DIY porcelain dolls for beginners. Doll made of ready-made porcelain parts

It is impossible to imagine our life without such a toy as a doll. The modern doll is bright, fashionable, beautiful. Often dolls are accompanied by outfits, houses, cars.

But despite all this splendor, rag dolls handmade are becoming more and more popular. They are used not only for playing, interior dolls, amulets dolls are now in fashion.

Creating dolls, craftswomen invest in their products not only skill, but also their whole soul. A handmade toy will always be a great gift.

How to do beautiful doll by hand, you ask? In our article we will talk about this.

History of dolls

The doll accompanies humanity literally from the beginning of time. Carved from wood or molded from clay, the dolls accompanied the rituals of shamans and sorcerers, they were animated and deified.

The Slavic peoples made bundles from bundles of straw and scraps of fabric, they were mainly talismans for the house from illnesses, evil spirits and misfortunes.

Children's toys, too, of course, have always been. Animal figurines were carved from wood, dolls were sewn from scraps of fabric and stuffed with straw.

Much later, when porcelain dolls in luxurious clothes began to be produced, only very wealthy people, children ordinary people played with rag toys.

Mechanical puppets were first made in the 18th century in China and also cost a fortune. Now dolls are sewn not to save money, but to have something original and exclusive.

Charm for home

The most uncomplicated doll in needlework is a knitted amulet, made from bundles of straw, threads and pieces of fabric.

Knitted, because the doll is not sewn with a thread, and its details are interconnected. Ideally, even scissors are not used in the work on the amulet, the necessary pieces of the canvas are torn off by hand, and the details of the doll are tied together with threads.

The product will be an excellent amulet if you sew it from the worn clothes of the owner, worn in the most good moments in life.

The eyes and mouth of the amulet are not drawn. Outwardly, amulets may differ, it depends on who they are made for, newborns for intercession, newlyweds for happiness in family life, for a home of abundance and prosperity. Amulets for wealth and an excellent harvest are decorated with wheat, seeds, nuts. For good health, a herbalist doll is made, filling it with fragrant herbs.

You need to make an amulet in good mood, sing songs, read prayers, talk about pleasant things.

The doll absorbs good emotions and words, and the same good will exude in your house.

Work on the amulet cannot be interrupted, so prepare everything in advance, pick up the time so that you are not distracted and finish the job.

To make a knitted doll you will need:

  • flap white color to make a head
  • filler (synthetic winterizer)
  • patches of colored fabric (10 * 10 hands, 5 * 8 apron, 9 * 16 skirt)
  • floss threads for hairstyles and tying

Wrap the filler with a white cloth and wrap it tightly with a thread, the “tail” of the fabric will be the body.


Gather a flap of the skirt in folds and tie it to the body, do the same with the apron, without tearing off the thread, wind it up to the doll's head, making a beautiful body.

Gather a piece of fabric for hands with an accordion in length and wrap it with thread. Wrap hands to the body of the doll crosswise - crosswise. You can put a scarf on your head, or you can make hair from threads.

Stitched dolls

The world of sewn dolls is diverse, here are soft cozy toys for children, and sophisticated elegant interior dolls and wonderful options that do not have the right proportions.

The Tilda doll, which appeared not so long ago, has become extremely popular. Such a doll has a disproportionate long legs and hands, on the face depict only eyes and cheeks.

Below is a pattern of a Tilda doll to realize your ideas.

The creative potential of each needlewoman is diverse and each sewn doll is unique.


A beginner can start by sewing small felt dolls, the clothes of these ladies are embroidered from beads and don't be afraid, such dolls always turn out.

For needlework, prepare:

  • felt fabric
  • hair yarn
  • filler
  • kapron threads
  • beads

you can use finished pattern you can draw the template yourself, everything is up to you. Transfer the pattern to the felt and cut out the blanks. Embroider or draw a face on one of the blanks.

