Dry
80% of lovely ladies make a mistake at this stage. When you washed your hair and took a towel in your hands, you do not need to rub your hair, wanting to dry it thoroughly. Do not pinch the strands between the palms and rub them, twisting them into a tourniquet. Thus, the structure of the hair is damaged and they begin to split.

Gently squeeze the strands from the remaining water and wrap your head with a towel, wrapping it in a cocoon. Wait 25 minutes until the liquid is absorbed, then remove the towel and pinch the strands into a fist with it, starting from the root zone, gradually going down. Do not rub your hair, carefully collect the remaining moisture, processing each curl separately. Hairdressers advise warming up a towel before drying your hair. Use heaters or direct sunlight if weather permits.

Step 5: Blow Dry
The procedure begins with combing the hair with movements from the tips to the roots. Comb the strands thoroughly, turn on the hair dryer at minimum power and dry the root zone. Hold the device at a distance of 25 cm from the scalp, try to use a cold air stream if you have an extra 15 minutes to dry. Owners of long hair are recommended to take breaks during the procedure so that the skin and hair cool down.

Shampoo frequency

In summer, the frequency of application increases by 1.5 times, hair that is not covered with a headdress absorbs all the smog and dirt. At this time, the work of the sebaceous glands increases, as a result of which there is a need for frequent washing.

Girls who use styling products every day also need to wash their hair daily. In this case, everything is simple and transparent.

If your hair gets dirty so quickly that it becomes necessary to wash it every day, wean it. Increase the interval between shampooing, first by 5 hours, then by 7, 10 and gradually reach 24.

Ladies with dry hair type are suitable for washing 1 time in 3 days. Your hair doesn't get dirty as quickly, so you don't need to shampoo it often.

Not sure how to wash your hair with shampoo? To get started, purchase a product suitable for your hair type, then carefully comb your hair and wet it with water. Lather your hair with shampoo at least 2 times, always use a balm. Wrap a towel around your head before blow-drying your hair to absorb moisture. Wash your hair as it gets dirty, but at least 1 time in 4 days.

Video: proper shampooing

Hair care begins with proper washing, but not everyone knows how to properly wash their hair. An incorrect approach to this procedure can lead to damage to the hairstyle and even change the structure of the curls.

It would seem, what could be the relationship between water procedures, the main purpose of which is to cleanse the hair and scalp from pollution, with the health of the hair. But in fact, it is the wrong washing of the head that often becomes main reason the occurrence of problems such as increased dryness, brittleness, dullness, slow growth and hair loss. So, how and with what should you wash your hair, how often and what to do before and after the procedure? You will learn about all this further.

How to wash your hair at home?

To wash your hair to bring the greatest possible effect, you should be guided by the basic rules:

  1. firstly, purchase only those products that are suitable for your type of curls, since incorrectly selected drugs have negative impact on the condition of the hair. If a softening and regenerating shampoo is suitable for dry curls, then greasy curls will require drying and deep cleansing agents;
  2. secondly, it is unacceptable to use too hot or cold water to wash your hair, because in the first case, the curls can be dried out, and in the second, the protective layer of the hairs can be damaged. The best option would be water at room temperature;
  3. after using additional preparations - for example, masks or lotions - it is recommended to rinse the curls with acidified water, special store rinses or ordinary solutions of vinegar or lemon are suitable for this purpose (in the ratio of a teaspoon of the product per liter of boiled water);
  4. for dry hair, it doesn’t hurt to make a moisturizing mask before washing your hair or apply oil to the roots of curls, but oily strands should, on the contrary, be dried a little, for which an alcohol compress or a special therapeutic spray is suitable;
  5. wet curls can not be twisted, you can remove the remaining moisture from them by blotting with a towel. Also, do not comb dry strands, because wet hair is weakened and falls out faster;
  6. during styling, be sure to use suitable protective preparations - mousses, sprays, indelible serums, oils or gels.

Water for washing hair

Many women thoroughly approach the choice of detergents and hair styling products, but do not pay much attention to the quality and temperature of the water used for hygiene procedures. And completely in vain, because these factors have a direct impact on the condition of the hair. Ordinary tap water is extremely harmful to curls, since it contains chlorine and other impurities. Therefore, for washing your hair, it is better to choose filtered, boiled or simply settled water. If you have problems with the scalp and hair, it is useful to regularly rinse with herbal decoctions. As for the water temperature, it should be in the range of 30-40 degrees. It is better to wash oily curls with moderately cool water so as not to provoke excessive sebum secretion.

Detergents for hair

When choosing a shampoo and other care products, you must first consider your hair type. If the owner of dry curls will wash her hair with oily shampoo, then over time her hair will become dull and lifeless. Conversely, a woman with oily hair, when using products designed for dry strands, will soon notice that her curls have become quickly dirty and greasy. An equally important aspect in the selection of cosmetic products is their composition. It's no secret that most modern detergents contain a lot of chemical components that do not in the best way affect hair health. Therefore, it is preferable to opt for natural cosmetics sold in pharmacies, or purchase the necessary goods in specialized stores.

