DIY doves made of paper: ideas for creativity and detailed master classes with a photo and a description of the work. Craft a dove with your own hands from paper How to make a dove from a napkin

Dove of the world with their own hands. Scheme. Master class with photo

Master class on making a three-dimensional figure "Dove of Peace".

Koroleva Vera Grigorievna, teacher of MKDOU kindergarten No. 19-TsRR, Rossosh, Voronezh region.
Description: The master class will be of interest to educators, parents, teachers, teachers additional education, creative and active people who love to create beauty around them. A three-dimensional figure made by multi-layer gluing looks spectacular and original, it can be used as an interior decoration for the holidays, as an attribute for theatrical activities, as a craft for an exhibition. This craft can be done even with children. preschool age, if you take a simple figure, reduce the number of layers, work from paper, gluing the layers with double-sided foam tape, i.e. use safer materials and tools. But that's another story ... This master class with illustrations will help you master the technique of multi-layer or overhead appliqué. This work is time-consuming, requires some skill, is intended mainly for adults, but the child will also find a place for creativity and independence. Creating such crafts with your own hands can be an exciting activity for the whole family. I hope that the knowledge acquired by you will help in solving creative problems not only in work, but also in life in general.
Target: Development of pedagogical skills of teachers.
Tasks: Learn how to make a big figure. Develop design and logical skills, spatial thinking and imagination, creativity, general skill. To form the ability to plan work to implement the plan, anticipate the result and achieve it, if necessary, making adjustments to the original plan. To improve attention, perseverance, diligence. To cultivate accuracy in the performance of work and caution in the use of tools.

Dear colleagues, today I want to present you a master class on making a volumetric application "Dove of Peace".

People on the street raised their heads:
Doves, doves, white doves.
The city is filled with the noise of their wings.
The dove reminded people of the world.
Lindstrom T.

1.To make a volumetric application, we need:
- ceiling tiles (smooth);
- colored paper(brown and yellow)
- cardboard;
- glue "Titan", PVA glue;
- pencil;
- ruler;
- eraser;
- brush;
- gouache (black and gold with sparkles);
- scissors;
- stationery knife;
- adhesive tape (if you yourself will make stencils of parts).

2. At the very beginning, I would like to draw attention to some features:
Cutting with a utility knife.
It is necessary to cut out the details from the ceiling tiles in a non-stop motion, having previously laid them on a special mat or thick cardboard, at an angle of 45`, observing all safety measures. This work is carried out exclusively by adults.

Imagine what it looks like in real life the subject that you want to depict, consider it as if in layers. This will help to correctly recreate the volume.

Installation and bonding.
This stage is performed exclusively by adults in a ventilated room, because we have to deal with Titan glue, we follow the instructions for use.

Cutting with scissors.
The preparation of the details of the stencil and the final stage of work can be entrusted to the child, because he does not want to remain only a witness to the manufacture of such beauty. Timely remind him of the rules for working with scissors.

2. We draw a sketch on cardboard.

3. Select the body, head and tail into one common detail.

We cut out the stencil of the common part (draft version No. 1) and circle it on thick cardboard. This will be item #1.

4. On the draft No. 1, we retreat from the edge of the part by about 0.5 cm, leave room for the eyes, draw around the contour, observing the indent.

Cut out (draft version No. 2) and circle finished part on thick cardboard. This will be item #2.

5. On the draft No. 2, we retreat from the edge of the part by about 0.5 cm, leaving room for the eyes, draw around the contour, observing the indent.

We cut it out (draft version No. 3) and circle the finished part on thick cardboard. This will be item #3.

6. On the draft No. 3, we retreat from the edge of the part by about 0.5 cm, draw around the contour, observing the indentation, but do not capture the place where the head is located.

We cut it out (draft version No. 4) and circle the finished part on thick cardboard. This will be item #4.

7. We collect all the cut parts from the draft version and carefully glue them together with adhesive tape as much as possible.

8. Compliance physiological features the structure of the bird's wing, select the whole wing on the sketch

cut out the part (draft version No. 5) and circle this part on thick cardboard. This will be item #5.

9. On the draft No. 5, we retreat from the edge by about 0.5 cm, draw around the contour, observing the indent.

We cut it out (draft version No. 6) and circle the finished part on thick cardboard. This will be item #6.