Now you can embroider, on each of the blanks, a dress with beads. Sew dresses for the doll separately and change outfits regularly. To make a hairstyle, cut the yarn into 15-20 cm pieces and sew on both blanks along the forehead line and the neck line.


The sewing method presented above allows you to create any dolls, and change the patterns at will.

Nylon dolls

Recently, nylon dolls have become popular, nylon allows you to make any facial expression of the doll.

How to sew such a magnificent doll? Experience is required to create this variety of dolls, and now we will present a simpler version of sewing from kapron.

You will need:

  • nylon tights
  • filler
  • beads
  • threads
  • floss threads for hair
  • safety pins.

You should start by filling and creating a form. After filling, tie or sew up the top tightly. To create a face, use pins, for example, marking the nose, stick the pins in place of the nostrils and sew between them, as shown in the photo.

  • Sew the nostrils and wings of the nose with literally two stitches, you need to stitch each new detail of the face with a new thread.
  • The cheeks are pierced with a pin from top to bottom and stitched in the same way.
  • The line of the mouth is stitched, also after shaping it with pins.
  • The doll's navel is marked with pins and stitched; a running stitch is used to create the legs.
  • Sew on beads in place of the eyes, do a hairstyle on the head by sewing in floss threads.
  • Eyebrows and eyelashes are easy to draw, clothes for the doll can be any, at your discretion.

There are many techniques for sewing dolls and types of toys themselves, do not be afraid to experiment and you will succeed. We present photos of dolls for inspiration.

Photo of do-it-yourself dolls

Worth a look if you're going into cold porcelain making. Practical Tips and comparison of materials used.

Shall we prepare porcelain?
There are Master classes on the Internet, but there are still many questions about this. I'll show you how I do it
We will need:
1) PVA construction glue,
2) starch (I have corn starch, you should look for it, believe me! It makes porcelain softer, translucent, less sticky, etc.) I found it in the Seventh Continent store
3) glycerin
4) hand cream (preferably oily)
5) lemon juice or lemon acid
6) flavoring (optional)

Mix all ingredients in a saucepan.
1 cup PVA, 1 cup starch, 1 tbsp. glycerin, 1 tbsp. hand cream, and 1 tsp. citric acid and a few drops of flavoring

CONSTANTLY MIX. Without being distracted by anything and without stopping.

Lumps appear.

The mixture thickens quickly

Gathers into one big lump

Here the mass is ready

I spread it on the table, pre-lubricated with baby oil. And I mix. It is hot, but tolerable for hands)

Here it is ready) Good luck to everyone in your work)

I want to show you the difference between potato and corn starch porcelain. The two roses on the right are made from corn and those on the left are made from potatoes. It is thicker and greyish. And from corn more transparent and airy. Corn china turns yellow when it dries

Here are two roses. Potato china on the left, corn china on the right

Bouquet) But there will be more of them) I'm sculpting!)

Create) Good luck to you!

Why does cold porcelain crack? Questions and answers.

Having welded, once again, a portion of porcelain from a new glue, I was amazed that it cracked all over when it dried .... this had never happened to my porcelain before ... I decided to get to the truth. I only changed the glue, since my old one ended ... so it's all about it. So, then my festivities with the child began with a trip to the building store for a new can of glue. You won't believe I bought 4 cans already. And they are all different! As it turned out, PVA can be different! 1- PVA building - the weakest (not suitable for porcelain). 2- Universal PVA - it is stronger than construction, but still not suitable for porcelain. 3-PVA carpentry is the strongest glue, but porcelain with it turns out to be too rubbery, but it doesn’t fit, but it’s difficult to sculpt something decent out of this mass! I was very upset when I came to the following conclusions ... My old (expired) glue was the best, it was completely white and with a characteristic PVA smell, and all new ones (except carpentry) were translucent and almost completely odorless. For me, let it stink better than cracks in flowers... it looks so creepy when the petals fall off from huge cracks all over the flower... I want to cry... So, the thought of making "perfect porcelain" did not leave me. And I did this: I took carpenter's glue and diluted it with water (for 3/4 st. Glue-1/4 water) I cooked the next portion and ... Oh! MIRACLE! We succeeded) That's how girls) We defeated cracks))) Good luck with your work) Yes, I forgot to say that, unlike all PVA glues, carpentry cost 227 rubles ... like this) Now I have 6 servings of different cold porcelain. .. and what to do with it now?))))