Also, do not succumb to advertising tricks and buy 2 in 1 products, which, in addition to shampoo, also include a balm or conditioner. Such cosmetics, of course, will not cause any particular harm to the hair, but there is little benefit from it. The fact is that some components, when mixed, are able to neutralize each other's action, which means that the effect promised by the manufacturer will not be achieved.

When choosing a series of care products, one should also take into account the fact that hair gets used to certain substances over time, and therefore the effectiveness of the latter is significantly reduced. For this reason, shampoos, balms and conditioners are recommended to be changed periodically. At the same time, it is not necessary to completely abandon the series you like, just take short breaks using other products, and then return to your favorite brand.

How often should you wash your hair

The debate about how often to wash your hair has been going on for a long time. Some trichologists believe that the less often water procedures are carried out, the slower the curls will get dirty, while frequent washing can significantly speed up this process and contribute to the drying of the hair. Others argue that if you take too long breaks between hygiene procedures, you can provoke the occurrence of dermatological problems, since the secretion of the sebaceous glands, mixed with dead particles of the epithelium and dirt, is a fertile ground for the reproduction of pathogens. And still others insist that you should wash your hair as needed, avoiding severe pollution, in which the curls become greasy and acquire an unhealthy shine.

In a word, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of how often you need to wash your hair, so the schedule water procedures It is recommended to draw up individually, focusing on the following factors:

  • hair type. People with oily locks should wash their hair daily or every other day, depending on how quickly it gets dirty. Normal hair is recommended to clean 2-3 times a week, and dry - 1-2 times. If you wash dry strands too often, there is a risk of drying them out even more.
  • Hair length. short curls it is advisable to wash daily or every other day, as they usually quickly lose their freshness and volume. And for long hair, the frequency of hygiene procedures is 1-3 times a week, depending on their type and general condition.
  • Density of curls. Thin and sparse hair should be washed no more than 2 times a week, because with excessive exposure to the chemical components that make up factory shampoos, they become brittle, begin to break and delaminate. Thick hair, as a rule, is quickly greasy, and therefore needs more frequent cleansing (3-4 times a week).
  • Season. The frequency of water procedures largely depends on the season. For example, in winter, due to wearing warm hats and high humidity outside, the hair quickly becomes dirty, oily at the roots and tangles, so it is recommended to wash them at least 3 times a week. The same goes for summer period, during which the curls are constantly exposed to active ultraviolet radiation, sea water and other adverse factors and, accordingly, begin to need frequent moisturizing and cleansing.
  • diet. People whose daily menu includes a large amount of fatty and carbohydrate foods often suffer from excessive oily hair, and therefore they usually need frequent hygiene procedures. Those who follow a low-calorie diet can wash their hair 1-2 times a week.
  • How often do you use styling products?. If you regularly use hair styling products, you may need to perform daily hygiene procedures. Varnishes, mousses and foams should not be allowed to come into contact with curls and scalp for a long time, otherwise cellular respiration will be disturbed, which, in turn, will lead to various problems, up to hair loss.
  • Presence of dermatological problems. If you suffer from any diseases of the scalp, in no case should you allow severe pollution of the hair, as this can significantly aggravate the situation. To determine the frequency of hygiene procedures and the choice of detergents, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

It should be noted that the listed tips are general, therefore, the frequency of hygiene procedures for each individual person should be determined exclusively by experience. Here it is necessary to take into account not only the main factors, but also the individual characteristics of the body, as well as environmental conditions and the degree of physical activity.

How to wash your hair with shampoo

In order for the curls to retain health and attractive appearance for a long time, you need to learn how to wash them correctly, taking into account all the nuances of the hygiene procedure and following a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Before you start washing your hair, you need to prepare everything you need: detergents and a couple of terry towels. In addition, you need to carefully comb your hair. This will increase blood circulation in the scalp and remove dead epithelial cells.
  2. Moisten the curls with water, then pour a small amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand, lather it and apply the foam to the root zone of the hair. Massage the scalp with the pads of your fingers and distribute the remaining shampoo along the entire length of the strands. Try to perform all actions very carefully so as not to injure the skin and curls. Do not whip the soaped hair too vigorously, otherwise it will become very tangled and it will be difficult for you to comb it later. Long hair after applying the shampoo, it is recommended to carefully disassemble with your fingers.
  3. It is desirable to wash curls in two approaches (this recommendation is relevant only if you do not carry out hygiene procedures daily). At the first stage, the removal of contaminants occurs, and at the second, the absorption of useful components. Keep in mind that when lathering again, you need to use a smaller amount of shampoo than when you first.
  4. If you are using regular shampoo, then it must be washed off the hair immediately, and in the case when the action of the agent used is aimed at restoring curls, wait 2-3 minutes and only then proceed to rinse the hair.
  5. Try to rinse your hair with water as thoroughly as possible to completely remove the detergent residue. If you neglect this rule, the curls will quickly become greasy, and you will have to wash them much more often, and this is already fraught with unpleasant consequences for the health of the hair.
  6. If you use a balm, then you need to apply it to already washed strands and, after waiting for the amount of time indicated in the instructions, rinse with moderately cool water. The same applies to other care products - conditioners and masks.
  7. After the hair is washed, wrap it with a soft towel (it is advisable to warm it up on the radiator in advance) and wait until it absorbs moisture. Then remove the towel and let the curls dry naturally or use a hair dryer. Just remember to pre-treat wet strands with a heat protectant to help prevent damage. In no case do not comb wet curls - under the weight of water they easily break and fall out. Also, do not try to straighten wet strands with an iron and do a curl with a hot curling iron. Such actions can lead to serious problems with the hair.