10. On the draft No. 6, we retreat from the edge by about 0.5 cm, draw around the contour, observing the indent.

We cut it out (draft version No. 7) and circle the finished part on thick cardboard. This will be part number 7.

11. You should get such blanks.

12. We circle the finished parts on the ceiling tile:

detail No. 1 - 1 pc., detail No. 2-9 - 2 pcs. (in a straight and in a mirror position), i.e., 13 separate parts should be obtained.

13. Proceed to assembly. We glue detail No. 2 to part No. 1 with the help of Titanium glue, retreating from the edge of 0.5 cm.

14. Glue part No. 3 to part No. 2, retreating from the edge of 0.5 cm.

15. We carry out the same manipulation for parts No. 4, No. 5.

16. Half of the pigeon's body is ready.

17. We carry out the same actions to make the other half.

18. It turns out a three-dimensional detail of the torso.

19. Glue the finished wing blanks in the same way: glue small parts onto large ones.

20. Glue the finished wings to the body. We fix the first wing strictly according to the sketch.

21. Glue the second wing, moving it up a little so that it can be seen from behind the first wing.

22. Let's start making a ribbon.

23. We draw a sketch of a ribbon on black paper.

We divide each half of the ribbon into three strips of the same width.
24. Cut

and glue it on PVA glue on orange paper, observing the original configuration of the ribbon.

25. Cut out, adjust the image if necessary.

We bend the ribbon as shown in the figure.

26. We make a small incision on the beak.

27. You can decorate the work with gouache with sparkles.

28. Draw eyes with black gouache.

29. Insert a ribbon into the cut of the beak.

It turns out here is such a dove.

Can be made together with the child if you choose a simple way of working. Create interesting decorations. Teach kids art. It is useful, pleasant and interesting way spend time.

Variants and ideas

Application "Dove" made of paper can be presented in various versions:

  • From a pasted flat image.
  • With volumetric details obtained by folding and gluing additional elements (tail, wings).
  • Made of paper with a textured surface formed from napkins.
  • From elements in the technique of quilling.

As you can see, there are several manufacturing methods. Small children can also cope with the first if you prepare a cut out template for them. The latter method is suitable for older children or for joint creativity with parents.

Where to use paper birds

If you approach work creatively and with pleasure, you will get a very beautiful application, you can make a postcard, a decorative panel for interior decoration, decor gift box using this idea. The theme is suitable both for decorating congratulations on Victory Day, and, for example, on Mother's Day. A dove, as an addition to a bouquet of flowers, may also appear on a postcard for spring holiday March 8. At home, you can offer your child this kind of work to make a gift for one of your relatives or your friends for the wedding. These paper birds - kindness and love - can decorate any holiday.

Preparation of materials and tools

Application "Dove" from paper will require the preparation of the following:

  • white sheets;
  • napkins;
  • pencil and eraser;
  • a template printed on paper;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.

To work in, you will need strips of paper about 5 mm wide, as well as a tool for twisting them. For this purpose, you can use a knitting needle, toothpick or skewer. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, so the work can be completely entrusted to children. You are required to prepare templates - draw an outline or print a picture.

An easy option for children's creativity

The simplest dove of peace (paper application) can be made as follows:

  1. Take a sheet of white or colored cardboard or paper as a base (background). Leave it flat or fold it into a fold-out postcard shape.
  2. Prepare patterns of birds cut out of white paper in any way.
  3. Glue the doves to the base.
  4. Draw or glue colored eyes and a beak, you can also glue a wing or tail detail on top.

It is good to complement such an application with simple flowers, an image of the globe, children's hands or people holding hands.

For older children, it is worth complicating the work:

  1. Prepare your paper towels and tear them into small pieces. The smaller the particles, the more accurate the application will be.
  2. Put the resulting mass in a plate or other similar container and pour a small amount of water.
  3. When the napkins are saturated with liquid, squeeze out the excess and add PVA glue to the mass.
  4. Glue the napkins onto the pre-cut dove template.

After drying, the surface of the bird will turn out to be textured, slightly voluminous. In this way, you can even form something similar to the relief, showing the shape of the wings. By a similar principle, it is easy to work with crumpled paper.