In childhood, probably, all girls loved to play mother-daughters and mess with any dolls. However, do not think that the passion for toys should be left in adulthood and articulated dolls are a vivid example of this. Unlike ordinary plastic baby dolls, all “joints” of articulated dolls move, since their limbs are fastened with special joints-hinges, inside of which flexible cords are hidden. Thanks to this, articulated dolls can take a variety of poses. Each such toy is a unique work of art, as it has a unique figure, facial expression and outfit. Collecting such dolls is extremely popular, and author's dolls are especially appreciated by connoisseurs - for such toys, all components must be made by hand, and not at the factory. Of course, this is not at all simple work, because to create such a doll you need to be both a sculptor and an artist. In this article we will consider what materials to make articulated doll V step by step lesson with your own hands.

We make a do-it-yourself articulated doll in a master class

Made of wood and clay.

Wood is one of the oldest materials for making articulated dolls. Dolls with wooden fasteners were found in Egyptian tombs - they were placed in the graves of little girls. In such pupae, of course, the hinges were quite primitive and they were located only in the elbows and knees. In China, however, articulated dolls were made of clay, connecting their joints with metal hooks.

From cold porcelain.

Cold porcelain is poured into a special mass for modeling, which is cooked on the basis of PVA glue and corn starch. The finished material is very plastic, easy to work with, it does not stick to hands. Besides, cold porcelain you can also buy ready-made - this is the mass for modeling FLUMO. Initially, it is white, so to paint it in the color of the skin, you can add a drop of paint immediately before kneading or spray the pigment from a spray can onto the finished product. Jointed dolls made of cold porcelain FLUMO require time for complete drying of about half a day or two days. However, it can be reduced by placing the blanks in the oven at a very low temperature.

From polymer clay.

Those who make their own jewelry may be familiar with polymer clay. This unique material becomes very plastic, if you start kneading it in your hands, and allows you to fashion any, even the most complex shape. Polymer clay refers to baked types of materials, which means that the finished doll will require heat treatment. But do not be afraid, you can even bake a polymer clay craft in an ordinary oven by adjusting the temperature.

Made from baked plastic.

Another material that must be dried in the oven is polymer plastic. There are several popular types of such material, and when working with each of them, it is necessary to take into account its own nuances. For example, Living Doll baked plastic crafts require a lot of preliminary work with the material (it must be kneaded very carefully in your hands), otherwise the finished doll will turn out to be brittle. But FIMO plastic may look translucent, so there is a risk of translucence through it of the internal frame of the doll.

From papier-mâché.

Papier-mache is not the most popular material for making articulated dolls, as it is quite difficult to work with it. Paper for such toys is soaked for several hours in water, and then mixed with glue until a homogeneous mass is obtained. From this material, you can already begin to sculpt the components of the doll. The finished papier-mâché figurine is covered with white acrylic paint and leave to dry.

Hinges for moving parts can be bought ready-made - they are sold in abundance in specialized needlework stores. However, real masters make their dolls completely on their own, so they sculpt the hinges from polymer clay. The number of hinges can be anything: the arms and legs move for most dolls, but only a few have fingers on them.

Separately, it is worth considering the head mount. It is necessary to make a hole in it that matches the diameter of the neck. In this field, we sculpt a separate ball, which is less than the thickness of the neck, but coincides with its inner diameter, and we attach a hook to attach the head to the body. The ball is inserted into the head blank, and the hook is pulled through the hole in the neck.