Following these simple, but very important rules, you can achieve amazing results in the form of a chic, healthy-looking hair, and at the same time prevent the development of dermatological diseases, skin irritation and other troubles.

Can you wash your hair with soap

Some women prefer to use soap rather than shampoo to wash their hair, considering this method the safest and most beneficial for hair. Proponents of this method of cleansing curls claim that after its application, the hair retains a fresh look for a long time, slowly gets dirty and keeps volume well. This is especially true for tar and baby soap, since such products have a neutral pH, which almost coincides with the level of acidity of the skin. However, experts do not share such enthusiasm, explaining that any soap contains alkali, and if you use it regularly, you can provoke the formation of dandruff and brittle hair. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the use of soap should be completely abandoned, it just needs to be done not too often and according to the rules:

  1. Do not lather your hair with a whole bar, otherwise you may damage its structure. It is better to grate a small amount of soap on a grater and mix it with warm water, thus obtaining a concentrated soap solution.
  2. Moisten your hair, apply the prepared composition on them and massage your head with your hands until the solution on the curls begins to foam.
  3. Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. Please note that soap does not wash off well and, if not completely removed, plaque may form on the hair, due to which the strands will stick together and look untidy. To avoid this, at the last stage of the procedure, rinse the curls several times with water with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice.

Try not to use soap often (maximum 2 times a week) and be sure to moisturize your hair with leave-in balms, conditioners and masks after each such procedure to prevent drying out.

Homemade Hair Wash

Many people, for whatever reason, do not want to use factory-made cosmetics in hair care and opt for folk remedies. Of course, this option is more time-consuming, because it requires a certain amount of time, and self-prepared formulations are not washed off as easily as store-bought shampoos. But they do not contain aggressive chemical components, and therefore are considered completely safe for hair. So, recipes.

mustard shampoo

This recipe can be a real salvation for owners of oily hair. After washing your hair with a mustard mixture, the curls remain fresh for a long time, comb well and shine beautifully.

  • 30 g mustard powder;
  • 1 liter of warm water.
  • Dilute the dry mustard with water (pour the water in a thin stream, stirring the mixture constantly to avoid the formation of lumps).
  • Wash your hair with the resulting solution and rinse thoroughly with plenty of water.

clay shampoo

This shampoo perfectly strengthens curls, making them stronger and more voluminous. Suitable for all hair types.

  • 30 g of white clay;
  • 20 ml of hair balm;
  • 2-3 drops of orange essential oil;
  • 100 ml warm water.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Dilute the clay with water until smooth.
  • Add balm and essential oil.
  • Mix and wash your head with the resulting composition.
  • Rinse the clay shampoo with water and additionally rinse the curls with vinegar or lemon solution (30 ml of acid per 1 liter of water).

egg shampoo

  • 15 g of gelatin;
  • 100 ml of cold water;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 20 g honey.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Pour gelatin with water and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  • Heat the gelatin mixture to 40-45 degrees, then strain it through cheesecloth.
  • Add the yolk and honey, mix and lather the resulting mass in wet palms.
  • Apply egg shampoo on your head, massage it for 3-5 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water.
  • At the end of the procedure, rinse your hair with nettle decoction.

bread shampoo

Rye bread shampoo is designed to care for dry hair. Just keep in mind that this tool can give curls dark shade, therefore, it is undesirable for blondes to use this recipe.

  • 1/4 loaf of rye bread (without crust);
  • 200 ml of boiling water;
  • 20 ml of kefir.

How to prepare and use:

  • Soak the bread in boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Mash the sour crumb into gruel, add kefir, mix and apply to hair.
  • Massage your head, wait 5-7 minutes and rinse the shampoo with water.

yeast shampoo

This homemade shampoo is one of the the best means for the care of oily and combination curls. The yeast mixture helps eliminate greasy shine, refreshes the hair and gives it volume.

  • 20 g of raw brewer's yeast;
  • 200 ml of homemade curdled milk or kefir.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Pour the yeast with yogurt and slightly heat the mixture in a water bath (you should get a jelly-like mass). Read more:
  • Apply the finished shampoo to your hair, wrap it with a film and wait 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash off the yeast mixture with plenty of water.

By learning how to properly wash your hair, you can not only transform your hair, making it smoother, silky and manageable, but also forget about many hair problems that may have haunted you before. But keep in mind that the right shampoo alone is not enough for complete curl care, so do not forget to pamper your hair regularly. nourishing masks, serums and other useful means.

Video: how to wash your hair at home