Paper dove: applique (volumetric)

To get this option, use one of the following methods. Method #1 consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepare the bird template.
  2. Cut out squares from white napkins (choose the size yourself according to the dimensions of the bird).
  3. Twist the resulting blanks in the form of cone bags. To do this, use a regular pencil.
  4. Dip the narrow parts of the parts in PVA so that the napkin does not get wet and stick on the surface of the dove blank.

So you get a bird with a very delicate openwork plumage.

Method number 2 is to prepare or create on your own an appropriate dove template, from which you can cut out the general shape, and then, using the folds of the parts, create a semi-volumetric bird figurine. The surface of such a product, by the way, can be decorated with any of the above methods. To get a more realistic image, make individual parts of the plumage from paper in the form of scales with edges cut around the perimeter. Stick them all over the surface of the bird. On the wings, the details can be larger, on the breast and torso - small. This option, of course, is quite difficult, but older children will cope with it.

Application in quilling technique

This method is also not easy, but the products are very effective. They look lacy, airy, so they are quite suitable not only for children's creativity, but also as wedding decorations. As a blank, you can take any paper dove template. Application can be performed both on a flat surface of a wall, a postcard, and on a three-dimensional one, for example, on a glass, a bottle of champagne, a vase, an arched structure.

To make simple doves using this technique, it will be enough to twist just a few details: a head in the form of a circle, a torso, wings and three details of a teardrop-shaped tail. If you want to create real masterpiece, you have to work hard, because each element of the body can be assembled from a large number openwork twisted blanks.

Paper application (templates): dove

The first illustration below shows the most elementary version of the image of a bird. It is good to use such a blank for children's creativity with the youngest children. The form here is simplified, and it will not be difficult to fill it with a mass of napkins.

It makes sense to use the second template both for organizing children's leisure and for decorating a wedding event. Children can cut out additional blanks that repeat the shape of the wings and tail. Details glued with an additional layer will give the effect of relief to the product.

The next picture is more realistic, but you can work with it in the same way as with the previous one. This blank is also suitable for gluing napkin bags and creating a textured surface using finely plucked napkins.

According to the last blank, it is easy to create a very effective voluminous application. In addition to the base in the form of a general outline, cut out additional details - each feather separately. It is better to stick them one by one with the call to the other, and also pre-cut along the perimeter of each part of the "villi" of feathers.

As you can see, the application "Dove" is made of paper different ways. Choose the right one according to the age of the child and his ability to work with materials. Create creative work together with the children and teach them independence.

Target: to instill in children a sense of love for the world, for the Motherland, pride for their people.

Program content: In preparation for the application, preliminary work was carried out: conversations and stories about the Great Patriotic War, reading works of art on the topic, listening to songs and music of the war years. Doves were made from white paper using the origami method. The children were given explanations of what a white dove means - a symbol of peace, goodness and prosperity.

Children glued the dove with faith in a peaceful future and the desire that that terrible war would never happen again.

Necessary materials:

Sheet of A2 paper;

A simple pencil, gouache paints, a brush;

White napkins;

Colored paper in brown, green and black;

Glue, scissors.

Work sequence:

1. Draw the outlines of a dove on a sheet of paper. Make gouache background - sky and green grass.

2. Then the children circled their palms on white napkins and cut out blanks of dove feathers. The children glued feathers on each other on the drawn silhouette of a dove.

Light children's fingers from a white napkin look like dove feathers.

3. The chest and head of the pigeon are covered with small pieces of the same white napkin, made using the tearing method.

Beak and eye - application from colored paper.

4. In its beak, a dove holds an evergreen twig.

Prepare twigs and leaves from colored paper. Bend the leaves in the middle to give them volume. Stick them on branches. Twigs may extend slightly beyond the leaf to draw additional attention to them.

5. Fireworks will die down, they will pass festive events, stories about the war and its heroes will recede into the background. The country will live for today. And in our group there will be a white dove ... And in our souls - peace that we were able to awaken a feeling of compassion in the little hearts of children and did not leave a single child indifferent.

In many cultures, the white dove has become a symbol of peace, purity and love. It can often be found in the symbolism of religions and secular holidays, especially crafts in the form of doves decorate rooms on May 1st and 9th. Pigeons from the most ordinary paper are great idea for joint creativity with their own hands of children and adults, and with the recommendations of this article, the lesson will be simple and interesting.

How to make a dove of peace for Victory Day with your own hands out of paper

Such a dove can be made with preschool children and younger students.