Video on the topic of the article

For beginners, the following videos will be useful, demonstrating how to make articulated dolls on your own, you can in the following videos. WITH step by step instructions from experienced puppeteers, it is easy to deal with incomprehensible elements and easily cope with the manufacture of these graceful beauties.

I received a set of porcelain parts with a request to beat them somehow. And so I made such a cute, quite playable doll, and now I'll tell you how easy it can be repeated!

1. The set is called "Yulia", consists of a head, arms and legs, cast from rough but strong unglazed porcelain.

2. Even very strong porcelain can be slightly trimmed with files, needle files and large skins in order to make castings at least a little more elegant (as you can see, the fingers in the right handle are more clearly defined than in the left. This is because I have already sharpened the right handle, and The left one still needs to be worked on.

3. The holes in the handles and legs also need to be slightly expanded (for example, with the help of cones) so that the future skeleton frame can easily enter there in the future.

4. We knead Epoxylin or any other identical glue, drive it into our parts, and then insert the limbs of the skeleton there. The skeleton is a plastic skeleton of a doll, consisting of separate joints that fit tightly into each other and thanks to this the skeleton is flexible. With it, the doll can take any poses. But, of course, a small skeleton, due to the small number of segments, is less flexible than a large one.

5. The balls on the limbs of the skeleton are completely immersed in the glue that is in our parts, it hardens, and now they are embedded there forever, which means that our whole structure is very, very strong!

6. I had a ready-made synthetic wig (I bought it in the same Dollmaker's Shop), I tried it on for now, but later refused it. So for now, let's start painting. Cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, ears, palms, heels - all this can be tinted with dry pigments (pastel, pencils), rubbing them on sandpaper. The pigment is applied to the doll with a dry brush. Before varnishing, we try not to touch the doll's face with our hands.

7. Eyes, lips, eyebrows, I painted with watercolors and ink. I tried acrylic paint, but it peels off the doll with a film, and looks rough. It would be ideal to paint the doll with oil paint, but it dries for a long time, and I wanted to do everything quickly, and I did not wait.

8. This is how the face turned out. I really liked to apply the overall tone with colored pencils.

9. Without varnishing, the entire painting does not make sense, it will be washed off or smeared from careless handling of the doll. Therefore matte artistic varnish for acrylic and oil painting, we spray the whole doll. At first it will shine, but then it will dry out and it will not be visible, but it will perform its protective function properly!

10. Choosing new hair. WITH different hair the doll looks completely different! And even different hairstyle changes it drastically. For example, without bangs, the doll looks more adult, but since it has childish proportions, I decided to make it with bangs, thanks to which it looks like a girl, not an aunt.

11. This hairstyle suits her better, but the synthetic shine of the hair kills all the warmth and liveliness of the doll.

12. We glue on the strands on the glue for the ceiling tiles (you can also use Moment-crystal glue). We begin to glue from the back from the bottom, converging to the crown in a spiral.

13. We cut the bangs and this is how the girl turns out.

14. We begin to build up the body. We wrap the arms and legs with hairdressing collars (sold in specialized stores for hairdressers, they cost three kopecks). They allow you to gain volume and at the same time do not interfere with the skeleton to bend.

15. For the body, we cut out a pattern from thin knitwear or fleece, and stuff it with synthetic winterizer directly on the doll.

16. For general beauty, we also sheathe the arms and legs with fleece.

17. In order for the pattern to sit clearly on the doll, sometimes you have to sew directly on the doll. We sew with a hidden seam.

18. It turns out like this. The doll becomes less flexible, but the arms and legs bend, the head turns, but we don’t need more! For greater aesthetics, the junction of porcelain parts and a soft body can be decorated with lace by gluing them to the same glue for ceiling tiles (it sticks firmly, but does not leave a hard crust).