To work on the craft you will need:
  • Thick paper for making a template
  • Openwork paper napkin
  • Several ordinary paper napkins
  • Scissors
  • stapler
  • Colored paper for the St. George ribbon
Let's start making a dove.

We will start our master class by making a template. It is presented in the photo below, you can translate, draw by hand or print.

Using the template, cut out the paper silhouette. Glue pieces of openwork paper napkins for the wings and tail.

Then, from ordinary napkins folded in a pile, we cut out circles 3 cm in diameter and fasten them with a stapler, without disassembling them into separate layers.

Then we carefully straighten the fastened stacks, lifting the upper layers, forming volumetric hemisphere figures. It should turn out like this:

We glue the body of the dove with these voluminous stacks of napkins. Now it remains only to make a St. George ribbon from a strip of orange paper and thin black stripes. We attach the ribbon as shown in the photo at the beginning of the master class.

Another option for decorating a dove by May 9 is with colored paper carnations. It is just as easy to make from red and green paper. For the volume of red parts, it is tedious to cut two and stick on top of each other.

How to make voluminous doves out of paper in a master class

To work, you only need white A4 paper, scissors and glue.

The blank on which you will need to work is shown in the photo below. It can be drawn, translated or printed.

Carefully cut out the base along the outer contours, paying special attention to the tail feathers.

Dotted lines indicate fold lines. Gently bend the lines on the body of the dove, forming volumetric figure. The lines themselves must be inside so that they are not visible.

Lubricate the triangle in the tail area with glue and bend it, trying to “put” the dove on the tail.

To slightly lift the tail, you can quickly run scissors over the feathers. The main thing is not to spoil or tear them, if there is no certainty, it is better not to risk it and leave the tail in its original form.

Then we glue the head and chest of the bird. Cut out, fold and glue the dove's wings. You can also twist the feathers with scissors. Glue the wings to the middle part of the body.

In this way, you can make a whole flock of birds. Volumetric pigeons are ready!

Such doves can decorate rooms for a wedding, school holidays and any other celebrations.

We make a paper dove using the origami technique quickly and easily

There are different patterns of origami pigeons, from simple to more complex. The option below is suitable for beginners and for classes with children.

  • We place a square sheet with one of the corners towards us. We bend this lower corner diagonally up and return it back.
  • We bend the sheet along another diagonal to make a triangle pointing to the left.
  • Stepping back a little from the right edge of the figure, bend the corner to the right.
  • It turned out a corner directed to the right. It is necessary to bend only the first layer of paper to the left, slightly retreating from the left edge.
  • Now the paper blank needs to be bent from top to bottom in the middle.
  • Wings that look down, bend up.
  • The final step is to bend the bird's beak in front.

The bird is ready! In order to make such a craft, it will not take much time, so you can make as many doves as you need and decorate the room with them for the holiday, even if you have little time. You can place them on walls, windows and chandeliers. Such original decor sure to cheer up and create a warm atmosphere.

We are preparing an application for May 9 for children's creativity

Here is such a dove you can make with your baby:

For work you will need: a bird template, paper napkins, water, PVA glue, a small stick and multifora.

The progress of work on the craft:
  • Napkins need to be torn into small pieces and put in a prepared plate.
  • Add a small amount of water and squeeze out the excess.
  • Then add PVA to the paper mass and mix with a stick.
  • We put the dove template in a multifora (or file) and begin to spread the paper-glue mixture on top. At the same time, you need to distribute it as evenly as possible and make sure that it does not go beyond the border of the template.
  • We leave the craft in this form so that it dries.
  • The finished dove can be glued to the cardboard and add decor as desired, or you can simply hang it by a thread.

Video on the topic of the article

For those who want to disassemble the manufacture of crafts more clearly and draw new ideas for creativity, we have prepared a selection of video master classes on making pigeons from plain paper itself:

Paper application "Dove of PEACE" gift for children of war. Master Class.

Author: Dorozhkova Margarita, 7 years old.
Head: Shushunova Svetlana Anatolyevna, teacher of additional education, Kaluga SRTSN "Nadezhda".