19. Decorate the head with a ribbon...

20. And the little body is a dress. And now our doll is ready! A neat girl can even play it (preferably without bathing and combing her hair every day. To do this, we would have to paint her with oil paints and make her hair on a special vandal-resistant wig).
Well, you can just make a souvenir doll for your own joy!

Interesting creativity for you! Courage! And fantasies!

Every girl in childhood had a favorite doll, someone else had a Soviet one, and someone already had a Barbie doll. And you can see that most of the girls liked to play with them, because they were comfortable. Some flexed legs and arms like real ones, and some were just plastic, but nonetheless they were comfortable and fun to play with. Many people are surprised, but such a doll can be made with your own hands, of course, it will differ from others, depending on the material from which it will be created and the skills of the master.

Features of the articulated doll

There are many ways to make such a toy for your child or as a decorative element. The difference between such a doll is that all its joints at the joints are movable, so the doll can take different poses. There are foreign companies that can make a doll at the request of the buyer, that is, you can assemble it almost independently, and the employees of the company will do all the work.

Before you start creating such an unusual doll, you need to understand how to make it correctly. For example, for novice craftsmen it is not recommended to immediately use serious materials to create a doll, you can try to make it from papier-mâché, and only then transfer the resulting blanks to a harder material.

The main rule of a hinged doll: it must have joints, so first you need to draw a doll, its joints in those places where the joints will be, and designate them. Usually these are the shoulders, elbows, arms and legs. Particular attention will have to be paid to the creation of the knee joints, because, thanks to them, the legs will move, and the doll will take the desired pose.

Articulated doll with their own hands in papier-mâché technique

The papier-mache technique is not very simple, but it will reveal all the details of making a hinged doll, with the help of which it will be possible to make a doll later from solid material. For papier-mâché, you will need a lot of newspapers or paper, PVA glue and a doll diagram.

Also, novice craftsmen can practice making wooden dolls. Maple is used for professional work, and after the image of the doll is ready, every detail for her body is carefully cut out, after which they are necessarily treated with wood protection products. The most difficult in this process will be the manufacture of joints for the doll, but having everything necessary tools, the process will not be difficult.

How to attach the parts of the articulated doll

In every material a articulated doll is made of, the heaviest are the arms and the head attachment. In order to make them, you must first make a part from the shoulder to the elbow, after that the forearm is made, and only then you can start creating the brush itself, while each finger must be selected so as to transfer all the parameters real hand, that is, the middle finger is the largest, and all the rest are smaller.

You will have to attach the head with a rope and a hook, so from the very beginning you need to prepare these elements to make it easier in the process. The head itself should, as it were, be put on the neck, after which it is necessary to insert the eyes into and close up the hole on the back of the head.

How to make a articulated doll with your own hands from plastic, polymer clay and cold porcelain

This is how a hinged doll is made from baked plastic. By the way, it is from this material that the doll looks real, and it is with the help of plastic that it is easiest to make transitions as the joints of the doll. Baked plastic in the normal state can take on different shapes, so in order to make an arm or leg, you need to take a piece of foil, fold it, stick it around with plastic in the desired shape. After the element is baked in the oven, the foil must be removed so that there is a void inside the doll.

Articulated dolls made of polymer clay also look very natural. To make it, you will need a lot of clay, an oven and skills in working with such material. With the help of clay, you can make the correct and comfortable joints for the doll by first making a ball, and then placing it in the right place.

In order to make a doll from cold porcelain, you need to spend a lot of time, since this material is difficult to take the necessary shape, you will have to process every detail with sandpaper to smooth out all the imperfections.

In the process of making any articulated doll, the main thing is not to forget about the eyes for her. They must be made separately, but a hole must be left in the head to insert them. After the eyes are in place, the head must be patched up and the doll baked again (if the material allows).

Such a doll can serve as a gift for both a child and an adult. Having imagination and sewing skills, you can sew clothes for her, and then use such a toy as a room decoration. An articulated doll can also be used as a talisman, for this you can make a small doll that will look like a person.

Video on the topic of the article