Description: this master class designed for children from 7 years old, educators, teachers of additional education, primary school teachers.
Purpose: a gift for veterans, former juvenile prisoners, crafts for exhibitions, competitions, interior decoration during the celebration of May 9th.
Target: creation of paper application "Dove of PEACE" in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Tasks: development creativity, education of patriotic feelings and respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the elderly. Improving the skills of working with cutting tools, paper, glue. Formation of understanding in children that a computer is a smart assistant, that you can not only play and draw on a computer, but it can be an assistant in making wall newspapers, do-it-yourself crafts and much more.


I know you remember, you didn't forget
The hut of childhood and the sky above it,
How the Nazis destroyed us during the war
Behind the fences of the concentration camps.
We have seen everything, we have experienced everything
Hunger, cold, beatings and fear,
Sometimes they froze to bare bunks
Toddlers with gray hair at the temples.
Bruised all beaten body,
Horror of pain in extinct eyes
For the sins that the authorities had
The Nazis burned us in furnaces.
Together, everything, they say, is much bolder,
There are so few of us left alive
The most friendly should be friendlier
And relatives of even the most relatives.
Songs of truth about us were not composed,
They did not compose true verses,
And the roads to the tops were closed
Babies with no sins.
District Leonid Ivanovich
Prisoner No. 65468 of the Dachau concentration camp.

Children of war

The Great Patriotic War claimed millions of lives, ruined millions of talents, destroyed millions of human destinies. At the present time, many people, in particular young people, know little about the history of their country, and yet there are fewer and fewer witnesses to the events of the Great Patriotic War every year.
Thousands of our little compatriots were imprisoned in concentration camps, driven into slavery, some with their parents, and some alone. The Great Patriotic War passed like a heavy skating rink through small, unprotected Souls. They carried their heavy cross - innocent, deprived of the most joyful time - childhood.
On April 11, on the International Day of the Liberation of Prisoners of Nazi Concentration Camps, pupils of the Kaluga SRTSN "Hope" laid flowers at the monument to the prisoners of fascism.

The guys met with juvenile prisoners at a rally dedicated to international day liberation of prisoners of fascist concentration camps, established by the UN.

Former juvenile prisoners wished the children to study well and get the professions they dream of. Most of the prisoners in the post-war period could not get an education to their liking, because. after liberation, returning to their homeland, they added two or three years to themselves and went to restore the economy destroyed by the war, to raise cities and towns from the ruins. The gray-haired children of the war conveyed to the children an important truth: fascism, in any of its manifestations, has no right to exist. Happiness is a peaceful sky above your head. At the end of the meeting, the guys presented flowers to the former juvenile prisoners as a sign of respect and gratitude. Chairman of the Kaluga regional branch of the Union of Former Juvenile Prisoners in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. the pupils presented the application “Dove of PEACE”, made by Margarita Dorozhkova.

Paper application "Dove of PEACE". Master class with step by step photos.

Materials and tools required for work: green corrugated paper, colored cardboard, yellow double-sided paper, “Flower” shaped hole punch, office white paper, computer, printer, shaped scissors, glue stick, scissors.

For the production of the “Dove of Peace” application, blanks were made on a computer: a circle with the number 70 in red, a dove, the text “Happy VICTORY Day!”, bows from a St. George ribbon and printed on a printer.

Bows from St. George ribbon color and carefully cut out the printed blanks.

We continue
The text "Happy Victory Day!" cut out with curly scissors.

Outline the outline of the Dove with a black felt-tip pen.

Cut out flowers from white office paper using a figured hole punch.

We make Chest sign with the number 70. Detailed description on its manufacture in the work "Master class for making a breast badge for the 70th anniversary of the Victory with your own hands" Author: Ekaterina Borisovna Fimina. Thanks for the idea!

From the green corrugated paper cut strips 0.5-0.7 mm. Then we twist the strips into a flagellum.

We begin the formation of the composition.
On red cardboard from the lower right corner, draw a branch with a glue pencil. Glue a flagellum of green paper onto the glue.

Then we give volume and relief to the flowers. To do this, with a pen without a rod, we press into the center of the flower cut out by a figured hole punch.

Gently glue voluminous flowers around the branch. Flowers can be made in two layers.

At the top right, we glue the text “Happy VICTORY Day!”, In the left corner we place a sign with the number 70. In the center of the flowers with a felt-tip pen, draw a dot - the core.

Above the branch, glue a dove pencil onto the glue.

The application is framed. A gift for the children of war is ready.

I bring to your attention a few more works performed by the pupils of the center.
